The Truth Will Set You Free (John 8:31-44)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Truth Will Set You Free (John 8:31-44)

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I pray that this will be a great time of blessings for all of the individuals and families who are worshipping in their homes. The title of today’s message is, “The Truth Will Set You Free.” Today’s passage was Jesus speaking to the Jewish people about freedom. The freedom that Jesus is talking about is not the freedom that America talks about now. The freedom that America talks about is individual freedom, it is talking about protecting the individual and personal rights within the society. For example, we have the individual freedom of speech. We also have freedom to protest against the country. We have our freedom of religion, and we have our freedom of assembly.

In certain countries that do not have this freedom, such as communist countries, they do not have these individual freedoms, so they can’t even express themselves freely, they can’t gather and assemble people freely, and even their religion is restricted. That is why people keep on escaping those countries into the countries with freedom.

Democracy is supposedly known as the land of freedom and liberty. Democracy involves encompassing the personal and individual freedoms of people. America has so many freedoms, but why is it that the mental illnesses are continuing to increase? Why is it that we have freedom but we’re not able to enjoy freedom? What is the true freedom that Jesus Christ is telling the Jewish people?

  1. Those Who Do Not Accept the Words of Jesus Christ
    In John 8:34, Jesus Christ replies to the Jewish people, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.

1) All People of the World – Slaves
Right now, Jesus is talking to Jewish people who believe in God and they follow all the scriptures of the Old Testament. How can He say that they are sinners? If you look at John 8:44, He even says that they belong to their father the devil. How can He say such things to the Jewish people? It is because the Jewish people do not know about Original Sin.

Original Sin is not something we committed; the Original Sin is a manifestation of the sin that Adam and Eve committed, and it comes to us. The reason why you sin so much is because you are within original sin. Original Sin is saying that God does not exist, and that will never be solved unless faith in the Truth comes to you.

2) Abraham’s Descendants (John 8:33)
However, the Jewish people respond by saying, “We are the children of Abraham; how can you call us slaves?” In verse 37, Jesus responds to them, “I know you are Abraham’s descendants, yet you are looking for a way to kill me because you do not have room for My Word. If you are truly Abraham’s descendants, then you would do the same thing that Abraham did,” that’s verse 39. What did Abraham do?

In John 8:56, Jesus says, “Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day. He saw it and was glad.” “If you are truly the descendants of Abraham, then you should believe in Me, Jesus, and rejoice. However, you have no room for My Word.” Abraham had faith in the covenant of Genesis 3:15. As soon as Adam and Eve sinned against God, He promised a Savior to free us from Satan’s grasp and that is the offspring of the woman.

3) The Jews
Abraham received that gospel of salvation, but the Jewish people didn’t have the gospel and they still don’t know why they are sinners. There are many people who go to church like this, they don’t really know why they have to believe in Jesus, and because they don’t know why they need Jesus Christ even today, they don’t like to go to worship. Even though they hold the Bible and do Bible studies, they still act this way.

The Jewish people knew about the Old Testament extremely thoroughly, however, they did not receive the Word that God wanted to tell them. Why is that? It’s because they didn’t know the reason why they needed to believe in Jesus. To the Jewish people, Jesus Christ says in John 8:47 that they do not belong to God. These people were following all the laws and systems they set up, but they didn’t know why they needed Jesus.

The law that God gave Moses is the Word of God, and the law is a standard that reveals our sin. However, the law was not given to us to kill us, it was given to us so that we may ask forgiveness through Genesis 3:15, the coming Messiah. Even though the Jewish people said they believed in God, they thought they were doing good by killing other people, judging and criticizing others based on the Word of God. In other words, they did not know the reason why they needed Jesus.

There are so many people like that. Wherever these people go, they fight. Even if they don’t fight out loud, they are fighting in their heart, because in their heart, they are already judging, criticizing, and killing other people, even if they do not act upon their thoughts. When an incident erupts, whatever is inside your heart will come out. That was the Jewish people, and even today, there are so many people who are in the church who are like this. They don’t know the reason why they need Jesus Christ every single day, every moment of the day. “Isn’t it just that I believe in Jesus Christ and I go to heaven? Isn’t it enough to pray in Jesus’ name every time I eat?” They will not be able to save themselves, why is that?

