Those who Testify of the Bartizan of the Light of Life (Jn. 8:12-20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Those who Testify of the Bartizan of the Light of Life (Jn. 8:12-20)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May the same blessing be upon all of the regional churches that are worshiping along with us in Yakima, Seattle, and Arizona.  The title of today’s message is, “Those who Testify of the Bartizan of the Light of Life.”  Today, we will hear the Word of God regarding three points: one is the Light of Life, the second is the bartizan, and third is how we testify.

1. Light of the world

  1) World

We are living in the kingdom of the world in the land of America.  The kingdom of the world is physical, so we study, we have jobs, and we live, and we wonder, “How do we live in this world more comfortably?” This is the kingdom of the world but there is also a kingdom of Satan that is ruling the world, and he is working invisibly.  Even if you study and know so much about the kingdom of the world, if you don’t know about the kingdom of Satan, you will not know where you are.  There is also the Kingdom of God.  

In the land of America, there are many problems of substance addiction and mental problems, but there is a reason for it all.  The things that should be revealed are now being revealed, and there is already an established source that leaves no other choice.  If you don’t know why these problems are arising, it’s because you live too diligently in the kingdom of the world. Only the Bible reveals to us the kingdom of Satan and the Kingdom of God.  If the churches are not able to discover this through the Bible and continue to shine this Light outward, the world will continue to fall into darkness. 

    (1) Darkness (Jn. 1:5, Jn. 8:12, Jn. 12:35)

In today’s scripture, Jesus says, “I am the Light of the World.” You need to know what the world is in order to understand the light.  The kingdom of Satan is moving in the kingdom of the world, and he is controlling this world with the authority of darkness.  The “darkness” means, we cannot see.  In other words, it means we cannot know where our problems come from.  It means that we don’t understand what is the real problem of our family line–that is darkness.  The fact that I’m suffering but I don’t know the reason why I’m suffering means that I am in darkness.  If you turn off the lights of this building at night, then you will not know where you are and you will bump into things in the darkness, and I’m sure that especially going from the 3rd floor to the 2nd floor, there are people who might fall, and I’m sure there are many people who would stumble around in the parking lot and bump into cars.  

It’s because of darkness that we cannot see, but what happens if there is a light? We can see, we can see what the problem is and what the answer is. If you live your walk of faith, it means you are continuously able to see what is the problem and the answer to your life.  It means that things in the past, present, and future that seemed so dark or confusing to me are now visible, that is evidence that the light has been shown.  Just going to church and back does not mean the light is upon you; the Light of Christ must actually go into you.  

    (2) Law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2)

This world is controlled by Satan, trapped under the law of sin and death.  People are lost in sin without even realizing that they are sinners.  When Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they did not know that was a sin, but Satan actually goes into them and works so they disobey God’s Word.  Because they are seized by Satan, they have no choice but to eat the fruit and to fall into spiritual death.  This is the way the authority of darkness is ruling over the world, and you must be able to see that.  Yes, we need to study and work diligently in the world, but you need to have another set of eyes as well, and we call that the “spiritual eyes.”  

    (3) Authority of darkness (Col. 1:13)

How exactly is Satan controlling and ruling the world?  In Gen. 3:5, Satan goes into Adam and gives him a message, and that message is to lose the Word of God.  Satan’s message is that, “If you eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, then you will be like God, knowing what is good and what is evil,” in other words, you will no longer have to be with God, and you will be like God, and you can decide what is right and what is wrong. That is the evidence that we are seized by Satan.  How is Satan working in the land of America today? Instead of following God’s Word, we follow our own thoughts. We live by our feelings instead of by God’s Word. If I don’t feel good today, then that is my standard, that’s evidence that we are seized by darkness. The Word of God is not my standard; my emotions or feelings are my standard.  The Word of God is not my standard, but the circumstance that I’m in is my standard. That’s evidence we are seized by darkness.  For us, God’s covenant is our standard.  

  2) Satan (Jn. 8:44)

    (1) Me – God (Gen. 3:5)

But the way Satan is controlling America is by making us think that our situation is our standard, or our thoughts are our standard.  We are seized by that, and the characteristic of being seized is slavery.  So, we live our lives as slaves to Satan.  

    (2) Me – What is good for the flesh (Gen. 6:2)

After that, the way that Satan controls America is, “Do whatever you like.”  Satan is working the same way today as he worked in the age of Noah’s flood.  “Choose whatever you like, whatever is of benefit to you, whatever you want. It’s not about what God wants; it’s about what you want,” that is how Satan is seizing America invisibly.  

