Those who are in the Seat that Saves (Jn. 8:1-11)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Those who are in the Seat that Saves (Jn. 8:1-11)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  I believe it will be fulfilled according to the confession of your heart.  The title of today’s message is, “Those who are in the Seat that Saves.”  As you live your walk of faith, if you do not have the mystery to save yourself, then you are living an incorrect walk of faith.  To be a normal believer, you should be coming to life and your field should be coming to life.  Then, what must we do to continuously save?  That power is not with us.  

1. Those who are in the seat that kills 

In today’s scripture, we see people who lived their walk of faith for a long time but sit in the seat that kills.  These individuals believe they are living their walk of faith well, but they sit in the seat that kills others.  

  1) Chief priests and Pharisees (Jn. 7:45)

    (1) Bring Jesus (Jn. 7:45)

If you look in the last half of John 6 and the beginning of John 8, we see the Chief Priests and the Pharisees are sitting in the seat that kills people.  When the truth is given, darkness will fight back because the darkness means there is no truth in it.  Jesus Christ Himself is the True Light and He is the Truth, but darkness will fight against this and does not understand it.  The characteristic of darkness is that we do not know where we are.  Because we’re not able to see, we’re not able to discern.  Even though we live so diligently, we’re not able to see.  Though we live our walk of faith, we are not coming to life.  That is because we are on the side of darkness.

    (2) Thought they were being deceived from the truth (Jn. 7:47)

Then, what does it mean that someone who is a believer is on the side of darkness?  It means they hate the gospel and they hate Jesus.  Jesus Christ has come to them and yet they ordered people to capture Jesus to bring Him to them.  The very people who the Pharisees and the Chief Priests sent to capture Jesus say, “We’ve never heard anyone speak like this person,” so the Pharisees say to the guards, “Does this mean He has deceived you, also?”  They will never change themselves.  

    (3) Knows nothing of the law – Curse (Jn. 7:49)

Then, they say, “This mob who knows nothing of the law is cursed.”  The Law is the Word of God that He gave through Moses.  When the group of Pharisees saw the things Jesus Christ was saying and doing, like healing the man on the Sabbath, and saying that He will break down the Temple and raise it up in three days, it made no sense and it made them angry.

  2) Accuse Jesus – Test (Jn. 8:6)

    (1) A woman caught in adultery (Jn. 8:3)

So they created a new scheme to capture Jesus, and they brought an adulterous woman before Jesus during the Feast of Tabernacles.  It doesn’t say where the man has gone, even though both of them should have come before Jesus, but this woman was a married woman caught in an adulterous act.  If she were a single woman caught in an adulterous act, then she should have married that man, but the fact that she was taken as a prisoner means that she was a married woman.  

    (2) Moses’s Law – Kill by stoning (Jn. 8:5, Lev. 20:10)

These people brought this adulterous woman to Jesus Christ to test if He would really break the law.  They were saying, “According to the Law of Moses, if there is a woman caught in adultery, then we should stone her to death. What do You say, Jesus?” The reason they bring this case before Jesus is because He would be found at fault no matter what He says.  If Jesus says, “Do not stone the woman to death,” they would accuse Him of looking down on the Law of Moses, but if Jesus says to execute the woman, that would be against the Roman law.  

    (3) Roman law – Jews couldn’t execute

During that time, the colonies of Rome had no right to execute, so no matter what Jesus replied, he would be caught.  There were people circling this woman with stone in hand, ready to strike. 

  3) Crowd

    (1) Moses’s Law (Jn. 1:17)

    (2) The one who boasts in the law breaks the law (Rom. 2:23)

Paul says this in Romans 2:23 regarding this situation, that “You who brag about the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law?” You have your pride in the law and you have exalted yourself to a high place for keeping the law, yet you yourselves break the law and dishonor God.  

    (3) A Jew only outwardly (Rom. 2:28)

Rom. 2:28 says that, “A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly.” So today, you must absolutely be able to discern the difference between the law and the gospel in order to go into the light.  The Pharisees are outside of the light because they think if they keep the law outwardly or externally, in other words, they are not caught in the physical act of adultery, then they are righteous.  Then, they have placed themselves in a seat where they can persecute others for committing the act of adultery.  

