A Slave and a Free Man

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

A Slave and a Free Man

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May the unprecedented blessing be upon you today as well.  The title of today’s message is, “A Slave and a Free Man.”  It is a message regarding, “Will I live my life as a slave or as a free person?” The history of this world is filled with endless violence, and war.  The stronger a nation is, the more they will take other nations as their slaves.  Age by age, this was the case.  It is a fight of wars and independence, everyone trying to win their freedom.

People are always wondering, “How can I have financial freedom and material freedom?  How can I be free from the intercession and forceful oppression of humans?” Even your own children will start off listening to you, but then they will want to escape from your parental control.  Whether it’s a good or bad thing, people want to protect their individualism, their freedom, and their privacy.

1. Nonbeliever

  1) Slave

Then, the Bible today is telling us there are two people inside the church, those who live as slaves and those who live as free people. If you misunderstand or make the incorrect judgments, you will continue to live as a slave, but if you properly know and properly enjoy, you will have true freedom.  America emphasizes human equality and rights so much, and this has gone into the values of the UN.  This is how important such things are as people live. That’s why many people come to America looking for freedom, human rights, and equality.  At least in the world, America has the most freedom, human rights, and equality.

However, that’s not what the Bible is talking about. If you misunderstand the words of the Bible as talking about the same things as America, that is a misunderstanding.  Why is it that in this land of freedom, there are school shootings every week?  Why do we keep going into drug addictions where we must rely on medication?  Despite the fact that this nation emphasizes human rights and human equality and guarantees the basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter, and even basic education is provided by this nation, why is it that people keep getting lost in mental problems?  

    (1) Individual’s thoughts (Gen. 3:6)

The Bible tells us that all unbelievers have their thoughts as the standard. They live their lives based on the standard of what they think is correct. That is a life centered on people, based on their own ideologies and philosophies.

    (2) Individual’s likes (Gen. 6:2)

In Genesis 6, people made decisions based on what they thought was best and what they wanted. If the people make decisions based on what they think is best or what they want, their lives should continue to be good, but that was the cause of the flood in Genesis 6. 

    (3) Individual’s success (Gen. 11:4)

Later, people thought that if they had enough power or success, they could have a good life, so they built the Tower of Babel, and that also resulted in the curse of the Tower of Babel. Without a doubt, I keep making the correct decisions based on my thoughts, emotions, and my experiences, but the result leads me deeper into slavery.

  2) Spiritual slave

    (1) Satan (Jn. 8:44)

It turns out, in Jn. 8:44, the devil was a liar from the beginning and Satan controls us from behind the scenes so that we live according to the desires of our sinful nature, with our thoughts and our emotions.  

    (2) Idol (Ex. 20:4-5)

The way we follow and serve Satan is through idolatry.  Idolatry is talking about living a life where, instead of having God in the center of our hearts, we have our greatest values–something we desire all our lives–in our hearts.  

    (3) Mental (Mt. 11:28)

We live our lives based on our decisions of what we think is correct and best, but we have no mental freedom.  One day, we’re seized by depression. One day, our mind is divided and we cannot escape from that mental division, why?  I thought my thoughts were correct, but we cannot escape from our thoughts, and that’s why we cannot control our bipolar disorder. Regardless of whether alcohol is good or bad, people are living lives where they cannot live without alcohol. I’m not saying being homeless is good or bad, but there are some people who have homes but refuse to go back.

    (4) Physical (Eph. 2:3)

As we live like this, we face problems we see with our eyes that we cannot solve, why?  The beginning of that is thinking my thoughts are correct, I want to live freely according to my thoughts.  Then, later on, things that are beyond my control will continue to happen. One day, I’ll have a disease and the doctor gives up because there’s nothing they can do. Why is this? Because I live my life with myself as the standard, thinking I can do this, but when humans are living with God, we have all the freedom and are able to overcome everything.

