Bartizan Training for Church Officers

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Bartizan Training for Church Officers

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

How is the word fulfilled in your life? God is His Word and He fulfills it.  Why am I outside of this? it is because I’m living according to my own thoughts and that is actually far away from God’s Word.  The Bible says that people of God were failing because they did not know God’s Word.  America is failing without knowing the reason why.  God has given us the Word in the Bible and we have to shine this light.  If the church doesn’t know this, then the world has no choice but to continue encounter disasters.  It’s not about diligence; you need to continue to receive this grace.

What is the origin of all problems?  It’s written in the Bible, it is to reveal this light.


– Me – Sin

Because I do not believe in God, I go back into self-centeredness.  Individualism, democracy means I do not believe in God.  Satan seizes us with ideologies, and that’s why we continue to suffer in curses and disasters, irrelevant to God, and there is no way to restore this.  It’s not within us.  Christ must die on the cross for us, and I must die with Him because I can’t do it.  It’s only by dying on the cross with Christ, and when Christ resurrects, I can be born anew, and that’s the only thing that can save myself in America.  God desires for us to share this gospel in the field.  This light needs to come upon us, or else we are bound by darkness.  Because the churches are bound by darkness, they are closing. It’s not that we don’t believe in Jesus, and they teach the Bible and everything else, but the entire Bible talks about Jesus Christ, but churches are talking about something else. That’s the problem.

Our visitors attended a church in Gardena that seemed to have everything but they didn’t have Christ, so they live lives like Pharisees.  Do you understand?  So even if you go to a Presbyterian church your entire life, if you’re not imprinted with the words of Christ, you’ll be imprinted with something else because the Bible is testifying of Christ.  The 66 books of the Bible were given to proclaim and testify of Christ.  The Jewish people and the Pharisees did not go to God’s Word; instead they went to the law and focused on the actions of the law.  The church ended up rejecting the gospel.  These were the demon-possessed Pharisees. 

Everything is contained within Christ, and through these diverse words, you must know about Christ.  You meditate and focus on God’s Word your entire life until you shed blood, sweat, and tears, but it is not finished in Christ so the problems are not finished and they have mental problems even as they go to church.  You need to finish it with Christ with the 66 books of the Bible, but that’s not what you are doing, do you understand? 

If you haven’t come to the  answer of Christ but you keep repeating, “Christ,” then seven more evil spirits will come attack you.  There are people who have come to the Darakbang ministry for years and ask, “Why am I like this?”

Religion.  Inner change hasn’t happened, only outer change, so the evil spirits work all the more.  Come to the answer within Christ.  You need to come to this answer within God’s Word to relay this and shine the light to others.  When you see others, you’ll see when they will fall into a problem again. Because it’s illuminated with this light, you’ll be able to realize.  You’re centered on what benefits you.  You need to be centered on Christ but you must be centered on yourself.  You say, “Christ, Christ,” but you are centered on what benefits you, so your inner things have not changed.  Only the outer things are changed so you become demon-possessed.  Even though you go to church for a very long time, your spiritual problems get worse and you wonder why? This is what you must possess, then you can save many people.  You will be able to save nonbelievers.  You constantly say, “me, me,” but you’re unable to solve the suffering you’ve faced. 

You say, “Christ,” but you’re still centered on yourself, on what benefits you, so you live this religious life.  Being “Christ-centered” means you’re centered on Christ’s word.  So whenever a problem comes, you say, “I’m facing a problem,” you have no choice but to say that because you’re facing a problem yourself, so you say, “I have a problem.”  But people who are centered on Christ say, “What is God’s plan in this problem?”  I hope you’re able to self-diagnose.  Because we have this nature, whenever I face a problem, my voice changes, but I hope you talk to me in a cheery voice because before, you would use a gloomy voice, so now I have this shield, “What is God’s plan?” it’s centered on Christ. 

My inner things have not changed, my roots have not changed, and you are within this process.  If you’re centered on and rooted in Christ, that is when fruits bear and it becomes your evidence.  Our hope is in only Jesus Christ because nothing else can overcome the devil.  Even if you have all the greatest things of America, you still cannot overcome the devil.  When we talk about the devil, some people say, “It’s just occasionally the devil, not all the time,” but the Bible says the devil is like a lion, ready to devour anyone who can be caught. 

How can we overcome or block this? It is by being rooted in Christ.  “How can we always be ‘only Christ’?  We have to play, too,” but these are people caught within religion and acts, but we’re talking about faith.  No matter where we go, we hold onto Christ, 24 hours, but people are accustomed to actions and think they have to do something. When we say to pray in the early morning, they are oppressed as they are seized by actions. Christ has finished everything but you’re being seized by religious darkness.  When you wake up in the morning, you don’t want to go to Christ, and you prefer your comfort.  That’s evidence that you’re being seized by Gen. 3.  Prayer is actually liberating.  He has finished everything on the cross and this is what you’re confirming.  Or else, without you knowing, when you open your eyes, your lifestyle and experiences will be on your mind. If you don’t realize this, the characteristic of those who are religious will say, “I can’t do Early Morning prayer, I need more sleep,” so you think, “Do I really need to do deep breathing as monks end up chanting with a stick and drum?” For us, prayer is liberation and freedom, it’s something I can’t do, so I must die on the cross.  Christ is moving through me and that’s what we enjoy through prayer.  The more you do that, the more you experience freedom and power.  

