Those Who Discovered the Treasure of God’s Kingdom (Mt. 13:44-50)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Those Who Discovered the Treasure of God’s Kingdom (Mt. 13:44-50)

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May this be the time to receive God’s unprecedented and never-repeated answers.  In Matt. 13, Jesus Christ explains multiple times, using parables, about the Kingdom of God, and the fact that Jesus Christ explained this multiple times means that it is very important, and the fact that He explained it multiple times means He did it so that we can understand from different perspectives.  

God does not change even one degree, and He always fulfills His Word.  Jesus explained using parables so that the Pharisees and Jews would not be able to understand, and the disciples would be able to understand more deeply.  Today, the Kingdom of God is explained using three different parables, and the disciples understood what that meant. Later on, these words are fulfilled.  

1. World

If there is a Kingdom of God, it means there is also the kingdom of the world.  The kingdom of the world is formed visibly and physically.  We can also include the mental world as part of the physical world, but the Kingdom of God is something else. If you and I are able to know and enjoy what the Kingdom of God truly is, then we will see many fruits. 

  1) Ruler of the world (Jn. 12:31, 14:30)

In the world, there is the ruler of the world. There is a ruler of the world that is working and controlling the world even now, and if you don’t know this, you’ll only hear the “Kingdom of God” with your knowledge, but if you do know this, then the Kingdom of God will actually work upon you with power.  

    (1) Ruler of the kingdom of the air (Eph. 2:2)

    (2) Follow the ways of this world (Eph. 2:2)

    (3) Spirit who is now at work (Eph. 2:2)

The one who is the ruler of the kingdom of the air is ruling and guiding this whole world, so Satan is leading the world and the people are following.  The way he works is the spirit who is now at work, in other words, the evil spirits, and this is invisible.  So, if you don’t know the invisible things, then you won’t think the Kingdom of God is very important.  The more you know the darkness, the more you know the preciousness of light.  If you don’t know darkness, then no matter how much somebody explains the light to you, you won’t understand it 100%. The more you understand the world, the more you will understand how important and valuable the Kingdom of God is.

  2) Satan – How he deceives 

    (1) Me – Standard, judge (Gen. 3:5)

And there is a way that Satan deceives the world. In Gen. 3:5, Satan deceives us saying, “You are God.” What does it mean that I am God?  I say that all of my standards and judgments are correct, or, whenever I think someone else’s judgements are correct. That is how Satan is working upon the evil spirits and upon people.  Satan binds us so we cannot escape from ourselves.  Whatever thoughts you’re thinking right now, you’re seized by them.  Whatever you’re feeling, you’re seized by that.  But we cannot recognize that.  That is how evilly and subtly Satan holds onto us.  We are living our lives to make all our judgements, emotions, and plans centered on ourselves, then of course, I should think what I think; how else shall I live?  God’s thoughts must become my thoughts. That’s how we were actually created to live. 

    (2) Me – What I want (Gen. 6:2)

In Gen. 6, Satan makes it so that I live and decide whatever I like, whatever is of a benefit to myself, and I try to avoid things that will bring me loss, and I choose whatever I like.  That is the way Satan controls us.  The result of that is the flood in Noah’s age.  Then of course, I should do whatever I like and what I want; what else should I do?  We need to do what God desires.  But if you lose hold of that and you think whatever you want is the best, that is the way Satan is holding you, and if we don’t know what God desires, then everybody without exception will be seized by this. 

    (3) Me – Success (Gen. 11:4)

Then in Gen. 11, Satan makes us live with the goal and the reason of our life to exalt our own name and success.  So, simply put, the way Satan controls people using evil spirits is so that we cannot escape from ourselves.  Because everybody has their own standards, we have no choice but to fight.  Every nation thinks they are in the right, so they have no choice but to have conflicts. Same thing for today’s society.  It doesn’t matter how great of a politician they have; there is nothing they can do about this.  

  3) Satan culture

    (1) Idolatry, religion, mysticism, transcendental meditation

This is how Satan is invisibly moving and controlling the kingdom of the world, and we are following. So, people are bound to live for an idol, whether it is invisible or visible; it is the greed in their hearts. “What’s so wrong about doing what I want?” That’s not how we were created; we were created to do what God desires, we were created in a way that is good to God.  So, look at America today.  People live however they want, they just live however their heart leads them.  They even live choosing some religion, but even that religion is for themselves.  

