The Church and I Receive Answers to Prayers (Mt. 21:12-22)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Church and I Receive Answers to Prayers (Mt. 21:12-22)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.” We gave glory to God today with a praise that we haven’t heard before, in a way we haven’t before.  The title of today’s message is, “The Church and I Receive Answers to Prayers.”  If you believe in Jesus Christ, then rightfully, you will receive answers.  Then, through today’s passage, we will see the reason why we are not receiving answers.  

As we live our walk of faith, why are we being destroyed with addictions? The reason is found in scripture.  The Bible scripture also reveals who the people who do receive answers are.  The main points of today’s scripture are three: the first is the temple, the second is the fig, and the third is the answered prayers.  It also means that, if you understand the temple that God desires, you will also receive answers.  But it also reveals that, if we do not know the temple or the church that the Lord desires, not only do we not receive answers, but we will be destroyed. 

The way that we are educated in the world is for our own benefit, because I need to survive, and we can only live in this world physically if I am searching for my own benefit.  So, we live our lives chasing after the dreams and success I desire.  With that exact state, people come into the church, and because they are disconnected from the heart of the Lord, the people of the church—the church itself—are destroyed and do not receive answers.  

In order to receive answers, we must simply remain within the thing God desires.  Our diligence and effort on something God does not desire are meaningless.  Nonbelievers will succeed with their diligence and hard work, but it is meaningless to God; then, those nonbelievers will be destroyed, and everything they have accomplished will also be destroyed.  There are certain situations where God maintains their accomplishments, but God is only doing that to maintain and sustain the world.  

1. State of the temple

Before Jesus Christ died, He went into Jerusalem, and the first place He went was the Temple. The Temple in Israel was like the lifeline for the Israelites; it was their everything.  Inside of the Temple was the Ark of the Covenant, that was where God met with them, and that was the solution to all of their problems.  During the reign of King David, the entire nation went all in to build this temple.  

Starting from Abraham through the reign of David, every 14 generations, there was a new age, defined by the Temple.  God regarded the Temple as so important because that was where the Ark of the Covenant, or Jesus Christ, resides.  Whenever the Temple was not able to fulfill its purpose, the Israelites were destroyed and they were dragged off as captives to other nations. The way for us to receive answers today is, as we go to church, we understand, “What is God’s desire for the church?”

When Jesus Christ goes into the Temple, He sees that the state of the Temple is the state of the field or the region. The state of your family is the state of your family line.  If you go into a church, then the spiritual state of that church is the spiritual state of that region.  

  1) All who were buying and selling there (Mt. 21:12)

    (1) Exchange temple currency for shekels (Mt. 21:12)

    (2) Those selling animals and doves (Mt. 21:12)

    (3) Drove them all out so they won’t buy and sell there (Mt. 21:12)

When Jesus Christ went into the Temple, He saw there were people buying and selling there. He drove all of those people out, He overturned tables, and He cast out all the people selling doves.  In John 2, it talks about the same thing: He would bring out these whips to drive out all the animals.  

  2) Reason

    (1) The temple became ‘a den of robbers’ (Mt. 21:13, Jer. 7:11)

Then, Jesus Christ says, “My house is to become a house of prayer, but why has it become a den of robbers?”  A “robber” is talking about somebody who forcefully takes the belongings of someone else and gets away with it, and a den is a congregation of those robbers. A church that is meant to worship the Lord has now changed into a marketplace.  Back in the Biblical times, the three feasts—the Passover, Pentecost, and Ingathering—must be celebrated in the Temple.  

When the people gathered at the Temple to celebrate the feast of the Passover, about 1 million people would gather. In order for them to enter into the Temple, they needed to offer an offering or a tax to the Temple.  Whenever they paid that Temple Tax, they could not use the coins that had the face of the Roman Emperor on it, because that is idolatry, so they had to exchange that for a shekel that was made in the Temple, and they would make profit from the exchange rate.  

