The Witness Who Saves Lives with Only the Holy Spirit (Jn. 6:60-71)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Witness Who Saves Lives with Only the Holy Spirit (Jn. 6:60-71)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May all the members of the church who are worshiping, including in the regional church of Yakima and Seattle, receive the unprecedented and never-repeated answers.  The title of today’s message is, “The Witness Who Saves Lives with Only the Holy Spirit.”  The Word today is split up into two parts.  

1. Words of the Spirit

Before we listen to today’s Word, you must first know what comprises a human being.  There are some people who say that a human consists of three separate parts: the spirit, the soul, and the body, and there are people who combine the spirit and soul to say there are just two parts: the spirit and the body.  The body is just the physical body.  Our soul refers to our rationality, our emotions, and our will.  Sometimes, people combine the mind with the body, however, humans are surely spiritual.  That means that we are different from non-spiritual animals.  For animals that are not spiritual, the spiritual is invisible, so if there is a problem in the spiritual world, the non-spiritual beings cannot sense it and aren’t affected by it, but if a spiritual being has a spiritual problem, they cannot cure it by medication.  

So, what is the problem in America that cannot be solved by any skill or medication?  It is a spiritual problem.  The spiritual world is invisible so we can’t be aware of it, but how do we know something is a spiritual problem?  It is because we cannot control it.  I should be able to control it with my logic or rationality, but a spiritual problem cannot be controlled.  Let’s say, for example, I cannot stop myself from thinking a certain thought or being dragged by that thought.  Because of the scars or the trauma or the shocks of my past, I have this rage that is uncontrollable in me.  There are some people who drink every day because of their suffering, but this a problem with the spirit, so it cannot be solved by your physical body drinking alcohol.  There are some people who get stuck deeper into drugs.  If you drink alcohol or take substances, then it regulates your emotional state, or it makes your emotional state fluctuate, and people who get lost in that will suffer because of it.  There are some people who overcome their suffering by eating, so they try to solve it through eating.  There are some people who try to get out of their suffering by traveling a lot.  

  1) Jesus’s flesh and blood (Jn. 6:53)

    (1) Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life (Jn. 6:53-54)

    (2) I remain in Jesus and Jesus in me (Jn. 6:56)

This is the life you and I are living, and for a few weeks, the Lord has been talking about the crowds who are following Jesus Christ after they saw the miracle of the five loaves and two fish.  They want Jesus to just give them things to eat, but Jesus Christ says, “My flesh and my blood have true life.”  Then, He says these words that nobody could possibly understand, such as, “If you remain in Me and I remain in you,” then these people will be saved and live because of Jesus.  

    (3) Live because of Jesus (Jn. 6:57)

Jesus is the main point, He is the subject.  Anyone who is centered on Jesus will live. Jesus must become the Lord of the problems you suffer with, but you are making yourself your own lord, and you cannot solve those problems with logic or rationality. 

  2) Jesus

    (1) The Spirit gives life (Jn. 6:63)

    (2) The flesh counts for nothing (Jn. 6:63)

Then, in today’s scripture, Jesus says, “The spirit gives life, the flesh counts for nothing.” A human being is composed of a spirit, soul, and body.  Even if we eat well and we study well and increase our intellect, a human cannot live well with just that.  Though they are physically alive, they are spiritually still dead; they are in a state of spiritual death.  The most important thing about a human is that, if they are spiritually dead, they cannot become a full human.  As evidence that they are spiritually dead, they are only focused on the physical things. Whenever they face a problem, they only look at it from a physical perspective.  When they look at other people, they judge them based on physical things; they are not able to see the other person’s spiritual state at all.  So, when people say, “This person stabbed me in the back,” it’s because they looked so perfectly fine on the outside, but how could they do this to me?”  That’s because they didn’t understand spiritual things.  “I married this person, but they turned out so badly,” but they were always like that. That person’s spiritual state inside was always like that, you’re just not able to see it.  

