A Life within God’s Word

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

A Life within God’s Word

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

All our lives are within God’s Word.

Give worship properly.  It doesn’t matter how lacking we are; God has the power and God wants to bless you through worship. Your thoughts will change when God gives you grace. 

How did we receive salvation?  By God’s grace.  Without God’s grace, we cannot be saved. Joseph was in a difficult situation and he could not overcome without God’s grace.  For the remnants, God’s precious grace is upon us, so you have to have the blessing of concentrating on worship.

It’s hard to know right now, you may think you live according to your thoughts and abilities, but that’s not how it works. God is with the saved people of God.  Why do you think God is with you? Do you think God is with you so He can throw you away?  He is with you so that He can bless you and give you the strength to reveal God’s glory.  God blesses you and guides you so that you do not go down the wrong path. That’s how God finished all problems on the cross.  You must know these words well. What exactly did Jesus Christ resolve if I still have problems in my family at home? I think a lot of you have questions about this.

What is faith? You believe it has already been solved.  The meaning of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection must come to you. He died for my sins.  The curses and disasters go into your family because of that sin. Jesus Christ had victory over Satan. All problems in the world come from Satan and sin.  This digs into your thoughts.  That’s the problem Jesus finished.  Jesus finished that problem and is with me now, then what are the problems I face now?  They are problems that have been in progress for a long time, but are now revealed, but those problems are already finished because I’m dead to that problem.

I’m already dead to that problem; now I’m a new “me,” a new “me” who is with Christ, and within the problems, I see God being with me, then my problem is no longer my problem. Problems come into my life, but instead, I see the answer of God being with me. That’s why God gives you His grace and Word through worship.  If you keep discovering this, it is going to be fun. 

What happens if you don’t know this? You’re always going to be sucked into problems.  Then you’re going to go into a flow that is irrelevant to what Jesus did on the cross.  You have bad habits, right? Everybody has these bad habits, where do you think these things came from? These are habits that came from being separated from God, seized by Satan. 

That’s what Jesus finished on the cross. It is no longer mine. What is mine? Faith in being with Christ is mine.  If that comes into your heart, then I’m already dead on the cross. This is no longer mine; the only thing that is mine is the new thing of being with the Lord, and with that new faith, I rise up. That’s why I’m a new creation.

There’s something else that belongs to you, that isn’t yours.  Do you have your family problems? It’s possible, and they are long-standing problems. They didn’t come from out of nowhere, but they are finished on the cross.  Now I see what God is doing through the problem. The problem of my disease is finished on the cross.  If I don’t understand what that means, I’m dragged back into the disease.  The Lord took the disease on the cross, but why am I still diseased?  It is no longer mine, what’s mine is my life with Christ.  Why did God give me that disease? It’s not mine; God has His plan.

Deacon Ted was sick earlier and his face is a lot skinnier now, and his body was in pain, and it’s easy to get sucked into that because it’s my body, but Christ said He finished that on the cross. But you may think, “If it’s finished, it shouldn’t be coming to me.” If it’s finished, it means it’s irrelevant to me. What it means now is, what is God’s plan within this?  The disease is not mine. I may have this disease but it’s been finished and now I’m finding God’s plan, and when I receive answers, I’m happy.  I sent him a text yesterday, “We are praying for you,” and I hope that this opportunity becomes a chance for your son to listen to God’s Word.

We have to listen to God’s Word well through worship. My standard and level is based on whether things are getting better or not, if the problem is going away or not, but that’s not God’s standard.  There’s another plan of God, and if you find it, that’s yours. Did your son not come today?  What I told him is, “Through this opportunity, I hope you can bring your son to worship with you.” Until this point, he didn’t come to church, but now he has to, and you can say, “I need to worship; sit next to me and help me,” and through that, God’s grace will come upon both you and your son.

You need to look at God’s plan well, otherwise we’re always focused on, “I’m in so much pain, when will things get better?” God fulfills His plan through this. Try thinking based on this perspective. What is your problem? Is it really a problem? Think about it carefully. That problem is already finished.  It is not my problem, but God’s plan and answer are within this, that’s what’s mine. But if you go to church and you’re within this, you’re stuck with your problems and cannot save anyone else who faces problems.

The Bible tells us to love our brothers, but it’s impossible if we’re stuck in our problems from which we cannot escape.  But if I have this answer, I can give the answer to others with that problem.  Yes, sure, giving someone a piece of bread, that’s one form of love, but if you cannot liberate them from their problem, what kind of love is that? We help the other person so they can come out of their problem, too. They have their long-standing problem, so help them come out of that through prayer and the Word of God. That’s how you love your brother

Sure, we have our physical ways of expressing love as well, like giving pieces of bread to them, however, how am I really going to love and help the people in my church? This is how you love your brothers; it’s so important.  If you receive answers like this, you can save the world because this doesn’t come to you with your actions or effort; you receive the answers with faith.  This doesn’t mean you have to do something, but right now, at this time, receive the answer in faith. 

