Remnant Day and the Flow of the Message

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Remnant Day and the Flow of the Message

Especially for the people who use their brain a lot, they use energy quickly, and this means they deplete their oxygen quickly.  When a car is running, it uses gas, and if the gas runs out, you cannot go.  If somebody thinks very deeply, they will lose their oxygen quickly.  If they lose their oxygen quickly, they get headaches and a lot of things happen.  If you come to Early Morning, I always sit in the fourth pew in the back next to the open window.  I love watching the video for the Early Morning message because I’m listening while doing deep breathing.  Why would I just sit there? It’s great getting physical and spiritual strength and I utilize that time, I listen to the message, and one by one, things come to me, and I go through these moments. That’s how the Holy Spirit works through this.

After the message, during meditative prayer, I pray a particular prayer. We’ve continuously talked about prayer, since when? Since the very beginning, but we haven’t been doing it, and we’re desperate and thirsty for Christ, so we didn’t hear it. Prayer is being focused on the gospel.  The gospel isn’t just about repeating, Jesus Christ is the prophet, priest, and king.

God – Me = Communication (Word)

God communicates the Word that He has promised to us. When you read a book, not every point will be on the test; only the main points.  Some people focus too much on Mary not living in the same house as Joseph, “How could this be the tribe of David if they’re not married yet?” It’s not that important but Israelites have multiple marriage ceremonies including the engagement ceremony. In the Israelite community, engagement is like marriage, but focus on the main, actual point of the Bible.

Some people always focus on the problem, and for 100 days, it is useless because problems always happen.  Problems don’t stop because you do something well, but there’s a problem before the problem.  The point is, Christ must be the solution before the problem.  The Word, God has promised to us, I use that and connect with God.  Some people have believed in God for 40 years, but the way they pray is for their kids to do well or something. The Word of God must be within me, that’s the bartizan of God.


Satan holds onto us with the things we have before we knew Jesus Christ, including our thoughts, experiences, and values.  All the ideologies, experiences, and academics of the world are a stronghold inside of me.  You interact with other people with that stronghold.  Even though you believe in Jesus, you cannot communicate with God.  Little by little, you are spiritually withering away until you die. You must save that first. The main content of the connection between you and God when you pray is the Word, that’s what it means for you to hold onto the Word of God and pray. 

When you go out into the world, it will be difficult. 

Throne  – World – Satan = Communication

                = Me – Correct Thinking

Transcending time and space

We are limited by time and space, we cannot go into the future or past, but prayer is transcending time and space. You can pray for next week right now because that is the work, transcending time and space. 

Unprecedented, never repeated

If you want to be well-connected with God, the Word of God must be your guidepost.


If a person has spiritual strength, they will have all strength.  Do you realize your strength? You have the strength of faith.  There are a lot of mothers here, so if you have faith or trust in your child, you devote to them, you active a strength that is able to die for your child.  If we are connected with God, we have the strength the world cannot overcome. Even for people physically, when we face a crisis, we have this transcendental power.  If somebody is chasing you to kill you from behind, you can run kilometers beyond human ability in order to survive, and you’re never able to replicate that because you can only have transcendental power in that situation.  The strength you get when you are united with God is able to overcome the world, multiple times.  If somebody has spiritual strength, then even if they face physical problems, it’s not a problem because they have faith that God will guide them through it.  Because they have the faith, “If I need something to solve this problem, God will bring that to me,” so you stand as a witness. 


Have you ever seen a lion in person? Or is it just in pictures?  People who study lions speak about lions very well, but the person who has only seen a person does not have many words to say because they only see it.  If someone has studied books about lions, they can speak very well, but they have only knowledge. If someone receives the strength of Christ, they become a witness.  Otherwise they speak eloquently without strength, then the devil makes them fail, so even though you know Christ, you’re being attacked.  You don’t have the strength of faith. 

