Do Not Follow the World – Lead the World (1 Cor. 6:20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Do Not Follow the World – Lead the World (1 Cor. 6:20)

If you lead the world, you may be a slave to Satan, then honestly, you’re not actually leading the world.  You’re actually being dragged in the direction of slavery to Satan, then what does it mean to be a slave to Satan?  God has prepared the people, but you have no choice but to be a slave if you don’t know what it means to lead the world, but if you know what this means, you will lead the world.  The remnants can only lead the world if you know the method and answer to do so. 

1. World – Our Thing X

Thing to Save

1) Gen. 3:1-5 People – God

Thoughts, Heart, Emotions

But your thoughts are not from God; they are all from Gen. 3, it’s from the devil.  The thoughts you have are not from God’s Word, and if your thoughts are not from God’s Word, it means it is not from God.  If you follow after those thoughts, you will be a slave to Satan and the world.  That is why we cannot live according to our thoughts, but Satan says, “You live according to your thoughts; you are the standard.”  Everybody makes decisions and lives based on what goes on in their heart, and they just go in whatever way they desire.  And they are dragged in the direction to make decisions based on their emotions.  But these things are not from us.  The thing that belongs to the children of God are the things that belong to God.

Don’t be dragged by your thoughts, heart, and emotions.  You shouldn’t be dragged when you talk to people, because that’s not from God. 

2)  Gen. 6:4-5 Evil – Good Thing

Do you understand? Of course I should do what I want, but that’s not good in God’s eyes; that’s evil.  It’s not just that, but it also leads to disaster. I chose evil so the Nephilim attacks. Don’t live according to your thoughts and what you think is good. Nobody can escape from that.  Everyone is dragged in this direction.

3) Gen. 11:1-8 Our Name, Scattered

They say, “We only live for us,” and that’s how the world lives.  “Let’s challenge for the heavens for our name’s sake. Let’s try to block disasters with our science,” then what’s going to happen? They’re completely going to be scattered, and how were they scattered? They were scattered in a painful way, through wars or through disasters.

This is the world now, but they’re under the misconception that this is good, their abilities are great.  But the remnants need to at least know what the world is, so that is how you can lead and save the world. All your friends live like this, it may seem like a good friend to you, but they live like this. They’re best friends but God says it’s evil.  We live irrelevant to God’s Word. We must save people, “and if I don’t like them, should I not like them?” No. Save with God’s Word.

2. Answer to Save the World

1) Gen. 3:15

Crush the head of Satan and come out of it.  Believe in Jesus and give the answer of Christ, that’s what a friend is. 

2) Gen. 6:14 Ark

You don’t study to follow the world, but remnants who hold onto this covenant well will receive the evidence. It doesn’t matter how much you study this, but you don’t need to be bad at studying, either, because either way, they will just suffer and die. We must have the answer to that.  That is how we must raise the bartizan. Go to school and raise the bartizan, then people will see that, gather together, hear the answer, and live. That’s the Mark’s Upper Room movement. Don’t just go back and forth from school to follow the world; raise the bartizan that saves.

If you don’t raise the bartizan, that’s evidence you follow the world, then what happens?  When you face the disaster of Noah’s flood?  When you face the AI age, you won’t have the answer. When robots take over, you will not have the answer.  But through the one remnant who says, “I will save this world,” God will work.  The Ark, the Bartizan, where? In the field of your school.

Raise up the banner in your school because all your friends are dying. This is what I would do.  I would tell my friends, “On this day and this time, I will do the prayer and Word movement.”  If you’re not able to even say that, it’s evidence you’re following the world, but if you are able to do that, then the people who are able to receive answers will follow you. That’s the first thing you should proclaim, that’s what God desires.

Then, everything you do, your life and your studies will be within God’s guidance.  God sent you there to save that school.  You might think differently, you think you’re just going to school for yourself but that’s why your state is the way it is, so it’s worse off than nonbelievers.  We’re there to do the Ark movement, just try it.  On this day, during lunch time, I will hold onto the Word of God and pray.  According to your thoughts of Gen. 3, it might not seem right, but in the Word of God, the ones who are prepared will gather here. 

