Raise the Bartizan that Gives Rest (Matt. 11:20-30)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Raise the Bartizan that Gives Rest (Matt. 11:20-30)

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May today be a blessed and precious time where Jesus is our Lord. The title of today’s Word is, “Raise the Bartizan that Gives Rest.” Because we don’t have rest, He is telling us He will give us rest.  The Bartizan is someone who has that rest and is able to show other people the way.  The Bible tells us that is the greatest blessing, and may this Word be fulfilled in your lives.

We will share the grace of the Word of God with today’s scripture.  Jesus Christ revealed His authority during His ministry by healing the diseased, making the blind see, and casting out demons, and there were many different reactions to those works.  “Wow, who is this individual who is able to raise the dead, heal diseases, cast out demons, and give sight to the blind? He is incredible!” But there are also some Jewish people who said, “He is casting out demons because he is the king of the demons.” Even though they are seeing the same works, the viewpoint from which they see is different.  

1. Lord of heaven and earth – God (Mt. 11:25)

However, Jesus Christ was saying, “I am the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords who has come here to establish God’s Kingdom, and that is the reason I am able to heal diseases and cast out demons.” However, the people who saw Jesus as the latter will see limitations in the works.  For people who are living their walk of faith always centered on the works, the miracles, and the healing of diseases, they will not receive answers.  For the religions that criticize Him by saying, “He is doing this work by the strength of the demons,” we don’t even have to talk about them.  The One Who is seated at the throne of heaven came down to earth in flesh, and these are the works that happened as a result.  

  1) Chorazin, Bethsaida, Capernaum (Mt. 11:20-23)

    (1) The cities near the Sea of Galilee

Among Jesus’ ministry, there were three regions that He visited that did not receive His Word, and were very stubborn.  Those regions are Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum. These regions are centered around the Sea of Galilee.  Whenever you are next to a sea or a river, you have an abundance of food because you may not be able to use agriculture, but the sea is always full of fish.

    (2) Cities abundant with goods 

    (3) Did not receive the Gospel – Judgement

Because these cities are abundant with food, they don’t have difficulty living.  Because these people are trying to gain their righteousness and salvation by keeping the laws of the scripture, they don’t need Jesus when He comes. Those areas are always thinking, “I’m living an upright life, I’m working hard and making money; why do I need the Christ?”  Tyre and Sidon are also mentioned in the scripture, and they are Gentile nations that are also located near a body of water, so they are abundant in food.  But Jesus Christ is saying, “I may as well have given the gospel to these Gentile nations.”  Then, how does Jesus Christ interpret that for us today? 

  2) Gospel – God’s will (Mt. 11:26)

    (1) The wise and learned – Hidden (Mt. 11:25; 1 Cor. 1:19)

In Mt. 11:25, Jesus Christ says, “You have hidden these things from the wise and learned.”  People who have the wisdom and the education of the world don’t need the gospel that much.  Just as those living in these cities thought, “I am able to make a living and live a good life, and I have my own religion. Why do I need this?”  The Lord also says in 1 Cor. 1:19, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”  Whenever you look at people in the world, if they make a good living and they think they are confident to live a good life, then they look down on the gospel.  

    (2) Little children – Revealed (Mt. 11:25; 1 Cor. 1:27)

However, Jesus Christ thanks God because He reveals this mystery to the little children.  The “little children” here aren’t talking about people who are childish, but people who are like children.  “Childish” is someone who, even if they are an adult, they are immature like a child, but “childlike” means you are innocent and pure like a child.  There are some people who believe, “Even though I have a lot of money and knowledge in the world, I cannot do this by myself,” or they face a time where they realize that, and the gospel is revealed to those people. 

    (3) The foolishness of what was preached – Salvation (1 Cor. 1:21)

In 1 Cor. 1:21, it says, “For since in the wisdom of God, the world through its wisdom did not know Him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.”  They keep saying, “How can the wisdom of man be better than the foolishness of God?”  All the authorities of the world are praised for being so wise and educated, but they are even more foolish than the foolishness of God. 

