Blessing of the One who Keeps Watch and Prepares (Mt. 24:32-51)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Blessing of the One who Keeps Watch and Prepares (Mt. 24:32-51)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  The title of today’s Word is the “Blessing of the One Who Keeps Watch and Prepares.”  So, what does it mean to keep watch and to be prepared?  In Mt. 24, the Lord gave us His Word as He talks about the end times.  It’s because people are interested in that, but the Lord is talking about how He will come without us knowing.  He is giving us the message that we must constantly be keeping watch. 

Let’s say that a parent tells their child, “I’m going to be leaving for just a bit, but you need to finish your homework and buy something good to eat.  So, if the child is normal, they would just do their homework and also order food. But the abnormal kids, they are constantly thinking about when their parents will return, so they can pretend that they are studying once their parents return. So, you can pretend like you’re studying, but they’re not studying on a daily basis.  The Lord will come one day, but you need to prepare on a daily basis.

1. End times

  1) Will certainly come (Mt. 24:35)

So, he explains about the fig tree and that is talking about this time.  In Mt. 24:35, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away,” meaning His words are forever.  Rather than believing in people’s words, believe in God’s Word because people cannot keep to their words.  Only God can keep His Words.  If you’re coming to church to give worship, it means you’re holding onto His covenant and Word that will never change. Don’t listen to people’s words even at church because they can’t keep those words, and don’t swear upon yourself, either, because you can’t keep it; only God can keep His Words.  When you come to church and you believe that God’s Word will be fulfilled, your life will end up in that way.  

    (1) Only the Father knows (Mt. 24:36)

It says, “Only the Father knows when the Son of Man will come,” and if you want to understand this, you must know the ritual practices of how the Israelites get married.

    (2) Marriage of Israel – At the bride’s and groom’s house

When the Israelites have a wedding ceremony, they first get married at the bride’s home.  Then, as soon as that wedding ceremony ends, the groom must return to his home.  Then, they have another wedding at the groom’s home, but only the father of the groom knows when the groom will go to the bride’s home.  

    (3) The Father decides the final marriage

The father sees and determines if the groom is prepared with a home and everything for the bride and when that time is ready the father will say “bring the bride to the groom’s home”, but no one knows that time except the father. So, Jesus is the groom and we are the bride, so only the Father knows when Jesus will come.

  2) Coming of the Son of Man 

    (1) Like the days of Noah (Mt. 24:37)

And it says “as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man,” it will happen all of a sudden.  

    (2) Eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage (Mt. 24:38)

In the age of Noah, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, they were studying and having fun with their friends, but all of a sudden, the flood came. Of course, you must eat and drink and marry, but why aren’t they aware of this flood? It is because they weren’t keeping watch.  If you’re not keeping watch, then it means you’re sleeping.  In war, if there’s a watchman who is falling asleep, they won’t know when the enemy approaches.  You don’t know when the Son of Man will return; that’s why you must keep watch every single day.  

You need to keep watch on a daily basis, or else Satan will plow into our spirits.  All the problems you don’t learn in school will overtake you.  We thought it would be okay if we just earn a lot of money, receive a lot of welfare, and become rich and successful, but then, problems overtake us.  On a daily basis, we must spiritually be keeping watch and have this strength and power, but instead, we lose hold of it, and that’s when disasters and problems overtake us.  We thought, “I don’t have any problems,” but that problem overtakes our children, and that’s why you need to keep watch.

    (3) Working in the field (Mt. 24:40)

There were two women working in a field, and one of them was taken away.  This is talking about, the daily basis, our everyday lives. 

    (4) Grinding with a hand mill (Mt. 24:41)

There were two people grinding with a hand mill – they were just living their daily life, and one was taken away, and one was left.

  3) Keep watch (Mt. 24:43)

    (1) What time of night the thief was coming (Mt. 24:43)

That’s why in Mt. 24:43, it says, “You must always keep watch because you will never know when your house may be broken into by a thief.”  In our lives, if we don’t have an enemy, then we can just remain still, but there is a time when the Son of Man will return, and we must wait for that time.  There are some people who say, “I was just continuing to live my corrupt life, but I will become right again when the Son of Man comes,” but you’ll never know when that time is, and it will overtake you all of a sudden.  The more you try to use your tricks and manipulate in your walk of faith, the more you will be taken aback.

