Integrated Camp Training Lecture 2 – Team Camp Training – Absolute Meeting in the Bible

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Integrated Camp Training Lecture 2 – Team Camp Training – Absolute Meeting in the Bible

If you properly know Team Camp Training and Basic Camp Training, your life will change. This is talking about the absolute meeting in the Bible. If you’re really inside the gospel and know God’s absolute plan, then you don’t even have to say, “Answers come,” or “Answers don’t come.”

Speaker Rev. Ryu Kwang Su | Interpreter Missionary Esther Chang

Because the school was in a very bad region, the kids were like bullies and problem children, and the majority of the students would be doing things secretly and also causing accidents. It’s a very dangerous region, so you could say that there wasn’t one proper student, but from there, there were three kinds of people. The principal and majority of the teachers would go around and chastise the kids so they wouldn’t do bad things, and by doing that, they were able to lessen the problems; however, there would be even more hidden problems and kids don’t like those kinds of things because the teachers think the kids are bad.

There was another teacher who took all the problem kids and tried to fix those problems, “There’s something wrong with these kids,” running around and saying, “There’s something wrong with these kids,” and by doing that, the teacher was able to block some problems, but the more serious problems continued to grow. Then one male teacher came to that school and stood at the side of the kids and began to speak from the position of the kids, “Even though the kids did something wrong,” and he began to revive those kids. He took their side and continued to help those kids, so they wouldn’t go down the dangerous paths, and all the teachers thought that student was crazy, “He’s doing the same things the bad kids are doing,” but that wasn’t it. The teacher never spoke about the students’ problems, and he did whatever he could to correct those flaws.

Ultimately, those students formed this choir centered on this teacher, and the other teachers criticized this as well. He took his own time to teach music to these kids, and ultimately, they began to show their true skill, and these kids went onto a national competition. At that time, the principal had no choice but to participate, why? Because he had to save face for the school, so putting aside all the outstanding schools, they won and those kids began to change. The kids began to hold onto the teacher and seriously talk about the things that were wrong in their lives. It’s this kind of movie, it explains many things to us.

What does it mean to be a Christian? They are the people whom God has planted in this world, that God has commissioned them into this world. In one sense, we have been left behind in this difficult field, and in one sense, we have been hidden here. In another sense, we are sojourners here. In one sense, we are scattered, or those who remain. Now, there are many theologians who abuse these words. The saved within this world are those who remain. The hidden ones who must serve in this world are those who remain. We call them the “Remnant.”

Now, we need to properly train these remnants. In order to train them, first, we have to help them to bring together their hearts and their minds. We call that “Unity.” And we must plant in the proper content, “Training,” where? In every field. That’s the RUTC. This may seem like a word that I formed, but it’s not; it’s a summary of the Bible. Then, where does camp training fit into this? It’s associated with this, “Unity.” First of all, you’re helping them to concentrate, to gather together their hearts, their life, and everything. If that is so, then there are various types of camp training. Yesterday, we spoke about the basic camp training.

Eternal – With (Absolute Plan)
When you ask, “What is basic camp training?” It is “with,” God’s eternal interest. When you realize that, it’s not only that you realize that you only need Christ and nothing else, but you realize that Christ becomes the point for saving everything else. The people in this world become greedy over all the things of the world, and then they lose hold of the important things. But if you look at the stream of the Bible, all the remnants and all the other individuals say, “We don’t need anything else,” and yet they were able to save everything. We’re talking about that, “with.” Then what must we do?

Then we must absolutely see those five basic camp trainings, what is that? That was the Mount of Transfiguration, and at the Mount of Transfiguration Camp Training, they were able to discard the things they were supposed to discard. Then after that, there was the Mount Calvary Camp Training. There, they were able to confirm the most important things. Then what? Jesus sought out Peter who ran away. It really was Galilee Camp Training, and there, Jesus spoke about what they needed to realize, what they need to restore. Then at the Mount of Olives Camp Training, He showed them what they need to see, and then the Mark’s Upper Room Camp Training, and there, He made them experience what they absolutely needed to have. Now, what’s the issue? It won’t work with anything else, but as you proceed within this, God will take care of everything else.