The reason God gave us the Law through Moses was to reveal our sin, but why is it that the Jewish people were not able to realize their own sin? The Law that God had given to the Jewish people includes the outward, as well as the internal, sin.  God gave us the Law so that every single person, without exception, would be trapped under that Law and revealed as sinners.  But the Jewish people interpreted the Word of God incorrectly.  Because they interpreted the Word of God differently, they became irrelevant to God, then that group will go into curses and disasters.

Why is it that people go into this direction even as they go to church?  Why is it that even as people go to church, they fall into conflict and division and they still think that they are righteous?  This begins in our family life and it goes all the way to society and our job fields as well.  The Jewish people who lived like that did not live themselves; they themselves died.  So, why is it that there are churches and seminaries in America that are closing down? Because God thinks that they should close down.  Even though they have Jesus, they have mixed the Law in and they use that to kill people.  

Today’s message is not only something that Christians need to hear; it is something that nonbelievers who live with their own righteousness must hear as well.  This week, there was a conference and a gathering of pastors, and one pastor said, “If another pastor gets caught in a sexual act, should we leave them alone?”  They acted like I did in the past, they got so angry, and I understand what position that pastor is thinking about.  That pastor thinks that living a just life is the gospel.  That person is living like I used to live in the past, thinking that living a just and a righteous life is good.  I told them, “The righteousness you’re talking about is ‘justice’, Pastor, but the Bible is talking about righteousness.”  These humans are trying to use the book of the Law to maintain justice, and that’s necessary, the laws of society, but unless people have righteousness, they can never become free on their own.  

I’m speaking these legal terms but it says in Romans 1 that the righteousness of God is only revealed through Christ.  God Who has no sin died for sinners, and that is true justice, and that is righteousness.  That does not belong to mankind, it belongs only to God.  We who believe in that are considered righteous by God.  But the characteristic of people who say, “I don’t live like that,” is that they have their own set of righteousness that they’ve created themselves.  There are politicians who live like that now.  There are politicians who are a similar age as me, and say, “I didn’t live like that,” they are proud because they have lived their own righteous life by their own standards.  Are there any of you fighting inside of the church because you think you are righteous?  Those people cannot be stopped, because those people think they must fight this righteous fight.  That is actually being seized by the devil, but that person is unaware.  

Then, does that mean we should completely ignore righteousness and justice?  I’m saying, those words only belong to Jesus Christ.  Romans 8:4 says that those who live by the Spirit will fulfill the Law.  That pastor thanked me for helping him organize the Word.  I told them, “I actually used to be like you, Pastor. Even though we know the gospel, because we don’t know the gospel completely and thoroughly, we mix in our own ideas of righteousness with the gospel, and that person will fight for what they believe is right, thinking that they’re correct.”  Just like the people who were standing around the adulterous woman, ready to stone her to death, thought that they were doing the righteous thing; they thought, “Of course, this is a sin that must receive the punishment of death,” it’s a very scary thing.

2. Jesus who is in the seat that saves 

  1) Mt. of Olives (Jn. 8:1), temple (Jn. 8:2)

    (1) Prayer

Then, what did Jesus do?  Before this situation in John 7, all the people went back to their homes, however in John 8:1, Jesus Christ went to the Mount of Olives.  This Mount of Olives is also the place where Jesus called His disciples after He resurrected, it is also called the Garden of Gethsemane, and Jesus was always praying there.  Everybody else returned to their homes, back to their families; they enjoyed their rest and their leisure time, but Jesus had nowhere to go.  So was He just a homeless person living on the Mount of Olives?  He was just praying there. If there is someone who believes prayer is not necessary, they will not receive answers.  If somebody believes that prayer is optional, they will live with their own thoughts.  The more deeply you think your own thoughts, the more you will go to a place where you are your own god.  The end result of that is disaster and being ensnared by Satan, and the more you think deeply, the more you will be seized in that direction, so I hope you will stop thinking and start praying, and God will answer.  

