Life of the Evangelist – 25 Hours

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – 25 Hours

The core of the gospel is Evangelism. If you accept the gospel but don’t evangelize you’re missing the core and you’re self-centered. I received the gospel from someone, so I must also share. One who enjoys the gospel but does not evangelize is not someone who really loves the gospel. When you’re focused on yourself, focused inwardly on the church and the family, that goes against the Bible.

The Bible, the gospel, missions, and evangelism all go in the same direction, it’s God’s will. If you do not desire this, you’re not going after God’s will. People focus a lot on sanctification, irrespective of the people dying in the field. They only care about personal healing and sin. They think it’s about sanctifying their flesh.

Jesus Christ was a man without sin, and for us to live in God’s will, I must evangelize. Then, sanctification and healing must naturally follow. All churches believe they follow God’s will, which church would say that they don’t? All pastors say they follow the Word, but when we know the gospel, it must be the complete gospel. It is not about what we may or may not relay. Otherwise, I will be confused when things don’t work.

Only Christ

Only the gospel. Only Christ. Why? The problems of mankind (sin, Satan, and he’ll) cannot be overcome by anything else. Without this, people do not know where their problems come from. They’ll say Christ during Christmas, or talk about Jesus during Easter, or they’ll say it to new believers, and they think they’re moving according to God’s word, but it doesn’t work out.

Satan constantly deceives with self-centeredness, materialism, and success. It has become so deeply rooted inside of me, so we must quickly put this away. Not like a Buddhist because you won’t be able to, no matter how much you shave your head and meditate. It’s all rubbish as long as I’m still alive. I have to believe that my self-centeredness is dead on the cross.

Transcendental meditation is about trying to get rid of this, focusing on your breathing to abandon these things, but there is no Christ there, then demons will come to possess me. The deeper you go into this, the deeper the darkness. This is Matthew 12:43-45.

We have to throw ourselves away, focused on ourselves. I cannot exist on my own, I’m the creation who relies on something. That’s why demons world come to possess me. Martin Luther thought his sincere devotion and poverty would be enough, but it wasn’t. That’s why he concluded it was faith.

Even the Pope advocates walking on their knees up the stairs and being humble to get rid of these things. Monks will stay inside and not even lie down because their sins are like a mountain. How can you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit? You have to let go of yourself and hold onto the Word of Jesus Christ. Ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit, it’s simple because it is promised, and that is the content of prayer.

But you think there’s some strategy to this? Isn’t this how you live your life? You keep circling around even when the truth is in front of you. You need the gospel to have the filling of the Holy Spirit. Then, your faith will be the rock upon which God builds His church, and you receive answers to prayer. There’s no other strategy or program, but Jesus is the method. You just don’t believe it. Faith is the method.

God’s Kingdom

God rules over us with His Word, not legalistically. Why do people talk legalistically? Because they have no choice, they don’t have only Christ. The Word is the Word, but they have to add mysticism and prosperity because it’s not only Christ. Christ is the King who rules with His Word.

If not, I’m still my own king and master. This isn’t the kingdom of God, it’s Satan’s kingdom, so I lose hold of all the important words.


What is my God-given mission? It’s according to the Word. If you don’t have only Jesus Christ, can you have the Word? It must be only Jesus Christ for you to receive and follow the Word.

Only the Holy Spirit

Before, I just have a vague understanding of Jesus Christ and receive the Word haphazardly, so it’s not the Holy Spirit working, but Satan is working. I must believe in the Triune God. If this isn’t working out, then the rest of the Evangelist lifestyle will not work out either.

In your family, see the problems of sin, Satan, and separation. Someone confessed, “I see the Word being fulfilled, but the Word doesn’t align with me. I have to see disasters in the field for it to be real.” Everyone has a family and we lived in that family, do you still consider your family problems as problems, or did you discover an answer? Without only Christ, the problems remain as problems, then it will be difficult.

Only Christ means, as you look at your parents and yourself, you see these three fundamental problems. My parents have these problems, I have these problems, so then I realize I need Christ. Why did God give those problems to my family? To discover only Jesus Christ in the family means you have found your heavenly mandate. Otherwise, your life is twisted and complicated.

You want to change your family? You don’t know the real problem and you’re looking for the wrong answers. The family is an excellent field where you can find only Christ. If your child cannot realize this, they will suffer. When they get married, they haven’t solved the fundamental problems, so the problems continue unrelentingly. The sin of having left God, Satan, my state of separation from God will always be there. When you understand this, you will understand why you need only God’s Words and nothing else.

Because people aren’t holding onto only Christ, people go after others and steal from others. They live simple lives but it’s so complicated. They have to cover up things. They get talismans with special and complicated words. But that’s what spiritual problems are like. That’s why it can’t be anything else except Christ.

