I Have Overcome the World (Jn. 16:25-33)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

I Have Overcome the World (Jn. 16:25-33)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  The title of today’s message is, “I Have Overcome the World.”  We are born into this world, and we will eventually leave this world.  After people are born into this world, they live without the answer of how they should live.  There are many people in this world who say they have the way to life, but that is from their own perspective.  However, that individual does not have the strength and answer to overcome the world.  From the moment we’re born on earth to the moment we leave, we have to live on earth, and it’s important that we have the answer, but most people live their walk of faith without knowing the answer, but they work so hard.  But your diligence is not the answer to life.  Even success is not the answer to life.  Even if I gain power and authority in the world, that is not the answer to life.  Age by age, there is a superpower nation or great empire that rises to power, and even that powerful nation does not have the answer.  

Then, why do we study and why do we live in this world?  We have a physical body and we have to live in the physical world; that’s why we have to study and we need to make money, but that is not the answer to our life.  You cannot block disasters with money.  America has so much global power, but it is powerless against mental problems.  There are more and more cases of addiction problems, but America, with all of its power, cannot block them.  Through God’s Word, He is giving us the answer today.  A “Christian” is someone who lives with this answer to life.  If we don’t have the solution, then we are bound to wander.  It doesn’t matter how hard you try, or how diligently you live.  Simply put, “Do I have the answer to overcome the world?”  If not, I have no choice but to kneel in my circumstances.  If somebody is battling depression, it means they don’t have the strength to overcome depression.  If we’re kneeling before our financial problems, it means we do not have the power to overcome them.  If I’m kneeling to my panic attacks, it means I don’t have the strength to overcome them myself, and as a result of not having strength, I fall deeper and deeper into my addictions.  

That’s why people continuously fall into addictions, to drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc.  This means that they’ve been trying to escape from their reality, and the end result is addiction, why is that?  They’re not going through this because they didn’t go to church; it’s because they don’t have the answer.  Our children have to go out into the world with this answer, but right now, they’re going without the answer.  Once these children get a job, they don’t have the answer, then they are either going to give up, or they’re going to leave, or even if they stay at their company, they will be conflicted, why?  Because they don’t have the answer.  As evidence that these people do not have the answer to their life, they will always fall into conflicts and run away.  But will your problem be solved if you run away from it?  No, because everywhere you go, you will face problems.  “What if I get married?” No, because inside of your family, there are even more problems.  “Then what if I just kill myself and end it now?”  No, because even after you die, there is an even greater problem.  After you leave this earth, if you go like this, not only will there be eternal suffering in hell, but you will leave this suffering to continue in your next generation.  

1. That day

  1) You will

In today’s scripture, before Jesus Christ dies on the cross, He tells His disciples one more time.  In today’s scripture, Jesus Christ starts with, “On that day,” again He talks about the time, because God moves according to His time schedule.  

    (1) No parable – Tell you plainly about the Father (Jn. 16:25)  

For people who haven’t heard previous weeks’ sermons, it’s because Jesus was speaking in parables and nobody could understand what He was saying.  

    (2) You will ask in my name (Jn. 16:26)

But then, Jesus says, “On that day, You will ask in My name.”  So, “On that day,” the Holy Spirit will be given to you, and you will be able to speak to God the Father personally, directly.  

    (3) Jesus – Not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf (Jn. 16:26)

Jesus is saying, “I’m not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf.”  Yes, Jesus Christ is interceding for us in prayer even now, but He is saying that now we’ve come to a point where we can pray, directly and personally.  Before Jesus Christ died on the cross, He was praying overnight in the Garden of Gethsemane, and He asked His disciples to pray with Him, but they could not; they kept falling asleep, but once they received the Holy Spirit, the disciples were able to pray.  

  2) Reason

What is the reason for this?  The fact that the Holy Spirit is with us means that Jesus Christ has finished all the problems on the cross, He has resurrected into heaven, and has come upon us as the Holy Spirit.  