So, if you just stay in Gen. 3, you can’t work or do anything. You’re just going to get stuck in your thoughts and die. Until the day you die, you won’t be able to save even one person and then you’ll be stuck in your thoughts.  Do the Ark movement, just proclaim. First, plant the banner.  Pray for God’s Kingdom to be established, then even your friendships will be organized.  For the people who don’t like this, they’re on the side of the devil, so you shouldn’t be close to them, but there’s even one person who can come into this, and that is the person you must save. Then your studies are finished, this is the reason why God will bless your studies. 

Why do you have studies? It’s to save people. It doesn’t exist for your body, and that’s what the Bible tells us.  You do so many sexually immoral things; your body doesn’t exist for that. Your body doesn’t exist for your pleasure. Your studies don’t exist for you. Your body exists for the Lord. My studies are for the Lord as well.  That is how you lead the world. You need to put this into practice.  If you don’t apply this, you won’t be able to escape from this or depression. In the age you’re living in, there will be mass unemployment with no way to escape but God will entrust everything to the one doing the Ark movement. You need to experience that.   

3) Gen. 12:1-3

God told Abraham, go to the land I will show you.  They tried to block being scattered, they said, “Let’s band together and gather our strength,” but we need to go to the land will show you, to all nations, the 237 nations. My studies go there.  Starting from inside the church, may you hold onto one of the 237 nations and begin a prayer meeting for them. If you’re doing everything other than that, you can’t escape from this.

Ever since you’re a young remnant, “I will pray about this nation,” hold onto that nation in prayer, “I will live for this nation.”  Just do that and God will begin to fulfill, ‘I will be with you with all authority in heaven and on earth to fulfill this Word.”  

Canaan Land

If not, you’ll be scattered in war and suffering.  But you need to come to your senses and scatter yourself. Go to the field and do the Ark movement.  Go to the land of Canaan, the Word movement.  Every single remnant like that, without exception, will receive answers.  I’m sure you’re worried about what you’ll do in the future because you’re stuck in here, because God needs to tell you what’s going to happen in the future, but with your own thoughts, of course you won’t know.  There is nothing here for you.  You think you can live according to your thoughts but you can’t.  It’s what God gives to me.  To that kind of remnant, God will give you answers relatively quickly because you need to go. 


If you marry someone without a specialization, you will have unending poverty.  It’s not about someone who is nice. The guy with a covenant and the girl with the covenant got married, but that’s just her time schedule. She will only get better if God works upon her and gives her grace.  Either way, she will change into someone who will proclaim God’s gospel.  Even if she resists with stubbornness, she’ll be broken down. She was born in earth as a result of prayer, things don’t work out according to her.

I was going around Koreatown and evangelizing, but no one was receiving it.  Then I prayed, “If you give me a child, I will raise her as an evangelism disciple,” I’ve told her this many times, but God will break her down and make her into an evangelism disciple. 


You have been called as the ones to save the world. This is what you must know. 

3. Follow the World X

What’s the state of your heart? Is it for yourself?  Or, whatever you’re doing in life, for your own self? There’s no reason to follow after that. 

1) Incest

Inside the church, there was someone who had sex with his father’s wife. 

2) Legal

If you’re saying, “Who’s right? Who’s wrong?” You’re following the world. It doesn’t matter whether someone is right or wrong.  If I have the covenant, God will carry it out; no reason to fight over things like that.  We need to live our walk of faith correctly. People hold onto their own righteousness, “I’m right,” but what is the gospel? It belongs to God.  Finding God’s plan is the gospel.  But people fight about what’s right or wrong using the words of the gospel.  That’s not the gospel—that’s the law. They only reveal their own righteousness with the gospel.

If you don’t know the gospel, you’ll get sucked into that.  Satan comes into the churches and makes them fight and dispute, it doesn’t just end in the church, it goes into the family. When you get married, you do the same thing, “I’m right,” and now that you’re a Christian, you fight, “What is really God’s Word?” When you go into your job, you fight with the people around you, “This is not right,” because you’ve heard something in the church.  But instead of listening to the gospel, you listen to the law so you’re always fighting. 