It’s the same thing with our walk of faith.  There are some people who hear the Word of God and the Word of God is revealed in their hearts, but there are some people who listen to the Word of God, but it doesn’t go in.  That’s not a result of the method of preaching.  It’s because the state of their heart believes, “I can believe in this and it will be good, but I don’t really have to believe in that,” it’s because they have something else they believe in instead.  The Holy Spirit is accurate, the Holy Spirit blocks the Word of God from people like this.  But there are some people who come to this seat today and say, “I cannot live without God’s Word,” and it’s not that those people lack money or education in the world, but for people like that, the Word of God will be in their hearts, and that is why we must be like children.  For children, because they are lacking, they don’t know anything and they always ask and rely on their parents.  They always ask of their parents because they know they are lacking.  

  3) Father God

    (1) All things given to Christ (Mt. 11:27)

For the three regions that are first mentioned in this scripture, they have a lot of money, and they can make a good living by themselves, so they don’t really need Jesus when He visits them.  Then Jesus Christ says, “All things have been committed to me by my Father.” God the Father reveals everything through Jesus Christ. The one who knows Jesus Christ knows God. All of the wisdom is within Christ. Christ created this entire universe before creation, and through Christ, all of creation is moving even now.  All of creation of the universe exists for Christ.  You have to know this well.  All the clothes you are wearing are part of the universe’s creation.  Your time, your health, your life, it is all the Lord’s, and in order for your life to be the accurate or correct life, you must be used for the Lord. That is a person who is living their life correctly.  Because, even right now, the Lord is moving for the Christ, then that person will live their walk of faith well, and for that person, their heavy burdens will be cast aside.  

    (2) Christ and those chosen to be revealed to (Mt. 11:27)

    (3) Know the Father God (Mt. 11:27)

It says in this verse that knowing Christ is knowing God; however, no one can know the Father except the Son, and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him–meaning those who receive the Word and can understand the Word. The Jewish people rejected Jesus so they don’t know God.  Knowing Jesus is knowing God, and having seen Jesus is having seen God.   Luke 24:44 says that all of the Old Testament, and the Pentateuch, Prophets and Psalms, are talking about Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament, David said, “The LORD is my shepherd,” and that “shepherd” is talking about Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ does not work by Himself but He always works in oneness with the Triune God. That is why, in order to know God, you must know Jesus, and in order to know Jesus, you must know God.  That Holy Spirit comes into us and continuously reveals it to us.  There are some people who talk about God a lot, and whenever they do that, I change their words to “Jesus,” because even Jewish people say, “God.” Even Jehovah’s Witnesses say, “Jehovah” as God, and even Mormons as well.

So, I don’t talk about God; I talk about Jesus Christ, and I ask them, “Is Jesus Christ God?” and if they say no, they don’t know God. It doesn’t matter how much they talk about their heavenly god, it is just an imagination they’ve created for themselves.  The entire Bible is talking about Jesus Christ, and through Jesus Christ, your life, your academics, and business are all revealed.  

2. Those who are weary and burdened (Mt. 11:28)

  1) Burden and yoke of the law

Then the Lord says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  The Jewish people say they know God and they don’t need Jesus, but they are bearing all their heavy burdens.  For the Jewish people, they kept the laws God gave them, including the Ten Commandments, and they added 613 laws in addition to those commandments.  They added these additions to the law in very specific detail so they could try to live their lives as closely to the law of God as possible.  Because they lived their lives without a flaw according to the law, they thought they were united with God.  There are even unbelievers who say, “If there’s anyone as clean, as just, and as righteous as I am, bring them to me,” and those people do not need Christ, like my father. Even unbelievers have some kind of standard like that.  

    (1) Guardian that guided toward Christ (Gal. 3:24)

Apostle Paul said, “In terms of the law, I was blameless,” and the fact that he was blameless before the law meant he kept all the law, but what does the Bible tell us? Gal. 3:24 says that the law was just an elementary teacher leading us to Christ.  They were only an elementary tutor that was leading us to the higher level things. Paul realized this and said, “Knowing Christ is the greatest knowledge.” In the past, he thought he was so smart and righteous as he kept all the law, but now he realized after knowing Christ, that was elementary level. Through the law, it allows you to realize your own sin.  

There are also people who say they don’t need the law.  The law is the Word God gave us, and the Word of God doesn’t change, not even one letter.  So, they’re just saying whatever they want without even knowing what the Bible is about.  The reason we don’t need the law is because Jesus Christ has fulfilled the law, so now it is not up to us. But that doesn’t mean we need to disregard the law because Jesus Christ Who is living within us is fulfilling the law from within.

