One Who Testifies of Jesus Christ (Jn. 5:30-47)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

One Who Testifies of Jesus Christ (Jn. 5:30-47)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless and greet one another, those who are sitting here as well as those who are worshiping online and in the Yakima, Seattle regional church, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May we all remain within the unprecedented and never-repeated answers today.  Answers come from God. Nonbelievers do not have answers; they live with their own diligence.  But when are humans most happy?  I’m sure that a baby is most happy when he is within his mother’s arms because the fact that a baby is within his mother’s arms means that he has entrusted his entire life to her.  From the moment you entrust your entire life to God, you will have happiness; before that point, you will never have happiness.  If there is a baby in his mother’s arms, but the baby is trying to think his own thoughts, that will only cause the baby to suffer, and one day, that baby will have burdens in his heart and mental problems.  That child will always be faced with anxiety and fear of the future.  However, if we are with God, then we need to have faith to entrust our lives entirely to God.  But because we don’t have faith in him and we’re not able to entrust our lives to him, it is a heavy burden for us.

1. Testimony by human – Joseph

  1) Jesus

    (1) By myself I can do nothing (Jn. 5:30)

    (2) I judge only as I hear (Jn. 5:30)

    (3) I seek to please him who sent me (Jn. 5:30)

In order for us to do this, we need to know who Jesus Christ is.  In John 5, Jesus Christ heals an invalid who was sick for 38 years, and that was on the Sabbath day, so the Pharisees were persecuting Jesus, saying, “Why are you working on the Sabbath?” Jesus Christ says, “My Father, God, is working, so I am working as well.”  Then, the Pharisees were saying, “Are you saying that you are like God?”  In response to the Pharisees’ questioning Him, Jesus said, “There is someone who testifies that we are the same.”  Jesus came to this earth as a human, but He never lived according to his own will; He followed the will of God. He did not do things according to Himself, but according to what His father had told Him and shown Him.  If a child does whatever the mother tells them to do, the child doesn’t have to worry about anything. If the child sees everything according to what the mother teaches the child, there is nothing to worry about.  

  2) John

    (1) A man sent from God (Jn. 1:6)

Jesus Christ is God, but in the Jewish law, there needs to be two or three witnesses in order for something to be accepted, and the first witness Jesus brings up is John the Baptist.  John the Baptist testifies of the fact that Jesus is God, and this is why John the Baptist looked at Jesus and said, “This is the lamb of God who bears the sins of man, this is the lamb of God who will bear the sins of all of the world by dying on the cross.”  

    (2) A witness to testify concerning that light and truth (Jn. 5:33, Jn. 1:8)

    (3) He who comes after me (Jn. 1:15)

    (4) The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (Jn. 1:29)

    (5) He was before John (Jn. 1:30)

John the Baptist was actually born 6 months before Jesus Christ, but John said that Jesus came before him, that Jesus is the Son of God. 

    (6) Son of God (Jn. 1:34)

The fact that He is called the Son of God, doesn’t mean there is a Father God and a Mother God, and they bore a child, the Son God; it means that the Son of God and God are the same, that is the way the Bible uses the term, “Son.”

2. Testimony by God

  1) Works of God (Jn. 5:36)

    (1) Testimony weightier than that of John (Jn. 5:36)

The first one who testifies that Jesus Christ is God is John the Baptist, and the second witness is God Himself.  In Jn. 5:36, “There is a testimony greater that of John. It is the work that the Father Himself has given to Me.”  So, God the Father Himself is testifying for Jesus. If you don’t believe that the words of Jesus are the words of God the Father, then you do not have faith; you must be able to believe in that to have faith. 

    (2) The works that the Father has given Jesus to finish (Jn.5:36)

    (3) Testify for Jesus (Jn. 5:36)

  2) God has himself testified (Jn. 5:37)

Jn. 5:37 says, “The Father has borne witness about Me.” 

    (1) Scriptures – Testify about Jesus (Jn. 5:39, 46)

    (2) Eternal life (Jn. 5:39)

Jn. 5:39 says, “You diligently study the scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life, but the scriptures testify about Me.”  So, what do the Old Testament scriptures testify about?  They all testify about Jesus Christ.  So, Jesus is talking to the Pharisees questioning them, “Why do you study the scriptures without acknowledging that Jesus is the Christ, that He is God?”  So, God the Father Himself is testifying of Jesus, through the words of the Bible.  

