The Prayer That Makes Your Joy Complete (Jn. 16:16-24)

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.” The title of today’s message is, “The Prayer That Makes Your Joy Complete.” This means if you believe in Jesus Christ correctly, your joy will be complete, then how can we maintain a complete joy? That is what our Word today will be about.
1. Jesus’s parable
1) In a little while (Jn. 16:16)
(1) You will not see Jesus (Jn. 16:16)
(2) You will see Jesus (Jn. 16:16)
(3) I am going to the Father (Jn. 16:5)
Jesus Christ said to His disciples, “In a little while, you will no longer see Me, and a little while longer, you will see Me.” He said the reason why in John 16:5, “Now, I am going to be with the Father.”
2) Disciples
(1) Did not understand what he was saying (Jn. 16:17)
(2) Did not understand ‘a little while’ (Jn. 16:18)
From the perspective of the disciples who were following Jesus Christ for three years, it was hard for them to understand what He was saying; it’s impossible for them to know what He means. The fact that this person whom they’ve been following around three years nonstop, is saying He will leave them, so of course, their hearts are troubled. If somebody believes in Jesus Christ, and then one day, they get the feeling that Jesus will no longer be with them, then of course, their hearts will be troubled. So then the disciples are confused and talking and asking amongst each other about what this means, and Jesus, knowing this, said this.
3) Jesus
(1) You will weep and mourn (Jn. 16:20)
In Jn. 16:20, Jesus says, “Very truly, I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices.” For us, we know why Jesus is saying this, we know Jesus will die and be crucified, and that’s why the disciples will mourn, but for them, they don’t get it. So of course, because Jesus will die on the cross, even though He is dying to solve all the problems of sin, Satan, and death, the disciples are weeping and mourning for His death, but the world will be rejoicing. The Jewish religion was entirely based on how well you can keep the laws of God, and now Jesus comes to earth and says, “No, all you have to do is believe in Me to receive salvation,” imagine how much the Jews hated Jesus. The Jews devoted their entire lives to keeping the commandments and laws of God as much as they could, but Jesus came to this earth and said, “All you have to do is believe in Me,” of course they would hate Jesus. So, the Jewish people got this idea, “If we just got rid of this one person, Jesus, then everything will be a lot more cleaned up, so let’s kill Him on account of blasphemy.” Now, imagine how much the Israelites must be rejoicing after Jesus Christ is crucified, because now, they can go back to the way they used to live back in the Old Testament.
(2) The world rejoices (Jn. 16:20)
The reason people on this earth are happy right now is not because of the gospel, and it’s not because of God’s Word, but people are filled with joy when they accomplish what they desire. The Bible does say that the world does give you some kind of joy, let’s say, for example, if you can make as much money as you want, you will be happy, or let’s say for example, our children grow up and mature the way that we want, then we will be happy. But that joy is not from Jesus Christ, that means this happiness is only temporary, this means that your happiness can go away. If money makes you happy, then when you lose your money, you get sad. If you’re relying on that person to make you happy and then one day, their feelings for you change, then you become sad. Let’s say once upon a time, you used to live relying on your youth and vigor, but now you’re at the end of your life, and you’ve lost it. All of the happiness the world talks about is based on physical standards, and when you get what you want, they say, “Now, you should be happy.”
Buddha, Siddhartha, was someone who always wondered, “Why is it that people, from the time they are born until they die, have diseases and hardships?” What Buddhism says is that all the pain and problems of the world are caused by our greed, and then they try to practice a life of asceticism, where they try to get rid of their greed, and they try to transcend to the point of enlightenment, thinking all of their suffering will go away. Even from long ago, there’s nobody who can explain why things happen the way they are. Because the world does not have the gospel, they try to find happiness in other things. When they don’t have true, inner joy, they have to find a fake joy through substances and alcohol. For people who are younger, they spend time or money on things that will bring them joy, whether it’s clubbing or something else. Why do you think the youth will spend all their time, money, and energy going to these events? When they go, they feel happy. All week, they are getting stressed and burdened, but they want to look forward to the weekend where they can meet their friends, listen to music, and dance, so they spend money going to these places, but they have no choice but to live like this because they don’t have true joy.