    (1) Because you love Jesus (Jn. 16:27)

God so loved the world that He sent His one and only Son to die on the cross, resurrected Him, and sent us His Holy Spirit.  God loved us first, and only that way can we love the gospel of the cross.  

    (2) Believe that Jesus came from God (Jn. 16:27)

Then Jesus says, “Then you will believe that I have come from the Father.”

    (3) Father himself loves you (Jn. 16:27)

He says, “The Father Himself loves you,” so now, Jesus Christ has opened the way for us to meet with God in heaven.  Before Jesus Christ, our only way to God was broken because of our sin.  Now, through the cross, the Lord has opened up the way for us to go personally and directly to God.  This scripture is before Jesus Christ’s crucifixion, so He is saying, “When that time comes.”  He’s talking about the future.  

  3) Jesus 

    (1) I came from the Father and entered the world (Jn. 16:28)

In Jn. 16:28, Jesus Christ says, “I came from the Father and entered the world,” this means that the Lord Who is seated at the right hand of the throne of heaven came to earth as a human.  The reason God came to earth as a human was to solve the problems that humans could never solve by dying on the cross and resurrecting.

    (2) Leave the world (Jn. 16:28)

    (3) Go back to the Father (Jn. 16:28)

Now, Jesus says, “Now I am leaving the world and going to the Father,” in other words, the resurrection and ascension.  

2. Disciples

  1) Now (Jn. 16:29-30)

After Jesus told His disciples this, His disciples said, “Now we can see that You know all things and you do not even have to be asked,” what does this mean?  In the first part of this chapter, Jesus Christ was saying, “A little while, and you will see me no longer; and again a little while, and you will see me” (Jn. 16:16), and the disciples did not understand what He meant.  Then Jesus used the parable of a woman giving birth, that during child labor, she is in great suffering, but after the child is born, her joy is complete, but the disciples still could not understand.  So, after Jesus Christ told them these things, the disciples murmured among themselves that they’re confused, but the Lord knew that they were confused.  The Lord knew that and began to explain to them clearly, and then the disciples responded by saying, “Now, we understand.”

    (1) Speaking clearly (Jn. 16:29)

    (2) Without figures of speech (Jn. 16:29)

    (3) Lord knows all things (Jn. 16:30)

    (4) Don’t need to have anyone ask you questions (Jn. 16:30)

    (5) Believe that you came from God (Jn. 16:30)

At first, it seems like we can understand more clearly because Jesus is no longer speaking in parables, and then they say, “This makes us believe that You came from God.”  

  2) Jesus 

    (1) Do you now believe? (Jn. 16:31)

Then, Jesus replied, “Do you now believe?”  When the disciples say, “This makes us believe that You came from God,” what they’re really saying is, “How did you know what questions we had before we even had them, and answered them so accurately?”  This shows power.  In other words, they thought, “How could this person know all of our thoughts in our heart and tell us so accurately what we’re thinking?  This being is surely from God because they show power.”  Then, they say, “We believe You.”  But then Jesus replied, “Do you now believe?” He’s questioning their faith.  

Right now, the reason the disciples are claiming they believe in Jesus Christ is, somehow they knew everything they were thinking and wondering before they asked it, and He answered them, and when I see something like that, I can believe He is from God, but that’s not how we should know.  Isn’t that what a religion is?  Why else do you think people go to fortune-tellers?  “This person has great power because they can tell the future, this person has great power because they knew what would happen to my business,” that’s not how you should know Jesus.  Are there any of you who might think of Jesus like that?  “Oh, He showed tremendous power; this must be from God because it’s impossible by human efforts.”  Evil spirits have power and have shown power.  Evil spirits have shown the power to heal people.  There are many people who worship or give ancestral rites, and these evil spirits will even copy the voices of deceased family members to trick people.  