In order to give a blood sacrifice at the Temple, all of the Israelites would have to bring their own animals. If they were poor, they would bring a dove, and if they were wealthier, they would bring a lamb or a goat or a cow, and it’s not just any animal, it had to be flawless and receive the proper stamp of approval from the High Priest.  But people traveling from a long distance could not bring an animal, so they have to buy it from the Temple, and if the High Priest does not approve of their animal, they cannot offer it as a sacrifice.  The Jewish people who were spread from faraway lands could not bring an animal, so they had to buy it from the Temple.  So, the High Priest and the salesmen of these animals would make a deal and make it into a marketplace where they could make 16 times profit by marking up the prices of the animals. 

    (2) Sellers at the Gentiles’ courtyard

The state of the Jewish temple is the state of the entire region.  The Lord gets angry about this, there is no reason for us not to receive answers if the Lord is receiving us. The place where all of this market buying and selling was happening was in the largest courtyard of the Temple, which was where the Gentiles needed to come and worship and pray.  Inside of the Temple, it was divided.  On the outside, there was the courtyard for the Gentiles, then the courtyard for the women, and the courtyard for the Israelites; then, on the inside was the Holy of Holies.  

    (3) Loss of function of the temple

So, in the courtyard where all the Gentiles must come to worship and pray, the Israelites had cast out the Gentiles and made it into a marketplace.  There was originally a place outside of the Temple where they should be making these exchanges and bringing in the animals. Even though these people were gathering to worship, their hearts were not aligned with God. They were only coming to worship to fulfill their own greed and desire for more money. So, the way this is expressed is through Jesus’s anger, but God had no choice but to overturn these actions.  

  3) Temple

    (1) A house of prayer (Mt. 21:13, Is. 56:7)

    (2) Where Gentiles come to worship and pray (Is. 56:3-7)

In Isaiah 56:3-7, it says, “Any foreigner who has bound themselves to the LORD,” and in Is. 56:6, “Foreigners who bind themselves to the LORD and minister to Him, these I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer.  Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations,” so people of all nations must gather together and worship. However, the people in the Temple were so driven by money that they drove these people out of the Temple. 

The Church is not a place for business.  The church is not a place to pray to fill my own desire and greed.  If you are praying and you are not receiving answers, you are praying to fill your own greed.  God is not the One Who fills our greed; God is the One Who answers us when we are fulfilling His will. If they are any of you who are not receiving answers to prayer, I hope you will change today.  

As we look at the Temple in the scripture, we need to look at the state of our church as well. The Temple is a place where God is reigning and ruling.  The Temple is where all problems are finished, and we receive all blessings. But if we activate another motive for mankind there, there’s no reason for a Temple to exist.  

    (3) Loss of the place of God’s establishment and reign 

In today’s world, more and more churches are disappearing. This means that God does not desire them.  I’m not saying they are not worshiping the church; I mean, they are simply being sold to the world.  The reason why people go to church and then turn their back and then go into the world is because they are not receiving answers.  We need to find the reason why we are not receiving answers in order to begin receiving answers. 

God is the One Who can answer all of His children with His power, even right now.  God is the One Who is moving all money in this world.  God is the One Who can elevate and lower any position or seat in the world.  God is the One Who can give and curse diseases.  God is the One Who can raise or lower your children in this world.  God is the One Who has power over life and death, deciding when our life will end. Any prayer that wants to discover that God’s will is bound to receive answers.  

The first thing is that they were selling  and buying in the courtyard of the Gentiles, and the  second thing that we see is that the blind and the lame came to Him at the temple, and He healed them.  According to the law of Israel, these people were cursed because of their sin, so they were not allowed to enter the Temple.  But when Jesus Christ went into the temple, these people followed him in.  

Isaiah 56:3, in the scripture we just read, it also talks about the eunuchs, who were people who were sexually handicapped, and even they should be able to enter the Temple. The Temple is the place where people with problems come in and have their problems resolved. People come into the church and have their problems that the world cannot fix resolved. Even right now, God is healing in the church. We cannot heal that even if we go to a hospital; the Lord desires it. Then, the diseased are bound to come to church; But if you don’t know this, you’ll ask, “Why is the church like this?” 

