The Person Who Fulfills God’s Work and Will (Jn. 6:22-40)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Person Who Fulfills God’s Work and Will (Jn. 6:22-40)

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  These words of blessing will give good influence to people around you.  On the other hand, if you say evil or cursed words to others, then you will kill many people in the world because what is inside someone’s spirit is revealed through the words they say.  God works through His Word, and God’s state is revealed through His Word. 

The title of today’s Word is “The Person Who Fulfills God’s Work and Will.”  So, what exactly is God’s work, and what is His will?  If you know this, then you will be changed.  Why are there more and more people who are suffering in America?  Where is that suffering coming from, and when does it come?  When I focus on something.  The Bible tells us the cause of the suffering and the answer.  There are more and more people who are addicted to substances in America, and there are more and more people suffering with mental problems.  There are more and more diseases that cannot be cured by hospitals, and the Bible, in today’s main scripture, is telling us the reason and the answer for that. 

However, the Bible shows us in today’s scripture that most people do not know the reason and the answer.  Why do you suffer, and why do the people around you suffer?  What am I doing so that this suffering continues to spread or increase?  And how can we solve this suffering? The goal of the church is so that we know, believe, and testify of this.  But there are people who go to church without knowing this, they come for a different reason.  They think that this is just a religion.

1. The crowd

  1) In search of Jesus (Jn. 6:24)

    (1) Looking for Jesus because they saw the signs × (Jn. 6:26)

In today’s scripture, we see three groups of people: there’s Jesus, the disciples, and the crowd.  After Jesus Christ fed thousands of people with five loaves and two fish, and He healed the invalid who had been an invalid for 38 years, He showed all of these signs, and what did most people think?  Most people thought, “If I follow this Jesus, then He will take care of everything for me to eat and live.”  There is a reason why Jesus showed those signs.  Jesus showed those signs and miracles to show everybody that, “I am the Christ, I am God Himself,” and yet, most people saw those signs and thought, “Oh, this will take care of my food and life.”  

    (2) Not following Jesus

    (3) Ate and had your fill (Jn. 6:26)

The Jesus the many members of the crowd believed in is not in the Bible. Most religions may talk about or know of the name “Jesus” but the “Jesus” they know of is someone who will take care of their food or diseases, and solve the problems in their life.  There are many people like that today as well.  These people do not really believe in Jesus, they are just following after the name of Jesus to get whatever they want.  They’ve just created their own “Jesus,” that’s not the Jesus in the Bible.  

  2) Jesus

    (1) Do not work for food that spoils (Jn. 6:27)

So, all of these crowds are following the “Jesus” they believe in, so Jesus tells them, “Do not work for food that spoils.”  That’s because they saw all these masses were getting on a boat, they were using their time, energy, and their passion to follow after Jesus, just to figure out how they will eat and make a living.  In other words, for us, do not study and work and live your walk of faith just to make a living.  

    (2) For food that endures to eternal life (Jn. 6:27)

Then, what should I work for?  Instead, work for the food that endures to eternal life.  You need to understand these words to escape from suffering.  If you don’t understand these words, you will fall deeper into suffering.

    (3) The Son of Man will give you the food (Jn. 6:27)

That food is given by the Son of Man.  It is spiritual;  humans are spiritual beings, different from animals. Human beings were created as spiritual beings to only believe in and follow the Word of God.  Human beings were planned and designed to receive the blessings and answers, so that through us, God will reign over and rule this earth.  In other words, we were created so that we cannot live without God.  This means that it is not a God that I desire; we must believe in the God in the Bible. 

However, Satan appeared and said, “Do not believe in the Word of God; you can be like God. If you eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then you can be like God.“  God used the fruit of knowledge of good and evil to make a promise with Adam and Eve, but Satan changed that.  Until Adam and Eve received faith, they needed to live their entire lives after that sin, suffering, making a living, and toiling.  But you and I, we must eat the eternal food of God.  That is not given to us by any person, but by Jesus Christ.

  3) What must we do to do the works God requires? (Jn. 6:28)

Then they asked Him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” The logic of this world is, “I need to do something to earn something,” but this is not something you can earn with the effort of man.  This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make an effort, but I’m saying, this is something you cannot earn with your effort.  Jesus answered, “The work of God is this, to believe in the One He has sent.”  What is the work of God?  “The work of God is this, to believe in Christ, the One He has sent.”  Then, is the “Jesus” I believe in and the “Jesus” the Bible tells me the same?  They must be the same to believe in God correctly.  