    (5) Death (Heb. 2:14)

Not only do people have these problems they see with their eyes, but they live their entire lives with the fear of death, ultimately to die.  If they fail, they should just fail, but they think they will die if they fail.  People immigrate to America and might succeed or fail, but they’re seized by the fear that “If I don’t succeed, then I will die.”  Even if we have children, we’re always under the fear, “What if my children do not succeed or grow up well?”  If we’re running a business, we’re always worried that the business may fail. We cannot escape from our cowardice and our fear, and that’s how we die, to an eternal hell.

People without Christ go to eternal hell. For me, I know when people die. People who have Christ will welcome death, but people who do not have Christ don’t want to die and will fight against it.  For the former people, the angels from heaven will take them up to heaven, but for people who do not have Christ or think they do not need Christ, they are afraid of death, they are terrified because the devil is taking them down to hell.  This is the style of a life without Christ.  

    (6) Future generation (Mt. 27:25)

Whether you succeed or not is not the issue; you cannot escape from your slavery to money. You’re a slave your whole life, and your future generations receive this inheritance exactly. These are the ways the people without God, the nonbelievers, are living as slaves.  

  3) Powerful nation

    (1) Egypt – Israel (Slave)

Age by age, the cultures of idolatry in Egypt, they served the Sun and Pharaoh as gods and idols. It was the same in Babylon and Rome. Whenever there was a superpower nation, the king would rule and make everyone serve their idol, because if they didn’t have the Sun, they couldn’t farm, so they served the Sun god to avoid curses and disasters.

    (2) Babylon – Israel (Captive)

    (3) Rome – Israel (Colony)

In the age of Babylon, King Nebuchadnezzar served idols as well.  When the Japanese people colonized Korea, they forced everyone to worship the Shinto gods of Japan. America is also making us serve idols invisibly, but you don’t know of it. That’s why it’s a superpower nation. If you go to Asian countries, they have visible idols, but if you go to America, the idols are invisibly seizing everybody.  Individualism, privacy, they make you want to protect this, and they make it so that you cannot know God because of it.  That’s why they make everyone think, “I am more important than God.”

America makes it so that “The best decision is whatever you think is best,” and they tell you, “You can succeed with your hard work.” As a result of that, my life is bound and I cannot move.  This is the way the devil invisibly controls America through the culture, and people like America more than other nations on a relative scale.

What do we see in the history of the Bible? Age by age, how did the superpower nations control?  And today, how is America, the superpower nation, controlling?  “You are god, your decision is the greatest,” and that’s why individualism is protected, but that’s actually blocking us from escaping our own thoughts. In reality, this is how Satan is controlling America.  

There are school shootings constantly, but what would happen if the politicians came together to develop laws for gun control? They’re not able to even do that, but what if they did?  Those people who are committing shootings would do them even if they were illegal, why? It’s not because they want to; it’s because they’re seized by something.  We are not depressed because we want depression, but we cannot overcome depression. 

We went on a mission this week, and there are many kids who see and experience demons.  There was one family that was being abused by their father and uncles, and the mother turned a blind eye to this.  These children grow up in areas that have no protection like this, and even if they come to church, they’re not accepted or protected.  There was a child who came and had no place else to go.  When Stephanie proclaimed Christ to these children, they rejected Christ because they said, “What’s the point of going to church when everyone in the church looks at me the same way?” 

Finally the gospel went into them and they received hope. They were discarded by their family, they were abused and oppressed by their father and uncles, and even when they went to church, no one could protect them. Where could they go?  Even if they ran away from the Navajo reservation to Flagstaff or Las Vegas where other people live, they could not escape.  Only once they have Christ in their lives will they confess to themselves, “We have true hope now.” That is the power of the gospel. It’s not that we gave them food; we gave them Christ.  These children who used to reject Christ and God so much, once the gospel of Christ goes into them, they say, “I have true hope to have true life.”

    (4) U.S. – Church (?)