    (4) Make disciples of all nations (Mt. 28:19)

The church is a place where people of all nations can come and pray. This is a place where all homosexuals and lesbians and all people can come to pray. This doesn’t mean I approve of homosexuality, but the Bible tells us that this is a place where all people should come and worship and pray; it never says that gays and lesbians cannot come.The Bible never says that people who have mental illnesses and make a big fuss should not be able to worship; they must come here to worship and receive healing. “Oh, but what if that disrupts the worship?” That is why we have to do Temple Construction. We can create a separate room or area for them, so they don’t disrupt other people’s worship.  There’s a reason why we must do the Temple Construction.  

2. Temple

  1) Healing

    (1) The blind and the lame received healing (Mt. 21:14)

    (2) Even the eunuch received healing (Is. 56:3)

    (3) The demon-possessed, the sick (Mk. 16:17-18)

  2) Children

    (1) Hosanna to the Son of David – Praise (Mt. 21:15)

Third, the children were shouting in the Temple Court, saying, “Hosanna to the Son of David,” and the High Priest was saying, “Why are the children running around making a fuss?” Back in Biblical times, children were not regarded as people, so they couldn’t come in. Why? Because children cannot give offering; in other words, they can’t make money off of children. But the adults do pay money and the adults can serve.  For the children, the children just have to devote, so they didn’t like children.  If there are no children inside of the church, then I’m sorry to say, they are not aligned with God, because it means they don’t want to devote themselves to the children.  The heart of a parent is the heart of God. The parents will devote and sacrifice for the children, and God is the same. The Bible tells us how important children are to God; in Psalms 8:2, it says that God has given His authority to the children because, “From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise to silence the foe and the avenger.” Satan’s goal: he doesn’t care if the adults receive grace or not, because after the adults pass away, Satan needs to prepare his next strategy, that is why the devil destroys children. God knows this, and so He pours His authority and power onto the children.

    (2) Authority of the praise of children and infants (Ps. 8:2)

That is why the Temple of God is the place where children must come to worship, pray, and praise.  Some people will scold children for running around in the church, saying they are rude and noisy, and I can tell you right now, surely they are not receiving answers. There are children who are worshiping on the second floor, and after worship is over, they run around and play; that is what children do.  God sees those children as the most important, but if the members are not able to see the children as most important, they are not receiving answers.  

    (3) Established a stronghold against your enemies (Ps. 8:2)

    (4) Feed my lambs (Jn. 21:15-18)

God is giving grace to His children for the future, He is receiving their worship and praise. We can see that the way of thinking of the high priest was the reason the Temple was destroyed. In John 21, Jesus says, “Feed my lambs.” They are young sheep, feed them His Word. And He also gave us the command to heal, testify the gospel to all peoples, and the signs will follow for those who believe; they will cast out demons and diseases will be healed.  

  3) Fig tree

     (1) May you never bear fruit again! (Mt. 21:19)

After Jesus Christ resurrected, He said to bring in disciples from all nations so they may worship and pray; this is the church.  Not only did Jesus Christ overturn the tables and drive these people out of the Temple, but the next day, He goes to a fig tree to eat the fruit, but there is no fruit. Why would the Bible all of a sudden talk about a fig tree? The fig tree represents Israel. America is represented by the bald eagle, and cherry blossoms represent Japan.  In that way, there are certain plants or animals that represent a nation.  Whenever a fig tree is mentioned in the Bible, it represents Israel.  In the rest of the gospels, it says that it is not the season for fig fruits, so it is normal that this fig tree will not have any fruits in the season when it shouldn’t, but Jesus Christ curses that tree and says that this tree will never bear fruit again. Jesus Christ is not just using His authority to curse a tree for no reason, there is a message. 