But no one ever says their inner sufferings externally because even if you tell somebody else about it, they cannot understand.  Even among your family, they can’t understand.  So, everybody hides their suffering internally and they are smiling on the outside, so we think that everyone is fine, but actually, everyone is like a ticking time bomb and we never know when the suffering inside of them will explode.  There are some people who are able to control themselves with self-restraint, in other words, they control themselves with their intellect.  Buddhism, more than being a religion, is a philosophy.  When you listen to Buddhist ideology, it seems logically correct because it is philosophy.  But it’s impossible to understand the words of Jesus because the words of Jesus are not philosophy; they are spiritual. 

    (3) No one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them (Jn. 6:65)

If it’s spiritual, it means we cannot understand just with our experiences.  It’s not something you can study and understand with your intellect.  Only the ones whom God has called will understand the words of Jesus.  I’m not saying you don’t need intellect to eat or live; I’m saying, you cannot save people with those things.  A lot of people immigrate to America and raise their children with the best education, and the children will succeed, but they have mental illnesses and cannot leave their room, why is that? It is because we only emphasize the physical things.  In other words, they only focus on the education that will give this student the chance to eat and to make a living, so they only developed their mentality and rationality.  However, humans are spiritual beings, so if this person is completely spiritually depleted, then one day, they have a spiritual problem.  That’s the reason why, especially the younger generations cannot go to church, and they leave the church.  Then, if those young generations get married and have children, then it’s unspeakable.  Physically speaking, America is elite and it is very strong; it is a nation where it is good to eat and make a living. There are few people who starve to death here, it is also a nation that has a lot of knowledge, and it is advanced in a lot of areas like science.  

But why is it that there are so many shootings?  Why are there so many people who are living outside on the streets even though they have a home?  Why is it that we have people who are wandering around on the street, rambling or mumbling to themselves, or hitting people with hammers? Why are there more and more people who are suffering from mental illnesses or addictions? It’s not because it’s hard to make a living; even homeless people can live well. If you go into a homeless shelter, they will feed you good food; even the hospitals are free.  So, physically speaking, America is very strong, but it is a nation where the spiritual things are completely depleted.  The churches must be aware of this and continually give the spiritual message, but they are ignorant and that’s why churches are closing.  People say, “What are you talking about? You need to give the Word in a logical way so that I can understand with my intellect.”  This means that this person’s entire world revolves around their logic and rationality.  They can only accept something if they understand it based on the foundation of experiences they’ve already had; otherwise, they cannot understand. But it turns out, that is actually how Satan is moving people.  Of course, every individual will not say they are seized by Satan because they don’t know.  

But how does Satan work? He always tells us, “You can be centered on yourself, like God, and choose what is good and what is evil.”  Even though God exists, I don’t want God; I want to be centered on myself and I want to even judge if God’s Word is good or bad. That is the extent to which we’re controlled by the authority of the devil, but we’re not aware of it.  Yes, there are some special occasions where an evil spirit will come and possess a shaman or fortune-teller, but most of the time, that’s not how he works. He makes us think that our thoughts are the standard, and that is why, without receiving God’s grace, we can never understand the words of Jesus.

  3) Response of the disciples

    (1) This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it? (Jn. 6:60)

And the disciples themselves said, “This teaching is hard, who can accept it?” And they were grumbling behind Jesus’ back, and then Jesus said, “Do these words affect you?”  From that point on, many disciples turned around and no longer followed Jesus. When He was healing the sick patients and giving them food to eat, all of them were throwing themselves at Jesus, but those people are physical people, that’s how they look at Jesus.  Just like people today will leave Jesus if He’s not a physical benefit to them, because the spiritual Word has not gone into them yet.

    (2) Grumbling, Took offense (Jn. 6:61)

    (3) Many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed Jesus (Jn. 6:66)

    (4) Disciples follow the words of eternal life (Jn. 6:68):

Then the Lord turned to the 12, and asked, “Do you want to go away as well?” then Simon Peter answered, “Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life.”  Then, Jesus said, “One of the 12 I have chosen is the devil,” how can I person be the devil?  It means that they are seized by the devil, their thoughts are seized by the devil.  There is a channel through which the devil enters; first through our thoughts, and then through our heart, then he makes us decide our actions based on our heart.  When there’s a shooter who kills many people, it doesn’t happen out of nowhere; it comes into their thoughts, they are in a state that is already covered with anger because of past scars.  Usually, children are receiving these scars from their family and from school.  Especially for students who immigrated to America while young, if the student is Asian, then there is a language barrier, and they get bullied and abused by their classmates, and the parents are so busy trying to make a living and survive that they cannot understand the suffering of their child.  They can’t speak English, they can’t understand American culture, so they’re bound to be outcast wherever they go. So, the shock, the trauma, and the scars they receive are not being corrected. Even if somebody hurts your pride a little bit, you can hold onto that for a long time, but Satan uses that scar as a foothold to enter in.  These are not my words, but these are the words of Eph. 4:26-27.  

