7 Bartizans

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

7 Bartizans

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

God, we thank You. May the life of the evangelist become our answer.  May the 7 bartizans be established upon our fields. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

“Bartizan” means you shine the light in a certain place or alert others that the enemy is coming. Why do we have a bartizan in a castle? To alert the castle that the enemy is approaching.  We need this bartizan for our family and the region in the field. Without this, the enemy will approach and no one will alert the people, so the city will be destroyed. We have an enemy, that is, Satan, and without the bartizan, Satan brings curses and disasters.  We cannot do this without the bartizan.  That’s what it means, that we need to raise the 7 bartizans within ourselves and the field.

Intro – Satan’s Bartizan, 2 Cor. 10:3-5 Stronghold, Theory

When you go to school, you learn theories that ultimately destroy you.

Lofty Things-> Word – God

 – Suffering

Why are there so many drug addicts in America? Why are there so many people with mental problems? There are so many churches, the problem isn’t that there are a lot of churches, but they have placed something above God.  There’s no bartizan, but the entire nation acknowledges this. People chase after the culture, theory, and knowledge of America, so the people of America don’t realize that this has been placed above God, as they chase after this.  This is how strongly Satan has rooted this ideology in America. He plants this through the Three Organizations.  

Me – New Age

Nephilim – Freemason

In America, there are only a handful of research labs; you don’t need everyone in research.  If those labs are in America, then even LG and Samsung only have a few labs.  Even in the freemason group, there are only a small group of people in the Nephilim.  It’s a secret. Very good athletes have their own know-how. 

Tower of Babel – Success (Jews)


These people are advanced and successful so people are confused. Other nations regard them highly.  We can’t do anything about Satan’s bartizan with our own strength.

God’s Things


It’s not just about knowing it, but being obedient.

1. Jesus Christ

How do you know about Christ?  In order for the bartizan of God to be within you, you need to have this. You cannot know Christ, the Messiah, according to your knowledge. He has finished everything on the cross; He finished the problem of Satan, sin, hell, and the background of curses and disasters, and He is God.

Triune God – With

He is living and is now with me as the Triune God. The Jewish people misunderstood Christ so they didn’t know about God correctly.  The Triune God is with me as the Holy Spirit and is living on the Throne as well.  Then, this takes place. 

Word, 3 Curses, Power

He overcomes whatever curses and disasters. You may have problems in the world, but God is with you.  This bartizan must be within you, otherwise, you misunderstand thinking these other things are your walk of faith.  Do you really want to be in the correct path?  Believe in this, He said He would do it, but you don’t, so you constantly talk about your opinion. You may give a lot of project ideas, but if you nitpick who’s right or wrong, that’s useless.

Throne – Background

He is my background. World evangelization is not something I do; the Triune God is my background and the power of the Throne of Heaven is with me so I’m able to do it.  How can I do Temple Construction? Of course I can’t, but if my background is the Throne of Heaven, I can.  How can I evangelize my workplace? I’m having a hard time and no one listens to me, but how can I change them?  When God is my background, He will work. These are the important people.  Because you don’t have the background of the throne, but you have something else, you say you can’t do it.

Power – Authority

The Holy Spirit is within you but you need Him to be established upon your problem, but you leave them be.  You can’t do anything with the world, but to save others, you need the bartizan and to enjoy it. Once you enjoy it, you have answers, you

Unprecedented, never repeated Answer

Good or bad things may happen to you, you may consider it good or bad.  Joseph went into slavery, and it may have been bad, but it was the greatest thing in God’s sight.  He was going to Egypt.  You’re not just going into a restaurant to do a job, but you go to the restaurant to save the family. 

3 Ages – Me (Past, Present, Future)

If someone says something, you receive it as an answer and you change.  If you receive an answer, that’s how you come to life.

Satan’s Authority

You need to use this authority to overcome Satan’s authority. There is an authority blocking evangelism and the gospel in your region, but you overcome with the power of Christ.  So, in the world, there is a being trying to block evangelism.  The Lord has given us the authority to drive out demons so you need to use it.  You just need to know you have that authority.  This bartizan must be within you but instead, you say, “I don’t know what it is, it’s just hard,” and because God works, you don’t need to worry about anything.