When King Saul was being attacked by the Philistines, he brought a witch to bring up the ghost of the prophet Samuel. This spirit looked exactly like the prophet and spoke exactly like the prophet, and it says in that verse that the spirit came up directly out of the ground; however, once a human dies, their spirit either goes to heaven or to hell.  After a human dies, their spirit does not just dwell in this world and get called by human mediums or shamans when they’re being summoned; no, that’s an evil spirit pretending to be the deceased person. Even King Saul himself had that incorrect faith, and the reason why even Christians and church goers go and look for fortune tellers is because they want some kind of power to tell them about the future.  “If anybody shows enough power to solve my problems, I’ll go there,” that’s not believing in Jesus. All you’re doing is relying on the power of somebody or something that seems more powerful than you, that’s called religion.  

1 Corinthians 10:20 says that the worship of pagans is given to demons, and in that verse, the worship of pagans is talking about the sacrifices they make in worship, it’s about pouring your heart out and begging to get something, but Paul says, “This is participation with demons,” how is that?  That’s how Satan and demons work on people.  If you keep emptying your heart and concentrate on something other than Jesus Christ, then that time becomes you participating with evil spirits.  If you concentrate, focus, or beg to anything other than Jesus Christ, that is the time for evil spirits to work on you, but this is the same faith perspective the disciples had.  In order to believe in Jesus Christ, you need to believe in Him accurately through the incident of the cross, but the disciples are saying, “Now we believe You because you’ve shown this small power”?  

    (2) You will be scattered, each to your home (Jn. 16:32)

So, the Lord really questions them, “Do you now believe?  A time is coming and in fact has now come when you will be scattered, each to their own home.  Look, you don’t really believe.”  

    (3) You will leave me all alone (Jn. 16:32)

We have to believe in Jesus as the Christ, but instead, we believe in Him as a powerful being or someone who can give me what I want; then, when He’s about to die on the cross, I give up and run away.  The reason we ran away is that He is no longer of benefit to me, so where do you think we would run?  Back to whatever that would benefit us.  If there are many of us who believe in Jesus Christ like this, we will continuously have a very hard time; it’s evidence that we do not have the true answer.  But there is a time when we go through that; even in this time in the scripture, the disciples did not have the answer yet.  Human beings have no choice but to live their lives and make their judgments based on their own standards.  If they don’t believe in Jesus Christ.  In Genesis 3:5, Satan goes in and deceives humans, “If you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”  From that point on, we have become our own standard; we have become our own god, and based on my standards, I will judge whether something is right or wrong.  This is the reason why we live in this system that leaves us no choice but to suffer.  That’s why, everywhere we go, there’s fighting.  

Because the Word of God is not the standard, instead, every individual has their own standard of what’s good or bad, so of course, people will fight, that’s the channel upon which Satan worked upon Adam, and that’s why everybody moves for their own physical gain or benefit.  People say, “I only believe if it’s a benefit to me physically,” but that’s not believing in Jesus at all.  You’re actually just making your judgements based on what will benefit you, and you just happened to choose to believe.  That’s what happened in Genesis 6, when the sons of God chose to marry the daughters of men, whomever they desired, and because they were separated from God, the Spirit of God no longer dwelt with them.  Their standard was not whatever God desired; it was, “Whatever I want,” in other words, “I don’t need God, I want to do what I want to do.”  If something is beneficial to me, this is good; if something is a loss to me, then that’s evil.  Genesis 6 says, the Spirit of God no longer dwelt with them. 

Why is it that the Lord is with you but you’re not able to see His guidance and His works?  It is because you are following a different standard.  Even if you are living the wrong walk of faith like that, it’s not still not too late; you can change.  The longer you’ve lived in America, the longer we’ve lived under the system of individualism.  The standard of everything is “Me” and how I feel.  That’s where all of our standards for human rights and equality comes from; it must be individual human rights and individual equality, the ideology of individualism makes it so that not everybody lives according to the standard of God’s Word, but everyone lives based on their own standards.  Even if people go to church, the Word of God is not their standard; whatever they think is their standard.  The second way the devil works very strongly in America, is capitalism, making everything centered on money.  Every decision we make is not based on God’s Word; it is, “Does this make me money or not?”  And the third way that Satan attacks America—why do we make all that money and succeed?  It’s for pleasure, so Satan pushes us into hedonism or pleasure-seeking. 