    (2) The tree withered (Mt. 21:19)

The disciples were confused and asked, “Why did you wither the tree?” Then Jesus says an answer that doesn’t really make sense: He talks about faith.  Jesus gives this answer that doesn’t make sense, “If you have faith, then do not doubt.” What does this mean?  The church is the place where all nations pray, but Jesus Christ is saying, that “Through this fig tree, I will destroy the Temple of Jerusalem and it will be no more,” and then all of a sudden, He begins to talk about the answers to prayer, “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Anyone who asks and believes will receive, but what will we believe? That’s what’s important.  

    (3) Jesus raised the temple in three days (Jn. 2:19-21)

For the Israelites in the scripture, they had the Temple in all of the different forms, and they kept the traditions, but God had no desire to continue that temple. In John 2:19, Jesus Christ says, “You’ve spent 46 years building up this Temple, but I will destroy it and raise it up again in three days.” What it means that He will rebuild the Temple in three days, is that the Temple is actually the body of Jesus Christ: when He died on the cross, the curtain in the Temple tore, so that now anyone can go into the Holy of Holies and be with God.  

When he cursed the fig tree, He was saying, “I will destroy this temple that is made of stone, where everybody must gather to worship.”   It’s such a headache, if that didn’t happen, we’d have to go to Jerusalem to worship every week, we’d have to go there to worship every feast but the age of the Temple has finished.  Now, Jesus Christ Himself is the temple.  And inside, Jesus Christ is the physical form of God Himself.  When Jesus Christ resurrected, He has made it so that every individual can communicate personally with God.  

3. The church receives the things we believe and pray about

  1) The invisible church – God’s reign

    (1) Me – The temple in which God’s Spirit dwells (1Cor. 3:16)

Now, we ourselves are the Temple in the Church.  1 Cor. 3:16 says the Holy Spirit of God lives within us, and we are the Temple of God because now, the Holy Spirit lives within us; that is the Temple. If you know this, then you will receive answers. The One Who has finished all problems is within me, stop trying to look for answers elsewhere; not believing in this fact is the problem itself. I hope you will not resent the world, but the One Who has overcome the world is with you.  

That Jesus Christ Has finished all problems on the cross and is with me. Now, the new “me” is the “me” where Christ is living within me, so the “me” is when “Christ” is my Lord.  Jesus Christ is our Lord now, and that is the beginning of all problems. Why am I still my own Lord? It’s because of my greed, I cannot let go of my own desires. I cannot let go of my greed and I have no desire to entrust it to the Lord; I have no desire to entrust my entire life for the Lord.  I have to ask God to give me whatever I want, but all of that will be destroyed. If they’re not receiving God’s answers, people have no choice but to wither away.   Look at the people who have received answers. They are overflowing with life, and the reason they are receiving answers is because they’re aligned with the Lord. And if they’re not receiving answers, it’s because they’re not aligned with the Lord. Anybody who truly knows who the One inside of them is and is the Temple of the Lord, they will receive answers.  

The One Who has the answer to all of our problems is within me; no matter what problem you’re facing, he can solve it.  Do you believe in that?  Jesus Christ promised, whoever believes in this and prays, they will receive answers. Do I have to work a lot to earn it? No, the Lord has already finished it. Jesus Christ has already finished the problem of your disease, your physical problems and mental problems on the cross, and is with you. Do you believe in that? But you don’t believe in that when you pray, you don’t believe in that when you read the Bible; that’s why you’re not receiving answers. It doesn’t matter how much you read your Bible if you don’t believe. 

The Bible is all about testifying Jesus Christ.  It says that we are healed by His suffering on the cross.  Jesus Christ was mocked and humiliated and took upon Himself all of the mental burdens we should’ve received. On his death on the cross, He has solved all of the curses, disasters, and death that we should’ve received, and that Jesus Christ is inside of me as life. The issue with your disease has already been finished, but you don’t believe that. And because you don’t believe, you’re not receiving answers. It doesn’t matter how much you pray, if you don’t believe, you’ll only receive answers of disbelief.  This makes no sense rationally; you just have to believe in the incident of the cross. The problem of your depression has been finished on the cross, but you don’t believe that.  All of the problems with the people in your life have been finished, but you don’t believe that and you hold onto them. 

