Follow the Word While in Canaan (Josh. 1:10-18)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Follow the Word While in Canaan (Josh. 1:10-18)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

Today we are going to receive God’s grace regarding the scripture, Joshua 1:10-18.  Joshua was the next leader after Moses, and he was raised up to be the leader.  The Israelites were wandering the wilderness for 40 years, they were first captured by Egypt, but they were liberated by the Passover blood of the Lamb. 

Then they received the covenant of the land of Canaan. A saved child of God receives his or her mission.  But the Israelites who lost hold of their mission wandered in the wilderness and lost their lives in their disobedience.  God had given them a great blessing and answer of the land of Canaan, but why did they lose hold of it?  It’s not that they did not choose to hold onto the mission, but it was because of their imprint, root, and nature of Egypt that they had in the past. 

The reason why we are losing hold of the covenant is because we are holding onto the past imprint, root, and nature, the wrong things, and they continue to lead us.  It is the imprint that Satan has implanted into us.  Then, why did the crowd enter the land of Canaan? Only the people who had the imprint, root, and nature of God’s covenant, were able to enter into the land of Canaan.  God had prepared this actual blessing. 

We have to do the spiritual battle, to break down Satan’s Kingdom and establish God’s Kingdom. Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against evil spirits, against Satan.  Even now, we have to establish God’s Kingdom to break down Satan’s Kingdom.  If this fundamental thing is not established or known, you will continue to be afflicted and oppressed by physical things. That’s why God gave us the covenant of His Kingdom.

Conquering the land of Canaan is not just entering it, but fighting and winning. It is not a physical fight against people, but a spiritual fight.  Satan was conquering the entirety of Canaan through idols.  Let’s say I try to enter into the land of Canaan physically or through physical means? Those people are still in the wilderness.  Entering Canaan means you know what the mission was and what the fight was about.  

When that time schedule becomes ours, that’s when it becomes the time schedule to receive God’s answer and God’s Kingdom.  In Matthew, when God’s Kingdom is first established, everything else follows. The future generation must know this and study.  But they don’t know this and study? Then they cannot overcome the forces of darkness that are overcoming their field and family background.  Despite believing in Jesus Christ, they live a life of failure.

God has given us the authority and blessing of world evangelization while we believe in Christ.  When this becomes our imprint, root, and nature, God begins to work, because this must first be imprinted in my heart. If this isn’t imprinted, the past imprint, root, and nature will move me. This imprint isn’t changed because I want to change it, but it is only changed and restored by God’s Spirit. 

Let’s say your child has received this imprint from a young age? Then everything is finished for him.  That’s like Joseph, David, and Daniel who were imprinted at a young age.  We have to teach them the Word, but it’s through the filling of the Holy Spirit that God’s Word is imprinted in them. We have to listen to the Word but it is by the working of the Holy Spirit that the Word is imprinted in us.  That is the time of worship. There’s no other method. It is only this.  

Those who are wisest in the world do not like worship because they value something else other than worship. It is said that those people block God’s Word.  In 1 Cor. it is promised that God’s Word is revealed to those who are childlike.  God doesn’t desire sacrifice but mercy, meaning the importance isn’t about coming to worship but it is on your state of receiving God’s mercy.

God’s Word is eternal, and when that eternal Word comes into my spirit, that’s when that Word becomes my future.  In John 1:1, it says God’s Word is God.  What is God doing right now? He is working according to God’s Word. What is the Spirit doing right now? He is fulfilling God’s Word.  What is God doing in the field? He is fulfilling His Word.  For the one who has the covenant in the field, God’s Word will continue to be fulfilled. 

God will allow you to go into the field and conquer it like Joshua.  When we are out in the field and we have to conquer the land of Canaan, who is doing that? Jesus Christ.  Joshua is just the errand boy. The Israelites did not go out and fight with weapons.  The natives in the land of Canaan were worshiping idols.  Satan right now is subtly holding onto people’s minds and controlling them. We cannot overcome anything with people’s minds or wisdom. 

We do not go holding onto weapons; we go holding onto faith because this fight is only possible by God.  If we go out into the world holding onto physical things, we would not be able to overcome it.  We go to the world holding onto this but there will be no victory. Satan’s kingdom subtly holds onto and controls people.  Then, we can never win with the wisdom of the world.  Faith in God, holding onto God’s Word, that is all by the work of God.  

