Abraham’s Start (Gen. 12:1-3)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Abraham’s Start (Gen. 12:1-3)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

Today we are going to talk about the first remnant day message which is, “Abraham’s Start”’


1. Gospel – Life


What does it mean to be finished with the gospel?

Me – Problem X

What kind of life must we live that is finished with the gospel? 

Centered – Problem

“I want to live for God, but why doesn’t God give me any answers? Why does He give me problems?” You need to come out from being centered on yourselves.  Start with Christ being your center, or else you cannot overcome your mental problems, you cannot overcome your spiritual problems.

Mental, Spiritual, Suffering, Disease

Sin, Satan, Death – Suffering

You need to start and find the reason why I cannot do it, and I need to die and begin with the cross.  If you don’t find the reason why you need to die on the cross with Christ, you have not discovered the reason why you need the gospel, because even though you believe in Jesus Christ, you live centered on yourselves and your thoughts move you and your emotions move you.

Thoughts, Emotions, Experiences, Money

What are family problems? They arise from being outside of the gospel. It can’t be solved by going to church; you need to start with the gospel, believe, “I need to die on the cross with Christ.” Christ has died but you haven’t, so your life doesn’t work out.  If Christ died on the cross, it means all of our sins and curses have died on the cross and I no longer need to live by myself.  Once you believe in and experience the gospel, your life will be a meaningful life.

2. Vision (Dream)

Those who have a dream will never crumble.  When Paul was shackled up as a prisoner, he said, “You may be able to bind me, but you cannot bind the mission God has given to me.” This is not something you can block with guns or knives; you can’t block this with diseases. You can’t block this no matter how weak you are.  The vision and dream that begins with the gospel. 

No reason to be self-centered.  No matter how poor your family is, it has nothing to do with you, and that’s what it means to be finished in the gospel. That’s what Joseph did.  “My parent’s problems are not my problems. Those are problems that arise for my parents who aren’t in the gospel but it has nothing to do with me.”  It’s not saying he is turning a blind eye, but God is taking full responsibility.

I have died on the cross with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.  We need to begin with this faith in the Lord.  If you don’t have this, you know with your head but not your heart, “God, I did everything according to the Word; why isn’t it taking place?” You’re still your own master, you haven’t changed. You listen to the Word with your head but it remains the same, so they’re just imitating, and that won’t do.  Christ Who is life needs to come within my life and change me. That is when you can see the vision.

What is this vision? God has a plan for each and every age.  In Joseph’s age, God sent Joseph to Egypt to save lives and caused a famine to arise.  He gave a dream to Pharaoh, and that is how Joseph was able to save the entire world, and that’s how God Almighty was revealed and proclaimed to the world. God’s plan is to reveal Jesus Christ as the solution and answer to the world.  God will fulfill this through your circumstances and situations.

Incident (Word) – Image


3. Masterpiece


Gen. 3 Me, 6 Physical, 11 Success

Many of you may understand, online worship is not worship; it’s similar to idol worship.  You need to anticipate and expect God’s Holy Word but you’re filled with worries and your studies. That’s not worship; that’s idol worship, you need to expect the Word of God and be filled with the Word of God, but instead, you’re filled with your own things, and that’s idolatry.  Col. 3:3 says idol worship is greed, the studies isn’t the real problems, your studies can be used to glorify God, but you’re focused on doing well in your studies. Listen carefully or you’ll live a difficult life.   I’m talking about this negatively because it’s a bad thing. Pastors who don’t know this will tell others to live their lives, but that’s how people fail.  That’s why I told the deaconess, I talked about receiving God’s power and wisdom, but he’s already in a state where he has to use all the time he can get to study, so he’s already facing his limitations.  If you go to college with those thoughts, you’ll remain the same, and if you go to your workplace, it’s even more.  Once you get married and have a child, it becomes more extreme, then what must you do in your middle school and high school years?  That’s why you have to experience and utilize God’s power and strength.  You don’t have it, so God must give it to you and you must come to worship.  “But if I go to worship, there’s less time for me to study,” but there’s no chance for that.  If the pastor tells you to come to worship, there are mysteries with worship. Receive God’s grace and strength through worship, God knows you are lacking time, so He will work upon you with wisdom.  If this doesn’t take place, the more you are an elite, the more mental problems you’ll have; you try to endure but you face your limitations, so in the future, people have to use drugs.  The elites are not in a state where they can work normally, that’s why they need to take drugs to make money and work.  That’s why elites resort to drugs.  Many people end up failing in life and turn to drugs, but a lot of elites turn to drugs as well.  Singers are just singing, but why do they have to do drugs? They face their limitations.  They’re already at their limitation where they cannot make the top charts with their own voices so they need some sort of help. It’s either they do drugs or receive help from evil spirits.  If you don’t want to do this, you need to receive and experience God’s strength and wisdom in the times you are weak. 

You don’t need to be greedy, just do it to the extent God gives you wisdom, then God will open the way for you, but these are the studies we didn’t learn about. Instead, we think we just need to work diligently but then they face their limitation.  Then, I told them, “I will predict your future, do you want to succeed? Then you can’t come to church because you face your limitations and have no power. If you have real power, you’ll come to church and study later.  If you go to college, you don’t want to be last place; you want to be the best, and even there, all the elites are gathered and let’s say you’re able to follow along, you are facing your limitations so you must receive some sort of power, but after you graduate college, you want to be the best in your field, but you already faced your limitation.  As evidence of that, you’re not able to overcome your stress, so you become frustrated, and it starts to come out in different ways.  In order to relieve this, you do all sorts of things like vacations or games, you watch movies, and you meet girlfriends and boyfriends, thinking that will relieve your pain, but there’s no answer; you’ve started without the answer.