God did not give us religion; He gave us Life, and when that Life comes upon us, that Life guides us forward.  We were created so that all of our blessings come from that Life. But the way people are developing, because they face their own limitations, they try to use transcendental meditation to receive all the power and energy of the universe into themselves.  There are some organizations that teach, “This isn’t a problem. The fact that you think this is a problem is a problem itself.” That’s philosophy, that’s Buddhist philosophy.  “You are Buddha himself, why are you trying to find the answer elsewhere? Buddha is inside of you, so why would you try to find the answer elsewhere?” That’s why they concentrate on themselves, and they raise up their own level. 

    (2) Disease – Spirit, flesh

In Matt. 12:43-45, it says that demons seven times worse will go in. That is how Satan holds onto us, invisibly.  Then, the result will be complete suffering, both physically and mentally. Mentally, we are suffering with illnesses. We are suffering for invisible reasons, and we are suffering for no reason. What is the beginning of that? It starts from being centered on “me,” and when this becomes more severe, we are bound by evil spirits, and even if we go to a hospital, there is no diagnosis.  Because this is seizing your spirit invisibly, until that goes away, you will face endless suffering, and it goes all the way to physical suffering.  

Nowadays, you see a lot of people who are passing away because of problems with their brain. If there’s a problem with your brain, there is no solution.  If you want your brain to be healthy, you have to intake a lot of oxygen, because most of the oxygen in your body is used by your brain.  That is why people do this deep breathing.  The way that you are breathing now, it leaves you no choice but to have pain and cancer.  Especially intellectuals use their brain so much, so they will deplete their oxygen quickly, and if your brain is depleted of oxygen, you will have problems with your brain. If you go to a hospital, they plug you into an oxygen machine because you are lacking oxygen.  Athletes also control the breathing in their stomach because they exercise so extremely.   So, they hold onto their stomachs and make them breathe very long.  That is intaking a lot of oxygen into their brain and their body. 

Imagine how much your brain is being used because you make all your judgments from your brain.  In a physical sense, we need to have oxygen in our brain, but in a spiritual sense, we need to have the Spirit within us, and that Spirit only comes from God, so if you don’t know this, you have no choice but to be attacked by it. So, even though we have medical and scientific advancements, people are dying from cancer. Even right now, we are all getting cancer.  We can only diagnose it when it is visible to the eyes, but it is all in progress for us.  The only way to overcome that is by deep, long breathing, and the work of the Holy Spirit’s power.  That’s the power of God. This connects all the way down to your future generations in your family line. 

    (3) Family line, family

This is the world and nobody can escape from that, nobody can escape from “me,” they can only escape when they discover something better. That means that will only be concluded if something external that comes that is greater than myself.  It’s not enough for you to say, “I like this,” it must not be from “myself,” but whatever God thinks is good must be discovered by me in order for my life to change. That is what you call the Kingdom of God.  

We are all living in the world right now, what is the most valuable thing in the world? It is money. Even right now, people are living their walk of faith to get more money.  That’s not the life of the Kingdom of God.  That is just a religion you’ve chosen for the religion of the world, and that means you have not yet discovered the most tremendous and important value, and it’s evidence that, whatever God has said is less important to you than the values of the world. That’s why you’re not able to let go of money. 

2. God’s kingdom

  1) Treasure (Mt. 13:44)

    (1) Hidden in a field (Mt. 13:44)

Jesus Christ is speaking about the Kingdom of God. In today’s parables He says it is like a treasure that is hidden in a field.  Back in the Biblical times, there were a lot of wars, so they would bury all of their treasures in the field and run away.  Then, the owner of that land might pass away, or the future generations might inherit that land, but nobody knows about the treasures that are hidden in the field.  

    (2) After finding it (Mt. 13:44)

    (3) Sold all he had and bought the field (Mt. 13:44)

So the owners of the field will hire out laborers to work the field, and one day, the field laborers work in the ground and discover an important treasure.  So, this laborer will hide this treasure again and sell all of their possessions to buy this land.  The field itself is not the issue, but the treasure hidden within it is what’s important.  Jesus says, “That’s the Kingdom of God.”  The Kingdom of God is the hidden and tremendous treasure.  I’m not just talking about the Kingdom of God that you will go to after you die, but the Kingdom of God that you enjoy on earth is the same. 