    (3) Offspring of woman (Gen. 3:15)

When Adam and Eve sinned against God and were separated from God, God gave them the original gospel in Gen. 3:15, that the offspring of the woman would come and crush the head of the serpent.  The “Offspring of woman” means, not somebody who is born of a man and woman, but a person who is born of a virgin woman, He will be the Messiah. “The serpent will strike His heel,” meaning Christ would die on the cross.  Jesus Christ died on the cross for all our sins, and that is the way to liberate us from Satan.  In the age of Noah, there was a flood that destroyed everyone, and the way to survive was to go into the Ark, and that Ark represents Jesus Christ.  In Gen. 12, Abraham receives salvation by believing in the Christ, and God said, “Through you, all nations will be blessed; through your seed, all peoples will be saved.”  The book of Galatians explains that the seed of Abraham is not many seeds, but it is one seed, that is Jesus Christ.  

  3) Jewish people

So, through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, it is all talking about Jesus Christ.  When the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt for 400 years, they were rescued when they applied the blood of the lamb, which represents the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross.  And then God told the Israelites to create the Tabernacle which itself represents Jesus Christ.  The Tabernacle has the Ark of the Covenant inside of it, as a way for the Israelites to be with God. Even after they made the Temple, the Tabernacle represents Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 7:14, God warned the Israelites, “You will be taken captives as slaves, however, enjoy the blessing of being with God through Immanuel,” that’s Jesus Christ.  There were seven feasts mentioned in the Old Testament including the Passover, Pentecost, and Ingathering; all of those feasts represent Jesus Christ, so everything inside of the Old Testament is telling us about Jesus Christ.  God created the Law of the Sabbath, and the Lord of the Sabbath is Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath. 

    (1) Refuse Jesus to have eternal life (Jn. 5:40)

So Jesus is questioning the leaders, “Why do you follow the Old Testament scriptures, but you don’t believe in Jesus?”  Somebody who finds faith in Jesus Christ has done the correct worship and the correct Bible study.  If the faith of Jesus Christ does not go accurately into you through the Bible, then you become like the Jewish people were. In Jn. 5:40, Jesus is speaking to the Jewish leaders, “You study the scriptures diligently in order to have eternal life, yet you refuse to come to Me to have life,” so even though they kept all of the worship and the feasts of the Old Testament, they lost hold of what it was all talking about.  

    (2) Do not have the love of God in your hearts (Jn. 5:42)

In Jn. 5:42, Jesus says, “I know you do not have the love of God within you.”  Anything you do not do with love, you have an ulterior motive.  I’m sure every man and wife got married in the beginning because they loved each other, and that must become the goal.  But instead of a marriage beginning with love, if somebody says, “If I marry that man, that will be a benefit to my life,” then it’s over.  A child should love their parents and receive the love of their parents, but if the child is thinking, “I can use and manipulate my parents,” then that child is done for.  

The Jewish people were living their walk of faith with the Bible without love for Jesus.  God saved the Jewish people, then that God Himself should be the goal. But for these people, God Himself was not the goal; their goal was whatever they desired, so they want to use God to get whatever they want.  If you realize your parents only see you as an instrument to make money, is that a normal child? That’s not a normal child; then already, the relationship between parent and child is broken, and over time, the fact that that relationship is broken will be more and more apparent.  

If you examine yourself today and realize, “The reason I’m following Jesus is not because He loves me and I love Him,” then whatever reason you have is fake.  We call that an idol. God must be everything in my life, He must be my life’s goal, but instead, we are embracing something else and we are only praying to God to get whatever other thing we want.  That’s why Jesus says, “I know you do not have the love of God inside your heart,” and they do everything they need to, they read the Bible, they pray, they worship.  Even though they do everything they need to, they do not have the love of God inside their heart.  

    (3) If someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him (Jn. 5:43)

But instead of accepting Jesus Christ, Jn. 5:43 says, “If another comes in his own name, you will receive him.”  In other words, they receive people who are visiting them for business. They will invite teachers who can help their children into their homes. Instead of receiving Jesus, they receive people like that, because inside of their hearts is money, these people think that money is their god.  But the Bible tells us that we should be content if we have enough to eat and clothes to wear.  But we keep making ourselves love something incorrect, so our lives are full of suffering.