    (1) Believe in the one God has sent (Jn. 6:29)

The reason God the Father sent Jesus Christ to earth is to solve the problem that humans can never solve. The first problem is the problem of sin, of not believing in God.  We don’t believe in God. When you face a problem, you don’t find God believable.  When you suffer from depression, you don’t find God believable.  Why is that?  Because you don’t believe in Jesus Christ Who is the Bread of Life, all the works of disbelief take place in your life, and as a result of that sin, curses and disasters continue to follow in the lives of humans.  Then we are enslaved by Satan, and we cannot escape. No matter how diligently you work or try to escape, you can never escape from Satan, then we have no choice but to face continuous suffering. The way to solve that problem is the Christ.  You must believe that Jesus is that Christ, that is the work of God. How must we believe in that Christ? We must believe in Him as my Lord. That is the Messiah the Bible tells us about.

    (2) What sign will you give and what will you do? (Jn. 6:30)

Today, what “Jesus” are you and I believing in?  Are you believing in the Jesus Who will just solve all of your problems, or are you believing in the “Jesus” the Bible is talking about?  We all keep thinking that we know Jesus, but the Jewish people killed Jesus because that’s what they thought about Jesus.  Today, the reason why so many people are not able to escape from their suffering is because they know the incorrect Jesus.  We must know and believe in Jesus as our Lord and our Savior in order to escape from our suffering, but because we don’t believe in Him as our Lord and Savior, we fall deeper into our suffering.  I’m sure that most of you are suffering from financial problems, why?  Because you don’t find Christ believable, you don’t believe in Him as your Lord, you don’t believe in the fact that He is your Creator.  Because you don’t believe in Him, you have to believe in someone, so you believe in yourself, and because you are lacking, you suffer.

What is the work that God does? You must believe in the Christ, and the Bible tells us that we gain faith from listening.  We can only gain faith if we listen to the words about Christ.  This is not something we gain by studying; it is only by the working of the Holy Spirit.  Even if someone is a very young child, if the Holy Spirit works upon them, they will understand spiritual works. Even young children can understand.  Joseph understood this at a young age, even when his mother passed away, which is a huge trauma.  Most people would say, if their mother passes away while they are young, “This was a scar, it was traumatizing, and it made my entire life suffer,” and that’s the characteristic of people who live for the physical things, but Joseph actually received an answer because of that.

If you pray, you will receive answers. If you pray in the name of Jesus Christ to the God whom you believe in, you will receive answers, but we don’t believe.  Because you don’t believe in that, you have to believe in yourself.  But you cannot bring yourself out of depression and that’s why you suffer.  You have no assurance when it comes to finances, that’s why you suffer.  When your environment or situation becomes difficult, you cannot overcome it, and that’s why you suffer.  It is because you do not believe in the Christ.  Christ is my Lord and He is the Creator God.  You must believe He is with you; that is the work of God, then you will escape from your suffering.

That was David, even though it was so hard for him to live and survive, he claimed, “The LORD is my Shepherd.”  Life may be difficult from our perspective, but God, our Shepherd, is with us, and He will lead me by green pastures and quiet waters.  “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,” in other words, though I might suffer to the point of death, it doesn’t matter because the LORD is with me.  It is true for people who are suffering from bipolar disorder or anxiety, why does God give me this suffering even though He is alive?  God is giving you those things so you may believe in Christ.  God does not give you disasters for no reason, it is so that you can truly believe in Christ. If you believe in Christ, then nothing can harm you.  I’ll explain this more in the latter half of the message.

    (3) Moses – He gave them bread from heaven to eat

So, the crowds asked Jesus, “If the work of God is to believe in You, then what sign might you give us so that we might believe in You?” They said, “Our ancestors ate manna in the wilderness and what will you do for us?”  So always, their focus and their interest is on what to eat.  They cannot escape from that, that’s the problem.  The problem is that we’re not able to escape from the physical things.  The Lord said, “That was not Moses, but God from heaven gave you that manna.”  