2 Timothy 3 says that times of great suffering are coming for people who love themselves, money, and pleasure more than they love God because those people don’t really believe in Jesus; they believe in money and themselves.  But they still might go to church, so people get confused, “I believe in Jesus, why is this happening?” What does it mean to believe in Jesus?  We’re going to talk about this later on, but it means you believe in the Christ Who has overcome the world.  “I got married and it’s so hard, I got a job and it’s so hard.”  Yes, life is hard, but Christ is the One Who overcomes; that is our standard.  No matter where in the world you are placed, you’re okay because the Christ Who has overcome the world is with you.  If you don’t have this answer, then you place the standard based on yourself, and because you know you’re limited, it’s so hard and you give up.  That’s why life is so hard.  I hope that every single person here without exception will have the faith of believing in Jesus Christ accurately. 

    (4) Yet I am not alone (Jn. 16:32)

Jesus Christ says, “There will come a time when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave me alone.  Yet I am not alone for God the Father is with me.”  We keep on looking for other people’s help, “Is nobody going to help me?” But that’s not having faith.  At least from my perspective, I don’t think that’s faith. Jesus Christ is about to die on the cross and there is nobody to help Him, everybody ran away.  But He says, “The Father is with me,” that God Who is with me is the creator and mover of the entire universe, the God Who can put any situation at ease is with me.  So, even though He is facing death, we go into death with the Lord.  Why do you think Jesus said these words today? because He’s telling us that, once we receive the Holy Spirit, we will be the same way, and we must believe that.  

    (5) For my Father is with me (Jn. 16:32)

Do not look at people who show power and believe in that, because, what will you do later, then?  There’s no answer there.  Do you know why people fall into self-meditation more and more? It is because they do not have the answer.  Why do people keep trying to empty themselves?  If you try to empty yourself, will you really disappear?  Matthew 12:43-45 says that seven more evil spirits will go into you, and do you think you will restore power if you receive the energy of the universe?  If you fill yourself with positive thinking, do you think something will change? That’s not the Christ, but people are under the misconception that, if they do this, they believe in Jesus.  They say, “Oh, I fill myself with the love of the universe, because God is love,” that makes me lose my mind.  They call themselves Christians, too, is that right?  Is it true that God is love and the universe, and you can bring the love of the universe into you?  That’s New Age.  You have to be filled with Jesus to be filled with love.  So many people are imitating the image of godliness without knowing God, without knowing the reality.  

3. Jesus Christ overcame the world

  1) Within Jesus

    (1) Enjoy peace (Jn. 16:33)

Then Jesus says, “I have told you these things so that in Me, you may have peace.”  Before Jesus Christ was about to die on the cross, there was a moment when He was shaken.  He prayed to God, saying, “If you can, take this cup from me, but not my will, but Your will be done,” that’s when He received peace and he was able to give that peace to the disciples.  We must have peace.  When Jesus sent His disciples to evangelize, He did not tell them to ask people if they believed in Jesus.  Jesus told His disciples instead to ask everyone, “Do you have peace?” So I hope you will ask the people in your life, at your job, and in your family, “Do you have peace?” Then some people might respond, “Nothing is really wrong, yeah, I’m at peace,” but that person, once they have problems in their life, they will lose their peace. Or, some people may say, “Yeah, I have a lot of money saved up, and my kids are doing really well. I don’t have any problems; I’ve got peace.”   Then, why is it that America has so much money but on the streets of America, there are more and more people who are homeless, mentally ill, or addicted?   Why is it that the leaders of America are doing pedophilia?  Is that peace?  Is that success?  Are people peaceful if they have success?  If you live on a beach front property and you get the ocean breeze every day, will you be peaceful?  No, it actually leads to depression.  People actually try to live in beachfront houses, thinking, “If I look at the vast ocean every day, it will give me peace,” but it doesn’t. 