When you first accepted Jesus, it was so good, wasn’t it? Do you know why that love cools off as time passes? It’s because you have a different goal.  If you have a different goal, you will not be aligned with God.  As your child grows up, if they have thoughts that are different from yours more and more, then your relationship with your child will be strained.  

    (4) Accept glory from one another (Jn. 5:44)

In Jn. 5:44, Jesus says, “You do not seek praise from God, but praise from other people.” In other words, you are living for your own name and for your own fame right now, you are not living for the glory of God.  That’s why even though Jesus is in front of them, they do not accept Him.  What about you and me?  Is Jesus in my heart as truly everything, or do I believe that money is everything? Or is the goal of my life to fix my disease?  Is the name of Jesus Christ the goal of your life, or is the goal of your life to shine the name of your family line now that you’ve immigrated here? If the name of Jesus is not inside of your heart, everything is an idol, and idols cannot make you happy.  In fact, it will only bring curses and disasters for 3 to 4 generations.  

What is an idol? Your greed is idolatry.  The reason Adam and Eve’s lives were destroyed was because they had the greed of wanting to become like God. The superpower nation of America will activate people’s greed.  No matter how much the government gives us, no matter how much we have, the people will never be satisfied because they keep activating more and more greed.  The characteristic of an elite is that they will set a goal for their life, and they will race towards that goal, and once they accomplish that goal, they have to race towards another goal.  Jesus is not their goal; Jesus is just a tool that they use.  Then, they find the pleasure and excitement of their life by designating a goal and racing madly towards that goal. That’s America. That’s the reason why there are so many people who abuse drugs and have mental illnesses. 

That’s the case for every superpower nation in history; it was like that during the Roman Empire, during the age of Egypt, during the age of Babylon and Assyria, Greece; every superpower nation in history has activated people’s greed.  So, in every superpower nation, the king or the emperor was destroyed because of their sexual corruption, because they were not satisfied with God. As you live your walk of faith, if you are not satisfied with Christ alone, you will never be satisfied with the things of earth. In your mind, you’re thinking, “If only I could fix this problem,” or, “If only I could get this,” then that is activating your greed.  But you and I are not meant to live like that.  

The Creator God Himself came to earth as a human and is living within us as the Holy Spirit.  Aligning my life to Him and breathing and walking with Him is my happiness.  But instead, we are trying to satisfy our greed, thinking, “If only I get this or accomplish that,” but it will never be enough. In fact the more time passes, the bigger the problem will be.  The Lord knows this and asks, “Why don’t you believe in Jesus?” It’s because you have something else inside of your heart.  Why is it that you live your walk of faith but you’re not receiving answers?  It’s because you’re not aligned with God.  If you were aligned with God, you would receive answers immediately. If a baby is aligned with their mother, they would receive answers immediately, but if a child keeps breaking their promises to their parents and doing the opposite of what their parents want, the child will get something else.  

3. Jesus Christ – Witness

So, John the Baptist testified of Jesus and God the Father testified of Jesus using the Word of God itself, so these are the words of Jesus dying on the cross.  Jesus Christ died on the cross for all our sins, then He went to hell, He resurrected, and now He’s living within us as the Holy Spirit, and now the Holy Spirit testifies of Jesus to us.  

  1) Grace and truth (Jn. 1:17)

Jn. 1:17 says that Jesus Christ is full of Grace and Truth. 

    (1) The law was given through Moses – Accuser (Jn. 1:17, 45)

The law of Moses was about accusing people, but Jesus Christ is full of grace and truth.  If you only try to fuel up the actions of humans by following the law, that is only living for yourself.  Let’s say, for example, there’s a child who says, “If I act cute to my mom, then she will feed me,” that is the law.  What is the gospel?  “I trust my mom; of course she would feed me.”  So you can distinguish your walk of faith with these two scenarios. Do you think, “If I do this and that, then God will give me this as a reward?”  That is someone who is stuck in the law. The Creator God has created me and has prepared my future.  If you believe in that God, then naturally things come.  The things that God has are given to me.  

