Call to Me with the Word in Prayer (Jeremiah 33:1-3)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Call to Me with the Word in Prayer (Jeremiah 33:1-3)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We will share the grace of God’s Word regarding prayer in Jeremiah 33.  The background of this word is, through the prophet Jeremiah, God had given multiple warnings that they would be taken captives to Babylon.  God gave His Word so all the Israelites had to do was to simply follow God’s Word, but they tried to resist it and resist it, and they even imprisoned Jeremiah, saying he was a spy for the Babylonians.

Without a doubt, God gives His Word through the prophet.  It doesn’t matter how much the Israelites tried to resist it; if they had just followed God’s Word, they would have been beaten less severely.  However, the king of Israel refused to listen to God’s Word, so in the end, he had both of his eyes plucked out, and he was dragged behind on a horse-drawn chariot to Babylon.  

At that time, the prophet Jeremiah was imprisoned unfairly, so he must have felt injustice in his heart. All of these things happened not because he did something wrong; he was simply delivering God’s Word, so in Jeremiah 33:1, it says, ‘The Word of the LORD came upon Jeremiah a second time.”  When the Word of God came upon him the first time, perhaps he didn’t recognize it very well. His situation was so confusing, even though God gave him His Word, he wasn’t able to decipher it very well. Isn’t this an unfair situation?

So, the Word of God came upon him a second time. The Word of God must come upon us, there is no greater blessing than the Word of God coming upon us.  The Word of God coming upon us is how we talk about the imprint, realizing something.  The Word of God, when it comes upon us truly, Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” 

The greatest thing is for God’s Word to come upon us because when God’s Word comes upon us, it says in Jeremiah 33:2, that God is the One Who forms the world and establishes it.  God establishes all the work. But if the Word is not established in us, we have to do the work and go into the state of an unbeliever, without God’s Word.  Or if the Word comes upon us or is imprinted in us, God does His work through us, the way that He does that work is form it and establish it. 

On Sunday, when you receive God’s Word, God works in your fields. This is, “The LORD is His name,” and He says, “Call to me.”  When the Word of God comes upon you, you will have the edit and planning, and you will be naturally able to pray and plan the Word in the field. Then God actually fulfills that design in the field.

What does the Word of God say?  If the Word of God doesn’t come upon us, that is a very miserable person, because that soul is someone who is far from God.  However, if the Word of God does come upon you, that person must remain alive no matter where they are.  Especially for the remnants, no matter where you are, if the Word of God comes upon you, you’ll come to life.  The Word of God that was planted in you while you were young takes root and that fulfills God’s Word.

That’s why John 1:1 says the Word is God, the Word came down as flesh and that was Jesus Christ.  Inside of that, Jesus is life and light.  Jesus says, “If my words remain in you and you remain in Me, pray for anything and it will be given to you.”  The one who follows the Word of God is the disciple, he says, so before all this, we pray with God’s Word to receive the plan that God fulfills.  We receive that Word and take it to prayer and apply it in our field. That’s why worship is everything because God’s Word is everything.  

Yes, there are 66 books in the Bible, but what’s important is the Word of God established in me. God raises up the church and fulfills His work within His time schedule and that’s the work He’s doing now. Some people say they don’t need the church and read the Bible themselves, but they are irrelevant to the Word of God, they cannot enjoy he blessing of church which is the body of Christ. 

If they’re far from a church, they may not have any other choice, but even if they follow the stream of the word of the church, they are still members of the church.  God raises up the church which is the body of Christ and God fulfills it, which is His time schedule.  The one who receives the Word and prays about it will undoubtedly receive answers.

“Call to Me,” God didn’t say to pray but to call out, because Jeremiah was in that kind of situation. “And I will answer you, and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”  We receive answers we can never even imagine, if it’s something I can imagine, I can just accomplish it by myself.  

John 16:13 says the Holy Spirit will reveal the things of the future to us.  So, He will tell us the things that will happen in the future in advance, and allows us to receive those answers in prayer.  However, if someone is unable to receive God’s Word and pray with that Word, they will only receive the answers the church is receiving.  It would be completely irrelevant to their own lives, but they just look at answers the other people in the church are getting and just follow along. 

Even so, they have the same answers.  But they don’t have any certainty in their own walk of faith.  When the church says we receive an answer, they say, “I guess that’s true,” but they cannot change their own fields because we change the fields by standing as a witness. If you receive that answer, then everything is finished, but if you don’t receive answers, you’ll have no choice but to say a lot of excuses, like this and that.  

