Faith Where Everything Comes from Christ (Jn. 6:1-15)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Faith Where Everything Comes from Christ (Jn. 6:1-15)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless and greet one another, within the church and within our regional churches of Yakima and Seattle, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  The title of today’s message is “Faith Where Everything Comes from Christ.”  You must stand as witnesses.  Does everything really come from Jesus Christ? That is a Christian. A Christian is someone who finishes everything with Christ alone. Your situation, your mental problems, your multiple situations must be finished with Christ.  Your financial problems and circumstances must be finished with Christ.  That is why we go “All in.”

Today, there is a Word that God desires to give to us using the Word of the five loaves and two fish.  After Jesus Christ healed someone who was paralyzed for 38 years, many people began to follow Jesus, and that is what Jesus does. The Israelites had not heard God’s Word for 400 years, and now that the Word of God has appeared, many people are flocking to Him, and the disciples are also with Jesus.  

1. Jesus

  1) Tiberias (Jn. 6:1)

    (1) A great crowd of people (Jn. 6:2)

    (2) Because of the signs he had performed by healing the sick (Jn. 6:2)

In today’s scripture, it says that Jesus knew the reason why the crowds were flocking to Him, and Jesus creates an incident in order to teach His disciple, Philip, a lesson.  The people who are gathering to Jesus, saw the miracles that Jesus performed, and want to gain something from Him, and all of these crowds have come to Jesus to listen to His Word, and now that it is evening, they’re hungry and have nothing to eat.  

    (3) With his disciples (Jn. 6:3)

Jesus knew this and asked His disciple Philip a question; He asked Philip, “Where should we buy bread for these people to eat?”  When Jesus asked this question, He had the intention of changing His disciple with this important lesson. 

  2) Jesus’s question

    (1) Where shall we buy bread? (Jn. 6:6)

    (2) For these people to eat (Jn. 6:6)

    (3) Test Philip (Jn. 6:6)

What’s important here is that Jesus asks the question, “Where?” During the wedding in Cana in Galilee, the disciples were asking, “Where shall we get more wine?” Jesus is asking the question, “Where?” And today, the Lord wants us to know where everything comes from: within Jesus Christ.

  3) Disciples

    (1) Philip – 200 Denarius (Jn. 6:7)

And what kind of person is Philip? He looks at all the people in the crowd, and he calculates that it should take 200 denarii, or more than eight months’ wages, to feed all these people. So Jesus Christ is asking them the question, “Where should we get the bread from?” And Philip is saying, “It will take more than eight months’ wages to buy enough bread for everyone to have one bite. Anybody can make these calculations, even if you learn how to calculate, you can learn how to make these calculations.  What’s important is this person’s nature; they’re not able to go beyond their own nature.  They are very realistic, logical, and pragmatic, but they’re not able to overcome that.  And no matter how much they think, they come to the conclusion that this is impossible.  Jesus desires to change those disciples, and there are people like that inside of the church. No matter how much you think and calculate, you cannot come up with the answer.

    (2) Andrew – 2 fish, 5 barley loaves (Jn. 6:8-9)

    (3) Impossible conclusion (Jn. 6:9)

And then, there is another disciple named Andrew, who was asking people if they had anything to eat, and there was a small boy who had two fish and five loaves of bread, and that was everything.  That’s all they had, so Andrew asked, “How far will this go among so many?” But at least Andrew had enough faith to ask.  Philip is in a worldly way, very logical and rational and he calculates, but Andrew at least has enough faith to ask people if they have food.  So, the Lord took this and begins to pray a prayer of thanksgiving. So there were 5,000 men there, but back then, they only counted men who were between the ages of 20 and 60 years old, so if you count women and children, there were around 20,000 people who gathered. 

2. Jesus

  1) Word

    (1) Have the people sit down (Jn. 6:10)

    (2) Five thousand men (Jn. 6:10)

    (3) Gave thanks – The amount of food that is left over (Jn. 6:11)

Jesus Christ does this miracle. Do miracles happen today as well? This is God’s Word, so yes, they do.  To whom do these miracles happen today?  These miracles do not happen if you do nothing or have nothing.  All of these people are gathering and following Jesus to listen to His Word, and then they lack something; that is when God works.  How does He work? All they had was bread and fish, so that is what Jesus worked with.  The Bible never says, “He handed out fruit and coffee as well,” Jesus took whatever they had and worked with that.  These works can happen with your business as well, because the Word of God is eternal. 