I was on my way to Korea, taking a taxi from the airport.  I saw from the taxi driver’s messages on Kakao, he’s a pastor, so he told me to get in the back even though I wanted to sit in the front seat.  I was wondering, “What kind of person are you?” There was a $40 for the charge, and $45 for tip. But he was a pastor.  He’s so used to saying things like, “Load your own luggage and get into the back seat,” so he has the nature of the law to do this or that.  I understood that and I just stood still.  If you live in the church without knowing the gospel, you think this is right so you stay in your ways.

Why did God give us the law? So we will stand before the gospel.  Every single person is trapped in sin before the law.  But if you don’t listen to the gospel but you always listen to the words of the law, you’ll have self-righteousness, “I’m righteous,” and when you see something wrong, you can’t handle it.  Then you begin to judge and criticize other people with the righteousness of the law. That person thinks they’re doing it for God, and that’s why they dispute so much. That’s what the Pharisees were doing when they were destroyed.

When you live your walk of faith first, you must abundantly understand what the gospel correctly is.  Otherwise you think you’re doing the right thing all the time but you’re doing the work of the devil, and everywhere you go, all you do is fight.  That person doesn’t try to fight, they think they’re doing the right thing before God, but they always create conflict and go to the point of actual litigation. 

If she’s wrong, for example, then you’re saying, “Let’s take this in front of a jury to decide she’s wrong,” but what’s the point of going to the court of law for that? If she’s wrong, God will change her.  Don’t fight about who’s right or wrong, pray and wait for God to work upon her, but you say, “This isn’t the gospel, that isn’t the gospel.” That’s not the gospel in itself. 

Remnants, be careful, such people live their lives in their own righteousness, but they don’t know Satan is holding onto them, moving them. That’s why they go all the way to adultery litigation.

3) Adultery

I use the example of sexual immorality, but it’s the same thing with your studies, your work, money. It all exists for the Lord, not for you.  The Lord works upon my studies and business and everything.  Only this is the mystery for me to not follow after the world, but instead, to lead the world.  Otherwise you will all be dragged by the world.  The Israelites were following after the world until they were devoured.  They said, “Give us a king as well!”  God is already their king but they said they needed another king, so God had no choice but to raise up King Saul.  Of course, it’s better for God to be the king, not a person, so he faces his end.  If the leader, the king, is wrong, then all of Israel is wrong.

We are not following the ways of the world; we follow the ways of God.  We follow the ways of the Kingdom of God where God reigns over us.

1 Cor 6:20

Body – Holy Spirit’s Temple

Me- My Things

You can’t live however you want.  Now, your body lives for the glory of God. 

God’s Glory

Nobody will care if you study well. More nonbelievers take first place.  Every now and then, believers are first place, but who cares?  More nonbelievers get more first-place medals, but you believe in God? Who cares.  You say, “I believe in God and worked hard to get this first place medal”? Nobody cares. Christians are under a misconception.  You say you believe in Jesus Christ and He made you number one?  Nobody cares. It is the name of Jesus Christ being exalted, that is God’s glory, do you understand? 

At your school, I hope the name of Christ is revealed, that is how God is glorified and Satan is broken down.  Do not follow the world.

3, 9, 3

The moment you believe in Jesus Christ, you go into the guidance of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. 

Word, Salvation, Power

The words of people are not the words of creation. With God’s Word, the whole world is created and everything is re-created.  When the word of God comes into me, I’m continuously re-created in a new “me.”  There’s a difference of heaven and earth between people and God’s Words.  As you hold onto and pray and meditate on the Word God has given to you, the works of re-creation change you.  Through me, Christ is continuously doing the work of salvation. You need to do this well.  You know what the Triune God means, but you need to know what God is doing.  But people study theology and fail because they know the Triune God without knowing the work He is doing. They know God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, but even though they’re saved by Jesus Christ, and Jesus does the work of salvation through them, they don’t know.  The Holy Spirit works with power, but they work with diligence.

This Triune God is with me, in other words, the Word of God is with me for evangelism and power. 

Life, Breath of Life, Conquer

Power, Transcendence, 237

God’s power of the Throne of Heaven is within you, He is actually working in your field to the point of the 237 nations.  My life must be in here.