World evangelization


If I don’t have “only,” then I will focus on whatever is working.  After Remnant Day, I went on a daughter date with my daughter, and I told her to take notes during the message, but she wasn’t taking notes; she was drawing, and Pastor Ahn said, “Let her be, she’ll change when God changes her,” and even though she’s my daughter, there’s nothing feminine about her, and I wonder why my house is not feminine, is it because she only grew up with boys in the church?  I thought it would be great for her to wear dresses but she dresses like a tomboy.

I keep asking her questions, “What thoughts do you have when you observe society?” “Like what?” “What about a fight at school?” “When a strong person picks on a weaker person, I get angry.” That’s her nature, and we must make that into her job, then it will be easy for her, because it comes out naturally, and if it’s not her nature and that’s her position, it will be hard. I don’t know what that job will be.  She has some sense of justice, so she shouldn’t be feminine. You can’t be shy in the face of justice, you must be bold, and the reason I explain this is, there is a reason God has only given to you.

Uniqueness, Re-Creation

For me, being a pastor is easy because my sense of justice comes out against Satan, the evildoer.  If I don’t have the natural rage, I have to force myself to do that, but for me, it’s natural.  God’s Word is the truth so if you see something that isn’t the truth, it would be hard.  Right now, I’m looking thoroughly at what her talent and “only,” are.  For her, she’s good at standing before people.  We made her the translator.  It’s easy for her because she likes doing that.  If somebody doesn’t like speaking before other people, even if they’re good at translating, it’s hard. Everybody has their own “only.” If that spiritual strength goes into you first, you come to life.

Naysay, on Friday, gave a message for the first time, maybe 5 minutes.  When I was an Assistant Pastor, and they asked me to give the first sermon, I spoke only 20-30 minutes and all the senior deaconesses laughed at me, and I couldn’t understand, that was all I could say, but this is what God does, and I come to life so nothing is a problem.  I know Naysay is obedient. If I talk about Early Morning Prayer, he’ll bring his bike and sit in the back. He has work, too, but if it disrupts worship, he lets go of work. God is giving him that nature of obedience. God gave him that nature, we have to fill him with the Spirit.

I told Hei Chri to be an Elder later on.  They’re different but you keep making them the same so it’s hard.  I said, “Hei Chri, you will receive specialization but you need spiritual training to pay for Naysay.”  You must see the path to which everyone is going.  Camren grew up in an nonbeliever family, and one day, he moved into a Christian family, so he calls that mom his “Spiritual Mom,” and then he came here.  I asked him, “Do you like your biological mom and family?” “No, I like my Spiritual Mom,” and I said, “If you didn’t go to your Spiritual Mom, you would never have met Jesus. If you stayed in the dark background, you would not have met Jesus.” Consult them about their whole life. If you tell him to do this or that based on what’s convenient for you, that’s just a business, but if you run your entire life, God makes it so he can be a missionary, and God made it so that he has nowhere else to go.  I’m leaving him alone so he can progress slowly in his time schedule, and he has nothing else he can do.  When he receives the answer, he can save people, so we pray for them, and all you need is this strength. If you have that connection with God?

When I wake up in the morning, I experience spiritual strength.  Because I grew up in a place so spiritually ignorant without the power of God, I know the difference of this strength, so I emphasize this a lot, and the spiritual strength comes from within Christ.  If you have the spiritual strength in the morning, it may or may not be maintained throughout the day. Back then, in my spiritual state, I saw the methods of the world, but as time passed, the more spiritual strength I possessed, the more connected I became to God. That’s how people receive answers.

When you receive answers from God, you become different.  Two people may say the same exact words, but one has strength and the other doesn’t. This person is a genuine witness because God is fulfilling it, that’s His promise.  But if someone doesn’t believe? 