    (3) Our strength – Against God (Gen. 11:4)

The next way that Satan controls America is by pushing us towards gathering our strength to succeed and oppose God.  “Let us gather our strength together and build a tower all the way to the heavens, so that we will not be scattered by God.  Even though only the Creator God can create life, let’s gather our strength together to create life.  We are not satisfied with the earth our Creator God has given to us, so let us gather our strength to find another planet.  Anything is possible if we gather our strength together,” that is evidence we are seized by Satan.  If you’re seized by the devil, it doesn’t always look like it does in movies where you’re captured by a dark shadow.  Satan plows even into the elites and completely controls their heart, thoughts, and emotions. 

  3) People – Heart, Thoughts

    (1) Strong man (Mt. 12:28)

Then, specifically, how is Satan inside of us?  In Mt. 12:29, Satan is inside of us as the “strong man” and he has completely captured us.  He is inside of us and has completely bound us, but because he is strong, we cannot survive or escape on our own. There is no other way to resolve that.  Only by the power of the Holy Spirit can demons be cast out and the Kingdom of God be established.  The external problems we see are only a result of the circumstances of our own internal state; inside, there is something very strong that is binding me. 

America is a nation that has constantly fought many wars.  90% of the young soldiers who come back from war have PTSD and many of them commit suicide.  The doctors have just coined the term, “PTSD,” but it doesn’t really have a meaning.  Because David went and fought in countless wars, but he never had PTSD.  Who are the ones who get that disorder?  It means that they already have a spiritual state that leaves them no choice but to have that problem.  They only think that they have this disorder now because of their situation, they saw their people die while they were in war, but that’s why they’re not being healed.  

    (2) Build a house (Mt. 12:43-45)

There’s actually something else that is binding them very strongly. “I,” this thing called “me” is binding me.  There are people who are suffering because of scars they have received.  If somebody says, “I received a scar because of that person,” they will never be healed from that scar.  If we look at it like that, Joseph had so many reasons to be scarred, and Jesus had so many reasons to be scarred, and if David wanted to write all the reasons he was scarred, he could write multiple books.  As a result of our scars, we are filled with rage, and that is the reason for all the shootings in America. Even if we get countless therapy sessions, it will not be solved.  That person has a state that has no choice but to be scarred, and until that inner state is changed, this person’s problems will have no end.  People say, “This church scarred me,” or, “My parents gave me a scar,” or, “This nation gave me a scar,” but they are actually seized by darkness. 

Unless you change your inner state that leaves you no choice but to be scarred, then you will always be seized.  If you believe in Christ correctly, you should not have any reasons or excuses. Are there any of you who are suffering because of scars of your past?  Are you suffering because of that situation or that person?  That’s evidence you are seized by darkness, and that is a lie.  What is the truth?  I was in a state that had no choice but to be scarred.  Gen. 3:5, that is me being my own standard.  Because I have my standard for everything, if things don’t go my way, I get a scar.  If the unlimited God becomes my standard, then there’s no reason to ever be scarred, why? Because you receive answers.  

You need to take this out into the field because the churches are not giving this out into the field right now, they talk about, “Oh, if you follow God, you will be blessed,” and they talk about legalism and following God’s Word, even though they can’t, and they talk about mysticism.  The churches are not able to give the answer, that’s why God is closing their doors, so should we be like that? We shouldn’t also live in this world with no identity.  So I’m telling you again that there is a strong man inside of us, and we do everything we can to resolve that problem; we pray, we meditate, we repent, but the more you do those actions, you will be filled with seven more demons and it will become even worse than before. If you live our walk of faith without the true answer, then your spiritual state will only get worse. You’ll only just be enduring it with something else. You must get the answer.  

    (3) Stronghold (2 Cor. 10:4-5)

2 Cor. 10 says there is a stronghold inside of us.  This “stronghold,” this fortress, is inside of me so that nothing can break it down. That stronghold is only broken down when we are obedient to Christ.  So the older you get without Christ, the more you have this stronghold rooted in you, and that will never, ever break down.  What do you think that is?  It’s your ideology of democracy.  These things are packaged in such a good way.  That’s why it doesn’t break down.  What is democracy?  We do whatever the majority votes for, and inside of democracy, there is also capitalism: money is the best, and there is nobody who renounces that. Even the people who go to church; most people will praise capitalism.  And the characteristic of America is individualism.  These ideologies are firmly rooted in the children, ever since they are young, as their stronghold.  And the way that Satan controls all of America is with all these ideologies.  

