Light of the World, Jesus Christ (John 8:12-20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Light of the World, Jesus Christ (John 8:12-20)

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. May this be the time when the light of Christ is shown upon all the families and individuals who are worshipping in the church, outside on the rooftop, or in their homes. Just as according to today’s praise, we are complete and perfect with Christ, and I pray that you will make the confession that Christ is enough for you through today’s worship. The fact that Christ is enough for you means that your life will work out if you only have Christ. Right now, all the missionaries in the world are fighting against whether it’s enough to have only Jesus Christ or not.

That’s when why God created the universe, God first created the light.

  1. World
    The word that I want to share with you today is that, Jesus Christ says, “I am the Light.” He also said, “If you follow the light, you will no longer be walking in the darkness,” that means implicitly that the world is dark.

1) Darkness
The darkness is talking about a spiritual darkness. Why is this world full of darkness? Ever since Adam and Eve sinned against God and were separated from God, they were living enslaved by Satan, and ever since that moment, they the world was [in] darkness. Inside of darkness, no matter how much you try to live your life, you won’t be able to distinguish anything; that’s why life is so confusing.

Life is so confusing because you live in the dark, so what should you do? The confusion will only disappear if you go into the light. If something is dark and you turn on the light, the darkness just disappears. The darkness doesn’t disappear if you try to make a lot of money, the darkness doesn’t disappear if you try to learn more knowledge. In fact, the more you try to pursue those things, the more confusing your life becomes.

You’re building your life so high just you can get rid of the darkness, but the darkness doesn’t go away, so you fall into emptiness, darkness, and chaos. So the more you live your life, the more you come to the conclusion that life is nothing.

2) Death
When people die, almost everyone will say, “I didn’t know life would [end] so fast.” Every day, we live 24 hours, but on our deathbeds, it will seem as if it all went by in the blink of an eye, and now that they’ve lived their lives, they realize they have nothing to show for it. Those words are correct, because a life lived in darkness is empty.

You’re only living your life, trying to maintain your physical body; you have nothing left to show for it. John 3:19 tells us that the people living in darkness loved the darkness. We should not like the darkness, but we love the darkness. So, even if the light comes to us, we hate it.

That’s because the controller of the world is the devil who controls with darkness, so he makes it so that you love living in darkness without God. He makes it so that you love it and take joy in it. Even though you fall into addiction, there is no way for you to come out because you love it so much. You love your drugs more, you love your internet games more. Even though you know that you’re addicted to these substances, games, and gambling, you can’t help yourself because your heart still loves it. Even though you know the light is there, you don’t want to go to it. That’s how humans are, because we have the nature of darkness.

3) Jesus Christ – Light (John 8:12)
The Light of the world is talking about the light that will get rid of the darkness, and these people received the light of life, it says. What does the light of life mean? It means if you don’t have this light, you have death. This world is actually in the state of death, but on the outer form, it looks like life. Because they are separated from God, they live a life centered on themselves. That’s what it means to be spiritually dead. Living centered on yourself is the way to fall deeper into darkness.

Because you live your life centered on yourself, you have no choice but to live your life centered on the things you see. Everyone in this entire world lives their lives centered on the physical things they see.

John 8:15 says, “You judge by human standards,” so every single judgment and decision we make is based on the physical things we see. There is a world we see physically, but there is also an invisible truth, but realistically, we don’t have the ability to make that correct decision or judgment because we only are judging based on the things we see. It is because we have the nature of loving the darkness.

Because these people are spiritually dead while being physically alive, they are running their lives, racing towards success. That’s because they are dead. Because they are dead, they have to race towards their goal, and because they’re spiritually dead, they have to ask questions about their life to people who are demon-possessed. In Acts 13, we see the false prophet Elymas who gives political advice to all the leaders of Israel. In Acts 16, there are people who go to a fortune teller, trying to know their future. These are the things we do because we are spiritually dead. The reason why bow down to and worship idols is because we are spiritually dead. Even if we tell you not to do it, you have no choice but to do it. That’s the culture of this world.

