Ability Recovery (Concentration) (Acts 2:1)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Ability Recovery (Concentration) (Acts 2:1)

Speaker Pastor Ryu Kwang Su | Interpreter Esther Chang

Since it is daytime most of our students are in school, and there are a lot of laypeople that went to work. So this message is more centered on our pastor’s and our committed workers. There is a greatest promise Jesus gave to us at the very end. And that was “When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you’ll receive power and you’ll be witnesses to the ends of the earth. So then, the greatest answer came upon Mark’s Upper Room. The day of Pentecost has arrived, Acts 2:1. 

If you don’t know the gospel and lack power, living in America is the most pathetic life. But if you know the gospel and have the restoration of this power, then living in America is your greatest America. Because no matter what anyone says, America is the Rome of this age. So if you don’t know the gospel and this power, living in America is a great mistake. However, if you know the gospel, and have the restoration of this strength, this power of living in America will become the greatest opportunity and doors will open for you.

Even just now, one of our remnants who came here to study in America, he has now become a dentist, he gave donations for our remnants and our pastor’s kids. It’s not a matter of how much money he gave, but that there are no remnants like that in Korea. That means that’s how many outstanding remnants are here in America. And Pastor Song Min Gyun came and gave offering for our RUTC broadcasting system. There aren’t many people like that in Korea. To this extent, these people are holding onto the correct direction of prayer. And so there are tremendous blessings all over America. 

This one very famous person in Korea registered in my church in Busan. He really longs for the word, and receives a lot of grace from the conference. But he had so many hardships, he’s ina. Situation where he is facing extreme hardships he doesn’t know what to do. He is a very smart person and even now he’s in a very important position. And so when urgent things happen he calls me and says “Pastor, can you please pray for me, these things are happening right now” But there’s one thing i cannot say to him. Because he keeps on doing things that are going to cause him more trouble. He’s a new believer, he’s very smart, and I know I have to address it but it’s something I can just say to his face. And so this Sunday when I go down to Busan, he said he’s going to come and see me, so I thought “I’ll address is to him this time”  Pastors, this is what you must seek out for. Because Jesus promised that. 



1)Calvary (John 19:30)

Now, how are you going to help their church members seek this out and restore it? The very first thing you must know and experience. At least what kind of experience must your church members have? What happened on Calvary? John 19:30 he says, “It is finished” 

Those of you who are living in America, if you do not know this gospel, you will be in trouble. And whether my words are correct or not, realistically go and confirm them. The future generation of America right now things are very serious. In one sense it was better off if they didn’t come here, but they are facing great hardships. In the case of our pastor Kim Sang Bum, if you look around there are lay people who are evangelizing even better than the pastors are, you need to seek out those people. 

This one person listened to the message and started a word movement with the youth, and the youth are facing severe problems right now. This person just gathered non-believing teenagers to council with them, and works began to take place in their lives. And I was very surprised seeing that there are people that truly evangelize and yet remain hidden. Another person that I know, continues to go into universities  to select elite people and do training with them, and even when they graduate, he continues to communicate with them. 

Right now, the fields in America is very serious, and so Christ said he ended it all, he finished it all. You have to make them see and know this. You must do this. Oh so that’s what it was, why did Jesus die on the cross? That’s how pitiful our human state was. That is triumphing on the cross, it’s because we needed that. That’s why God gave us the greatest promise. 

2)Mount of Olives (Acts 1:3) 

3)Mark’s Upper Room (Acts 2:1) 

Experiencing the Mount of Olives, if you really know this, you can see your mission. It’s very important. And experiencing Mark’s Upper Room.  That’s todays scripture reading, the day of Pentecost arrived. You must have this strength. It’s a tremendous time schedule. The promise during moses’ time was fulfilled, it was the Passover, the Pentecost, and the In-Gathering. Once you receive this blessing, there’s one thing that changes. You realize 9/10 of the worries the church members are worrying over are incorrect. 9/10 things your church members consider are problems are not problems, but they are holding onto the problems that aren’t problems. Pastor’s and committed workers must quickly resolve this. To say that they are viewing something that is not a problem as a problem, means they have not seen the real problem. 

If we really have a problem then there is an answer. But incorrect problems do not have an answer. No matter how reknowned the professor may be, if the question he inputs on the test is incorrect, there’s no answer to that. Isn’t that so? If you are holding onto the incorrect problem, then you aren’t going to have the correct answers. Even in the problems, you have to be holding onto the correct problem to find the correct answers.  This is very important. So right now pastors, you have to quickly become this way to save the church members. The church members aren’t experiencing this at all, and they are holding onto problems that aren’t problems and having conflict over them. 