God is eternal and He is unchanging. If I am inside of God’s Word and this is the limit of what I can do, then God will work upon that lacking.  When David was working as a shepherd, God called him.  God did not call David when he was just playing or laying down.  If someone is laying down, God told them not to help them. Instead, work for the Kingdom of God. So someone who is not working, don’t even eat.  And even though we don’t know the true reason why these crowds were gathered to Jesus, at least they gathered to Jesus. And yes, Jesus could’ve told all of them to fast, but there’s something Jesus wanted to tell His disciples.  Jesus wants to show who He is. Jesus wants to show us that we do not live with our own strength, but with the power of Jesus.  So Jesus Christ does the miracle of the 5 loaves and 2 fish, but that is only one meal; we need to eat again tomorrow. So yes, this miracle is important, but it’s not that important. 

  2) Crowd

    (1) After the people saw the sign (Jn. 6:14)

After they had eaten everything, they were left with 12 baskets. What’s important is that the Lord has performed this miracle, but the problem is with the crowd that saw this miracle.  In Jn. 6:14, the people saw the miracle that Jesus performed, and they said, “Surely, this is the prophet who has come into the world.  

    (2) The Prophet (Jn. 6:14, Deut. 18:15)

When they say, “The Prophet,” it is capitalized, so this is talking about in the Old Testament, Moses has already prophesied that there will be a Messiah.  In Deut. 18:15, “This Prophet,” so all these crowds saw Jesus and knew that He is the Messiah, and they do believe in and follow Jesus, but what “Jesus” are they following? 

    (3) Make him king by force (Jn. 6:15)

They want to make this Jesus their King because they think, “If He is our King, then we can be full every day. This is the Messiah Who can heal all our financial difficulties.”  It’s the same as us who vote for the President who can take care of our financial problems and problems of hunger and poverty. Today, a lot of people go to church, and there are many churches in America.  Even though they believe in and follow Jesus, what Jesus are they following? Is it a “Jesus” who will just solve my financial problems? Is it a “Jesus” who will just heal my diseases and poverty? That’s why they follow Jesus, then what happens? That individual will fall. The reason why there are so many church buildings but there are so many people leaving and there are so many churches closing every year is because they believe in a different Jesus. They believe in Jesus Who will “give me whatever I want,” they are actually believing in Jesus incorrectly. Jesus is the Christ, and we must believe in Jesus the way the Lord intended, but we are believing in Him in a different way. 

Because they want to make this Jesus their King, their President, Jesus runs away. The Word of the Lord does not come upon people like that. Why does the Word of God not come upon us? Because we know and believe in Jesus Christ incorrectly. Because we want Jesus to be a political leader or a financial helper, Jesus’ Word does not come upon us.  That is just an idol; you are just worshiping an idol that you have named “Jesus.” Jesus in the Bible came to earth as Christ, as the True King. In other words, He came as a human being, living in a physical world, and He came to show us, in Deut. 8:3, after the Israelites had Exodus’d from Egypt, they were only focused on the physical things and what to eat.  

  3) People who live by flesh

The Israelites had no interest at all in God’s Word; instead, they were wondering, “How can I eat better, how can I live a healthy life, and how can I eat healthier?” That is why God made them wander in the wilderness for 40 years, why?

    (1) Feeding you with manna (Deut. 8:3)

Deut. 8:3 says that the Lord humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known.  All to teach us that we do not live on bread that we are so interested in, alone. That is why he humbled them and made them wander the wilderness for 40 years, because after the Exodus, all they worried about was what to eat.  

    (2) That man does not live on bread alone

“We’re going to take a plane for vacation, what are we going to eat there?  I’m going to buy a big house, what am I going to eat in that house?I want to graduate from an Ivy League university, what will I eat afterwards? I’m going to create a huge business; what am I going to eat?” That is what we’re focused on. “I’m going to get plastic surgery and change my face, what will I eat?  I’m going to meet a good man or good woman and marry them; what will I eat?” That is what we’re interested in.  And the Lord made the Israelites wander in the wilderness for 40 years to change their inner nature.  Yes, we do need things to eat, but that is not all we live with.  God made them wander the wilderness so that they’d realize that they live with the Word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.