It is because in John 8:44, we long to carry out our father’s desires. What is the greed of our father? The greed of our father is in Genesis 3:1-6 where it says, “If you eat of this fruit, you will be like God. You will know good and evil, you wil become like God.” All we do is judge other people based on what is good or bad according to the law, so in reality, you’re only using the Word of God to make yourself more self-centered, that’s what it means to follow the greed of the devil.

The devil was a murderer from the beginning. Legalistic people will never be able to save others; they kill, they kill others with the words of God. The devil is also a liar. Because we don’t know why we need Jesus, we are holding onto the words of God to lie. Even though we use the words of truth, those words of truth were given to us to talk about Jesus Christ, but you don’t feel the necessity of Jesus. Even though you do Bible study and study theology, you yourself are not coming to life.

This is the same as the legalistic people who are holding onto the Bible without knowing Jesus Christ 2000 years ago, as well as the people who are holding onto the Bible and going to church now, killing people with their legalism. That legalism is related to their children directly, too. All they do is judge people, and they’re so stern. They’re always ready to fight. They kill their opponent with the Word of God. They think they’re righteous, they have some kind of standard, and they use it to kill others. They’re always stuck in some kind of group, and in this situation, they’re Jewish people. They’re able to connect with one another so well through legalism, but all of them will fail together.

Everything they do will fail, too. Even their kids will continue to fail, they have no choice but to fail because they do not have the true Gospel within them. That’s why people are destroyed even as they go to church, and the Jewish people fail even as they believe in God. There is nothing to even speak about, they are wholeheartedly following the lies of the devil. That’s what it means to be enslaved by sin.

They think they themselves are God and they are trapped in their own thoughts, so they’re enslaved by material possessions and success. They create their own religions and they’re enslaved by that, too. Before they go to an eternal hell when they die, they have no choice but to live a hellish life of suffering on earth.

  1. Those Who Accept the Words of Jesus Christ
    If you look at John 8:31, there were people among the Jews who believed in Jesus.

1) Those Who Believe (John 8:31)
So, it wasn’t all the Jews. Among the Jews, there were some people who were legalistic, and there were some who believed in Jesus. Even now, there are people who go to church and do not believe in Jesus. However, there are more people who believe in Jesus. It’s the same today as it was back then. Why do these people believe in Jesus? These are the people who know the reason why they have to believe in Jesus.

The reason to believe in Jesus is not in your finances, it is not in your sickness. It is the fact that I am trapped within Original Sin, that I’m completely enslaved by Satan, and they know the fact that they’re stuck in a hellish life right now and have no choice but to go to an eternal hell once they die. These are people who know and follow Jesus Christ. They are known by God’s grace.

We will never be able to solve this or figure this out with our efforts or diligence. Even if the billions of people on this earth were to do good acts, this problem wouldn’t be solved. Even if we make dozens of Harvard Universities, this problem would not be solved. Even if we plant the American flag on every country in the world, this problem would not be solved.

There is not a single person who can solve these fundamental problems unless it is Jesus Christ. They do not just believe in Jesus Christ, but they know the reason why they need Jesus Christ, and they believed Him, and that’s how we are able to tell other people why we need Jesus Christ.

There are some people who just came to believe Him based on God’s grace, so even today, they don’t know the reason why they need Jesus Christ, but they themselves are enslaved, too. They won’t be able to explain to other people the necessity of believing in Jesus Christ. Even though they believe in Jesus Christ, they just skim over the content, barely believing in Him.

In John 8:31, Jesus Christ says, “If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples.” Who are the disciples? The ones who follow the teachings of Jesus, not the people who listen to and follow the words of people, but the people who listen to and follow the Words of Jesus.

2) One Who Is Free
In John 8:32, “Then you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free.” Jesus is the Truth, Jesus’ words are the Truth, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. What is the freedom that is spoken of here? It is not talking about the freedom that America talks about. If we gain true freedom, then personal freedom is bound to follow.

It is the freedom to be liberated from my depression; it is the freedom that allows me to escape from my drug addiction; it is the freedom to be liberated from my fate and destiny. It is the freedom that liberates me from the curses and disasters that repeat in my family line. The one who has this True Freedom is very different.