    (2) Those who rely on the works of the law – Under a curse (Gal. 3:10)

However, the Jewish people set up these laws and tried to keep up with their actions and behaviors. They say they kept the law cleanly but what does the Bible say?  Gal. 3:10, it says, “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.”  Those who rely on observing the law are under a curse because the law reveals sin and death.  Because the law reveals sin, sin results in death and we are now seized underneath the one who has authority over death, Satan.

So through this law, we need to go to Christ by faith.  That is why Jesus Christ kept all the laws Himself and now, by faith, we receive Him.  By believing in that Jesus Christ, God says He will regard us as righteous as well. However, the people live their walk of faith by judging and oppressing other people, “You go to church but you’re doing this?” Or people say, “They and I are of a different kind, so I cannot go to this church,” that is a legalistic person.  Those people are bound to suffer because they don’t know the gospel.  They know the word, “Jesus Christ,” but they don’t truly understand the content of Jesus.  

You and I are both sinners who have been saved by the grace of Jesus Christ, then we should be able to look at everyone else and believe that they need the grace of Jesus Christ as well, but instead of seeing them like that, we judge and criticize them by their actions of faith.  And the reason that the churches that Paul raised up always fought and conflicted is because of the law.  That is why Paul continuously gives the answer of the gospel through the epistles.  

    (3) Yoke that we cannot bear (Ac. 15:10)

But what does the Bible talk about the law in Acts 15:10?  “Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of the disciples a yoke that neither we nor our fathers have been able to bear?”  Simply put, once we have received salvation by the gospel, everything is finished, but they keep adding conditions, “You have to be circumcised, you need to do this.” If the Pastor tells you, “You need to worship on Sunday,” that’s not legalism.  Legalism would say, “If you don’t obey the Sabbath, you will die.” If I tell you to give Sunday worship, I’m saying that out of love, but we’re not able to decipher between law and others. If we say a little bit, we say, “Oh, that’s legalism.”

Do you know what the Law is?  The Jewish people said, “If you don’t obey the 613 laws we’ve created, you will die.” That’s legalism. “Receive God’s grace on Sunday; come give worship,” that’s not legalism; that’s love. But if you say that’s legalism, then you’re wandering. What is that? It means you live without the law, however you want. You’re ultimately living for yourself and there are so many people like that. If you give someone like that the gospel, they’re bound to live in self-indulgence, they interpret everything the way they like, and they use the gospel as a weapon to attack other people.  That person cannot escape from their suffering.

The difference between the Law and the Gospel is so important. Do we not need the law, then? Rom. 8:10 says the Holy Spirit within us allows us to realize and fulfill the law; in other words, the Ten Commandments God gave us does not change.  But because we cannot keep the Ten Commandments by ourselves, the Lord has fulfilled all of the law and is now within us by faith, and because we believe in Him, we are now regarded as righteous.  We can never do this by ourselves, so now the Lord actually comes and lives within us, and guides us and leads us in the direction of fulfilling His Law.

But the people who don’t understand that will say, “Christ has liberated me,” and there’s nothing more for them. Those people go in the heresy group that only focuses on salvation.  They say, “I’ve been liberated,” and after that, there’s nothing; they live however they want. If you’ve been liberated, you need to go under the reign of the Holy Spirit; that’s the guidance of the Holy Spirit, that’s how you’ll receive rest. You don’t receive rest just because you’re liberated.

  2) Weary

    (1) After separation from God – Give birth and work (Gen. 3:16-17)

For the Jewish people, the Law is a heavy burden, but what about nonbelievers?  Even before the law was given to us, our life was a heavy burden. If you look at Gen. 3:16-17, because humans were separated from God, they were now having the pains of childbearing and the labors of toiling this earth to make a living. So, our entire lives are bound to be heavy burdens, in painful suffering, as long as we’re separated from God, whether we’re making money or studying, no matter what we do.  When people get married, they wonder, “Whom can I marry who will ease my suffering?” That is an incorrect method because they’re trying to suffer less.  People say, “I’ve come to church so I have to suffer here as well?” No, you’re serving under God’s grace. They say, “I’ve worked all my life, do I have to suffer in my retirement as well?” So they go out on vacation, but if you go out and travel, will you get rest? Your life has no rest unless you go to Christ.