Work, Specialization, Missionary

Why does God make someone a problems? You are not connected to God, or the Throne of Heaven, and you try to change someone but you have no strength to act outwardly, and the devil  makes you hate them, but the one connected to the throne will just leave them be because God works transcending time and space.  Then, all of your heavy burdens will be let go.  One time, after time passes, that person can no longer move.  You must experience this in the family and the field. You think it doesn’t happen in your family? It does, but if you try to argue against God, it will be a big problem because God will take care of it, he rules over everything, so you must let him do it. It’s hard when it comes to your kids and it’s impossible to leave them alone, I have to teach them the right thing, but I also have to entrust them to God in prayer.  If I don’t tell them the right thing and I nag at them, that’s relaying my own stress so I need to teach them very well through the Word of God. Even if they don’t listen, it’s the same because the Holy Spirit works in the word of God.  You must believe that the Holy Spirit works through the word of God. Even if they don’t listen? As they continuously listen, they will become rooted. 

A few summers ago, I realized she was wasting her summers, so I said, “Every day, from Genesis 1 to 50, you must read, meditate, and summarize each chapter.”  There’s a lot, and there are high class words, and she summarized that, so she’s really studying for school. No reason to send her for tutoring.  People at higher level education study the words of the Bible because the words are high class and elevated, so instead of using high level words of Paul, I used Genesis. I made her read the Bible, to help her know the knowledge of the Bible.

She had to understand it to summarize it. I made her memorize it, and after Genesis, we went to Proverbs, and it would only take a month with 31 chapters, but she is still not done because she says her Saturday and Sunday is her “off” days.  But if you look at the book of Proverbs, it says the words that parents should say.  After Proverbs 1 and 2, she wouldn’t say anything in the house.  It says, “Obey the discipline of your parents,” and she was contemplating whether she should do that or not.  She writes up a summary and sends it to me on Kakao, and I said, “Whether you do it on the school bus or wherever,” she’s really good at summarizing, but when I ask her, she says, “I don’t know,” and I have her read the first sentence, and she says, “I don’t know,” but we read it and go through it together. 

“If you want to be respected, you must respect others.” I tell her to do that because she lacks that.  “If you want to be treated like a princess, you need to treat other like princes.”  If she wants to be treated like a princess but she looks down on everyone, no one will treat her like a princess. If you really don’t like someone, if I see someone I hate, I can’t handle it, and if someone is legalistic, they see someone doing something wrong?  It makes their hair stand on end.

Just escape the snare, “Who am I? I have that, too, and if it weren’t for that person, I would not know this.”  This is the actual answer put into practice. This is what I used to do as an nonbeliever.  If I saw a police officer doing something wrong, I’d get into a fight with them, that was my nature.  If I saw the President doing something wrong, I would have to protest. Instead of looking at myself, I looked carefully at other people, and I wouldn’t look at their good points; I specialized in looking at faults, and that skill is so highly developed in me, so I immediately see flaws.  Imagine how hard it is for me.  In Mt. 7, it says, do not look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye, but see the plank in your own eye, but the kids don’t listen to this very well, so we must share this Word of God in the family, that is Jesus’ discipleship, that transcends human relationships.

Everyone is getting destroyed because of relationships, but the Lord knows this and will change it. How else would we? If I keep repeating this, then one day, by the working of the Holy Spirit, they will know this.  In the future, Fanny and Steve will become Caleb’s teacher, so if the remnants are fake, then Caleb will be fake, too. If Esther teaches the youth kids well, they will teach Caleb well, too.  Nothing is nothing.  There’s no answer for the kids, no matter how much alcohol you drink.  It must be by the grace of God; forgiveness is true grace. Without God’s grace, we cannot forgive other people.  If you look at the other person, you’ll realize, “I’m also weak and have that problem as well,” so God has actually given me this opportunity for blessing, then you won’t judge or criticize them. Until then, it’s not going to work because that very sharp knife of legalism is going to judge.  Then, everyone around you will have their heads cut off, and when someone kills you, you’ll wonder, “Why are you killing me?” without realizing you’d killed them first.  This is the strategy Satan uses.  Jesus shows us how to change that relationship.

