3, 9, 3 Prayer (Gen. 1:27, 2:7, 2:18)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

3, 9, 3 Prayer (Gen. 1:27, 2:7, 2:18)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

1. Original Man

1) Gen. 1:27 God’s Image (Life) = Jesus Christ (Life)

 =/= Sin, Death

Gen. 1:28 Conquer, Rule Over

2) Gen. 2:7 Breath of Life = Holy Spirit


3) Gen. 2:18 Rule Over, Conquer = Answer

Field (Family, Work)

Mankind was created in this stream.  It’s very important.  You have to properly relay how original man was intended to be created to the elites.  If you’re not able to explain this accurately, then nothing else will be able to stand on this foundation.  If that person is a person of God, they are bound to hear this Word.  Especially if they’re to be a disciple, they will follow after the Word, so this is important. 

2. Incident

1) Gen. 3:1-6

Satan – Against God

But there came an incident where through Satan’s deception, Satan goes against God. You have to relay this work to the elites.  You don’t see this with your eyes so it’s not coming to you, but you must explain this to them with the Bible. They never experienced something spiritual, you explain with the Bible and the Spirit will work.  Satan, even now, is the cause and start of your problems.  If you do not know this, then you’ll seek out the problems elsewhere.  You will think it depends on your actions or another person’s actions, but the actions are a result of the problems.  The start of the problem is something invisible. 


Satan makes us fall away from and to leave God, that’s what we call sin.  Sin is what causes us to come apart from God’s covenant, losing hold of His grace. 

Sin – God

Sin makes you stand in the seat of God.  Explain this to the elites.

Curse – Land

When we were with God, our work and families were blessed; now we’re separated from God so all our work is cursed and we are weary and burdened.  There’s nothing else to be said; explain it accurately with the Bible.  It’s the same for the remnants as well, they haven’t experienced anything spiritual so explain it with the Bible that this is the cause of problems.  These works continue to happen, invisibly.

3) Gen. 3:15 Offspring of the Woman

If you do not relay this accurately, there’s no reason to listen to the gospel. 

Head of Satan

Without knowing Satan, we do not have a walk of faith and we don’t know spiritual problems.  You have to completely relay the gospel to the field.  Not just, “believe in Jesus Christ,” that person will not be able to develop.  You cannot just follow along with the atmosphere of the world.  It’s the same, you have to relay the words of the Bible one by one, it’s like Jesus talking to the two disciples about the Old Testament and their hearts were burning furiously as their eyes opened.  You must completely tell the remnants about this in its entirety.  You have to tell them, “This is the cause of your problems, the problems you have.” You can’t just say, “That’s your problem and the answer is Christ,” but say, “This is your problem.” 

You will continue to be far away from blessings and deceived by Satan if you do not know this. 

Head of Satan – Authority

Satan and Satan’s authority are different.  Satan’s authority means I cannot escape from this.  Jesus, Who is the offspring of woman, born of the virgin and the spirit, will come to earth, die on the cross, and crush Satan’s head.  What does that mean for Satan’s authority?  You have to explain how this relates to you so it becomes your words.  These words have to be relatable to the person and the person you’re relaying it to for these words to be relayed accurately; otherwise it’s just Bible study.  There’s a lot of things the remnants are studying, it’s another reason to study? No reason to do this.  This is your state, so this is important for you. 

You have lived your family line within this authority of Satan, the authority of darkness.  If you’re to just explain this, it will not be relevant to that person.  But in fact, from Adam and all your descendants, what kind of problem is this?  Your problem is inside of this right now and Christ has destroyed the authority of Satan.  This means you have come out of that authority as Jesus Christ has destroyed that authority.  You must fully and completely explain this to the remnants and elites, otherwise you won’t have a foundation to stand upon. 

3. Jesus Christ

(1) Cross

1) Satan’s Authority

2) Sin

The person listening to you must realize that all the sins, curses, and disasters of the family line have been placed on Jesus.

3) Separation, Background of Hell

King, Priest, Prophet

(2) Father God, Holy Spirit – With

Matthew 28:20 With

He will never leave. Make it so they enjoy this, but now, these people don’t know prayer.  They have this blessing but they don’t know prayer so you have to teach them to enjoy this blessing and they’ll be revived and restored. 

Relay these words to others as you enjoy this in prayer. 

