Basic Camp Training – [With]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Basic Camp Training – [With]

Why do we tremble? We aren’t holding onto only Christ; we’re holding onto something else.  May you go into the Mount of Transfiguration, the Camp Training where “Only” will take place.

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Lois Ahn

You might not hear the term “Camp Training” very often in the Bible, but it means we’re together with Jesus, like the disciples who ate with Him. The words “Camp Training” might not show up in the Bible, but the Bible describes the disciples being with Jesus. What did they do together?

We’re not just thinking about God being with us, but what did God do with us? Jesus went into the field with the disciples. They were not at home on their tables, researching the Bible, but they were with Him in the field. So, the very first people Jesus meets are the fishermen.

  1. Matthew 4:19 Fishermen. God did not look for those who were partying, but he went to the field to the workers. Many people think, “If I follow Jesus, I can get into Harvard and be successful in my life,” but He says, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.
  2. Matthew 5-12 (Heart) Mourn. People follow Jesus for worldly blessings, but He says those who are meek in heart are blessed. Many people think being strong in heart is a blessing, but Jesus tells them that those who are meek and have a heart of devotion are blessed. It’s not about having a passionate heart, but it’s those who mourn when looking at the field.

Matthew 6 Prayer. Here, Jesus talks about prayer. Even birds don’t pray about food, so He taught them about prayer. Even today, believers pray as if they’re unbelievers, and you should enjoy being with God, but you can’t enjoy that.

Matthew 7 Judgment. This is the field of those who wanted to believe in Jesus. If you have a plank in your eye, don’t look for the speck in your brother’s eye.

  1. Matthew 10 Field. He sends them out to the field and they have forum, “I saw Satan fall like lightning,” so Jesus shows them the field and tells them to be happy that their names are written in the book of heaven. You have to accurately see what is in the field.
  2. Matthew 13 (Faith). What is the Kingdom of Heaven? If you have a buried treasure, the land may just seem like land, but it contains a tremendous treasure. If you don’t understand what Heaven is, you’ll just live your life like everyone else, and then you’ll go to heaven. All treasures are hidden there.
  3. Matthew 14. John the Baptist dies, and we may die for the gospel. We don’t have faith so that we can live, but we die. John the Baptist proclaimed about Jesus but he died, and this may happen to you. When the disciples follow Jesus, they want to live, but Jesus says they will die,
  4. Matthew 16.
  5. “Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” How did they make this confession? They went through this process, so when we come to church, we may hear this confession, but why doesn’t it take place for me? Because you need this process before that. But this confession comes with a promise, that you will become a rock or platform that doesn’t shake. To build the church means that you will be used for world evangelization, and the forces of darkness are broken down, and you will be given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Main – Mount of Transfiguration

  1. Matthew 17:1-9
    1) Renewal
    2) Thought, Ideology, Mystics, Law + Gospel. I told the first generation laypeople that they have this ideology. I don’t know anyone’s personal lives, but simply put, there’s always a reason why you’d come to America, and it’s not Christ. They have that, but they don’t even know about it. That’s what it means to let go of everything else and to hold onto only Christ. When people fight, they don’t hold onto the gospel, but they’re holding onto something else. Can you save people with the law or with mystical experiences? You can only save people with only Christ, and that’s the only way for the church to life.
    3) Other Things, Unnecessary. Why do we tremble? We aren’t holding onto only Christ; we’re holding onto something else. May you go into the Mount of Transfiguration, the Camp Training where “Only” will take place. This could be a Camp Training, and it’s about concentration. Just like David said, “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.” That’s how you can save America, not by living a long time, but you go into the flow of the culture of the world. Only Christ is needed, that’s when the forces of darkness are broken down. This is the Camp Training of the Mount of Transfiguration. During this time, may you really understand your standards and where you are spiritually.
  2. Matthew 28:1-20 Mount Calvary
    1) Resurrection. Jesus’ disciples saw Jesus resurrect from the dead, and when they saw Him, they believed in their own resurrection, so the disciples did not fear death. Panic disorders. Where do they come from? It’s a disorder of fear and failure, so this message must come into them. It’s okay, even if you fail multiple times, but you live your life as a slave of Satan because you’re a slave to failure. Right now, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is within us.
    2) Evidence, Authority, Discipleship, Established in the Church, Entire World, With. When you come to church or training to receive this new answer, then no matter how much time you spend, it will be a benefit to you. If you go out on Saturday, you might be influenced by the things of the world, so you have to end it with Jesus Christ. The authority of heaven and earth is with me, so it’s okay if I don’t have any strength. The one with all authority is with me. If this entire message is not with me, I will shake. Camp Training means concentration, and what must come in? It’s what God has given and promised to us.
  3. Healing Camp Training.
    1) John 21:15-18, Love, Mission. Peter ran away when Jesus was crucified, so he wasn’t in a state where he could worship. Knowing this, Jesus goes to Peter and gives him a mission. If things are taking place, it means you have the mission within you. Without that mission, God cannot work, and God works upon those who have the mission from God. In all things, you have to have a mission because you’re going to do what God has given to you. You have a reason to live. David said, “Why do I need any other reason?” He had the mission to break down the Philistines. What mission do you have? Why do you do your work? Why do you live in your region? If you don’t hold onto God’s mission, you’ll hold onto unbeliever’s missions, which is based on myself and material success. It’s bound to fail, but from the moment we’re born, we have that mission. That’s why you need to receive your mission from Jesus.
  4. Mount of Olives. So, He has come as a man, but He has died and resurrected, and He is God, so it is over. You see God before you. With God before you, there’s no such thing as me-centeredness, material-centeredness, or success-centeredness. God is with me so I don’t have to hold onto worldly things. The Kingdom of God, God’s Throne in heaven, and the armies of angels who do God’s work and break the background of hell, the devil and Satan. The Kingdom of God, the Throne of God, the army of angels, then Satan, evil spirits. If you don’t know about the spiritual things and the Kingdom of God, you won’t know what is evil or good, so before He leaves, He talks about the Kingdom of God, and if you don’t have this message, you’ll live your entire life for the kingdom of Satan.

