God’s Word Fulfilled (Isaiah 6:1-13)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God’s Word Fulfilled (Isaiah 6:1-13)

Why is it that such skilled elites are suffering in the world? It is because they are not aligned with God’s will. It’s the same thing with our physical work and with God.  What does God desire?  You must align your studies with what God desires for your studies to be used well.  It doesn’t matter how good you are at studying; if it’s not aligned with what God desires, it becomes weird and awkward. 

Earlier, we have the praise.  We have the singer and guitarist and pianist and drummer. Who is the one who is the best?  The one who understands the meaning of this particular piece of music and is able to use that skill for the rest of the group, that is the skilled musician.  That is the skill.  If you are not aligned with the work that God is doing, as skilled as you are, it will be to your loss.  The example of that is King Saul.  He had great skill, and he was recognized by people, but he was not aligned with God.  Ultimately he kills himself, not only did he commit suicide, but his son dies as well, and actually, every single person in King Saul died except one. 

Why is it that America has so much skill and power but there’s more mental patients, drug addictions, and shootings? It’s because their physical skill is not aligned with God, then all of their skill and physical excellence is being used for their own selves, and actually, whatever you use for yourself ends up stabbing and killing you.  So, the suffering you are facing right now is because whatever you place above God is hurting you.  You must always align yourself by asking, what is God’s plan?  No matter what anybody says, that’s not what’s important; God’s plan is important.  If you don’t gain the skill to align yourself with God’s plan, then you will end. 

David was really good at that.   When David was your age, school did not exist; he was shepherd, that’s what he studied and that was his career, but what did David do there?  The fact that David prayed to God means that he was always looking for God’s plan, because even if you are shepherding sheep, you need to be aligned with God’s plan.  There were many good shepherds, but there were very few people who were shepherding their sheep while being aligned with God’s will.

David kept asking God what God’s plan was, because humans are the image of God, meaning, we are not the main figure; we are the servants of the Lord.  We are underneath the main figure, God, and He reveals Himself through us.  However, if the side character tries to be the main character, that is sin.  You believe in Jesus Christ and you go to church, so you shouldn’t study like nonbelievers do.  It’s important for you to continue to discover and follow the things God has given to you.  The people who do that are the ones who can receive the answers God gives them; your studies are not what’s important, and it’s not about whether you’re good at studying or not, because everybody has their own talent, God’s will is not for everybody to get good grades, it’s for everybody to raise it to their specialization.  When you study within prayer, seeking the will of God, God will make that happen. 

For David, taking care of the sheep was his talent, and that’s why God kept giving him answers for that, to the point where even when lions and bears would steal David’s sheep, he would hit them with a stone and steal the sheep back. That was the answer David received at your age, while you still go to school. As you study, there’s something you study that really aligns with you. It’s not God’s will for you to think that is everything, but as you’re’ studying there is something that really aligns with your talent. While you do everything else, you need to realize what is really aligned with you, and you use that to go to college.  Then if you study that for 4 years in college, you get this specialization.  Then if you want to study even more deeply, you can go to grad school.  The most important thing is that, whyile you’re studying, you’re praying and looking for God’s will,t hen your talent and specialization will be used to save the world.  Look at David, he had a specialization of slinging stones to protect the seheep and he used that same talent to kill Goliath. There were many strong and very capable soldiers, but all of those people studied and worked with their own strength, so if they face a problem that is stronger than them, they just flal, and they could never overcome Goliath.  But for the people who received God’s answers their whole life, they can face things even stronger than Goliath.

Ultaimtely David becomes the king, in toher words, he goes into politics, and it’s not just politics.  Ever since he was young, he was inside the path of God’s answers, and this was the answer he got.  The politics God desires is one that saves people, the oplitics we are doing here is not the one that saves people.  The politics in America right now, you can only be democratic if you approve of homosexual marriages, or you can go into the Republican political party, but you won’t be chosen, then what will happen to you? Instead of going into politics, you will die. What is the politics that God desire? It is the politics that saves the people in my field, then God will raise people up.  So istnead of following the ways of nonbelievers, follow the answer God gives you.  Then, even if this person is seated in the very high position, they will save people’s lives, that is the way to give glory to God.  Where did you get all the thoughts in your head right now?  They are the words of people of the world.  The things in the Bible must go into you for the Word to be fulfilled through you.  Even being the CEO of a company is politics because you have to raise all the people who are working for you.  So, what happens if you become a CEO but you’re not able to receive God’s answers?  You’ll kill everyone under you, but in the politics of the world, you can only do it if you follow Gen. 3.  You have to praise homosexuality; otherwise, you can’t stay in the political world.  The American democracy has made it so that you can’t say “only Jesus Christ,” otherwise, you’ll be exiled.  If you fall into that, you will die.  In order for somebody to be elected, they have to go with what the majority wants.  Why are the political candidates running andc chosen? They are aligned with their political party’s majority. Not everyone will get selected. When they listen to the words of the presidential candidate Kamala Harris, she is pro LGBTQ.  Is that politics? You are going into Satan, the devil.  God must raise you up with the answers and abilities He gives you.  This is true in politics but also whatever area you’re in.

