[Field Message #6] Prayers that Receive Answers (Matthew 6:1-15)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

[Field Message #6] Prayers that Receive Answers (Matthew 6:1-15)

There are some situations where Christian pray but they don’t receive answers. If you look in the Bible, everyone receives answers.
Introduction – Prayer
Prayer is different than the prayer that you want because you want to pray about the same things as unbelievers, because everything you pray about is beginning from the point of being separated from God. I don’t believe, but I need to change myself, I need to change my thoughts and my values system. You need to change your thoughts to the Word of God, and then I will receive answers 100%, so I hope that you’re able to enjoy the blessings of God who answers prayer.

  1. What happens when you pray?
    1) Luke 11:13 (Holy Spirit)
    If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. So when you pray, the Holy Spirit works. If you’re a child of God, then what happens? The Holy Spirit is working on you, and the Holy Spirit is perfect because He’s the spirit of God, and you must believe that. If you don’t believe that, then you lose your reason to pray to motivation to pray.
    2) Exodus 32:32 Sin
    Regarding intercessory prayer.
    3) Matthew 12:28-29
    You need to bind the strong man first to get the position, you must bind the forces of darkness. Because this is not taking place it can come out to the field, but if you pray and receive answers, because you don’t believe it, whenever you pray, you pray for worldly things that aren’t answers: food, money, doing some stuff, and you pray for everything you shouldn’t care about. People like this don’t have answers, and they keep on losing strength.
    4) Acts 2:1-13
    I hope you become more normal.
    5) Acts 12:1-10
    Simon Peter was locked in prison, to he needed the doors to open up. The members of the Early Church prayed for something like this to happen, because God envisioned it, but he was in a situation where he was to be executed, but Members of the Early Church prayed for Peter and he was able to receive answer. You need to pray, and you need faith. Even though you want to know something that you need to know, because you don’t have the evidence of a witness to know, you have nothing, so you have to believe in yourself. That’s a measure of the frame of unbelievers. That’s the reason that you live to elevate yourself to get achievements, but when they die, they’re always regretful.

In the LORD’s prayer, what are we taught not to pray for, and why?

  1. The faith of those who pray
    1) Correct understanding of God – “Our Father in Heaven”
    2) Knowledge of the power of Jesus’ name – “Hallowed be Your name”
    3) Requisite of those who pray – “Our Father”
    Because He is all powerful doesn’t mean that He’s going to answer. You have to be His child. A parent needs to answer their child’s prayer first and foremost, so you need to be a child of God. I told someone, he was healed from a disease from earlier, but his children believed that he gave himself the disease, he didn’t even believe it either. Do you want answers? You must first become a child of God. First you must be a child of God in order for God to answer your prayers, so the most important thing is to know the cause, then to be controlled to receive answers to prayers. There’s someone who believes but their friends are unbelievers so I told the believer, “You need to pray and order for you to pray, you need to become a child of God because God answers His children.

A member of the church came and asked, “Please, my dog is about to die, please pray for my dog,” and the person is conflicted. A dog has no soul but a person who loves the dog will cry so much. If your dog is sick leave it alone to die. Just take it to the hospital or just leave it to die. Only the children of God has the blessings of answers.

  1. The attitude of those who pray (content)
    What is the content that you need to pray with? This is very important and if there are any of you who think your prayers are not being answered, you need to listen. If you do exactly this, then it will be the answer. It’s just God’s Word, it’s a promise, so I hope that you will hold onto God’s word. The first thing is, you need to know what is the gospel. The one who knows the gospel. What does it mean to know the gospel? Don’t you think you know what is not good? The true type of prayer is to establish the kingdom of God, and the next thing you need to pray for is God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

1) A person who knows the Gospel (Your kingdom come)
2) A person who seeks after God’s will (Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven)
3) A person who entrusts his life to God (Give us this day our daily bread)
If you’re someone who likes living in your own will, that’s why you don’t get answers. Let go of your will, you need to let go of yourself because just like those praying for God’s will, you need to let go of that to receive answers. Things are not supposed to go according to our will.

There’s two types of people: those who receive answers, and other people who fall right into this answer and suffer, isn’t that right? Just two types of people. Imagine what would you choose, the people who help you to have faith and see the importance of opportunity? Because of those who have faith and the Word of God, they receive answers because they’re going according to God’s will. This is very important. We need to give our entire life to God and we need to see God’s Word. God needs to give His words to for us to follow, so we receive God’s word for everything on Sunday. But then they don’t live their life based on that; rather, it’s on all the clothes, where they walk, and work. So whether I receive grace or not, this is the word that we need to find, the word on Sunday.

If you don’t receive the answer from the Sunday message, your friends can be difficult for you, isn’t it so? The only difference is going from your standards, so you just let go of all of that. “God give me Your Word,” He knows all your circumstances, so there’s no need to doubt it. If I want to receive the word of God, it’s possible to receive this. That’s something you need to every day. The Holy Spirit is working on you according to the word that He gives you. He works every single day to remind you that you have the word from Sunday, and He wants you to be with Him, too.

So you keep losing your faith. Don’t fall into problems. When You face a curse, ask why. God has already given you His word, and you have to go with that Word. You should never ever take the wrong walk of faith. People don’t have the attitude to receive answers, that’s why worship is so important and that is why you pray for this through the Lord to get the Word of God. “God give me the words,” and you hold on to His Word and you dream according to God’s Word. You need to keep thinking about this kind of prayer.

Are you serious? Instead of focusing on the Word, people like you divorce. God already knows everything, He knows what you need, so just pray accordingly. I’m repeating this from Wednesday worship because I see that almost everybody is not doing this, and no matter what you’re trying to do, your face will be very dark in the field. It doesn’t matter what you do previously. Do the work that God gave you in the world. “I’ll stake my life,” and there’s many different ways your life must follow the word of God, but instead of doing that, you just go back listen comforting words.
4) A person who understands that he himself has received the forgiveness of his sins, and in turn, forgives others
5) A person who realizes what temptation is
6) A person who knows Satan’s authority
There’s many people who don’t come to church because they’re not able to overcome these temptations. They hate one person, but don’t fail the test from the evil one. Satan, the devil, has power, so if you believe, you will pray that God may deliver us from the evil one.
7) A person who does not seek after his own glory and desires
Seek first the glory of the kingdom and His righteousness. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and glory. you forget that you always pray like this because God promised us this.

  1. Three things that must be done first
    1) Matthew 5:24
    If that doesn’t work, you’re not going to be victorious and worship. Even though you give your worship, the spirit of God won’t go upon you. God is waiting until you give in. If I want to not believe it, you’ll never be victorious. People get angry and it’s just a repetitive cycle, you’re going to be angry, then when you go to the field you could be fighting more. It’s a cycle that repeats.
    2) Matthew 6:33
    First seek His Kingdom and His righteousness, and the heavenly father who knows all things will give you everything else that you need. Righteousness is Jesus Christ.
    3) Matthew 7:1-5
    If you want to judge or criticize someone else, then that pretty much means that you want to get judged. That’s why the church is no place for you come. If you go to church and then go to another one, “You’re like this or you’re like that,” then when time passes, you’re going to receive the judgment. This is what we call conflict, the work of the devil. But that’s why we need Jesus Christ. No one actually can be clean enough to judge others.

With the Word that God is giving you today, get rid of everything that causes you to lose hold of God’s Word.

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