Abraham’s Blessing of Globalization (Gen. 12:1-3)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Abraham’s Blessing of Globalization (Gen. 12:1-3)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Why is it that everything is bound to work out according to God’s Word? What happens if it does not? If you have faith, the rest is irrelevant, but if you don’t know this, you’ll think your life is dependent on other things.

Everything moves according to God’s absolute sovereignty.  “It’s raining today, and because of AI, it’s raining poison gas so it kills people.”  Either way, do we have to avoid the rain and leave America?  People say such things even in church, they talk about the Mark of the Beast, 666, and barcode tattoos.  What happens if you go beyond that?  Everyone in the mental institutions say this. 

When I went to a mental hospital, they say they saw Jesus.  “What did He look like?” “I had a conversation with Jesus and Buddha.”  I replied, “You must be great.” “Yes, I am great.”  If this becomes too severe, you can’t live a normal life.  Why does this happen?  People don’t believe in God, and all this exists under God’s absolute sovereignty, but if you don’t believe this, you will follow people’s words.

Wherever Christ is, that’s the Kingdom of God. If it’s raining, put on a hood and walk around. If it’s not, then just walk around in the sun.  There was a young adult who did drugs and he said the FBI was following him around with helicopters.  I met someone in Korea who said the same thing, and when he came to America, it was the FBI following him around with helicopters, but they weren’t following him around.  They were in a battle, chasing themselves around, why? Their heart, body, and spirit were being influenced by something invisible, by the things we hear and see.

Satan rebelled against God and sinned, and now burrows invisibly into people. In the Garden of Eden, Satan went into the snake and deceived people.  We don’t just sin on our own, but Satan is connected to sin.  They talk about sin so much, but sin belongs to Satan, and they don’t know Satan, so they only think about consequential sins. They try to live an upright life, “I need to stop doing this.”  Then Satan is in control and you have no choice but to fall into sin, the repetitive problem that continues to get you stuck.  You can try so many things, but you can’t stop it, and your parents are the same way. “Why are my parents like this?” It’s because they don’t know this. “Why do my parents keep sinning and fighting? Why do things like this keep happening?”  Your parents don’t know this, either. The entire family line is seized and problems keep happening.  The further we are from God’s blessings, the more we face disasters.

How can you solve these problems?  Satan will follow you because he works transcending time and space.  These three problems cannot be solved by mankind. “I believe in Jesus, doesn’t this no longer matter for me?” Every day, Christ. If you realize you need Christ every day of your life, Satan will know and run away.  Until then, Satan won’t run away.  Then it doesn’t matter how much you go to church.  That’s America’s problem today. The churches don’t know about this, and they talk about sin without talking about Satan, so that’s why the problems of your family line aren’t solved.

It can only be solved when you realize the problems of your family line come from these problems, and that’s why Christ is the only name that can solve these three problems. When this comes into you one day, these three problems will be finished. I’m a witness of that, I’m the first believer in my family, so I’m telling you.

This seems so abstract, right? The problems of your family are the same as this problem.  I would try to escape my family problems by doing the opposite of what my dad did, and even though I was an unbeliever, I had my dad’s problems come to me. I couldn’t avoid it or control it, and unbeknownst to me, I followed that flow.  I hated seeing my dad drinking, and I really hated how much he talked when he drank alcohol, and I hated watching him fight my mom.  It’s very obvious when he fought, it was every 3 days, so I knew. I was such a young child, I should be playing outside, but it was a burden on my brain.

Later on, I fell into the same thing, debating with people.  It was a simple conversation but I acted like I was fighting with them.  I didn’t think I was fighting but everyone said I was aggressive. It’s a spiritual thing but people don’t realize it.  How can we solve this? You have to acknowledge it for it to be solved.  The answer is Christ but we don’t see the problem. We have to find the problem to have the correct answer.  Any answer that doesn’t have this problem is just a theory, an answer you’ve memorized.  But every time the problem changes a little, you can’t solve it. But when you understand the problem, Christ is always the answer.

One day, this will take place. It’s God’s time schedule. If you remain within constant worship and training, this Word will come to you, and from that point on, the forces of darkness in your life and your family line will be broken, but if the problem is something else, we don’t need to believe in Christ. We’d rather believe in Buddha or Siddhartha.  Monks also serve society and volunteer, they also talk about paradise, so what’s the difference between us and them? If anything, monks are in the mountains with great air and they shave their heads and don’t have to pay for haircuts.  But we have to grow out our hair and perm it and cut it, and if you’re a monk, you’ll lose weight as you don’t eat so much. I think a few of you should believe in Buddhism. You wouldn’t be able to endure that lifestyle and you’ll have to get fast food.