2. Three problems 

1) Long Ages Past 

Once this takes place, you must solve the three problems. What are the three problems? It’s not the problem of America, but it’s a problem that existed from long ages past. It really is amazing, isn’t it? Before creations, satan came into mankind, and said “If you eat this, you can be like God” that same movement has gone into the new age movement, and they take that into the children’s. People living in America, if you are not aware of the New Age Movement, you shouldn’t live in America, because they are controlling America. Do you know what they are teaching? It’s exactly in the Bible. “You don’t receive salvation by believing in Jesus Christ, but you yourself can become god” that’s what they are teaching, it’s a problem that aroused long ages past, but it’s being relayed even now. We see the Freemasons that are just as strong as the New Ager’s are here as well. 

And you know very well what the Freemasons do. Have you not been to their lodges? If you are a pastor that’s living in America but you don’t even know what they are doing, you are not that good of a pastor. Think about it, the Freemasons are running America, and as a pastor you’ve never gone to see what they are doing, then you really are a bad pastor. As soon as I arrived in New York, we went to the Freemasons lodges. When I went to their lodges, they had all these small rooms. And I’m  sure it’s for all of America, but there is a occupancy sign in each room. I went into one room, it had seating for 180 people. But they have many of those similar room. But every night it’s packed, do you know what they do there? They have you become possessed by a spirit. That’s the Nephilim movement. It’s a serious thing. That’s what they are doing right now, and so unseen to our eyes, spiritual problems have no choice but to gather around America. And so think about it, as these spiral winds blow, if they take away the strength of the pastor’s, then they will win. And when I looked at these pastor’s they have no choice but to lose their strength, because look at the people here in America, people say so many useless things in the church, and the pastor listens to all of that, the pastor will lose their strength, to the point where I wondered if I came to America, would I be able to properly run my pastoral ministry? Because people have so many things to say. Just in the church, they have so many things to say, and I say it’s really complicated, they are holding onto things that aren’t problems. You need to quickly correct this.

2) Now 

3) Future 

It’s all associated with this. It’s now being disclosed. It would be okay if it ended just there, but it’s connected to the future as well. So if you grab hold onto the covenant just a little bit, works will take place. 

3. 3 Healings 

1) Spiritual healing 

2) Healing of Life Style 

3) Physical Healing 

There are three healings. And that is what to those living in America, begin spiritual  healing, that is intensive training, and the healing of their lifestyle so they won’t be taken in by the law of the unnecessary things. And physical healing. If you really pray, can your diseases get well? There’s a need for us to show proof. 

Right now, there’s an uproar in Korea, because I taught them about real prayer, and proof is being shown right now. And the doctors are really surprised, I’m not saying you shouldn’t reactive any help from the doctors of the hospital, we are saying go and get examinations, and get everything done, and go into concentration prayer. And so staring now you must teach 7 things for your church members. 


1.7 Powers

1) Acts 2:1-47

Starting now, you must absolutely relay these 7 powers. First of all, there are 5 powers revealed in Acts 2:1-4. You should discard everything else beside this when you come to church. 

(1) Wind, Fire

When the day of Pentecost arrived, we saw the work of the Holy Spirit like fire and like wind. What are wind and fire?  It is the power of God that was revealed that mankind can do nothing about. You must save America with this power.  Thenabsolutely, when you come to church, you don’t have to say anything else; you must receive this power.  In one sense, I say to my church members, “Let’s not have church meetings or sessions on Sundays,” let’s meet on anotheer day. Let’s have koinonia, fellowship with each other, and it’s so good.  On the Lord’s Day, receive His power, isn’t that so? America must begin this first.  On the Lord’s Day, be clothed with God’s power.  As you worship like it’s in the Bible, the Day of Pentecost had arrived. What kind of power was revealed?

(2) Door (Acts 2:9-11) 

Doors began to open, what kind of doors? Doors to 15 nations that nobody could block had opened for them. I said to one of the young pastors who came to see me, “Starting now, really pray about this. We have to raise up pastors for the 150 people groups. Pray about that. Raise up members of the session who can move the 150 people groups. That’s God’s will.  If not, then you shouldn’t be living in America, isn’t that so? Select leaders to save the 5000 universities. Right now, there are so many opportunities in America. Look at this. Undoubtedly, these kinds of things will happen for you. 