What is prayer? It is to enjoy this.  But instead of enjoying this, you say, “Give me money, give me strength,” so you lose hold of these blessings.  If you do prayer like that, that person will die.  The church talks about prayer in that sense, and then, all the church members think that’s prayer, so they lose hold of spiritual blessings and are malnourished.  We were created to receive the answers of God being with us in our family and in the work we do, but we pray, “Give me this and that,” so the remnants are dying, your children are dying.  But you may not think that way, but they are dying.  If mankind doesn’t enjoy these blessings, they will die off. You will not be able to block the problems of your family line.  You have to enjoy this and relay this. 

That’s what it means to raise the watchtower, the bartizan.  Don’t say useless things but talk about these things. 

When God is with us, everything becomes an answer; all problems are revealed as answers. You have to realistically enjoy this.

4. Blessing of the throne and power

Realistically enjoy this. 

1) Life

2) Soul

3) Family, Work, Studies

This is prayer. Your family, work, and studies are all connected. My heart must be established inside of me.  The family, work, and studies must be established inside of that. 

4) Answer

Enjoy this in prayer with faith.  Because we take this out of the equation and we pray, this is a religious person.  You have to enjoy this and relay it to your children, the future generation, and especially the elites, otherwise they’ll just die off. We call this the

Unprecedented, never repeated

Without this, you have to make an effort to do something. If you receive an answer, you become a witness then you can save. 

Filling of the Holy Spirit

If you direct your prayers to the heavenly things, the physical things will follow, but because your prayers are directed to physical things, they’re taken up by the ruler of the kingdom of the air. Relay this accurately and correctly to new believers.  It doesn’t matter that it’s complicated or simple, it doesn’t matter.  Jesus says to relay the most important core, their spirits have to be aligned.  You said everything but the words won’t save or revive the person.  As evidence of that, they attend church for a long time but are not restored or revived as they are focused on something else.  When you meet someone in the field, you must relay this most important thing so they are revived.  But if you’re not able to enjoy this yourself, you go out into the field and say, “Come to our church,” but you won’t be able to relay the content.  Give it at that place and spot.  God has allowed me to meet with this person at that time, you might not meet again and they may not accept, but you must continue to enjoy this in prayer. 

My spirit, thoughts, thinking, feelings, my mind, the power and blessings of the Holy Spirit of the Triune God, the throne comes upon me, established in me.  Or else, I’ll just live according to my own thoughts.  If you receive salvation but you continue to live by your own thoughts, you’re living in the ways of the world. Despite all these blessings, you’re wasting it.  So you just have to keep thinking, being rational. 

You have to calculate with methods because it’s not working out. If we hold onto this, God works according to His time schedule, then what happens? 

5. Three Ages

When these answers are revealed to you, you can save the three ages.  Evangelism is not what you do with your own strength; if you think that’s correct, you’ll go out in strength all the time. I’m not saying to not go out and evangelize, but it doesn’t matter for the person who enjoys this. It comes to you as an answer. 

1) past, present, and future ) Revived

This is according to your level, so it’s a problem.  However, when the Triune God is with me, the past, present, and future is revived. How? When the spirit of God is established in me, I’m revived.

2) Church

The pastor is revived when the church members receive answers.  The pastor is revived when he gives the Word of God; he sees that Word fulfilled in the field.  When you receive answers, you will give offering and that’s how the pastor is revived. If you’re not able to receive answers, pastors also lose strength. 

3) Field – Business, Academics

God’s kingdom is actually being established in me and my field, so Satan’s Kingdom is being broken down and God’s answer is upon me.

70 Regions, Disciples

If you cannot influence, you’ll live a difficult life, and it’s fine if you just don’t enjoy it and you pass away; but your children will suffer.  God has given you the blessing to give off influence; if you’re not able to influence, you will be influenced.  People say there is a great disaster and crisis in America, so you’ll have no choice but to be affected.  You have to receive influence.  But if God’s kingdom is established in you and the field, you will exert the influence of being the light, having God with you.

4) Remnant

Thinking about this, just look at how you were raised in the past and look at the children, is this being properly relayed? Otherwise the future generation will die. No matter how good they may look physically, they are spiritually dying.  The wives and husbands’ spiritual backgrounds are being poured onto that child, and not only that, but the problems of the field are also being relayed to the child.  Because the adults are blind to this, they cannot see their children are dying.  They can only see the physical things, so they think their children are well off, but they’re murdering the kids.  Because the parents don’t know this, the problems of the family background continue to flow.  The stream of evangelism movement is the remnants receiving this answer and relaying this answer to future remnants.  You’re enjoying this in its entirety inside of prayer. 