Real believers don’t even fear disease; they don’t even fear death. They don’t have anxieties and fear the things of the future, and the reason is because they’re within God’s eternal interest. This is Camp training.

Greatest – Immanuel (Absolute Covenant)
Then what is Team Camp training? It’s God’s greatest interest, it’s meetings, isn’t that so? Everything takes place through meetings. Think about it, no matter how much you try to have this, if you don’t have any meetings, it’s the same thing as not doing anything. Here, the words may seem very similar, but we’re enjoying the blessing of Immanuel.

In our first point, we find God’s absolute plan regarding ourselves. If we’re able to find the absolute plan regarding ourselves, then we’ve found everything. Then in our Team Camp Training, it’s about the Absolute Covenant. What is the specialized camp training we’ll talk about tomorrow? First is the basic camp training and today we’re talking about team camp training. Even if you’re not going to evangelize, if you’re going to live in this world, you need to know this. Even if you’re running your business, you need to do it this way. Even if you’re just studying, you need to do it this way, so it’s very important. Then what is specialized camp training? What is field camp training? That’s what comes after team camp training.

Greatest – Oneness
It is “oneness,” which is God’s greatest interest. So, this is field camp training. How are we going to proceed with that? Listen to the lectures, then what comes out is specialized camp training. What is specialized camp training?

Utmost – OURS (only, uniqueness, and recreation system)
It is God’s utmost concern. These people had a system of only, uniqueness, and recreation. How did they do this camp training? We’re going to look at that on the last day. So, we’ve got four lectures, and then there is evangelism camp training you receive in Deokpyong. What is that? If this is so, then what is my evangelism and my gospel?

My Gospel – My Evangelism
Coming to this conclusion is evangelism camp training. Why do we receive the 237 training?

24 – All-In
Our 237, we are finding what we can put our all into, 24 hours a day. Does it mean we shouldn’t do anything else? No, not at all. It has to be a person who does music 24 hours a day to be a musician. A person who is into Christ 24 hours a day is a Christian. That’s what I’m talking about. Think about it, a painter doesn’t paint 24 hours a day without eating, that’s not what I’m saying. You have to be all-in in order to go all out; only then can all change follow. This is everything regarding camp training. Through this opportunity, we have this integrated camp training, and I believe this to be a very good opportunity. Honestly, more than calling this “Training,” it is our entire life. If that is so, how can we enjoy the blessing of Team Camp Training that is in the Bible? So, this is very important. Do not lose hold of this.

Introduction – Uppermost Concern “Contents”

We realize that everything takes place through our meetings, and God’s uppermost concern is here. What is that? God’s greatest interest lies in everyone, but his uppermost concern lies where? It’s those who have the content of evangelism and the gospel, isn’t that so? Let me give an example through the seven remnants.

  1. Seven Remnants. So, on your own, through this camp training, you have to organize your content for evangelism and the gospel. What happens when you focus on that 24 hours a day? Then, even though you possess everything, you lack this one thing, then that means you’re not interested in God’s utmost interest. Then you say, “I’m not able to serve the church and live my walk of faith,” then it’s all in vain. Joseph had family hardships but he realistically had this content; he had this content, and that’s why everything changed into answers. Even when he went into prison, even when he went as a slave, even when he went into the palace, everything was an answer. So look at this, an unbelieving Potiphar said, “The LORD is with you in all things,” that’s what happens when you have the content.