Because they are spiritually dead, they are completely seized by the spirit of darkness. Physically, it seems they are running very fast and actively; however, spiritually they cannot even budge because they are dead and captured by darkness. By darkness, it means that you’re blind, right? And “dead” means that you can’t come to life. You should be able to see your future and the answers to your problems right now, but you can’t because you’re in the dark.

It’s very simple, if the light is shown, you can see the answer. Why are you so afraid of your future? Because you can’t see it. Why does your past hurt you so much? Because you don’t see it. We don’t actually have the ability to see it, but once the light of Christ is shown on it, then we can see it.

You are beginning to see what Christ is doing through the pandemic and you will also see what works will take place in the future. This is not a skill that belongs to people, but when Christ Who is the Light, shines the Light through us, then people can see. That’s how people who are dead can be revived, and when people who have no hope for the future receive the hope of life, they’ll have hope, and you’ll be able to see the hope of the future. People who were not able to live their life with any kind of vision are able to see their vision. That’s the fundamental truth of life.

Even if we have sunlight, we can see, right? However, when you’re in pitch darkness, you’re confused and don’t know what to do. What if you’re in darkness 24 hours? Then, when we look back on our lives, every single thing we did will be empty and useless. That’s the life that lives inside of spiritual darkness.

When the light of Christ is shown, everything comes to life. It is not that the creation is trying to live, but they are coming to life because of the light of Jesus Christ. A lot of depression in our lives completely holds us in darkness; there’s no method. But only when the light comes into us will the darkness flee. The fact that you’re depressed means that there’s darkness. The fact that you have panic attacks and anxiety attacks means that you are living in darkness. It means there is fear and panic in your heart, in your life.

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of people are going into panic, why? Because they are in the darkness. When the light goes into you, you come to life, that is why Jesus Christ came to this earth as the light of life and the light of the world. Even people who have a physical disease like cancer, if they have the light of Christ within them, they can overcome their cancer. It is true that we should have physical health as well, but I mean that we won’t be captured by cancer. Even if the cancer stays, you won’t be captured by that cancer because you are within the light of life. Instead of dying because of your cancer, you are enjoying the eternal life of light because of cancer.

No matter how difficult your circumstances are, it really doesn’t matter because only when the light of life comes into you will you come to life. Even if your circumstances do not change, you will come to life. If you’re okay, then everything is okay. Even though he walked through the valley of the shadow of death, David said he was okay.

The world is always like this, David’s own son tried to stage a coup-d’etat to assassinate his father and take his throne. That’s how the world is nowadays, even the sons are trying to kill their fathers because of the authority of darkness. But David wasn’t surprised, even his son was to this point. Then of course, everyone else will be so much darker.

If David’s vessel is large, does he have to be sad about that? No, because he knows the nature of the world; he knows that humans, by nature, are full of darkness and have no hope. Even he himself confessed, “I was a sinner in my mother’s womb.” David was the greatest king of greatest authority, and he was someone who had never lost a battle. He was controlling all the surrounding nations, but what did he say? “I was a sinner even as my mother conceived me.”

If you can understand who people are, then God will use you. People are, by nature, in darkness, and the more you come to that answer, the more firmly and boldly you will shine the light of Christ into the world. Don’t ask God to give you grace, but if you simply confirm the dark nature of human beings, the light will shine through you. The darker the darkness is, when the light shines, the darkness disappears a lot faster.

Everybody who was used in the Bible already knew in advance that humans by nature, could not live on their own. You still think that you have potential, you still have hope in yourself, and that’s why you’re not able to decipher whether this is darkness or light. However, all the people who were used in the Bible completely gave up on the world. They knew, and that’s why the strong light had no choice but to come upon them.

I pray that all the discouragement, depression, death, and despair inside of you will disappear in the light of Christ. It’s not something you can solve with your diligence or work, you can’t get rid of the darkness of the world with your own hard work or knowledge. Nothing else can get rid of the darkness, that’s why only when the light comes will the darkness flee, and the more you know the reason why the light must be shown, the more it will come strongly upon you.

Then, I who used to be in darkness, will come to life. I, who used to be in death and despair, will be resurrected, and because I come to life, my thoughts will come to life, too. Are you in despair? Stop looking for a new hope, but I pray that the light of life will come to you.