Inside the church, there are two types of people.  A lot of people who do not know the background of the Bible well may not know the background of today’s scripture.  The background of today’s scripture talks about Abraham. When Abraham was 75 and Sarah, his wife, was 65, God called them. In an age where they could not bear children, God promised to give them a child because through that child, later on, Jesus Christ would be born. Even ten years later, they did not have a child.  At that time, Sarah, the wife said, “I’m too old to have children, but I have a young maid named Hagar, and maybe it’s God’s will that you have a child through her.”  That child’s name was Ishmael and the Bible says he was born of the flesh. God did promise a child but this was not God’s method.  God promised to give a child through Abraham’s wife, Sarah, who currently could not have a child. God was saying He would work like this just as He worked through the Virgin Mary to have a child.

2. Religion 

  1) Slave

    (1) Under the Law (Gal. 4:21) 

What does it mean to be under the law? The law is God’s Word.  Whenever you go to church, they tell you to learn and follow God’s Word, but why does God say this is not right? Because God is saying, “You are fulfilling God’s work with your methods and your efforts,” and that is not right to God.  As we live our walk of faith, if someone is trying to maintain their faith with their methods and their hard work, they will, without a doubt, end up bragging about themselves. They do not boast of God; they only boast of themselves, and God says that is not right.  Those people who don’t work for it won’t be able to boast about it, and instead, the righteous people will point their fingers at those who have no diligence. That’s what happens in the churches.  That’s not what God’s Word says.  

The law is God’s Word; however, will this Word be fulfilled by your diligence or by faith?  God’s method is where God personally and directly works. God gives His Word and God works in order for God to fill it.  That’s the one in the Bible who is born of the Spirit.  

Is your walk of faith free?  If you have freedom in your walk of faith, it is evidence you are enjoying God’s covenant with God’s grace. If you’re burdened by your walk of faith, then you’re standing in the wrong line.  This is not only within the church, but true freedom should go into your business and family as well.  People who receive God’s inheritance can never be tempted, but those who are born of the diligence of the flesh will persecute and oppress those with the covenant.  

    (2) Born according to the flesh (Gal. 4:23) 

Ishmael, who was born according to the flesh, and his mother Hagar, began to persecute and condemn Sarah.   

    (3) Self – Method, diligence, righteousness

Whatever we accomplish with our diligence and hard work will end up persecuting those who cannot accomplish it.  If someone just does works by faith, they have no logic, but those who have diligence have logic.  So, with the ways that go with diligence they end up persecuting and condemning those who don’t have that structure.  But if the words of diligence are accepted by the church, that is not the gospel.  The church may seem like it doesn’t have any principles at all. They say everything is finished by the cross, does that make sense?  A woman who cannot have a child will be given a child, does that make sense? It doesn’t, so those who have no faith cannot speak.

  2) Law 

    (1) Born according to the flesh (Law) 

Ultimately those who have the law like Hagar and Ishmael will be cast out, and without a doubt, the law is followed by curses.

    (2) Born according to the Holy Spirit (Gospel)

    (3) Condemnation, Persecution (Gal. 4:29) 

    (4) No inheritance, Got chased out (Gal. 4:30) 

Only the gospel of Jesus Christ can block curses, Satan, and hell.  “Why is it that my family has believed for multiple generations, but we face this problem?” It is because you’re not inside of the gospel.  “But we did hold onto the gospel!” It’s because you hold onto the gospel plus many other things. The gospel is the gospel, but we need only the gospel. Right before we went to the Navajo mission camp, I had the chance to give the gospel message to about 30 ministers in South America for 2 hours.  All of those ministers proclaim the gospel; everybody talks about the cross of Jesus Christ, but that’s not enough. If that’s all they do, the members of the church cannot overcome the problems they face. If someone is yelling at me and persecuting me at my job, I cannot overcome that. Even if someone looks down on me a little bit, I cannot overcome. The gospel of only Jesus Christ must be given to them for it to be finished. In Spanish, it’s “solo Cristo,” it’s not about Jesus, it’s about only Jesus, and all the answers are inside of Jesus. 

Whenever I talk about only Jesus, there’s always a reaction like this. Whenever I say anything else, it’s fine, but whenever I say only Jesus, there’s always a reaction or distraction. You guys find it hard to believe, right? But that’s how powerful the devil is.  There’s even the works of the devil that will stab a sleeping baby in the foot, but you guys won’t understand this. The spiritual things are invisible, but they are real.  The things that happen to a shaman before they become a shaman are actually real.  Actually, demons can beat up people, so you guys just think we’re talking about demons because you don’t know the spiritual world, but there are a lot of people who are actually afflicted like that.