(3) 3,000 disciples 

3000 disciples will arise, 3000 disciples Then, what would happen if 34000 disciples came to your church? What would happen if 3000 disciples arose in this church? It probably will not because you don’t believe it, but I believed it from the onset. So, the church members put their strength together and wanted to buy a plot of land that’s about 600 square meters, and so I said no to that. They even got the permits for the construction, but I said no, why? Because I knew this would arise, and it did.  

But we don’t realistically believe, and we don’t believe because our vessel isn’t ready, then God doesn’t give it to us.  The churches in America must arise to raise 3000 disciples, and just believe this power will be revealed, because we don’t do it by our strength; we just continue to pray for this, then what else happens? W hats’ the most difficult thing?

(4) Finances (Acts 2:43-45)

They gave everything they had over as offering, and that’s why the works arose. What else?

(5) Every day (Salvation)

Every day, in their temple courts and in their homes, the number of those who received salvation continued to increase. These are the five powers.  In the church, simply grab hold of this.  Important church officers, just grab hold of this.

2) Acts 11:19-30 (Mission)

It’s missions, realizing this first, and going out to save other nations? That’s missions.

3) Romans 16:1-27 (Evangelism Disciples)

It’s these seven things, the five things that arose in Mark’s upper room as well as missions, and the disciples to move the world. You must absolutely restore these seven powers.  This year, we’re going to do the work of finding these many specialist disciples. Do this in America as well.  Because I don’t have much time when I go back to Korea, committed workers who came to Korea from overseas, about 30 minutes on Sunday, I called them in and trained them, and Pastor Chang Eun Tae’s son is included in that as well. I wanted to entrust him to lead one team, so that he himself can give the lecture and then go there to train others.

If you see this once, the works will arise. How could all this be possible with our strength? When the day of Pentecost arrived, Jesus promised, don’t worry about anything else, “But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power and be My witnesses until the ends of the earth.”  I’m too busy enjoying this blessing that I don’t have time to worry.  Worrying is what other people with lots of time on their hands can do; I’m too busy enjoying this blessing to have any worries.  I don’t have time to gossip about other people; I don’t have time for that, why? Because I’m busy enough just receiving this.

I’m so busy just doing this, I have Elder Chung from Busan here as well, but when I’m down in Busan, I don’t do anything else, I’m very busy, why? Because I consider not making my church members experience this as a failure in my pastoral ministry.  There’s no need for me to do anything else but this. That’s how I look at it.  One time, I think my church in Busan was doing a sports day, and they were so diligently preparing for that, and I said, “Don’t work so hard on it, just vaguely do it, and you’re going to make all the grace fall away by doing this.”  You have to understand what Im’ talking about.

If we do not make our church members experience this power, then we have failed in their lives and in our pastoral ministries, but it’s a simple thing because God promised it, then what must we do?


Make them concentrate on this. Do the intensive training for our church officers and for our remnants. We can do it over a brief time over Saturday and Sunday, you can do the intensive training and the evangelism institute.  Make them experience this, and once they experience this even once, it will be relayed to all the world, to the Rome of the world.  Then number 2?  

Absolute Power

This is God’s absolute power, isn’t that so? And from that point on, there’s something else that follows.

2. Absolute Time Schedule

What comes from this point on?

3. Absolute Plan

God’s absolute plan.  No one can steal this or take this away, and we can’t even make this on our own. Look carefully at this, what is the absolute time schedule?  

2. Absolute Time Schedule

1) Acts 13:1-4

For the first time since creation, the doors of missions opened. Look carefully at the Bible

2) Acts 16:6-10

To Macedonia.

3) Acts 19:1-7

Look at this time schedule.  What happened after all of this? As you well know, the doors of missions opened here, then what did God begin to do?

1) Acts 13:1-4

(1) Prepared

God showed them how He had prepared every location, every person, and every place. 

(2) Power

What appears at this time?  Great spiritual power was revealed so that the false prophet was broken down.

2) Acts 16:6-10

What happened in Acts 16 when they reached Macedonia?

(1) Lydia

God prepared Lydia.