Then, when you pray, if you continuously ask for something, that’s Buddhism.  Just pray for something else.  When you pray regarding the heavenly blessings, and you receive the answer, you will be able to stand as a witness.  First of all, to the people sitting here, you must acknowledge that is so and have this word imprinted in you for you to change.  God’s Word must ring true then the Word takes root in order for fruit to bear.  Answers are not something that just come, but it’s according to God’s time schedule that answers are received.  For the remnants, it is a time and process for this Word to take root; it’s a time schedule for answers in the field. 

Take a look at yourself, are you having this prayer?  Then you’ll die.  No matter how much you try to master this, you’re dying. It’s okay for you guys, but your future generation is dying off because there is no other way for people to be revived.  But if you know this, you’ll right away relay it.  It’s not something difficult, you just have to give them the Word.  You have this Word and you have to enjoy this Word through prayer, but because this isn’t taking place, your ministry is so difficult.  Something that will not work out will not work out no matter how much you try. 

There’s only one thing for spiritual things. Why am I saying this?  I’m saying that you have to first acknowledge that this is true.  If I meet Gospel, I have to relay the Word to her. “You are this kind of being, but your problems stem from this.” How will children react? You don’t give this message.  It’s because we keep giving something else that our children are confused.  So, Christ has finished these problems.  Then, you have to enjoy the power of the throne. You have to teach prayer and pray like this.

The Triune God is actually with you.  You have to pray so that the power of the throne and the Kingdom of God will be established in you, and you can enjoy this in the work you do. But if the person who speaks these words doesn’t know what it means, they cannot relay it.  Then this person will not be able to be revived.  Despite receiving salvation, they don’t have strength so then the ministry will not take place so they’re dying. The field is dying, the business is dying, my family is dying.  Everything is connected.  So, if I’m enjoying this and I’m revived, despite the problems, then it’s not just the old imprint, root, and nature but rather, as I’m enjoying this, everything will be revealed, then you will be able to come to a realization that you don’t have to do anything; you just have to enjoy. 

The church I was placed into, the work I was doing, everything must be revived.  But if this doesn’t come to life, you’re just working hard at it, then this person will die.  It means they do things diligently without having received the power of the Throne of Heaven.  Then, because they lack spiritual strength, they will be bound and fall in their studies, their family.  But if I continue to enjoy this in prayer, I establish God’s Kingdom and the answers will come to the church and field. 

If I’m enjoying this in my field, then through establishing God’s Kingdom, my business field, my answers will come from there.  It’s the same for studies as well. Answers have to come as a result of establishing God’s Kingdom.  You have to relay this prayer to the remnants or else it will be a wearisome burden. They may remember Matthew 11:28 but it’s just words.  As a result of being separated from God, the land is cursed and they have to be weary and burdened.  When we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Master, we establish the power of the Triune God in our lives and in our work.

Even if it’s late, start correctly and properly.  If you go out with incorrect things, later on, everything will be destroyed. Isn’t that the life you’ve lived in the past? You did things that wouldn’t work, and the work to take all of those incorrect things out will take a long time. Even the words I say now, if you try to understand with the things of the past, you may not be able to understand.  Let’s say at this time, this has been imprinted in you, then God starts to work. This is healing.  Don’t try to seek healing, that’s “me-centered.”  The work given to me is a spiritual problem, you have to match yourself to God’s Word?  But how can there be bad words too? It’s all God’s Word, so this is actually the case now.  This atmosphere is being relayed.  What good words are there? It’s just God’s Words, then what are you going to do about words you don’t like?  Isn’t that right?

Our standard must be set correctly. God is His word. There are no good or bad words. There’s no good or bad thoughts.  The Bible states He is God.  But why from our perspective do we say it is good or bad? It’s all according to our viewpoint. We have to say something is uncomfortable if we don’t like it. Who is God? You are your own god. That’s why we say you’re in a state of being within sin, of being captured by Satan.  There are no good or bad words; rather, it is through the word of God that our spiritual state will be changed. That is God.

If someone says, “You’re so good,” don’t be close to that person. Later on, they’ll change their mind, “I really didn’t like that person,” why do you listen to people’s words? Follow God’s Word. Opinionated people have this state. You have to converse with people who aren’t self-centered. What are my God-given words? There are no good or bad words; God is a good God.  I am the one who decides what’s good or bad, but God is always good, and God’s Word are always healing.  Even the words I feel are bad to me are good words. It is because I’m in such an opposite perspective and viewpoint from God’s Word, that it’s contrasting.  This is what I’m trying to relay to the remnants.


Father God, thank You.  Let the three nine three prayer be actualized in the process of raising up the bartizan. We pray all this in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

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