Are you anxious?  Is there anything in your family where you wish, “I hope this is resolved.” Is there somebody sick inside of your family? Instead of talking about all of these different conditions, just lay it down before God.  God is not somebody with Whom we can negotiate conditions. God is the One Who can make something out of nothing. Stop trying to make deals with God with money.  God is the One Who gives you money and takes away money.  Stop trying to impress God with your good actions; believing in Jesus is God’s righteousness.  If a parent does not believe this is their child, it doesn’t matter what this child does; the parent will not treat them like their child. It doesn’t matter what this child does, if they truly believe that this parent is my parent, then that parent will be delighted with that child.

    (2) Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms – Jesus (Lk. 24:44)

Luke 24:44 says that all the laws of Moses, the first five books of the Old Testament, the Prophets and the Psalms, all of these were testifying of Jesus.  That is God testifying of Jesus through the Bible.  So, that Jesus Who was testified of, died on the cross for us and resurrected, and He is with whoever believes in that.  What is He doing inside of us?  Romans 8:16 says that “The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children,” so the Holy Spirit inside of us keeps telling us that we are God’s child.  1 Cor. 12:3 says that, without the Holy Spirit, it is impossible for us to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  We can never confess that, “Jesus is Lord,” unless it is by the Holy Spirit.  Is Jesus your Lord?  When you face a problem, is Jesus your Lord?  If there is an unrelenting, continuous problem in your family line, is Jesus still your Lord?  It is correct that Jesus is your Lord, but that is the person who is inside the work of the Holy Spirit. However, when you face a problem, is it hard to believe that Jesus is Lord?  That’s not the work of the Holy Spirit, then what do you think is working?  It is the work of the spirit of lies.  Jesus is the Lord, but instead, in our hearts, we feel like He is not the Lord.  If Jesus really is the Lord, then nothing is a problem. There is nothing a child needs to worry about if they are truly with their parents.  That is what Jesus is talking about.  

    (3) Rise from the dead on the third day (Lk. 24:46)

John 15:16, it talks about the Spirit of Truth, that when the Spirit of Truth comes, It will testify about Jesus.  What does the Holy Spirit do? The Holy Spirit testifies that we are the children of God and then teaches us about Jesus Christ.  Therefore, there can only be two options: am I receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit, or am I following my own physical desires?  The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of  Jesus Christ, and if I believe that Jesus is my Lord and I follow that Spirit, then I will bear the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit.  The more time passes, this person will bear more and more fruits.  However, if somebody does not follow the Holy Spirit and instead, follows the cravings of their sinful nature, then they will receive all of the problems.  What does it mean to follow the cravings of our sinful nature?  It means that, instead of trying to follow after Jesus, I try to get whatever I want, and there’s a few different ways that’s possible.  Money, fame; there are some people who say they don’t care about money, then their glory or their fame.  Some people say, “I don’t need a lot of money, I just need to be in a high position.“  If you have respect and glory, then money follows; if you have money, you can buy honor.  

  2) Name of Jesus 

    (1) Repentance for the forgiveness of sins (Lk. 24:47)

So instead of seeking Jesus, they are chasing after those things.  Since that person is already not aligned with God in their heart, that will result in all sorts of problems. Which path are you on? Whenever you come to worship, you need to confirm that.  Am I teaching my child to remain within the correct path of remaining within the Holy Spirit, or am I teaching my child the incorrect path of following their own physical desires?  John 16:13 says that when the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all Truth and teach you about what is yet to come, so the Holy Spirit reveals the future to you.  Of course, you don’t know the future.  However, if you receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will know the future and those are the people who need to run their business, because you know the future as you do that.  People who are not able to do that, you need to go into the guidance of the Holy Spirit so you can do that.  

    (2) Jerusalem – Preached to all nations (Lk. 24:47)

Joseph became the governor and there were seven years of great harvest and seven years of famine, but the Holy Spirit reveals the future to Joseph.  During The seven years of great harvest, they created these great storehouses and stored all of their grains and harvest. There’s nobody who could have predicted this. No matter how good someone is at their business, they could never predict that future, and then, during the seven years of great famine, they sold all their grain, so all that money was localized to the King of Egypt, and from that point on, Egypt changed to be a powerful nation.  Because all the people in Egypt were about to starve to death, they sold their land to Egypt for grain.  When the people of a nation have a lot of money and wealth, they don’t listen to the words of the government.  But because they don’t have grain to eat, they have to sell everything they have to receive what they can from the government.