Anyone who believes and seeks in prayers will receive answers.  “That person is harassing me, they are my enemy,” but even that problem is finished.  But because you don’t believe in that, you keep on fighting physically. You must believe in Jesus.  People might say, “We all believe in Jesus,” but that’s not what I meant. You must believe that He has finished everything  on the cross. Whoever believes in this, these are the signs that will accompany them: Satan will be cast out, the bartizan of Satan inside of me will be destroyed. The problem that is flowing down my family line will not be finished unless I believe. It doesn’t matter how much you go to church or how much you pray, whatever Satan has planted inside of you cannot be finished. Once you believe in the fact that this was finished on the cross, then God will begin to heal you because He fulfills His Word. The problem of your poverty and money has been finished on the cross, but you don’t believe that, because God’s not giving you money. But that’s not what Jesus does; Jesus is not someone who answers us to fill our greed.  If you’re praying and not receiving answers, it’s because of your greed. God is not someone who fulfills our greed, but whoever seeks God’s will will receive answers.  

In today’s scripture, we see God’s will for the Temple.  It is the place where all of the Gentiles in the world, the children, and the diseased should be able to come, to worship and to be raised up.  That is how we receive answers. The church is a place where anyone can come to receive the Word of God; it doesn’t matter if they have or have money; it doesn’t matter if they have or do not have class.  Everyone should be able to come to worship God. “But then it will become so noisy or messy?” That’s why we have Temple Construction, so there is a separate place to worship. There must be a place where people who have mental afflictions and shout and make a fuss can worship and receive healing.  We do Temple Construction so that people of all nations can come and worship in their own language. Why? “My house is a house of prayer for all nations.”  That is the Word God fulfills, and inside of that Word, everything is contained. Why do you have to work? There is no reason to work except for this reason; God will take care of your living and eating. But anyone who prays according to God’s will and His Word will receive answers.  So, the very first goal of your life must be Jesus Christ; in other words, the Temple or the church must be your first priority, then you will receive answers.  

    (2) The power of the throne is established in me and my field – Prayer

I am the invisible temple, and now, we must pray for the power of the throne of heaven, for the creator God to work upon me with His power. I pray that prayer every day. “May the God Who has created the whole universe fill me with the Holy Spirit.”  That Holy Spirit is within me, and He connects me to God the Father and God the Son, and that is the power of creation. “Work upon me with that power. God, work upon the field that I will go into today.” To do what?  “Because people don’t believe in Christ, may I be a witness of Christ.” That’s promised. I receive answers because I pray, holding onto His promise. I’ve never prayed for Him to give me money.  Why would I pray for money? If the Gentiles come to church, money is involved in that. If the children come here to worship freely, money is involved in that, so you have to have the correct prayer topic, so don’t seek money, seek what God desires. First, seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, then all these things will be given to you as well, and all these are things we need to buy with money. But if the professionals are working but don’t know this, they will all die.  The reason all the children are studying is to get a job, but if you study without knowing this, you’ll all die. For the musicians who know this, God works upon them with that spiritual blessing, and that spiritual blessing is different.  

    (3) Power and authority to overcome the ruler of the kingdom of the air (Eph. 2:2)

We have the power and authority to overcome the ruler of the kingdom of the air, Satan. We have to use that authority.  If there is a robber or thief, then a police officer must use their gun and authority to arrest that person; otherwise, they will be attacked as well.  The Bible tells us we must first bind the strong man in order to steal his possessions. Inside of us, there is something very strong that Satan planted inside of us, the very strong thing of “Me.” How can that be destroyed? The Holy Spirit must work. If it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that you cast out demons, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you, and the Kingdom of God must come upon us. Starting from today, you need to have the answer so that the problems of the world are not a problem to you.  You need to have an answer so that the problems of your family line are a problem, but they are not a problem to you.  That is the one who believes in Jesus Christ. But if that does not become your answer, you don’t really believe; you just believe that He has saved you, then you will lose many blessings. Every step you walk will be finished with faith in Christ.  