(3) Your grief will turn to joy (Jn. 16:20)
For some people, they find their joy in life through watching dramas or TV shows. The only happiness the world can give you is temporary, however, Jesus Christ tells His disciples that their grief will turn to joy. First, they were following Jesus, and when He was crucified, they were filled with grief; then, when He resurrects and finds them, they are filled with joy.
2. Meaning of parable
1) Parable
(1) Time for woman to give birth – Pain (Jn. 16:21)
(2) When her baby is born – Joy (Jn. 16:21)
(3) Forgets the anguish (Jn. 16:21)
Jesus Christ explains this using a parable, that when a woman is in labor, the pain of childbirth is so hard, but once the child is born, that pain fades into memory. Of course, I’ve never experienced that pain, but I hear it’s very painful. When a woman is about to go into labor, they are filled with so much pain and worries because of that, so even though they are so troubled and suffering because of childbirth, as soon as the baby is born, they forget it and are filled with joy. That joy will make you forget about the pain to the extent where it’s more effective than a painkiller. If something really, really good happens to us, we won’t even remember everything we’ve suffered to get there. There are a lot of competitions like the Olympics, and if you get the gold medal, all the pain and suffering in preparation melts away because the joy in getting the gold medal is so great.
All of us have scars in our past, but there are some people who suffer because of their scars, and there are other people who find the blessing and joy through the scars. That suffering doesn’t go away because you try to forget the pain of your past. Just like the disciples, when you confirm one fact, that is when your joy will be complete.
2) Meaning
(1) Now – Grief (Jn. 16:22)
(2) I will see you again – You will rejoice (Jn. 16:22)
In Jn. 16:22, Jesus Christ says, “Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice.” The disciples were following Jesus Christ for 3.5 years, and now He is saying He will leave them so their hearts are worried and troubled, but then Jesus Christ will resurrect in three days, finish all the problems of mankind, and go and find the disciples with pure joy, and their sadness will turn to joy.
(3) No one will take away your joy (Jn. 16:22)
It says here, “No one will take away your joy,” but the joy of the world is temporary and you have it momentarily, but then it goes away. But, when you are able to really believe and confirm that the Lord has resurrected and He is living with you as your Lord, then you will be filled with joy. So, our walk of faith really is the way to find joy. Once you find that joy, all of your depression will go away, isn’t that so? If you’re filled with joy, how can you feel depressed? If you’re filled with joy, how can you have panic attacks? If your heart is finding this joy, moment by moment, could you have bipolar disorder? If I’m enjoying this true joy for all of eternity, I don’t have to go take vacations and travel just to find a fake joy.
It says, “No one can take this joy from you.” The condition of that joy is that it will only come to you when Jesus Christ has died on the cross and resurrected and lives within you as the Lord of your life, there is nothing else that can bring joy to Christians. Yes, of course, you may have momentary joy or happiness here or there when you accomplish something, but this is a joy you can have whether you’re in poverty or in wealth, why? Because you confirm the fact that the Lord is with you, and our walk of faith is finding and restoring that joy. But if you place your focus on something else, you will never find joy there.
3) In that day
(1) You will no longer ask Jesus anything (Jn. 16:23)
Then He says, “In that day,” so this means that after the disciples meet with Jesus Christ again when He resurrects, they will be filled with joy, and when He ascends into heaven, they will no longer ask the Father for anything because He will pour the Holy Spirit upon them. Before, they would ask Him, but now that the Holy Spirit is with them, the Holy Spirit teachers them everything. Even the questions they asked in the past, the Holy Spirit will re-teach them so they will understand. The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ living within us will teach us all things and remind us of the words of the Bible. That’s why we no longer have a reason to ask Jesus.
(2) My Father will give you whatever you ask in my name (Jn. 16:23)
Then He says, “My Father will give you whatever you ask in My name.” Now that we are no longer physically living with Jesus and the Holy Spirit dwells within us, the way we can receive answers and confirm that Jesus is with us is by praying in Jesus’ name. So, what does it mean to pray in Jesus’ name? It means to pray in Jesus Christ. In other words, when the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ who lives within me gives me the Word of Jesus Christ, I hold onto that Word and pray. Jesus Christ says, “If My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it shall be done for you.” You must understand this well. What if I pray for anything, but it’s only to gain my own desires and my own success? Then that is praying in my own name. But what does it mean to pray in Jesus Christ’s name? You pray holding onto the Word that the Holy Spirit inside of you has given to you. Then, because this is given to you by God, your joy will be overflowing.