5 Powers (Mt. 6:33, Ac. 1:8)

The standard is it will come to the extent of you evangelizing to the 237 nations, so your covenant must be aligned to the 237 nations. God will give you the power to do that work.  A lot of businesspeople wonder when the economy of light will come upon them, but it’s in vain. You are not aligned with God’s direction and goal.


Know your CVDIP in advance. Joseph knew in advance, God showed Egypt evangelism and through Saul, David knew what would happen in advance. Daniel knew as well, why they were captives as a result of idolatry, so they knew what would happen. The Early Church also knew what was going to happen.  Apostle Paul already knew he was God’s servant who would stand before the Israelites, Gentiles, and their kings. If you go without knowing this, you’ll be deceived.  Go while knowing this. God will do world evangelization in the field and region you’re in. You need to know this, then go.  In order to do this, God has prepared a heavenly talent, and you must know this and enjoy it.  There’s an “only” God has only given to you, and it’s for world evangelization.  Then, you will receive the answer of uniqueness and re-creation.  Why?  It is because you need to save your field.

People who study must know what will come in advance, then study.  Joshua knew in advance and went out. 

3 Courtyards

Prayer, Feed the next generations and the Gentiles. These courtyards must be in the church then my standard.  When newcomers come, they’re bound to be in Satan’s bartizan. How do we change that? We need time, so we need to establish them in the church, not just by meeting once a week or once in awhile.  Be within the stream of intercessory prayer and worship.  The devil targets people who are alone.  Same for animals, predators prey upon prey that are alone.  You have the bartizan of God, commission them out into the field. You know this.  Why is the Lord having you train in this church? It’s nothing else, not to establish the stronghold bartizan, but to establish the bartizan of God.  The Three Courtyards must have a system within our church to accept them. We need a building where we can meet together, so we pray for this, but it must be aligned with the 237 nations. A building without people? We need to equip ourselves so whenever a multiethnic person comes, we can connect. 

But we’re ill, deeply rooted and can’t change, but because this is so deeply rooted within us, we don’t appear to be changing outwardly, but we are changing inwardly.  You need to know you’re changing little by little, so you will not misunderstand.  People say things, you need to understand they’re just that way.  Your own ideologies.  In my experience, it lasts a long time, to the point where I thought, “Do I still have this?”  Then as time passes on, I realize, “I was like that,” and it just stays with me for the rest of my life.  The individual knows, God is continuously changing me. 

You need to have these three courtyards.  The 237 nations, the multiethnic, and healing, and it doesn’t stop with healing, but it leads to the summit so they can save the world. Healing without a goal doesn’t take place.  God has allowed healing to take place for re-creation and for you to save the world.  That’s why in healing, we talk about spiritual and physical healing.  That’s why we talk about deep breathing prayer to connect our physical body with breathing and prayer.  We need the bartizan of God to overcome and change the 3 Organizations. 

To be physically well off and successful, we don’t need the things of God; we just need to live with our own power.  It may not lead to success, but even if we succeed, our inner things are revealed so we can’t succeed, so we must enjoy this with God’s things in prayer.  What do we pray about?

Ideology, Lofty Things

Deny yourself. If you’re confident in yourself, that will change as you see yourself in the gospel. When you look at the Word of God, you won’t be.  Others talk about things and interpret things boldly on their own, The Lord knows and desires for you to find the hidden disciples He has prepared. Whether it’s Hamas or the Israelites, God prepares.  It’s the same for America.  Because we have another ideology, we emphasize other things, but there’s nothing else.  You realize that’s not it; these things continue to happen. 

Elites utilize the early morning, and if you do not, you end up like this.  Do this every day, enjoy it continuously until it becomes your nature, then it is no longer yours; it is God’s.  Until then, don’t say anything, but bow your head and continuously receive the Word.  The more you continue, the things will be of God.  Once this takes place, it doesn’t matter.  You need to have the things of God, that is the answer.  If you don’t relay this to the future generations, you will fail.  This is already relayed.  Pastors commit suicide due to depression; pastors lead churches, and the pastor’s son committed suicide, so there are church members who live like that, too.  But instead, people say, “But their messages are so great and logical,” but anybody can talk about logical things in terms of spiritual things, but the things of God must be within me. 

7 Bartizans.  You need to enjoy this all the time, every day. I hope you are victorious. 


God, we thank You.  May the 7 bartizans become what we enjoy and relay in the field. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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