Joseph went in as a slave, but he had true freedom. David was running for his life from King Saul, but he enjoyed true freedom. When Apostle Paul was standing before the Roman Consulate to try to plead his case in court, he said, “I hope that you will have true freedom like me, except for the shackles on my wrist.” Even if you become the greatest emperor of Rome, you will not have true freedom; you will become enslaved by your position itself.

Even if you become the greatest emperor of Rome, you will not have true freedom; you will be enslaved by your position itself.

In America, we might have physical freedom, but true freedom is only possible through Jesus Christ. You may believe in Jesus Christ, but I hope that you will have the grace of Jesus Christ to know why you need to believe in Jesus Christ. That’s the only way you will have a reason to live.

If you do not find that reason, you’re going to live your walk of faith with a different reason, and that’s why you have no choice but to live a different path. What path is that? A path that does not have freedom, a path that has no choice but to enslave you. “Even today, I am again enslaved by money, time, people, and success.” The characteristic of that is that you will not be able to worship because you’re bound.

Even if you come to worship, you won’t be able to, because you’re seized by something, and I hope that true freedom will come upon you today, and when it comes upon you, I hope you will enjoy it, and I hope you will proclaim it with all of your heart.

I saw the movie Braveheart, and in the very last scene, he’s screaming, “Freedom!” There are a lot of wars and movies that glorify fighting wars for freedom, but we are actually spiritual soldiers who are fighting for true freedom. You need to fight the real fight well. You need to use the Word of God to fight the battle against Satan and being enslaved by sin. Without that, there is no freedom.

Why is that? Because the enemy is always there. Even now, there are a lot of people who talk about the relationship between North and South Korea, saying that, “Being able to come to harmony and hold hands together is not true freedom. We can only gain freedom if we beat the other country in war.” You need to fight the battle against Satan, the one who is stealing your freedom and enslaving you to sin.

You can only enjoy that true freedom if you fight against Satan with the words of Jesus Christ. This is what we call the spiritual battle. The one who is able to fight the spiritual battle well does not fight with people because if you fight the spiritual battle, then you will have true peace as a result of your victory.

You might need material things; however, you do not follow after material things. Why would you follow after material things? You follow material things because you’re enslaved by it. You need success, but why is it that you’re trembling and following after success? It is because you’re a slave to success.

There are a lot of opportunities for blessings in freedom and material blessings in America, but they can never give you true freedom, but that’s where people get so confused. “If I work hard and study hard, I can have freedom and freedom of religion,” but why is there no true freedom within you? Because there is no freedom outside of only Jesus Christ.

3) God’s Children and the Devil’s Children
In John 8:35, Jesus Christ refers to these people not as slaves, but as sons who are free. Today, we are talking about the difference between a slave and someone who is free. A slave is enslaved by sin. People who received the words of Jesus Christ and follow the words of Jesus Christ are truly free. The ones who are truly free, God refers to them as, “My son.”

A son has an eternal place in heaven, and they also enjoy heaven on earth. If you’re not a son, but you’re a slave, you always have to be worried about what others are thinking, and because you’re living the rest of your life with this paranoia, imagine what a burden it is. If a child has two good parents, they don’t have to be afraid of what those parents think.

If you’re not a son, but you’re a slave, you always have to be worried about what others are thinking. Imagine what a burden it is!

However, if a neighbor’s kid comes over, then the neighbor’s kid has to worry about what their parents think, because you can’t just open up someone else’s fridge and eat whatever you want. You have to ask them, or you have to wait until someone gives you food to eat, why? Because that kid is not a son of the family.

Why do you live your walk of faith being so paranoid about what other people think? If you need something, ask God to give it to you, because God has everything. If you need something, then God can give you anything, but you’re so paranoid and afraid of what God will think that you don’t even ask. You’re so paranoid, you’re oppressed by it. If you keep worrying about what people think, you’ll look at people with a side eye, you’re always paranoid about what they’re going to do or think. That’s being enslaved or diseased, and that’s how you get mental problems.

Mental problems don’t come out of nowhere, all of a sudden. You were always seized on the inside, and now that captivity is expressed physically. It is simply a physical manifestation of the inner self that was already enslaved by physical things, success, material things, and people. Even if you go to church, you are enslaved.