God gives His message through the prophet Jeremiah of how He will restore Israel from Babylon. What must we pray for? First, the church inside must be restored.  Especially the remnants and new believers in the church must be restored within the covenant of Christ and world evangelization. Christ has finished all problems, those words must go into everyone fully.  If these words do not come into us, then we’re like a pharisee.  That’s what you call a Pharisee, and we have no choice but to speak other words.  Even as you speak about Jesus Christ, you speak other words because you’re a Pharisee.

Our lives must be finished, and our prayers enjoy the power of the throne of heaven. Now that everything is finished, we must receive God’s power to save others through it. You must all play your role so this may be smeared upon everyone in church.  It doesn’t matter how many groups gather together; help them to stand before God’s Word.  People are only gathering together to talk about problems, but we need to allow them to receive answers by standing before God’s Word.

We are not fortune-tellers, telling them how to receive answers.  Disciples do not follow people. They stand before God, they finish everything through worship.  There are training systems set up inside the church, but a lot of people don’t understand the value of these systems. You need to know the value of this system to participate in it.  But if someone doesn’t know how important this is, they just think, “Okay, I guess that’s it.”

It’s the same thing for the remnants. We are going into the age of the 3-day weekend and we have this important system, but they don’t know how important that is.  Just as Jesus Christ was on earth, they didn’t know how important He was, because they thought something else was important.  What God thinks is important and what I think is important is not the same, so we’re not able to see this.  God is already prepared everything for the future generations and church officers, but we don’t know that.

Then we say we’re not receiving answers and we’re thirsty for something else, and we look for some other methods.  It’s the same thing for people who faced Jesus Christ face-to-face and looked for another method even though He is the Way.  Jesus Christ gave them the entire and complete covenant of the Mount of Calvary, Mount of olives, and Mark’s upper room, but they looked for something additional.  These people are all looking for things of the earth, that’s what they’re interested in. But the things we have are the things of earth; not the things of heaven. 

But the person who knows the value will come in, that’s always been God’s method.  The gospel has finished all problems but we still don’t believe that.  Everyone has their time schedule, then I hope you will edit the word.  It’s not enough just to listen with your ears; you must look up the verses in the Bible. Only when you finish everything with Christ will your life begin.  If your life is not beginning, it means you might have received salvation, but you’re still living under the state of a nonbeliever.  In other words, there are people who receive salvation through God’s grace, but were wandering around in the wilderness for 40 years, complaining about the things of the earth.

God guides us, already having finished everything from Canaan to the world.  For the people who truly believe this, they are bound to receive the answers of conquering Canaan and saving the 70 regions and 70 disciples through their business.  God tells us to save the 70 nations, how do we do that? Will it fall upon us from the sky?  No.  “Therefore, go.” He’s talking to us, to go where? The field. He has hidden disciples.  Find them, how? Through your business.  Connect your business to the 70 regions and the 70 nations.  When you hold onto this and pray, God says He will reveal this to you.

Hold onto the covenant He has given to you when you pray.  Then, God will show you the great and unsearchable things you do not know. Once the Word is imprinted in someone, then they pray and connect this into their fields. We just need one person like this.  Even when you look at Jesus’ ministry, for 3.5 years, He raised up 12 people, and then the 70 workers, so even God Himself did ministry for 3.5 years, and it was only those people.

Inside the church, we only need a few people.  Yes, it would be great if many people did it, but God can work in a great way through the few.  You need to stake your life on this, not anything else.  God tells you to call out to Him, holding onto the covenant, then you receive answers. It’s not a prayer that’s just grasping for answers, and the reason you can continue to pray, holding to the covenant, is because it’s imprinted in you, then you receive answers.

Once you receive those answers, you, your field, your church, and the future generations come to life.  You don’t have to say anything else.  The other things are not important or influential; say the words that receive answers.  Then God begins to work so nothing is a problem for us.  If someone thinks they have a problem, it’s because they’re outside of Christ. When you look at someone arguing about problems, they’re someone outside the covenant, then of course, you cannot communicate.  David and King Saul could not communicate, Joseph and his brothers could not communicate. But instead, you argue about who’s right or wrong instead of avoiding it altogether.

No matter what, just talk about the things that will receive answers.  Because in front of God’s answers, nobody can open their mouth. If you don’t have the ability, then pray. God’s power can come upon you. But why do you think you cannot pray? It’s because you’re not imprinted in this, why not? Because something else is imprinted.  You’re imprinted with, “My hard work, my diligence, my abilities.”  Today, right now, this is the time to change your imprints. You cannot change your imprints with your abilities.  No matter what you try, only by the work of God’s Holy Spirit can your imprints be changed, then how important is receiving God’s Word and praying?