If you don’t have God’s wisdom and guidance, you cannot even have leadership; in fact, the higher you climb up, the more difficult it will be.  Every single time David went out into war, he won 100%.  How did he win those wars?  David only won because God was with him in that battle.  How can the things that I do become prosperous?  If I do things according to God’s will, then God will open that way of prosperity.  Every single time there was a battle or a war, David prayed to God, “Should I go or should I not?” and David only went out when God said, “Yes.” 

America is a land full of immigrants.  What is the characteristic of an immigrant? They keep moving around, that’s the characteristic of an immigrant.  “If there’s nothing to eat here, I’ll move over there, and if there’s nothing to eat there, I’ll move over there.” That person will always be enslaved by what they can eat.  We must be within God’s guidance.  When we receive God’s Word and God’s will that He desires to fulfill, then we receive peace. 

    (3) Witnesses of these things (Lk. 24:48)

Abraham was told to go into the land of Canaan, but he ran away to Egypt because there was a famine in Canaan.  And after he suffers and suffers, he ultimately goes back to Canaan. Everybody is following “Making a living” or “Making their business work”; that becomes their reason.  But that is why God is saying, “You don’t have the love of God in your heart.” Your business should not be your reason; God should be your reason.  When Abraham and Lot were parting ways, Lot selected the land of Sodom and Gomorrah where business was booming and thriving.  Abraham chose the land of Canaan where God’s Word had taken him.  Even though Lot chose the land that was physically more prosperous, it resulted in curses and disasters.  The land of America, physically speaking, is a very good land, like the garden of Eden, but if you move around, chasing after making a living and what to eat, it will be a disaster.  If you are living for your own physical reason, then that turns into disaster.  However, in this great nation, if you receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, then God’s blessings will be relayed to the entire world, and that’s what God wants you to do. 

John 14:16 says the Holy Spirit will glorify Jesus Christ and make what is His known to me.  So, the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus’ glory.  It’s not for our glory, it’s not for the glory of our family line; in fact, our family line must gather together for the glory of Jesus.  India has great skill in the IT field, so most of the IT businesses in America have an Indian person as their CEO.  They memorized their multiplication tables up to 100.  We only memorize the multiplication tables up to 9, maybe 10 times, but the Indian people memorize their multiplication tables up to 100, and then they go into the most prestigious training in India, and in order to do that, the entire family must invest in and support this person so they can go to the most prestigious place, then once that person makes it thought that prestigious ranking, they are able to feed and save their entire family.  There are some Asian countries that will invest in someone in their family line so that they can go into the military.  Because if they’re able to go into the British military, then they would receive the same benefits as a UK civilian, so if there’s one person in Asia who is able to go into that military force, then they can support their entire family.  

Are there any people who are thinking, “If just one person in my family makes it successfully, then they can support or they can glorify our entire family.”  Are there people looking to glorify their family? If we live for our own glory, God will never have His glory stolen from us, so we will be destroyed. Only the glory of the Triune God must be revealed. The Lord will never have His glory stolen by anybody.  So if there’s a family that gathers together and says, “Somebody’s gotta make it in our family line,” then God will destroy them.  When your family gathers together, then they should talk about the glory of Jesus Christ, and the reason to immigrate should be to glorify Jesus Christ.  

  3) Sent what he promised (Lk. 24:49)

    (1) Until you have been clothed with power from on high (Lk. 24:49)

    (2) Stay in the city – Concentration (Lk. 24:49)

    (3) Witness to the ends of the earth (Ac. 1:8)

When the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we will be witnesses of Jesus until the ends of the earth. The Holy Spirit is inside of me.  Lately, we have our smartphones so we’re able to call and text and watch videos and dramas all on our phones.  Before we had that, we had to go to a TV to watch TV; we had to go to a payphone to make calls, we had to buy a separate camera, but God is within us as the Holy Spirit, and we must resolve everything inside of that.  How can we do that? It’s with faith, then what does it mean to believe?  Just because you go to church does not mean you have faith; it means you’re able to entrust every part of your life to Him.  The thought that is coming into your brain right now, may you entrust that to the Lord.  That’s what it means to believe in Jesus  if you go to church but you’re not able to entrust that to the Lord, then you don’t really believe.  Because you lack faith, you have works of unbelief happening in your life, so rather than having actions of faith, you entrust everything to the Lord through prayer; you just take it to God. 