Even though people go to church, the spiritual message is not going into them, so the spiritual problem is not being resolved.  Then, when Satan activates that spiritual problem, it explodes in anger, and if a man is overcome by blind rage, he can destroy the whole house because he has the physical strength. When that anger explodes out in society, it can break down all human relationships.  People say that this is an anger management problem, but that’s just a term we’ve placed into it. Everybody has this.  

2. Inside Only Jesus Christ

  1) Law of Life and Spirit (Rom. 8:2)

Then the Lord says, “The Spirit” is the thing that saves, so in order to save this person, the spiritual words must go into them.  We see this all around us through the news.  “The Spirit saves,” and there is a Holy Spirit and there are evil spirits.  If we want the Holy Spirit to be established inside of our spirit, what must we do?  

    (1) Set you free from the law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2)

Romans 8:2 says, “Through Christ Jesus,” there is the law of the Spirit of Life.  Inside of all of your studies and all of your intellect, there is no Spirit or life, so through Jesus Christ, the Law of the Spirit that gives life has set you free from the Law of Sin and Death, in other words, if you are not inside of Jesus Christ, then you are in the Law of Sin and Death.  “Sin” is not believing in Jesus Christ, then the result of that sin is first a physical death where we die, and then an eternal death of our spirit.  Heb. 2:14 says that Satan is the one who has the authority over death.  So, Satan is moving the Law of Sin and Death and everybody is born into that.  Instead of believing in God, they believe in themselves, in other words, my own thoughts are the standard.  Then, one day, when I believe in the fact that Jesus Christ died to solve that spiritual problem, then I change into the Law of the Spirit of Life.  

    (2) The Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead (Rom. 8:11)

So, what is the Law of the Spirit of Life?  When Jesus Christ died on the cross for me and then He went down to hell, who was the One Who resurrected Jesus? It was the Holy Spirit. The same thing happens to us, when we receive and believe in Jesus Christ, then the Holy Spirit resurrects us.  Now as you live your life on this earth, the Holy Spirit is with you, and you will come to life and be strengthened.  In the past, we had to live, following the Law of Sin and Death, we were seeking and worshiping idols, we were following the words of people, and we were just choosing a religion to serve, or we went to a demon-possessed fortune-teller.  Or you tried to control your own mind, thinking that you could give yourself power that way. You think that you can receive some great power through self-meditation or mental training.  

    (3) Those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires – Life and peace (Rom. 8:5-6)

If somebody used to be like that, the Holy Spirit goes into them, and now, they’ll think thoughts of the Spirit, then the result of the thoughts of the Spirit is life and peace. Even in your thoughts, you have thoughts that either can kill people or save people, or this continuous desire to end my own life, that’s not given to you by the Holy Spirit, or my emotions just keep becoming sad or depressed, that’s not from the Holy Spirit.  Or, this anger that makes me want to kill somebody, that’s not from the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit gives life and peace.

Are you peaceful? That’s evidence that you believe in Jesus, then your thoughts will really come to life.  Instead of competing with and killing other people in order to live, you’ll be able to live by saving other people. The strategy of Satan, the enemy, is to kill everybody else so that I can live. There’s no way to escape from that kind of law.  But the method of God is that you live, saving others.  There are some people who are very combative and good at fighting, but that’s because they’re used to the ways of the devil, because they’re so used to killing people so they can survive. They’re stuck under the law thinking, “If I don’t kill them first, they’re going to kill me,” but when the Holy Spirit goes into you, it changes into the Law of Life, and the Spirit is what actually saves. The way to save your business is to save the people at your job.  But what happens if you’re stuck under the law of Sin and Death? It means you have to kill your competition in order to survive, but that is evidence that you are under the law of Satan, and in that state, there is no way to escape.  

