Jesus Christ Gives the Sabbath (Matt. 12:1-13)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Jesus Christ Gives the Sabbath (Matt. 12:1-13)

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.” May this be the time when you receive the true rest and peace in heaven. I think the greatest words mankind has are: hard work, diligence, earnestness; however, if God exists, I think those words should change for us. Even right now, God is working, but He is working invisibly.  But if you don’t know that God is working invisibly, you think that working your hardest with your effort is the best.  

However, if I go into the work God is doing, I will receive rest. This is invisible, so it’s only possible by faith. That faith comes to us from heaven, we are people who walk on this earth and do the work of this earth with the blessings of heaven, and it’s possible that people who are wise in the world do not know about this because with the wisdom of the world, we cannot know about the heavens.  Only the Holy Spirit that comes from heaven must reveal this to us.  

If those mysteries are restored within you today, then you will understand the words, “It is all finished.” Everything needs to be finished in order for you to have rest.  Only when you truly receive the words that the Lord has finished all the problems of your past, present, and future will you truly be able to breathe a sigh of relief and let everything go.

There was a fight in the main scripture that we read; there was a fight between two sides, “I have finished everything,” and, “No, there’s something we must do, still.” From the perspective from the nonbeliever, they can relate more to having to do something rather than having it be finished.  Back in those times, Rome was colonizing Israel, so the Jewish people were under the colonization of Rome.  That is the time Jesus Christ came.  Then, there was a conflict or a battle between Jesus and the Jews. 

1. The people who’ve lost hold of the essence

  1) The Pharisees

Jesus Christ Himself is the Way and the Truth, but when the Pharisees were fighting against Jesus, it means they knew something incorrectly.  They were holding onto the Old Testament and they were keeping it by themselves, but when they came across Jesus Christ, everything they knew was wrong, but they didn’t realize it was wrong. It is the same situation as people who live their walk of faith for a long time but don’t know where they are wrong. As evidence of that, they do not have true rest.  But despite that, they’ve gone through worship for such a long time and they have so much knowledge of the Bible.

    (1) Pick heads of grain and eat them on the Sabbath (Mt. 12:1)

God is allowing us to realize what is happening now through the things that happened 2000 years ago and is recorded in the Bible. In Mt. 12:1, it says Jesus Christ’s disciples were hungry on the Sabbath, so they picked some seeds of grain and ate them.  

    (2) Deemed what they were doing as unlawful on the Sabbath (Mt. 12:2)

The Pharisees saw this and said to Jesus, “Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath.” What does this mean? This isn’t about saying, “What do these words have to do with me?” but it means that these Pharisees have something incorrect inside of them.  Because they are living their walk of faith not holding onto the main point but holding onto a side point, they are fighting against Jesus.  

    (3) On the Sabbath – Do no work (Ex. 20:8-10)

The reason why the Pharisees say this against Jesus Christ is because of what it says in Ex. 20:8-10, it says to keep the Sabbath day holy, to do all your work on six days, and to rest on the seventh day. Now we are receiving the Word about what the difference is between the Sabbath that the Pharisees believed based on the Word of God as it is, vs. the Sabbath Jesus Christ is speaking about.  

  2) Jesus’s response

    (1) David – Ate the consecrated bread at the house of God (Mt. 12:3)

In 1 Samuel, when David was being chased to death by King Saul, he was so hungry that he went to the priest and asked to eat some bread.  Even David, on the Sabbath day, ate the bread that was consecrated only for the priests and that’s what Jesus Christ brings up. He says this, but the Pharisees didn’t understand. They know the Old Testament so well. If the truth of the gospel doesn’t go into you, you’re always in a state of confusion, you say one thing but your decision cannot stand firm.  Because you are holding onto the incorrect point as the main point, you’re always making the wrong decision.  If you connect that throughout your entire life, you are living a foolish or nonsensical life.