When you study, you take it to God; when you’re running your business, you take it to God, and then something else will come to us, and you must be happy with that relationship.  There’s nothing else in our lives that will make us happy.  At this time, if you are not happy simply with the prayer of entrusting everything to the Lord, then there is nothing else that will make you happy.  “If I accomplish this milestone in my job,” that will never make you happy; it will only give you more heavy burdens. “If only my child would accomplish this,” that will never work.  Right now, at this time, entrust everything to the God Who is with you right now.  Even when you go out, you need to entrust everything to the Lord Who is within you.  That’s the evidence that you have faith in Him.  Then, He will guide you, and you will naturally bear fruits.  But why do you not have fruits? It’s because you don’t believe.  “Oh, but I go to church,” that doesn’t matter.  The Jewish people worshiped so much and then were destroyed. It’s because they didn’t believe; they had idol worship.  

Your life is not anywhere else; it is inside of you.  Your depression, your mental illnesses, all of your problems, where are they finished? With Christ. Instead of being seized by your scars, may you entrust your scars to the Lord.  Stop being so seized by your depression; entrust your depression itself to the Lord. When you’re always anxious, you’ll be seized by depression.  How can you be freed from your drug addiction? Just entrust it to the Lord.  If you don’t entrust everything to the Lord, you’ll always have to rely on substances.  People who are addicted to alcohol or gambling, all of that is a mental illness that comes as a result of not trusting in the Lord.   The Lord Who is perfect and complete is with me through the Holy Spirit, 24/7 for eternity. 


1. 24 prayer – With Jesus, Guidance (Business, Studies for evangelism)

2. 25 God’s power – Incident, Field

3. Eternal – Life movement

Stop trying to do something but instead, if you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you through your business, then works will arise and people will be saved. Your business itself should not be the goal; your business is just material possessions. Jesus must be your goal.  Then, the prayer topic for your business is for Jesus Christ and for Jesus Christ to be glorified.  Otherwise, it means your greed and your desires are your goal, so that is why you suffer.  You’ll always be seized by money, thinking, “God, why don’t You give me more money? Isn’t it about time?”  There’s no need to be like that.  You entrust it to the Lord for the glory of Jesus Christ.  Everything in prayer.  Try praying while you work. Then God will continuously give you answers.  You have to experience that at least once to realize that happiness in life comes from this and nowhere else.  May you go into the guidance of the Holy Spirit throughout the week so you may be the ones to testify of it.

Message Prayer

God has given His Word to each individual personally, because the Word is God. So hold onto that Word and pray to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Let us pray together holding onto the Word we have received.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You.  We thank You for finishing all of the problems on the cross and for being with us and guiding us even now through the Holy Spirit.  Allow us to believe in and receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit within us through prayer and to find happiness through that prayer. Allow us to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit to live for Christ and the glory of Christ.  May all the dirty spirits of lies and deceit be broken in the name of Jesus, and may we follow only the Lord.  We have returned Your material as offering.  We believe You will work with the blessing to do world evangelization, upon all of the hands that have given the offering, for tithe, temple construction, missions, future generations, thanksgiving, and other offering topics.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

God, we thank You. We pray that You will bless the lives of all the newcomers so that they will receive the answers of the Word of God fulfilled in their lives so they may live with the guidance and with the Holy Spirit, for the glory of Jesus Christ. May You bless all of their family lines in Mexico, Mongolia, and wherever they may be.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer

2. Florida camp (7/28-8/2)

3. 8/3 (Sat.), WRC Broadcasting, 1:00pm, ICSC

4. 8/12 (Sun.) Graduation worship, 1:30PM.

5. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, guidance, and working, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to testify of and glorify Jesus Christ by the working and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, upon their businesses, their academics, and upon the Florida Missions camp, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.

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