Today, for you and me, if the Holy Spirit of the Lord really comes into us, then even our emotions will come to life.  In the past, you used to hate this person, you wanted to kill them, but that begins to change. That doesn’t change because you’ve received some great education. Yes, you do have to receive a good education, too but that doesn’t change you. Yes, we do need people to go to the Ivy Leagues, but that’s not what changes someone.  The only way to really change myself is that the Holy Spirit comes into me and gives me peace and life.  

  2) Spirit of truth

    (1) Will teach you and will remind you of the word (Jn. 14:26)

Then now, this Holy Spirit that comes into me now through Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Truth. This Spirit of Truth will teach you and remind you of the Words of Truth, so our eternal spiritual guide is the Holy Spirit.  Though it seems like I’m hard-pressed on all sides, the Holy Spirit that is inside of me will lead me towards the Truth.  I may think that my life is over, but the Holy Spirit that lives inside of me leads me in the direction to save.  We can never do this with the education you and I have received; it must be the Holy Spirit of the Lord that guides us.  

    (2) Testify Jesus (Jn. 15:26)

In Jn. 15:26, it says that this Holy Spirit testifies of Jesus. “Oh, I’m too shy, I can’t testify of Jesus,” or, “My situation is a little too difficult, I don’t have the leisure to testify of Jesus.”  Those people are speaking the words of the flesh.  When the Holy Spirit really comes into us, then regardless of our circumstances or environment or our personal characteristics, He will give us the evidence so we can testify of Christ. 

    (3) Will tell you what is yet to come (Jn. 16:13)

And Jn. 16:13 says the Holy Spirit will show you the future.  As evidence of the Holy Spirit and thinking thoughts of the Holy Spirit, you will be able to see the future, things that are yet to come.  That’s evidence that God is with me, but for people whose future seems like a dark abyss, then you just have to realize that you are just a physical person, thinking about what to eat for the next meal.  In the future, we are facing the age of Artificial Intelligence and the fifth industrial revolution, and all of the human labor will be replaced by AI.  Then human value and need will decrease.  Now, many people will arise who will suffer from mental problems.  

  3) Thoughts of the flesh

After the COVID pandemic, there was research done in Koreatown, and the number of suicides among people in their 20s and 30s skyrocketed. We don’t know why they committed suicide, but why is it that after the pandemic, the number of young people committing suicide rose? It’s because the younger generations will live off of hope for the future. They are in an age where, even though their present reality is difficult, they have hope for the future.  After going through the pandemic, all of these young generations have lost all of their hope.  For the people who went to church but didn’t have faith, most of them just left.  Why did they leave like that?  Don’t you think a lot of them would be thinking, “If God couldn’t even protect us from COVID, why would I believe in this God?”  This whole time, they kept hearing things like, “God is going to bless you, God is going to give you great things,” but we had the pandemic, and they think, “Is God even real?  God is supposed to be the God Who blesses me, but how can He do this to the entire world?” Physical people left the churches en masse, but the people of the Spirit are bound to see the blessings and the plan of God, then you will never be shaken at all.  Unless God takes us down, we will never be brought down.  

No matter how fearsome a storm is outside, if we are inside a secure building, we will be safe.  When the Spirit of God comes into my thoughts and my heart, then no matter what happens, my thoughts and my heart will never fall.  You’re listening to the message right now, but I hope that you are listening while you pray. Why is this so important?  Because if you just come to church to sit still and to listen to somebody, then it’s hard.  You need to listen to it within prayer with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Then, the Holy Spirit of God will allow you to understand these words.  Then, for that kind of person, it’s not just worship, but even when they go to school or their job, they will do so with the guidance of the Holy Spirit in prayer. Then, that person will work or study in a state where their life is being revived, so that a completely different scenario takes place.  