When we went to Navajo, there was a boy whose grandmother was chased around by a demon and had to run away. It was a demon possessing an animal and they had to shoot the animal, and the kids heard this and asked our kids, “Do you believe this?” They said no, but I told them that’s actually real. That grandma isn’t just making things up.  Where is God?  God is invisible. Where is the Holy Spirit?  It is also invisible. Where are demons? They’re also invisible. But these things are actually working, and God is currently working through the Spirit. Jesus Christ is actively working right now.  

When you hold onto only Christ right now, the curses and disasters in your family are fleeing. This is not talking about the past, it is right now. Satan is working right now so you cannot listen to the message.  Right now, when the message of Jesus Christ goes into you, you’ll have spiritual freedom and liberation.  I think maybe God wanted me to give this message loudly.  

  3) Cain 

    (1) Followed the law- Individual’s diligence, standard 

    (2) Fruit offering (Gen. 4:3) 

In the Bible, there’s someone named Cain. He worshiped so diligently, but it wasn’t by God’s method, it wasn’t by the covenant. He gave worship to God with the produce he farmed, but that was not aligned with God.  There is no way to go before God without the blood sacrifice.  A fruit sacrifice is just thanksgiving, so he was living his walk of faith with diligence, but it failed.

    (3) Killed Abel (Gen. 4:8) 

Ultimately, he kills his brother Abel.  Always, the people with physical diligence look to the eyes as if they have success.  

    (4) Curses (Gen. 4:11), Separated from God (Gen. 4:14) 

However, in Gen. 4:11, Cain is afraid of being cursed by God, so he runs away from God. It’s not that he didn’t go to church or worship; he also worshiped, but it was not according to God’s promise. Participating in worship is not worship. We can only worship God through the Holy Spirit and through the words of truth through Jesus Christ, then your spirit will come to life. When the words of worship come into you, you will have true freedom from bondage. His brother Abel died, but it wasn’t really his death.  The covenant Abel held onto was relayed to Seth, the next born.

3. Only Gospel

Inside the church, there are people who don’t have gospel, they have “Only gospel.” Only when we have “only gospel” can we have true spiritual freedom.  This freedom is not the freedom that America talks about. It’s what Apostle Paul spoke about when he said, “Although I am hard pressed on all sides, it doesn’t matter to me.”  Stephen was killed, stoned to death, but he had the true freedom to pray for those who were stoning him.  Apostle Paul said, “Though I’m overturned, it doesn’t matter.”  Daniel’s three friends said, “We will not bow down to idols.”  Even though they were placed in a fire, it did not matter to them. It’s not that they went in because they wanted to avoid death; it’s because they overcame the problem.  

We overcome death because we have a spiritual, eternal life.  If you enjoy this, then you’re not afraid of death. We’re going to go to El Salvador, and there are many gangs there. There are even more wars now, and everyone avoids El Salvador, even pastors are telling me not to go.  Then, where should we go? Should we avoid places like that? We should not fear death, our lives are in God’s hands.  We have to actually believe that, if you don’t actually believe that, even though you’re a pastor, you’ll be afraid, and that’s why you’re afraid without money. That’s why you’re influenced when people say things to you. “I had a bad dream last night,” and that emotion moves you all day.  If someone says something to me, their words will bind me.  

  1) One who has freedom (Gal. 4:22)

Paul says, “I am someone with no name, yet I am famous.” That is true freedom.  Telling everyone to leave you alone is not true freedom.  Even if they do tell you what to do, having freedom in that is true freedom. Why do you keep fighting to have your words be heard? Because you think your words have to be respected for you to have freedom, but the Bible never says that. Even if you do lose, only the words of God are the true words.  The words of people have no influence. It doesn’t matter how wicked their words are, their words will return back to them. For us, it doesn’t matter if we hear those words.