    (2) Age of Noah – People who labor and have painful toil (Gen. 5:29)

Let us look at Gen. 5:29.  It says, “He named him Noah and said, ‘He will comfort us in the labor and painful toil of our hands caused by the ground the LORD has cursed.’”  All human beings are bound to live a heavy and burdened life. However, Noah’s name itself means, “Rest” or “Gentleness.” What is his characteristic? He walked with the Lord, He received God’s favor and grace.  He is somebody who held onto the covenant of the blood, Gen. 3:15, the offspring of the woman who is to come. 

    (3) Noah – Comfort – Ark (Gen. 5:29, Gen. 6:14)

That is why Noah made the Ark, it is the Ark that gave many people rest, Jesus Christ; however, is building that Ark heavy labor? It is not. Is saving other people a heavy burden? It shouldn’t be, you should enjoy it. Because I have rest, I should enjoy that, but if you don’t have rest, you will never be able to do that work because you’ll say, “I work so hard out in the world. Do I have to work hard in the church as well?” It means you will have no rest.  Ultimately, Noah had rest and he was building this ark that gave rest to many other people, and it seems like he was doing it for others, but actually, it was for himself and his descendants.

If you receive God’s grace, your thoughts will change; if you do not receive God’s grace, you cannot live with the education of America.  What is the education of America? It is respecting individuals, egoism, individualism. They protect and are centered on the individual so strongly.  That becomes a difficulty in the gospel going in.  We should be able to serve other people, but if it’s uncomfortable to me, I refuse to do it. That’s Genesis 6.  People lived however they desired. If it was uncomfortable to them, they didn’t do it. If I don’t want to do it, I won’t do it. We should do the things God desires and God enjoys, but instead, “I don’t want to do anything I don’t want to do,” that’s the extent of American education, and if you don’t understand this or believe it, come find me personally.  Yes, respecting the individual is important but it makes it hard to escape from that mindset.  

If someone receives American education, they will not inconvenience anyone else, and they also don’t want to be inconvenienced, then do you think you will be able to evangelize or save anyone else? “Why should I make this person uncomfortable?” then you shouldn’t talk to them about evangelism. “Why should I make this person uncomfortable?” Then you shouldn’t do that. If Noah had done that, then he would have died along with everyone else.  That ideology is good in part, but you need to change your thoughts to be centered on what God wants. It is not about what I want to do or what’s uncomfortable to me; if God wants it, that is how we must change. Is God correct or am I correct? God is correct. You think with your own calculation that you are correct, but from God’s perspective, you are going further into destruction.  During the age of Noah, they were doing whatever they wanted to do; they got married, they had families, and they succeeded.  If Noah had done that instead of building the ark, everyone would have died.  

Today, saving other people is the way for you to be saved. That is the gospel ideology that must go into you. Then even if you try not to succeed, it will follow you; that is the success that God wants.  But even if we try so hard to succeed, it won’t happen because only the top 1% of the population can succeed.  Even that 1% got up to the top because of all their efforts and diligence, but in the end, they are empty, because they lived however they wanted.  If you go in the direction God desires, then everything will follow you.  Even if you try not to succeed, you need to make it so that success follows you; you need to make it so that people follow you. 

If you’re enjoying rest and peace, then people will be attached to you.  Even between a girl and a guy, if there’s something about that girl, the men will follow her, but if there’s absolutely nothing in this girl, why would they follow her? If we have something God has given us, other people are bound to follow us. That is the kind of business we must run, and that’s the reason we must study.  Your calculations are so obvious. Why do you need to study people and your studies? Those things should follow you. If you get married, your wife should follow you; you pretend to follow her, but she should follow you. That means she recognizes that there’s something in this person. Even the successful people in the world must recognize that there’s something inside of you, and you need to make it so that for that reason, they follow you. That is what God wants, so first, we must have rest. 

  3) Come to Jesus Christ – Give rest

Nonbelievers and Jewish people all have this heavy burden, and Jesus Christ says, “Come to me and I will give you rest.” There are a lot of people who say, “I believe in Jesus Christ but I don’t have any rest.” You need to believe in Him correctly, how?  