Heavenly mandate, calling, mission; rightful, necessary, absolute

Then, you can discover your heavenly mandate, and your family will be your stepping stone. If your parents have spiritual problems, passing on the knowledge of how to succeed, later on it will backfire, “What have you done for me?”

Calling, my mission right now, and the mission for the rest of my life. It’s rightful, I must enjoy it. What is within me must come out, you can’t deceive yourself. If you take a photo, it’s gonna to be what it is. Within all the problems, find God’s absolute plan. Not with your words, but God’s Words. Your words come back to haunt you.

One Heart, Whole Heart, Continuation; Only, Uniqueness, Recreation, 24 hours

God is with me through the Word for 24 hours. Jesus isn’t a robot, people are assured that God is with them and God is alive, but how? God is giving us His Word to be with us. Then, everything becomes one with God’s Word, but if I’m wrong from the beginning, nothing works out.

25 hours (Romans 16:26)

I hold onto God’s time schedule when God works. Otherwise, I’m impatiently waiting for God to work. But it’s now revealed in Romans 16:26. The gospel that was once hidden is now revealed. The evidence is revealed according to God’s needs. I received the blessing of meeting to convey the Word, or if the door doesn’t open, it’s okay.

If I pray for my work with 25 hour prayer, waking up in the morning to establish this attitude while holding onto the pulpit, everything becomes one with God’s Word. People with mental problems cannot do this, how could you heal depression? You’re feeling depressed. Healing only occurs when everything is aligned with God’s Word. Some do it with exercise, matching the spiritual with the physical. As I exercise, I unite my body and mind with God’s Word. This is concentration.

People can’t do this very long, but they can concentrate on a game for a long time. It’s not a concentration to better yourself, but it spoils you as an obsession. You concentrate on bad things. How can you change? By nagging? Maybe, but they will gravitate towards something else.

Alcoholics find some other addiction. Workaholics must work and cannot rest. It is an illness. They can’t focus on the Word, but they focus on work. Healing must come. This isn’t something you can understand with your head. It’s about my spiritual state.

I received grace from Early morning prayer and the worship, so I gained strength and enjoyed it. I listened to the messages and realized what concentration is. It’s harder to concentrate in LA, but it’s the same. I pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit and listen to the message in the car. Without this, you cannot do ministry. Even if you have all this training, you have no power or authority.

You have to spiritually find a way to survive on your own. I was so busy, then what’s going to happen? Without anything, I had to make something. How can you work without strength? Maybe you can do your business, but you have no influence. What kind of business is that? Your spiritual state will still be weak. People are floundering.

Independence, survive where there is nobody. You must realistically have this. Without this, how do people get married and raise kids? As more time passes, they lose strength and blame others, and they misunderstand and get scarred. They don’t know they’re dying. Every day, 24 hours, it’s so important.

For me, it’s all the same because God is the same. It doesn’t matter where I am, but God is with me wherever I go. Even though God is with me, if I don’t hold onto the Word, then God is with me in a limited way. God is the same. I am with God in the exact same way, all the time.

People will be curious about this. Joseph went as a slave or prisoner, it’s the same. There may be physical discomfort and hardship, but God was with him in those places. Without holding onto this, you can’t convey this. Experience 25 hours.

1 Corinthians 3:16.

You are God’s temple and this is the kingdom of God. When I did not know worship, I picked the messages that I thought would strengthen me, but I missed the real Word, so I sometimes would receive grace, sometimes not. If these words don’t come to you as a message, it’s not gonna work out. I listen to all the messages, nobody listens to more messages than me. But while I listen to those messages, I ask God for the message to relay to the church in America at this time.

I must keep questioning, “What is God’s message?” I could put together messages piecemeal but actually I want to find the complete message that God desires to give at this time. You cannot take messages lightly, it’s not something you can do lightly. After doing this, I keep asking continuously. I always pray for God to work while holding onto the Word. “Give the message You want to give.”

John 14:16-17

The Spirit of Truth will be with you forever, proclaiming the Word. Receiving and following this is what it means for Jesus Christ to be your master. It is not difficult. Listen and take notes until you know what God wants for you. “Give me the Word You want me to hold onto,” then with that Word and the prayer journal message, start your day. Then it persists throughout the week.

All day, live according that Word. Some days, you don’t have time for prayer journal, then just live according to the Pulpit. You will find that it’s not easy, and that’s your spiritual state, but the more you do this, you will change and see your problems as opportunities, you will be with God through the Word and see that works are happening. All you’re doing is confirming that God is working 24 hours. You need to have assurance. Discard causality as it makes you lose hold of the Word.


God, thank you. May the 21 lifestyles be our own, and may our lives be the lives of evangelists who will save the 237 nations. In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, amen.

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