Back in the age of the Roman Empire, they used the god of the sun to control the world. In America, we have our ideologies.  If you make an alliance with the ideologies of America, then America will help you. But that’s not Christ.  But right now, we have a very fortified stronghold inside of us, thinking that these things are good. It’s not about following the majority; we must follow the Word of God. I must not be centered on myself; I must be centered on the Word. I’m not centered on my emotions, I must be centered on God’s Word. 

“Pastor, I’m not feeling well today, that’s why I can’t worship. I’m sorry,” all of their standards are how they feel.  How I feel is my standard.  Yes, if you’re very sick, then you might not be able to drive, and I understand that, but if you’re just not feeling well, that is the perfect state for you to be seized by depression. It’s so easy to be seized by depression in that state. You’re not feeling well in the morning when you wake up?  You need to change yourself with God’s Word; that is the way for you to win.  There’s no answer.  Individualism, everybody is so centered on themselves. “If you’re infringing on my privacy, I won’t even forgive God for doing that,” that is how Satan is controlling all of America.  But everybody thinks that’s a good thing, that’s why people are not being healed, and that’s the reason why there are young people with mental problems in America. It’s not because they’re anything different, and that’s the reason there are more and more people suffering from addiction.  There are countless people who are dying everyday from overdosing on drugs. Why is it only like that here? Satan is controlling all of the people with this tremendous ideology.  

You need to know this. I’m sure it doesn’t really hit your feelings, because you’re so firmly bound by Satan, you’re not going to get any feeling from this.  Yes, out of manmade things, democracy might be better than communism, but that is not the truth.  Communism or socialism or democracy, yes, it might be better to give more to the person who has worked for more, but that ideology is not the truth. The problem is we have raised all of these ideologies  above the gospel. So America is so good for Satan to rule over. You’re sending your children to school and they’re building up these strongholds inside of them. But in order to live in the world, you must be educated in the world, but Satan doesn’t just leave your child alone to be educated.  Ever since a very young age, Satan has placed within them the idols of American ideologies, and you can only become an American citizen if you agree, “I’m an American” means you have accepted the idols of those ideologies, and America is training these little children to be that kind of America.  I heard that when you take citizenship, you have to take an oath. Why do they make you take an oath? You have to make an oath to become an American. This means that this whole nation is not just moving randomly; it is moving with something.  But nobody knows this so they just say, “I hear there’s a lot of benefits to being an American citizen,” so they just take the oath.  

    (4) God of the world – Heart (2 Cor. 4:4-5)

2 Cor. 4:4-5 says that the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see.  They’re completely bound by darkness so they can never see the light of the gospel.  

2. Light of life

  1) Jesus Christ

    (1) Word – God (Jn. 1:1)

Jesus Christ has come to this world as the Light, and that Jesus Christ has come into us as the Light of Life. Who is Jesus Christ? Jn. 1:1, He is the Word, and He is God.  Where is God? How is the Word flowing?  How is God working upon me? How is the Word going into you? Not the Word of the law, but the Word of life.  The Pharisee group had the scriptures but they rejected the gospel. It’s because they misunderstood the law.  The Law is the Word of God but they understood it incorrectly.  The reason God gave them the law is to reveal their sin, but instead, they thought they were actious because they kept the actions of the law. They were saying, “By my actions, I did not commit adultery,” but when Jesus Christ wrote on the ground, he was calling people out for their lustful thoughts about other men or other women, so every single person without exception was revealed as a sinner by Jesus.  

And are there any of you who think, “I’ve never had a lustful thought,” then what about something else?  Have you ever hated anyone else? That dislike is murder. That’s why I’m a sinner. Where must sinners go? Sinners must go to Jesus Christ Who is Grace and Truth.  So the reason God gave us the law was to guide us to Jesus Christ Who is Grace and Truth.  However the Pharisee group that was emphasizing the law rejected the gospel, then even if you receive the Word of God, you must receive the Word of the gospel.  If you live your walk of faith incorrectly, you will hold onto the law and grow up legalistically. 