If you have an unlimited IQ, then you can use your brains, but if your IQ isn’t even a couple hundred, you shouldn’t even use it.  There’s no such thing as 200 IQ.  That’s why, the more you use your brain, the more you’ll be at a loss.  The Lord is working and that’s why it’s important for us to align ourselves with the unlimited IQ God has.  I can’t understand the Word of God with my 150 IQ, but God is working with His Word.  Those who are constantly keeping watch and awake within the Word will see the Word of God fulfilled.  

“What more do I need to do? I’m living a good life, I’m eating and drinking, and my children are doing well,” but that’s actually a misconception. There will be an end to this world, and you’ll never know when that will happen; it will come all of a sudden. Some people pass away while they’re in the shower.  There are some people who go on vacation or swim but they meet their end.  So, this is mainly Korean news, but because they’re living well off, but they have a hard time aligning themselves with other people, there are a lot of people who end up committing suicide with their children, but they actually never predicted this.  They never knew that they would encounter this in their life; it just happened all of a sudden.  If depression approaches your life all of a sudden, if you’re not spiritually keeping watch, then you won’t be able to overcome it. Nonbelievers see you coming to church every Sunday, on Wednesdays, and Fridays, and also coming to early morning prayer and trainings, and they think that it’s very foolish, but what is this all for? It is to be spiritually keeping awake and watch.  We will face disasters, but all of this will change into a blessing because you have strength.  

People who are powerless and don’t know about this actually think that worship is foolish.  They don’t understand why their children need to have Friday, Saturday, Sunday training system, then one day, their children will be overtaken.  This isn’t something you can predict, it just happens all of a sudden.  One day, you’re just looking at your phone and you encounter spiritual problems.  If you’re seized by spiritual problems, you can’t come out of it.  Even if you try to live a good and diligent life, and live with upright and moral thoughts, it won’t change.  You go to work and then someone with spiritual problems who give you harsh and attacking words?  Then that influences you.  COVID is a contagious disease, so it spread all over the world.  If you don’t have the spiritual strength, then that spiritual disease will be spread throughout your work fields, and it plows into your field without you knowing.  

Once you’re seized by the words of a person with spiritual problems, you won’t be able to come out of it. “Is it just that?” No, one day you will face powerlessness. This person studied so well and succeeded and did all these things, but one day, they face this powerlessness.  That’s why in the age of Noah, Noah prepared the Ark and built the Ark to prepare for the disasters; he wasn’t foolish. If humans just had a physical body and a mental state, we wouldn’t have to prepare spiritually; then we can just live on the same level as animals, but only humans are spiritual beings, and that’s why we say we were created in the image of God.  God’s spirit is within us, and when we are spiritually communicating with God, that is when we have spiritual muscles. 

If you haven’t exercised on a daily basis, and you carry something heavy all of a sudden, then your body will break. One day, you just encounter anxiety.  One day, you used to have these panic attacks, and it just attacks you all of a sudden.  Everybody can encounter this, but those who have strength will be able to overcome.  Those who are spiritually keeping watch and are communicating with God will be able to fight.  

    (2) Not let his house be broken into (Mt. 24:43)

    (3) Must be ready (Mt. 24:44)

There are some people who run a great business, but one day, they face a great powerlessness.  One day, they encounter something they never expected, and it is because they are spiritually sleeping and dozing off.  That’s why it’s important for us to know the meaning of what it means to keep watch on a daily basis. 

2. One who keeps watch and prepares

  1) Servant

    (1) Faithful (Mt. 24:45)

What are the people who keep watch and prepare? They are the faithful and wise servants. “Faithful” means they won’t  betray someone. Spiritual betrayal is betrayal to God, and second of all, it is a betrayal of other people.  Even in your workplace, you can’t be faithful because you’re just going there and working.  You go there without the covenant of God.  There are these dogs that are very faithful and loyal to their owners. But the important thing here is the relationship between a servant and a master. 