If someone is dead, no matter what they try, they cannot come back to life. Someone who can save must come to them in order for them to be saved. If someone takes a fish out of water, no matter what that fish does, it cannot come to life on its own. Someone else has to put that fish back into the water.

  1. Jesus Christ
    In John 1:4, it says that this light is within Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ Himself is the Light, and when Jesus Christ comes into me, I come to life; even my physical body comes to life. When people who are physically ill receive the light of Christ within them, they come to life and are healed. So, Jesus Christ is the light of life and the light of the world, but more objectively speaking, He reveals Himself through the Word of God.

1) Word (John 1:1)
John 1:1 says that He is the Word, and the characteristic of the Word is that, as in Isaiah 40:8, is that the Word is eternal. All the famous words of people disappear; however, only the Word of God is eternal, that means that the Word will be fulfilled forever. If you listen to a conman, then I will be conned. If I listen to lies, my life becomes a lie. However, if we listen to and follow the words of eternal truth, my life will go in the way of Truth. We cannot make Truth ourselves; we must only follow the Truth. We ourselves cannot create light; we must follow the Light.

But because you’re trying to be the light yourself, you’re deceived by Satan, being dragged to death. This word will absolutely be fulfilled. If the word comes upon you during worship, then absolutely, God will begin to work upon you through that Word.

Hebrews 4:12 says that the living word of God will penetrate, even dividing our soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and it judges the thoughts and attitudes of our heart. When Christ, who is the light, the life, and the word, comes into us, then we are healed and revived. If the Word comes into you, you come to life.

2) Human
The words of humans will not be able to save your spirit. Someone may be able to comfort you, but they cannot save your soul. We keep trying to get comfort from people, and of course we need that too, but with just that, you cannot save yourself. Only when the Word who is the Light comes upon me will I come to life.

Why is that? Because the light of the world means that the Word of God who is the Light must be shown all around the world. In John 8:14, Jesus Christ is talking to the Pharisees and says, “You have no idea where I am from or where I am going.” You have to know where Jesus Christ came from and where He is going in order to know where you are and where you are going.

Why are people wandering so much? People like philosophies, they always wonder where is life from and where is life going? There are even songs like that, “Life is a pioneer’s journey, we don’t know where we are and where we are going.” That’s a very famous lyric, and even though the artist was so famous, he died without knowing where he was going.

3) Jesus Christ
If we know Jesus Christ, and we know we came from the Kingdom of God, then we’re going to the Kingdom of God. I also know that, while I’m living on this earth, I’m enjoying and relaying the Kingdom of God. If you don’t know Jesus Christ, you have no choice but to wander in life.

  1. World
    The people of the world are wandering, but what about the religious people like the Pharisees in verse 19?

1) Humans – Religious
Jesus Christ says, “You do not know me or my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also.” The Pharisees saw Jesus but they keep on talking about God. What does Jesus say? “You have to know me in order to know my Father. If you guys don’t know me, how are you going to know about my Father?” Who is the God that you’re talking about, exactly? It’s just a god they made amongst themselves. God Himself has come to this earth, but because they don’t recognize Christ, they don’t recognize Father God in heaven, either.

These people were actually creating an idol out of God. There are many church members like that today. They don’t know Jesus Christ but they come to church. Jesus Christ is the life and light but we try to find life somewhere else, and we try to find truth somewhere else. Even though the plan of God should be our plan, we try to find our plan somewhere else. We make our own plans.

Even though Jesus Christ is the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End, we try to add more ideologies. On top of Jesus Christ, they will also bow down and pray to Mary and the saints and other things, additionally, but that is not from God. Everything of God comes through Jesus Christ. The one who has seen Jesus has seen God; the one who knows Jesus has known God, and when you pray in Jesus’ name, God works.

Only when that name of Jesus Christ is proclaimed will the darkness flee; that is why only Jesus Christ is enough, and Jesus Christ is perfect and complete, meaning I am perfect and complete. It’s not just a song, but Jesus Christ is perfect and complete for us. Only when Jesus Christ is proclaimed will everything follow you, because Jesus is everything.

