7 Bartizans, 7 Journeys, 7 Guideposts – Life of the Evangelist – Mission

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

7 Bartizans, 7 Journeys, 7 Guideposts – Life of the Evangelist – Mission

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han


God, we thank You.  May the life of the evangelist and the 7 journeys become our journey.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

We don’t go on the journey however we want; we go on the path God has prepared.  When is God with us? Until we go to heaven, and while we live on this earth, we go along the path He has prepared for us. 

7 Bartizans

Why 7 bartizans?  To explain “bartizan” biblically, the Israelites had castles and towers and placed a watchman atop the tower, and that was a bartizan.  In Isaiah 60, it says the bartizan shines the light and they need to pray without ceasing, why is that? When the enemies come, the Israelites need to prepare. With this meaning, we call it, “bartizan.”  If we fall asleep, the enemies will be able to attack, and we’re talking about this spiritually, so if we’re spiritually falling asleep, Satan will attack.

Without knowing this principle, you will ask, “Why do I have to do this? Aren’t all problems finished?” But you think with the thoughts Satan planted long ago.  People don’t think about this, they think it’s finished because it’s finished.  Being finished means, fundamentally, our problems are finished.  From there, God’s Word and spiritual blessings from above need to be upon our thoughts, heart, and emotions.  Without knowing this, you cannot nurture new believers.  We need to have the training of faith where God completely seizes our thoughts, heart, and emotions.  Within our thoughts, heart, and emotions, we have Satan’s bartizan that continuously goes against God.  We received salvation, but we still have this nature. If you don’t know this, you cannot understand other people.  Then, you’ll ask, “Why do they act that way even though they believe in Jesus?”  Simply, because they believe in Jesus, it’s to that extent.  But people aren’t able to understand this portion.  All people have scars within their thoughts and heart. 


Know this to imprint the bartizan of God.  Continuously imprint God’s covenantal Word so that Satan’s bartizan is broken down.  Because you don’t know this, you question and become confused, “Why do people act that way even though they believe in Jesus?” 

Jesus Christ

Triune God – With

Word, Salvation, Power

He is with us in this way, and you need to know this to hold onto God’s Word instead of my thoughts.  You need to know this blessing of salvation, you have been saved and you will be saved, and God is with us with His power.  The Lord has resurrected and said He would be with us.  So, God’s Kingdom, His mission, is with us, so we must plant this.  So, once people have this urge to evangelize, they do it, but once they go back, they cannot do it, why is that? This Word isn’t planted within them.  This is just a process. 

God’s Kingdom – Mission

This is the mission, you need to hold to God’s Kingdom, His mission, and then your actions as a nonbeliever will slowly change.   Your life mission and God’s plan is to continuously expand God’s Kingdom, starting with Jerusalem, and this mission must be planted into your heart and thoughts. Because it’s not planted, you live in a different way.  Originally we talked about going out to camp, but later on, it ended up not happening.  You can diligently start it, but after some time, you cannot continue because of Genesis 3.  It’s not a matter of whether you do it or not, but what is planted within you, what is moving your actions?  If this is firmly within you, you have no choice but to carry out God’s mission.  You don’t do it with your own strength and power, but you do it with the power of the Holy Spirit, the power of the Throne of Heaven. 

Power of the Throne

Unprecedented, never repeated – me, church, field

Me – past, present, and future



237, Healing, Summit

We have no choice but to follow the answers the church receives.  This is God’s Word, go to the 237 nations, heal all people, and feed the future generations. 

Ruler of the Kingdom of the Air

You need to bind Satan, but if you have unbelief, he will enter you because you have the authority.  Once you bind him, he will flee.  When does he enter? When we have unbelief.  This power must come upon me. 


Joseph knew in advance. What is the covenant?  There’s nothing complicated, do you see family problems?  Christ is the answer.  Do you not see it?  Then, you have no choice but to fall into your family problems.  No need to boast to others, but what is the problem of our family?  You need to see that and see Christ in that.  If you don’t, it won’t work out. 

Imprint this through prayer. If you dwell in your scars, it will lead to bigger problems.  You continuously think about hurtful things someone said to you 20 years ago, it becomes your root, nature, and fate.  From this covenantal bartizan, that leads to the seven journeys. 