    (2) Wise servant (Mt. 24:45)

God and us are not friends, and we don’t have the same IQ level.  He is the One Who knows our past and our future, He gives us life and death, He gives blessings and takes away blessings.  And that’s the promise that we must be faithful until the very end, that is the faithful servant. And within this faithfulness comes wisdom. We can’t be wise with anything else. If you do one thing to the very end, that is when wisdom forms. 

    (3) Give food at the proper time to the servants in the master’s household (Mt. 24:45)

It says, “Who will be the ones to give the food to the servants in his household at the proper time?”  It is those who keep watch and prepare. These are the types of people who can relay the Word to those whom God has prepared.  Don’t just keep the Word of the gospel to yourself, but instead, you must be the faithful and wise servant who prays to relay this Word to other people.  If not, you won’t know why people are facing disasters. Ultimately, you’ll only live for you. To Noah, God said, “Make an ark for yourselves and for your future generation,” and these are the faithful and wise servants that are awake.

  2) When the master returns (Mt. 24:46)

    (1) Master finds his servant doing so (Mt. 24:46)

    (2) It will be good for that servant (Mt. 24:46)

It says, “When the Master returns, it will be good for that servant.” If God determines it to be a blessing, it is a blessing. When God says it is a blessing, then the blessing will enter you. Only take into consideration what the books of the world says, but when God says it’s a blessing, it’s a blessing.  But if it is not a blessing, it is a disaster.  

    (3) Master will put him in charge of all his possessions (Mt. 24:47)

Then in Mt. 24:47, it says, “He will put him in charge of all his possessions.”  God says He will put you in charge of all His possessions, and there’s nothing else you can say.  There are people whom God has prepared, who may be nonbelievers or believers who are wavering, and so you give them the Word, and God deems that as a blessing and God will put you in charge of all His possessions.  So, even in your businesses, this Word must be fulfilled.  Don’t just follow the books of the world, but instead, follow the words of God.  Don’t look at the blessings of the world and ask, “when is that going to happen to me?” Instead, follow the Words of God.  “I have a relationship with God as my Master and servant, and I have to be faithful and relay this word to other people.”  Once you do this, that is when God will prepare all blessings and fulfill His Word. He doesn’t tell you to do it all on your own, instead, He says He has already given you His Word and says He will fulfill it, and God will entrust more blessings to these people.  

  3) Wicked servant (Mt. 24:48)

    (1) My master is staying away a long time (Mt. 24:48)

    (2) Beats his fellow servants (Mt. 24:49)

But on the opposite side, there are wicked servants who don’t do this.  He acts as the master and beats up his coworkers whom God has entrusted to them. He is a servant and he calculates when he thinks his master will come, so he acts as the master until the Master returns. When you live as the master of your own life, you end up attacking others. You attack people in your family, you attack people in the workplace.  

    (3) Eats and drinks with drunkards (Mt. 24:49)

It says, “These people eat and drink with drunkards.” People try to enjoy these pleasures because they don’t have strength. Cigarettes and alcohol aren’t bad; if they’re used for good, they can be a sort of medicine. Even drugs can be used for good, but if you don’t use it for that, it could be the most evil thing of all that gives you illness. I don’t need alcohol, I don’t need cigarettes. I used to need them. A long time ago, I used to smoke 4 packs a day. In order to get through four packs a day, you need to be constantly smoking every day. I didn’t do that because I intentionally had a goal in mind. No, it’s because I was constantly tense, and I needed to relieve it.  I drank alcohol every single day and I had to go through one, two, three, four rounds.  At that time, I needed it, because if I didn’t have that, I wouldn’t be able to live. But now, I don’t need it.  Why would I need it?  Why would I need cigarettes? Why would I need alcohol? Why would I need drugs?  A long time ago, I couldn’t be by myself, and that’s why I constantly hit up my friends and told them, “Let’s go drink,” and I didn’t drink because I wanted to; I drank because I couldn’t stand my loneliness.  There are some people who must constantly be on the phone talking to someone, and I was one of them.  These are the types of people who can’t be alone.  

While I was in the hotel in Chicago, I was by myself  and just concentrating on God as I received the messages, but in the past I couldn’t be alone. I could only function if I was calling someone and meeting people, but now, I don’t need that.  Before, when I was weak, I had to say all sorts of things to other people, but now, I don’t have to do that.  Because God is my background now, I just have to communicate with Him.  When I’m spiritually awake, all those things become unnecessary.