    (2) Priests – Work on the Sabbath (Mt. 12:5)

What does this mean? What exactly is the Sabbath?  People have to live. Saving a person’s life is what is most important, but you are only clinging onto the rules of the Sabbath, “Do this and don’t do that”? You are wrong.  Then, Jesus also says the priests work in the Temple on the Sabbath day.  How can you understand that?  The Pharisees only look at the text, “We aren’t supposed to rest on the Sabbath day, so we shouldn’t do any work,” but the reason God gave us those words to begin with is to give us true rest.  

If the priests do not give sacrifices on the Sabbath day, how do the members worship? If Jesus Christ has explained to this point, the Pharisees should understand, but they do not let their thoughts down.  Until the very end, they are stubbornly holding onto the thoughts and beliefs they were trained in while they were young.  Then, the Lord says, “Someone greater than the Temple has come, and it is He, Jesus Christ.” “You are saying this and that about the Temple,” but there is something greater than the Temple here, it is Himself, but they did not understand it either. 

Because they still didn’t understand, Jesus Christ said, “The Son of Man is the Lord of the Sabbath,” and this made the Pharisees upset, “You’re the Lord of the Sabbath? You’re greater than the Temple?” It’s possible we may live our walk of faith like this. People may say, “Are you sure the gospel is everything? Our actions must follow,” and some people say, “if I worship, will I get money? Will I get bread? Will my kids get smarter?” It’s similar to this.

    (3) I desire mercy, not sacrifice (Mt. 12:7)

  3) The essence of life

    (1) Sabbath on the 7th day of creation (Gen. 2:2, Heb. 14:3-4)

But the Lord says, “When you give worship, you will receive true rest.” We understand things at the level of the earth but God gives to us at the level of Heaven. Where does our rest begin? It begins from God. In Gen. 2:2, after God created all the universe on the 1st to 6th day, on the seventh day, He rested. As soon as humans were created, they go into the rest of God. Then how can we go into God’s rest? We have been created in God’s Image, and as long as we’re separated from the life of God, we cannot have any rest.  However, if you’re within the life of God, then His rest will be upon you.  Our worship on the Lord’s day is restoring that rest before we go back into that world.

The standard of the Lord’s day is, it’s until we receive that true rest and peace; that’s why we’re told to stop working.  If there’s a doctor who gets an emergency call for an emergency patient, but they say, “Oh, I can’t work on the Sabbath,” then they are killing that patient. The Jewish people while fighting a war would refuse to lay down their weapons on the Sabbath, so they would all die.  So, they actually had to change the law so they could only lift their weapons to protect themselves.  

Jehovah’s Witnesses do not hold guns at all because the Bible told us not to murder.  I asked them this, “If there’s an enemy that is attacking your family, and they’re killing everyone, and you’re just standing there, what are you doing? That’s what you call an accomplice to murder.”  During the war to conquer Canaan, God told the Israelites to kill everybody that doesn’t worship God. David killed so many people in war. So, if you don’t receive the grace to understand God’s Word, you’re going to interpret it very literally by the text.  

Especially for Koreans and Japanese people, they have Confucian ideals laid firmly in them, and when I go to South America, I see the ideologies of Catholicism are a very solid foundation, and women always wear something white on their heads. I wondered why they did that.  Even the churches that are there now are based on the foundation of old Catholic beliefs.  For Korean people, they have the foundation of Confucianism, so when they receive God’s Word, it is more in line with the law.  They are walking the path of the Pharisees, “Women and men should sit separately, women cannot stand up here,” their original law was so aligned with the law of the Old Testament. 

That’s why the gospel doesn’t go into them very well, and that’s why Korean people are so stressed out because they have to keep the law and they always have to do something, and they’re under a misconception that that is faith in Christ. I think that Koreans would respond to Jesus Christ exactly the same way the Pharisees did.  They live so diligently but they fall asleep at church. Imagine how diligently they lived?  They work so hard that when they sit there on the Lord’s day, they are thinking about their work. They have no rest and they’re under a misconception that they just have to mark their attendance on Sundays, work so diligently in the field, and give a lot of offering.

