7 Bartizans, 7 Journeys, 7 Guideposts

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

7 Bartizans, 7 Journeys, 7 Guideposts

This is the evangelism disciple training. Through the RUTC, we are training the remnants. That’s what God did during the Mizpah movement.  During the age of Elisha, in Dothan, he trained and raised disciples to overcome the age of Aram.  When they went through the wilderness, God also trained the disciples with Deut. 6.  The Early Church and Paul went into the synagogues to raise the remnants and to share the gospel to the entire world.  Even in our walk of faith, there are people of the flesh and people of the Spirit.  People of the flesh are constantly dragged around by the world.  They can’t overcome the spiritual problems of their family or family line.  But the people of the Spirit are able to overcome that and stand as a witness.  In order to do that, we need to be spiritual people.  If we’re spiritual people, it means we’ve finished everything with Christ.

Jesus Christ

To say simply, the spiritual state I was born into in Gen. 3 has been crucified on the cross. The Lord has resurrected and now I live a life united with Him. That has been finished.  Once I believe in this, that’s when my life is over.  If it’s over, then there must be a beginning.  Now, I begin my life with Christ as my Lord and Master, and that’s why it is finished and I am a new creation.  We need to begin with this.


Triune God

The Triune God is with me kin Spirit, and the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit, is the Spirit of God. When the Holy Spirit is with me, it works in oneness together.  So, if the Holy Spirit is within me, He works upon me with power.  His power must come upon my spirit, soul, and heart in power.  Even if you have immense physical power, Jesus Christ’s power is not revealed, so God’s power must come upon you as you pray for this in faith. 

Me – Save

I can save my past, present, and future.  I don’t just save myself, but I save all the fields connected to me, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth. 

Field – Save

5 Powers

Kingdom of the Air


5000, Healing

Remnants can’t pray so you bring them here to receive the Word and pray together, that’s how you save the remnants.  How could you save the remnants?  You need to receive power to save.


You enjoy this through prayer.  Then with this covenant, go out into your field, your journey for the rest of your life.  When you go into the field, you raise evangelists.  So, these are the works of Acts 1, 2, and 28, these are the guideposts we follow.

10 Mysteries


You need to receive this answer.  “The field of America is so difficult,” of course it’s difficult, you live your walk of faith based on the flesh, and that’s why it’s hard.  If you study only a little bit?  You’re physically well-off but you’re influenced and seized by the world.

Spiritual Facts

Opposite Side

We’re going to Florida again in October, there’s another pastor we’ll meet, that’s how we save everyone.


You kill them and then save them? That’s murder. You badmouth your bosses to live? That’s the work of the devil, you need to save everyone.  That’s what you can do if you possess this mystery because we have this unlimited answer we can continuously enjoy.  The entire world is basically our competition; why do we only compete with those around us?  The fish can go to the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Ocean, but why do we fight for the food immediately in front of us?  If you’re running a well-off business, open another business in another state.  You can open businesses in 50 states but you do not have any power; this is only possible if you receive the answer of 300%. You can just go to Arizona and open up another business, but you can’t; instead, you sit here and constantly compete and kill, but God has prepared this whole world for us, but you think the place you’re in, you compete?


During COVID, we started interpretation for all the messages.  We had an increase in offering.  We also had no competition.

No Competition

Only, uniqueness, and re-creation

If you have strength, you can do “only” with the uniqueness only you can do, with the re-creation that saves others. 




If you enjoy this strength, you will receive these answers in the field.  In the opposite sense, you say you’re alone and cannot do anything, and you can’t see spiritual facts, so you can’t see spiritual things and you’re afflicted by Satan. You can’t see the answers in the opposite side, so you say there are no answers.  Because you can’t save everyone, instead, you die with others.  You say, “It’s a crisis,” and fall into it.  You can’t win through the competition, you have to win through “no competition.”  These are the answers you receive if you enjoy this spiritual mystery.  You need to see and read the Bible about Joseph; otherwise you’re focused on physical things like how handsome he looked.

10 Platforms

 God’s Absolute Sovereignty

Absolute Method

This is the actual method of Jesus Christ. 