We have people who want to go into nursing or the medical field or education. What is it that God desires? Is “teaching children” what God wants?  Even A.I. can teach, you must become a physical teacher within the answer of teaching the kids spiritually.  That is how you will receive the answer that God desires as a teacher who can raise students physically and spiritually.  Are there people who want to go into business?  People go into business to make a lot of money, and if you follow after that, you will die. The devil is waiting with his mouth wide open to swallow you. Yes, maybe you’re talented in business but you must run a business to save people.  If you follow the models you have in the world, you’re right in line with Satan.  If you do not dream the dream God has given you through the Bible, you’re bound to be enslaved by Satan.

What is a nurse? Of course you need to heal people physically but what is the healing God is talking about?  You need to be able to accurately diagnose them spiritually and then give them the spiritual answer while they are getting physically healed.

Study like David. If you study like Saul, later on, you will kill yourself.  After success, you will kill yourself.  Because of King Saul’s spiritual problem, his children all died, but the Bible tells us the answer and the way. You must study how to align yourself with God’s will, that is the study that receives the guidance o the Holy Spirit, it is the study for God’s guidance and goal, then you are bound to receive answers.  By receiving those answers, those studies will be used to save people.  Then, as you study like this in prayer, you will discover your talent. You discover it because God reveals it to you.  You are not discovering your talent; God reveals it to you.  Then, all you have to do is keep going in that direction.  Then as you keep studying, there’s going to be a major and discipline that is aligned with you, so as you are studying through high school, discover this, whether you go to college or get a job. Then, even if society faces a problem like Goliath, it’s not a problem to you because if you just study the studies of an nonbeliever, you will die in the world.  Every day, all you can say is, “Life is so hard, this is so difficult,” of course it is, but you must receive answers, why are you not praying?”

Life doesn’t go according to your thoughts, but you’ve studied like that until now.  So, the characteristic of elites is they can never do things with other people, “I have to do everything because I’m centered on myself and I have to do everything,” that’s a spiritual problem, and they’re in a spiritual state where they cannot mingle with other people. They make themselves like this and suffer.  I hope you will stop studying for yourself, but go with God with His strength.

Do you understand elites? You have to, otherwise it will be a big problem.  Studying is just quickly absorbing the knowledge that has been uncovered so far.  You need to learn that quickly.  If you want to learn how to get onto a plane, you need to learn how to get a ticket and go through security.  You think that’s everything? You think the things you learn in school, the basics, are everything? What are you going to do when you take a plane somewhere? You’re lost in your studies.  You know how to purchase a plane ticket and shop, and from that point on, you don’t even know where to fly to, Chicago? Korea? Africa? If you have some weird person next to you who is coughing and you can’t adjust, so you fight?  You learn that at school.  But do the studies that receives answers through prayer. They don’t teach you how to deal with people around you with spiritual problems at school, but if all you do is take the things you’ve learned in school and someone has a spiritual problem and they’re weird, you don’t know how to handle it? That’s what we mean to work and study while praying, meaning in everything you do, receive God’s answers. 

While going to school, this is your chance.  Anyone can just study.  We must be aligned with God. If you do this, then wisdom and power will be unlimitedly yours.  David.  David was a king and politician, so he saved the entire nation from his position as the king.  King Saul went into this position without having everything prepared, so he killed everybody.  Is politics bad? Is society bad? The problem is, the individual must receive God’s guidance.  No one said music is bad, but the musician is important.  Studies are not bad, but what is the person like? The person who continuously asks God for God’s will and receives God’s answers find God’s will. 

Age of Babylon – Prophecy

That is how you escape from the scars of your past: the Word of God goes into it. When the Word of God goes into your future, you may know the future. There is no past, present, and future for God; everything is today.  If the Word of God goes into you correctly, your past, present, and future come to life.  That’s what the Old Testament calls a “prophecy,” we read that today.  In the future, you will be dragged off.  Just because you say, “No, I don’t want to be dragged off,” through the prophet Isaiah, God said, “You will be dragged off,” why?  Because instead of following after God, even as they go to church, they have their hearts full of idols, worry, success, honor, and they were taken captives to Babylon, but there is one type of person, even if they are dragged off, they will save people. That is the remnant.  In other words, the one who has come to the conclusion of “only Christ” will be used by Christ.  The one who has the covenant will be dragged off into captivity as a result of the sins of the forefathers. 