2. Jesus Christ

  1) God

    (1) Gives you true bread from heaven (Jn. 6:32)

Do you know why God gave you that manna?  It’s so that you will realize that you do not live with just the food that you eat and the water that you drink, but with the Word of God, the bread of God. There are people who may not understand this even now.  There are definitely people who ask, “We’re talking about manna; why are you talking about the Word?” because they’re always focusing on what to eat, so they’re not able to hear anything else.  If you live by the Word of God, then the physical things will follow you.

    (2) Gives life to the world (Jn. 6:33)

Jesus is telling us this, but we’re not able to understand that we will receive the true bread from heaven and it gives life to the world, spiritual life.  You are different from animals, you have a spirit, and no matter how well you eat, it’s not going to be enough.  It doesn’t work even if you’re hungry and starving, either.  Inside of your spirit, the bread of life, Jesus Christ, must enter, that is how you may live.  

    (3) Crowd – Always give us this bread (Jn. 6:34)

They may not even understand what He’s saying, but the crowd is saying, but the crowds say, “Always give us this bread.”  They’re so greedy.  They’re saying, “Give us what we can eat forever.”  So, for these people, even though God tells them the spiritual Word, they interpret it physically, “Oh, we’ll never be hungry?  Give us that bread, and always give us that bread.”

  2) Jesus

    (1) I am the bread of life (Jn. 6:35)

Jesus replies, “I am the bread of life,” and they’re taken aback. The Israelites thought, “He said He would give us something to eat, but then He says He is the bread, so am I supposed to eat Jesus?”  They did not understand Him, I hope you will understand. If you really understand, then you will escape from whatever you’re suffering from now.  Your human relationships will never be a problem.  If you believe in the Christ, then He is the Judge, and that means He decides who is right and wrong.  If you entrust everything to Him, then He will take care of it  on His own.  There’s no reason for you to hold onto it and worry about it; you’re not the judge, and the Lord is also holding onto the time schedule of the future.  There is nothing you can do about the future but you keep worrying about it. You must believe in the Christ for your past, present, and future to come to life, and faith is the work of God.  

“Is faith all we need?” Yes it is, He is the Creator.  I have a cat in my house and if that cat just believes that I am his owner, then he doesn’t have to worry about anything.  His hospital bills are all free, so just believe in God as your Lord, and He will take care of it.  If we believe in Christ as our Lord, then even death is not something we need to worry about; we have eternal life.  I hope you will have God’s grace to believe, and do not be deceived by anything else.  All you need is one thing: “He is living inside of me.”  Do you believe in that?  From the moment you truly believe in that, you will receive power.  

There are many types of incurable diseases but the Lord has the power to heal that.  Whatever problem you’re facing now, the Lord has the power to resolve that, and He is inside of you.  But do you truly believe in that?  We cannot decide what we believe in.  God has to give us the grace for us to believe, so I hope you will ask God to give you grace.  During this time when you are worshiping God, pray to Him to give you His grace, which means, “I cannot do this myself, God.” 

    (2) Whoever comes to me will never go hungry (Jn. 6:35)

    (3) Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty (Jn. 6:35)

And the Lord promises that, “Anyone who comes to me will never go hungry and never be thirsty.”  Then does this mean that if I believe in Jesus, I do not have to eat food or drink water?  No, that’s not what this means.  The reason why there’s so much suffering in America is a result of spiritual hunger and spiritual thirst.  Physically speaking, it means the water in the river is all dried up and because the water is all dried up, the animals are all dying, and even the vegetation is dying. They are all dying and suffering.  Because the spiritual water of life is drying up, everybody is dying.  Because we are spiritually dying, it comes to us as problems in our mind, in our mental state.  If we could solve it with medication, that would be great, but do you think Jesus would have had to come to earth if we could do that?  

  3) God’s will

    (1) Not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me (Jn. 6:38)

    (2) Raise them up at the last day (Jn. 6:39)

    (3) To have eternal life (Jn. 6:40)

Yes, we do need good education, but if education was the solution to the problem, why would elites be suffering from drug addiction?  They are so wealthy, they are so well-educated; why are they addicted to alcohol?  The spiritual hunger and spiritual thirst, you cannot feel it, just as you cannot feel the air.  When you use your cell phone, there are signals and frequencies you cannot feel, but it exists.  The spiritual things exist.  You and I are spiritual beings.  When Jesus Christ, the spiritual life, enters into us, then we will come to life without even realizing it, then the things you’re worrying about will disappear, without you even realizing it.  If the river is filled with water because of heavy rain, then without even realizing it, naturally, the vegetables, the trees, and the animals will all begin to grow back. 