Why do we need Christ? I want you to think about it.  You don’t think about this at all, “I heard it at church since I was young, and I just agreed with the pastor.”  When you’re young, you may follow your mother without knowing what’s going on, but when you’re older, you have to confirm it for yourself.  You have to confess with your faith and your mouth. That’s what Abraham did.  Abraham was the first to hold onto this.  Ur of Chaldeans, his father’s household, it was talking about this idolatry and how he had to leave.

If you leave, where do you go? The land God will show you, it’s a definite goal. If you believe in Jesus Christ, there’s a goal in Jesus.  Remnants say they don’t know what they need to do in the future, and that’s normal, but it’s also abnormal. If you believe in Jesus Christ, God has shown this to you. What land is that? The land where Jesus will be born, the land of Canaan.  You go to the land where Jesus will be.

God doesn’t talk about land for no reason.  If you believe in Jesus Christ, immediately there is a land to which you  must go, and that’s our mission. Each of you have been given a mission. You may not be able to find it yet, but you’ve been given a mission.  Even in a nation or business, there’s a mission statement that determines the flow of that nation or business.  Does believing in Jesus not result in a goal? We just haven’t found it yet, but it’s been given to us.  In the land of Canaan, Jesus has already been born.  We believe in Jesus 2000 years after He was born and died.  Everyone in the Old Testament believed Jesus would come and they were glad. We didn’t see Jesus but we believe He came and receive it with joy.

Then where should we go now? Should we just take vacations and work hard?  How do we have to live?  There’s a way.  Go and make disciples of all nations, that’s the Word Jesus Christ gave to us after He came to earth. You align everything you’re doing to spreading the gospel to 237 nations.  That’s why everything you do must be globalized.  If you’re not globalized, you don’t fit with the age.

Whatever you study must be globalized. Right now, we’re in the fourth industrial revolution and everything is connected online. If you are not globalized, you’ll starve to death. The work you do must be connected with the entire world. Nowadays, what you do can be connected with anyone online. Can anyone globalize? You need the content, you need specialization. 

God has given you something that only you can do. It doesn’t matter if you’re good at studying or not.  This is your talent.  Some specialize in dancing and can influence more people than presidents.  If you talk about the Korean president, Moon Jae In, you’ll get dissidents, but pop stars have fans all over the world.  Why? They’ve been globalized.

How do we get popular? You need to have the specialized content. How can you have that?  You need to find the things only you can do, then you spread it to the entire world to make money.  If you lose hold of this, you’re going to starve in the future. The age is different than how it was in the past.  If you just want to research and develop yourself, that’s the old days, in the past. Now you have to look to the entire world. If you just have the content, that’s what I’m saying, and we do that for the gospel.  God has prepared that.

Make disciples of all nations, they’re all here. Don’t listen to the words of your Korean parents, but in America, all nations have gathered here.  But Korean parents say to study well.  In Korea, they were so poor that only a few people survived.  But once the nation becomes developed and more wealthy, the specializations can make money.  America is so developed that there’s specific companies that strategize in war, and I was surprised by that.  The entire battle depends on the strategist.  America won’t give it to generals, but there are specific projects given to companies. 

It’s different than in Korea.  Korea just has individual generals making decisions, just one person. But companies have all these specialists.  Even if I’m not a military general, I have influence to sway the military. In the future, hospitals will struggle as we become more developed. We won’t need hospitals because we can diagnose things through blood samples.  They’re working on this in Korea.  Normally we have to go to a hospital to get a diagnosis but now we can predict illness through a blood sample.  With a computer, all of this could be done and the hospital will go out of business.

They can print out a report to show your weaknesses and describe what problems will come in the future based on a blood sample. We’re already in that age. You’re sitting here so you don’t know this, but Korea is developing faster.  Right now, neighborhood clinics are closing down.  Everything can be ordered online, so the businesses without the cheapest prices will go out of business.  There’s a chicken restaurant outside my house, but they don’t have customers there.  But it turns out it’s because they’re a delivery-service only, and the delivery people will go all the way to the apartment complexes.

You have to know this age, you’re living in it, but you don’t know it. You have to fit, globalization, meaning all nations. All nations are here, but how do we connect? Study with the studies that connect to all nations, that’s biblical.  Abraham went into Canaan blindly with faith. You have to study until it’s connected to all 237 nations.  You have to make it so that your specialization makes disciples of all nations.

Now in this age, even beyond what’s in the Bible, the age has come to a point where if you don’t do that, you’ll starve to death. You have to read the age well.  In the age of Abraham, they packed up their bags and left. That’s a revolution.  Age by age, there were revolutions, and we pray to receive our God-given answers.  How?  That’s Genesis 12:2. “I will make you into a great nation.”  God will make your name great and bless you. 