God is working right now; why are you working so hard? Even right now, God is working invisibly, but because you don’t know this, you are pushing forward with diligence, and that’s what the Pharisees did back then. If you’re able to truly enjoy this true rest, that is incomparable to money, but how can we lose that rest?  We lose that rest by disobeying God.

    (2) The disobedient – Cannot enter rest (Heb. 4:6)

Satan does everything he can to steal that rest from humans and he planted disobedience in mankind. Hell is a place where there is no rest.  People who are destined to go to hell will live a life without rest in preparation for eternal hell.  But people make their own judgments, “If God is so good, how could He make hell?” They imagine their own god.  We need to know the God that is in the Bible.  

These people don’t know heaven, either.  They say, “Why would God make something evil? God only makes good things.” Evil things happen on earth now, and even right now, people are continuously thinking evil thoughts on earth, and who began all that evil? It was Satan who tried to be like God. Your greed and ambition will take away all your rest.  You have this goal for ambition and success, and that will take away your rest. What kind of rest is there?  That was idol worship.  Col. 3:5 says greed is idolatry.  

    (3) Believe in the Gospel – Rest (Heb. 3:18-4:2)

Once you agree that everything has been finished, then you will receive rest, you realize, “This is not something I have to do; God has already fulfilled it, and I’m living a life that confirms the fact that He has finished it all.  He has finished everything until the moment we go to heaven. There’s a newborn baby sitting in the back, and she’s not aware of any of this, her mother takes care of her, she wraps her up in a blanket whenever she’s cold, she gives her milk.  The moment there’s a child born to their parents, everything is taken care of for their child until their parents allow.  If even a human parent is like that, how much more would our God do that?  The moment we believe in Jesus Christ, everything in your past, present, and future is finished.  What does it mean that it is finished? It means that as long as you are within Jesus Christ, God has already prepared a path for you.

Let’s say you face a problem. Is it a problem or is it not?  You have to answer that for yourself.  It is not a problem; it is a problem, but it is not a problem for me, it’s already been finished by the Lord.  Now, the Lord is my Master in the midst of this problem, so God guides me through.  Just knowing this is the beginning of your rest.  If you know this, but you don’t believe in it, then when you face a problem, you’ll be afraid.  

For people who are dealing with depression, they’re depressed even now because of that. They say, “I’ve tried believing in Jesus Christ but it didn’t do anything,” and even that has been finished. From that point on, you’ll overcome your depression. There are things that cause you suffering for no good reason, right? That’s not something you’re making up. The Lord has already finished it. Satan uses everything he can to continue to cause you suffering. There are some people who get splitting migraines every time they move because everywhere they move, they have a spiritual state in that region.  Even if they go to a hospital, there’s nothing showing up on the x-ray.

    (4) Master of the Sabbath – Rest in Jesus Christ (Mt. 12:8)

Jesus has finished everything on the cross, He has broken the authority of Satan, and Satan knows this.  The moment you truly know the enemy that is causing you suffering, then he will flee. Before that point, he does not flee. It is the forces of darkness that have been finished on the cross.  Who is the one who is oppressing me even now? It’s not you; it’s the darkness.  If you hold onto Jesus Christ Who has finished this on the cross and you truly know this, then that darkness will flee. May you truly fight the spiritual battle.  

If you depart from God’s rest, you will bear the heavy burdens of life.  Only through faith in Jesus Christ can we go into God’s rest.  For 40 years in the wilderness, the Israelites were not able to go into God’s rest because they didn’t believe in the promised land, the land where Jesus Christ would be born. The land itself is not important, but it is the land where Jesus Christ would be born. Heb. 4:2 says they entered into rest by hearing the words of the gospel. By believing in the Christ Who is to come, they entered into true rest. 