God will be with me forever. If God is with me, why do I have to waver back and forth based on people’s words? In the Bible, it tells us we will have even more diseases like the COVID pandemic, and many people will leave the church. That’s normal because that’s what should happen for people who don’t have faith. That’s their level of faith so that’s all they can do.  This is not talking about whether or not they should come to church, I’m saying they will leave God’s Word entirely. Even in Revelation, those who have the words of Christ and proclaim the words of Christ have no problems because Christ is the true God.  

Even right now, God is controlling all creation with His Word, Hebrews 1:4.  Nothing else matters. In Phil. 4, Paul confesses, “I can do all things through Him Who gives me strength. “I can’t do this because I don’t have money,” then it is God’s will to not give you money, then.  God is alive and that happens because that’s the extent of the philosophy and ideologies with which you are living.  “I have conflicts with people,” you are holding onto something that leaves you no choice but to have conflicts.  You have to let go of that. Hold onto only Christ, then that will not matter. Even if you face a problem, it will not matter. Christ is not afflicted by problems. Christ gives you the problems, and within those problems, Christ gives you answers and blessings.  

Other people say it’s a crisis if they do not believe in Christ, but for people who have Christ within, why is this a crisis? It’s not a crisis; it’s a blessing.  “I am all alone?” No, God is with you.  That’s the freedom we’re talking about.  If you don’t know this freedom, then you keep trying to earn this freedom by fighting.  You have to keep looking down on and attacking people to make them acknowledge that your words are right in order for you to feel free, but that’s not the freedom Christ gave us.  The freedom of being with God.  The freedom where you can be content no matter what your circumstances are, in poverty or wealth.  That true freedom is bound to save America.

This true freedom can save your family.  Without this freedom, you will be bound by something.  Even right now, what are the thoughts you have?  You are bound to be seized by your thoughts. You are bound to live your week with those thoughts.  However, following those thoughts will tie you up.  You think this is your hope, but you’ll be bound by false hope.  That’s why people are bound by scars they received from people.

    (1) By a promise (Gal. 4:23) – Christ (Gal. 3:16)

People who have freedom are born according to God’s promise.  Abraham didn’t do something to be blessed.  He was blessed and righteous simply by believing in God’s promise.  “By your seed, all nations on earth will be blessed.”  Through Christ, all peoples on earth will be blessed. This is not an action but it comes by faith in God’s promise.  

    (2) Following the Holy Spirit (Gal. 4:29)

It happens by the actual working of God’s Holy Spirit.  You must not misunderstand your walk of faith.  People who have the nature of success and diligence may be at a loss.  That might be accepted by the world but that is your loss in your faith. Because God does the work. God does the work in our faith. I can study by myself, however, you will be seized by your studies. You can work as much as you want, but later on, your thoughts will be seized by your job, you will be seized by people, you’ll be seized by the environment of the pandemic, why is that?  It’s because the promise of God has disappeared for you.  

    (3) Grace, Faith (Eph. 2:8)

If you have the words of God’s promise, no matter what circumstance you face, the Word will be fulfilled.  We call that grace.  Worship is a place to receive God’s grace.  You never receive grace by your actions, but God gives you your grace by love.  Because I have God’s grace, I can start to believe. Our faith is not gained overnight; as we keep listening to God’s Word, we gain more faith. If you say, “No matter what, I cannot hear these words,” that’s not up to us, and I believe God will give you this grace through this worship.

I said this before, I’m not somebody who can believe. Just look at the way I look.  First of all, I’m always in fighting mode, I have to fight and win, no matter who I meet. I have to fight with my words and everything else, so I am seized by winning.  Maybe it would be great if I could win 100% of the time, but it doesn’t work like that.  I lose things I don’t want to lose, and I’m seized by my own thoughts.  You know there is always one child who is the first in their class, first in their school, or first in the nation. If this person falls to second place, they kill themselves, so there are people who are living, seized by being first place.  