If you study while you pray, God will answer.  When you listen to the Word of God while you are praying, then the Holy Spirit will work and will imprint that Word in you.  But if you listen to the Word with your own thoughts, then the end result will be emptiness, and the more you repeat that kind of worship, the more you will become like the Pharisees.  Prayer means that you are connected with the stronghold of Jesus Christ.  You pray because you know all answers come from Him.  For that person, anywhere they go, they will save themselves and other people.  If there are any of you who are unable to pray, it means you are in the midst of dying.  If you think like that, then that’s right because anything you say out of your own thoughts, that’s just your own thoughts; it is not the Truth.  Then, one day, when you get a scar, you won’t be able to escape.  

The characteristic of elite people is, their thoughts must be correct. “If somebody does not agree with my thoughts, then I cannot handle that.  If I give my opinion in the church and people don’t accept it, then it makes me angry,” and that’s the characteristic of people who have made it this far in life with their own skills, and that’s why they have a spiritual problem deep inside of them.  Especially in America, it is very strong in individualism, that’s why we had shootings even last week.  The fact that we have such a strong culture of individualism means that every individual person makes their decisions based on their own thoughts, emotions, and heart.  Until this society is centered on Christ, the number of people with mental illnesses will continue to increase, so I hope this will be the beginning of that change for you.

    (2) Teach the word (Jn. 8:2)

After Jesus Christ prayed on the Mount of Olives, at dawn, He went to the Temple to teach, and what is the Word that He taught?  

    (3) Old Testament – Reveal Christ (Lk. 24:44)

Luke 24:44 says that Jesus Christ is proving through the text of the Old Testament that everything testifies of Jesus Christ.  The Pharisees are researching the scriptures, but they are failing.  They say that the Pentateuch of Moses is the Law, and that is the basis of the Old Testament.  Everything else is the Psalms and the Prophets.  Then, the more you research the Bible, the more you must come to the conclusion of Christ.  But for the Pharisees, the more they research into the Bible, the more they deem Christ to be unnecessary.  The reason why churches are closing down, is because through the 66 books of the Bible, we must testify of Jesus Christ, the Truth.  

  2) Jesus – Field

    (1) Scene of adultery – Law – Wrote with his finger (Jn. 8:6)

So, how does Jesus Christ respond in this situation with the adulterous woman?  It says in the Bible that He began to write on the ground with His finger.  In the Korean version, it says that it hit the consciences of the people watching, but it doesn’t say that in the English Bible. 

    (2) Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone (Jn. 8:7)

Either way, He was writing on the ground, but it doesn’t say what He wrote, but the important thing is that, starting from the oldest people, they all began to leave, one by one, and Jesus said, “Whoever has no sin can cast the first stone.”  

    (3) Went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last (Jn. 8:9, Rom. 8:4))

Then, we can see that whatever He was writing on the ground was revealing their sin.  I’m sure the older somebody is, the more sin they have committed, and that is why the people left, oldest to youngest.

  3) Jesus and the woman

    (1) Those who condemned with the law went away (Jn. 8:10-11)

What is the sin of adultery mentioned here? Even the lustful thoughts inside of our hearts is the sin of adultery.  Or, among the older people, there may have been people who actively did commit acts of adultery when they were younger and they were just never caught or found out, but when they saw their sins written on the group, their consciences were struck and they left.  Or, Jesus Christ wrote down, “Last week, you looked at a woman lustfully.”  

So, Jesus is God, and what is His sense of sin?  Yes, the standard is the law, but the law is applied internally; the state of your thoughts determine your sin.  Let’s say you were somehow able to live 99 years of your life without committing a sin, but right before you pass away, you have one complaint in your heart?  That is the sin that makes you go to hell.  In other words, the reason God gave us the law is to reveal that every single person is a sinner, so why do people fight in the church? It’s because the correct Word didn’t go into them. Why do couples fight? It is because they think they are better, it is because the correct Word hasn’t gone into them.  Why do Christian professionals go out into the world and fight with nonbelievers about money? Because the Word has not gone into them correctly, and because this vague or unsure Word has gone into them, these uncertain gray areas happen.  If you really understood the law, you would realize, “I am a sinner and I have no place to be.”  