However, a son is free and they can live the rest of eternity enjoying the background of heaven. In John 8:38, Jesus Christ says, “I am telling you what I have seen from my Father.” The Jewish people talk about Jesus and say, “Who are you?” Jesus says, “I have seen my Father, and I am telling you what I have seen.” Who are we? We are witnesses. Even though God is invisible, He is with you, and we use that evidence to testify.

Who are you? Jesus says to the Jews, “You guys are doing what you have heard from your father because you guys are slaves.” What do we listen to? We listen to lies. What is a lie? Anything that is not the words of Jesus Christ is a lie, so you shouldn’t listen carefully to people’s words. You should just keep that in mind, because the more you listen, the more you’re going to talk about physical things. If you listen very carefully, you’re going to be conquered by that, and if you listen to them and you’re captured by it, it means you’re captured by lies.

What is the standard of a lie? A standard of a lie is talking from the basis that God does not exist. If you face a problem, then Satan will deceive you by telling you that there is no God, and you must be afraid. When someone says something to you, then as evidence that you believe there is no God, you are captured by their words, and something is whispering in your ear to make you afraid of a future that hasn’t come yet.

Inside of you, Satan is playing with you, making you suffer, but you listen to that and act upon it. How? You create accidents because you’re shaking in your own anxiety, and because you’re shaking in your self-anxiety, you attack other people. A son doesn’t have to act like that because his father is his powerful protection. The son of a very rich, wealthy person doesn’t have to worry about the future and doesn’t have to worry about protecting himself because he knows that the power of his father is his power.

Only the people who do not have power are always worried. It might be great if we have power, but we don’t need our power before God. God gives us the power because we need to save people who have power. God is my Father and His power is my power. We do not worry about the future because God has already prepared my future, and we enjoy that because we are His sons.

However, slaves cannot listen to the words of the truth; they listen to lies. In John 8:43, Jesus Christ says, “You cannot even listen to me,” and in English, “Why is my language not clear to you?” It mean you won’t be able to listen to Jesus clearly. You might be listening to His Word, but you won’t be able to clearly understand it.

There are many people who spend their entire lives in church, constantly listening to the words of God, but they do not understand it clearly. The reason for that is in 2 Corinthians 4:4 where the god of the age has blinded the minds of unbelievers. Satan has blinded them so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, then no matter how much people are talking to them from the outside, their heart is always veiled with a blackness that comes from Satan.

When that blindness goes into your heart, it also results in mental blindness, then you won’t be able to walk a straight path. How will these people be able to do a correct business in front of God? They’re going to do a business that makes them money that is then, opposite of God. They may study and try to make money, but that all goes against God. Then ultimately, all their studies and work will be used to enslave them to sin and Satan.

What is the Satan that is controlling the superpower nations? He gives you opportunities for success and freedom of religion. He gives you everything so that you can do whatever you want, and that’s a superpower nation. That’s why all the immigrants are coming here. However, later on they realize they’re all enslaved by Satan, the devil, but we don’t know that as we live.

Every superpower nation from age to age will gather people, why? People gather to the superpower nations because they’re stronger. Then, the Israelite people, even if they’re children of God, they have to go to the superpower nation because all the physical strength and blessings are within the superpower nations. They become enslaved by the superpower nations because they do not know their own identity.

If you do not know true freedom today, then you will be enslaved by America, the superpower nation. In reality, you will be enslaved by Satan. “How is it that I can be enslaved by Satan even though I’m a child of God?” The Jewish people believed in God; how could Jesus say that they are slaves of Satan?

There are people who are truly children of the devil even as they go to church. There are also people who go to church and believe in Jesus Christ, but they don’t know the reason why they need to believe in Jesus Christ, so every day they are enslaved and deceived by Satan, and that’s why Jesus Christ says in John 8:45, “You do not believe in the truth.” As evidence that you do not believe in the truth, you are enslaved.