There are many Korean politicians and presidents who kill themselves.  Do you know why? Those people are successful, so it’s different than people who commit suicide because they cannot make it in life.  It’s because they boasted all their life of how they lived righteously to the people, but one day, their scandals are revealed and they can’t handle the shame, so then they kill themselves.  So, there are presidents. There was a 3-star general in the military who committed suicide. All they had to do was go to prison, but they can’t stand the idea of being chained up.  That is the characteristic of elites. They create problems for themselves; and if things don’t go their own way, they kill themselves.

It’s possible to be like that even in the church. If things don’t go the way they want, they get angry.  Instead of just watching the way God works, they have their own thoughts and own way. They think it’s good but they’re actually seized by themselves.  

We have received not only the gospel, but we have received the only Gospel. You guys have heard about the gospel, but that’s not what the Bible tells about. It must be “only gospel.”  You might have the gospel, but if you mix it with other things you want, it will be hard.  It must be only gospel, only Christ.  That’s how you will find everything else within Christ.   If you are not able to receive the gospel as “only,” then you cannot handle problems.  Because you have to find all answers within only the gospel, but instead, you’re mixing it with other things, then you will find a solution to your problems with effort, but the Bible never says that. The Bible says everything is contained within only Christ. That must go into you to enjoy true freedom in only Christ. 

Everyone who goes to church will accept Jesus Christ and receive the cross, but that’s not what the Bible is talking about.  There is nothing other than Christ, wherever we live, every blessing is from Christ.  May that blessing be within you.  Then, everything will be resolved within Christ.  That’s why we pray in the name of Christ.  Within the name of Christ, curses, disasters, and Satan are broken down.  When we face problems and crises, there are people who turn that into a disaster and people who turn that into a blessing.  

  2) Those who receive the inheritance (Gal. 4:30, 4:7)

    (1) Blessing of the throne (Within me) – (Gen. 1:27, 2:7, 2:1-18)

These are the people who have the gospel, they have God’s inheritance. First, God’s image and God’s breath of life must be within me, not outside of me, but first within me. If a fish is in the water, it has freedom there.  But the moment a fish, no matter how strong it is, says, “I can live outside of water,” it will surely die. 

We need the spirit of only Christ within us.  We do not live by money and success, we live by only life in Christ. Does that mean we don’t have money or anything else? That is not within Christ. If the fish remains within the water, everything it needs to eat is in there.  But if it leaves the water, if it leaves the life, they may do other things but they will not know why they’re facing other problems. 

It is right for a bird to fly in the sky. If you cage the bird and lock it up, all problems begin from there.  Humans must live with God for our spirit to be alive.  If you live without God, with your abilities and standards, then you will have problems you cannot solve. The life of Christ within me, may you always enjoy that. With me forever, when you face a problem, even in the pandemic. Even when there is a war, Christ is with you. Even though someone says something to you, Christ is with you, and everything will come from there. 

    (2) Blessing of the throne (In the field) – (Ps. 103:20-22, Mt. 12:28, Ac. 2:1-47)

Then, Christ is established outside of you because the fields of your family, schools, and jobs are seized by something else.  Make it so that Christ is established there. That is the reason you study and work, that’s why you have freedom in your job.  That’s why you won’t avoid meeting people. I used to avoid people a lot. First of all, if I didn’t like their expression, I wouldn’t like talking to them because I also have a terrible expression, so if they’re also bad, I also avoid them. If they have a personality like my dad’s, I’d avoid them because I was so afflicted. I was seized by my own standard.  If there’s somebody in my graduating class who was weird and someone else was weird, I’d avoid them. “My boss at work was causing me so much stress, I even see him in my dreams.”  Because I was living with my own standards, I had no freedom.  That’s why I can only experience my own version of freedom if I went drinking after work to talk badly about this person.  I had to talk bad about them after a few drinks because I couldn’t do it in my normal state of mind.  So, all the stress I got during the working day, I’d go out and drink afterwards to try to relieve my own stress, why? Because everyone has their own standards and philosophies inside of them, but God didn’t create us to live with that; God created us to live with only Christ. If someone is acting meanly towards you, that person is very weak.  If they were strong, they could talk to you calmly, but because they are weak, they are expressing it in a mean way. If you put a dog and a lion against each other, the lion will stay still, but the dog will go crazy, it will be barking and peeing. It’s the same with people.  If someone has the true strength of life inside of them, they are very calm.  As evidence they don’t have that within them, they have to prove their worth with their own words, so they’re always saying mean words and very strong words.  