(2) Jason

And God prepared Jason

(3) Priscilla and Aquila

And God prepared Prsicilla and Aquila who would be fellow workers for their entire life. In the life you have left, God is going to attach these blessings to you.  If so, I have a lot of smart members who understand the message properly. And if they are correct evangelists and missionaries doing God’s work, get a credit card and just give it to them.  One of my church members who really runs his business well, he did this for the evangelists, those who really evangelize.  People who really evangelize. God has prepared these kinds of answers for them.  Then, what kind of movement arose from Acts 19?

3) Acts 19:1-7

(1) Tyrannus

The movement at Tyrannus Halls, what came from here? 

(2) Acts 19:21, 23:11, 27:24

I must see Rome as well. You must testify about me in Rome.  You must stand before Caesar. Look at this, the time schedule. It’s God’s absolute time schedule. No one can block that, that’s what happens for you, then how simple is our walk of faith?  From this point on, there is God’s absolute plan for you. Make them find this.

3. Absolute Plan

Do you think God has a plan for Esther or not? He does, so help her find that.  I remember saying this before, but when Esther first came to Korea, she really had a hard time and I didn’t know she had a hard time. I’m sorry to say this, but I’ve been so busy I don’t think I’ve ever shared a meal with Esther or even coffee with her. So I don’t know what she’s going through, if she’s facing hardships.  

So one day she came to see me and said, “I’m going back to America.” I said, “Go ahead, because you’re going to come back, and I absolutely knew this.  You’re going to come back so go ahead and go.”  So she really went back to America, these days there’s a lot of interpreters, but there weren’t many back then, and after a while, she came back and I said, “I told you, you couldn’t go far.”

God has a plan for her.  What you’re doing right now goes beyond any preacher, God has an important plan for you.  So, look at how many blessings she’s received. You can’t beat anyone like her husband Jin Park, really.  Many have misconceptions thinking, “pastor Ryu may show her favoritism,” but that’s not the case. It’s his heart, his heart is right. When I look at their entire family, they all have their hearts in the right place.  There are some people who may have the gospel but their hearts are not in the right place. People whose hearts are on in the right place go around shouting, “only Jesus,” and that gives me a headache. Their hearts are in the right place and they have the gospel.  That’s how she met him, and now she can’t even run away because she has three kids.  

God surely set His plan into motion, but how could the gospel movement arise because of that?  God has an absolute plan for you.

1) Peter (Matt. 16:16-20)

You are the Christ, the son of the living God.  God had a plan, “And upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hades cannot overcome you. I give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven.”  That was given to Peter. What was given to Paul?

2) Paul (Acts 9:15)

God showed him his absolute plan for him. You are my chosen instrument to stand before the many people and their kings. 

3) Romans 16

The people of Romans 16, the helper, fellow worker, and host.  Ultimately, what else?  

4) Romans 16:20

Satan will soon be trampled underneath your feet. Make them know this.  You need to know it and you need to make them know it.  People who complain without doing this, that’s a luxury they can’t afford.  People who are not enjoying this blessing and say, “Things aren’t working out for me,” that’s a lie. No matter how renowned a person may be, if they’re lying, they won’t receive answers.  Jesus promised this to us so we shouldn’t concern ourselves with anything other than this, sint’ that so? But that’s why serious problems have come to our Korean churches. 

We shouldn’t do anything else. I even tell my teachers, “no, we’ve got businesspeople, so the church should not be running a business.  Look at some of the church out there, that’s why they are falling into hardships, they’re not doing this.  They’re saying, they’re bankrupt.  The church is doing something else but this?  That’s what they’re saying. Think about it, elders without experience this, try to live up to being an elder? How difficult must this be? But elders who are always enjoying this blessing? They aren’t going to say anything, they’re just going to be enjoying this blessing. But unseen to our eyes, we see the strong forces of darkness overrunning America.  

But I think America is such an important nation, all the big devils are here.  All they have to do is take away the strength of the pastors and then kill off the remnants, isn’t that so?  If there’s any layperson here, if you go to church, don’t say this. No matter how reknowed a person may be, if they hear this and that, they may get confused. So, a lot of pastors are confused in America.  Being human, we hear a lot of complicated words and things become complicated for us, so don’t talk about anything else but this because there’s no reason to enjoy anything else but this. We’ll be able to see the time schedule here and also God’s absolute plan for you. You’ll be able to see this and you must relay this to them.