    (2) Did not condemn her but saved her (Jn. 8:11)

The adulterous woman knew she was a sinner, but there was no one who was able to strike her with the law.  So everybody walks away, and it is only Jesus and the woman remaining.  When the True Light of the gospel goes in, then those who try to kill others with the Law will disappear.  Then Jesus Christ says, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?  Then neither do I condemn you,” and at this time, we were able to see something.  Some people say, “If someone is committing these lustful or sexually immoral acts in the church, should we just allow this to happen?”  It says specifically in the Bible that two or three people should go and confront that individual, and the Bible also says that when two or three gather in Jesus Christ’s name that He would be with them. That means that you must pray for that person to save them.  This doesn’t mean to go confront that person to strike and kill them; it means you pray for them to save them and raise them up, then without a doubt, God will answer.  

This is what God has given to us, but if the Word does not go into you, you will get caught on something. Nowadays when the churches become larger, the pastor is the first to get caught in a sexually immoral act. Why do you think God is showing this to us? To show us the stream of the gospel.  Most people would pick up a stone to kill that pastor. Why is the pastor the representative case?  Because in the Old Testament, there was a prophet whose wife was a prostitute.  Why did God allow that? The society of Israel is corrupt and immoral, so for things that have to do with social order, you must go into the social law.  But the reason God came to earth is to save. 

What is the spiritual problem?  You cannot control yourself.  You keep drinking alcohol and you cannot control yourself.  This person continuously does these sexually immoral acts and they cannot stop themselves, why?  That’s what happens when somebody is empty inside, or what happens when they have a scar inside.  Why do we have these scars?  We live our entire lives in a state that is centered on ourselves; then, when something goes wrong or somebody says something, it becomes a scar. Eph. 4:26 says that if you have a scar, then it makes you angry.  The reason there are so many shootings is because their anger explodes and they shoot people. They just live however they want.  People have these anger management issues, so why is this anger so explosive?  Eph. 4:26 says, “Do not let the sun set on your anger, and do not sin in your anger.” What does that mean?  It means, quickly go back into the gospel.  You have no choice but to be like this, so quickly hold onto the cross of Christ, to the gospel, and be careful that Satan does not use this as a foothold.  

There are many people, most people, a surprising number of people, who live their walk of faith without knowing the spiritual things.  Especially, most of the people who went to church, following their parents, ever since they were very young.  The Bible is telling us the spiritual things but they’re not able to see the spirit.  From the very beginning, Satan is the one who used the serpent to attack Adam and Eve in Gen. 3, but they’re not able to see Satan. That’s what Satan does: he makes us oppose God, and the most effective words to do that are, “If you eat this, then you will be like God.”  But instead, they used the righteousness of the law, “I look righteous in my standards.” They are their own god, but it is Satan’s temptation saying, “You can determine what is righteous and what is not,” that is the way Satan works upon us in sin.  

    (3) Leave your life of sin (Jn. 8:11, Rom. 8:4)

The thoughts you have right now are not from the Word.  You have inside of you the things you’ve experienced and studied and what you determine is good, and you hold onto this and say, “I’m good and this other person is bad,” that’s why you fight. For example, there are things you liked when you grew up, that’s not Christ and it’s not the gospel, it’s just something you liked; from your eyes, it is good but you prioritized that above the gospel, and you think that’s the gospel, you don’t know the gospel.  Isn’t the gospel good? What you think is good is not the gospel.  That’s why people who don’t receive the gospel live according to what they think is good or nice because they think, “Even if I don’t have the gospel, I can live a good or kind life by myself.”  In Phil. 3, Paul knew this and confessed, “Everything I thought was to my advantage in the past, I now consider rubbish.” All of this is inside of you, all the things your parents have educated you as “good” are embedded.  Perhaps your father was very just or upright? That’s not the gospel.  

I’m sure among you, there are some people who are thinking, “Then what exactly is the gospel?” That “justice” must come from inside of Christ.  That’s why Paul considered everything that he considered good in the past as rubbish. Because of this, he was not able to hold onto Christ.  “Now, I consider everything rubbish for the sake of gaining Christ,” and, “All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden within Christ.”  There are so many good things in America, the superpower nation, but if that’s how you were educated and raised from a young age, that’s a big problem because you will not speak about the gospel; you will speak about America.  The things that America says are good, that is what you will emphasize instead of the gospel, things like human rights, equality, and freedom, and instead of proclaiming the gospel, you just do the human rights movement, but all of these things must come from within the gospel.  In acknowledging God’s sovereignty, we must receive human rights.  