When you first look at the ocean, it’s so nice, but if you look at it every day, let’s see if you still like it.  When you go on a vacation to the Swiss Alps, it’s so great, but what happens if you live there?  If you come to America for a vacation, it’s great, but what if you live in America?  Do you know why humans are never satisfied?  Because human beings are spiritual, we are never going to be satisfied with the physical things alone.  No matter how great, amazing, or convenient the physical things are, they can never satisfy humans.  Humans were originally created so that we are only satisfied with God alone, but because of the sin of Adam, that connection was broken; that’s why Jesus Christ came to earth.  Just like Jesus Christ is able to enjoy the peace of being with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, we too can enjoy the peace of being with the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. 

    (2) In every situation, by prayer and petition (Phil. 4:6)

How then, can we enjoy that peace?  Phil. 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”  This verse does not say, “Pray only on special occasions,” but “In all things, with prayer, petition, and thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”  The fact that God is with you through the Holy Spirit means that He is with you in every incident and instance of your life.  That’s why, in all things, pray.  

    (3) God’s peace – Guard hearts, minds (Phil. 4:7)

Then, Phil. 4:7 says that the peace of Christ will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, so the standard is not whether you go to church or not; it’s whether you have peace or not.  “Do you have peace or not,” meaning, are you receiving the answer from the Lord by taking everything in your life to prayer?  That’s our standard of believing in Christ.  If we don’t have the answer of peace, then we have to focus on other things, looking for that peace. We call that, “obsession,” we get obsessed with money, we get obsessed with getting that person because they’re stronger than I am, I’m obsessed with getting that job because it looks so great.  What happens if you’re obsessed with something?  That later, turns into addiction. What does this mean?  Even right now, if you’re not focusing on and concentrating on our God, and instead, we’re focusing on people and creation, that’s what will happen to us, too.  

More specifically speaking, let’s say you got a scar in your past, then everything for the rest of your life will focus on that scar.  That’s most people.  You’re going to concentrate and focus on everything you hate about that person, but it doesn’t just end with that.  Eph. 4:26-27 says that the devil will use that as a foothold.  From that point on, Satan will use that scar to control that person.  Even though people go to church, they still have sufferings so they have to do whatever they can to get rid of it.  But, if today, by God’s grace, the Word the Lord is giving to us becomes our answer, we don’t have to do all of that.   What happens if that scar turns into anger or wrath?  That anger or wrath does not just stay inside of us; that’s the reason why people explode or even shoot others.  Why is it that America has so much money?  We have democracy but we still cannot block these problems.  Democracy is still not the answer; America itself is not the answer.  In order for our scars to no longer be a scar, we must restore the spiritual state of being with the Lord.  We have our state, that leaves us no choice but to get scarred.  

Joseph was almost murdered by his older brothers, yet he was not scarred; instead, he received an answer.  Imagine two types of people, one person comes to church and says, “This person is testing me and makes me afflicted,” and they get an answer from that.  There’s another type of person who may be afflicted, but they fall into that problem.  But if you take every situation in prayer and petition, you’ll receive answers.  So, the problem is that we’re not in a spiritual state that is able to pray, so when I look at the situation from my perspective with my standards, it becomes a scar.  “I hate looking at their face,” and if you live with that person, you never want to look at their face.  “I don’t want to look at their face at my job,” and it’s not money that makes your life hard; it’s people. So, what’s the problem?  Why would the person be the problem?  The only thing that’s important is that if you’re somebody who takes everything into prayer and petition, then you will receive answers in everything.  Otherwise, you’ll be in problems.  So, believing in Jesus Christ does not mean just going to church.  We’ll talk about this later on, but the reason Jesus Christ gives us peace is because there will come a time where we will face trouble, but take heart, He has overcome the world.  