So, the first joy we experience is when we confirm that Jesus Christ has resurrected and is with me as Lord, the second joy is when I pray in Jesus Christ’s name, in other words, when I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, I can confirm the Father is listening and working even if I don’t see it. The combination of the sources of this joy is that I can confirm that Jesus is alive. That Lord is with me, living as the Lord of my life, and when I pray in His name, He answers me, so that’s why I’m so joyful.
(3) Your joy will be complete (Jn. 16:24)
Am I living with that joy? Or, are you always sad or maybe sometimes you’re irritable, sometimes you want to take your own life, are you living like that? In order for us to be filled with joy, and for our joy to be complete, what kind of prayer must we pray?
3. Prayer that makes your joy complete
1) Jesus’s joy may be in you (Jn. 15:11)
Jn. 15:11 says that Jesus gives us that joy, so it’s not a joy that we make, but Jesus’ joy will be in us.
(1) Love each other (Jn. 15:12)
To do this, Jn. 15:12, Jesus says we must love one another, just as Jesus Christ has loved us, we must love one another, and that means the members of the church must love one another. This means that every single person is lacking and flawed, so we can wait for each other, forgive each other, pray for them, and help them to believe in the words of Jesus Christ. If that other person is going through material hardships as well, you can help them financially and in other ways as well.
(2) World – Go and bear fruit (Jn. 15:16)
Why must we do this for one another? This is all so that we can go out into the world to proclaim the gospel and bear fruit. Then that means God will answer us when it comes to saving people.
(3) Pray in Jesus’s name – Will receive answers (Jn. 15:16)
That’s why God promises to answer you when you pray in the name of Jesus Christ. If you set your focus on material possessions, you will have no joy. However, if you focus on saving and raising the people in your family, church, and field, you won’t have the strength to do that, so the Holy Spirit will work. That’s why we can never save anybody with just the law; the best you can do is judge people and kill them. We have to acknowledge that everyone is lacking–I am lacking, that person is lacking, everyone is flawed, and though we are all lacking, if you look at someone else and say, “Is that the best you can do? Is that all you can do?” You will kill them. You have to help them hold onto Jesus Christ alone, that is how you can love one another. It cannot be done with our own strength. Our level is obvious, because our nature is being a sinner, we have the nature of, every single moment, rejecting God. However, when we only rely on Jesus Christ and receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, that is when we begin to change.
2) Holy Spirit
(1) Acknowledge that Jesus is Lord (1Cor. 12:3)
Treat one another like that inside the church. Even when we do help other people financially, we do that to help that person look to Jesus Christ; we don’t just help people or give people money randomly for no reason. Place your hands on the sick and they will get healed. So, give other people faith so they themselves can place their hands on the sick and heal them, and they can evangelize and pray. But there are some people who say, “I tried placing my hands on someone and they didn’t get better,” the Bible never says when, but you keep hearing strange words, it never says in the Bible, “I placed my hands on the sick and they didn’t get better,” in fact, the Bible says this, “For all those who believed, these were the signs that accompanied them: they placed their hands on the sick and they were made well.” It doesn’t say when they were healed but the promise is that they will be healed, so the one thing we must do is pray for them in the name of Jesus Christ until they are healed. Only the person who does that will receive answers, that’s the promise of the Lord. That verse says, “You will cast out demons,” these are the signs that will follow those who believe. Why is that? All of these works are done to save people. God has given us this authority and sends us out into the world.
Then, the reason why you go to school or go to work or live in society is so you can bear fruit. The Bible never says the Lord is sending you out into the world to gain a lot of money. The Bible never promises that He will send you out to get promoted and be successful, but you’re holding onto something that is not the Bible and you pray for that, that’s why you have nothing. So, what does it mean to pray in the name of Jesus Christ? It means to pray holding onto the Word of Jesus’ promise. The reason you’re not able to receive answers is because you’re holding onto something that was never promised to you, and you’re holding onto that, but Jesus Christ promised that, when you go and make disciples of all nations, you won’t have the power to do that, so He promises to be with you with all authority in heaven and on earth, and your joy will be complete.