    (1) Take Jesus’ yoke – Cross (Mt. 11:29)

Jesus Christ says in Mt. 11:29, “I am gentle and humble in heart.”  The word, “gentleness” here does not mean in the worldly sense. I have very slanted eyes, so I look very mean, but some people have very droopy eyes, so they look gentle. That is not what this means.  There are also Buddhist monks who are all so gentle, and even among nonbelievers, there are so many nice and humble people, but that is not what this is talking about.  

    (2) Learn from Jesus – Word, prayer, evangelism (Mt. 11:29)

The fact that Jesus Christ is gentle means He follows the words of the Father God. Gentleness means getting rid of your own assertions and following the Words and the direction of God. Jesus Christ is God Himself, but He comes Himself in the form of a human and He bears the cross. That’s how gentle He was.  When Jesus Christ was about to die on the cross, He said, “Take this cup from me, but let Your will be done,” that is gentleness.  Pretending to be nice is not gentleness, that’s just being fake.

    (3) You will find rest for your souls (Mt. 11:29)

Jesus Christ says, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, then you will find rest for your souls.” “I believe in Jesus but I don’t have rest for my soul,” then you need to take upon the Lord’s yoke. Then, what is the Lord’s yoke? It is the cross.  The Lord’s yoke is the cross. “I believe in Jesus Christ but I do not want to take up the cross.” What is the cross?  Do you think living a difficult path and enduring the pain is the cross? No, the Lord already did that, then what does it mean?  When the Lord died on the cross, I was there and died with Him.  I’m not actually dead but I’m saying, I will act as if I have died, because I’m alive right now, then do you think the Word of God is playing with us?

It’s the old me, the past “me” who only knew about myself. The past “me” did not live according to God’s Word, but lived however I wanted; that is “sin,” that’s the “me” that has been crucified.  When the Lord resurrected, that Christ now lives within me as life, and that is how I take on my cross.  If you’re not able to enjoy the fact that you have died on that cross and now Christ lives within you as the new you, then you have not taken up your cross.  You have been liberated from “you.” “I planned my life, I worried about my life,” you are now liberated from that. Liberated from your past, liberated from your future, liberated from today, why?  Because the Lord is nwo with me as my Master. There’s no strength other than that.  

In America, they give you a lot of holidays.  Whenever they give you a vacation, people go out and play, and we need that kind of strength as well, but the strength I’m talking about here is the strength of heaven from Jesus that must be upon us. That’s how we heal mental illness and heal depression.  That is how you heal drug addiction.  It’s not enough just to receive a lot of prayer, you need to receive rest inside of you. When we pray for other people, it’s so that faith will go into them. They need to actually believe and receive this rest. 

As you guys live your walk of faith, you really need to take up the Lord’s yoke. It says the Lord’s yoke is easy and light.  If anything, living my life as my own center and lord is my heavy burden, but the cross of the Lord is light.  It says, “My burden is light,” that burden is this mission.  The mission is light; it is lighter than your own success.  Ever since you’re young, you need to lose sleep and you need to keep working and not play in order to obtain success; then what do you think is going to happen to that person’s internal state in that process? Going crazy is normal, people pretend they’re not going crazy and they do drugs because they cannot handle it. Because they don’t know how to deal with it, they relieve their stress.  

When I was doing my Seoul National University ministry, I realized in the past, a lot of poor people would challenge towards that goal, but now a lot of the wealthy people are going to Seoul National University and passing the bar.  Because they have the money, they would take all the stress they got from their studies and they’d go one night to Gangnam and leave all their stress, but the people who don’t have that money don’t have anywhere to relieve their stress; they just have to grin and bear it.  

There is a way that you go. You don’t know this, but when I was doing this ministry, I realized what they’d do, but most people just grin and bear it.  Then, after they graduate and pass the bar exam, they become judges and lawyers, and that kind of competition is so fierce.  There was a student I met in Seoul University ministry, and I met him when he was a sophomore, and he had a lot of strength in his shoulders because he was proud to be a Seoul National University student. He was going into medical studies at another college, and then he quit that and went to Seoul National University medical school.