    (2) Word – Flesh (Jn. 1:14)

    (3) Life – Light (Jn. 1:4)

Jn. 1:4 says that this Jesus Christ is the Light of man.  Those who follow this light or them will not be in the darkness, and they will receive eternal life.  “The ones who follow the light,” meaning those who believe, then they will escape from the darkness, things that were unclear, “I don’t understand my past, why did those things happen?”  I also don’t know the future. All the things that were dark and unclear will be revealed.  The Bible and the church must reveal this slightly to the world, but because churches are in darkness, the world is getting trapped in more and more darkness. Because we are not revealing through the Word of God the reason for increased substance addictions, this problem is increasing. It’s evidence that we don’t have the answer of the light to the darkness.  I hope you and I will escape from the darkness into the light by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit.  Some people might think, “Pastor, I’ve already come out,” yes, your spirit may have been set free into the light, but your heart, your thoughts, and your emotions are all still trapped, that’s why as soon as you face problem, you don’t turn immediately to the Word of God, you go straight to your thoughts as evidence that you’re seized by darkness. 

  2) Light of the world

    (1) Whoever follows me (Jn. 8:12)

    (2) Will never walk in darkness (12)

    (3) Will have the light of life (Jn. 8:12)

What happens if you get into a conflict with someone? You immediately think, “How can I kill them?” Because you’re right.  If you’re in conflict with someone, it means you are at a similar level, let’s say that a mother or a parent is jealous or constantly fighting and arguing with their child, it means that they’re at a similar level. If you are at a similar level, you cannot tell the other person to change themself. You have to change yourself to jump into God’s Word. If you have a conflict with someone, it means that there is something inside of you that leaves you no other choice but to have conflict. You keep having conflicts and competing, don’t you? You keep competing and fighting because you have a goal. Because your goal at your job is to succeed and to get promoted, that’s why you have no choice but to compete.  But if your goal is to save your company, who would compete with you because you’re the only one with that goal. That is how you renew yourself.  Renewing yourself means, “Renewing the Word of God.  Stop trying to say, “I’m going to stop fighting with other people,” you’ll end up fighting again. That’s what it means to empty your house and seven other evil spirits come in.

The scripture today says that we will receive the Light of Life, it means that this Light of Life must be a bartizan inside of us.  In Mt. 12, it says you must receive the power of the Holy Spirit to cast out demons. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of Christ, there’s nothing else that will work. Not with your personality, not with your diligence, and not with your mental control to only think positive thoughts. I have to serve the community in order to solve this problem, it’s never going to work. No matter how much you repent of physical things, it’s not going to work.  Fundamentally, the power of the Holy Spirit of Christ must be established in me.  Satan is continuing to build his home inside of me, and unless I’m centered on Christ, I’m working diligently for something else.  America works so diligently, America has a great mentality of not inconveniencing others, and it has all these good things like, “helping others,” but because the ideology is not centered on Christ, the spiritual problems become worse.

How can we break down this stronghold?  Make it obedient to Christ then this stronghold will collapse. Do not be obedient to the ideology of democracy, be obedient to Christ.  Do not be obedient to money or capitalism, instead, be obedient to Christ. This is the reason why you want to succeed. But because you’re obedient to money, that’s why you’re enslaved.

You need to make it so that success comes from within Christ. Inside of Christ comes true freedom; inside of Christ comes human rights; and inside of Christ comes true equality. Can we really have equality? Can we really have equality in the nation? People say there shouldn’t be racial discrimination, but even animals discriminate.  I went to South America and there were these groups of dogs, they have these little groups and they fight against each other. That’s the first time I’ve seen gang fights among dogs.  In South America, they don’t have indoor dogs, they let them all run around. Then, as you’re driving around in the streets, you’ll see dogs running around. Right outside of a Catholic church, there was a park, and there were dozens of dogs all fighting with their own groups and cliques, and if you look at videos, in India, there are monkeys fighting. There are these group fights, the monkeys that are inside of the temple and monkeys outside the temple, and tourists give them food so they’re fighting for the better spot.  

I went to do ministry at Seoul National University, and even if they don’t show it externally, inside, they’re always fighting for a higher position. They think, “If you’re not in the medical school or the law school, then you’re not a human.” Even if you’re in the same university, they have a hierarchy like that.  And then, inside of the law school or medical school, they’re competing based on which high school you went to. There’s no such thing as “equality,” everyone, and even among women, if you get them together, they’ll fight over who wears the shorter miniskirt, and they’ll compete with each other over makeup. Humans are impossible, there’s no freedom because we are always competing.  Even as you go to church, people are looking at you back and forth, thinking, “Are they more educated than me? Do they have more money than me?” What do you think that is? That’s not the truth; everybody has their own standard that they’ve set, and they’ve created their own standard or their own cage and nobody said anything to them.  