In Jeremiah, the LORD said, “You have committed two sins: that, you have separated from the source of life, and because you have separated from that source of water, you are thirsty, which causes you to commit acts of sin.”  Because you are separated from Christ, Who is life, you commit acts of sin, and that’s why, even if you don’t want to, you have to cheat people. Because you don’t have the strength, you have to steal from and lie to others.  Even though that’s not how they are taught, that’s how people become.  We have no other choice, because we lack strength and we need to survive, so we must steal from others.  Of course, you feel a guilty conscience because of that, and you lose all your boldness and you become very cowardly, and from then, your spirit just withers up, because you lack spiritual strength. 

Why would you live like that?  If you say, “If I lack something, I’ll just die,” then that’s it.  If you say, “If I get a disease, I can just die,” why are you trying so hard to live? People may think that I’m telling you to die, but that’s not what I’m saying; I’m saying that you live in faith when Christ is the Lord of your life.  The Lord of my body is not me; why am I worried about it?  Even right now, I hope you will entrust yourself. Believing in Christ is the work of God.  If you don’t believe in this but you work so diligently, then that’s not work.  It’s the same thing at your job.  You need to believe the Lord is with you at your job, and He is the Lord of your job.  If you don’t believe in this, then you will face many types of suffering.

After this, He says, “Whoever comes to Me, I will never turn away,” and He says, “The will of the Lord is that everyone the Father gives to me will receive eternal life.”  This is what Jesus says before He dies on the cross.  The final sign of Jesus is His death on the cross and His resurrection.  As you see that sign, you believe that He is truly the Messiah of God.  If you believe that He is the Messiah, then you receive eternal life.  You are carrying water bottles so that you can drink it.  More than 75% of our body is water, more than 75% of the earth is water; we are majority water.  If you don’t drink water, you die. If we don’t drink the water of life, which is Jesus Christ, and eat the bread of life, which is Jesus Christ, we will die.  Even the president is not an exception.  What about very wealthy people?  Even they are not an exception; that’s why they die from drug addictions and suffer from mental illness, because even money cannot solve that.  Even your college diploma cannot solve that problem.  What if you get plastic surgery? Even that cannot solve it. Nothing can solve that problem.  Nothing can solve that problem. You must believe that the life of Christ, of God, is inside of you.  

3. Work of saving the world

  1) World – Satan

You need to know this world well.  The reason we study in school and college is to learn the things of this world and the things of people and how they act in the world.  We study biology about animals and people, about things that exist, however, you need to know about the world that is invisible.  This world is controlled by Satan.  How is Satan controlling the world? You need to know that to overcome the world.  You guys are going into the world to study and work but you can only overcome if you know the world. 

    (1) Everything in the world – Lust of the flesh, Lust of the eyes, Pride of life (1Jn. 2:16)

1 John 2:16 says, “For everything in the world, the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes, and the boasting of life, come not from the Father but from the world.”  It is the cravings of the flesh, it’s things like what we eat and everything, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life; all of this.  It’s about what we eat, it’s all about the physical things.  “What am I going to eat at church today?”  Instead of worrying about what Word you will receive, you think about what lunch is going to be.  “What am I going to eat at work today?”  “Oh, I’m going to travel for vacation, what will I eat there?”  That’s all you’re interested in, in what you eat.

Lust of the eyes, what you see, what’s beautiful. Are there any good-looking men at this church? Are there any beautiful women at this church?  Or, what is worth sight-seeing in America? Let’s take a vacation to travel to see it.  Everything you eat and see and feel, it is from the world.

The pride of life.  We always brag about ourselves.  Even if nobody asks you, you say, “Oh, this is what I did.”  Or you say, “This is what my child is like, this is what my husband is like,” but nobody asked.  But this is what you’re interested in, and this is what you’re living your life for, but all of these things cause problems because those things do not come from God.  Humans must live from what comes from heaven.  