  1. Those Who Belong to God
    In John 8:47, He says that, “Whoever belongs to God hears what God says.”

1) Listen to the Words of God (John 8:47)
The ones who listen to Jesus Christ are the ones who belong to God, but the Jewish people are rejecting Jesus’ words, but they claim that they believe in God. What is the god they believe in? it is a god they invented for themselves. Jesus Christ is the manifestation of God, and they’re standing right next to God, but they say, “I believe in another god.”

Jesus Christ has finished every problem on the cross just as He said, but we don’t believe it, so we shake in front of problems. It’s because you don’t believe in Jesus. It’s okay even if you get depression. If you remain within the words of Jesus Christ, then the true peace will continue to arise within you.

You should not panic or wander, but in a quiet time, you need to concentrate on the words of Jesus Christ in the face of a problem, then you’ll restore the true freedom and true joy. Don’t be impatient; do it slowly in a quiet time. Look at your problems carefully. What is this problem, really? Realistically, you’ll come back to one thing. Within this problem, you’ll realize, “I don’t believe in Jesus Christ,” and that’s how you become enslaved by your problem, and that’s why you struggle to find the solution to your problem. Jesus Christ has finished all problems on the cross already, and God is with you right now, giving you the solution and guidance towards that problem.

In John 10:14, Jesus Christ says, “I am the Good Shepherd.” The sheep listen to their shepherd’s voice, and the shepherd will protect their sheep. The one who knows us best is the Lord Jesus. Even if you are a parent, you don’t know your kids that well. There are a lot of parents who are shocked, saying, “I didn’t know you were thinking that way.”

I was looking at a video on YouTube, and it was the time of reconciliation between a mother and daughter. The daughter had cancer, and the mother is a medical doctor who had dreams of practicing medicine in Russia, so the mother keeps saying, “Let’s go to Russia,” and if I look at it, I see that the mom is very dark and the daughter is also very dark. The daughter doesn’t want to go back to Russia, “Because if I go to Russia, I won’t have my own life, so I’m glad I have cancer because now, my mother is here with me. It look as if my family is being restored because now that I have cancer, my older brother who used to curse at and criticize me is now being nice to me.”

The mom gives her a decision to go back to Russia or not, and the daughter opens the door and leaves saying, “I don’t want to go back to Russia, because if I do, I’m going to suffer,” then she leaves the house saying, “I have to find my own life.” Then the mother was so speechless and stunned by that, she couldn’t talk for two months.

The LORD is our Good Shepherd and knows everything about us. If we submit our entire lives to the One who knows everything about us, then all is well. Even if my parents don’t know me at all, the LORD knows me perfectly. In your family problems, you don’t know the other person very well. If you give the problem to the LORD, because the LORD knows everybody perfectly, He’ll give you the answer and the diagnosis.

Are you suffering and in conflicts because of problems with people? I hope that you will gain true freedom through Christ. I hope that your spiritual eyes will open to see those people spiritually. It’s because they’re deceived, they’re enslaved by something, and that’s why they have to express themselves that way. If you focus on the world and try to fight with people with your own strength, you’re going to die together.

In John 11:25-26, it says, “Even if you die, you will live.” You are not enslaved by cancer. Even if the cancer comes to me, I will not die, because even if I die, I will not die because I have received the seal of eternal life, so I hope you will enjoy today. Why are you worried about tomorrow so much? Tomorrow isn’t even here yet, and the main character of tomorrow isn’t you, it is the Lord, so enjoy today.

The one who enjoys today through the Truth is able to overcome even their cancer. How could cancer overcome Jesus? It’s okay even if you have cancer. “What should I do about it?” Jesus Christ is with me as the truth, and by knowing this truth, you transcend all your problems and are not enslaved by any of your circumstances.

“Pastor, why are you talking like Don Quixote?” If you believe in Jesus Christ, you will become like Don Quixote. It says in the Bible itself that people all around the world are gathering to us. From the worldly perspective, it looks like a gathering of Don Quixotes, because these are not the people who live according to the principles of the world.

They have no money but they say they’re okay. They are diseased by they say they’re okay. From the Jewish people’s perspective, talking about Jesus Christ is shocking, and it means they are not able to distinguish the truth.

If you are living in America but you live like an American, your life is going to be a headache. Then, no matter who you are, you have to know America well, but if you live your life like an American, your life will be a headache because it means that you’re assimilated into the culture.