When you know this, wherever you go, the kingdom of Satan is broken down and Satan knows that. America has a lot of great physical things, and everyone lines up to listen to that, but they get confused. It’s a place where the message is very profound and amazing, but you can’t know about the Kingdom of God from it. The physical things are so profound in this nation, you can’t see the spiritual background, so that’s Satan working through the powerful nation. Babylon was a powerful nation, and because the Israelites did not know the Kingdom of God, they followed Babylon’s flow. When you see that nation, they receive blessings from idol worship, but because the Israelites don’t understand the Kingdom of God, they line up for those things. It’s the same for powerful nations.

Without knowing the Kingdom of God, you’ll be attacked by the kingdom of Satan. The reason why churches are closing, do you think God is doing that? Because they don’t know the Kingdom of God, Satan is breaking it down. For churches to close means that the families in that region are being broken as well, so the generation of children are also breaking down. Broken families result in a broken society, so that is why Jesus, after resurrecting, spoke about the Kingdom of God for 40 days on the Mount of Olives. Then, He gives them the mission to raise the Kingdom of God. Why do Young Adults work? To live and eat? God takes care of you. Do you work so that you can fulfill the Kingdom of God? Or is it just to eat? That’s why Matthew 6 talks about praying for the Kingdom of God. You live and eat for God’s Kingdom.

Many young adults have become jobless during the Pandemic, so this is God’s sign for you to come to receive training. He’s preparing you spiritually, and when you go out into the field, you prepare yourselves to take over the field. It’s not a simple thing. When you’re fired, how could you save that business? When you don’t want to be fired, you must do the work that that business requires you to do. You have to be a big benefit to the business, so you need to save the work you’re doing. Why? Because with that tool, you save the field spiritually. Think of two things. Business is very hard, either you don’t have a mission and then it’s naturally hard, just like eating or living. Do it accurately. Any work you do must begin from the lowest place, move from the bottom up.

  1. Mark’s Upper Room Camp Training.
    1) When does the filling of the Holy Spirit happen? When you ask for it?
    (1) Joel 2:17, God promised He would give it to us, so it will happen.
    (2) Zechariah 4:6. Until now, you only know about the filling of the Holy Spirit because you come to church, but have you received it? When you have the filling of the Holy Spirit, even if you don’t have strength, you’re okay because you have the strength of God. We may know the term without realistically understanding why we need it, so we cannot win against those filled with the spirit of darkness. At the end, Jesus helped them to do the Mark’s Upper Room Camp Training.
    (3) Acts 1:8. Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you will you receive power. It’s okay if you’re weak, it doesn’t matter how old you are because in Joel, old men will receive visions and young men will dream dreams. The greatest goal of this camp training is the filling of the Holy Spirit. When this begins to come true in your life, you receive the power of the Holy Spirit to save the field. When you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, everything comes into your life. Do you have the time for this to happen? No, because you don’t hold onto the message. The filling of the Holy Spirit is the filling of the Word of God. It’s not incorrect, but there are different meanings there. The Word of God comes to those who will save those dying in the field, “So how can I live and receive strength to overcome the forces of darkness? This is the filling of the Holy Spirit, and you need this every day. For those who have this, in Camp Training, they begin to have the blessings of meetings.

What’s important is for you to confirm where you are in this biblical timeline. If you don’t know this at all, you’re just running after death. Later on, you’ll have all this destruction come to you At some point, ask, “Why do I go to church?” Even if you go to church, you don’t have the confession of faith in your heart.

Jesus Christ – Living Water

Filling of the Holy Spirit, Prayer ) Faith

How do you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit? You know “filling,” what are you filled with? Not filled with fury, greed, or being dumbfounded, but be filled with the Holy Spirit. What fills you? The spirit of the Triune God, who is with me in spirit. Proclaiming the word and filling are different. You have to realistically enjoy the power of the Holy Spirit, but because you don’t have this, you’re afraid and fighting. When it happens, there’s no words to describe it, and there’s no reason to talk about other things. But right now, do you still not understand what I’m saying?

Close your eyes and go into the mode of being one with God. Some people with eyes closed will think about other things, but think about the Word of God. You have to have a time of meditation, thinking about the Word of God you received from the pulpit message. When that works and you pray, “Lord, fill me with your Holy Spirit, and as you do this every morning and night, the Holy Spirit will work every day. But people can’t do this, even when they go into the field and have strength? You can’t save with your own strength; you save with the power of God.

Every Monday I go to the beach, and I do deep breathing for a few hours, and my skin becomes tanned, and when I swim in the ocean, my health is restored. I’ve done this every week for a year. I have my alone quiet time, I listen to the message and hold onto the Word as I do deep breathing. You know, we’ve had the California fires recently, but I couldn’t tell because the air quality is great at the beach. You need to have this Camp Training,

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