Media is not the thing; media will continue to exist, but the content is the issue. The gospel is complete and perfect, but if you don’t have any gospel content, that means you’re losing hold of everything. Even if you just slightly hold to this, the works will take place. I remember saying this several times before, the owner of one of the largest hospitals in Taiwan, he’s very old, but he came to camp training, and being a very successful individual, he was a little different from everyone else. He came together with his wife and he came to greet me, and after greeting me, he said he came to receive first level camp training, and his wife was saying things, but he kept poking his wife, “Don’t say anything.” Because I couldn’t understand what they were saying, I asked the interpreter, and she said, “He’s telling his wife not to say so many things because the pastor is tired,” and even though he was an old gentleman, he wasn’t elderly, so he came to greet me, received training, and went back. Then, what kind of content did he make?

No matter how much he thought about it, he didn’t think he’d go around evangelizing, and it’s true. There’s a limit, and also his age, so he created this amazing content, and with all the content he received from camp training, he made this confession of faith and wrote a book. “Why did you write this?” “So that I can give this to all the people I know.” I only know people who make books so they can sell it, but I never set out to write or sell any books. My team members said they needed this material, so they compiled the books, but I’m not in it for the money. I don’t want to make a name for myself by writing a book, but what I struggled with the most is that when we go through the books at the average bookstores and you have book signing events, it’s because you want to sell more books, so I said to them, ‘I’ll never do this again,’ and there’s no reason for us to make these kinds of events and turn it into a bestseller.”

Do you understand what I’m saying? That old man didn’t write that kind of book. “I want to go and meet these people, but I don’t have a lot of time and I have my limits, but I will send this book to the people I know: the evidence that I met Christ.” Those in the know are a little different. Not that I’m criticizing those who aren’t well off, but when I went to the conference, he presented me with a copy of the book, and I was looking at the cover and it was his testimony, but he wrote, “Number 1.” What does that mean? “That means you can predict Number 2 is going to follow.” “Why did you write, ‘One’?” He said, “If there’s anyone who reads the book and wants to receive the gospel, then I have to go and help them. But because our missionaries did something so bad to him, he fell into trial and actually left our Darakbang. They kept on trying to swindle him of his money. There are so many methods by which people block the gospel.

You have to have content. It’s not a difficult thing. To lack this means that you have not prayed properly and you have not accurately seen the stream of the gospel. How great of a work are you going to achieve? That’s not what I’m saying right now. People who only have half knowledge, trying to fabricate all these things without a goal, I don’t like things like that.

Do you know what I told Eddie in America? You go down to Wall St. and the people there are working so hard, they don’t have time to go to the restaurants to eat, they can’t even go home because they’ve got so much work. There was one woman who went to the supermarket and she bought lunch meal and was running with that. At that time, I told Eddie, “Make an evangelism tract that they can just briefly look at while they’re in the bathroom, and place it in the restrooms.” That’s content. It’s not a difficult thing.

If I can really pray before God, then I can easily make this. Moses was unable to find this content; he finally found it at the age of 80, but that’s when the works began to take place. Samuel and David found this early on, and that’s why they were able to proceed without struggles. Many individuals like Paul found it later on, then you need to know how important this is. What did God give to the people who found this? God sent people to them. Let me just give you one example, God sent Jethro to Moses, and Joshua and Caleb and Rahab. He attached them. We call that “meetings,” but in our terminology, it would be Team Ministry, and from there, we leave a very important message, and that’s what we call Team Camp Training. Think about it, if you properly know Team Camp Training and Basic Camp Training, your life will change.

“Team Camp Training” – Absolute Meeting in the Bible
This is talking about the absolute meeting in the Bible. If you’re really inside the gospel and know God’s absolute plan, then you don’t even have to say, “Answers come,” or “Answers don’t come.” If answers don’t come, then don’t receive them. If it’s not needed, then God won’t give it, isn’t that so? And if you have received an answer, think of it as God’s grace, so there’s nothing to worry about. “I’m sick,” then just go ahead and die, you’re going to a better place so there’s no reason to not go. Those who really enjoyed the gospel did not fear death. “While I live, I’ll do the Gospel Movement and when God calls me, I will go.” God granted these absolute meetings.