    (2) Good for food, Pleasing to the eye, Desirable for gaining wisdom (Gen. 3:6)

This is also in Genesis 3:6, how did Satan trick Adam and Eve?  Satan always works in the same way. He always tricks us with what we eat, “If you eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then you will be like God,” and after they looked at his words, they thought, “Oh, it’s pleasing to the eye and good for food,” so when the devil works, you’re hooked on food.  Does that mean I should never eat?  I’m not saying you should never eat; I’m saying you should be hooked on God’s Word.  They saw that it was good for food, pleasing to the eye.  “This looks so good,” it’s all about what we see, so my friend is visiting from Korea, and he has this really nice car that even I don’t drive, and he went visiting all these places that I’ve never been to, and he said, “There’s this tree that’s thousands of years old, you have to go see it,” and I said, “Why do I have to see it?”  He said, “It’s close to LA, so you can drive there to see it,” and I said, “You can just watch it on YouTube,” he flew all the way from Korea just to look at this tree, and then he goes around wandering to see other things, and that’s how we spend our entire lives.  Is there anything else to life, especially for nonbelievers?  It’s what they eat and drink and see.  

They saw it was desirable for gaining wisdom, because they wanted wisdom.  Everything is hidden within Christ, including all treasures of wisdom and knowledge, what we eat and what we drink, but they look for it elsewhere. Even right now, we’re always interested in, “How can I gain more wisdom to run my business better?”  Instead of being interested in Christ, we wonder, “How can I have more wisdom to study better?”  We’re interested in, “How can I get the wisdom to be more healthy?” but the wisdom to be healthy is inside of Christ.  I’m a witness of that; my entire family line does not exercise so people just know my family for never moving.  So, my mother would always say, “Look at your father, you’re just like him, you’re always just holed up in a room somewhere,” so we’ve become a whole tribe that doesn’t exercise; we don’t use our bodies at all, so our bodies just deteriorate.  But do I look like that to you?  No, I don’t, because God gives me grace, my thinking changes.  I think, “Oh, I need to abuse my body,” so I work out almost every day.  In the past, I didn’t even think to exercise, so this is the evidence.

    (3) Mental problems – Fear, Scars, Idolatry, Alcohol, Drug addiction (Gen. 3:10, Gal. 5:21, Eph. 4:27)

Inside of Christ, God will give you everything you need within His time schedule.  Why do I insist on being my Lord, trying to gain the things that I need, only to fall into addiction?  As they lived, chasing after these things, the first thing Adam and Eve faced was fear in Genesis 3.  As soon as you wake up in the morning, you’re just afraid.  When you think of your children, you’re filled with fear, “What if they get into an accident or die? What if they starve to death in the future?” You’re always worried.  That’s what happens if you’re hooked on things that are good for food, pleasing to the eye, and desirable for gaining wisdom. Then in the family, the children will receive scars from the spiritual problems from their parents. I’m sorry to say this, but every person has scars. We are lost in these scars and traumas.  The parents never tried to give them to the children; the parents love their children, but it just happens naturally.  But why do we fall into our scars? It is because we do not believe in God. 

What does that mean?  Joseph’s mother died; she died when he was 17, and what happens when you lose your mother in high school?  But he believed in God.  He prayed to God and God showed him a vision, so instead of that becoming a scar, it turned into a blessing. If you have a scar from something, it’s because you didn’t believe in God.  Yes, it is true that your parents said or did those things to you, but do you think the Lord is just staying still? He has a plan through that.  

But what happens if you don’t know God’s plan and no one teaches it to you, and you just remain in your scars?  Then, in Eph. 4:6-7, then that scar turns into anger.  It says, “Do not sin in your anger.”  When do we get angry? If you have a scar and someone touches it, you get angry. Eph. 4:26 says, “Do not sin in your anger.”  It means, “Quickly turn back to God, or Satan will use it as a foothold.”  There are some people who are even 70 years old, but when you say something to them, they turn back to when they were 6, that’s because they received a scar when they were 6.  

My mother is in her mid-80s, and my grandmother passed away when she was 103 years old, two years ago.  So even though my mother is in her mid-80s, she still has a scar from my grandmother.  My mother was the second child and they did not have a son, and my grandmother’s husband passed away, so all the men in the area began to come to her, so my mother’s mother married another man who was much older, and they had a son who became my mother’s brother, so now, my mother’s mother completely neglected my mother and only focused on her son.  So, my grandmother did not even educate my mom; she only focused on her son, and that became a scar for my mom.  Even though she’s over 80 years old, every time she talked to her mother, she acted like a child. That’s what happens when you get a scar. Even though they’re 70, 80 years old, there are times they may act very childish.  