If there’s a lot of things going on in the church, whether it’s like this or that, it’s not a problem. Find the answer inside of this, and you need to help this other person so they do not fall into their problems.  If someone is drowning in a river, it doesn’t matter how many pastries you throw at them. Maybe they can survive in the river longer by eating a pastry, but they will suffer longer before dying; it doesn’t help them. You have to bring them out.

It doesn’t matter whether someone is right or wrong; save them from their problem. Help them through the Word of God and prayer. That’s how people will come to life. Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers. This is something Jewish people do well. Whenever a Jewish person travels somewhere, other Jews will invite them to stay with them. It’s like this even today. When the Jew comes over, they’re taken care of and fed.

They go to the person’s home and exchange information, because they share that religion.  Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, especially people who are proclaiming the gospel. Receive them.  Look at America, we are receiving refugees, that’s why God begins to work to maintain this.  The stronger a nation becomes, the more they have to receive other refugees.  Of course, in places like Europe, the refugees change the religious makeup.  In Europe, Christianity is being overwhelmed by Islam. They kept receiving refugees from Muslim nations and overwhelmed the Christian population. But we receive strangers as well as refugees in our walk of faith.

Always remember those who are suffering. They’re not just suffering, but they were imprisoned for proclaiming the gospel.  These people had to feed themselves in prison, but how?  Nowadays, the government will provide food, clothing, and everything, but they didn’t have this during biblical times, so it really meant to go to prison with them. By feeding and clothing the apostles, go with them, and save the people who are suffering for the sake of the gospel.

Marriage should be honored by all. Remnants, marriage is so precious.  It is something God made, but if you look down on marriage, that’s not right.  But if you fantasize about marriage like a paradise, that’s also fake.  Many kids nowadays think very lightly of marriage, there are kids who think marriage is just a way to make life easier for themselves.  Some people say, “I want to marry someone so I don’t have to be alone for the rest of my life,” and that might be right for them, but that’s not God’s plan.

Some people want to gain economic benefits by being married, but that’s also not right.  But through this marriage, the next generation is born, the blessing of the gospel being relayed to the next generation, that’s the family.  Sexual immorality and adultery destroy the family. There’s no standard for this, for premarital sex in America. “If I like them, I’ll do it with anybody,” and later on, that’s why families are destroyed. “I will do it with whomever I want.” Or they say, “I’m not going to be with anyone I don’t like.”

The marriage bed should be kept pure.  Now, even in Korea, people say, “We’ll try living together and then get married.” It’s like that in America, “You only know if you live together,” but even if you live together, you don’t know. That’s how you’re in the covenant, you marry without knowing it.  “If it works out, we’ll continue, but if it doesn’t, we’ll split up.” That’s how marriages fail. 

There is a tremendous blessing in the family, but the world doesn’t teach this to you. The world says to do whatever you want. That’s the goal of the devil, he destroys the family and makes it so that the next generation has no children, because if you don’t have children, the gospel isn’t relayed to the next generation.  Many people say to not marry, and the Bible says to not marry if you can.  But there’s an incredible blessing for the next generation.

Have many kids. People are not getting married in Korea because it’s expensive, and kids are expensive, so they should stay home and have a dog. If God allows you to get married, He will take responsibility for everything. If God gives you a baby, God enabled it and takes complete responsibility for it. But if you don’t believe in God, you’ll look from your standards, “It’s too expensive and takes too much money.”

In America, you can get married in an hour in Las Vegas, it’s legally possible.  But we’re marrying before God and recognized by many people, and we have to make an oath, putting our hands on the Bible, and we receive God’s Word of blessing, but there’s nothing like that in America.  “We went to Las Vegas to get married,” legally speaking, that’s no problem, but is American law the standard?  If you keep the law, it’s not necessarily right before God.  God created marriage and you must receive God’s Word and take that Word to make a family. 

But people haven’t learned this.  Because America’s culture emphasizes comfort and convenience, they move in that direction.  Remnants, if possible, get married, be fruitful and increase in number for world evangelization, but if you say you can’t, you’ll stumble.

Next, it says, “Do not love money.” Money is not the problem; your love of money is the problem.  Because you love money and not the brothers in church, you are not aligned with God.  But if you love the church and your brothers and then you run your business, the money will follow you.  But instead of that, you’re loving money for your own greed, your desire to be a rich person, but that is the root of all kinds of evil. 