All the elites laugh at us giving worship, “What are you doing, wasting your time here? You should be studying instead,” and that’s what I said as an nonbeliever. I used to beat up my younger brother when he went to church.  As an nonbeliever, I thought churchgoers just ate and went places and I wanted to block that for my younger brother, I beat him up to save him, but nonbelievers have such thoughts. Now it’s completely different.  Now that I believe in Jesus Christ, I realize many people are similar to me.  They don’t come to worship because of studies, they’re actually shaking in fear because they need to utilize their time.

What does it mean to be with God? The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want, I am not lacking in anything, especially my studies.  “When the bears and lions took my sheep, I was weak without any power, but God gave me power so I did not lose a single sheep.”  Do you understand? I hope these kinds of remnants rise up.  These remnants receive God’s unlimited power, so that’s why Joseph was in prison as a slave and received these words.  All the people who study very well around Pharaoh were not able to interpret the dream because it was not aligned with their studies.

I’m not telling you to not study, but that’s the introduction. You need to receive God’s power and wisdom.  That is revealed within your studies and specialties, do you understand?  You might think, “Pastor, how are you able to say everything in such a detailed manner?” I experienced this. If the students aren’t able to come to this conclusion, they will continue to be afflicted. They go into society and are constantly confused, but nothing is a problem if the gospel is mine.

Do you understand?  I don’t really know what you think, but do you understand what I’m trying to say?  You need to forum because I feel there are many of you who are unable to understand.  Some are able to understand, and those who are able to understand will give this influence to others.  So it doesn’t matter if you’re old or not, and just because you’re a pastor, do you understand? It doesn’t matter what position you’re in because Joseph understood.

Abraham started in the Ur of Chaldeans. If this isn’t finished, you’ll continue to be afflicted.  Whenever you face problems, you have to resort to humanism and turn to Egypt instead of staying in Canaan, why? Because there’s a famine in Canaan, you have no choice but to go to Egypt for food. He went to down to Egypt and made a lot of money and returned to Canaan, but he had another problem, a conflict with his nephew, Lot.  So, if Abraham decided to stay in Canaan and pray even in the famine, he would have influenced Lot, but he wasn’t able to do that.  Children can influence their parents this way, but remnants, once you become a parent, your unbelief will be passed to your children as well, so you must begin correctly. 

If you have this correct faith, you will influence everyone around you.  You can say, “If I die, I die,” because God knows.  If God gives you the wisdom, He will open your eyes.  No matter how much and how hard you try, you face your limitations so you can go no further.  God has created this world so He knows the origin and principles of all things, so God knows how people sing, so you need to go to God to receive His wisdom, listen to the Word and receive grace, do you understand?  In Proverbs, it says the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.  You study without the wisdom and knowledge of God, you cannot do it correctly.  God created the entire world and knows everything about it, but you begin incorrectly without knowing this.  You try to run your business without God, and you try to be a pastor without God, you begin incorrectly.  God knows the problems of humans and have already given the answer, and if you don’t know that and try to do your ministry, it’s incorrect from the beginning.

In conclusion, how must we pray? What is the prayer of being finished and concluded in the gospel?  You need to pray, asking for the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit, to completely fill your hearts, thoughts, and mind.  Because you don’t pray when you go home, start now. Pray now, don’t listen to the message, but pray.  Don’t just breathe, deeply inhale and exhale, do it now.  That’s how you receive brainpower.  Once you have brainpower and it continues to move, you’ll have power in your life.  Don’t just sit blank-mindedly at church, breathe in deeply and exhale deeply as you pray and ask God to completely fill your thoughts and heart.

You just need to pray it once, and God will still work.  Then, even your depression, you have it because you’re weak, but one by one, you’ll be able to overcome these things.  That’s why when you come to church with the Word, pray asking God to give you the power of Creation.  For it to come upon your academics and your work. Why must this take place?  It’s because you need to fulfill God’s vision and dream.  You’re not fulfilling your vision or dream, you’re fulfilling God’s vision and dream, so you need God’s power.  Do you understand?  Just lay everything down and listen.  Concentrate while breathing.  Some people can’t sit still, they have to do something, so do deep breathing and you won’t be obsessed with things. Some people shake their legs while shaking, when can they remain still? If you focus on your breathing, then it stops, do you understand?  Some people continue to touch their hair and some people twirl their hair.  If you concentrate, that stops, too.  It’s because people are bound to be obsessed with something if they’re not focusing on God.

Some people can’t remain still, and that’s actually normal because we’re all bound.  But how do we get rid of that?  When you focus on deep breathing, then you won’t be obsessed with anything else.  Some people pick at their nails until they bleed, biting their own flesh. Why do people do that? They become obsessed with that because they don’t focus on God. The mental problems reveals itself in this way, do you understand?  That’s why at this time of worship, you must practice.  Tighten up your lower abdomen, breathe in deeply with your nose, and for older people, it may lead to more complications, but just breathe out and as you listen to the message, continue to breathe in and out. Don’t just sit here. If you just sit here, you’ll get an illness, do you understand?  Then without you knowing, you’ll receive power in your brain as you listen to the Word.  You need to constantly use the brain God has given you for wisdom to come out.

Some people fall asleep during the afternoon worship because it’s become your habit.  Focus on the Word as you deeply breathe and one day, it will disappear.  I hope you will continue to enjoy this blessing.  We continue to talk about this early in the morning. I hope you are victorious.

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