That’s why when Joshua is told, “Do not be afraid; be courageous and have faith,” it is because God does that.  That’s why the Bible says not to stray to the right or left of God’s Word because people are bound to be shaken. Everyone speaks according to their own thoughts, but people tend to listen to other people.  If I do not have the covenant, that is when I’m shaken up by other people’s words and lose hold of the covenant.

Hold onto the covenant and do 24 hours.  Hold onto this covenant in your field and do 24.  Then, definitely the answer of 25 will be revealed to you, the answer of fulfilling God’s covenant will come to you. There’s nothing more simple than this.  The work of the world seems very ambiguous, but they’re able to succeed with diligence, but everything is inside of God’s work.  You must open your eyes to these fundamental things.  

But if you do not hold onto the fundamental things and focus on the shallow, not fundamental things, the physical things, you’ll be like the Pharisees. Churches are like Pharisees because they hold onto the physical things instead of the fundamental things.  They physically fight and boast of themselves, so both sides will perish.  This is the state of most churches today, and the elders and pastors blame one another.  It’s a fight of power, whether this or that person is stronger, just like the Pharisees, they are bound to perish.

But the reason why the church raises elders is like the time of Moses, the word of God was relayed through the elders to the people.  They weren’t just raised for a title but if you’re not able to do this, all the church officers will all fail because God raised them up to do this work, but they do something else, so they will fail.  That’s why, if you have a title and position, you have a responsibility. The church officer’s role is to carry out God’s Word and disperse it throughout the church.  

In Joshua 1:10, “So Joshua ordered the officers of the people,” and in Joshua 1:11 and onwards, “Prepare because we are going to enter into the land of Canaan.” It says, “Prepare your provisions and supplies,” meaning things you eat.  But we have to prepare the spiritual food, that is the Word.  Not physical eating in the field, but the spiritual Word, the Word of God. This is relayed to all the church members. 

The reason why the church officers were raised is so when the pulpit message is given on Sunday, the word is relayed from the church officers to the rest of the church. But what happens if you lose hold of the fundamental things and focus on something else? You yourself will fail in the field as you lose hold of this important meaning. It’s only natural and absolute that it starts with the church.  It is through the church’s many programs and works that this Word is relayed in the field.

It doesn’t matter whether you have a position or title in the church.  Let’s physically volunteer your work, but spiritually, you are just doing this.  What happens if you lose hold of the spiritual things and physically volunteer? You’ll also do that in the field.

Joshua 1:12, there are three tribes, Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh, they comprised 50% of the Israelites, and Joshua addressed them.  They tried to enter into the land of Canaan from the east to the west, but this land to the east of the Jordan was uninhabitable.  There was a war in that place before they crossed the Jordan River, and after being victorious in the war, the two and a half tribes asked Moses to give them this land.  They spoke about this to Moses but Joshua knew about this. 

The two and a half tribes had to keep fighting, so they boldly asked for this land as they were in the forefront of battle.  The land God originally promised to them was the land past the Jordan River, but this land right here was a prosperous land, bountiful and plentiful, so they desired that land, and God allowed that.  But there was a condition, if they were to receive this land, they would have to participate in the war in the land of Canaan.  Today is the content about Joshua confirming Moses’ words to these two and a half tribes.

Joshua 1:13, your wives, your children, your materials may stay in this land, but you men, come and fight the war in the land of Canaan. In this verse, the term “rest” comes up. There was no rest in the wilderness, the people were anxious and visibly shaken as they went up to God’s Kingdom.  Also, in the New Testament, Heb. 3 says, “In their disobedience, they were not able to enter into God’s rest.”  Hebrews is actually talking about the Israelites in the wilderness who were not able to have rest.  

Heb. 4:1-2 says, despite hearing the gospel, they did not believe and could not have rest.  Even in Heb., it states, despite listening and hearing the gospel, they did not believe in it and that’s why they could not have rest.  In the Old Testament, there is the Jordan River and Red Sea.  The meaning of the Red Sea, it says it is a symbol of baptism that Moses did.  It is the work God is doing; salvation is the work God does.  

You cannot cross the Jordan River without faith. The Jordan River did not part by itself like the Red Sea, but the priests stepped foot in it, in faith, to split the Jordan River.  You cannot enter into the land of Canaan without faith; you cannot overcome or conquer the world without faith.  This means, you cannot have rest.  No matter how much you try to seek rest, because our physical bodies look for everything else, we cannot have rest.  