What is it like for you? Are any of you unable to be alone? Do you constantly have to be calling your friends and talking to someone? Is there anyone who constantly has to be doing something? That’s actually an illness.  I was like that, I’m speaking as a witness. So, I was constantly meeting other people.  What do men do when they gather together? They drink.  I had to drink to the point where I’d black out because I couldn’t stand being alone.  That’s why whenever I drank, I always had up to four rounds.  There may be some people who drink or smoke, but I’m not telling you this in order to attack you.  You don’t need it.  You need to get to a point where you don’t need it.  When you spiritually communicate with God, you will have spiritual strength and you won’t need it anymore.  With this state, you need to run your business and study.  If you study and run your business with your own motives and goals, because it is incorrect, that is when Satan will overtake you one day. 

    (4) Assign him with a place with the hypocrites (Mt. 24:51)

It says that the Master will return when this servant doesn’t realize, and that is when the Master will assign him a place with the hypocrites, so he will be punished.  A long time ago, if there was something wrong, I would have to go and make it right. Whether they were in a position above me or not, it didn’t matter.  If there was something wrong, I had to go and make it right, and I thought I was living a truthful and moral life, but how tiring is that? I was caught up by everything the world. I thought the president was wrong, so I constantly complained about them. When I went to work, my superior officer was wrong, so I constantly had to complain about him.  But I had this kind of spiritual disease.  But now, I don’t need that, because I have the spiritual strength, I’m able to forgive.  I have the strength to understand the other person’s perspective.

If you run your business without this, you will face difficulty the more you do it.  You need to study and run your business, but that’s not the problem; what kind of person are you? If you’re an unforgiving person, the more you run your business, the more you will face difficulty. If somebody is not able to be considerate towards others, the more they run their business, the more hardship they will face. But people who do this very well, other people will attach themselves to them, because people attach themselves to those who forgive. Then you give them another chance and then you share the gospel because they were like that because they didn’t have the gospel. Because there’s a situation where the other person reacts, and that’s a perspective that you understand.  If you don’t understand this, and just yell whatever you’re thinking, then other people will leave you. Isn’t that so?  Even in couples, they end up separating, even among parents of children, the children leave.  How can you run a business? How can you run a business when other people are leaving you?  How can you even work in the White House when other people are leaving you? That’s why, wherever you go, other people must come to life.  You understand the other person, and you forgive them and save them with the gospel, and you need to prepare yourself with this. 

3. God’s bartizan – Communication 24

  1) Jesus Christ (Jn. 19:30)

When we communicate with God, we don’t just communicate however we want. When we want to communicate with God, we need to understand and believe in Jesus Christ correctly. You can’t believe in Jesus however you desire. You need to correctly believe in Jesus in the Bible who has done the work of the Christ. Jesus is the name and Christ is the position, the “anointed one.”  “Biden” is his name and “President” is his position. If he’s not the president, he has no power. Because he is the president, Biden has power. Even now, there are a lot of people named Jesus, but who is the Christ?  

In the Old Testament, there were only three positions that were anointed with oil. Even now, people are born into sin and curses and don’t know why they are living in disasters, but that problem has been finished by Christ on the cross. Without Christ, you have no choice but to fall into curses and disasters.  “I just need to live an upright life,” no, disasters will overtake you.  You cannot just live in a diligent life because one day, disasters will overtake you. One day, curses and disasters will come into your life, but I didn’t know why.  I didn’t live a wicked life; I thought I lived my very best, and because I was encountering these things without any reason I became very strange. Before I learned about the reason why Jesus Christ had to come, I continued to wander, and that is how nonbelievers are living right now. 

Without Christ, if you don’t know this, you will constantly be in curses and disasters and not know why you are encountering it.  You have no choice but to live in curses and disasters, to live dragged by that fate and destiny. You have no choice but to go to a place where you don’t want to go and meet with people you don’t want to meet. This is not something you can overcome with a high IQ. This isn’t something that can disappear just by increasing your intellect, but Jesus Christ has overcome the authority of the devil. You can’t meet God just by coming to church; you can only meet God through Jesus Christ.  That’s why it’s important to correctly know and believe in Jesus Christ.  That’s when you will discover the value of believing. You’ll know why nonbelievers need Jesus Christ.