    (4) Rich young man (Mt. 19:16-22)

In Matthew 19, there is a rich young ruler who went to Jesus Christ and said, “How can I go into the Kingdom of God? I have kept all the Ten Commandments and I have no sin.” The Jewish people thought that only those without sin can go to heaven. The Jewish people thought only the very small minority of people who had not broken a single letter of the law have no sin and can go to heaven, so Jesus Christ is teaching, and this rich young ruler said, “How can I go into the Kingdom of God?” And Jesus said, “Sell all of your possessions to the poor, then come and follow Me.”  Then He says, “Then you will discover the treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven.”  

Most people, when they hear these words, will look very downcast because they lived their entire walk-of-faith to gain these material possessions, and now they’re being told to get rid of it.  People say, “Why would I choose a religion that would be to my loss? I chose a religion to benefit me, and if they want me to give up everything, I don’t want to believe it.”  Does that mean that rich people cannot receive salvation?  That’s not what this means.  This means that, no matter what you have, you cannot discover the treasures of the Kingdom of God with your righteousness of the law or all of your treasures. 

  2) Jesus Christ

    (1) Treasure (Col. 2:3)

Col. 2:3 says that all treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden within Jesus Christ. We cannot discover Jesus Christ with the wisdom and the knowledge that we have.  God has to allow us to discover this, one day, by His grace.  They did not do this by themselves; they coincidentally stumbled upon it.  In Matthew 4, there were fishermen, and Jesus Christ came and found the fishermen, and they followed Him because they discovered Jesus’ value.  When they discovered Jesus Christ, they followed Him after leaving behind all their parents and their possessions.  

    (2) Greatest knowledge (Phil. 3:8)

Even Saul, somebody who said he was righteous by the law and persecuted Christians, met Christ one day. He thought he was living his walk of faith with the righteousness of the law, but one day, by God’s grace, he discovered that’s not it. In Phil. 3:8, he said, “Everything I’ve had until now, I regard as rubbish.”  We keep on talking about discarding, and all your facial expressions are downcast because you don’t want to throw it away. People say, “I came to church to gain something for myself, but the pastor keeps telling me to discard.”  I’m sure there are many people like that, and that’s rightful to some extent. You’re bound to think like that until you’ve discovered the greatest value of grace. 

    (3) Whatever were gains – Loss (Phil. 3:7)

One day, after Paul realizes this value, he says, “I race to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.”  Nothing else could overcome the curses, disasters, Satan, and hell.  Only Christ can do that. If you have met Christ, then you must receive this guidance, that is the greatest value. Receiving His guidance is the greatest wisdom.  With the knowledge of the world, you cannot receive or know of God’s guidance. The Holy Spirit which is the spirit of Christ must come into us and continuously guide our way.  

Paul confessed, “I am now racing towards that for which Christ took hold of me,” because that is the greatest value, so we’re not telling you to throw something away or not; if you discover what is of greatest value, you race towards that.  

As we go to church, why are we not able to overcome our powerlessness? I am powerless because I have no power, but when you discover the greatest value, then His power will come to you.  But because you’re not able to discover that greatest value, you try to gain some strength for yourself and you go all into discovering the things of the world. The plan that Christ has given to me is the greatest value, and now the Kingdom of God means you have gone into His reign and His control.  Only when you know that this is the greatest value can you go into that guidance and that control.  

In order for you to discover that this guidance is the greatest value, you need to know that, however you desire to live your life with your sovereignty, it will not work out.  Every person used in the Bible knew this, they knew this so they went into the reign of God and that’s when God’s power was revealed.  If God’s power is revealed, then all of my weakness and lacking is irrelevant.  

  3) Merchant looking for fine pearls (Mt. 13:45)

    (1) Pearl of great value (Mt. 13:46)

In the second parable, Jesus says, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.” He is a merchant but he is a merchant looking for the finest of pearls, and that is what the Kingdom of God is.  Jesus Christ poured everything into finding that one lost sheep. God Himself, to save that one person, poured everything.  He came onto earth as a human and died on the cross.  So, that pearl is us; the ones who know Christ are the pearls, and in order to find that pearl, Jesus Christ came to earth. That is the Kingdom of God. 

We’re the same, after Jesus Christ ascended into heaven, He entrusted us with the role of being an ambassador of Christ to continue that work.  I am like a merchant where all of my life, my business, and my studies are focused on finding that one precious pearl to save.  That is the Kingdom of God.  If we don’t know the Kingdom of God, then we’re bound to do the work of the world. But if you do know the Kingdom of God, then God will work.  Then, you pour everything of yourself to find that one soul, to find that one disciple, why? Because Christ is important.  That one soul who will receive Christ is important.  