Ask yourself, do you have joy? When I go out into the world and do my business, do I have joy? If my work is taking place very well and successfully, I may have momentary joy, but if things are going well, you’ll be anxious and worried again, wondering, “How can I maintain this growth?” The Bible never mentions that. The Bible says, when you go out into the world for your school or job or whatever you’re doing, pray to proclaim the gospel wherever you are. In other words, place your focus on saving people inside of the church and saving people outside in the world, then you are bound to receive answers. Then, your joy will be made complete. That is the promise of the Lord, so you need to pray according to His promise. In order to do that, you must understand God’s Word well.
How do most people listen to the Word of God? They interpret it however they want, then, they don’t know the Lord. So, actually, our ignorance brings us failure. You’re failing because you’re following the things you heard from the world. Your children are growing up, being educated in America from a young age, then they will learn the knowledge they need to survive in the world through their teachers, but do you think their teachers will only teach them knowledge? There is no teacher like that. Do you think the teacher will just open the curriculum and write things down, word for word, like that? That’s just a robot, that teacher will place their value system into their lessons, and if that teacher values money above everything else, they will spread that value into the kids through the lessons. Or, if that teacher values justice, they are going to place that into their lessons. Then, for a whole hour, the children just have to receive everything the teacher gives them without question. Then, after decades pass, you finally graduate from college, you get a job, there’s no happiness there, and that’s why everyone gets depressed. They studied so much, they went to college, even grad school, and they got a job, but there’s no joy. It’s because the kids have never learned the joy that God gives them. The schools will teach you the knowledge you need to live in the world, but not only do they teach knowledge, they give whatever they have to the students; for example, fi there is a homosexual or LGBTQ teacher, that’s what they will pass on as knowledge, or if there’s a teacher who has a scar, they are going to speak to their students with that scar. Think about it, when you’re growing up, the influence you got from your teachers. These children are growing up, receiving the influence of whatever their family values. Whatever it is, everyone is bound to get influenced by it; there’s no happiness in those states.
So, people live their lives so diligently, but why is it so hard, why is it so stressful? You need to receive the answer in God’s Word through worship, you need to receive clarity in all the questions you have about the world through the Word of God.
(2) Teach you Jesus’s word (Jn. 14:26)
So, the Holy Spirit lives within us and teaches us and reminds us of all things, so what does He do? 1 Corinthians 12:3 says that He enables us to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. No one can ever accept Jesus Christ as their Lord without the working of the Holy Spirit. Maybe you can relay the Word of God on your own, but without the working of the Holy Spirit, the person you’re talking to can never confess that Jesus is Lord. How can I possibly confess that Jesus is Lord if I’m my own Lord?
John 14:26 says the Holy Spirit will come and teach you the words of Jesus Christ. Right now, you guys are listening to the words of the pastor, but that’s not what it takes to understand the words of God. By the work of the Holy Spirit, He will teach you and remind you so that you can understand the Word of God, so what is the Lord’s Day? It is in the book of Acts where they devoted to the apostle’s teaching, we gather to receive the Lord’s Word. And that is why we worship in Spirit and in Truth, by the work of the Holy Spirit, and the truth of the words of Jesus Christ, we understand.
(3) Understand what God has freely given us (1Cor. 2:12)
1 Corinthians 2:12 says that by the Holy Spirit, we can understand what God has truly given us. You cannot discover that by studying in the world. It must be by the revelation of the Holy Spirit that you discover God’s hidden blessings in the midst of problems. This is something you cannot understand without the inspiration of God. More specifically speaking, if you face a problem or situation, what will you do? First, it’s a big problem, “How can I solve this problem?” In that path, there is no God, and you are not acknowledging God as your Lord. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and then you face a problem or circumstance, you must look to the Lord and see how He will guide you and answer you, and what He desires, but it never occurs to you to do that. So, even though you go to church, as soon as you face a problem, there’s no plan of God there at all, that’s why you’re so worried. Only when you can confirm that, in the midst of this huge problem, the Lord is with you and guiding you towards blessings, then you can be truly happy. Then whether the problem is big or small, it’s still a problem for us.