    (4) Strength that comes from spiritual power (Ac. 1:8)

You must receive spiritual strength, and the wisdom must come from your spiritual state.  If somebody succeeds in the world with the wisdom of the world instead of spiritual strength, they will be destroyed. Without God’s help and without God’s guidance and strength, they are trying to succeed with the strength of the world or Satan, so they will fall.  Inside of that spiritual strength, money will follow, people will follow, physical health will follow, everything follows, and that is what I hope you will pray for.  If you pray for that, everything else will follow. No reason to pray, “Give me this,” or, “Give me that,” just focus on one thing.  

    (5) All nations, Healing, Future Generation – Prayer

There’s an example in the Bible that says, “If you want a cow’s head, don’t ask, ‘Give me the cow’s eyes and the cow’s ears,’ but just say, ‘Give me a cow’s head,’ and it will all be included.” But you don’t know the prayer for the entire cow head, so you pray, “Give me the eyes, give me the nose,” and it’s such a headache; you can just pray, “Give me the cow’s head,” and everything is included. May God’s Kingdom be established within me, everything is included in that. “God, give us the temple where people of all nations can come to worship and pray, and where children may come to play and be raised up to become leaders of the world.”  All of your studies or business is included in that prayer, but if you don’t know this, then you come to church to make money. There’s no reason to do that. If you do what God desires, then God will work.  Yes, people can be poor, but if there is poverty in the family line, generation after generation, that is an issue.  Yes, people can get sick, but if there’s the same illness or disease going generation after generation, that is a problem.  Yes, people can feel depressed, but if there are generations upon generations that have depression for no reason, that is another issue. 

There are so many different kinds of addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, and it’s very hard to end that. Why is it hard?  I’ll tell you something.  If somebody tries drugs once, they get this feeling of joy that they’ve never experienced in their life before, and that’s programmed into their brain.  The brain remembers that sensation and does the drug again to try to feel that way again, but they don’t get the same feeling. You’ll have to do multiple times the amount to get the same feeling. Without taking that amount of drugs, they can’t satisfy that desire. So, they have to do the drug again, but even if they do multiple doses, it doesn’t feel the same. That’s how they fall into addiction. You might go from drug addiction to alcohol addiction, because it doesn’t feel the same. Or you go into gambling addiction, but what is the common characteristic?  The greatest joy you’ve ever experienced in your life is programmed into your brain, and you’re wandering around to look for that joy. If you get a sense or taste of power, there is a sensation to that.  Until you’re able to satisfy that craving, you’ll never have enough, that’s why people try so hard to get success and power because there’s a taste to it. Everyone around you applauding and praising you, that’s no ordinary feeling.  The feeling of all of these crowds cheering after celebrities and musicians, it’s not an ordinary feeling. If someone has tasted that, would they be able to experience the same thing inside the church?  If they’re able to experience the same thing, that would be great, but if not they would have to go back.  How would we find that? It cannot be with the things of the earth.  The greatest sensation you’ve had because of your drug addiction cannot even compare to the things of heaven. 

    (6) The prayer to fulfill the God-given vision and dream

You need to have a taste for the gospel.  If you feel the ecstasy or the joy of Jesus Christ Who has finished all your problems in heaven, that cannot even compare. You cannot even compare the joy of power that allows you to boss people around, with the joy of heaven.  The reason why people pack their bags and go on so many vacations is because they’ve had a taste for that. I’m not telling you to not go on trips, but I’m telling you, someone who has had a taste of Jesus Christ must go on these trips to not be addicted to them.  May you have that blessing, that blessing is there for us. That’s why God told us, “My house is a house for prayer,” you need to have that taste to not hold onto the things of the world. I’m sorry to tell you this, no matter how much you try to not hold onto the world, if you like it, you’re bound to hold onto it. You need to truly get a taste of the things of heaven for you to let go of the things of earth.  From that point on, God will give you the things of the earth because He knows you’re not going to hold onto those things.