Heavenly mandate, calling, and mission

If you don’t understand your lifelong mission, you have no choice but to try to carry out your mission on your own.  Then it’s like you do it on your own.  Alexandra is going to MN next week so instead of choir, her mother is singing a special praise.  While in music school, study while praying, otherwise you lose all the blessings and you’ll focus on working, you become tired, you yawn and fall asleep, and that’s normal.  It’s the same for work out in the world, but because you’re earning money, you endure it, and it’s hard.  That’s why your life isn’t happy anymore.  Why is that?  God’s Spirit is with me and He must completely fill me for me to be able to do this. 

Depending on who is around you, you’re influenced differently.  The Triune God is with me, and if my heart and thoughts are focused on Him, His influence comes upon me.  With my body, I’m singing or working, and that influence is relayed to others.  The reason why God can’t give you great works is because you do this with your own mental strength.  There is a mystery, the mystery of prayer and unlimited power.  Learn this at church.  If you’re doing work at church, receive God’s power and wisdom as you continuously do it in prayer.  That is the mystery of prayer.  Then, once you’re trained in this, once you go out into the world, it’s different.  No one could interpret Pharoah’s dream, only Joseph could because he enjoyed the mystery of prayer. 

Power of God.  As you pray, that’s what’s important.  Don’t just listen to the message, but because you’re just listening, when you go out into the world, you work and face your limitation, and you have no wisdom and you just do the work.  Focus on the Word as you do your work, be trained in this and the Holy Spirit will reveal and enlighten you to God’s word.  You can’t understand on your own, but then you can understand through prayer.  As you do deep breathing, train within this every Sunday, and even when you go out into the world, you can lead the world; otherwise you will be dragged by the world.  If you don’t have this mystery of prayer of God’s power, you will face your limitations and be seized by the world.  God said He would give us the power to overcome and establish God’s Kingdom in the world but you cannot. 

Power of the Holy Spirit

God promised to give you power, but you are imprinted and rooted and have the nature of Gen. 3, 6, and 11, and there are cases when you have no choice but to do this, and you receive answers regarding that.  She has to leave but I told her to translate, so she can’t.  In her imprint, root, and nature, her thoughts, heart, and emotions, she had to leave, but God knew that, so she has to translate while praying.  Even while as a nurse, you can do it while you pray.  God knows all things and will give you the wisdom to do it.  That’s the mystery of prayer, and when you can do that, you can reach the summit.  Joseph was the spiritual summit, then of course, you will have the skill summit.  In the hospitals, it’s filled with evil spirits and she has to overturn the culture.  People are dying from diseases and they hallucinate and see evil spirits. Because people are sick and dying, the evil spirits have no choice but to work upon that place.

Shall I give an example?  Someone’s younger sister is in nursing school and in Korea, in their fourth year, they have clinical rotations.  When she went to the psych unit, all the mental patients were there, but she had leadership skills, she’s funny, but once she left, she felt something enter into her and things started to get weird.  She told me this herself, and of course, because of that, she left her denomination and held onto only Christ because she went everywhere but it wasn’t being healed.  In our denomination, she called the pastor and pastor’s wife, they made her accept Jesus Christ again, but she went to all these places.  She went to an elder of a big church, she even went to a shaman in her frustration, but the pastor’s wife told her to re-accept Jesus Christ and that was it.  The elder wondered, “What is this?”  The father was an elder of a big church, “Why is it that we went to all these people and we couldn’t solve this?”  I gave this example because she’s a nurse.

You need to have this power of prayer.  What is the state of the people who are ill? That spiritual state is passed onto you and you have no choice but to be influenced by that state, so you have the spiritual state where you’re kind of sick, and that’s what happens if we don’t have this mystery.  Even for police officers, they see homicides and robberies, what would their spiritual state be like?  If they don’t have the mystery of prayer or power, they have no choice but to be influenced.  That’s the mystery of prayer, it’s not just prayer, you need to fulfill God’s commission with His power.