What is the real problem? Whatever you’re facing right now is not the real problem. The real problem is you reject the fact that God is with you and guiding you towards the blessings hidden within the problems. “How can You allow such a big problem, God?” Maybe that’s your first reaction because you’re human, but next, you need to look for how God will work and guide you in the midst of this situation. Only when you confirm that will you be filled with joy. If you’re not able to understand this, then you get nothing throughout the week again. “Oh, I’m going to work so hard,” that’s foolish, that’s elementary-level. What is the highest knowledge? What is the greatest knowledge? The greatest knowledge and wisdom is acknowledging and believing in Jesus Christ as your Lord. You need to confirm that He is the Lord of your everyday life and when you face a problem. You need to confirm that He is your Lord in your disease. There is no reason for you to ask for other people to pray for you; you can place your hands where you’re sick and pray in the name of Jesus Christ, because He promised you, “You will lay your hands on the sick and they will get well.” So believe in His promise and pray until you are healed. But already, you guys aren’t reacting. You’re so impatient; you say, “I want to be healed immediately.” You actually don’t want to believe in God, then. When you pray, holding onto the Word that He promised you, the Lord promised to give it to you, but you don’t want to do that. You want to get the answer that you want, the way that you want. If you have any disease, I hope you will be aware of this for yourself, and if there are other people, you must help them believe in Jesus Christ to change their identity.
Paul continued to pray regarding his disease because he knew the Lord’s promise, and the Lord began to answer him. God did not take away Paul’s disease; instead, He showed Paul the reason why He has allowed that disease. He said, “It is better for you to have this disease, so that because of this disease, you cannot become arrogant about yourself and you can continue to go into the grace of God.” Other than receiving a specific answer from God, if you place your hands on them and pray, they will be healed.
The Lord also promised with the blessing of the tithe, so I pray that you will pray with what is in God’s Word. The Lord promised and said, “Put Me to the test, that if you give your whole and complete tithe, that your storehouses will overflow,” but people keep imagining what they want outside of God’s Word. To pray in Jesus’ name means to pray inside of the covenant, the Word He has given us.
3) Filling of Holy Spirit
(1) Power (Ac. 1:8)
Pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit, because Jesus told you to. I hope you will pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit. The filling of the Holy Spirit where the Lord’s spirit completely controls and seizes you, then you will receive power.
(2) Guidance of Holy Spirit – To the ends of the earth (Ac. 1:8)
God will give you strength from heaven, “Then you will receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit until the ends of the earth, and you will be My witnesses until the ends of the earth,” by the work of the Holy Spirit. This is the promise of the Lord, so stop relying on something else; instead, pray for the things that have been promised to you.
(3) Works of Holy Spirit – Witness (Ac. 1:8)
What is the work of the Holy Spirit? He works to save me and to save others. How will you educate your children? If you follow the Word of God, you will receive answers. Their studies must be used to proclaim the gospel to all nations, in order for that to happen, their studies must become globalized. Your job, your business, must become globalized. There’s BCD Tofu which is a Korean restaurant, but there’s more foreigners there than Koreans, that means BCD Tofu was able to take a Korean dish and make that flavor globalized, so that no matter who eats that BCD Tofu, it’s good.
Second, you need specialization. Specialization means you know a subject matter more deeply than anyone else. Let’s say for example, in Tae Kwon Do, you can have a black belt, but there’s a level one black belt and a level nine black belt, and similarly for us, when we buy a product, we buy something that fits our needs and is comfortable for use, even if we have to pay more, then that means whoever made that product did some very deep research to find out the needs of the consumers. That is “specialization.” Then how will you educate your children? So they can have globalization and specialization, that is how their work will be used in God’s work of making disciples of all nations.
If you don’t have a specialization, nobody is going to buy your products, isn’t that right? But God has prepared that answer for you. Stop focusing on success; instead, learn your craft so deeply that you’re able to satisfy and bring comfort to others. In order to do that, you need to think about it again and again, that’s a form of research, then in whatever area you’re in, you’ll become deeper and deeper in it. God actually designed the human brain to do that, same thing about your worries. If you stew in your worries, you will get mental problems. Yes, you might get worried occasionally, but if you worry as you wake up and right before you go to sleep, you will have mental problems. On the other hand, what happens if you meditate on the Word of the Lord, day and night, again and again? Then you will have true joy and you will bear much fruit. So I hope you will pray holding onto this and then apply it into whatever work you’re doing now. We’re all older now, so it’s too late to change our path, so wherever you are, apply God’s Word to it and receive answers because it’s not too late; God can work even now, but you shouldn’t just stay in your struggle because you don’t know how to get out.