2. People who go against the Gospel

  1 Those who lost hold of the essence

    (1) Jesus – Healed the man with a shriveled hand (Mt. 12:10)

After Jesus Christ says these words, He goes into the Synagogue and heals a man with a shriveled hand. 

    (2) Charged Jesus – Against the Gospel (Mt. 12:10)

The Pharisees saw this and began to argue with Him, saying, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” There are people who believe in God through the Bible, but they keep going against the gospel. There are people who use the words of the Bible to keep on talking about the law and go in the opposite direction of the gospel.  The Jewish people created 39 of their own laws to keep and obey the Sabbath, they explained in very great detail about what constitutes work and what does not constitute work.  They lost focus of the main point with which God gave them the Sabbath; they hold onto the nonessential point of what is work and what is not work. 

    (3) The Sabbath – Enforce the law over healing the sick (Mt. 12:10)

What this person thinks they are doing for the Lord is actually going against the gospel.  Apostle Paul confessed, “In terms of the law, I was blameless,” he thought he was righteous.  He thought that when the Messiah comes, “He would save the righteous people like us; He will not save the sinful people like them,” but Jesus Christ came to earth to save the sinners. And He calls out people who think they are righteous by themselves.  Among the nonbelievers who think they are righteous and wise in their own eyes, God blinds them from seeing His glory.  Even if a person is very intelligent, they need to have a childlike faith that says, “I need the Lord’s mercy,” then they will hear God’s Word on Sunday worship. That’s why the Lord said, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.”

Back then, they gave all their sacrifice and their worship, but the Lord said, “I don’t want that. You don’t have the worship that is hidden within the blood of that sacrifice. You’re sitting here in worship but I don’t want your worship.” What does He want?  “I need God’s grace,” that is the worship He wants.  What is the blood sacrifice and what is the cross? “I need that, I need God’s grace,” that content is more important than the form of giving worship.  But even as they give worship, they don’t have that heart because we think we can live by ourselves.  We are giving our worship while thinking I can live my life on my own without God’s grace, and that’s why we keep losing rest. 

Just like a child, I again confess that I need the grace of Christ’s cross, then God’s grace will be poured down upon you. This is completely opposite of the wisdom of the world. May you have victory in worship, and that’s why we must stake our lives on worship.  Nonbelievers are under the misconception that, if they have enough money, that will be their source of rest. There are some people who also think, “If I succeed and get into a very high position, that will protect my rest,” so everybody is living for their own version of rest.  Even as they come to church, they are looking for their own version of rest, and the Lord is breaking all of that down. “That’s not rest. I am rest,” that is what He is saying.  

But there are people who come to church without knowing this fact; they have a heavy burden at church, but in the world they have an even heavier burden and they say, “I cannot live my walk of faith.”  Are there any of you who are dragged here because you understand the law, and think, “If I don’t go to church, God is going to strike me down”? It’s at least good that you come to church with that, because if you don’t have at least that, you’ll believe like an nonbeliever who believes they are their own god and they will be destroyed in the world. 

  2) Jesus’s response

    (1) The Sabbath – Lift out a sheep that fell into a pit (Mt. 12:11)

When the Lord heals the man on the Sabbath, the Pharisees argue with Him about it, He says, “If your sheep fell into a pit on the Sabbath, what would you do?” Of course, you would have to rescue that sheep because it’s yours.  There are some Pharisees who would say, “I’ll just give him something to eat and then I’ll rescue him tomorrow.  “I have to go to worship, so I’ll just mark my attendance and then leave.” What is worship? It is coming to life, it is saving a life.  We can only come to life if we have rest poured upon us. But if you’re just keeping the rule of worship, “I attended worship today; God, you saw that, right?” That’s just like the Pharisees and what will happen in your future? There’s no reason to go to a fortune teller. Whatever is imprinted inside of you now is in your future.  The moment God’s word is imprinted into you, that will determine your future, do you know why? Because the Word of God does not change.  