Even now, for people who don’t go to church or even people who go to church, everyone avoids Jesus, even though Jesus Christ is the conclusion of everything. Even in the work you are doing right now, you have to find the conclusion of Jesus Christ, otherwise, you will be deceived by darkness, because Satan in John 8:44 is the father of lies. He makes you love your job and studies that has no Jesus. You must have the studies and job that is for Jesus. Only this is the correct Truth and Way.

No matter how much people help you, you will face a limitation. No matter how much you seek counseling from other people, you will face a limitation. Only when you reach the conclusion that Jesus Christ who lives in you is the answer to every single thing, that’s when the darkness will go away.

2) Child of God
We are children of God, that’s why Matthew 5:14 says we are the light of the world. We ourselves are not the light; Jesus Christ is the Light, but Jesus Christ came into us so that He can shine the light of Jesus Christ through us. But there are things that block the light.

Legalism will block that light. The law is the Word of God. Through the law, we need to hold onto the grace of Jesus Christ who is life, but instead of holding onto the gospel, we end up judging people, stuck in the law. If you keep criticizing people in your heart, there is a certain standard by which you criticize them. Instead of holding onto the light, you’re holding onto something that isn’t the light, and you’re using that to put people down, to criticize and complain about them, and these kinds of people are not able to hold onto the light even if it comes to them. That was the Pharisees. If anything, they killed the gospel, they killed Jesus. Those people will never shine the light of Jesus.

Also, people who are humanistic. There are people who keep saying, “As a decent human being, how could you do this?” I’m sure that might be right, but that can’t be everything. I have a Christian friend like that, he’s always like, “Come on, as a human, as a person, forget about God but just as a person, you have to do this.” Because we’re people, of course we should not be foolish; however, if you’re always centered on people, then that’s humanism and that cannot generate light, isn’t that right?

You should never be focused on people. The people will never change until the light of Christ is shown through you, then they will change. That person will not come to life because you comfort them with your words. I’m not saying we don’t need human interaction or comforting words; we need those, but those will not save.

Another thing that blocks is mysticism. God is mystical because He’s invisible; heaven is mystical, too. Hell is also mystical. We are also mystical because we have a spirit that is mystical. What is mysticism? Unhealthy mysticism is taking the spiritual things you cannot see with your eyes and you try to physically experience it.

Even just like legalistic people, they look at the Word of God and try to judge people based on what they see. In a similar way, unhealthy mysticism is where you take something spiritual that you cannot see and try to manifest it in a physical way. Even though we have no choice but to spread the light of Christ, the thing that blocks this is my own standard. I block the gospel with my own standards.

Even the family should be able to go freely within Christ, but you are blocking the family, cursing it with your standards. That’s why you yourself are not able to grow, and you always emphasize your own experience. No matter how bad your kids act, you shouldn’t just look at the present reality. Because you’re looking at the present reality, you think this is everything, and that’s why you lose hope, but you need to see the Christ who is within you.

So kids, no matter what circumstance may cause you to collapse, you’re okay. The problem is that the parents will go into despair because of their thoughts and block their kids because of their own thoughts. That’s why the light is not able to go. Even though we have the light within us, because of our thoughts and standards, we block the light from shining. But you have no idea how God is going to use this child in the future. All the Bible is like that. That’s why you need to look at your child with the gospel; you need to look at your family with the gospel.

3) Worldly Works
In Matthew 5:14-16, it says that the gospel must be the light that is shone to the rest of the world. You need to put the light like a city on a hill because if the light is at the bottom of the hill, it will only illuminate the people at the base of the mountain. When it says to be the city on a hill, it means to shine the light everywhere, which means that you need to have the thought that, through your job, your studies, your family, your life, and every aspect, you will shine the light of Jesus Christ to the rest of the world. Only then will God begin to work in you.

But if you’re blocking the light with your thoughts, then no matter how much light God has prepared to shine through you, you can’t see it. That’s why Jesus Christ told them in Matthew 5:28 to shine the light to all nations. May every single work and business that you are doing be related to shining the light to all nations around the world. I pray that all your studies and the work and everything you do will be used as an instrument to shine the light to all nations to the ends of the earth.

We’re facing this coronavirus pandemic, and God is shining the light of Christ to the entire world. If the coronavirus pandemic hadn’t happened, would we be worshipping online? Because our worships are online, during our Saturday Prayer School, there was a young adult from Ethiopia who joined us online. Online platforms existed before the pandemic, but our thoughts were limited to not think of that, why? Because we are trapped in our own thoughts.