Absolute Power

“Why did You take away my mother at a young age?” Then you can receive answers.  “Why have You allowed me to suffer from depression?” That’s how you can receive answers. God enabled you to hear unfair things, but you don’t acknowledge or believe in God’s absolute sovereignty, and you become your own center.  “Why must I go through this?” You fall into disbelief. 


Field – Missions Field


God reigns and rules over everything.

Limited Life

Our flesh is bound to die, and after that, there’s judgment



5 Assurances




Forgiveness of Sins


9 Streams

Width, Depth, Height

Past, Present, and Future

If people ask weird questions about you, you can just respond, you were suffering from this and that problem.  Never ask them, “Are you suffering?” You can just talk about yourself first, and that’s one of the methods.  “I’ve been suffering because of these past problems,” and that is the way to open the door.  “I’m fine now.”  You’re trying to get information from the other person, of course, if you say, “Believe in Jesus Christ,” they may accept, but that person has Satan’s bartizan in their intellect, emotions, and will, but you give them this word and become aware of the person’s past.  That’s the first thing I see, I ask about their past spiritual life and what their spiritual background is like.  The spiritual things are accurate, and it’s idolatry.  Whether it’s money, what is it exactly?  You need to know that in order to understand their present.  Is it success? You can tell after a couple of words.  Everyone in that family is the same, so they’re encountering difficulties right now.  One day, when they encounter problems, you can tell them, “Do you know why you’re like this?” It must be more accurate than a shaman.  The power of the Holy Spirit is working, but you can’t relay it, so it doesn’t matter what the other person is like, even if they’re successful.  You need to form interpersonal relationships like this.  Don’t enter interpersonal relationships for your benefit, but do this to save them. That’s evangelism.  Evangelism isn’t the action of evangelizing; you need to be able to interpret the field to save the person. 

If you go into the world without analyzing the other person or nation, that’s weird.  Do you open a business without analyzing the field?  If you can’t see the stream, you can’t do any of this.  Last Sunday, I told people to do camp at Stacy’s apartment, and it was my first time going to that house, it’s on 8th street, and as soon as I got there, I noticed the Unification church right next to it. You must interpret this.  I asked Naysay, “Can you look up that church?”  But especially if you’re in seminary, I learned some things in school but I learned more in the field because you have to go out into the field and confirm.

The Unitarian church is a church that denies the Triune God.  Then, they’re worshiping demons, then what would happen to the apartment?  You need to know this information; do you know why you’re being influenced?  So right next to that, on the other side, there is an African American church that had been there ever since I came to America, and a few Senior Deaconesses lived in the area, and I participated in a few worships, and the pastor is African American, but I don’t know what that church is like.  I noticed these two things, and also Stacy’s spiritual background.  You probably don’t know, and you can talk about your family line, so, this is the interpersonal relationship you need.  This is the stream of the family, past, present, and future. 

People – Above, Below, Beside

Parents and children cannot be friends as parents have an authority permitted by God.  If you try to go against that, then you’ll be in trouble.  You need to have a good relationship with people below you as well to share the gospel.  Acknowledging these different positions, go in and share the gospel.  Why can’t you have a good societal life or evangelize? You go to work and complain at your manager, you try to share the gospel and they won’t; you try to succeed by stepping on them, so why would they accept the gospel?  Lead the people below you but you have no interest in them, so when you share the gospel, they say no.  In order to change the stream, you have interpersonal relationships with the people above, below, and beside you. 


Acts 1:1 Only Christ

If you talk about Jesus Christ giving you money, you get confused. You chase after Jesus Christ for food, so when Jesus says, “The flesh counts for nothing, the Spirit gives life,” you’re confused.

John 19:30

It is finished, meaning the spiritual curses and disasters are finished.  The resurrected Christ is now within me, I live united with Him, and it’s how I live, restored.  That’s why Christ has finished everything and we begin again in Christ, what does that mean?  It means in the past, Satan was our master, but now we live our new life with Christ as our master.  That’s why the past self of “me, material things, success,” is dead and now I live this new life, Acts 1:1, 3, 8.

John 14:6

1 John 3:8

Satan is now powerless because we’ve come out of the law of sin and death, but to nonbelievers, he still has power as they are under the law of sin and death.