If the Word of God doesn’t come into me, it is irrelevant to me. There is a lot of money inside the banks, but that is not my money, it’s irrelevant to me. There are 66 books of God’s Word, but that has nothing to do with me.  Only when the Word of God comes into my heart will that Word be fulfilled exactly as it is, and that time is right now.  Your future will be determined today, how the Word of God goes into you. The people who are destined to fail will say, “I don’t need this.” That’s why people are destroyed because they don’t have God’s Word. The Word is God, and the Word came down as flesh, that is, Jesus Christ.  Inside of Jesus Christ is true light and life.  

When the Word of God goes into your children’s heart, then their future is already set.  Whatever you’re afflicted with or struggling with right now will disappear as the Word of God goes into you. You may be poor, but that will not be a problem.  We may face a crisis, but the crisis becomes irrelevant to me.  Because that “me” has received the Word of God within.  That’s why David was able to confess, “The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want,” even though he was on the run and was lacking a lot. Even though he was lacking a lot, why did he say he lacks nothing? 

Because the “Lord is my Shepherd” has gone into his heart. “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,” it doesn’t matter to me; when the Word of God gets put into me as the covenant, those things will not matter. The problem becomes irrelevant to me.  Even though I have cancer, that cancer becomes irrelevant to me. If the cancer is here, then it’s still here, but for me, I am holding onto God’s Word.  Because that Word is the light, even that cancer will flee, but there are some people who lose hold of God’s Word when they have cancer.  That has no potential. Everybody dies once, and honestly it’s the same whether you get better and then die, or if you die as it is.  The real issue is, will you go into the eternal rest, or go into hell with no rest forever?  

    (2) The Sabbath – Lawful to do good (Mt. 12:12)

When Jesus Christ heals the man with the shriveled hand, He says it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.  The Pharisees said it was not lawful to do work on the Sabbath, but the Lord says it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath. What is the good work?  The Bible continuously tells us about the good work and the kind work. Phil 1:6 says the one who began a good work in you will be faithful to bring it to completion. When the disciples of Jesus went in the field to do the good work, the demons were cast out and the diseases were healed. The good work is proclaiming the gospel.

    (3) Good – Saving lives

When the gospel of Christ is proclaimed, people come to life and that is the “good work,” that is the original meaning of “rest” on the Lord’s day.  The real reason why Christians worship on the Lord’s day is for their life to be revived. We work so diligently and do so much in the church, but we have no rest in life? That’s the Pharisees.  We think that our faith is doing some work. That’s why, even when we go out in the world, we don’t have any strength.  We need to break that connection and this Word in Matthew 12:12 is that Word. 

  3) Focus on things other than the Gospel

    (1) Shadow (What you eat or drink, religious festival, Sabbath day) – Focus on things other than the Gospel (Col. 2:16-17)

Col. 2:16-17 says, “Therefore, do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, or a Sabbath day.” Should I do this or that on the Sabbath day? Should I eat this or eat that on the Sabbath day? Do not judge. Do I have to observe Christmas? Do I have to observe Easter? Don’t let anyone say those words. The churches are so good at keeping festivals. They say, “The Pentecost and the Ingathering,” and then on Easter, everyone wears white in church, and they do it so well. I don’t ask them to do it. I don’t even have any white clothes.  That’s not a bad thing, but if you don’t know the essence of the meaning, you’re going to stake your life on unessential things.  On Resurrection Easter, they boil their eggs and paint them pretty colors even though nobody told them to do that. 

    (2) Reality – Christ (Col. 2:17)

Col. 2:17 says all of those things, the rituals, are a shadow of things to come. If there’s a shadow, that means there’s a real reality.  The reality however, is found in Christ. What does this mean?  Why does God tell us about the Sabbath and what to eat, and what not to eat? It is to tell us about the Christ.  But people come to church and lose hold of Christ, they lose hold of rest and are doing everything else, they’re doing it wrong, that’s what it means when it says, “Jesus Christ says, ‘Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, for My yoke is easy and my burden is light.’”