The person who knows this reason will come out.  The person who knows this can reveal this covenant to the future generations.  Why else would we all gather at the church instead of worshiping online?  The Lord already knew that would happen so He said, “Distance yourself from those who refuse to gather because the Holy Spirit is working right here, at this time, at this location, God is working.” There is always a disciple in that field, that’s the field.  I believe God is working there right now. I believe when you hold to the covenant and pray, God will work.  That’s the reason we gather together today, to hold onto God’s covenant.  

When Peter was in prison, the disciple gathered together and prayed and the doors to the jail opened up. You’re so used to praying prayers that are grasping at answers, but pray the prayers that are bound to receive answers.  God’s will is to change the culture in your region, so that is what you should pray for. Stop praying for unnecessary things, but pray for this. It is God’s will for God’s Word to be preached in all regions of America, so pray for things that will take place. But if you keep praying for things that won’t take place, it will take a long time to get those things out of you.

Today, at this time, we pray, holding onto the work that will take place, and God works. The answers come according to God’s time schedule which God controls. As soon as you pray, you can believe the answers have already come, because the only issue is the time schedule; you already know it’s going to come. 

If you say something mean to someone, they won’t help you. Why say those words? Pray to God instead, so the fastest way is to hold to the covenant and pray. No one else needs to help you.  Because the covenant is fulfilled by God, this is something only He can do. You don’t need to pray for success, that’s something you can do with human strength.  However, if you want to do world evangelization through success, that is something only God can do.  

Pray for the things that will take place.  May this night be the night where your prayer topics change.  May your prayers have inevitable answers.  That’s why prayer should be enjoyable because you’re praying for things that have no choice but to happen. But the reason why it’s hard is because you don’t know if it will happen or not. Don’t pray for unsure things; pray for things that will take place.

When you pray for the remnants, you know it will take place. Pray for the 237 nations, you know it will take place.  You pray for the golden fishing grounds and to find disciples.  The reason why we gather together to pray is because that’s when we have more strength.  Even Satan will gather together his very strong, fortified fortresses and organizations, that’s why when we gather together like this for Friday night worship and pray for one topic, the forces of darkness crumble.  

But the people who haven’t received God’s grace to realize this will think that intercessory prayer is a loss to them. No matter how much this person does do intercessory pray, they will not receive answers because they are so self-centered, that’s what the kids call “stupid.” When we pray to break down the forces of darkness in one fell swoop, they will receive answers.  Only the people who do believe in this will gather to pray.

I am praying for my region but actually the answers come to me because all the work you’re doing is connected to the regions.  If you only pray for yourself, that’s what’s wrong.  “I only want to pray for my kid, I don’t want to pray for anyone else,” that’s a stupid thing, that person is imprinted with Gen. 3, they still don’t have the gospel imprint. 

Look at Noah, God told Noah to build an ark for yourselves and your descendants. Other people say, “Why do I have to build an ark? Why do I have to do the gospel movement? Why do I have to pray? I can make a living by myself, and I’m still a child of God.” They don’t know the true value.  God tells us to pray the prayer that blocks disasters but we can’t see that.  One day, when the spiritual problems in our family line come in, we cannot block that.

Americans will give fully loaded guns to their children, and then shootings happen. That reveals the spiritual problems of America.  The spiritual problems are very severe, the mental state is not normal.  Think about it, if people leave fully loaded guns around in their house where kids can reach it, that makes no sense.  There are young parents who would starve their 2-year-old child to death. Those are spiritual problems.  It’s not that they didn’t have food; the parents just forgot to feed their baby. This means they’re in a state of being obsessed or addicted to something else.

If you have a spiritual problem, then your future generations will be destroyed. That’s why we gather together and pray, and that’s the way to save everyone.  The people who know this gather together to pray, then the answers will all be accumulated and come in order. Today is that time.  

Friday night worship is that time. The church officers are not able to receive these answers as they do not know how important this is. Answers are given to us by God, and God told us to have formal times of prayer in the church because that is how we receive God’s answers.  Yes, when people worship online and pray together with us, they receive answers as well. We cannot teach the future generations to worship like that. We need to help the future generations gather here to receive answers in the church.  The future generations should not just follow other people and see the answers other people get.  The remnant is the one who leads the world. The church is the place that spiritually leads the world. So the leaders in the church will lead.

We’re going to do it anyway so it’s better to do it in advance with God’s answers, and today is that time.  There are many places for us to pray about, including Sedona and Yakima.  

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