But if you’re not able to listen while you are praying, then you are bound to be dragged around by the things that you see, hear, and experience in the field. If your situation becomes difficult, you’ll say, “This is so hard,” and if somebody hurts your pride, then you get angry.  That is a person of the flesh. But a person of the Spirit, a person of prayer, will not get hooked on those things because the Holy Spirit of God is guiding my thoughts and my heart, and He is guiding me towards blessings.  When you’re coming to church, you should be coming in prayer, meaning, you pray for the Holy Spirit of God to completely reign over my thoughts and my heart today. You can especially tell what kind of person you are as soon as you wake up in the morning. There are some people who smoke a cigarette the moment they wake up.  There are people who look at their phone the moment they wake up.  There are some people who, as soon as they wake up, are possessed by the scars of their past, and they are in hell.  There are some people who immediately think of everything they have to do today, then these people cannot save themselves, in other words, they will never have peace or joy.  

As soon as you wake up in the morning, you should pray for the Holy Spirit of God to work upon your thoughts, emotions, and your heart.  These words sound so simple and plain but it really makes a difference between heaven and hell.  If you’ve lived a physical life all this time, changing to a spiritual life, it’s hard, and that’s why it’s hard when you go out into the world.  It’s hard inside your house as well, It’s hard even when you’re alone.  That’s why you ask for the Holy Spirit of God to control you, then what happens?  God will start to take over or conquer your thoughts and heart, then I will conquer my situation.  That is exactly like Gen. 1:27-28, because the Spirit of God is with me, I’m able to reign over and conquer over the world.  Then, you’re able to think about your schedule for your entire day and pray for God’s Spirit and power to be upon the people you meet and the things you have to do that day, then you’ll never be late to anything and you’ll never have to think, “I’m meeting with this person, what do I have to do?“ 100% of successful people, what do they do in the morning?  It’s researched.  They wake up early in the morning, and what do they do? They have a time of deep meditation.  Those are the people who succeed, all of them, so God has given humans that ability, even if they don’t have God.  

However, the Holy Spirit is with me, so now I can pray for the Holy Spirit to help me and guide me through all the people I will meet that day. Why do you have to pray? Is it for the Holy Spirit to help you?  No, why would He have to help you? I have to be led by God, isn’t that right?  Does God have to help my greed?  No, God moves according to His will.  I have to be led by God.  In today’s meetings, I have to pray to be led by the Holy Spirit because this business is not mine, this business belongs to God.  My studies do not belong to me, they belong to God.  I’m not praying to do well, that is how idol worshipers pray. We pray for God’s guidance.  We pray so that God’s power will be revealed through my studies or my job.  If you become a spiritual person like this, then you will always save not only yourself, but also your field.  And then one day, the times when you’re drinking alcohol will naturally decrease, and one day, your anger will start to diminish.  The scars that used to completely swallow you in the past, you’ll forget about them. Then your fear of death will go away.  These are things that will happen to the person of the Spirit.  

    (1) Death, Hostile to God (Rom. 8:6-7)

It says also in Romans 8 that a physical person is hostile towards God, and they can never be obedient to God; they will never listen to God’s word because their own ego is broken.  They only care about money, only the physical things, only their own position; they never listened to God’s Word.  And they cannot please God.  However, for anybody who believes in Jesus Christ, God’s Holy Spirit dwells within us, and if the Holy Spirit dwells within us, then we have to ask Him to reign over us.  You need to give your thoughts, emotions, the things that are controlling you right now, so that the Holy Spirit can take it.  That is how you go into the guidance of the Holy Spirit. That is how you live with the strength and power of the Holy Spirit.  Then you will continuously receive evidence of life, that is the person who will receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we surely will go through the valley of the shadow of death.  For people, their valley of the spiritual of death, might look like the things they are struggling with, like depression or panic attacks or bipolar disorder or anger issues, and for other people, their valley of the shadow of death might look like suicidal thoughts or the desire to kill others, or addictions or insomnia, and their nights are miserable.  If someone receives God’s grace, they should be able to sleep peacefully at night, but if you’re struggling with insomnia, that might be a problem to you.  God created the day and the night and gave us the night so we could sleep, and if we’re not able to sleep, then that is a problem we face.  