  2) World

    (1) You will have trouble (Jn. 16:33)

Because we believe in Jesus Christ, we do not get along with Satan or the world.  Because the kingdom of the world and Satan operate in disobedience to God, of course, we will not get along with it.  There may be a lot of Christians who go to church and they still get along with the world; but if you’re a normal Christian, that is not going to happen; you will be opposed.  So if you correctly and properly believe in Jesus Christ, then you will face persecution.  Why would I have trouble if I believe in Jesus?  There are two types of people: there are people who just make trouble on their own, not from faith in Jesus Christ, and there are people who don’t make trouble but the trouble comes to them because of their faith in Jesus.  That’s rightful.  Imagine if there was a village full of one-eyed monkeys, and then a two-eyed monkey comes; of course, the two-eyed monkey will be bullied.  But that’s what Jesus is saying, “You will be persecuted by the world, but take courage for I have overcome the world.” 

    (2) I have overcome the world (Jn. 16:33)

What does the Lord overcoming the world have to do with me?  What can we do to overcome the world and have victory?  If you don’t have this answer, you have to kneel to the world, you have to surrender to success and be dragged around by it.  You have no choice but to surrender and be dragged around by people who are more powerful and difficult than you, so you have to have the answer.  You must have the answer.  

    (3) Victory that has overcome the world – Our faith (1 Jn. 5:4)

1 John 5:4 says that “Everyone born of God overcomes the world, this is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.”  What this means is that, without our faith, we cannot win in this world.  Because the Lord has overcome the world, if I believe that He is my Lord, then because He is my Lord, then we will also overcome the world.  The Lord has overcome sin, and the result of sin is disasters, so the Lord has overcome disasters.  The Lord has overcome death, so death has no power over us, the Lord has overcome the authority of Satan, and we cannot overcome the authority of Satan, but only by faith in Christ can we also overcome.  Curses and disasters can no longer come before us.  No matter how much Satan attacks us, he is only pretending; if we really believe, Satan can do nothing against us.  We even overcome death because even after we die, we live eternally with the Lord.  Over 90% of American veterans come back with PTSD because of the death they’ve experienced.  They get that trauma from seeing the people around them dying, and for people who haven’t fought in the army, you won’t understand.  

When I was serving in the military, I stayed in the most dangerous part of the demilitarized zone for one year.  Sometimes the enemy would attack at night, and you could see their footsteps in the snow in the morning.  And sometimes, they would take a slingshot and they would throw these rocks over to our side, and there’s nobody who can help us.  Sometimes, when you go out scouting, you won’t know when you run into an enemy, and the reason why it’s so difficult is because of your fear of death.  You can only overcome that if you have the faith that can overcome death, but there is nobody who can overcome death.  For people who are older, some people say, “I wish I could die sooner,” but they’re lying; there’s nobody who wants to die.  But Jesus Christ has overcome death, and has overcome the world.  By Christ’s resurrection, we, too, will resurrect.  Heb. 2:14 says that Satan uses the authority of death and the fear of death to push us into suffering.  The reason why people get so discouraged when they face a terminal illness is because of death, but all we have to do is believe in God, because everyone has to go eventually, whether it is by a disease or another cause, we all have to go.  But for us, we just call it a relocation because we are moving from earth to heaven.  When the Lord comes back to earth, our bodies will also resurrect with a resurrected body.  

What is the only way to overcome our battle with PTSD?  We have to have faith in Christ.  David fought in over 100 battles, but he never got PTSD, but King Saul did.  That’s how the evil spirit went into him. He lived his entire life, under the fear of death and suffering, and then he died.  So going into the military is not the issue, but if you go, you need to go with the answer.  No matter where you go without the answer, it will be hard.  Everywhere you go, you need to go there with the answer that no matter what situation you’re facing, in all things, you pray to Jesus Christ about it, you receive His answer in your thoughts and heart, to get peace.  If we don’t raise our children to receive this guidance through His word and we send them out into the world, then they will suffer again.  Nobody has lived their lives before, and we’re trying to do this without the answer.  And then, if they try to live their walk of faith without the answer, then when life gets hard, there’s no reason to go to church.  But for you and I, the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is with us.  