But people are still confused, confusing the gospel with their idea of justice, and there are also people who confuse the gospel with success.  These are people who have a prosperity-based faith; that’s not even the gospel. The gospel says, “I have learned to be content both in poverty and in abundance,” and that’s only possible inside of the gospel. “Even though I’m treated unfairly, it doesn’t matter; I’m fine,” that’s the gospel.  But if you don’t have the gospel, you’ll say, “I have to kill that person because they don’t have the gospel,” that’s not the truth.  So, rather than listening well, you need to receive God’s grace. I actually confused the gospel and justice before, I used to think that standing up for what you think is right is justice. That’s what the students are doing.  But if that is how we grow up, that’s a big problem because it can change. Until the gospel goes in correctly, they will never change.

3. Those who have the Gospel that saves

  1) Jesus Christ

When we are sitting in the seat of Jesus Christ, we will receive answers, then how will we look at the situation? In order for me to be somebody who saves, where must I be?  We must be on the side of Jesus Christ, the gospel, then what exactly is the gospel?  If somebody asks you, “What is the gospel?” Don’t just say, “It means good news”; tell them the content.  Jesus Christ is revealed through the 66 books of the Bible, but if you’re not able to know that, then you’re not in the gospel, you’re religious.  Even though you memorized the Bible and read it from a young age, you know it in both Greek and Hebrew, you have no spiritual strength.  

    (1) It is finished (Jn. 19:30, Rom. 3:22)

What is the gospel? Jesus Christ Himself said, “It is finished,” on the cross, but nobody is saying what He finished, but the Jewish people knew.  Because they have the knowledge of the Old Testament, they understood what these words meant.  We were all Gentiles, so we may not understand what these words mean, but by the grace of the Holy Spirit of God, we’ll come to understand. What did He finish?  Everything that was spoken about in the Old Testament has now been fulfilled on the cross.  Then, why did God promise in Gen. 3:15 to send us the Christ? Because we were separated from God, seized by Satan and sin, that’s why God promised the offspring of the woman. 

Jesus Christ died on the cross to crush Satan’s head, and the serpent striking Jesus’ heel, that is His death on the cross, and without the resurrection, His death has no meaning.  This means that at once, Jesus Christ finished the curses of our sins, past, present, and future.  If that problem is not finished, then you must always be afflicted by guilt. We are sinners so we will always think thoughts of sin.  Because we are sinners, we always make acts of sin.  “Sin” is anything that does not have to do with the Word of God or faith in God.  So, we are like a sin factory, or a source of sin that creates more sin, and that has been finished on the cross. 

The Lord knew we would sin, so He finished it, past, present, and future, on the cross, and He has completely destroyed Satan and the forces of darkness.  There’s no way for us to meet with God; only through Christ can we meet God.  That is what it means that it is all finished. Instead of just knowing this as knowledge or theory that you’ve learned, when you really understand this by the grace of the Holy Spirit, then you will be changed, but there are many people who have been educated and trained within Christ, in other words, they’ve been educated with their brains, but not in their hearts, so that’s why it’s so complicated; it hasn’t been finished for them. They are still the master of their own life. 

The moment we become masters of our own lives, we have shame and fear like Gen. 3.  In order to cover our shame, we have to keep packaging ourselves with clothes, cars, houses, money, success, societal position, and plastic surgery. That’s what happened in Gen. 3, and even if you’re staying still, you have fear.  As long as the almighty God is not my bartizan, I am bound to be afraid.  The result of that is conflicts and fighting.  Because we are our own gods, of course spouses will fight, and then we have to work in order to maintain our physical needs.  God did not create us to work.  God would do His work through us in the Garden of Eden. The fact that we were created in the image of God means that the Triune God lives within us, and He reveals His work through us.  God’s plan is revealed through our thoughts, plans, emotions, heart, and body.  That is the blessing and that is the continuous answer of being fruitful and abundant, ruling over and subduing all of creation. The incident of the cross restores all of that.  

