Esther 4:1-16

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Esther 4:1-16

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

The people of God are ruled by the people of Satan.

Babylonian idol worship – Devil

Exodus 20:4-5

Me – gods

Where are these other gods?  Exodus 20:3.  How do we have other gods before God? If we have an idol for ourselves.  How is it that the people of God are overtaken by the people of the devil?  It’s because they make worship an idol for themselves and ultimately, that is worshiping the devil. That’s why they were enslaved by Persia and Babylon.  If you don’t know this, you’re bound to get mental problems; if you don’t know this, you’re bound to be caught in addiction.  The light of the words of the Bible must go into you and shine to the people in your field.

How does the devil work? The devil  makes us suffer.  We’re bound to suffer if we’re not aligned with God.  We have to love and like God, but instead, we love and like idols.  The Bible tells us that this results in suffering.

2 Timothy 3:2.  When evil spirits go into your thoughts and heart, you cannot control it or escape from it on your own. If people have mental problems and try drugs, they cannot get away from drugs. What is the cause of all of this?  Any decision you chose for yourself is actually worshiping demons and evil spirits. There are people who come back from wars with PTSD, but I don’t like that because it’s something the doctors just made up. 

PTSD – 90% Suicide

Why do people have this problem to begin with? David went out to war 1000 times.  Then, David should have had PTSD, right?  Imagine if we went to Iraq, how many wars is that?  How many years do we serve in the military?  3-5 years?  You don’t get PTSD from fighting in war, that person’s problem and my problem is the same.  If you don’t know why we have these problems in our past, it means you don’t know any of this.  If you don’t know the problems your parents have, those problems are actually inside of you and it means you do not know.

Why do we come to church and worship?  So that the Word of God can shine the light on this and reveal this to us.  Why do I have no choice but to receive these problems?  Before the problem came, what condition did I have that left me no other choice?  If you don’t listen right now, you’ll have a mental problem.  It doesn’t matter how much you study or what company hires you, if the mental problems come into you, there’s nothing you can do.  I can actually already see the mental problems have already gone inside of you; they may not be exposed externally but I can see them.

What condition was set?  People are separated from God, but they’re centered on “me” and “what I want,” that’s what has been  imprinted in me.  Why do you feel bad right now? Things aren’t going the way you want them to.  If things keep going the way you don’t want, you’ll get stressed, and when that stress continues to pile up, it causes cancer.  If you cannot understand this, it’s already in progress for you and only after time passes will you see this with your eyes. You must notice this to come out of it, and you  must relay this to the field.  This is something doctors and presidents cannot do because they are stuck in Exodus.  That is why you must know this and relay the Word to them. That’s what I’m talking about. 

Did you get a scar from your parents?  Your school?  It’s wrong, and when you can acknowledge this, you’ll be healed.  “I got this scar because of my parents,” that’s the characteristic of people who are scarred, they are completely bound by how they feel, by their emotions, and they never go into God’s Word; that person already has a state that leaves them no choice but to get scarred. Once you’re married, you’ll say, “I got a scar,” or I’ll get a scar from my job, and that person will hate everything.  “Why is this happening to me?” That’s a mentally ill patient, they think everyone else is wrong except for them.  I’m the only one getting scarred?  From that point on, they cannot make relationships with others and are locked up in spiritual jail.

If you think of the church lightly or look down on it, that’s a big problem.  Anything you study in school will help you live in the world, but if you don’t know what happens in the world?  Esther became the queen.  Have you seen the movie 300?  There were 300 Spartans with Spartan military training, and no matter how many armies attacked, they would not fall.  There was a war that happened around that time, Persia kept attacking with ships towards Greece and kept losing.  Persia is so strong, they should have been able to overtake Greece at once, but they couldn’t.  Then before they went off on another war, they would have a feast among the soldiers.  There was a beautiful queen who was great at singing, and when summonsed, she said no, so she was deposed. 

There must now be a new queen and they rolled out a huge pageant, “Miss Persia,” and to pick out the potential queens, spies were put in.  After doing all the surveying, Esther was the best, so she was chosen as queen.  Esther was not Persian, she was dragged to Persia as a slave, but she kept quiet.  One of the king’s court was about to kill the Jews.  Mordecai said to Esther, “If you don’t do this, God will save the Jews in a different way but you will die.”  She could die if she went to the king without being summoned.  But she confessed, “If I die, I die.”  Because of Esther, all the Israelites were saved  and God’s glory was revealed.

Who is that one person?  What thoughts do you have, what stream are you in?  The one who knows the cause of the problems people face in their reason.  Give the truth that the answer is Christ.  God is sending you out as field missionaries to do that.  If you ask, “Why do I have to do this?” then you will die, but God will save the field through people other than you.

“Me – God” Thoughts

People don’t actually think themselves as God, but what this means is, God is the standard of everything, but this person makes their thoughts the standard of everything. That’s what it means to be seized by the devil, Gen. 3:5. You must know what the Bible says about the devil. Your thoughts are darkness.  That’s actually how you die.  What is the idol of Persia or America? It is “me,” being centered on “me.”  Democracy says, everyone is centered on themselves and let’s follow the majority of people.  All the people who are centered on themselves, of them, whatever most of them say, we’ll follow that.  It means you have to respect the thoughts of people who are centered on themselves, this is how Satan controls people.  Shine the Word of God instead of your thoughts.  This is the time that determines whether you save the world or not.  The one who knows the important of this meaning will come  here. 