    (2) Sold everything and bought it (Mt. 13:46)

If that happens in your business, then God will work upon your business. Your business itself is not what’s important, but God is bound to pour His power into it to save people through your business.  The Israelite people who did not know this were always suffering as captives, colonized and enslaved; this means they were enslaved by the strength of the world.  They were always dragged as colonies and captives to whatever the world says was valuable, like the power of man and money.  But whenever they were chasing after what was truly valuable, like in the age of David, God poured true power upon the Israelites. 

    (3) Jesus who finds the lost sheep (Mt. 18:12-14)

In the third parable, it explains the parable of the Kingdom of Heaven is like a net that captures all types of fish, they keep the good ones and throw the bad fish out.  Later on, when we die and go to heaven, those who have salvation will go to heaven, and those who do not have salvation will be thrown to hell.  So, while we are on this earth, what should Christians be doing for that work? We must cast the nets.  We are laying the net down in our life in order to find the good fish who will receive salvation, that is the work of God’s Kingdom. You are raising up the bartizan in the job God is giving to you to find the good fish.

3. God’s kingdom

  1) Early church – Those who discover only

You have a gathering there, you have to raise up this gathering in order for the fish to gather, and God will send you the good fish, He will send you to the field.  The members of the Early Church did not go to the temple; they went into the field, they did not gather in the Temple of Jerusalem, they gathered in each of their homes, in their fields.  This means that every day, in the Temple Courts, and in the fields of their homes, they were casting their nets. 

I hope you will cast your net in the field of your job, then you need to know.  They need to know, “Oh, this person always has this Bible study gathering at this time on this day, here.”  When you raise that banner, God will gather everyone to you.  Sometimes there will be good fish, there will also be bad fish who hear the gospel but reject it.  But you are bound to do that work of the Kingdom of God in that field.  Why? Because the person who has discovered the pearl of greatest value is bound to go all into that work. 

We have financial difficulties, why is that? It is because we lack the power.  We are not receiving the works of evangelism that save people in our fields, why is that? It’s evidence that I cannot do this, and it’s evidence that, then, God’s power is not coming upon me. Then, what must we do?  God has no choice but to work.  Whom does He work upon?  God will begin to work upon the person who knows that this is the most precious and important thing.  

In the Old Testament, that was Joseph, he knew that this was the most precious, and everywhere he went, God began to work. We don’t need knowledge because God just needs to work. The people who knew this were David and Daniel, everyone used in the Bible knew this blessing. God knows your weakness, God knows that you lack IQ, God also knows your terrible personality. God knows you cannot have human relationships, and in order to do His work, God must change you. 

If you think your walk of faith is about changing yourself by your own efforts, you’ll revert back to your original state.  You’ll try to endure it a few times, and then after a while, you’ll explode, and it might seem like you’re receiving grace, but ultimately you’re not.  God must hold onto me, God must hold onto my personality, God must seize my emotions. No matter what you try to fix your own depression, you cannot do it. If you take medication to fix your depression, then you’ll have another problem because the fundamental problem has not been solved. If you’re drinking alcohol but you quit alcohol, you’ll fall into something else instead because the fundamental has not been healed. God’s power must fundamentally be upon me to overcome. Upon whom?  God is bound to work upon the one who discovers that the work of the Kingdom of God is the most precious and valuable thing.

    (1) Only Christ (Ac. 1:1, Jn. 19:30)

Matthew 13 was still before Jesus Christ died, Jesus Christ was explaining about the Kingdom of God before He died on the cross, and even though the disciples understood, they don’t really understand because they still ran away when Jesus Christ died. It means they weren’t able to correctly understand. We are the same way, we listen but we’re not able to understand very well.  The Lord resurrected and they said, “He is truly the Messiah, He is alive right now, He is God Himself.”  Only when we confirm those facts will we respect and honor His words.  

    (2) Only God’s kingdom – Mission (Ac. 1:3)

Then on the Mount of Olives, He concentrated on the disciples for 40 days to imprint the Kingdom of God into them because they heard it, but it still wasn’t in their hearts.  Even though it was explained to them very well in a theological way, the value of the Kingdom of God had not yet hit their hearts.  For 40 days, the Lord God Himself imprinted and trained the disciples about the Kingdom of God.  When do people act?  Someone’s actions only follow what is hitting their heart. Even when you’re buying something, you only buy it if you like it in your heart.  People act all the time, and their lives are only concentrated on whatever they think is valuable.  The Lord knew this and made them concentrate for 40 days.  After 40 days of concentration, the Word about the Kingdom of God went straight into their hearts. 