Unprecedented, never repeated

Everything in my past will change into a blessing.  Your past used to hurt, your past used to be a failure, but now it is changed into a blessing to save people.  In the present reality, God is with you and working. In the future it will be world evangelization.  This is the 3, 9, 3 prayer the remnants must do in the morning when they wake up. It doesn’t take time; it can be 30 seconds.  God is with you with His Word, salvation, and power.  Now, just pray for God’s power of the throne to be upon you in power for world evangelization, then invisibly, God will begin to work with His power.

You don’t see it, but the people who don’t believe in this have to do something with their bodies, but it won’t matter. Is it better to go to Korea by plane or by walking? Without understanding this, you will walk to Korea, but if you understand this, forget the plane; you’ll travel at the speed of light.  If you’re good at studying, you’ll be a smart slave; if you’re dumb, you’ll be bad, and if you’re average, you’re average. If you’re excelling, you’re an excelling slave. There’s no answers there. Only when the things of God come upon me, I become myself.

Remnants who understand this, do this.  It’s possible that even the remnant minsters don’t do this.  It’s possible the youngest remnant here may understand that.  This moves according to God’s work, not age.  Joseph was 17 years old but he was the only person to understand; all of Egypt was changed.  His older brothers believed in Jesus but they followed the world. Pharaoh said in Gen. 41:38, “Whom can we find like this man, one in whom is the Spirit of God?” People who don’t have this say it’s hard, it’s difficult, and yes, it’s difficult but your standards, but God gave you this. You will receive power. 

“Pastor it’s so hard in the church,” then stop doing it. It means you don’t understand this.  Work is so hard? People stress you out so much? It’s because you live by your own strength.  “I don’t know what the future holds,” you live with your strength so of course you can’t see the future, but pray for God’s power, and the thoughts God gives you will come to you; God-given wisdom will be given to me.  We’re meant to live with that.

Then even your depression and panic attacks will go away.  It goes away.  Your drug addiction can’t be gotten rid of, that’s how you got into it in the first place. But if you struggle, you can’t escape. You can only be liberated when the things of God go into you. As you do this, the things you do will go away. You repetitively fail because that’s the level of your abilities, it’s only possible when the things of God go inside of you.  All my negative or pessimistic thinking? You cannot escape your thoughts, that’s why only when the things of God come into me can I overcome myself.

Even right now at this moment, do this prayer.  The people who understand are doing it, but the people who don’t understand, even if I tell you again, you won’t understand. That’s your loss.  It’s the same as, you have the airplane and the ticket but you walk because you don’t know this. Forget about the airplane; you’ll go the speed of a missile. When God works upon me and my field, the works take place in one second.

God’s power is upon you. Why does He give this to you? To save your friends and your field.  Inside of this, your studies, your work, your friends, everything follows, but the devil prevents you from doing this.  Remnants, challenge towards Early Morning Prayer. Remnants who lead the world in the future, challenge for Early Morning Prayer.  There’s definitely someone here.  There are people who will never understand and people who already understand.  Someone might not understand right now, but they have their time schedule in the future to get it.  Why waste your time for sleep and your own comfort? That’s laziness, and that’s the fast way to poverty. But if you don’t have money, you’ll be enslaved to people and your environment. Challenge for the Early Morning.

I’ll post the zoom link again.  On Remnant Day, they said to lead with the Early Morning.  Just because everybody else is being average, it doesn’t mean to align yourself to them. Challenge, one person can save everybody. Wake up early and pray; you yourselves will change. You will no longer be “you.” God will change you into the things God sees, but this is the answer. 3, 9, 3 prayer. May the power of the Throne of Heaven work upon me and my field. Let go of your things first.  Whatever you’re worried or concerned about, you need to let it before God.  If you pray with your worries, let everything go before Jesus Christ who finished it.  Pray for God to work upon you in power and for God to work upon your field, and allow my studies and business to save America. I hope you will stand as a witness of that.

God promises to give you evidence, not to do something, but to be a witness.  He gives the evidence of this. Let us pray.


God, we thank you. Allow us to be remnants who do not follow the world, but lead the world. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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