  1. Individuals in Church History – Luther. We don’t have much time, but there are individuals like this among church history. Who should we focus on? The religious reformer, Martin Luther, was tremendous, and he had tremendous content. What was that? “I want to make all the people read the Bible,” then of course he recognized the gospel, but he had the gospel content. Who could block that? There’s no one who could block that. The Pope, who even has the emperor kneel in front of him, could not block this. The pope who was moving the entire world, he even had the right to give proclamations for execution and yet, he could not block this, because God’s utmost interest was here. The moment you grab hold of this covenant, God’s utmost interest will be you, and you are a witness of that. So, the life you have left, really make it worthwhile. Your important journey, place it in the place that God wants. What is our Darakbang content?
  2. [62 Life Points] and from there, especially the basic 21 Points, you need to find them. That’s why even though it was very difficult, I put all 21 points in our World Remnant Conference Theme Song lyrics so they can enjoy this always, for all eternity. No matter how much I prayed about it, I couldn’t put all 62 points in one verse, so that’s why I put the basics, Acts 1:1, 3, 8, and the 21 points ,why? Because that’s the content. Now, what happens when you have this content? This takes place.

Main – Absolute Covenant of Immanuel

This takes place because you meet them. If you don’t meet anyone, you don’t need this, but God’s absolute covenant becomes fulfilled. From this point on, God’s greatest things begin to take place.

  1. God’s Works. Because it’s God’s utmost interest, God’s greatest works take place.
    1) Word. What is the first? The Word appears. The most important thing in the Bible, “The LORD said to Moses,” then that’s it. “The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah a second time,” that’s it, then. So if you look at the Bible, it says, “The LORD God said,” then honestly, when the Word of the Lord begins to be fulfilled in your life, then that’s it. What took place?
    2) Triune God. The greatest answer, which is the words of the Triune God, begin to come to you. When you grab hold of this content and you don’t even pray about it, then it comes. When you begin to pray, you can see the rhythm and the time schedule, but even though you don’t pray about this, this answer comes. But if you don’t pray, even though the answer is there, you may be unaware of it. It goes beyond that.
    3) Throne. As you well know, the background and the blessing of the Throne of Heaven comes upon you, then who knows what will happen? Think about it, there isn’t any blessing that can overcome the throne of heaven. The blessing of the throne of heaven comes upon you, but there is something you must remember. Right now, grab hold of God’s true covenant, and even now, these works take place. Right now, I’m here at the 237 Center, and so, you need to envision the answer of 237 that will come to this place. Right now, God’s amazing works are prepared. For those who had this content, what journey did they go on, and what covenant did they have?
  2. Covenant. God gave this absolute covenant, but what kind of covenant was it? Let’s go back to the Bible.
    1) Acts 2:9-11 – Skill Media. I spoke all about the Old Testament, now let’s talk about the Early Church. It was an amazing meeting. What do we see here? Simply put, those who had this gospel content, their skill was used as media. Absolutely, if you’ve got the content, you need the medium for that, but this is how God worked upon them. Who were these people? They were people from 13 nations. Who were these people? They were almost all businesspeople, who were they? There were many Jews and these were people who absolutely gave tithes, these people had a sure plan for offering. The reason why the Jews were able to conquer over the world as well as the financial markets is because they have a sure sense of offering. When these people came, do you think they gave offering or not? There’s no choice about it, but it didn’t just end with that. They’ve got their relatives. We saw immediately, 3000 people gathered. We’re talking about this camp training. These people came and received great grace, and what you must look at closely is that I have assurance that Priscilla and her husband were there.
    2) Acts 3:1-12 – Healing. What happened? As you well know, they used the media of healing. They’d seen this person for a very long time, but at the ninth hour of prayer, they saw him before, many times, and they saw what happened before they raised this crippled man. Do you know when this was? This took place right after they received the great filling of the Holy Spirit and experienced that in Mark’s Upper Room. I’ve seen cases where all we did was proclaim the gospel, and a crippled person got up. That happened overseas in Russia. To see Christ being proclaimed is an amazing thing, do you know why? Because for the very first time since the creation of the earth, “Get up and walk in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.” This is an amazing thing. At this time, it says “Peter together with John.”
    3) Acts 8:4-8 – Chronic Diseases. It’s this kind of team camp training. Acts 8:4-8. Even here, the content was healing, but it wasn’t just any kind of healing. This was Samaria, a place where the Israelites did not go. Not that they could not go, but they did not go. So Israel’s hidden works took place here, and that’s where they went to proclaim this. It was this kind of tremendous team camp training, and here the main figure was Phillip. Here, it was healing, but more than that, it was the longstanding chronic disease. Think about it, in this wasn’t the crippled man who had a chronic disease, but the Israelite attitude towards Samaria was a chronic disease. The thought patterns of the Samaritans was a chronic disease.