    (3) Me, my church, work (Ac. 13:22, Ps. 78:70-72)

If you guys have someone like this in your family or business, you have to just endure that, and that’s why the gospel, “That person is weak.”  If a dog is weak, it will continue to bark and make a big fuss.  If a gangster is really strong, they don’t have to fight; they can just say a word. They only have to shoot because their words have no power. Because they’re the weakest, they must always have a weapon or drugs with them.  Isn’t that right? What happens if you’re very strong? Then you’re very calm and confident, why? Because you’re not influenced. 

Have you seen a lion influenced by other things. Maybe if they’re put against each other, but they’re not influenced otherwise. If we have the life of Christ within us, then we have leisure, “Are we in the pandemic? I guess that’s the case, all you have to do is keep your mask on,” but there are some people making a big fuss about it. They haven’t overcome death yet.  It’s not even that there’s a problem in their business, they’re making a fuss because they think there may be a problem. Even if your child misses one problem on a test, you think they will fail.  It’s because of weakness, they have no confidence in how they are disciplined. If they have confidence, it’s okay.  We went to Navajo and there’s a lot of sunlight there, so you should wear long-sleeved clothes, but my daughter didn’t bring any long-sleeved clothes, and she only brought these tank tops and she says she likes it, so I said, “Do whatever you need to do, just remain within Christ.”  But there’s no such thing as “my standard,” with the way I was raised, telling her to do this or to do that, but if I don’t have confidence, then I will have to continuously intercede with my daughter. 

Because I’m weak, I think I have to keep saying strong, stinging words to them. If you really have confidence as an owner, you can be generous with your employees, it’s because you have something. What if you have nothing?  Then you have to criticize everyone with your words.  If you remain within the life of this covenant, every work I do has the blessing of uniqueness. If someone is nervous, they cannot even perform to their abilities.  If you’re working and meeting with people, just trying to survive with a fear of death, the power of God is not revealed. That’s not how humans are created to live.  We are created to live with the faith, the life of Christ inside of us, following God’s guidance. 

  3) Stand firm (Gal. 5:1)

    (1) Church – Only Gospel

    (2) Field – 70 disciples, 70 region

    (3) Future generation – 70 tribes, 70 nations

The reason I talk about this is because this is how I used to live. But now that I am within Christ, that disappears.  My family has bad digestion, even if they are a little stressed out, they get indigestion. That’s how stressed out we are.  If somebody says something to us, then we hold that grudge all our life. I remember everything you have said to me; that’s why, in the past, I would have died with those words.  But now, it becomes an instrument to understand the person’s spiritual state. You may not know this, but whatever you say to me, I might talk about it.  In the past, it was something that afflicted me, but now, it’s an instrument for me to understand the person’s spiritual state and help them. Therefore, the church must not have the gospel, it must have only the gospel. Because there’s nothing else; our lives come from within that.  Now, you guys must find disciples like yourselves in the fields.  Our future generations will raise up the 70 tribes and 70 nations.  Now, we are living as people who give freedom to the slaves in the fields of the world.  May you live this week as the true free person.


1.Only Gospel – Freedom

2. Power of Holy Spirit

3. Save the field that is enslaved 


Let us pray holding onto the Word God gave us, “God, allow me to enjoy true freedom through only Christ.”

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

Father God, we thank You.  Thank You for giving us not the gospel, but only the gospel.  We believe that true freedom is found in the gospel of only Jesus Christ. We pray You will raise us to be in the seat of the witness to enjoy and testify of the true freedom in only Christ, 24 hours.  We have returned Your material blessings as offering. We pray that You will bless each hand that gave this offering with the economy of light so that they can save the souls seized in the field. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  

Father God, we thank You. We pray that You will fulfill Your word and blessings upon the newcomer, and may You work upon them with the gospel.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the multiethnic people, and the remnants, who desire to enjoy true freedom in only Christ, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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