    (2) Does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so (Rom. 8:7)

    (3) Cannot please God (8:8)

3. Holy Spirit

  1) Filling and works of the Holy Spirit (Ac. 1:8)

    (1) Me – Receive authority

    (2) Thoughts, heart, emotions

    (3) Witness who saves

For people like that, you cannot change them with your own will; they must be reigned upon by the Holy Spirit.  Then, even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, the reason you do not fear is because the Lord is with you.  And if that kind of person goes into the field, they have spiritual strength, so the people will recognize it immediately.  It’s the same thing as a magnet, if it’s powerful enough, even if it stands still, other metal things will fly too.  If I have spiritual strength, then God will attach people to me, but if you lack strength only people similar to you will come to you, and then they’ll leave, it’s because you lack strength.  If you want to run a business or work, you have to have spiritual strength; weirdly enough, this person is strong, then the field begins to change because God is working.  Humans are spiritual beings, so we have a spiritual sense that we can’t really express.  “When I come to this place, I feel peaceful. When I go to my own house, I feel like hell, but when I come to this person’s store, I feel like I’m in heaven. When I’m by myself, I feel like I’m in hell, but when I talk to this person, for some reason, I have peace.”  This is because you have spiritual strength.  

For these kinds of people, they’ll be like Joseph; even if they’re taken captive as a slave, there’s something to him.  Physically, he was a slave, but spiritually, he was not a slave.  As evidence that God was with Joseph, God blessed Potiphar’s household because of him. One day, Goliath attacks Israel and none of the Israelites could budge, because physically speaking, he was much stronger, but there was a young little boy who had the spiritual state to break down Goliath. There was nothing else, it’s not that he was good at fighting, he had the power of God being with him.  God worked through the sling in his hand. If you lack spiritual strength, then even the things you did study will only be used to eat and make a living. But, if you do have spiritual strength, then your studies and your job will be used by God to save the world.  So I hope you will have the strength to save the many people who are suffering in the world. Then, I hope that God’s power will be upon you and that your words will reveal it. 

  2) Guidance of the Holy Spirit – Prayer (Ac. 13:2)

    (1) Work that the Holy Spirit calls them to do (Ac. 13:2)

    (2) Raise people (Ac. 13:2)

    (3) Sent them to the field (Ac. 13:3)

  3) Working of the Holy Spirit

    (1) Elymas the sorcerer – Devil broken down (Ac. 13:8-11)

    (2) Fortune-teller who was demon possessed – Healing (Ac. 16:16-18)

    (3) Those who are ill, demon-possessed – Healing (Ac. 19:11-12)


1. Power of the Holy Spirit – My past, present, future

In conclusion, only the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus Christ and God, can free me from the curses of my past, present, and future. No matter what bad thing happened in my past, the Holy Spirit can revive it. The more you have experience, the better, because you can save people who have also experienced something like that.  But if you don’t know this, then your past becomes a curse. But for you, I hope that by the working and filling of the Holy Spirit, you will be saved from your past, present, and future, and save every field you go into.  That is why the Spirit saves.  It’s not your studies or knowledge or experience that save you. If you are able to pray in the name of Jesus Christ, then you can save wherever you go, but the devil will never leave you alone to do that, and that’s why you must always remain spiritually vigilant. Remember this, your studies are not the problem, prayer is first. My business meeting is not my first priority; prayer is.  The first thought I get in the morning is not what’s important, but praying to God is the most important.  May you hold onto this evidence and stand as a witness throughout this week. 

2. Works of the Holy Spirit – My field

3. Works that transcend time and space – To all peoples

Message Prayer

Let us pray together holding onto the Word we have received.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You.  We thank You for, through Christ, we have been liberated from the Law of sin and death into the Law of Spirit and Life. Now, we believe and pray for the Holy Spirit of God to come into us, reign over us, and guide us.  God, we believe You will bless those of us so that we may be spiritually strong to save the world through our studies and our jobs.  

We have returned Your materials as offering. We pray that this offering may be used to save lives.  We believe You will work upon our studies and business with the blessing of the economy of light for the temple construction to save the future generations, the peoples of 237 nations and the 5000 tribes.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

God, we thank You.  

In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer

2. Middle School Evangelism School, Sat., 1-3PM.

3. Preparation for college, job, Sat., 1PM.

4. North America Businessperson’s Evangelism Conference, 9/11 (Wed.)-12(Thurs.), ICSC

5. LA Young Adult Retreat, 9/14(Sat.), 9AM-5PM, $100.

6. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, guidance, and working, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to save themselves and to save their field through only the power of the Triune God, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.

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