A few years ago, he came to our church.  I asked him, “Why are you like this?” He had lost his mind. He went into Samsung, and of course he would, but they gave him so much work.  I have a lot of friends who are executives in Samsung or higher up positions, and they’re not as over-worked as this young man. He collapsed in an elevator and the elevator doors closed on him all night long.  For these people, they went into Samsung because they graduated from Seoul National University, and everything is a competition for them.  Then he went to Boston to study for a masters, but he couldn’t handle it, so his mother sent him to our church for worship.  It was very unfortunate.  

This is somebody who listened to the Word ever since they were in high school.  The mother was so sad to see this that she took her children and went back to Korea. They already had two daughters, but I don’t know what they’re doing now. I’ve seen things like this. I’m telling you to not do that; follow God’s Word. Make it so that success follows you because you’re following God’s Word. If you’re following other things, then your life will be destroyed.  Those people will also violently abuse other people the way they have been abused, because if other people are not able to do the same intense things, like pulling all-nighters and studying all night, then they will step on those other people. 

That’s why people become presidents and wage war. If someone became the president with the peace of God, they wouldn’t say that. If you have the peace of God and you go to Seoul National University or go to Samsung, you wouldn’t say anything. I’m not saying success and money are bad; all of those things are given by God, but I’m saying, if you do that without God’s strength, then you’re bound to be destroyed.  The end times will be full of suffering, and that is the suffering of loving yourself and money more than you love God. 

3. Raise the bartizan that shines the light

This peace comes into us through the grace of the cross of Jesus Christ, and once I have this peace, I must raise up the bartizan of the people. What is the bartizan?  Please see the picture. It’s on a fortress or a castle, there’s this bartizan.  What is a bartizan?  It’s like a watchtower. People need to be in that watchtower to see if there are enemy troops that are attacking, but if you don’t raise up that bartizan and you’re standing inside of that fortress, then you don’t know what’s happening outside.  What does it mean for you guys to raise up that watchtower? It means you must see and watch.  Stop looking at your own success and studies, but instead, look at people who are suffering without rest and dying in the field.  

“I’m so busy just studying and running my business, why do I have to look at that?” That’s American education, “Why do I have to do that? Why do I have to worry about other people? I should respect that other person’s privacy, why should I intrude on them like that?” that’s the American education, it makes it so that you cannot follow God’s Word. Noah was building the Ark but it was ultimately for his children that God made him do that. 

  1) Field

    (1) Centered on me, physical things, success (Gen. 3,6,11)

The people in the field are suffering because everybody is their own god. They say, “All my opinions are right,” and it doesn’t matter what anybody tells them, they go in the direction they desire.  If you don’t understand this, then go to North Korea. They say they like it there, and we say it’s a little strange, but from God’s perspective, we go in the direction we want, and God thinks it’s strange. We need to go in the direction God desires. When we do what God wants, then success has to follow us.  But everybody in America is living for their individual selves, and that’s why we individually suffer. The reason why people commit mass shootings is not because they’re happy. 

    (2) Religion, idolatry, transcendental meditation, fortune-telling

People go to church for “me” as well.  Instead of changing their god into Christ, they are going to church, centered on themselves; that is an idol. Exodus 20:4 says, “Do not make an idol for yourselves.”  The Lord already purchased our lives with the price of His blood, there is no reason to live for ourselves anymore. Transcendental meditation is making a hit in America. Because people have so many scars and discomfort, they go to receive healing there. It’s all about me, then it’s never going to be solved.  “I must die on the cross so that the Christ can live within me in order to receive true rest, true peace, true life.” We have no plan for the future. In the past, we did, but now we have no plan, because God is my future.  

Then, I just need to follow God’s Word, and following God’s Word is what God desires, because the Lord is God, and the Word became flesh on earth, that is Jesus Christ. The Word doesn’t change even one letter, and the promise of that Word is mine.  For people like that, they will see the Word fulfillment and answers to prayers, but if that doesn’t take place, and you’re just working on your own hard work, that is suffering. That’s how I lived as a nonbeliever.  It seems like I was living so diligently, earnestly, and honestly, but that didn’t work inside.