When I go to Korea to visit my grandmother and bring something to her, my mother would say, “Don’t bring anything to her,” I would bring her something from America, and my mom would say, “Don’t bring anything to her, she doesn’t even like that,” and I thought, “This is very strange, that’s your own mother,” but that’s her scar.  She would say, “My mom treated me like this, so there’s no reason to be nice to my mom.”  That’s just one portion of her, but a scar will be used by Satan as a foothold, and as we mature, it hurts, so what do we do?  We drink.  My mom’s not like that.  My mother fortunately met a husband who was so strong, that she had no time to drink, she had to take care of her husband the whole time, and imagine, she had to raise me and my brothers, so she was so stressed.  My mother said, “If I had a biological brother, then I would at least know men, but I’m trying to raise three boys and I have no idea how to do it.”  That scar actually turns into a mental problem.  

There are times when we are shocked or traumatized, and if we don’t receive the answer from God, it turns into demons.  Then we fall into alcohol addiction.  Nobody tries to become an alcoholic, nobody says, “I’m so happy today, let’s go drink.”  I don’t need alcohol, I don’t need cigarettes or drugs because I have something better than that.  Why would I do that?  But because they don’t have what I have, they suffer so then they fall into addiction.  At that time, when they are lost in their scars and thoughts and traumas, someone needs to give them the gospel correctly. If you just let them stay like that, that’s the reason there are so many addictions and mental patients in the world today. People have researched mental patients; it’s all because of scars received while they were young.  If you just let that be, it will not be fixed.  Even the times you overreact, it’s because of your scars.  There are times you get angry without even knowing why, and later on, you regret it because that wasn’t you.  You can receive a scar even when you’re within your mother’s womb, but you’re unaware of this; it is in your subconscious and you act subconsciously.  That’s why the scars can never be healed unless the light of Christ goes into you. 

  2) Person who saves the world

    (1) Cross – It is finished (Jn. 19:30, Rom. 6:5-6)

The Lord received that scar on your behalf on the cross.  The Lord is God Himself, but He was spat on, He was cursed, He was beaten and abused; He received our scars.  Imagine how traumatizing it was because He’s the Creator God, and He’s being beaten up by the creation.  He has received all of your scars and trauma for you on the cross, that is what it means that you have died with Christ.  The “you” that is stuck in scars and trauma has died with Christ; you must believe that.  “Pastor, I have my scar; what do you mean, ‘I died’?” It means you don’t believe.  Once you have faith, it will go away.  

    (2) Life with Christ – Prayer (Rom. 6:9)

    (3) Life of offering every part of yourself to God (Rom. 6:13)

Now you have been crucified with Christ, and you live with Him united.  You must find that believable, then you will no longer hold onto your scars. Why do you hold onto your scars? You keep holding onto your scars because that’s the nature you lived with before you met Christ, but if you hold onto the life of Christ, then you will overcome.  There is no problem or person who can overcome Christ.  I hope you will believe in that.  Because you don’t believe in that, you try to solve it with another method, but it won’t work.  All the elites of America are on drugs; that’s not the solution.  Mental problems cannot be solved, There are people who don’t pray, but they think so much, but where are those thoughts connected to?  It takes you to a place that has nothing to do with God.  If you think too much, you’re going to get dandruff, but if you pray too much, your face will shine.  

  3) Life in control by God

    (1) Establishment of God’s kingdom (Mt. 6:10,33)

You can pray right now, how?  Christ is inside of you and your thoughts are your problem.  Your scars and the disease inside of you, your depression, that is the problem.  Ask for the peace of Christ to completely seize you.  Christ Himself is peace, Christ Himself is happiness.  You don’t get happiness from anything or any person, but when Christ completely reigns over you and fills you, then the Kingdom of God is established, and if you keep enjoying that, then one day, you will escape from your addictions, and one day, you’ll forget that you even had scars, you’ll say, “Oh, did I have that scar?”  If that problem is not resolved, then you will give it straight to your children. But you’re not even aware of it; you’re giving scars to your children from your subconscious because it’s become your habit.  That mental problem is revealed.  Why are there so many shootings in America? It’s because of scars. That problem cannot be solved without the Christ.