    (2) New creation (2 Cor. 5:17)

Now, 2 Cor. 5:17 says that we are a new creation; our software must fundamentally be changed. If you ride the same car for 30 years, it might be very beaten down on the outside, but if you change out the engine, it’s like a new car. I was born with Original Sin, so with me, it is never possible; that is why we must change what is inside.  I have died on the cross with Christ.  The disciples who believed in Jesus ran away from the cross because they didn’t want to die, and the reason they couldn’t die is because they wanted Jesus to die for them; they didn’t want to die for Jesus.  Ever since these children are young, they say, “Jesus Christ died for my sin,” but they don’t want to die for Jesus. It’s not that they don’t believe in Jesus, they do. They don’t want to go to the cross, which is God’s will.  Then, they have to go back to being fishermen, making money just to make a living.  All the disciples had lost their strength. I die on the cross with Christ, and when His life enters me, that is a new life beginning.  “It is not me, I have already been finished, it must be the Lord.”  That’s what Joseph and David enjoyed.  

    (3) Lord of life (Gal. 2:20)

That Lord has overcome the world. Napoleon said he overcame the world but later on, he lost and died a lonely death. We have a lot of Mongolians in the church.  Genghis Khan said that he overcame the world, but he died a lonely death. There is nobody who can overcome the world; only Christ can overcome the world. Because the authority of the world is Satan, you can never overcome. Only Christ can overcome, and when I am united with Christ, then I will overcome as well.  That is how we live the life of a conqueror.

What does it mean to conquer?  You can imagine, what is the opposite of conquering? It’s being a captive, a slave.  Why are we enslaved by money and people’s words? Why are we enslaved by our own thoughts? Why are we enslaved by our fear of the future?  It’s because we don’t know what it means to conquer.  For us, the Lord has overcome the world and we have been united with that Christ in faith, and now we are doing His work of conquering the world with Him. 

  2) God’s kingdom – Mission

The Lord finished everything on Mount Calvary.  After that, the Lord gives His Word to His disciples.  Before this point, they could not understand; they only understood the physical world.  Even though they believed in Jesus, they only talked about what to eat, how to succeed, and their work. Only when that person’s life is completely finished and Christ is living within them as the Lord of their life, then they begin a new mission of their new life. Then, there’s also the kingdom of Satan.  Then, what exactly is the kingdom of Satan, the bartizan and the stronghold of Satan? If you don’t know this, then you will never be able to save.

    (1) Satan’s bartizan (Mt. 12:28-29)

Mt. 12:28-29 says you must first bind the strongman.  Ever since we are born, there’s something strong inside of us, it is the Original Sin where I think I am God.  You’ve raised children. They are their own standard; they don’t need the Word of God, they have their thoughts as their own standard.  The reason we have depression is because my emotions are my standard, that’s why we’re seized by depression.  Why are we seized by our panic attacks? Because the panic I feel is my standard.  This is the result of people who live centered on themselves.  

If your business is not working, then your environment, your situation is your standard instead of the Word of God.  If you’re diseased, you’re done for because your disease is your standard.  The Word of God must be your standard. If you have a disease, then what is God’s Word saying about that? Your situation is not the standard, then you won’t be able to escape. That is what you call, “Satan’s stronghold.”  If you cast out demons in the power of the Holy Spirit, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.  We cannot do anything until that Kingdom of Satan is broken down. This person is a perfectly fine elite, but there’s something strange.  On the outside, they look perfectly fine so you cannot tell, but on the inside, they’re dragged around by something, they’re not able to conquer.  