In our nation, North Korea vs. South Korea is our chronic disease. If a remnant really with the gospel can arise, then in one moment with the gospel, they can take care of the problem. It’s not going to work with anything we have right now. Right now, the progressives are being ruined by the progressives, and the conservatives are being ruined by extreme conservatives. People on both extremes are ruining the nation.

So, I’m sure it’s hard for the president as well, think about it, he’s trying to make them do things, but they’re doing all kinds of bad things. Can you imagine how hard it must be for the President? Think about it, there isn’t any president who, when he appoints a cabinet member, hopes that the person does bad things, but simply put, it’s a chronic disease. It’s a chronic disease of our nation. Without the gospel, you can’t fix this; without chasing out evil spirits, you cannot correct this. Absolutely, demons were chased out and their chronic diseases were healed, and we’re talking about the team camp training that holds onto this covenant. Let’s look carefully at the Bible, it doesn’t just end there, but we see tremendous things at this camp training, so don’t lose hold of this training, then what do we see?

4) Acts 9:10, 15, 11:25-26 – Mission. Ananias. That was the start of Team Ministry. God called Ananias. God commands a meeting with Saul who would become Paul, “But he’s such a terrible person!” But “He is my chosen instrument to carry My name before the gentiles and their kings and for the children of Israel.” Afterwards, he meets with Barnabas in Acts 11. What was this? It was the team ministry where they were able to give the mission. Probably, no one ever imagined that this would change the world. This is Team Camp Training.

Perhaps you may meet people not knowing that that meeting could change the world. The footprints that you leave back here on earth, you probably never imaged that that would change the world later on. The Early Church had no strength whatsoever and they’re not able to do anything. How would they change the world? And yet they did, and God brought the greatest works to them, because that was God’s utmost interest. The meeting of those who have the gospel content. Especially for our remnants around the world, don’t be deceived, you’ve got your future ahead of you. Our professors who are raising up remnants, don’t become shaken or discouraged because in God’s eyes, your ministry is of utmost importance. Our elders as well as our church officers throughout Darakbang, your existence itself is important. That’s the way I see it when I look at the Bible.

You did some tremendous thing? No, that’s separate. If God enables you to do it, then just do it, but what’s more important than that? Your existence itself is important. You are an elder of a church that has the gospel? That itself is important, then through you, meetings will take place. That’s team ministry, that’s team camp training. There’s nothing more for us to be thankful for, so you should always be thankful. Even the things you do wrong, God give you the realization, so you’re thankful. God gives you a problem? In that, too, you’re thankful. You meet a tremendous incident, and in that, too, you’re thankful. You’re thankful.