    (2) Filling of the Holy Spirit – My Spirit, Flesh (Ac. 1:8)

When you go to church, you try to hold it in, but when you go out into the world, you explode.  You are going to fight and kill people over what you eat.  It is because you do not believe in Christ.  If you truly believe that Christ the unlimited Creator God is with you, then if somebody takes something from you, then they can take it, you don’t need it, because God is going to continuously give to you, because He is my Lord, and the Lord must take care of my life.  I receive Jesus as my Lord, and the Lord asks you to accept Him as your Lord.  Christ must be the Lord of your business; it must not be you.  I hope you will pray so that Christ will lead your job or business.  We keep strategizing or thinking with a brain that doesn’t know the future; of course, it’s hard.  But the Lord gives us wisdom and guides us down His path, why? To save lives.  

Now, because I have faith, I’m able to pray, and that is the work of God.  When you are worshiping on Sunday at church, I hope you are praying.  If you’re just sitting there with a blank mind, that’s nothing.  Christ is inside of you as life, and I hope you will enjoy this through prayer.  May the life of Christ reign over my thoughts and my spirit and over my business and studies.  Just pray like that to the Lord, then when you go there, you will see the answers because the invisible works take place first, and then the visible works take place.  When the invisible life movement takes place, then you will see the healing that is visible.  I may be a pastor, but I’m telling you this as a witness.  I suffered for 16 years because of my scars and trauma; I could never solve it.  No matter how good I tried to think, no matter how much I tried to understand the other person, I couldn’t.  When you go to your workplace, you can’t solve it, and the more time passes, the more you package yourself, but you’re alone.  But, when I met Christ, the fundamental problem was finished.  When I accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord of my life, it was finished.  Now, I can stand as a witness to other people.  

    (3) Witness to save the world (Ac. 1:8)

I’ve tried everything, I tried reading books, I tried meeting with very renowned individuals, thinking I could learn something, I’ve tried everything on this earth.  I thought, “Maybe if I have a really good and nice heart,” but that never works.  The devil does not flee. The devil does not just work randomly, just as flies gather around garbage, Satan will gather around your scars.  That’s why people fall into obsession and addiction.  I hope you will be liberated by only Christ.  If you don’t find this believable, ask Him to give you faith.  If Christ is not your everything, then ask God to make Christ your everything, so that only Christ may reign over me.  If that does not take place, then you will try to reign over other people.  You pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Then you will receive the evidence and stand as a witness to save the world.


1. With Christ – 24 Happiness

In conclusion, Christ is with you 24 hours, and you need to enjoy what you have.  Keep on enjoying through prayer, so that He becomes your Lord.  I hope you will also pray for the work and the power of God to take place upon the field of America, your family, and your business.  

2. God’s power saves the world – 25 Answer

We are not living just by ourselves; we have the power of prayer that can overcome the problems in the field.  Instead of isolating the people at work you don’t like, instead, pray for the work of God to take place upon them, and if you keep doing concentration prayer, then one day, God works, one day the environment of your entire company is changed.  

3. Prayer that transcends time and space and saves all nations

That’s why God sent you to your company, that’s the reason God sent you to your business, because God’s will is to save people there, but the members of the church do not do this. Instead of doing this, they think, “How can I make a living? How can I eat better food?” And they die in the same problems.  I hope you will not lose hold of this and enjoy Christ, even right now.  If you don’t enjoy Christ and you’re just working diligently, that’s all useless, because believing in Christ is the work of God; saving lives is the will of God, and you can do that now through prayer.  May you enjoy and testify of this blessing.  

Message Prayer

Let us pray together holding onto the Word God has given us today, because if you pray, you receive answers.  If you pray right now, God will give you His answers in His time schedule.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You.  We have returned Your materials as the offering of the economy of light.  We pray that this offering will be used by the will of God to save lives.  We believe You will work with the economy of light upon our businesses with the offering we have given in faith.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

God, we thank You.  God, we pray that You will bless the newcomers so they may do the will and the work of God exactly according to the Word.  May they be happy with the prayer that enjoys Christ, and may they be the ones to change America and the entire world with the power that You give them.  May they be the ones to hold the entire world in prayer.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer

2. 8/12 (Sun.) Graduation worship, 1:30PM.

3. LA Regional College Retreat, 8/15(Thurs.)-17(Sat.).

4. North America Businessperson’s Evangelism Conference, 9/11 (Wed.)-12(Thurs.), ICSC

5. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, guidance, and working, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to do the work of God, which is to believe in Jesus Christ, and the will of God, which is to save all peoples, upon their businesses, studies, and upon all their ministries, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.

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