If you don’t know why nonbelievers need Jesus Christ, you are believing in Jesus Christ incorrectly.  You’re not believing in Him in a biblical way; you are believing in Him however you want, and that’s why you cannot keep watch.  

    (1) Triune God – With (Jn. 14:17,20)

God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit is with me now.  In John 14:17 and 20, it says, “I am in my Father and you are in me and I am in you,” and I will pour upon you my Holy Spirit. He is working upon me with His Word, He is working upon me with salvation, He is working with power.  He is working even now, so you must be in spiritual communication, keeping watch.  People live their walk of faith and just know God contextually through the text. Evil spirits are alive and working, God is alive and working even now, but people are dull to this and just know the Bible contextually, so if they don’t understand it, they don’t believe it, and that’s disasters.  I hope that all of you believe in Jesus Christ, that he is working and with you, and are able to communicate with Him, and that is when you are keeping watch. 

    (2) Power, filling of the Holy Spirit – Within my spirit, life (Ac. 1:8)

In Acts 1:8, it says, “When the Holy Spirit comes on you,” when you’re filled with the Holy Spirit upon your brain, heart, minds, emotion, and body, but people don’t believe this; they just see it as a text, but they don’t believe it.  If you don’t believe in the Holy Spirit, the evil spirits are working even now, but that’s just a theory to you.  But when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, that is when you have power.  When you have the spiritual strength, that is when you’re filled with wisdom.  How can you run a business without wisdom?  Inflation and wages have risen because of COVID, and if you try to run a business right now, it seems very foolish, but when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, that is when you will receive wisdom. You need wisdom in order for people to be attached to you.

If people aren’t attached to you, there’s nothing you can do. Even if you try to make all sorts of things, if you don’t have the wisdom of God, you can’t do anything.  In Acts 6, when they were appointing the 70 elders, they appointed those who were filled with the Spirit and wisdom, and when we’re saved by God, it is no longer your works, but it is God’s works you are living for.  If you’re not a child of God, your studies and your work cannot be used for God’s things, but when you’re a child of God, all of your work is used for God’s things and you cannot come out of that, and if it is for the Lord’s work, then He said He will pour His power. Because you are His child, even though you try to manipulate your brain as much as you can, it is not going to work. It’s because it is no longer your work, but it is God’s Word and so He has to work. That must change first.  

In the past, your work was the work you did in order to eat and survive, but now it has become the Lord’s Word, and that’s why God said He will pour the filling of the Holy Spirit upon you.  You can’t do the Lord’s work by yourself because God has to work upon you. When the president sends out his ambassadors, he supports them with all the power and resources. It’s the same between God and us.  God doesn’t need someone who studies well; He needs someone who is communicating with Him.  There are a lot of successful businesses, but once the spiritual things overtake the business, that is when the person crumbles. It can come to you unintentionally or through your coworker or even your customers, but for us, we think, .”We just need to live well,” but that’s not true; it must be God’s work so that He works upon it.

For these people, they don’t just run their business, but they run it while spiritually communicating with God so it becomes God’s work.  For the Israelites, they had a lot of flocks and that’s why they had a lot of shepherds. There were all sorts of shepherds, some who did it very well, and some who were lazy.  But who is the one who is aligned with God’s heart, whom God chose? It is the one who is spiritually communicating with God and doing God’s work. This is the person who will do great things. As time passes on, there will be a time when the Philistines invaded the Israelites.  David, who was constantly praying while throwing rocks, he was the one who was able to receive answers and overcome Goliath. For him, it was the same whether he was taking care of sheep or facing Goliath.  There were many people who were great at throwing rocks, but they will spiritually cower. When Satan goes into a person, they will be spiritually seized. But among those people, there must be some children who come from great, renowned generals, but if they are not spiritually ready, they will be spiritually seized. That’s why people who are spiritually ready will be victorious without fighting, and that’s why when they’re spiritually communicating with God, that is when you receive wisdom.