You’re just sitting still, you say a few words, and then that person says, “Oh, that person is more educated than I am, and I don’t like that.”  Nobody said anything. But they think, “This girl is prettier than I am,” so everyone creates their own standards that they are trapped in. It’s not about the physical jail, but you are inside of the spiritual jail; imagine how stressful that is?  Most of the people who become famous celebrities or actresses have to be pretty, and I know the reason why they get plastic surgery so much.  There is someone who is really beautiful and even among celebrities and actresses, when they see someone more beautiful than them, they want to get more plastic surgery, and then you look at somebody else and they look even more pretty, so then they want to get more plastic surgery. Whether they are pretty or not, they should just live however they were made, but instead they have this standard, “I need to be this pretty.”  That’s not the bartizan of light, that’s the bartizan of darkness that they’ve created in themselves. 

You’ve already set your standard of a pastor, haven’t you? What is your standard of a pastor? First, we have to slick back our hair and have a ⅔ side-part, and we also have to carry around this briefcase. I didn’t know about this, but that’s what I hear.  Nowadays, people tell me so much about it that I’ve tried to slick my hair, but in the past, I used to be so free with it because I thought, “I was a sinner, and now I am free, why do I have to care about my appearance?” But now, I’m trying to upkeep my appearance a little more; with Jews, I act more like a Jew to save them, etc.  But everybody has their standard.  

  3) Bartizan of light

    (1) Power of the Holy Spirit – Tie up the strong man (Mt. 12:28)

    (2) Centered on Christ – House of Satan (Mt. 12:43-45)

    (3) Obedient to Christ – Stronghold (2 Cor. 10:4-5)

The Bible should be our standard but we have our own standards.  May all of those things be broken down.  When you’re raising your child, you have your standard, don’t you? And if that child goes outside of that, you can’t stand it, because you can’t handle your own standard.  Then, you rebuke your child out of love, but it’s actually killing them. If you really want to fix your child, you need to put in the bartizan of the gospel. They can never change otherwise. People do not change from the frames of the law; people cannot change back and forth based on my standards.  Tell them, “You are a child of God even if you’re failed you’re a child of God, and the God Who is inside of you is much stronger than you are. Even if you fall, God can bring you back up.”  Only this bartizan of the gospel can save your children.  But then you’re educating your child saying, “This is what our family believes in, and this is my standard of education,” you’re messing your kid up.  

I confirmed that a lot through our ministry.  Especially for people with parents who have lived their walk of faith for a very long time, I was doing ministry with a student in Seoul Medical School. Their mother was an elder in the church, but this student was very weird, and his older brother actually went to another school for philosophy, and he completely lost his mind and this younger brother I was doing ministry with was really gritting his teeth, and trying to get into Seoul National University because he saw the fate of his brother, and both of his parents are professors who graduated from Seoul National University, too.  One day, I went to their church because I was invited, and one person in the front was always bickering, and later on, I realized it was this boy’s father, and then I realized, “This student did not end up the way they are for no reason.” This boy’s father was also a graduate of Seoul National University, and so he wanted to raise his children to be even better than him, so he oppressed his children with legalism and completely made them lose their minds.  

With our brains, it will not go well.  Education needs to be the common basic level, but that cannot change people. Yes, with education, you might change the external things, like you have more etiquette, and you keep the rules more, but the inside things will not change, and the result of this child is determined based on what is inside. The internal state of the child is determined by the internal state of the parents.  God is giving a problem to the child to signal to the parents to change their inner state, but the parents fall under the misconception, “I wish my child would just change,” but that problem is from you. God is telling you to change yourself through this problem.  But instead of that, the parents say, “Oh, maybe the church can take care of that and I’ll slip away to the back,” that will never take care of it. But when the Word of God goes into you, then you will truly realize.

