Abraham’s Test(Gen. 22:1-17)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Abraham’s Test(Gen. 22:1-17)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

When things go well, it’s easy to follow God; however, God gave Abraham some tests that made it seem that Abraham would be at a loss or disadvantage. When you receive the gospel, it’s joyful, why?



All problems are finished.  We don’t teach this in school.  You need to finish all problems, but how?  The Lord has finished everything on the cross.  You need to understand what those words mean so that when you face many problems in the future, you will not be shaken or afraid. You must have the eyes to see the problem.  So, what exactly is the problem that you’re facing? 


Is that problem really a problem?  You need to think about this right now.  Then, all of our future generations, you’re going to face a lot of problems in the future and it may be a heavy burden to you. 


What will I do in the future?  College?  What kind of job?  Who will I marry?  If you lack assurance, all the many things you face in the future will seem like a problem to you. 

Past – Scar

How did you get the scars of your past?  This scar can be diagnosed as a mental illness. 

Mental, Addiction

This comes from our scars. If you get a scar, what happens? You get angry. 

Anger, Gunshot

You should be okay but people have no choice.  Why is it that people have these struggles where they are born a woman and need to be a man and want to change through surgeries?  They didn’t get that problem or thought all of a sudden, “Let’s try transitioning today,” that problem has been for a long time and is now revealed. 


There are many types of addictions, there are so many of these varieties but where did they come from? Our scars.  Where did our scars come from?  Not a single person has no scars. 

God-Centered – Answer

Me-Centered – Thoughts, Experiences, Ideologies

What happens when I’m my standard?  Instead of God’s Word, I have my thoughts and experiences and ideologies.  Especially in America, why are there so many mental problems and addictions?  I’m not talking about whether homelessness is good or bad, but why are more and more people becoming homeless?  You have the freedom to live in a home or not, but you’re in a situation where you are unhoused and cannot live in a home. Why do those things happen? That’s what we need to know.

Ecclesiastes 11:9-10

Do whatever you want, but God will bring you into judgment. 

Ecclesiastes 12:1

This is the age, we are created to live, following God’s Word and delighting in it, but American culture is about following whatever I want and what I see, that’s the problem in America.  So, America has the ideology of protecting personal privacy, but inside of that, everything else is happening.  Inside of the schools, they do not teach God’s Word; they say, “Do whatever you want.”  The kids grow up in these schools and do whatever they want, “I’m a homosexual because that’s what I like,” or, “I was born a man but I want to be a woman so I’m just going to do that. I want to do drugs so I just do it.”  That is happening the most in America. 

What should we normally be like?  Originally human beings were created in the image of God.

God’s image – Spiritual Being

It’s not a physical appearance, but it’s that we are spiritual beings.  Without God, we cannot enjoy the blessings of God.  People do whatever they want or like, that’s why this world is being more and more destroyed.  As you students listen to these words today, how much does it really strike you?  Raise your hand if you’re struck by this.  It’s natural not to because that’s how you were educated since you were young.  “I want to do that, so why won’t I?” Not a single person learned what it means to do what God desires, even in the family, your parents say, “Do whatever you want,” and the schools are even more severe.  Not a single teacher or anyone has told you, “Do what God’s Word says.”  They say, “I respect your privacy and opinions and thoughts,” so those words are very good between people, however, their spiritual state will go towards disaster.  That person has never once thought about what God desires.  “If I like it, I like it; if I don’t like it, I don’t. If I don’t feel good, I don’t feel good.”  We are not God, but we are under a misconception and we live like we’re God.

“I want to do this in the future,” so you just do it, but you’ve never once stood before God and asked God, “What is your plan for me?”  You just race towards getting a well-paying job because you think it’s good, because it’s beneficial to yourself, and no one will tell you that’s wrong, but that’s why America is the way that it is.  People are not in their normal state of mind, and that’s how this happened.  “Even if I live like that, I’m fine.” How old are you now?  20s?  What’s going to happen in the future?  You will receive God’s wrath according to the Word, or God’s blessing.  It means one day, Satan can come in and give mental illnesses. 

When you go into a job or a company, you’ll realize you can’t control things.   Before that point, you did whatever you want, even at home or in college, but at work, you realize you can’t do anything you want, and then you have to re-study, do you know what for?  “I can do whatever I want,” but only God can do whatever He wants.  What must we do?  When we follow what God desires, then we have true freedom.  Starting from right now, you must be trained to do that. There’s going to be a conflict between what you want and what God wants, right?

If you’re able to understand these words and they go into you correctly, you can pray correctly. 

Gen. 3:5

God wants us to listen but Satan said, “No, if you eat that fruit, you will be like God, knowing good or evil.  After Eve heard Satan, she coveted or wanted the fruit.  You look at drugs and want to do it, “I want to be homosexual,” or, “I want to partake in homosexuality because I like that,” “I was born a man but I want to take hormones to transition,” because ever since I was young, I was born a  man but wants to be a girl.  Where do your thoughts come from?  The Work the devil does is to block the Word. If you’re born a man, you should think the thoughts of a man but Satan changes your thoughts so he cannot. Ever since youth, Satan placed such thoughts in them while they’re young. This person thinks, “I should have been born a girl but I’ve been boring a Now, we have so much.

Gen. 6:2-3

“I like her, why shouldn’t I marry her?” They face a disaster of the flood afterward.  Why do I keep going in this direction? Satan uses evil spirits. 

Gen. 11:4-5

God is working right now. If you do the work God desires, then inside.  You can train dogs but not cats.  Cats are extremely strong willed.  Now your thoughts and heart must be aligned with what God desires. If you just do that, you will receive answers.  You must continue to train yourself.

We cannot win against God. It’s easier if you go into the work God desires. Can you give up what you like?  God does what is best for everyone.  If you hold onto what you have and won’t let it go, you are delaying. There will be many tests like this, because God wants to bless you but will test you to see if you actually trust Him. When Abraham made his resolution of faith, but without a doubt, risky, He might request your material possessions, let’s say we make a lot of  money.  What do you like the most?  David.  If you pass, God blesses you in all things.  If you’re caught on something, your children will die in that. 

Abraham’s resolution saved his son.  Your resolution of faith will save your family and everyone in your life.  When you make that resolution, God says, “Through your seed, I will bless all nations.”  This is the blessing we’ve been called to since the beginning. When will God put it into practice? It’s God’s test.  Satan gives temptations, he tempts us so that we do not do what God desires, but God tests us to see if we will do what He desires or what we desire.  From that point on, you begin to see God’s blessings and Satan will be bound. Just like in today’s scripture, you will take over the doors of your enemy.  It doesn’t matter if you give yourself entirely to God, but you say, “What’s mine is mine and what’s God’s is also mine,” but works begin to take place when everything belongs to God, and God’s things are mine.  That’s how the unlimited power of God will be revealed through me, the power to save the ends of the earth that follows you.  I’d like if you’d do that, too.

Finally, what is it that God desires? Always ask, without a doubt, you desire something but at that time, God will give you the answer.  Then you will overcome your environment.  Practice this training while in school. You don’t want to study, you don’t like it, but what does God like? Even if you ask that question, God will move.  It’s the most realistic prayer because your parents are saying, and you don’t want to hear it, then what does God want? Even if you must pray, it would take about an hour, so I hope you will practice this week.

Shall we pray together?  God, please give me the filling of the Holy Spirit so I can do what God desires and not what I desire.  I hope that that one prayer will give you victory throughout the week. 

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