    (2) Satan’s house (Mt. 12:43-45)

In Mt. 12:44, it says the demons go into an empty house.  What happens if you keep repenting with your actions? “I said these words to that person, I’m sorry for that,” even nonbelievers do that, they don’t know the standard of repentance.  Going to God through Jesus Christ is the true meaning of repentance, but they don’t know that so they keep on trying to correct their actions, and because they lack Christ, demons go in.  If the Pharisees who were about to stone the adulterous woman really repented, then they would meet Christ.  But if we only have the external, outward repentance, but we don’t have the repentance of the internal change, then seven more demons will come in.  In America, there’s a lot of self-meditation where people try to empty themselves, but now, more demons go in because they don’t have Christ. That’s what the elites of the world are doing, that’s self-meditation.  The young people are not going to church? Of course they don’t go to church because when they go to church, it’s all nonsense; it doesn’t heal them because it’s not the gospel. 

The Bible is telling us about Jesus Christ, but they don’t receive “Only Christ,” so these people are not coming to life. So, from the viewpoint of young people, there’s no charisma there. Self-meditation organizations promise healing and the power of the universe, so they go in that direction, and it seems like healing does take place, but that’s what churches must save. That’s not true healing, that is the channel for seven more demons to come in.  There are people in American churches who are actively practicing witchcraft.  They follow witchcraft and demon-possession, but the churches don’t know this, they are actively practicing witchcraft inside the American churches.  

    (3) Satan’s stronghold (2 Cor. 10:4-5)

2 Cor. 10:4-5 says there is a stronghold, a fortress of Satan that doesn’t come down.  That wasn’t raised in one night, and it will never be broken down until you are obedient to only Christ, but you’re not aware of this. You think it’s actually a good thing.  It is a stronghold that is inside of us.  A stronghold, for example, loyalty or patriotism to the nation, it’s a good thing, but it’s not Christ.  Because we have this stronghold inside of us, Satan moves us however he pleases.  Inside of the Kingdom of God comes our true faithfulness, that’s what the order should be.  We must have the justice that comes from faith in only Jesus Christ, the gospel.  That is how we have all the other societal justice. 

Before we have the education of the world, we must have the education of God’s Word.  For the people who raised up Harvard University and renowned schools in America, they didn’t raise them for nothing.  Many people were coming into the nation, so they had to teach the Bible to the students, so they would bring a teacher, so they would get money from all the houses and pay tuition, and they needed to teach the alphabet to these students, “A is for Abraham,” and they would teach these children the Bible, so actually, education began to teach the Bible, but the immigrants who came later on came for the education, and that’s why America is the way it is today.  They originally raised schools to teach God’s Word. 

You and I must grow up from a very young age, understanding the Bible first, and then the worldly education comes; that is how we can have peace and freedom inside. Ever since we are young, we must realize that the Triune God is our stronghold.  You know “fortress,” right? Even if an atomic bomb hits, we’ve built multiple miles underground, so we are fortified. The Triune God must be our stronghold.  But instead of the Triune God, we have democracy as our stronghold, there are people who have different strongholds.  America doesn’t want democracy or socialism, so they just focus on the individual.  It is an incorrect freedom that they can do whatever they want, and that is their stronghold, and the devil knows this and tramples on them.  We must raise these children inside of our churches to know this at a young age.  Whether somebody is educated from a young age with the ideology of democracy or communism, it’s the same, actually. If you’re not able to discern what democracy is, it means you’re already trained in that ideology, so you understand the words, “Only Christ,” but the stronghold inside of you is not changing.  

  3) God’s bartizan

    (1) Triune God – Word, salvation, power

That is why the Triune God must be revealed through me, through His Word, through salvation, and power.  

    (2) Power of the throne – Me, church, field (Ac. 1:8)

The power of the heavenly throne must be revealed through me to the ends of the earth. That’s not done by me. The Holy Spirit of Christ holds onto me and guides me forward. How can we evangelize Hollywood? How can we do that?  The devil is laughing. It is done by God, through the prayer that transcends time and space.  We must resolve in our hearts because the moment Daniel resolved in his heart, God sent the angels with the answer.  We are not able to do this, so God promises to be with us with all authority in heaven and on earth.  If you’re not able to pray, you’ll never have answers. If you are able to pray, then all things are possible.  “All things are possible” means, “within Gods’ plan,” so you must save yourself.  You cannot save yourselves with your own IQ; you cannot save yourself with your own kindness; you cannot save yourself with your pretty face; you cannot save with your education level; only the gospel can save us.