  3) Holy Spirit

    (1) Filling of Holy Spirit – Power (Ac. 1:8)

That is why, every single day, we must receive the filling and the power of the Holy Spirit.  If you don’t understand what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit, imagine being filled or drunk with alcohol, or imagine what someone becomes like when they’re high on drugs or when they completely lose their minds because those are all states where they’re filled with something else.  Instead, we must be filled with the Spirit of God.  Go into the filling of the Holy Spirit so that the Spirit of Jesus Christ completely controls our thoughts, spirit, heart, mind, and body.  In Acts 1:8, Jesus already promised to give it to you, so just pray, asking for it.  When you wake up in the morning, this is the strength you must receive.  That’s how you will receive God’s guidance, once you go into your school or your job field.  If you don’t have that spiritual strength, how can you be led by the Holy Spirit?  If you don’t have spiritual strength, it means you’re living with physical strength.  So, you’re living with your own power.  

    (2) Guidance of Holy Spirit – To the ends of the earth (Ac. 1:8)

But instead, receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Then, no matter what troubles come your way, you will have victory.  Because Jesus has victory, if you believe in Christ as your Lord, then you will have victory.  By the work of the Holy Spirit, you will save other people.  At your job, where you live with your family, pray for them.  If the Holy Spirit works, then the evil spirits are cast out, and the Kingdom of God is established, that’s what the Bible says, and there’s never a situation where humans are saved without the work of the Holy Spirit. 

    (3) Works of Holy Spirit – Witness (Ac. 1:8)

 So, then your number one prayer topic is for you to be filled with the Holy Spirit, because you need that strength to overcome the world.  If you have that spiritual strength, wisdom will come to you, people will come to you, everything follows.  Just like wherever the president goes, everything has to follow.  If the Lord is living within us and is guiding us, everything has to follow the Lord.  And next, I hope you will pray for other people.  This is the reason why you have your job.  


1. Jesus Christ finished everything (Jn. 19:30)

2. God’s kingdom – Mission (Ac. 1:3)

3. Only prayer – Concentration (Ac. 1:14)

In conclusion, the Jesus Christ Who has finished everything the cross is with us now through the Holy Spirit.  The One Who has overcome the world is with us through His Holy Spirit.  So what is the Holy Spirit going to do with us?  We will be a witness of Jesus until the ends of the earth. We will go and save people of all nations, then, without a doubt, you are bound to receive the answers that God is alive and with you.  The light might not shine on anybody else, but for that person, God will follow them and shine the light.  Just like the Light of God was not upon Saul, but the Light of God showed wherever David went. If you need finances, God will give you the light of finances.  If you need more people, God will send people and work.  So I hope you will remain within this week within the guidance, the working, and the power of the Christ Who has overcome everything, Who has overcome the world.  

Message Prayer

Let us pray holding onto the Word that we have received today.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You.  We have returned Your material blessings as offering.  Everywhere it is used, we pray that dead souls will be saved, and may this be used to testify the answer to the Christians who are living without the answer and only religion.  May this be used to save the next generation that is dying in the field without the answer, and may this offering be used to give the answer to the people who are suffering and dying with mental illnesses, addictions, and no answer.  Allow us to have the faith that overcomes all our problems by being with the Triune God, and allow us to remain within the guidance of the power of Christ until the ends of the earth.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

God, we thank You.  We pray that You will bless the three newcomers and visitors so they may go out into the world with the answer that saves with the peace and the power that comes from Christ Who has overcome.  Lord, we pray You will bless these people so they may live as evangelists who give the answer to the people who are suffering in the world without the answer.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer

2. Hollywood camp – Temple

3. RU PhD 3/11 (Tues.) – 12 (Wed.), Dallas

4. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, guidance, working, fellowship, and filling of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to hold onto the answer of Christ Who has overcome the world, and to save and testify of this to all people, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.

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