    (3) Live on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord

The reason why Jesus Christ gave the miracle of the 5 loaves and 2 fish is so that people realize that they must live with the Word of Life that comes from Jesus.  There are people who have a disease that gets healed by Jesus. There are some people who have nothing to eat, but they pray in the name of Jesus, and then they have something to eat. But the Lord God does not work for that purpose; God is only showing you those signs and miracles so you realize who Jesus Christ really is.  “In the past, I’ve experienced these kinds of miracles; in the past, I’ve experienced God working upon my business with this miracle,” but the reason God did that is that, through that miracle, you will realize who is the Christ. But people are so bound by the miracles themselves; they are bound by the physical things and lose hold of the spiritual things.  Then what happens? God will continue to spin you around so that you will live only by the Word of Christ.  

Why are the churches in America the way they are now? If you go into the field, it’s really pathetic.  You are always hearing about the words of Jesus Christ, but these churches are disappearing. The churches are saying, “God is everything and everywhere,” Why are churches in America becoming like this ? Because Satan has been working that plot for a very long time.  Satan is continuously teaching little children the ideology of individualism in school, and Satan makes it so that everyone is living, focused on individualism, “Me, myself,” that’s the same message that Satan has been pushing since Gen. 3:5, that you can become like God. If I don’t agree with the Word of God, then I don’t need God’s Word because I’m centered on myself.  If I don’t feel good, then I don’t even need to worship because I prioritize my emotions more. If God’s works are not taking place in my life physically, then I don’t need God or His Word.  

This is how Satan has planted into the children a long time through American education, and for children who are growing up Americanized, this is how they’re being dragged around. It doesn’t matter what their parents say, they say, “Don’t bother me.” The Word of God must be relayed from the parents to the children, but instead, the children say, “Don’t bother me; don’t nag at me,” and the reason why people react this way is because that is what the devil has been planting for such a long time. That is what America is like today. Satan is using this individual mediation movement, so that even if we don’t go to church, we can “meet with God” all on our own.  You don’t know this field very well, but if you really look into the field, this transcendental meditation is everywhere. Why is this so popular? Because the devil has been planting and rooting this individualism for a very long time. But the church is not centered on the individual; we all move together, so it doesn’t fit with a lot of people.  On the other hand, this transcendental meditation I can do all by myself, so I love it. They tell you, “You can bring the energy of the universe into yourself.” just like, “You can be Buddha; you can be God.” That is the doctrine of the devil. 

And the reason why the children are taking this in without question or any reluctance, is because the devil has given them the foundation of individualism, but God did not create us to be individuals, God created us in the image of God. God created us to live with God’s word and prayer, and from that, we receive blessings and have the physical abundance and fruitfulness to rule the world, but what the devil tells us is “You can be God, you can be God in America today.” What does it mean to “be my own God”? It means, “You can live with your own strength, and God is really inside of you.” That is how people become buddha, and how they become God. That’s the philosophy of Buddhism.  When you go to yoga and just stretch your body, that’s just an exercise, but that’s not what the meaning of meditation is. The real meaning of yoga and meditation is they want to meet with God, and they do works, they perform healings, but when anything other than Jesus Chrtist comes into you, you are seized and you cannot escape. That is why America is the way it is and the churches are closing down.  You are living inside of this community, so you might be unaware of this, but if you look at the 50 states of America, it’s a big problem.

Inside of the schools, the teachers are teaching the children to be centered on thimbles, on the individual, and there’s no parent who can change this. Then, when they come to church, they listen to a message for 30 minutes and then go home; how can the children be changed? And because the people are not receiving the Word of Jesus Christ correctly, they think , “Oh, Jesus will help my business,” but that’s not Jesus.  What is God’s plan? God desires for you to know and believe the correct Jesus. Otherwise, you’ll be dragged around by depression. The reason why there are so many shootings and suicides are not for no reason, it’s because Satan is dragging us in that direction.  All the shootings in America are not coming from individual’s thoughts; they say, “me, me” and then the devil goes into them, and the work that the devil does is to destroy and kill. That’s the reason why America is the way it is today. Physically speaking, it is strong, it is good. But the culture has made it so that we cannot rely on Jesus Christ. 