  4) I testify on my own behalf (Jn. 8:14)

    (1) Jesus’s testimony is valid (Jn. 8:14)

    (2) Law – Testimony of two witnesses is true (Jn. 8:17)

    (3) Father God testifies Jesus (18, Jn. 5:39)

In today’s scripture, Jesus Christ is testifying of Himself, and the Pharisees were saying, “You need two witnesses, is it just You testifying?” Jesus Christ replies, “I am my own witness and my Father Who sent me is also my witness,” because the law of Moses requires two witnesses, and what does He mean that the Father testifies of Him?  It means that every book in the Old Testament from one to 39 testifies of Jesus Christ. Every single book of the Old Testament testifies of Jesus Christ.  Through your walk of faith, the more you listen to the Word of God, the more you should have the imprint, root, and nature of only Christ; that’s normal.  If you listen to the Word and live your walk of faith for decades but you still haven’t concluded in Christ, then you’re a Pharisee.  Ever since from a young age, through the Word of God, we must testify of Christ.  That is what it means when Jesus Christ says, “My Father is my witness.”  

3. Those who possess the bartizan of the light of life

The final point is that we are the ones who already have the bartizan of the light of life, and in order for that light of life to be my fortress, my stronghold, what must I do first?  

  1) Cross – It is finished (Jn. 19:30)

You need to believe in the fact that Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection has finished all of the problems of my past, present, and future, of sin and hell and Satan.  It must be the cross; it can never be from my actions.  The Lord must die for me on the cross to solve my problems. He must resurrect in order to overcome the authority of death, Satan, and hell. You must rely on and believe in that.  But instead of this, you keep trusting in your thoughts.  All of your thoughts should come from inside of Christ because all treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden within Christ.  Christ is the Creator of all things and all creation is inside of Christ. He is the One Who worked through His Word from the very beginning, so, “Only Christ” must remain in you and everything is in Christ.  There is nor reason to hold onto democracy; hold onto Christ.  There is no need to hold onto your mental strength; hold onto Christ.  People who came from the army have a strong military, mental strength, that’s a problem. If you hold onto your Marine Corps training, that’s a big problem because then the demon of the marines will go into you.  There’s demons who specifically target marines. If you hold onto your ideology of unity that’s a problem. If you hold onto your mentality, that’s a big problem because with that, you cannot overcome Satan.  

    (1) New creation (2 Cor. 5:17)

    (2) Law of the Spirit of life (Rom. 8:2)

It must be the Christ, then you are a new creation, it means you need to change yourself. The cross means, “I cannot do this, so I need to completely change myself; I must be healed. I must be reborn, I need to change the engine in my car.”  But you keep insisting on holding onto your ideologies and your thoughts, because you don’t want to change, and that’s why problems happen.  

    (3) Death – United with the resurrected Lord of life (Gal. 2:20)

You need to realize the reason for Gal. 2:20, why I have no choice but to die on the cross. It means I cannot do it by myself, that is why I was crucified on the cross with Christ.  When the Lord resurrected, I lived united with Him and now my life is Christ in me as my Lord; then I’m dead, I no longer have my own reasons.  “Oh, I can’t do this”? There’s no reason like that anymore.  The Lord living in me, that’s the new “me,” and if the Lord does it, I do it, that’s the “me.”  If the Lord says it, then I do it, that’s the new “me.” But instead of that, you think, “But I’m too old, I don’t make enough money, I don’t have enough ability.” you keep resurrecting the old you who died on the cross, so you have no idea how much the devil loves coming into the church.  

  2) Holy Spirit 

    (1) Authority – Me, church, field

I’ve died on the cross; it’s no longer me.  Now, the new “me” is the Lord living inside of me, completely controlling my thoughts, emotions, and heart, and fulfilling His will through me.  Then, when the power and the authority of the Holy Spirit really fills me, then I will be a witness of Christ until the ends of the earth.  God never told you to do it with your own mental strength or the money you make or your education level, because with all of those things, you can barely just make a living and get by; it must be only the Holy Spirit.  Then, because this is the Spirit of Creation, this unlimited power will be revealed through my life. 

We are preparing to move buildings. My heart is already set, we must open the age of Hollywood, and we must break down the headquarters of Satan’s culture in the world. Yes, people might call me crazy, but I’ll still keep going even if you do. The world kept on saying that Paul was crazy, too.  “Paul is crazy, he makes no sense,” but we are not swayed by those words.  We go in the direction of the covenant, saving the 237 nations, the future generations, doing the summit and healing movements. I can see that because the Holy Spirit reveals the past, present, and future.  Whether you believe it or not, I do. If you follow along in the stream, then you will receive the answers; if not, you will be too busy barely making a living and getting by.  