You become the standard. You’re nothing special but God works through you by grace.  You can live a perfectly fine life but you’re still a slave, just busy eating, studying, and surviving, because you prioritize incorrectly.  If you believed in God, God would save you time and give you the power. If you don’t experience this, you will be dragged around. 

“We should start the Young Adult Evangelism School on Saturdays,” but they had a hard time at first. “It’s hard enough to come on Sunday. We have to meet people on Saturdays, it doesn’t make sense.”  One time, she went to a friend’s wedding on Sunday, and I said, “Cancel your plane ticket; give worship.”  That’s what they were like.  I told them to come on Saturday, “If you don’t have time to do your laundry, do it at home. If you want to date your boyfriend, bring them here.”  Now they don’t have problems.  Do you have problems coming to worship on Fridays? They don’t face any problems because God knows and works.  But people don’t believe it, so they are enslaved their entire life.  They are forced to be slaves in America, and it’s true that they’re busy.  But God works in advance.

God has to exalt my name so He works in advance, is that right or not? That’s right.  God sent her to the downtown courthouse and she couldn’t fathom that.  All deputy district attorneys go downtown. She thought she would be at a smaller courthouse, but she had to go there.  Are you busy? Do you really want to be busy?  God knows, so you should study as well.  What is most important?  Why do you study? God uses your studies because the covenant must be relayed. You need to conquer your time instead of being dragged by it.

At first, it’s hard to believe, because you haven’t experienced it.  So, these kids said, “Do laundry here and date there,” these seem like correct words, but this is how God works.  If you don’t believe it, then it doesn’t matter how much you say that Jesus Christ solved all your problems.  Do you have depression? It is finished. If that goes into you just once, the devil will flee.  It’s irrelevant to you, and that’s when the devil flees. It doesn’t matter how much you try other things. There’s medication to treat depression, I’m not telling you not to, but if you keep taking that medication, there will be side-effects.

For example, let’s say you only take medication to treat your liver. Then you’ll have side effects. You have to solve every problem with Christ. You find the answer in everything through Christ, and you challenge towards this in faith. That’s what we’re saying. Then He will make you into a great nation. People will gather to you as they receive strength and answers, but let’s say there was a man or woman you meet once, and they’re so difficult? Even when you go to work, people should look forward to working with you, why? Because strangely enough, when I’m with this person, I receive strength and things get resolved. The people above you think, “This person is truly necessary to our company.”

From an unbeliever perspective, it’s those with a “can-do” attitude. What about me?  Do you want to be around me or are you against meeting with me?  We are blessings.  Has this truly gone into you? It’s finished, then. All curses are broken.  Even the White House should be blessed through you. Do you really believe that? MIT should be blessed because of Eren, do you believe this?  It may look like you’re going to MIT to gain something from the school, but in faith you gain something for the school? “I will bless those who bless you, and those who curse you, I will curse.

Do you really believe it? Then you will change. The problem is you don’t believe it.  One time, I was evangelizing and the word of me being a blessing came upon me. My inferiority complex went away, because until then, I thought I was a lacking evangelist, but one day this word came to me, “I’m a blessing, God is with me,” and there’s a difference between blessings and being with God. I’m now a source of blessings to others.  “This blessing is relayed through me,” so I don’t have to worry about what people think because I’m a blessing and God is my background.  God has already promised to work through me, so God will not leave me alone.  If this person blesses me, they will be blessed as God wants to bless them. If you really believe this, you will change.

If I tell you everything I had to say, you wouldn’t be able to hear the message. If I told you how far I used to live from blessings, you’d all fall over.  But with this gospel, I’m changed.  There was Deacon Suk who bowed to us, and he’s a professor.  He says I seem like a gangster pastor who beats people up with a big stick. But my level is not a professor, I’m not good at beating around the bush.  But this person changed and brought three people today, people who used to go to church and stopped.  “We used to go to church and the pastor beat us with a stick.”

It’s not about our actions or posture. God has given us His grace and one day when it comes into us, the children will change. Some people diligently go to church and still don’t understand, but when God’s time schedule comes, God pours His grace. It doesn’t matter if it’s Chris or Carlos, my daughter looks like she listens very well. But she can only understand when God gives her grace. 

Look at Jacob, I can see the message is going into him.  I can tell whether the message is going into people or not, but he’s in an environment where he can receive the message. It’s not his skill; God creates an environment and gives grace. God is very fair. As time passes, you’ll realize you’ve changed and I believe God will work with even greater blessings in 2022.  You can pretend to listen to other words, but God works according to His Word. Don’t worry about your kids, just continue to pray for them and the darkness will be broken down.


God we thank you. Bless the remnants and may you guide them to be the remnants who save the 237 nations in 2022. 


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