Then what happens? Then we will continuously have more and more mental patients and drug addicts. You think that your children won’t fall into that, but there’s no exception. And one day, there are situations where people have no choice but to shoot and kill others. You think this is irrelevant to you, but that’s not the case, because the devil works regardless of you, if there is no Jesus Christ. We build a tower of Babel to elevate our own name without God, and God does not leave that alone; God will never have His glory stolen by humans.

If you think in your heart, “I can raise my own name with my own strength,” God will not let that be, because only God should receive the glory. That glory is through Jesus Christ. If your business or job does not glorify God through the name of Jesus Christ, God will not let it be. Yes, He will let you eat and make a living, but God will never lose His glory to you just so you may be glorified.  “Oh, I believed in Jesus Christ, and I got the gold medal at the Olympics,” that doesn’t fool anyone and the devil knows that.  So through today’s Word, ask yourself, “Is Christ really everything?” Then if you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God is bound to work. If I pray for the work of God in the name of Jesus Christ, then God is bound to work. 

3. People who believe Jesus Christ

  1) Faith

    (1) Sin, Satan, Hell – Salvation (Jn. 19:30)

Then who is Christ? THe disasters come because we don’t know who Christ is. Even if people go to church, they don’t know who Christ is, that’s why they face disasters.  Christ is not someone Who just gives us material prosperity; Christ is not someone Who just heals my cold, Christ did not even come to heal our mental illnesses. Jesus is the Christ. Jesus is His name, and Christ is His position. Disasters and the devil break down before the name of Jesus Christ.  

What is the “Christ”? Ever since humans are born, they think they don’t need God, that is original sin. Even right now, you don’t need Jesus in your studies and work; that’s what you call “sin,” and that sin is the reason for disasters. It doesn’t come because you’re doing something wrong, but everything you do that does not have faith in God will bring disasters; it’s a sin. “I can do this with my own strength,” that’s a sin, and that sin results in continuous disasters. We’re completely enslaved by Satan, then what happens? You cannot escape with your own strength. The invisible forces of darkness have seized you so you can’t escape. In the beginning, it might seem that I can do what I want well.  If there’s a kidnapper who wants to kidnap a child, they give good things like candy, but if that child falls for that and follows the good candy, they cannot escape, just like we cannot escape.  We cannot escape from depression or suicide. We cannot escape from the anger inside of us that makes us want to kill people. We cannot escape from drugs. Why is that? It’s because we go to church without knowing who the Christ is. 

    (2) Way, Truth, Life (Jn. 14:6) – With

Did anyone say anything? You know Jesus Christ for physical reasons, that’s why we have spiritual problems. Jesus Christ died on the cross and resurrected, and completely liberated us from that. Even right now, He is with us, as the way, the truth, and the life. “The Way” means He is the Way for us to meet God.  There is never any other way for us to meet God except the name of Jesus Christ.  We can never meet God in the name of Buddha, we can never meet God with the name of a shaman. He is the Truth. The devil is a liar. If you don’t have the Christ, you cannot overcome the devil. He is the Life. We were spiritually dead, and without Jesus Christ, our spirit can never be saved. 

    (3) Immanuel (Mt. 1:23)

That Christ is inside of me. Matthew says He is with us as Immanuel. He is with the Church, He is with us. Last week, we went on the Florida Missions Camp, but I didn’t go by myself. If we are going together, God has a role for every individual. The reason why God raises the church is that together, He can do His work to save the world through us.

    (4) With you in everything (Rom. 8:28)

Rom. 8:28 says that in all things, God is working with us, that in all things, God works for His good. God has this desire to save the world. Everything in your life, your past, your failures, your successes, it is all to feel the glory of Christ. You need to have faith in this Christ. It’s not about doing something; you must believe. We gain faith by listening to the words of Christ. This time is that time. If somebody gets conned by a conman, it’s because they listen to their words. A woman who falls for a very strange man, it’s because she’s lured by his words. What words should we get hooked on? The Words of Christ. Christ has finished all problems on the cross and He is with us, He is with us with the power of Creation; He is with us with the power to make disciples of all nations. He is with us with the power to do the miracle of 5 loaves and 2 fish. He is the Christ. I hope you will believe in that. If you work diligently without believing in the Christ, it doesn’t matter. Christ Who can change your entire situation, is with you.  Why does everything change? For the name of Christ. Everything is within Christ.  “I can do all things through Him Who gives me strength.” “WIthin the One Who gives me strength” means, “I can do everything within the power of God.”  God can change our diseases, God can change your business and job for His plan. 