The two and a half tribes fought in the battle for the land of Canaan and later on returned.  But eventually it turns out these tribes were colonized and captive by Assyria and became colonized by them.  In 1 Chr. 5:26, that these two and a half tribes were conquered by Assyria.  Why did this happen to these people?  Joshua 13:13 says, “But the Israelites did not drive out the people of Geshur and Maacah,” because they’re good at fighting, they had the power to drive out these people, but why didn’t they? They liked them.  They enjoyed the culture of idolatry and the evil spirits of adultery and corruption.  

Psalm 106:34-36 says, “They did not destroy the peoples as the LORD had commanded them, but they mingled with them.”  Why do we do temple construction?  It is in order to completely change the culture of idolatry in the region. If we do not change this, this will target the future generation.  The reason why these three tribes disappeared from the registry of the Israelites is because the first generation was okay, but it was the next generation that died off.  So, that is why you have to get rid of anything that is above God in your family.  You have to get rid of the ideology that is above God.  In order Word, you have to get rid of the things that you value about the gospel because eventually that will lead your future generations to destruction.

What does the “complete and accurate gospel” mean? It is the incident of the cross that completely finished everything, it completely fished all problems. If we do not have faith in this, we cannot receive rest because there is no rest in solving these problems.  You’ll be afflicted by past problems and the problems to come in the future so you have no rest. It’s not that they don’t have faith; they received salvation but they don’t have assurance, they don’t have faith in the work Jesus Christ had done. Because they don’t have faith, they physically complain and that’s when they go to heaven.  

If Jesus Christ finished all problems, everything becomes an answer or opportunity but it’s a difficulty if the Word hasn’t entered into you. The land of Canaan is where you’re led to, and you have to believe that to enter Canaan.  It is through the passover and Red Sea that you have received salvation.  It is the time schedule for Jesus to be born in the land of Canaan, so we go into it in faith.  

Right now, if we’re not satisfied with only the gospel, things will be difficult. What happens? When we find suffering in anything else, only the gospel can destroy Satan.  No matter what excuses you may give, no matter how much of the Bible you may study, you cannot destroy Satan. You must first conquer that.  When the filling of the holy spirit comes on you, God’s Kingdom is established and Satan’s Kingdom is broken.  Establish first God’s Kingdom in your heart.  

The business and studies I do, God’s Kingdom must be established, and you must hold onto the prayer of holding onto the 70 nations and pray like that. I can’t do everything I have to raise a disciple in that field.  It’s the same for your business, raise the disciple in your business so they can continue your work.  Challenge, holding onto that dream and prayer topic.  In faith, it’s not just one region, but multiple regions through your business, then you have to have this spiritual covenant.  

If you don’t have the spiritual covenant, you can sanctify yourself and be done. It’s usually like that in sermons.  It’s so obvious, when is it about saving the field? It’s all about sanctification, forgiveness of sins, etc., in fact, they don’t say much about darkness because it’s always talking about solving your sins and sanctification.  The focus is on how to solve my sins and become clean.  They don’t give the word to the church members on how to solve fundamental things, that is why it’s so difficult in the field and they come back, broken apart.  

What’s right about this? You have to conquer the land of Canaan.  That is why, for that person, evangelism is the hardest thing because they don’t know.  The Word of God is not imprinted in them so they say, “I’ll support missionaries and evangelists to save the age. They all grew up together and say the same things, and this is what draws people in. Words about success, money, and making it big, that’s when people gather together asking, “How will God make me rich?”  

That’s why the pastors and ministers themselves cannot overcome their problems because they don’t have the Word of God, because relaying this message means they themselves don’t have any power or authority so they’re bound to be discouraged and shaken.  That is why we know, according to the Word, we have to take the time to change what is important above the gospel. If we don’t change this, we will go into the field living for this.  But if the most important thing is Christ, we will go into the field for Christ, and that is how we become the bartizan that has and relays rest.  

God does His work but physical people ask, “Does that mean I don’t have to do anything? I can just get rid of my business?” They don’t understand the spiritual message.  This is a spiritual message.  We’re talking spiritually about God establishing His Kingdom and breaking down Satan’s Kingdom, so they ask, “Can I just let everything go?” They ask childish questions. First, we must do spiritual things, we have to say, “With faith, God will do His work.”