In the midst of crises, that is when it becomes a platform.  Joseph went into slavery, but once he was filled with the Holy Spirit and had wisdom, that was when he realized, “I’m not going into Egypt as a slave; I’m going there to do God’s work.”  Because of COVID, there’s inflation and living costs are rising, but it doesn’t matter because God is still doing His work.  If it is the Lord’s work, then He says it will be fulfilled.  I don’t work just to eat and survive, I work to do God’s work to raise the Temple Construction, to save the 237 nations, and to save the future generations,” and that is when God will pour His wisdom and work. Don’t listen to people’s words, but instead, believe in the Word of God. I don’t believe in people’s words because they can’t even keep them. I don’t even know my own emotions, I can’t control my emotions, so how can I even believe in myself? I can’t, so that’s why I must only believe in God.  How could I believe in myself? I can’t do anything. My emotions change so many times throughout the day, so how can I believe in myself? But what does the world say? “Believe in yourself, there’s no one else you can believe except yourself,” but those are actually the words of the devil. 

    (3) Answer – Me, church, field comes to life (Ac. 2:1-47)

Only believe in God, only believe in God’s Word, and that’s when, according to God’s word, you will receive answers.  There are a lot of churches in America, but why are people crumbling? It’s because they’re believing in other things, not just Only God’s Word. They believe in the individualism that America teaches, and that’s why they fall into it. They emphasize and prioritize the culture of America, and because of that, they have no choice but to fall into spiritual problems. Why do you believe in America? You must believe in God’s Word. Why do you follow the culture of America? You must follow God’s Word.  As you fall into the culture of America, there’s over 200 people who are dying because of drugs every day.  The entire world is filled with the culture of Satan.  We need to make this culture where we only believe in God’s Word and follow it.

Don’t believe in America; believe in God. Why would I believe in the majority or minority? I need to believe in God.  Why would I believe in the president? I need to believe in God. Why would I believe in my wife? I need to believe in God who is in her, and when I believe, that’s when God works. Why would you believe in your child? Believe in Jesus Christ who is in your child. But because you invest in useless things, you receive the counter effects. You need to believe in God within that and love that person. Don’t believe in me; Am I God? No, don’t believe in me.  You’ll never know when your emotions change. I don’t believe in you because you’re not God; I believe in Christ who is within you. I believe that God is guiding that person. Even if a person is in the most immense crisis and in the darkest shadow of the valley of death, I don’t believe in him; I believe Christ who will lead them into the pastures. And when the Holy Spirit works, that is when you receive the power of the heavens.  

  2) Spiritual summit

    (1) Spiritual authority – Satan broken down (Mt. 28:18, Eph. 2:2)

    (2) Spiritual power, intellectual power, physical power, financial power, man power (Ac. 1:8,6:3,5)

The strength to go to the ends of the earth will follow.  If you want to go to the ends of the earth, you need intellectual power, physical power, financial power, and manpower, and these things will follow; once you have spiritual power, Satan is broken down.  The forces of Satan that has plowed into that family will be broken down.  The fortresses of darkness that are raised up within this world will be broken down one day through this spiritual authority.  If you just remain still, all the spiritual viruses will plow into your home.

    (3) Future (Ac. 2:17-18)

In Acts 2, when the Holy Spirit came upon these people, they were able to see the future. It says, “Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” they’ll see the future. God knows the future and is moving us so He will reveal the future for us, so that’s why you don’t need to go to a fortune teller. When the Holy Spirit works upon you with His Word, He will guide you to the very detail. I know the future, and that’s why, whatever happens, I’m not really affected by it, even if I’m a little deceived. It doesn’t matter what all sorts of people say because God will still fulfill His Word.  God will move all things for world evangelization, and that’s why I believe God will attach the people to this, and I believe God will raise the future generation for this, because I believe God will fulfill His Word that He has given to me. “Paul, do not be afraid, you will stand before Caesar.”  Even if you face all sorts of floods and hurricanes, it doesn’t matter because the Word will be fulfilled. You’ve already been deceived enough by the world, you don’t need to be deceived anymore. Don’t be deceived by your own emotions.  

There’s a lot of kids who tell me, “I don’t feel so well, so I won’t go,” and I think, “It will be hard for them to do world evangelization.”  They say in English, “I feel bad so I can’t go, pastor.”  Why are you following your feelings? You need to follow the Word of God, and that’s why the devil in America is not ordinary. They feel depressed a little bit so they say, “I can’t do any work,” It means they don’t have the Word.  Why do you follow your emotions? That’s the work of Satan.  Hold onto the Word of God and have the filling of the Holy Spirit reign over your emotions, that is how you can have the Word.  