Remnant – Christ

The stump.  Whom will God send? Not you, it must be the remnant.  Who is the remnant?  The remnant is the one who has their rock, their foundation, and their root in Christ.  The source of your life and answers is not from you; it is from Christ, then it doesn’t matter if you have a problem bigger than Goliath.  If you know the secret, you will be liberated from your past scars, trauma, and suffering. Why do people get stuck in their scars, trauma, and spiritual problems?  They are not the remnant. 


The remnant might not look like much from outside, but because they continuously receive answers and grow into Jesus Christ, one day, they will have great strength to save many people.  This comes from the root of Christ. 

Life, Spirit

Otherwise what happens?  If you build everything based on your own effort, you will fall when you face something bigger than you, that’s the reason people fall and crumble in the field. Do you understand? If you don’t understand, you will go through the same thing your parents go through.  They held onto themselves and if you are holding onto yourselves and not holding onto Christ, then the same situation will happen. If your father wants to commit suicide, you will also want to commit suicide because you are in the same situation. 

If you don’t understand the gospel, even if you go to church, you will fall.  “My life is finished now.  I’ve been set free.  Now I can do all things through Christ.” That was Paul’s confession, he learned how to be satisfied in poverty or wealth because Christ was enough.  He was okay even in prison because he knew the Lord of the universe was his Lord. If this happens for you, then all the mental problems and the spiritual problems in your family line will stop.  Otherwise, it doesn’t stop; it doesn’t stop just by going to church. It’s not about my diligence or hard work. Everything must begin from the fact that Christ finished everything.  Then, immediately, the things you struggle with now, will slowly disappear.  If you’re not able to experience this, you’ve only heard the gospel but it has nothing to do with you. You say you’ve heard the gospel for a long time, but anyone can hear the gospel. If someone is a remnant, it means they’re united with Christ and growing in Him.

What happens to people like that? That was Daniel.  Daniel held onto the covenant and went into Babylon. That is somebody who can change the field even as they’re taken there as a captive. You know the content, he refused to eat the food offered to idols.  “My life is in Christ,” when that happens, you will change the field.  Daniel was the governor for four kings in a row.  He completely gave them influence, but the politics of everybody else would only destroy them.  Nobody said anything, they didn’t tell you that, nobody told you to not be a teacher.  But are you a teacher who can save yourself and save other people? Or are you a teacher who cannot save yourself or other people?  The beginning of that is, you must stand with the foundation that everything is finished within Christ and live with that. 

Word Isaiah 40, 43

The Word does not change. If someone is moved by the Spirit of the Lord.  God is the Word and His Word works in this way.  You must not hold onto God’s Word and the law; you need to hold onto the Word and the gospel.   If you hold onto the Word of the law, you have your actions and that has nothing to do with Christ. You think being nice is a good walk of faith? No, you’ll be more afflicted that way.  Do I look nice?  What’s your basis of “nice”? What do you qualify as or define as “nice”? “Nice” people are afflicted by demons, they’re beaten up every day at school because they’re nice. Their money is taken away because they are nice. What’s “good”?  Receiving answers from Christ.  Do you like a beautiful woman or handsome man? It doesn’t matter, the standard is someone who receives answers from Christ.  Otherwise, they’ll say “this is a problem, and that is a problem,” and imagine living with them your entire life, what a headache, it’s better to stay single, but if they receive answers, hallelujah, that’s how you can be a politician.  If you’re not able to save your family, what will you do in the world? You’ll e a CEO who saves your business but not your family? You can’t even save yourself; how do you save your family? Don’t be Saul.  He’s strong and capable and tall, it was all his abilities, and that’s what people want, a tall man, a good-looking man, a rich man, a smart man, that was King Saul. I’m not saying these are bad, but if they don’t have Christ, they will fall.

It says David was rugged and handsome, but Paul was ugly.  I’m not saying being bald is bad, but he had a crooked nose and a strong personality, they were going to evangelism camp, he said, “Don’t bring John Mark, don’t you know how impatient he is?”  But Paul wanted to live with the gospel for the gospel, what does that mean? It means God is focused on the one who wants to receive the answer of Jesus Christ in everything they do, including their studies and work. If your field goes into the desert, you go. If your field goes into the ocean, God will make a way, meaning God will give you something that others cannot think up on their own.  Because of this person, God makes the road to save all of Israel. That is politics.  The politics in the family and church is that God is the one who is reigning.  Even if you become the CEO of your business, you have to. 