You will only live like Don Quixote if you are assimilated into the culture of Christ. “Even if I die, I will live; even if I live, I will live eternally.” Other people will call you crazy, but a person must hear crazy words in order for them to have true faith, isn’t that right? Even if in your job is in the lowest position, you are enjoying true freedom?

Potiphar saw that in Joseph. “He’s definitely a slave, but he has true freedom, and we can see it in his face as well as his life. It seems like there’s some kind of dream in this boy.” Even if Potiphar tried to have a dream, he has no dreams because he’s already at the top, there’s nothing to dream towards. He’s just going to die in that state. However, when he looks at this young boy who is a slave, he sees that the slave has true freedom, even though Potiphar is a Potiphar who is enslaved by something. Potiphar saw Joseph.

It might be great if you become the president. However, the one who is enjoying true freedom must become president, isn’t that right? That is how you will become the president who will run the errands of God. It’s great if you get a great job at a great company, and you should think of different ways to help the company in a great way. However, your company does not need your brain; they need Jesus.

The company needs someone who is able to show the work of God through them. What happens if this doesn’t take place? Then everyone is devoured by Satan. You need to have a lot of skill and talent, but that skill and talent aren’t what is needed. You know Carnegie, he was uneducated but one day he became the president. How did he become the president? He didn’t even learn anything, but it was the president before him.

The president before him said, “We need the God who is with you, and when I see you, I can see that that God is with you,” because the company will only flourish if God is moving it, isn’t that right? It’s the same with your family, it must be moved by God, that is why you have to be prepared before you get married so that the land of Jesus Christ will be established everywhere.

You are not trying to pull the church with your strength or multitudes; that’s the work of the world. The church must be led by the Word of God; it is not led by a majority vote. That is the way to live, and that is why God is able to work even though one person’s voice. The church that is very good is the one where everybody is following Jesus’ words. A church that is crumbling, divided, and always fighting in trouble, it is a church where the majority is following the words of people.

2) Holy Spirit – Spirit of Jesus
When Jesus Christ resurrected and left, He said that the Holy Spirit of Truth will come upon each individual. 2000 years ago, how could one human being, Jesus Christ, meet all 7 billion people on earth? Because when Jesus Christ was in Jerusalem, how could he have been in Korea? That’s why Jesus Christ had to resurrect and come down as the Holy Spirit of Truth, so that the Holy Spirit of God may be established in everyone who believes in Jesus.

What does that Holy Spirit do? He guides us, He is with us eternally, and He doesn’t leave when we do something wrong; He is with us through Jesus Christ. Because He knows we are so flawed and weak, He reminds us and teaches us of everything that Jesus Christ taught, just as Jesus raised His disciples one by one. We who are weak and have no choice but to be anxious all the time, because we are being guided and led by the Holy Spirit, we have true peace, so I hope you will have a very quiet time. When your environment is loud, you cannot hear the voice of God. If things are urgent, God will work regardless of whether you hear His voice or not; however, Elijah was able to hear God’s voice in a very quiet place.

Why do the remnants go out into the world, wander, and fail? It is because they do not see the field accurately. You’re only looking at the outer shell. If someone pretends to be strong and asserts themselves, you look at them carefully and you’ll realize they are really weak. Because they are so weak, they always get mad. Why would someone strong get mad and fight with others? The things inside of them are bursting out because they are weak.

But you look at that and think, “That person is strong? That’s foolishness, he is the weakest person,” so you should look at them with pity. Imagine how weak they are inside, that they are getting mad. How is it that they are always getting mad and always getting into fights? Someone who has peace in their heart will not act like that, and that is how the Holy Spirit of Truth guides us.

John 14:14 says that if you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, He will answer you. Every single one of your prayers are answered. It is simply that God doesn’t give you the things you don’t need, and because you don’t need it, God doesn’t give it to you, so the fact that God doesn’t give it to you is an answer in itself.

My daughter asked me for a car, she says, “I don’t want my dad to drive me, I want to drive myself.” Even if I had the money, I wouldn’t buy it for her. When does the answer come? That answer comes after she’s 18 years old, because right now, she doesn’t need it. She can’t even drive legally, but that’s like us, too. God answers us at the time we need it. He doesn’t give us the things we don’t need right now, but He gives it when we need it, and He answers all our prayers.