    (3) Jesus Christ finished everything (Jn. 19:30)

That’s why everything is finished on the cross, Jesus Christ fulfilled all of the law.  All of the commandments that tell us “Do this, don’t do that,” in the Old Testament, Jesus Christ finished on the cross. If you don’t know this, then even now, you’ll be struggling in your walk of faith to keep all of those laws. So we keep adding heavy burdens to ourselves. Everything has already been finished, it is all talking about the Christ. 

What is the glory of God? What is the grace of God? It is Christ.  Revealing Christ is glory to God. What is the work of God? Believing in Christ is the work of God.  Everything in your life, everything in the Old Testament, it is for the Christ.  People come to church and study the Bible and listen to all the messages, but they only lose hold of Christ, then their heavy burden will increase. That’s why Satan was using the Pharisees and the Jews to block the gospel so fervently.  The Pharisees studied the Bible, memorized the scripture, but they lost hold of the main essence.

Everything is finished.  Luke 24:44 says everything in the Scriptures is talking about the Christ.  On the cross, that Jesus Christ has taken upon Himself all our curses and disasters. He has overcome the authority of Satan, and He is with us even now. Once we change that Christ to be our Master, then God’s rest will be upon us. Whatever you have or are holding onto, may you entrust that to the Lord. Whatever is causing you suffering now, may you entrust it to and hand it over to the Lord. May you hold onto only Christ.  No evil enemy can overcome that, no creation can overcome Christ.  Nothing in your past can overcome the Christ.  Whether the things of the future or things of the past or things of the present cannot overcome the Christ.  You restore this on the Lord’s day and go back into it as we go into the field, and if this doesn’t take place; stay here until you receive that rest.  

In America, there are so many seminaries and churches; there are so many Bible studies as well.  It’s good that there are a lot of those things, but is there a main point going towards Christ? Christ must be revealed for God to be glorified.  Your success does not glorify God; that is just your success; it has nothing to do with God.  But people are under a misconception, “once I get that Gold medal, I will glorify God,” but they won’t.  Because even in your heart, you know, “Oh, I worked my blood, sweat, and tears for this medal,” that’s what’s in you. But you’re so legalistic that you think, “Oh, I’m Christian so I should give glory to God,” that’s not glory to God.  Kneeling before Christ and obeying Christ is giving glory to God. If you’re studying by your strength for yourself, you are actually blocking God’s glory.

3. The bartizan that enjoys and witnesses the Sabbath

  1) Triune God (Ac. 1:3)

    (1) With (Mt. 28:20)

    (2) Lord

    (3) Enjoy the Sabbath

Christ is my Lord and the Triune God is within me. May you let go of your life, may you let go of that handle. If you let go of the steering wheel, the Lord will handle it well. He can fix whatever is broken inside of you.  Even if you have nothing and the Creator God becomes your Lord, your “nothing” is not nothing; it is something. Even if you have nobody to help you, it doesn’t matter because I shouldn’t have help anyways. Because only God can help me. That is how you will overcome America.  That is how you will overcome the Satan Who is controlling America.   “Isn’t anybody going to help me?” That person doesn’t know Christ well.  “But I have nothing and I am so old.” The older you are, the better because you have experienced more of life. Once Christ becomes my Master, He will guide me to be a Masterpiece. 

  2) Blessing, power of the throne (Ac. 1:8)

    (1) Life (Gen. 1:27), Spirit (Gen. 2:7), Life (Gen. 2:18)

Then we must pray so the promised blessings of heaven actually become my power. I’ll tell you this now: Inside of you is the Triune God; He is seated at the throne of heaven and is with you through the Holy Spirit. He is alive right now. How should we pray? “May the power of the Triune God be upon me.” There’s a difference between money being in the bank and being in my hands. There’s a difference between the Holy Spirit being within me and completely filling me. There’s a difference between the throne of heaven being in heaven and being within me. 