People keep loving money, they don’t want to love the people in the church.  But they love their business so much because that’s how they accomplish their goals.  That’s how you study.  Why do you study? Even if you make money later on, it will be miserable. There must be a reason why you’re studying and making money.  IS it for your own greed or goal? No.  If that’s what you’re doing, you’re stabbing yourself because of your greed, that’s what we call idol worship.

We think we’re not worshiping idols, people go to church and still fall. In the Old Testament, the Israelites were destroyed based on whether they worship idols, and today, there’s something God is doing through e.  They just plan and draw out their own life. They study so hard and make so much, but that becomes your snare. You’re perished and destroyed, what do you do? It says God is with you, what does that mean? God takes hold of you so don’t be greedy. Do everything for God’s plan.

Then, should we stay like this? Should we be rich? Don’t try that, but if you become rich, it means God makes you rich. You are not doing something for yourself. That’s why I should naturally become wealthy, otherwise people who try will be miserable no matter what.  This is very realistic; you have to believe this no matter what.

Otherwise, you’ll not know what’s wrong, but the Bible tells us to be content with what we’ve been given. You may wish your parents were millionaires, then you could do whatever you want.  If you have so much money you’re always going somewhere else, you’ll stop coming to worship. Even if you worship, you can do whatever you want because you have a lot of money.  It’s gotten to a point where money is like a god, so people think money can get them whatever they want.  Then, why would you need God?

You wouldn’t need God, you would just need. What would you not be able to do? You cannot solve your inner problems with money. You can change your face and the whole house to make it better, if you have all the money you wanted, you can even change the law in court. We are content.  Now, it will be used for God’s Kingdom, missions, evangelism, and temple construction. That’s how you receive freedom.  Yes, to live in society, we studied the basic common sense, because if you cannot study, you cannot function in society.  I f you didn’t know the language, it would be hard to come.  What about everything else? We get more elevated we get a position.

Now, I study and make money for world evangelization, so God pours more to each person, because God will allow them to use it.  Are you poor?  Know that it’s enough, because inside of this is the grace of God being with you.  Joseph was a slave once upon a time and lacked so much. He  testified before Pharaoh. 

You guys need to keep worshiping while you study, that’s right, because your studies will be used for God’s Kingdom.  So, worship must become your main priority.  Everything exists, and we’re called to worship God, and God will keep giving you grace so your thoughts change through this.  For me, when I received salvation, my roots didn’t change very quickly, so even though I had salvation, where is God’s standard?  Later on, when I realized more of God’s Word, I received more freedom.

Then in Heb. 13:7, “Remember your leaders who spoke the Word of God to you.” It doesn’t mean to listen and obey to what they said exactly.  Imitate them. If you have a broken relationship, you cannot know God is invisible and works through the messenger with the Word, but if you don’t know the messenger. I hope you will maintain a good relationship with your teachers at church. It’s very important, because the teachers are always interested in what they learn. It’s the same with a job If you’re the one who is learning.

Jesus Christ is the same today, yesterday, and forever. Christ is the same. Before humans there was already a problem where an corrupted angel … Even before humans were corrupted and sinned, God provided from long ages past.  That’s why Christ is the same, in the past, today, and in the future. Now the gospel is revealed and I have salvation. Past, preset, and future.

We have to study with Christ, within Christ.  If it’s not for Christ, but you study and make money for yourself, you will fail. Understand that this is within God’s power, it’s possible you’re still sitting here blank minded, but that’s okay still.  Because we don’t receive anything with your actions, but with God’s time schedule. So when we worship, you must be excited for what kind of grace.

At that time, God gives a blessed time of evangelism. What blessing has God prepared?  We receive freedom from money.  But instead you fight and conflict with people.  Everywhere you go, you fight.  Why? Because you don’t have the strength to save. 

You may think, “it would be better if I could study well,” but you don’t have to. Go into God’s grace and pray.  Starting now, we’ll have the youth evangelism school, too.  I don’t know the exact logistics, but there is a blessing God has prepared for the para movement. It is God’s standard. Go there and receive new grace, but from your perspective, you’ll say you’re too busy and you’ll live at that level.

“I need to go on dates and do laundry during Young Adult,” But God has prepared grace so you can do all of this, and that’s how we’re changing our faith. May you challenge. This is how you and I keep getting upgraded.  By the grace of God, I keep breaking from my old frames. May you enjoy the gospel.


Father God, thank You.  Work upon the remnants to save the church and the field.  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

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