    (3) All nations, healing, future generation (Mt. 28, Mk. 16, Jn. 21)


1. 3 Concentrations (Morning, day, night)

That is why we must concentrate, concentrate on the fact that everything has been finished on Mount Calvary when you wake up. You need to confirm that again, “It’s not me; it is the Lord within me; how will He guide me today?”  From the morning, you pray for God to guide you and work through all of the people you meet, your work, and your studies. In reality, if you’re able to worship correctly today, the answers have already begun, but if you’re not able to understand these words, you’ll think, “Do I really have to go to worship? What do these words mean?’  But if the Word of God goes into me and my spiritual state is corrected, answers are bound to follow.  If the Word of God has upon you, it means that God is already fulfilling those words. You believe in that, that’s why you pray because the Lord is already working in your field in advance.  But you don’t believe that, do you?  People who are centered on themselves do not believe that because they are still their own master, but for people who are completely changed by Mount Calvary, they will understand. That’s what worship is, and during the time of worship, God works on His own.  

As soon as you wake up in the morning, restore your spiritual state and God will work.  As your spirit gets along well, may all things go well and may you have health.  If your spiritual state is not working, then the result is not working, but if I’m completely reborn and restored through Jesus Christ, then God will fulfill the mission He has given to me. I’m giving you my testimony as a pastor. I am the person who has the most problems, I am somebody who has the most spiritual and mental problems, and if someone says something to me, I’ll never forget it. I have a personality that is very easy for Satan to play with, so, as a minister, I remember every single thing you’ve ever told me.  In the past, I used to remember everything you told me because I was the master of my own lord and I wanted to get revenge, but now it is for ministry.  So I remember everything that they tell me, but now I am remembering it to save them.  Before I knew the gospel, I remembered things to judge them.  That’s what the CIA does, they take all this information, they analyze it and keep it forever.  But we need to have concentration.  You need to have that strength, and it must be happy.  If it’s laborious, then life is hard.  Entrusting everything to the Lord must be easy, light, and joyful; if it’s hard, then it’s religion.  

2. Age of 3 day weekend (Healing, future generation, stream)

The Age of the 3-Day weekend, we are in an age where the children are playing and resting on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and they will be swept away. On Friday, healing, and then on Saturday, we must train the next generation, and on the Lord’s Day, you must confirm that you are within the stream of the Word, prayer, and evangelism, because that is the work that the Lord is doing inside of you.  

3. 3 courtyard (Courtyard of 237 nations, healing, future generation) – Temple

We must also have the church and the business that has the three courtyards for the 237 nations, healing, and summit.  If your occupation is not matched to the 237 nations, then you will go in the wrong direction.  If you don’t focus on healing every single person you meet in your professional field, then you are only focused on getting their money, then you will become a Pharisee. May you become the main figure of fulfilling God’s promise inside of your church and your fields.  

Message Prayer

Let us pray holding onto the Word we have received.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You.  We thank You for giving us the grace to be in the seat that saves. We pray that our businesses and studies may be used as instruments to save.  May our entire lives be used to reveal the gospel and do the ministry of saving.  We have returned Your materials as offering.  We pray that everywhere it is used, it will be the economy of light that saves and be the economy that saves the people who are breaking down.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

God, we thank You.  We thank You for giving us the Word that is not just by coincidence, but is necessary and will be fulfilled. We pray that You will liberate these visitors with the gospel of only Christ and restore the mission to proclaim only the gospel and the Kingdom of God. May you raise them as witnesses to save America and the world through only the Holy Spirit and prayer.  May You give them the evidence in the work they are doing to save this world.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer

2. Middle School Evangelism School, Sat., 1-3PM.

3. Starting September, there will be High School Summit School at 1PM-3PM in the main sanctuary. We will cover college prep, grant/scholarship help, job application, resume, interview help.

4. Mexico Tecate Camp in 3rd week of Sept.

5. RCA registration begins Today (9/15) – 10/6. Please refer to for more details.

6. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, guidance, and working, fellowship, and filling of the Holy Spirit, be upon the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to remain within only the gospel, only the Kingdom of God, and only the filling of the Holy Spirit to save, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.

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