  2) The visible church – Church sanctuary

    (1) A courtyard for all nations (237) to come worship and pray

We are the invisible temple in the church, but there is also the visible church; we are gathered here together, and this is not a Temple; this is a church building, but why do we have to gather together to make the church building? We spend our money to build a church so that all 237 nations of the world can gather and listen to the Word of God in their own language. 

    (2) A courtyard of healing

There needs to be separate areas where people who are diseased can come to receive healing.  Awhile ago, somebody came with a rock to hit the pastor with it, but then they left the rock here, and I asked other churches, and apparently, this person had gone to other churches as well. Even those people need to go to church, let go of their stone, and receive grace, but then other people cannot worship; how could they worship in danger? We need to make a separate room for those people so they can worship as well, that’s why we do Temple Construction.  

    (3) A courtyard for children

Children, they run around and make a lot of noise, we need a separate place for them to worship.  We need to build this Temple because Jesus Christ has specifically promised that, “My house is a house of prayer for all nations to come and worship; for people who are diseased to come and receive healing; and for children to run around, praise, and pray.”  That’s the reason why I pray; that’s the reason why I work.  So, first seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness. You need to align with God to receive answers; it doesn’t matter how hard you work, if you’re not aligned with God, you will not receive any answers.

  3) The individual and church receive answers (Jn. 15:7-8)

    (1) If you remain in me and my words remain in you

    (2) Ask whatever you wish

Finally, let’s look at John 15 to see who receives answers. John 15:7 says, “If you remain in Me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it shall be given to you.”  First, we must remain within Jesus, that means, I must be within the faith that He has finished everything, then the Lord’s Word will come into me.

    (3) Disciple who bears fruit

Anyone who prays holding onto the Word of Jesus Christ will be to “my Father’s glory, and they will bear much fruit, showing themselves to be [His] disciples.”  


1. Morning – Prayer to receive the strength of holy meditation

Every early morning when you wake up, hold onto the Word of God, meditate on that, and receive God’s answers.  If you don’t receive spiritual strength at that time, then you will live your life with your thoughts and your emotions.  

2. Day – Prayer to find God’s meaning and plan

During the daytime, so much is happening to us; do not find your own meaning in that, but pray the prayer that seeks God’s will and God’s meaning and God’s plan in that, because all of creation is moved by God’s Word, then you need to find God’s reason.  

3. Night – Concentration Prayer (Problem, Studies, Business, Ministry)

At night before you go to sleep, don’t do anything else, because whatever you do at night influences your spiritual state while you sleep at night; you’re constantly receiving that influence, so meditate on the Word of God to receive an answer to all the problems you’ve experienced throughout the day. And pray to receive God’s wisdom because God needs to give us the answer of the 3 Courtyards and Temple Construction, so God must give us our wisdom for the studies. May you and I have this blessing throughout the week.  

Message Prayer

Let us pray together holding onto the Word God has given to us.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You. We have returned Your materials as offering. We pray that You will bless the hands that have given the offering for the Temple construction, for the Gentiles of the 237 nations to pray, for the diseases to be healed, and for the children to pray and praise God’s to their hearts’ content. May You bless their offering, may You bless the hands that have given the offering for the missions of the Gentiles and the future generations. May You work upon the hands that have given their tithe with the economy of light.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

God, we thank You.  We pray that You will pour Your blessing upon our newcomer Geggie, so that she may receive the blessing of the Word being fulfilled in her life. May she be the one Who is able to pray to save all nations, the children, and the field.  May her life receive answers.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer.

2. 9/30 (Sat.) LA Young Adult Retreat

3. 10/16-19 Lecture for Mexico evangelism disciple class: Invited Elvia (El Salvador) for training.

4. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to receive answers by holding onto the Word of God to pray, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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