God is awakening our thoughts with COVID-19. After COVID-19 ends, actually all businesses and industries will also change. Right now, the place where all the economy and money is going is Amazon and Facebook. The commonality between these two is that they’re all online, and it means we are already in the online age.

My daughter bought some headphones and they look really good, but she said it was only $18. With my eyes, if you want to buy good headphones, you have to spend at least $30-$40, because I bought headphones like that. Why? But because we are buying from a middle-man retailer, the prices are marked up, but now the middle-man retailer is disappearing and we’re ordering directly from Amazon. The system has already become like this.

If you don’t understand how the future is working but you say you are going to diligently work here, but things are changing, so what are you going to do? God is changing the economic field extremely quickly. If you’re holding onto the things of the past, that’s not going to work.

Samurais of their age were masters of the sword, but no matter how great you are with a sword, when guns are developed, you have to switch to a gun, and you have to match the way that God is changing this world. Everything that you are doing in the future also needs to be in that direction. “Oh, I’m just going to do whatever I want to do,” well, you’re going to die that way because whatever you’re thinking is not the truth.

God is moving quickly in His direction, and now that we are putting the messages online, the message is flowing all over the world simultaneously. Even now, God is using all these different ministries and the online pandemic to quickly spread out His work. As we go into the fourth industrial revolution and the age of Artificial Intelligence, we have to quickly match step with that.

You don’t see it right now, you can only see the future when the light of Christ is upon you. No matter how much you try to research, you can’t find it. No matter how diligently the Samurai tries to improve his master swordsman skills, when the gun is developed, he cannot stand in a fight. Spain used to be a superpower nation of the world who conquered the entire world through the ocean, but when Spain fought against the UK, they were completely destroyed and since then, Spain has fallen by the wayside. Before, Spain used to conquer the world.

Spain built these really huge galleons, but when the UK developed small fire ships, Spain was destroyed and their 100-year reign came to an end. Quickly, you need to match pace with the age that is changing; if you don’t match pace, you will die. After the pandemic ends, we’re going to go full-force into the fourth industrial revolution, so please prepare. In everything you’re doing right now, God is giving you this time to prepare for that time. Without doing that, you’re going to fall into despair.

If you don’t know why God is doing these things to the children of God, you’re going to end up being in despair. Even when you study in school, you need to see how these studies will be used in the future. If you don’t see that, you’re going to be like a samurai who dies in battle.

In the future, spiritual problems will continue to increase. 2 Timothy 3 says the end times will be filled with suffering, and now, you need to race into the economy, holding onto the light that is able to save people. It’s not something you can do by staying still, you need to ask God to reveal to you the direction of the future economy, and you need to match step with Him and follow.

The one who is preparing for that is really blessed during the coronavirus pandemic, but without knowing this, if you’re wondering, “Why don’t things work out?” That person will die. Quickly prepare for the fourth industrial revolution because only the one who is the light can show you the future.

God said to Abraham, “Why would I not reveal to Abraham what I am about to do?” God told the Early Church exactly what would happen in the future; that’s why they weren’t shaken. In the future, people will continue to go into the age of suffering and disaster, and even though they may succeed, they cannot save themselves or other people. At that time, only people who are spiritually prepared will be used by God.

Joseph gave the answer to Pharaoh. No matter how much you succeed in the world as a governor, if you’re not used by God, it’s all useless. Spiritually and physically, only when the light of Christ is upon you will you be able to see anything.


  1. All Your Problems – Light Is the Answer
    In conclusion, because the light of life who is Jesus Christ has already come to you, you need to find the answer of Christ in every problem, circumstance, or environment you’re in, and you have to have the time when you’re filled with that light.
  2. Life, Filling of the Holy Spirit – Strength
    You have to charge your battery, you need to have a time every single day to fill yourself with the spirit of life so that you can come to life spiritually.
  3. Let It Be a Week of Saving the World…
    I pray that this week will be a time where you can shine the light of Christ to other people.

    Now, let us hold onto the Word of God and pray together.

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