    (3) Satan – Slave, suffering

My daughter has depression, so every now and then, she cries and I ask her why, but she won’t tell me.  On Friday, I said, “Let’s go to church,” but she was crying and said she had depression. I said, “That’s why you have to go to church.” She said she wanted to stay home and watch online and I said, “No way,” but if you misinterpret this, you’ll think I’m forcing my child to do something she doesn’t want to do, but it’s not about that.  After giving worship, she was okay, then I explained this.  If you’re depressed because something depressing happens, that’s normal, but there’s nothing that happens that makes you depressed. But you’re depressed; that is demons and Satan. In the past, you used to see and hear demons.”  

Why did she have to do that?  That’s the stream of her family line. What do you mean, “Why?” It’s her fate. It’s not something she did wrong; it’s the stream of her family line, so I told my daughter, “As the Pastor’s daughter, you’ve heard about Jesus Christ, but it’s just a theory to you, and even that is good. But now is the time for you to actually experience Jesus.  The Satan who is burdening you right now can only flee under the light of Jesus Christ.” 

She looks a lot different today compared to yesterday. Before, I told her to pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit, and she would say, “Yeah, yeah,” and just leave, but then, when I told her, “You know about your depression, right? Pray for the Holy Spirit of God to be fully filling your depression,” and now her eyes are light. You need to raise up the bartizan to raise up that light of Christ.  In your field, in your job, at your school, there are people suffering from that, so shine the light to give them that answer.  She’s going to get depressed again but one day it will be done because the concept of depression isn’t because something depressing happened to her; it is a depression that oppresses her, regardless.

Do you not have that? Regardless of the circumstances, your mental state is depressed. Do you have something like that? It is darkness, it is Satan. There is no other medication for that.  You can only overcome when you are filled with the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit.  When you’re doing your business, you need to do the business that saves people like that.  When you’re studying, you should study and dream of the success that will save people like this, because that is what the Lord did on earth, and the Lord is inside of us, still doing that work now. 

Then, even if you don’t ask for money, God is going to give it to you. Even if you ask Him not to fix your personal problems, He will, because you’re doing the work that the Lord is doing. That is the watchtower or bartizan we must raise, and in order to do that, you must enjoy the rest. “There’s something about this person,” they will feel that, and that’s important.  If you have charisma, it may seem other people are shaking and trembling before you, but they’ll all run away.  Women think if they wear high heels and miniskirts, and they order the people around them, the people will follow, but they won’t.  People think if they do plastic surgery and look down on people below them, they’ll follow you, but they won’t. 

  2) Field – Bartizan that shines the light

    (1) Platform – Strength, rest of prayer

    (2) Watchtower – Those who are weary, burdened – Light

    (3) Antenna – Healing, communication of the Word

“But there’s something inside of this person, and I feel like if I talk to this person about my problems, it will work,” that was Joseph. Pharaoh went to him because there was something about him, and even though he didn’t succeed, he was successful.  Then, have that true success. It is a success that follows as you save people. That’s what this means.  That is why you must raise up this Bartizan. If you’re down below and you’re not watching you, then you’ll only worry about making a living and whatever work you’re doing; then you are suffering.  

  3) Temple construction

    (1) Courtyard of Gentiles: All nations – 237 disciples (Mt. 28:19)

    (2) Courtyard of prayer: All people – Heal those who are sick, possessed by evil spirits (Mk. 16:17-18)

    (3) Courtyard of children: Future generation as summit (Jn. 21:15-18)

The reason why we must do Temple Construction is to save all the Gentiles and nations. Temple construction must be a courtyard of prayer to save people, and the temple must have the courtyard for the children, it is the place to save the future generations. This is the work God does.  Through whom? The people who have faith in this. As time passes, you will come to see.  The Word of God doesn’t change.  May you enjoy and testify of this blessing. 


1. Jesus Christ – Liberation and Rest

2. Power of the Throne of Heaven – Strength

3. Me, Church, Field – The witness who saves

Message Prayer

Let us pray holding onto the Word of the covenant with which we must race towards the entire week.  

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You.  We thank You for we are heavy and burdened, but You have given us Your grace, peace, love, and blessings.  We have returned Your material blessings as offering.  We pray that You will bless this offering so it may be used to give life to save those who are suffering without reason or cause.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

God, we thank You.  I pray that You will bless Shuri so that according to the Word, you will give her the rest so she can be the bartizan to give strength and life to many people.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the unending love of our Father God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of people of God, the people of all nations, and the future generations who desire to have the true rest of Jesus Christ and give that rest to all people, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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