    (2) Establish power of throne – Within me, field

“May the power of the throne of heaven be established within me.” Try praying like that, where? Within your spirit.  Do you have depression? Then within your depression.  Are you very dumb? Then within your brain.  Are you always confused? Then within that confusion. Is your body in constant suffering? Then may the throne of heaven be there. May the throne of heaven be upon me in power, and God promised it to you.  “I will give you power. I will give you evidence for this,” that is the Kingdom of God being established within me. 

There is a big difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of God being established within me. If you’re living in America, but you’re not following the laws of America and you’re following the laws of Mexico, even if you’re an American citizen, you’re not really American.  If you’re a person of the Kingdom of God, pray for the reign and the control of the Kingdom of God to be upon me,” then what happens? By the power of the Holy Spirit, the demons will be cast out and the Kingdom of God established, meaning the curses and disasters of darkness will flee.  Then, pray for the Kingdom of God to be established in the field that I am connected, like my business, my studies, and my family.

    (3) Answer – Unprecedented, never repeating

For the Early Church, after 10 days of praying like this, it was revealed. What is an answer? If you can accomplish something by yourself, that’s something nonbelievers do. But when the power of the One Seated at the Throne of Heaven is upon me, that is true answers, and you need to restore that blessing, and you need to finish everything through prayer.  There’s no reason to receive prayer from anyone else, there’s no reason to go up to a prayer mountain; no reason to fast for 100 days. You can fast when you need to fast, but people are just childish, throwing a temper tantrum to God, “God, if you don’t answer this prayer, I’ll starve myself.” 

If the Kingdom of God is established within me, the answers will come naturally and slowly, and the depression will go away, and your bipolar disorder will go away.  If the Kingdom of God is upon me, the bipolar disorder cannot stay. All of your evil and negative thoughts will change. No matter how much I try by the standards of the world to change my thoughts, I can’t. I used to always think about drugs but my thoughts changed. I always used to think very lustful thoughts, but my thoughts changed. I was always thinking about alcohol but now my thoughts changed. 

  3) One who saves (Ac. 1:8)

    (1) Me – Past, present, future

    (2) Church, field, future generation

    (3) Temple construction

When God’s Kingdom is established within you. But you don’t know this, and you just think you need to go to church diligently, that’s what the Pharisees did.  Then, you will restore the fact that everything in your past, present, and future has been finished.  Then the work you’re doing in the church you’re serving will receive answers. Answers will come to your business and studies, and once those answers come, you’ll stand as a witness. If the answers don’t come, that’s a problem; but if the answers do come, you don’t need anything else. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says, but if God gives you the answers, everyone will come to life.  The Temple Construction will be done through those people, but the people who don’t receive answers keep saying other things.  Once you do receive those answers, you’re bound to close your mouth.  


1. Jesus Christ – Lord

2. Power of the Triune God – Me, field 

3. Witness who saves

The Lord has called you as a witness to stand like this. America seems like it physically has everything, but inside they are suffering. It’s just the same as the Roman empire at that time. Is the Roman Empire the answer to your life?  Is America the answer to your life? It’s not.  It can give you physical help but it cannot be your answer.  Are your good thoughts the answer to your life? No.  Christ must be your answer. Everything has been hidden within Christ.  Through the rest of the week, may you and I enjoy the rest of Christ and testify of that.  

Message Prayer

Let us hold onto the Word we received and pray.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You.  We pray that exactly according to the Word you have given us, the true rest of God will be testified within myself and my field.  We have returned Your material blessings as offering.  We pray that You will bless this offering so that wherever it is used, the peace of the Kingdom of God may be testified.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

God, we thank You.  We pray that You will bless Tracy’s oldest daughter who has come here today.  Allow her to stand in the seat of the witness that enjoys and testifies of the true rest of Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the unending love of our Father God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to hold onto the rest that God gives them, and to be the bartizan of light to save their fields, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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