    (2) Testify of Jesus (Jn. 15:26)

The Holy Spirit lives within me and testifies of Christ within me.  People say, “Oh, my personality is not good for sharing the gospel,” that’s a lie.  “Oh, I’m very introverted so I can’t proclaim the gospel,” that’s a lie. The Holy Spirit testifies of Christ.  Your circumstance, your personality, is irrelevant. Even if you go in as a slave, if you’re filled with the Holy Spirit, then Christ is revealed.  Even if you are hard-pressed on all sides, it doesn’t matter; if you’re filled with the Holy Spirit, Christ will be revealed, and I hope that every single person may be liberated from the bartizan of darkness and lies.  If God says it, He will do it; the standard is not our thoughts or our ability, but the Word of God. 

    (3) 237 nations, healing, future generation (3 courtyards) – Business, academic field

In the first service, at least people were saying “Amen,” but no one is saying “Amen.” And when you say, “Amen,” you give glory to God.  So, don’t make me force you to say, “Amen,” I’m sure you all said it in your hearts, right? But people who don’t say “Amen,” and just calculate in their brain, you’ll just live like that forever. Your IQ is not even 150; how can you calculate the infinite God? You need to quickly calculate well, but you should entrust yourself to the unlimited God. There are some people who have an IQ of 98, they don’t even have an IQ of 100. What are you going to do with that?  Yes, the IQ of 98 is the same as 150. We must entrust everything to the One Who has unlimited IQ.  When God does His Word, God does it. Please say, “Amen.”  God promised all the way to 237 nations, healing, and summit.  

  3) Enjoy the bartizan of the light of life

    (1) 3 concentrations – Morning, day, evening

Now, what must we do? Concentrate.  Don’t wake up in the morning–that’s too late.  When you wake up in the early morning, you’re already filled with the bartizan of Satan, because the first thing that you have are your thoughts and your emotions. There are some people who have no thoughts, but even your thoughtlessness is you.  Even your complicated thoughts? That’s you.  All of that must be completely finished on the cross.  As soon as you wake up in the morning, confess that everything is finished on the cross, and now the Lord lives within me as His Spirit, and the Word is now my thoughts; the Lord’s plan for salvation is now the plan for my life, not by my mental strength, but by the power of the Holy Spirit of God. That’s how you enjoy the gospel.  But people are so honest and nice, they say, “Oh pastor, I only have this little ability,” they’re so nice, that’s so honest, but that’s actually a nice bartizan of darkness. When the bartizan of God works upon you with power, then you are bound to stand as a witness.  

So, as soon as you wake up in the early morning, concentrate on that.  Throughout the day, everything you feel and think, you need to change that into prayer.  Then at night, you need to think about all the things that happened to you throughout the day and come to an answer through the Word of God. The person who receives an answer through the Word will stand as a witness of the Word. 

    (2) 3 courtyards (Temple construction) – Economy of life

Now we have the temple construction for the three courtyards, that’s the reason that God prepared the economy of light.

    (3) Age of the 3 day weekend

And now, through the age of the 3-Day Weekend, we must heal and raise the next generation.  There are many, many people who don’t know the reason for their problems, and we just shine the light through the Word of God. 


1. Bartizan of the light of life – Within me

2. Journey of the light of life – One who saves

3. Guidepost of the light of life – Disciple

In conclusion, we need to make sure that the bartizan of the light of life is the bartizan and stronghold inside of me.  It must become your stronghold and your bartizan so you no longer rely on yourself but rely on the Triune God instead.  David enjoyed that bartizan so well, he said, “The LORD is my shield, my fortress, my banner, my healer.”  May our footsteps be used to save and also raise up disciples who will also not shake.  

Message Prayer

Let us pray together holding onto the Word we have received.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You.  We thank You for raising us up as the bartizans of the light of life.  Allow us to be the ones to shine the light of the Word of Life to the field that is dying without knowing the reason for their suffering. God, we believe You will bless the hands of all the people who have given the offering for missions, temple construction, future generations, and to save the church with the economy of light upon their business and their studies. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

God, we thank You.  God, we pray You will bless all the visitors and raise them up so they may be the bartizans who shine the light of life. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer

2. Mexico Tecate Camp, 10/19 (Saturday)

3. Florida Camp

4. Hollywood Camp – Temple

5. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, guidance, and working, fellowship, and filling of the Holy Spirit, be upon the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to testify of the light of the life of Jesus Christ, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.

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