    (3) Only the Holy Spirit – Within me, in the field (Ac. 1:8, 2:1-4)

When does this come? Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you will you receive power; then you will be a witness until the ends of the earth.  

    (4) Only prayer (Ac. 1:14)

They held onto this and actually went out into the field and prayed for God’s power to be upon them.  Only that can save me and my field.  Yes, we need money and our studies, but with that, we cannot save ourselves. With those, we cannot save the world.  That’s why, even though these people were falsely accused as heretics and threatened with death if they testified of Jesus Christ, they went all into this.  The fact that they gave their lives for this means they have discovered a greater value than their lives themselves.  The Lord is explaining this to them, little by little, using parables, and though they understand a little, they don’t understand completely.  

The forces of darkness hold onto your thoughts and your mind.  If people don’t believe this, they will continuously be dragged around; that’s why God’s Kingdom must be established within me. With your upright, noble thoughts, you cannot do this. It doesn’t matter how good your heart is.  It doesn’t matter how moved you are when you look at beautiful flowers or a movie, it’s not going to work. For human beings, God’s Spirit must come upon us.  Only when God’s Holy Spirit works with great power upon our thoughts, hearts, emotions, spirit, and body, will things start to take place.

Right now is that time.  I hope that right at this moment, you will pray for the Holy Spirit to work. It doesn’t matter how much money you have; if you do not use it, it is of no use. There are some people who have so much money saved up but don’t spend it before they die. Yes, you might feel a little bit more secure if you have money saved up, but if you’re not spending it, then you won’t benefit from the use of it. The Holy Spirit is inside of us, but there’s no work of the Holy Spirit. It’s the same thing as having the money but not spending the money.  Only when you use the money will you benefit from the power of money.  

The Holy Spirit is with us, the saved people of Christ.  That Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus Christ and the Spirit of the Father God.  The evil spirits are the spirits of Satan, and that is why, “Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” Nothing else will work. It’s not possible with money, it’s not possible with your personality. It’s not possible even with your great thoughts. Nothing else will work.  It’s only possible when God Himself comes upon us with His power, that is what we call the Kingdom of God.

Even right now, we’re thinking. That’s not the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God being upon you means you are praying for God’s thoughts to fill you.  The reason why people have mental illness is because they have so many complicated thoughts. People who are simple-minded don’t have mental illnesses as much. You have mental illness if your thoughts are very complicated.  The reason why people in this society have so many mental illnesses is because they’re always looking at their phone and thinking. Your brain never stops.  That is why your brain is continuously depleted of oxygen.  Then, later on, you’ll have problems in your brain just like if you run out of battery. 

God’s power must be within our brain, and therefore, God must reign over my brain.  You need to pray for God’s power to work upon your field, your job.  Otherwise, Satan is holding onto your field and you cannot overcome that.  It would be okay if you were omnipotent and omniscient, but you don’t even have an IQ of 500. You can only do this if your IQ is infinite. So the books of the world, yes, you should keep as reference, but you shouldn’t believe in them. That’s why you must believe in God, you must believe in the power of God.  Right now, pray for the power of God to be upon my brain, there are a lot of people who are suffering from headaches and migraines. Pray for the power of God to be upon my heart, there are many people who are suffering from suicidal desires.  Only when you believe that you need it will it be upon you.  The fact that you need it means you surrender everything of yourself because you acknowledge it’s not going to work, then you will seek the treasures.

It’s not enough to persuade somebody; it doesn’t matter how much you persuade them, because their thoughts will revert back. It doesn’t matter how much you try to persuade them because everyone is bound by their me-centeredness and “my own benefit,” so they won’t move unless it benefits them. It’s only possible through prayer. When you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God works there, transcending time and space.  Even right now is that time, you are praying for God’s Kingdom to be upon you and upon your field. Then you will see if it is right when you go. You yourself will know. I’m only telling you this because I’m a witness. I do this every day because I cannot do it. My personality can’t do it. Not with my knowledge, not with the leadership I’ve learned. God’s leadership must be upon me.  God’s long patience must be upon me.  My personality cannot do this. The extent of my personality is always fighting with my daughter; I cannot do this. I fight everyday with a little child, so with my level, I cannot do this. I cannot endure for a long time. I watch her for a little bit, and then I get mad. That’s why God must be upon us.  