The key to Team Camp Training is thanksgiving, giving thanks to God. “Thank You for this important meeting,” and thinking about how we’re going to fulfill God’s Word, we’re thankful for that, isn’t that so? If the key to the Basic Camp Training is the filling of the Holy Spirit, then the key to Team Camp Training is thanksgiving. I’ll speak more about it in the conclusion, but this thanksgiving in prayer, what kind of prayer will come from there? Let’s continue with the Bible. Let’s see how Team Camp Training took place.

5) Acts 13:1-14, 16:11, 17:1, Romans 16:1-27 – Missions. Of the individuals who came from here, for the very first time, they were formed into a team and they went out to do missions. How important was this? In order to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they fasted and prayed. Instructed by the Holy Spirit, God told them what to do and where to go in Acts 13. The important thing here is when you form a team that holds to the covenant, God officially works by His Holy Spirit. What took place before they conquered Philippi? Team Camp Training took place first, Acts 16:11. It says, “We,” and whom did they meet? Lydia, it’s very important. If you look at Acts 17:1, they say, “Thessalonica.” It says, “They,” but that’s important. Who are “they”? They’re talking about that meeting, the meeting of Team Camp Training. What took place afterwards? The works of God, it’s amazing isn’t it? It doesn’t just end there, but look at the stream of the Bible, Romans 16:1-27. They met with this missions media that looked out into the future.

Look at this here, it says, “According to his custom,” what that means is that he had his missions content, then that’s it. You’re not just going out to do missions. If you have the missions content, then it’s going to work. I want to tell our posterity who are going out to do missions, “You have to have mission content first.” That’s all you need, but you go out without that, and that’s why you suffer. You’ve got to worry about sponsors and you have to worry about construction, then from the beginning until the end, you’re all worrying, but if you have this content, then God’s works will be drawn to you.

  1. What Nobody Can Block (Nobody?) If you have this absolute covenant, if you have this content, then you will bear fruit that no one can block. In one sense, more importantly, fruit will come to you that nobody else knows about. It becomes rightful to look at this, important things took place.
    1) Acts 2:41. Three thousand disciples arose. Right now, our church officers number over 3000, but the numbers are not what’s important. Back then, if you gathered in the name of Christ, you would be put to death. That’s what happened, and yet, 3000 disciples arose.
    2) Acts 4:4. Five thousand disciples arose, so how amazing is this? How could these kinds of things take place?
    3) Acts 6:7. People blocking the gospel repented, it says, “Priests,” and more than that.
    4) Acts 11:25-30. After these important team ministries, we saw that the Antioch Church to evangelize the world arose. The entire world was facing a famine, but the Antioch Church was fine, why was that? Only then could they do world missions. What’s the reason why God blesses you? So that you can do world missions, so all you have to do is have the content. What did we talk about yesterday? If you just have the sure power, the filling of the Holy Spirit, and if you just have the content, then the rest will come.

A parent might have many children, but there’s a child you would give money to, even if they don’t ask for it, and there’s a child you wouldn’t give money to them even when they ask for it, but the parents’ love is the same for all the children, and it’s because they love them that they do that. To some children, they do this so their business won’t get passed down to them, why is that? The answer is clear, “My eldest son, even though he’s the eldest, if I give it to him, he’s going to run it into the ground, so I can’t give it to him. He’s the youngest but I think he could run this well,” then you’re going to give it to him, isn’t that so?

To whom will God give the most precious thing? Always remember that. When you pray a lot, it doesn’t mean you’re asking for a lot. It’s “With,” isn’t that so? Praying a lot, “Give me this, give me that,” that’s not what we’re talking about. Immanuel. The greatest mystery you pray for is “oneness.” What are you really praying for? You must remain within the mission of being inside the system of only, uniqueness, and recreation. If that is so, then the gospel I’ve received, how will I transmit that? If it really is God’s plan, then put your all into that. This is Camp Training.