If you go the way of nonbelievers, that’s Saul. Later on, he kills himself and his children.  If you go the way of David, you will save your nation and those around you. King David had a heart aligned with God, so what does it mean?  Even though their heart was aligned with God, they followed God’s will and plan.  How do people navigate in the ocean? They had compasses, the North Star, it’s a big star in the north, because in the pitch dark ocean, all they could see was the North Star, so they figured out which was north, south, east, or west.  If somebody next to you has a mental illness, how could you guide them in the right direction?  If you try to navigate the ocean without knowing how to read the North Star, how could you go without God’s Word?  You need to go according to the navigation of the spiritual word.  The standard of the world is not the way of the Lord; it is the path of evil spirits. We must have people like David and Joseph. That needs to go into you as your dream.  If this is not inside of you, then the useless things inside the world are inside of you and will destroy you.  I don’t want to help you be destroyed.  Even from college until now, I keep reading about Korean politics.  What is politics?  It must start with your family.  I hope you will receive answers.  Even CEOs and teachers are politicians. If you’re a teacher and you can’t even save yourself, if you’re a parents and you’re unable to influence your children, but the covenantal politics is for God to rule through me; everywhere I go, is there evidence?  Try saving yourself spiritually.  If two people become parents without being spiritually ready, they will kill their children will spiritual problems.  You shouldn’t run your home politics like that. if you become a teacher with spiritual problems, there are teachers who are homosexual and they will teach homosexual propaganda to the students, then even if it’s a good school, is that what God wants?  Through you, as a teacher or professor, God wants to relay the things God desires to save people. Anything that doesn’t save people?

Isaiah 60

I don’t have the strength to arise, but I’m told to arise and shine, so I hated hearing this the most, but I’d actually misunderstood the gospel. The light is already shining and the Lord is bound to shine in it.  All you have to do is agree with the work the Lord is already doing.  The message is, if you think, “I don’t want to do the Temple Construction that saves the 237 nations that does healing and summit, does it cost my money?  That’s just your thoughts, it’s not what God wants, then I don’t know what experience you’ll have, but it’s possible you may lose all your money.  You have to lose all your money because you get sick and lose it automatically, or there’s a really weird incident and you waste all your money.   You try to save up your money and lose it in some unforeseen circumstance.  Let’s say, you save up money, then you get excited, but life is not in your hands; what if you die tomorrow?  Either way, God will make you realize this.  God will make you realize nothing belongs to you.  Then, arise with your attitude, with the things God is doing If you don’t understand, you realize you’re a prince but you act like a beggar, that’s why you need to arise.  You already have a life that can save the world, so have the posture.  Every time you go to school, you’re the one shining the light.  What happens otherwise?  You save the field or are captured by it.

Isaiah 62

People live inside the city walls, the city wall protects from enemies, and atop the wall they raise up watchtowers. If the enemies shoot arrows, so raise up a bartizan.  You need to protect from the rain, so there’s a fortress. Build the fortress.  You need a watchman in the bartizan 24 hours, you must be spiritually alert and vigilant, to save yourself. Satan tires to crawl in to take the spiritual problems.


One day, everybody is bound to face their limitations and fall.  That is always how the devil attacks, so quickly remain alert and be a watchman that saves yourself.  Save the city and region of Jerusalem.  You save it through prayer.  Wake them up so they can remain awake with the gospel so that the enemy does not attack them. If you go into the field for business or studies, let them know.  That’s the watchman, and the WRC message this year.  God will save, transcending time and space to the 237 nations.  If the word of God is accurately embedded into your heart today, then God is giving the Word in advance even now.  Before this point, the Word was not imprinted in me, so It went to the field. You think you can just study and get a job? Why do you think Jesus died? It doesn’t work like that.  If all it took is getting a job, life is easy, but that’s not how this works.  You need to receive the Word of God, the eternal God.

If the parents aren’t here, pray, it’s not with your strength.  Either way, if you believe this is correct, may you say, “Amen” and give glory to God.  My personality is a bit shy, so you can say it in your heart, but what posture do you have before God?  Only such a person will have victory, that is the remnant.  Don’t just know the seven remnants in your brain; be the eighth remnant.  Study while you pray.  Praying is hard.  People are dying because of the abundance here, and they are losing out on what is very important. 


God, we thank You.  Bless the remnants and may they have victory, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.   

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