Isaiah 6:13

The commission of the remnant.  The remnant is someone who never shakes, the person who shares only the gospel, and this must be my mission.  Not the person who shakes, but the person who holds onto this.  I shake because I have no choice but to shake. The loyalty among people is bound to shake, and the things you like, one day you won’t like it anymore.  The things that are comfortable for me, they will shake as well, but when the covenant is within me, I will not shake.  The mission of saving and proclaiming this to other people, because saving others is our mission.  If you don’t know this, you’ll hold onto your mission, building a great church building, but you’re not an nonbeliever.  “I need to be first place in my studies,” but people were saved through Joseph’s governorship.  You need to hold onto that for God to work, that’s the absolute bartizan.  Why do I shake? I have something that has no choice but to shake.  In your field, there are people, hidden disciples who will not shake, and that’s not what people do; it’s what God has prepared.  I need to be the absolute bartizan, save them and heal them.  You need to give them this mission of shining the light so that even though you’re no longer in that field, you will continue that mission, and that must be placed within you.

Isaiah 43:12

“You are my witnesses,” go share this evidence.  Although you can be happy you receive answers, go and proclaim it.  If you don’t have the mission of proclaiming the answers you received, you will be destroyed as the Israelites were.  God has called and given the grace to the Israelites to proclaim and give evidence to this. They lost hold of this mission, meaning they held onto something else, and were enslaved.

Luke 24:47-48

Repentance of forgiveness of sins means to believe in Jesus Christ, and this must be proclaimed to all nations.  Starting with where you are at, you continuously relay and proclaim, and when you hold onto this as your covenant, God will continuously move you in this way.  Depending on what is within you, it will be relayed. If you are depressed, you have something that has no choice but to lead to depression. If you’re continuously scarred, it means you have something within you that has no choice but to scarred, so you have to change your inner things. You need to change the things within you the things that will lead to answers.  God’s promise is within you, the mission to save lives. 

Acts 1:8

This is the promise, this is what the Early Church was imprinted with, and that’s why they gathered together to pray.  Because the promised word is imprinted within them, God’s answers have no choice but to be fulfilled.  Then you have no choice but to receive answers.  Even though you’re not expecting it, it comes to you.  Some people say they intensively pray for an hour, I don’t even do that much but I was thinking, “They’re very diligent.”  But they are nonbelievers and Satan goes in.  When only the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be witnesses until the ends of the earth.  According to that promise, the Holy Spirit will come upon you. But why does the Holy Spirit have to come again?  This was the very first time.  We’re talking about the filling of the Holy Spirit.   The working of the Holy Spirit, it’s different.  The work of the Holy Spirit is different from the Holy Spirit being with me.  When does He work? When you hold onto the covenant and pray, God works according to the covenant. That’s the working of the Holy Spirit, and the church gathered together in Acts 1:14 to pray.  This is the church system God raised up.  In the early stages of the Dongsam church, these elderly women who sold fish in the marketplace, they would write down their prayer topics on sheets during early morning prayer after they sold their fish, and they began to pray.  Elderly people are only to pray for the church, there’s nothing else they can do or work on.  You can know instantly if there are any churches filled with the Holy Spirit. Your age doesn’t matter, go pray.  Ministers are the ones who pray so people can do this.  They don’t have power or anything good, those contain all the answers.  Just like the promise of Acts 1:8, God works. 

You don’t have power or strength but God works and the church receives the answers.  That is your mission. There are no other people you can meet. Pray.  Starting with the younger people, they can’t go to church and pray, because we need elderly people, younger people, but the younger generation never learned prayer.  Don’t just work or be fixated on work, and during the time of prayer, when the church members leave, pray for the remnants and the church, and that is the main goal of the church.  The message is what the pastor does, but why would you need to give a message?  In Acts, the church members gathered.

Pray for the mission of the church, you must see this.

Acts 2:32

We are all witnesses of Jesus Christ Who is our Lord.  Why do we talk about death?  Jesus Christ must be the Lord and Master.

Acts 3:15

What are we witnesses of?  We haven’t seen Jesus die and resurrect.  We have the evidence that we have died on the cross and now Christ lives within, and we’ll have evidence.  In problems, relay the answer to other people.  You communicate and relay the contents of the Gospel Letter, with the content, if you If you see the Early Church, they were able to continue and be commissioned into the field because with the apostle’s teaching, they broke breadth.  You lose hold of this.  If you didn’t have COVID, you wouldn’t have anything, but this is the mystery of evangelism that the early church did.  So, with the age of the do, then you can give them as a witness.  We relay the answer God has given to us.

When you do the gospel letter, there’s an answer you received.  Relay that so that you can stand as a witness. This is how you can continue. If you can’t continue, it is fake. 


Help us walk along the journeys and guideposts of 777, help us to be the absolute bartizan and raise the absolute bartizan to save America.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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