Even at this time, enjoy this prayer.  “How can I do that?” that means you’ve fallen into religion.  “How can I work while praying?” They’ve fallen into religious acts.  You pray to enjoy this answer and see God’s work and Word being fulfilled. That’s what prayer is but you focus on the act of doing that, and that’s religion. That’s why even though we talk about prayer, you misunderstand religiously.  Such people think that religion is something you have to do, as a religious act.  You confirm again that Christ has finished everything on the cross.  Prayer is asking for this power to come upon you, because this power must come upon you for you to testify and witness until the ends of the earth. 

Instead of praying about this, you say, “I don’t have money for food,” but those are incorrect prayers.  You pray for unnecessary things.  The Bible says Gentiles pray for such things, but you say, “But still, but still,” but first seek His Kingdom and righteousness, pray that and receive only the filling of the Holy Spirit, so you need to do the prayer transcending time and space and establishing God’s Kingdom and break down Satan’s kingdom.  This is the time to enjoy this in advance in your field.  When you fall into religion, you will think, “How can I go to work tomorrow?”  If you’re constantly living this, you will be weary and heavy-burdened.  That’s why you need to pray to enjoy this in advance in prayer.  We talk about Temple Construction, so you enjoy already in advance through prayer.  Once you pray for it, that is when God will give material blessings before you, but first receive this power.  Why do you experience this?  “How can I do this?” You’re constantly raising up yourself and you focus on yourself, “How can I do this?” you’ve fallen so much into religion.  So, because this religious act and legalism has gone into that person, they fall into it.  Everything is a burden to them because that is what they’re centered on.  So, if you’re gospel-centered, you’re able to see how God is moving and working, but that is the difference between earthly and heavenly things. If the future generations don’t understand this, their ideology is individualism. “If I’m oppressed, why do I need to go to church?” Adults try to come to church and overcome with their words.  “Why should I come?” so kids don’t go to church anymore; the gospel hasn’t gone into them but another ideology has, so wherever they go, they’re oppressed.  But if God works, it will be fulfilled.  Why is God allowing me to encounter this? it is so the word can be fulfilled.  So, the more you pray, the more God’s bartizan is given.  That’s why wherever you go, when you receive the working of the Holy Spirit on Sunday, you’ll be victorious.  “But according to what I’ve heard”? You’ve heard so many things, it doesn’t matter, so you must pray so God works upon you and you’ll receive blessings. When your spiritual state changes, you’ll receive answers starting with Monday. 

7 Bartizans -> Fortress

Word- Christ


Holy Spirit

237 Healing Summit

-> Journey -> Absolute Bartizan

When you say, “I only need Christ, this bartizan,” then everything is restored.  If people don’t have the condition to stay, and because you’re working, it’s even harder.  But even if you don’t want to do something, you must stay.  These days, she doesn’t have the expression of being forced to do something, but she wants to.  You have many reasons to not come, but you can’t do world evangelization that way.  “Pastor, I can’t do it because of this, I’m not feeling well today,” then how are you going to live?  What is your priority?  You need to have this bartizan and priority for you to make decisions.  I opened the Young Adult Evangelism School in America, and nobody came.  I asked, “What do you do on Saturdays?” “Laundry and meet friends,” and in my heart, I thought they wouldn’t be able to continue.  “Bring your friends here, and if they don’t want to come, let them go.  Do laundry at some other time.”  Esther said she had to go to a wedding on a Sunday.  “Why do you have to go?”  That’s the culture, so they were all Caucasian women, and they do it on Sundays.  “Don’t get your flight refunded, just give it to God.”  Why do we follow after eating, drinking, and playing, and not building the Ark?  Evangelism school started this way and continues until now.  With the ideologies these kids grew up with, they cannot overcome.  There were others already starting this, but we said, “Let’s do it all together.”

Once you get rid of all your excuses, you’ll go into “only.”  For all the kids, you may think the pastors are being forceful and unamerican, but this is about the covenant.  Even Tiffany got a job here and in San Francisco, and she had decided to go up north, and I told her, not just spiritually but physically, don’t go anywhere else, go to Torrance.  People do what is most comfortable for them, and that’s normal because that’s how they grew up, so now they’re saying, “I want to go to San Francisco and play,” and what would happen? She would’ve wavered because of housing prices and homeless people and she’d come back here anyway.  Now, she’s actually a very young manager and she’s doing the Word Movement and someone in Arizona is now joining our church. I’ve actually never seen any kids do the Word Movement at their company.  We can do it at school but at a company?  Isn’t that infringing on someone’s privacy?  After USC evangelism school, we’d go into the field and share the gospel but she said, “How can we just infringe on people and share the gospel?” These kids grew up with this in America, but it’s different from Korea.  In Korea, they still go as this is the bartizan they have, they are able to do something about it so they evangelize in a company, but here, they can’t.  “How can I take away their time?” 

One day, God worked and she can do the Word Movement at work.  She’s doing it now and receiving grace.  All these things are included in it, “How can I do this? How can the Word Movement take place?” She’s able to become a manager without competition.  Everybody above her was old, and one by one, they retired so she climbed up.  “Don’t leave until a disciple arises.”  In America, it’s better to jump from job to job to actually improve your career, that’s the American way, but you, “raise a disciple before you leave.”  The ideologies of America make it so that the Word Movement cannot take place.  This is what you must continue to do by God’s grace.

What about multiethnic people?  The second generation Koreans are already used to it, so when they’re forced to do something, they just do it.  The Korean parents are accommodating but Americans aren’t.  Corporal punishment, even up to high school, but the kids are accustomed to Korean culture and thoughts.  These are bartizans placed within us. 


God, we thank You. May you bless all the remnants and church officers, may we be the winttsess to save the 237 nations, and do the healing and summit movements.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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