  2) God prepares – Treasure, pearl of great value

    (1) People of 15 nations (Ac. 2:9-11)

When the power of the Holy Spirit came upon the members of the Early Church, God opened the doors. God attached business people from 15 faraway nations to the Early Church.  God must work for the blessings of meeting.  Whatever you think is okay in your mind might be the opposite of God’s way.  Everyone who’s gotten married is a witness of this; they say, “I married them thinking they were great, but they’re not. When I had my baby, at first, it was very precious and beautiful, but the older it gets, the less precious it looks.” When you look like that, you need to surrender. God must work, and that meeting is a blessing.  Those meetings must continuously take place at your job through God’s works. 

    (2) Man who was lame (Ac. 3), Ethiopian eunuch (Ac. 8)

In the path that your children are walking, they must continuously have the blessings of meeting with their professors and mentors, and it’s only possible when the Kingdom of God is established by the power of the Holy Spirit.  When God’s power comes upon me, my thoughts begin to change.  For multiple years, they saw the crippled beggar as a crippled beggar, but when their thoughts began to change, he was no longer a crippled beggar, he was a precious pearl. And because they were able to see that, they gave him the gospel.

What is evangelism? If somebody discovers the greatest value of the gospel and determines, “I must testify of this,” that is Biblical evangelism.  That is why only when you discover the value of Jesus Christ will your eyes to see the field open. So yes, you might use different methods of evangelism, but that might not go long before you putter out.  Only the one who has discovered this value can go all in.  The people who get Nobel Prizes have discovered the greatest value for their lives, so that is why they’re able to bury their entire life for this goal.  Only the people who are imprinted with this idea that, testifying the gospel of Jesus Christ to this one soul is the greatest value, can act on that.  

    (3) Cornelius (Ac. 10), Proconsul (Ac. 13:12), Lydia (Ac. 16), Jason (Ac. 17), Priscilla (Ac. 18), Rome 

(Ac. 19)

After that point, by the work of the Holy Spirit, you will continue to have the pearls of greatest value and good fish.  Then, God must work to overcome even your illness.  But you’ve been living, so you have no choice but to be ill. That’s why you’re sick. If there’s a result, there must be a cause.  You cannot change it with your good heart because you’ve already lived as you have. Now is the time to change your value. No matter how much you try to change yourself, unless your value system changes, your actions cannot change.

“Wow, Christ is truly the greatest value, and receiving His guidance is the greatest knowledge.  Him working upon me is the greatest power, and finding people like this is the greatest plan of my life.”  That is the reason why we need money and studies.  Therefore, first, seek God’s Kingdom; everything else will follow you, that is the blessing of the Kingdom of God He has given to us. 

  3) 237 nations

    (1) One nation

    (2) Healing, summit

    (3) Temple construction

So, through you, the entire world is destined to be saved, so I hope you will pray for one nation, to save that nation for your whole life. Just pray for that. It doesn’t matter how much you try to think with your brain because it’s not going to cut it. God’s Word must be entrenched into my thoughts, then God is the One Who will fulfill it.  To save one region, you have to save the region in which you are living, and God will give you the power to save.  


1. One spirit, one disciple, one region, one nation

2. Relay Christ – Greatest value

3. Working of the Holy Spirit

One disciple, that precious fish, that precious pearl.  Those are the people whom God will attach to you.  Whoever you meet with, that’s your present address. If for some reason, you’re always meeting with conmen, then you’re always thinking connish thoughts.  If you’re always thinking about the smooth casanova who’s always tempting men and women, you’ll meet people like that. If you always think of “Get rich quick” schemes, you’ll meet with people like that. However, if you’re always thinking of saving one nation, one region, then those are the people who will be attached to you. I hope you will experience this blessing and stand as a witness in this world.

Message Prayer

Let us pray together holding the Word we have received.  

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You.  We thank You for allowing us to discover the knowledge of Christ, which is the greatest value. Allow us to stake our lives upon the most precious pearl.  We desire for the works of the Kingdom of God to take place.  We pray that You will allow the people of the world who are suffering for no reason to discover the gospel, to discover their value and to come into the Kingdom. We pray that You will give us the grace and the power to go all into Your works.

We have given your materials as offering. We pray that You will work with the economy of light for the offering that will save the church, the Temple Construction, the multiethnic people, and the future generations. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

God, we thank You.  We pray You may continuously pour Your power upon them so they may discover the greatest treasure and live for this.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to enjoy and relay the greatest blessing of the treasure of the Kingdom of God, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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