So this week, may it really be a week where you can organize your entire life. So, even though this COVID-19 pandemic really is bad, I can’t say that it’s completely bad. We’re able to examine many people’s lives. Things might be difficult financially, but I think that we’ll be okay. Perhaps it is a message regarding a change in the age. It’s a tremendous message that in the future, rather than dying from bullets and guns, we may die from bacteria and viruses.

5) Rome Evangelization. Once this takes place, it’s something they never imagined. There was nobody who had ever conquered the world, but the gospel has conquered the world. Rome with their power may have seized the smaller nations, but they were never able to change the world. But these people who seemed so powerless evangelized Rome, so this is very important.

Conclusion (Thanksgiving)

Lastly, more than saying you need to have a program of prayer, you need to enter into the many blessings of prayer.

  1. Paul – Prayer (Philippians 1:3-4). We see many of Paul’s prayers, so let me just introduce one place for you, Philippians 1:3-4. “I give thanks every time I remember you in my prayers. This is what you must hold onto. “Always, in every prayer of mine,” he also gives thanks to God. Become this kind of team. What I spoke about yesterday, form that system and really make that time for yourself.
  2. Thanksgiving in All Things (Philippians 4:6-7). When you do Team Ministry and gather together as a team, every individual must be able to give thanks over everything. There is a need for you to have this kind of prayer. If you know what the gospel is and really know about the spiritual things, then everything you say with your mouth will get imprinted into you. So, with all your topics, there is a need for you to give thanks over that, and that’s when tremendous things begin to happen for you. Paul says this in Philippians 4:6-7, “In everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving.” With thanksgiving, make your requests to God, then you don’t have to worry about anything.

    All of you are receiving Team Camp Training, then you have to envision something in your brains. What kind of picture? Let us say that a few retreat members gather together right now, and we just immediately cry out in prayer, then that might be a little bit strange. Are you saying to not pray? That, too, is a little strange, so here, we see a great minus for us. What you must keep in mind here is, to the fakes and to the Buddhists, do you know what happens after you’ve bowed down 108 times? These strange religions, after you’ve changed 108 times, do you know what happens? But even though we have the truth, we don’t give it and we don’t enjoy it ourselves.
  1. Concentrate on Actual Prayer. So, we need to have a time when we can concentrate on actual prayer. Yesterday’s theme for the first lecture was the filling of the Holy Spirit. For team camp training, it’s okay if you change the order a little bit, but it’s thanksgiving. All of our workers inside our Darakbang organization, especially for the workers, I’m sure things are very hard, but if you don’t have this prayer, it will be difficult to continue, and you won’t be able to continue on with this tremendous blessing, then how regrettable is that? You have to have this tremendous power of actual prayer. How amazing is it, it’s not a waste of time, but you’re asking God for the filling of the Holy Spirit. In one sense, perhaps as a leader, you might put these things and talk about how to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit and talk about thanksgiving.

Our remnants don’t have much time, so if you just take a few moments in the morning and begin to pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit and set your rhythm, you can conquer the world. Very easily, you can do this. In my case, it might be different from yours. I have to give messages all day long, every day. It’s not just a message I give; I have homework assignments that I have to do, and on top of that, I have to see how everything is running, and I have to sign things and receive reports throughout the nation. It’s not just one or two things I pray about, I have to pray about the RUTC, the 237 Center, the church, everything, so I found my own method for being able to do that. Rather, it’s simple for me to pray in the morning and in the evening. I changed this into the 24 hour prayer, into the 25 hour prayer energy.

So, when I wake up in the morning, as soon as I open my eyes, I sit there and pray, but I’ve got some time to prepare, so I came here to give this 10am lecture, but I got up before 6am, so I’ve got this tremendous time of 4 hours, and what I do in those 4 hours is that I connect everything to prayer. Very comfortably, with deep breaths, I connect it to prayer, then spiritually, physically, I have the restoration of everything. Staying up all night because you’re worried, and barely being able to get up in the morning and rushing out, then living that way, it’s really by God’s grace we’re alive, then, but most people live that way. They worry all night long, then all day long, they use humanism, and that’s how they fall asleep. It’s a miracle they haven’t made themselves sick, isn’t that so? Think about it, you’re trying to use your brains all day long and you’re worrying all night long, and you live that way? Think about it, you don’t know what prayer is, and not knowing what prayer is, everything you say, all the thoughts you have, without prayer, are worries.