When God’s Kingdom is established, God will give us His power and enable us to do things.  This must be imprinted in your future generations. We can’t say anymore because we don’t know what’s going to happen.  It’s different for the person, different case by case. Later on, this will start to move.  But if they haven’t even heard it once it will not move.  When the children are stuck in crises, They’ll remember what has been set to them before.  The pastor entered into a mental institution because of his bipolar disease or disorder, and this was his testimony.  He was at his downfall, having a mental problem.

Spiritual problems are like this, God’s power was demonstrated in Christ for them to regain consciousness.  The pastor’s life is, he remembers this and holds onto Christ.  Look at Noah and his ark, this is something that may not come at all .  We need to focus but if you don’t relay this to the children or future generation, it will not be good for them.

The first generation of adults must understand this too, but if you don’t understand this yourself, the children will be left alone because you think making a living is fine right now? You are people who have no discernment. When you’re getting married and have a job, it seems like you’re okay, but the only way to be saved is Jesus Christ, Who is the ark.  

Joshua 1:15-18, Joshua confirms the covenant to the two and a half tribes. You have to enjoy the gospel. Don’t just say, “Christ,” and it’s not enough to go through the three roles of Christ over and over again.  It’s not just writing down priest, prophet, king, and just saying, “It’ll come to me at one potin,” but the three answers are the end to the three problems.  If you do not understand this, then despite holding onto Christ as the priest, prophet, and king, Christ did not really come into them but it’s their head knowledge.  Problems are not problems, but Christ is leading us, already having finished it. When the Israelites were liberated; It’s not a problem that there’s no water in the wilderness; those who thought it was a problem would die in the Old testament.  

These are opportunities for God.  70 nations, world evangelization, it’s our nature Que doing her work, and God is carrying out this Work, the ones who have faith.  The future generation must have but if you don’t have this taste, the future generations will always go for the and you must first enjoy this blessing so it will be relayed to the future generations and you’re doing if not, it doesn’t matter how much we succeed, Satan’s Kingdom will not break down, but eventually you’re also destroyed.  

Because you are succeeding without the covenant, but the children who gain healing through Christ and and that is saving the field through the work Antioch MIssion Church does in raising disciples and the church officers.  That is what we need to save the 237 nations and 5000 tribes. That is the reason why God has called you and me.  That is why I hope you will enjoy the blessing of holding onto God’s word and enjoying it.


If I’m far from God’s word, may this become your prayer topic, this is your first prayer topic, to become closer to God’s Word, and you know when it becomes your answer.  I hope you’ll pray to be aligned with God’s Word and to go close to God’s Word. Let us hold onto the Word and pray.  

Let us pray for the platform for the place to do this work, the church.  God has prepared a place for us.  Let’s pray regarding the temple to do world evangelization.  

The law school, USC, CSUN, Kohyang middle and high school, and Hollywood, for the Bartizan of Light to find and raise disciples.

Let us pray for the Yakima region, the doors of evangelism are opening with the couple, the elder and senior deaconess. They raised remnants there.  During the weekdays and weekends, if you have a prayer topic, pray for them.  In the Sedona region, the remnant Mose and his mother, I sent a picture and the tall woman is his mother. Tiffany was sent to Arizona for business, but God sent her to do camp.  Because the pastors in Sedona are going elsewhere, there must be a Bartizan set there, so let’s pray for Yakima and Sedona regions. 

Finally, let’s pray for the April World Missionary Conference.  Let’s also pray for the missions field the church is praying about. 

Two weeks from today is Easter Sunday.  I believe we’re going to have baptism and communion together, I hope you’ll pray for it, and we’re giving offering for Sedona now, we’ll accept it until Sunday and then we’ll send it.  Your answers are hidden within the announcements.  We do not give announcements regarding unnecessary things.  We are giving announcements because it has to do with the covenant and the church’s mission. Then you will receive answers.  I hope you’ll diligently listen to the announcements and prayer topics.

Now may the grace of our lord jesus christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, holding onto the covenant of world evangelization which has been given to us through Christ, be upon all the remnants, the multiethnic, and the people who desire to save the 70 tribes, 70 nations, 70 regions, and 70 disciples, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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