Mark 10:45

And Matthew 16:16 was confessed by the Holy Spirit.  You can’t go to Jesus Christ without the Father calling; you can only confess through the working of the Holy Spirit.  Our kingdom has changed. If you don’t know the term, “Kingdom,” then you don’t know what half.  We are liberated into God’s Kingdom so you need to be ruled over and controlled by the working of the Holy Spirit. That’s the way for you to come to lie. 

Our bodies follow what we think, “I need to meet someone or eat something,” and when your body follows, your money follows, too. You pay for eating in a restaurant, and because of our thoughts, emotions.  These three things move our body.  If you’re depressed, your body doesn’t want to do anything.  Because you’ve bipolar disorder, your emotions may go up and down, so our body is controlled.  If you don’t pray like this, you pray to anything.  The statutes are limited them. Pairing is very accurate and it’s just a physical thing, but when we see the spiritual aspect, we need to pray for the Holy Spirit to rule over us.

 When God works, evil spirits will surely depart, but you don’t believe evil spirits can work upon your children.  You say, “My child isn’t like that,” but you are your own god.   When we talk about evil spirits, you only talk about shamans, and think, “My grandchild is not a shaman,” but there are no shamans in the college field; see how Satan works in the field.  You constantly think, “Evil spirits are only with shamans,” so you wonder, “Am I demon-possessed?  Or my children?  Satan’s bartizan controls us, he is the devil but you cannot see this so you don’t pray; if you prayed, this would surely be broken down, then you need to be able to see the spiritual facts.  If you see the spiritual facts, you can overcome it with prayer.  You must experience.  You can’t just manipulate and use your brain to persuade someone; that’s what nonbelievers do.

2. Only God’s Kingdom

(Gal. 2:20)

When Christ lives in me, then all of my past will die.  When we have been saved, it means the Holy Spirit is now within me.  What is the life of a believer? The Holy Spirit is with you, and that is a life of prayer. You don’t understand and instead, you know you’re saved with assurance, but you don’t know Satan’s bartizan inside of you so you live as your own master.  How can you save?  You cannot take out the Gen. 3 out, but people are destroyed by Satan, so you need to have them pray to receive healing.  But if you can’t teach them this, you move according to yourself.  You receive grace from graceful words; but you don’t if you don’t?’ Help them pray.  Fundamentally explain how simple prayer is, along with the answers that come, so explain.

Mt. 28:16-20

I need to go to all nations to baptize and train disciples, that is God’s plan.

Mark 3:13-15

God called you to be with you.  Your mission is bound to do God’s will and work of evangelism.  Then evil spirits will surely hinder this, so I’ll give you the authority to break this own.  Even if you’re missing one thing, it won’t work out. 

Acts 1:8

The Holy Spirit must come upon you to save yourself and your field, you can save your family, friends, and coworkers.  Otherwise, America will end up like Europe with churches closing.  I saw this YouTube video where in 2030, 100,000 churches will close and will be sold to rich people who will make a business.  Our church building is being sold? We are not moving? Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth.  Pray for that person and if it’s God’s will.

Matthew 12:28-29

People constantly underline parts of the Bible talking about receiving money, but they have excluded all the things of If you look through the bible, They have underlying. You can tell if someone has spiritual words, throw away the useless ones, and keep.  When you interpret, what kind of basis are you using?

Zechariah 4:6, it is only possible when the Spirit of the Lord comes upon you.  Pray for this power to come upon you.  Through throne how has the prayer of the watchman, you can restoration. Constantly restore and do thee.

How can you restore any of this You’re of the flesh so you cannot pray.  Raise the bartizan of prayer, 24 hours.  Because of that one person, you’ll have hope. Don’t say it’s a problem; instead, have the answer to save.   

They gathered in Acts and carried out world evangelization.  You don’t fall asleep because you’re old, but you don’t know your mission in retirement age.  If you’re retired, God is telling you to go all in to prayer.  Then people around you will come to life a you are revived.  But people of the flesh only look at free things; are you a beggar? 

Eph. 2:6, constantly be in prayer.  I hope you are victorious. 


God, we thank You.  Help us to be within the stream of the 7 bartizan, journey and guideposts, and help us to be within the stream of word, prayer, and evangelism. Help us to be within the stream of saving myself, my family, and my church.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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