So, when you do wake up in the morning, you’re busy. The days you have nothing, you’re even busier, because you’ve slept in late, and now you’re busy, and you wake up because you’ve received an urgent phone call. If that kind of life is your lifestyle, then that’s Satan’s playground. Get up a little bit earlier and be empowered in prayer. Even if you just deeply think in your heart, you will come to life spiritually. In just a little bit, begin to exercise and renew your body, then even your body will be revived, then how great is that? There are times when you are really blessed, then you can write those things down, and just 24 hours a day, continue to pray until you sleep. At night, without moving at all, enter deeply into prayer. I do that at night. I’m so thankful to be able to do that.

Now, the people you meet sense that from you and think, “I’m so thankful, I should pray too.” This is talking about being able to pray together. But the majority of people who don’t pray or aren’t being led don’t realize that they’re being filled with their own thoughts. Think about it, your thoughts and your heart are everything, but that’s a scientific principle. Unbelievers know that, and that’s why they make you have these deep thoughts and deep chanting, and that’s how you become demon possessed, so think about this in detail.

Let us say that right now, you’re doing team ministry with young children, then it has to be even more concrete. Five minutes in the morning, just pray out loud, write out your prayer topics and read it: “I am a remnant, I am a child of God, I am a main figure for world evangelization.” Say this to your heart, and what happens when you repeat this for over an hour? It’s a different situation then, but try this for at least five minutes, and make the kids do that, and later on, when that child grows up, they will move the world, why is that? Because that’s imprinted in them.

This imprint, through their incidences and the things that happen, the imprint is important, and now when they go out into the world to do this, they begin to move according to their nature. Right now, you’re receiving the very important Team Camp Training that’s in the Bible, and tomorrow we’re going to talk about the Field Camp Training, and the next day, we’ll talk about the specialized camp training, and you’ll have an overall summary of what Camp Training really is. Then next time, after this pandemic ends, when you go to the actual camp training, see what happens. It will be different.

When you go to church on Sunday having first read the scripture passage and then going, compared to not having read it and then going, it will be different. Among the remnants, those who listen to the message every day and those who don’t are different. Remnants, if possible, you should read every day, but don’t just read anything; read the things that really strengthen you. Absolutely because you have the gospel, it’s ogod to read about great figures in history, and you don’t have to read a lot; you don’t have much time. So after you listen to the message in the morning, just take a look at that.

If you take a look at the bookstores, there are these collections of great figures of history in one volume. It summarizes it very well, there are books with collections of these stories. What that means is that it doesn’t take a long time to read through one, then the next day you can read through another one, and the reason why you should do this after you listen to the message is that you can pray. Then what happens at this time? That’s what I’m talking about. You worry every day, you worry all week long, you worry all month long, you worry all year long, then it’s rightful that you’ll die, isn’t that so? You’re anxious all day long, you’re angry, and you feel bad, and you’re depressed all week, and you’re depressed all month, how long will you last, then? It’s by God’s grace you’re alive. Change that and really pray, really gain spiritual power. That’s Basic Camp Training.

Then, when you have a meeting, really uncover God’s plan. Of course, they’re all important, but because we have a reason, tomorrow, we’re going to talk about field camp training, and the key to field camp training is oneness, and we’ll talk a look at that tomorrow. So, let’s pray.


May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ Who has saved us, and the great love of God Who is with us by His spirit, and the working of the Holy Spirit and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that is upon us and working upon us, upon all God’s people receiving Team Camp Training right now, be both now and always forever, amen.

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