That’s why the devil of America is not ordinary, he is on another level.  Even if it’s raining just a little bit, people don’t go to church.  For the California devil, if it’s raining just a little bit, all the people stay locked up in their homes.  Why is my life altered just because it rains? You need to follow the word, isn’t that right? If there’s a war and the enemy is attacking, are you just going to remain still? No, you fight back. That’s how you lose in wars. You hold onto Jesus Christ Who is victorious and go forward. That’s what we call faith; you will surely receive answers. Don’t believe in your emotions, believe in the Word of God. 

May the Holy Spirit completely seize my emotions. That’s how I pray.  My emotions waver back and forth a lot so I cannot believe in myself. In the past, whenever I woke up, I would wake up feeling frustrated and angry. I didn’t intend to be angry; it just happened automatically. It’s the same with my daughter, it’s the same spiritual DNA that has been passed on. My wife could never understand this, but I understand my daughter very well.  As soon as I wake up, I feel bad, and I don’t know why, this is a spiritual disease.  The devil seizes your emotions as soon as you wake up.  He makes it so that you feel bad the rest of the day.  But surprisingly, once I started early morning prayer and I had this time of concentration on God, this slowly disappeared. I realized that once the Holy Spirit was filling my emotions and completely seizing it, that was when I was able to overcome it.  I hope you pray this way even now.  If you’re a saved child of God, then God is working even now.  Pray so that the Holy Spirit completely seizes your brain, your spirit, your heart, and your emotions.  For people who are foolish and are very smart and intelligent, you need to pray this; otherwise you will receive spiritual problems. You need to pray this spiritually awake prayer. It doesn’t cost any money; you just have to have this faith.  Then one day, these people are the only ones who are spiritually victorious because they are the only ones who are awake when disasters come.  

    (4) 237 nations, healing, future generation summit – Temple (Mt. 28:19, Mk. 16:17-18, Jn. 21:15-18)

Your business must be aligned with God’s Word and work, otherwise it’s a business any other can do. It must be aligned with the business for the 237 nations and world evangelization. The church is a place to heal the people who are spiritually diseased. There are people who cannot be healed by the hospital, that means they have a spiritual problem, so the church is a place where they can come  and receive this strength and power.  Pray that your business is used in this way. It will be harder for the next generation, so pray that your business is used to raise the next generation.  In order to do this, we need a Temple, so pray that your business is used for temple construction.  The Word is bound to be fulfilled.  When do blessings come? Pray so that your business is used in this way, and once the answers come, that is when you can save the 237 nations, the future generations, and the temple. This answer is given only to those who believe.

  3) Every Day 

    (1) Morning – Strength

That’s why in the morning, you need to have this prayer to receive this strength; otherwise Satan will toy with your emotions and thoughts.

    (2) Day – Guidance

    (3) Night – Concentration

In the daytime, be guided by the Holy Spirit and at night, have this time of concentration on the Word, and those who study and run their business with this are the ones who fulfill God’s work. I pray that You are within this spiritual blessing.  


1. Communicate 24 spiritually

2. 25 God’s answer

3. Eternal masterpiece

Message Prayer

Let us pray together, holding onto the Word we have received.  

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You. May we be the ones to receive the blessing of the 24 hour communication with God as we keep watch and prepare. And may we be the ones to receive Your answers and make your masterpiece. We give all the promise of the covenant of offering that you have given to us, and may this be used as the blessing of the economy of light in order to raise the 237 nations, the future generations, and the temple. May You bless the hands that have worked for this. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer

2. Leader’s Winter Retreat, 12/17 (Sun.), 7PM.

3. Winter Retreat, 12/26 (Tues.) – 28 (Thurs.)

4. 12/9 (Sat.) Youth Evangelism School Closing Worship, 1PM.

5. Christmas Eve preparation, Sunday 3-4PM.

6. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of the people of God, the future generations, and the multiethnic people who desire to receive the 24 hours, keeping watch, and receive the answers and make the masterpiece be with them from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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