It is a tremendous blessing to be seated here.  Even as you fall asleep, the Holy Spirit works, you want to fall asleep but God works on you, we call that, “God’s grace,” and this is the place of God’s grace, that time and that place.  God works at that time when He promised in the place He promised.  If you cannot understand, I see your future and it is sad.  You can see your future in the CVDIP, you can see the age of suffering. God is raising up the remnants and continues to give us the message of the bartizan of light to change the darkness.  So, the fact that people are unable to recognize this means people are trapped in darkness, but God will raise up the people who have the true gospel. 

If you don’t understand, you won’t understand the meaning of Temple Construction.  American churches are closing down and you don’t even know what that means. God is raising up the group that has the true gospel in the midst of things happening in this age, and we’re in the time schedule of Temple Construction, do you understand?  If not, then you’ll live with problems you cannot solve.  I was an unbeliever with a particularly strong Gen. 3.  I received Jesus Christ through the Way of Salvation and there are things I’ve experienced and can speak about, but I hope you will receive God’s grace, not by my persuasion. 

There was a lot of mental illnesses in Hollywood and we have to go and heal them. That’s the stream of God’s work. You might be in the stream of making money and succeeding, but that’s you.  There was a couple visiting from Korea, and they are important figures in Korea. They are in the missions and finance departments, and they’ve been through multiple Temple Constructions, so they said, “This church will work.”  But how is it that even the people in the church, as they listen to the message, they cannot understand? It’s ok but it’s still frustrating.  We’re talking about the stream where the churches are unable to give the answer to the field that is dying. God doesn’t leave that alone.  God desires to restore the gospel through a separate group. The messenger knows this most clearly because God speaks through the messenger. The messenger knows about the cause of problems and the answer to problems.  Whenever God works, He gives His Word first, and that’s how we save America.  The location is not what’s important; the content is what’s important. Who cares if you buy a building without having the content? That’s why we need to have the content prepared.  If you just have the heart without the content, then it’s just a shell.  We must have the content prepared, 300% specialization.  Do we have the message to save America prepared? We get the flow of the messages from headquarters, is this the message to save America?  Everybody is listening to headquarters, but is the message right for America? You must have the 100% field specialization and system.  Is there a team, a system to continue this?  If this is prepared, then God will work.  If you’re not able to understand this, then right now, you’re obsessed with money and because you’re obsessed with something else, you’re unable to hear it.  You heard this, right? May you have God’s work.  Some people listen to so many messages and you can tell they’re in the flow of the word through their prayers, but their lives are not in the word.  There’s the Age of the 3-Day Weekend, and they don’t go to church on Fridays.  They say, “In the 3-Day Weekend Age, we must heal the diseased people, but not me.”  There are so many churchgoers like that.  They just heard the message with their brain but it is not fulfilled in their lives. That’s not right. God says to raise up the remnants on Friday but they don’t go, so they’re filled with Gen. 3, 6, 11, and the result is obvious.  At that point, I don’t know.  That is why we must raise them up through the 3-Day Weekend Age. 

We talk about the Three Courtyards but what does that have to do with you?  As we go into the stream of the Word, there are people who can understand, “The time has finally come,” and I can tell because some people have never given offering before, and now they’re giving $100.  If they don’t, the person isn’t bad but they cannot escape from themselves.  The moment you come out of yourself, your family problem is solved.  Your problem is with your family but instead of changing the family, you must change yourself.  You’re unaware of this, you think you can escape, but you’re bound inside.  You can rest well, that’s how you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.  If you can’t rest here, where can you rest?  God works upon you in your sleep.  The Holy Spirit works transcending time and space.  The Holy Spirit is not just with words and language, but immediately with power.

Why do I explain this in such detail? The time schedule is here.  If the time schedule is here, but you’re the same back then as you are now?  What is that problem? It’s your problem.  If you knew the cause of the problem and the answer, you’d relay it immediately, but you don’t. Evangelism is very easy and simple.  If we’re going to Hollywood, you need the word regarding the problem and the answer there. It must be very centered on the field.  There is a team that is already prepared.  You don’t know this but we used to do Hollywood Camp a lot, and we did Bible study with Musicians Institute students, and we did evangelism with the kids there, and our senior deaconesses would wander around Hollywood, and some people like elders and deacons would go. We have this history with our church. We stopped because of COVID and now God is rekindling that flame with these messages. 

Please pray for this. What should you pray for? When you pray for Temple Construction, to save the 237 nations, healing, and to raise the next generation, God will fulfill that Word. We have time so pray for that.  The remnants, be aware of this and give offering.  You think you’re an exception? Why? You’re a child of God, you’re counted in God’s numbers, you’re not an individual. When they built the Tabernacle, they couldn’t say, “I’m under 18,” but everyone must apply the blood, no exceptions. You apply it through prayer, with your offering.  Just buy less coffee every week and bring it as offering.  All our hearts must be united as one.  God always works when hearts are united with God’s Word.  Curses and disasters passed over the family house when they all became one under the blood of the lamb.  Personally experience this blessing.


God, we thank You.  We pray You will raise up the correct remnants in this age of America just as you did to Esther in the age of Persia.  May the church 

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