Christ (Bartizan) – Platform (Isaiah 62:10)

We need the platform in the airports so anyone can come, and we need to prepare places where people can eat before they get on the plane.  The church as well as your field must be prepared as a platform.  


Make the highway so anyone can come. 

Banner – Watchtower

These terms aren’t specifically in the Bible, but it’s used so that kids nowadays can know the meaning of the Bible.  Make it so that people in the field can hear the word about Christ and come.  Give the Lord no rest. 

Prayer – Antenna

These words are so that we can understand the content of the meaning of God’s Word.  If the churches have legalistic expectations, quickly lower everything, and if the gospel is lacking, we must raise up the gospel correctly. 

Honestly speaking, our church doesn’t have an English Ministry, that’s something created by Korean churches.  They use the word, “EM” because they divide the Korean message and the English message, but we don’t have that.  That doesn’t fit with us.  The first and second service, we just gather together, there’s no separate ministry.  When the remnants gather together, it’s not “EM,” that’s remnant training.  First and second service have translations so there is no “EM,” but anyone must be able to come to hear the gospel.  The reason why we give offering to the translations is to get devices for simultaneous Spanish translation. 

This building will be torn down, and there is a hearing for that. We don’t know if they will or not, but it doesn’t matter how much they pour into construction.  If God allows that, it’s because He has prepared another place for the church. If you don’t believe in the absolute sovereignty of God, you have to worry and use your methods. God will take care of it on His own. I was talking about this with the overseeing Pastor Kim, “I don’t think they’re going to sell this building.”  That pastor said, “I don’t think the person trying to sell this business knows there’s a limit to how high they can build the building,” and the law school will prevent the building from being built too high because it blocks their view. Either way, if someone buys it in their ignorance or God works, it’s in God’s hands. If you’re connected with God, then God moves.  This is where we must be. 

One thing I want to request of you is, early morning.  There are many elderly people who have the nature of waking up early morning, but young adults, do it while I say it nicely because otherwise you’ll be a dog with no spiritual strength, you won’t even know what spiritual strength is, and you’ll be attacked by Satan, you’ll wonder, “Why is this happening to me?” and no matter how much you talk, not a single person will listen to you.  But we do this with the power of God, the actual power and strength.  Power and strength are realistic. If a car doesn’t have gas, it will not go anymore. It’s not a figment of your imagination. We have rocket ships, When we launch rocket ships, it must cross through the atmospheric barrier, and the temperature goes to 3000C.  The person would melt, so they have to engineer for that. Then that means they need to make the vessel strong enough so the person is not influenced by the heat.  The devil is actually working in this world, so you need to have something that overcomes.

There are actual lions in the field, so if you want to go into the world, you must have something that overcomes.  You must prevent the enemy from using their power.  That’s prayer.  Until you can pray, don’t consult with anyone else because you’d be wrong.  This is the answer, but if you don’t know the answer, the more consulting you do, the more you’ll be trapped.  This is what God is telling us, but we mislead people.  The way for a problem to not be a problem is to communicate with God, it comes from the Throne of Heaven.  “My mental strength, hard work, and diligence, my personality,” nothing will work. It must be the things of heaven, then the things of earth will kneel.  This is the realistic power we have by being connected with God. You must not know this in theory. The gas must actually be in your car; if you just imagine in theory, it is not going to work.  If you’re not able to truly enjoy and relay this blessing to the next generation, they may already be in the mouth of a lion.  If you don’t know the strength and mystery, you will influence other people. Whether people are successful or not, they give their influence.  This is the message for the practical exam.  This is not a study on how to analyze the Bible with different interpretations, it is application.  That is why you must have the time to communicate with God through the Word. If you have this, then what would be a problems?  You know Christ and must be able to do this because later on, it becomes your realistic root and nature, then many things will be different and it is relayed spiritually to other people.  Early morning, be broken free from your laziness.  Otherwise, you will suffer so much like a dog, and it’s only going to get worse.  The more time passes, the more your brain melts. You cannot live without this strength.  

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