  2) First

So what is first? That’s important.

    (1) Your kingdom come on earth (Mt. 6:10)

When Jesus Christ taught His disciples how to pray in Mt. 6:10, He says, “Pray for God’s Kingdom to come, pray first for the throne of the Kingdom of Heaven to work upon my life and my field on this earth. If the Kingdom of God is established in my life, all the kingdom of Satan and curses and disasters are broken.

    (2) His kingdom and his righteousness (Mt. 6:33)

Mt. 6:33 says, “First, seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness.” The Kingdom of God is the place where Jesus Christ is reigning as Lord, and the righteousness of God is the gospel of Christ.  There is nothing righteous other than Christ, and the one who believes in Christ is righteous. Pray for the gospel and the Kingdom where the gospel reigns. Pray for your business and job to be used to spread the Kingdom of God where Christ reigns. Is there a problem in your family? God has the power to change it, but why did He allow that problem in your family? So you can know who Christ is truly and live only by His Word.  Christ is the True God.  Anyone who has seen Christ has seen the Father God, and only before the name of Jesus Christ does the king of this world, Satan, shake and tremble.

    (3) Soul, All may go well with you, Good health (3 Jn. 1:2)

3 Jn. 1:2 says “As your soul gets along well.” Your soul must be well. Then, all will go well with you, and you will have good health.  If your spirit is dying, even if everything is going well for you, that’s not a good thing. Your spirit must be well. How can my spirit be well? If Christ is inside of me and He is my Lord, then He will reign over my life. So I hope you will stop trying to work well, but instead, first try to prioritize your spirit being well. If you have skill and are good at working, you may be able to go a little bit farther, but you won’t be able to go further. But if your spirit is well, then you can go for the long run. The Lord desires to establish God’s Kingdom and His righteousness through you for the rest of your life.

  3) Holy Spirit – Spirit of truth (Jn. 14:17)

Where is Christ now? He is with me as the Holy Spirit. I hope you believe in that. But if you don’t have money, you don’t believe that.  When you face a problem, you don’t believe that anymore.  If someone says words that hurt your feelings, you get sucked into that and you stop believing. 

    (1) Guidance (Rom. 8:14, Jn. 14:26, Gal. 5:18)

He is with me forever and He is guiding me. How does He guide me? The Holy Spirit teaches you and reminds you of Jesus Christ; He guides you with the Word. So the Word you are receiving right now guides you as a path for the rest of the week because Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  The Word of Jesus Christ is life, truth, and Light, and the way, and the Word of Jesus Christ saves me. That Word of Christ becomes my way in a world I’ve never lived before. Many people say many things, but only Christ is the Truth, only the Word of Christ is the truth. We must follow that, then, we will have life. 

    (2) Fruits (Ps. 1:3, Gal. 5:22-23)

    (3) Filling, ends of the earth – Witness (Ac. 1:8)


1. Pray about all things in the name of Christ

2. Problem, circumstance, crisis – Concentration prayer

Meditate on this Word of the Lord 24 hours; that means to pray. How can I pray 24 hours a day? All you have to do is continuously remember the covenant that the Lord gave you for 24 hours. “I will be with you, and I will evangelize to the entire world through you,” that was the promise God gave to Abraham. After Jesus Christ resurrected, He told us to go and make disciples of all nations, to feed the next generations, and to heal people .That is God’s promise so He will continue to fulfill that. How can you receive continuous answers?  Continuously hold onto that Word, meditate, and pray about it. Even if you face financial problems, stop looking at your problems but hold onto the covenant of God and pray.  Stop getting stuck on your physical disease or sickness, but pray holding onto the covenant. Stop getting deceived by your depression because the covenant of God can overcome your depression. Our suicidal ideations cannot overcome the covenant. Those thoughts and problems are not from you; they are from the works of Satan and the devil.  

Only the Word of Christ. Only to reveal the name of Christ to the entire world. Then God will continue to work upon you with answers for that covenant. This is what you call “24 hour prayer.” It’s not about what I want, the covenant of God doesn’t change. Whether in rain or in snow, whether you’re sick or healthy, the Word of God is fulfilled. Even right now, you should be praying, because God is working to answer His covenant even now. Even right this moment, when you pray holding onto the covenant, God is working upon your business field. But you don’t believe in that and you keep trying to work with your own strength and skill, yes, you can make a living because God told you that He will keep you alive, but God’s covenant will not be fulfilled upon that person, because that person does not believe in God’s covenant and they do not pray. 