The greatest thing to pray for is the filling of the Holy Spirit because John 17:15 says that the joy of the Lord will fill my heart. My daughter bought a new shirt, a turtleneck, and she really likes it, and I told her, “You’re not going to like it in two days,” and sure enough, it’s shoved behind a chair now. This is not the joy we’re talking about; it’s a joy where, even if you don’t have it, you’re happy. You’re joyful because you’re filled and satisfied with the words of Truth that are able to transcend any problem. That’s what it means to enjoy the kingdom of God.

It’s not because you got something, but it is because the joy of the Lord has come to me, and a child can enjoy the things of the Father. If the father of the house is peaceful, then the household is peaceful. If the father of the household is anxious, the family will be anxious. Because my Father is joyful, He is giving me joy, if you believe in the Father.

In John 16:33, Jesus says, “I have overcome the world.” We may be living in this world, but we are fighting a fight that has already been won. When these words truly come into you, that is when you can enjoy true freedom. This is how we fight, we fight having already won. No matter what kind of great confusion or chaos comes before you, you’ve already won it. You go forward already enjoying that. Because you’re already victorious, you’re able to see the ways to be victorious ahead of you.

For anyone who is struggling with their spiritual problems, mental problems, or cancer, God has already overcome. Do not be deceived by Satan, but instead, enjoy the true freedom and peace that comes with being victorious. I don’t know about tomorrow, but the Lord will take care of that. I’m talking about today. The past is already gone.

Don’t be close friends with people who are trying to fix their past, because if you look at Korean politics, they’re always digging into the past. Of course you need to know history, but if you stay stuck in your past, that person will not be able to live. That person is a target for evangelism. That is not someone you should be close friends with, that person is a target for evangelism, because that person is stuck in their past, due to the scars of their past.

They’re so seized by the rejection they had in school, or someone is at the top of their class but they graduate from school, thinking they should still be at the top, and they look at the past thinking, “I used to be so great.” Do not be close with people like that, but those people are evangelism targets.

3) Jesus’ Words of Request
Jesus Christ has made a request to us. In John 17:20, now that we have received the Word, we must relay that Word. When we follow the Word of God, that is when we receive true freedom. If this word does not get relayed to other people, then everyone is dying as a slave to sin and Satan. Then, even if they live in the superpower nation of America, they’re enslaved to Satan and sin.

You have to block the closing of churches. You need to save all the church members who have gone to church but no longer seem to go to church. They only think that way because they’ve never received the true gospel, just like the Jewish people who have received the Word of God, but they’re enslaved by it. They don’t want to live like a slave anymore, they need to receive the true gospel and true freedom, then they will gather here to receive true freedom.


  1. Disciple Who Follows the Words of Jesus Christ
    In John 17:21, Jesus Christ says, “Just as everyone is one in Jesus Christ, may the Church become one.” The church must become one so that they might see us and believe. When does the evangelism movement take place? When the church becomes one in the words of Jesus Christ, when the family becomes one in the Word of God, then God will raise up the works.

During the Mizpah movement where they laid down all their idols, God showed them miracles. When did God bring them out of Egypt? The moment when every member of the church became one in the words, “Put the blood of the lamb on your doorpost.”

In John 21:15-18, Jesus Christ said, “Feed my lambs.” You have to listen to these words and follow them after them in order for you to enjoy true freedom. The devil will deceive you into thinking you’re going to lose all your time if you follow the words of Jesus, but that is a lie, that is what eats and devours you.

  1. Child (Disciple) Who Enjoys Freedom within the Word
    This Word must absolutely be proclaimed, and without a doubt, we must save the next generation with these words of Truth. The gospel must absolutely be proclaimed to the 237 nations and the 5000 unreached tribes. We must save them as the ones who are within this flow, the ones who have true freedom. There are people who believe in Jesus Christ but they are not within this true freedom.
  2. Disciple Who Fulfills the Entrusted Word
    Even now, I hope you will stop being enslaved by money, success, and your environment, and instead, enjoy the true freedom that comes from testifying of the true gospel.

    May you become victorious this week. Let us pray together holding onto the Word God gave us.

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