Quickly, align your field to the Word of God and globalize your job. That’s how people of all nations will come to you, isn’t it? But what happens if these people come to you and you’re not giving them anything of value? That’s why you have to research deeply, with specialization. Even if somebody is a janitor or professional cleaner, if they clean with a deep specialization, they will be called back wherever they go and they will be referred. So, make sure your children are studying, aligned with the Lord. There are some kids who are really bad at studying; you should at least have them do the basics, and if there are students who are failing their classes, we need to be able to bring them into the church so they’re able to get the basics, because otherwise, these children will lose all of their self-esteem. Maybe it would be better for the child to do something else instead, but because they lost all of their self-esteem because of their grades, they can’t do anything. I’m not giving you a lecture on how to get good grades, I’m explaining the Word of God. You need to educate your children so that through their studies, they’re receiving the answers of God’s Word, they’re being filled with joy, and they’re receiving answers and fruit.
Same thing with your job as well; it doesn’t matter how hard you work, it must be aligned with the Word of God, then anybody can do this, why? Because it is the Word of God, that means God will work, and then when you receive His answers, of course you will have joy. With everything we’re doing right now, we’re so stressed, we’re so sad; the Lord did not create us to be like this. The Lord promised to work upon whatever you’re working on to proclaim the gospel through your job. So, if you believe in Jesus Christ, then your joy will be complete, that’s what it means to believe.
When I was a nonbeliever, I never smiled because there was nothing to smile about. And because it was such a long time that I didn’t smile, I have no smile lines. But now that I believe in Jesus Christ, there is a reason for me to be joyful, because first of all, God gives me answers regardless of my abilities. In the past, I was so scared to be alone that I could never be alone, but now, I’ve confirmed that the Lord is always with me, so I’m filled with joy.
Right now, we’re praying for the Hollywood Temple, and if it is aligned with God’s Word, He is bound to give us answers, so yes, I’m sure you’re trying hard to gather your money and to do it diligently, and yes, we do have to save our money and give, but God is saying He will do it. Even the offering you’ve given, it was by God’s grace, it wasn’t just you. Now, I kind of want to use whatever offering we have and use it to pay for the Temple, and I’m excited to see how God will work because that’s what God desires. How can I know? Because it’s aligned with His Word. I don’t believe in anything else; if it is aligned with God’s Word, I challenge towards it, and all we have to do is wait to see how God works.
1. Only prayer (Ac. 1:14)
In conclusion, they devoted themselves to prayer, holding onto the Word God gave them. On the Lord’s Day, the Lord will move your heart with a certain Word He is giving to you. I hope you will hold onto this Word and pray holding onto it for the rest of the week. Then, what will happen?
2. Meeting of Evangelism, Missions (Ac. 2:9-11)
Acts 2:9-11, they prayed, the Holy Spirit worked, and the meetings took place. They had the blessings of meeting they could never fathom on their own, and God made that happen. These are the doors to missions and evangelism. When we talk about missions and evangelism, you think it has nothing to do with your job and career, but that’s not true because God opens the doors to missions and evangelism through your career.
3. Sunday – Apostles’ teaching (Ac. 2:42)
Why is worship on the Lord’s Day so important? Because this is when He gives you His promised Word. Starting on Monday, whether you’re in your home or in the Temple Court, you hold onto the Word that God has given to you, and you pray about that. Why do we have to do that? We hold onto God’s Word and pray because God promised to work according to His promised Word.
4. Every day – Temple, house (Ac. 2:46-47)
There is no reason for you to be discouraged because of yourself. If you think about yourself, you will be discouraged. However, if you place your hope inside of the Lord God Who is with you, leading you with answers, then you will be filled with joy, peace, and hope. May you have the prayer that fills you with joy throughout the week.
Message Prayer
Let us pray holding onto the Word that God has given to you specifically, and pray to hold onto that the rest of the week.
Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing
God, we thank You. We have returned Your materials as offering. We pray that everywhere this offering is used, may You use it to raise the next generation, save all nations, and do temple construction. We pray You will bless with the economy of light upon all who have given the offering, and we believe the work of healing when we place hands on those who are sick will take place. May they hold onto the name of Jesus Christ and pray, we will receive answers. We believe You will give us the true answer of Temple Construction in Hollywood. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.
1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer
2. Hollywood camp – Temple
3. RU PhD 3/11 (Tues.) – 12 (Wed.), Dallas
4. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch
Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, guidance, working, and filling of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to hold onto the name of Jesus Christ and pray, and to receive the answers to that prayer to have their joy complete, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.