All of the crowds who followed Jesus after the miracle of the five loaves and two fish did not follow Jesus again. Later on in Jn. 6, Jesus says, “The physical food you eat is not everything, you need spiritual food,” they said, “What are you talking about?” and left.  In the midst of your problems, your circumstances, and crises, do not run away.  You pretend you’re so strong but when you face a problem or incident, you run away. Then do you think Christ is gonna lose to your problem? I hope that you will hold onto the name of Jesus Christ and pray to see God’s answers and plan within that problem.  Why don’t you pray? Because you don’t believe in the name of Jesus Christ. You don’t pray because you’ve gone your whole life using your own calculations and hard work. God doesn’t want you to keep living like that. The reason God humbles you and makes you wander the wilderness for 40 years is to make you realize that you must live with the Word of God alone.

3. All nations, healing, future generation – Temple construction

In conclusion, the Word to make disciples of all nations will be fulfilled, and even right now, the Lord is doing the work of raising up people who are physically, spiritually, and mentally sick, and healing them, and He will continue. God is raising up the next generations for the future now and in the future, and God will ultimately do the temple construction to do those three works. 

The miracle of the 5 loaves and 2 fish simply means that whatever we have, we throw to the Lord in faith, and the Lord does the rest.  Without that faith, you can never please God. The only things I have are 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, but the Lord says that’s enough, because the Lord does not work with what you have; you are living with the things of the Lord. Then are you always going to worry about what to eat? Are you going to worry about the five loaves and two fish tomorrow, too?  Instead, hold onto the word of God’s covenant and live a life that fulfills the covenant. 

In present-day America, the churches are disappearing, that’s the time schedule. And because the churches are empty, people are taking these buildings for free because you cannot sell a church anywhere else.   At least, the church owners have a conscience, so they just give the building away for free for another church to take. This is the stream of America today. Just like it happened to the UK, it’s happening to America.  

So today, what must you and I do? Only Christ, only the power of Christ, and the glory to only elevate the name of Christ. If that faith is hooked into your heart, there’s nothing that can stop you. There’s nobody and nothing that can overcome Christ. May you experience this faith throughout the week.

Message Prayer

Let us pray together holding onto the Word we have received.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You.  We thank You for giving us the Christ and for giving us the grace to believe in Him.  We thank You for allowing us to believe that Christ is the true God and He is with us forever.  Allow us to believe that everything comes from Christ and to testify of Christ to the whole world. Allow Christ to be the Lord of our lives in the midst of every problem, and may the offering that we have given be used to testify of Jesus Christ to the entire world. We pray that you will work with the miracle of the 5 loaves and 2 fish upon all those people who are suffering physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially. We pray that, by the work of the Holy Spirit, that the people who do not have faith may receive faith today.  We pray that all  of the forces of curses, disasters, hell, and disease be broken in the name of Christ. May all the disasters of poverty be broken down in the name of Christ.  May all the curses and disasters that are breaking down our future generations be bound, and may we stand in the seat of the witness that Christ changes curses into blessings, and we believe that You will raise us up as the witnesses who save the future generations and the entire world.  We pray that You will bless the businesses of all of the church officers, and we believe that You will work with the economy of light for temple construction and world evangelization. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

God, we thank You.  We pray that the faith of only Jesus Christ will go into these future generations.  Allow them to receive all of the answers of Only Jesus Christ, and God, we pray that You will raise them up as the witnesses of Only Jesus Christ to America and the entire world. We pray that you will change all of their problems into blessings through Jesus Christ, and may You give them the evidence that, for the name of Jesus Christ, God will shame the strong with the poor. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer

2. 8/12 (Sun.) Graduation worship, 1:30PM.

3. LA Regional College Retreat, 8/15(Thurs.)-17(Sat.).

4. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, guidance, and working, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire for Christ to become their everything, and to receive everything from Christ, and to testify of that to the entire world, upon their businesses, their academics, and everything they do, upon the heads of all of those who are diseased, mentally and physically, upon their businesses that are struggling and in difficulty, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.

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