We have committed workers here and even pastors and pastor’s wives.  Pastors wives, please be strengthened and do this, Don’t’ leave it up to your husband, the pastor. Do it yourself and show proof.  When the evidence arises, all the forces of darkness will be broken. But it seems as if a lot of people come to America and all their strength is taken away.  They are doing things well right now, but when Pastor Kim Dae Hyun first came to America, I gave him a special command to don’t run a church, but go around and visit churches. 

But I think things were difficult for him. Time wise and money wise trying to travel all over the place, so I think he thought to himself, I need to be the head of the church. His message is very good, and he has a lot of spiritual power, but as he was entrusted with one church, it became a hindrance of the churches. And that’s why he suffered a lot when he was here in America, and ended up coming back to America. I think his message is very good, and his heart is in the right place,  but when he came back like that I realized, “Oh the devils in America must be really strong, they are able to break him down” and he was broken the moment he stepped foot on this land. 

So when I look at all the pastors surviving here, I know you’re really something because I know all the big devils are here trying to attack you.  Pastor Chang and all the other pastors, gain strength and don’t do anything else but this and see what God does.  God will never deceive us.  We’re deceived by ourselves; God is the One Who works.  May all our pastors gain the blessing of receiving that strength.

This evening, we’ll come to the close of our message, focused on our laypeople.


1. 100 Year Answer (Region)

Why? Because if you don’t do that, you won’t be able to save America.  How can you enjoy the 100 year answer? Out of the many examples, let me just give one. When I was entrusted with the youth department, I went to every single junior and senior highschool in the city of Busan, and I saw this, the 100 year answer. I was surprised.  So, in the place where you’re living, go and analyze all the junior high schools and high schools and see what happens, first of all, you’ll receive the 100 year answer, don’t try to bear fruit, don’t try to bring them to your church, but go and see, then what will come to you? 100 year answer.

They don’t have to come to your church.  If there are 5000 universities in America, then in your conscience, you must target those 5000 universities. If you correctly see one region, you’ll receive a 100 year answer. 

2. 1000 Year Answer (Nation)

If you’re able to see an entire nation correctly, you’ll receive a 1000 year answer.  Be able to see this.

3. Eternal (World)

If you can see the world, you’ll receive an eternal answer.  Like remnant Thustun here, because we are a family here, and he went through alot of personal training, so what must you do in the future? There are a lot of gifted and talented people who can live off of $10 a month. Raise up tons of those kids.  One third of the population of this world can live on $10 a month. 

Let me give you an example. We went to Karen.  Think about it, if you look at the people of Karen, there are very smart people like professors there, but right now they are all refugees, but the professors there can live off 10 dollars there, think about how simple that is.  We decided to send $300 a month, so thirty professors were able to live off of that and do the evangelism movement.  These people are very smart and were moved by what we did, and they decided in their Karen council, “No matter how much money someone else may bring to us, we won’t accept it. We don’t want any other organization to come into our group, only this Darakbang organization.” And so they discovered that amongst themselves, why? Because these people are ones who really proclaim the gospel and no matter how much of a refugee they became, they realized, “Money is not what we need, what we need is the gospel,” and they discovered this themselves. The other denominations were in an uproar because of that, and there, our Elder Park went in, and helped each and every one of those professors. And as he was helping them, it may look like he was getting paid, but what he saw from them was their hearts and the gospel they had.  

These professors scattered to their regions and became evangelists.  America, you have to see the world, only then can you receive the eternal answer.  If you can see all of America, you’ll receive a 100 year answer. If you can at least see one region correctly, you’ll receive a 100 year answer.  

In our lives, the fact that we’ve received salvation, we’re thankful enough for that, but when we live as evangelists this is a tremendous blessing, so honestly speaking, I want to make this request of you.  We see blessings to the point of becoming a model, not just LA but all of America. We have people from other regions as well, when you go back, become a representative model there, so you can save the people in those regions.  So, I too, together with you, full-scale I will do the work of raising disciples and starting this year, I’m going to call the real disciples from all over the world. So, do intensive training with them and then commission them back to your churches so they can do the ministry there.  Not only in every nation, but also in every area of expertise, we’re going to call them in and raise disciples through that. That’s the prayer I’ve begun.

But there’s a simple way for you to gain all of this. Don’t be concerned with anything else, just focus on this. That’s all you need.  Then, undoubtedly according to God’s time schedule, these important answers will come to you.  May the blessing of turly beginning anew be yours in the name of Christ Jesus.


We give thanks to God. May this truly be a new start. May we be used in the work of raising up disciples who have experienced God’s power. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.


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