25 Hours

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

25 Hours

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

When you’re pregnant, you eat the food the baby wants, why? The baby is important.  If you go with the prayer topic for saving the remnants, God’s grace will come upon you as well.  When you go out into your field to save other people, God will give you the power and grace.  You need to come out of this Gen. 3.  You need to come out of this “me” of Gen. 3.  It’s not me, but God who is with me.  Not us, but God with us.  All things, oneness

Me – with ; Us – Immanuel; All Things – Oneness

24 Covenant, Eternal

When you hold onto the covenant, there are answers that follow.  Don’t hold onto the me, us, all things, that’s nothing. Hold onto with, Immanuel, and oneness.  That’s how you receive the answers of 25 hours within your covenant journey.

25 hours is not ours; it comes from God. You can say you receive answers, but you don’t. If you’re not receiving answers, it means you don’t have the covenant; instead, you’re always worried about yourself, but this covenant will surely be fulfilled.  That is the time schedule set by God. Even now, hold onto the covenant.  Only Christ, only God’s Kingdom, only the Holy Spirit. This is a promise, and that’s why there is a promise God continues to give to us every week, that’s what you must hold onto 24 hours. 

What is 24 hours? You constantly hold onto this.  According to God’s time schedule, you receive the answer of 25.  When you receive that answer, you’re able to challenge.  If you try to do camp without this answer, you’ll lose strength, you can’t do business, you can’t even run a camp because you’re trying to do all those things without the covenant.  Of course, you don’t have the answer, because you don’t have power, you just crumble down. When you have strength, you try to maintain as much as you can, but according to God’s time schedule, in all the camp and things you do, it must be from the covenant.

With the location of CSUN, hold onto the covenant and pray because you need to find disciples there, and there’s God’s covenant within that through only Christ. Only God’s Kingdom.  Only prayer and the filling of the Holy Spirit.  That’s when you will receive answers.  When you see the answers, that’s when you challenge.  If you can’t see this, you can’t do camp or run a business.

We pray for Hollywood and yesterday a film student came to church.  Pastor’s Wife Laura in Sedona contacted me regarding a Korean manager in a Hollywood studio who lived a walk of faith with their adopted parents, but has since stopped going to church.  Yesterday, the Korean student studying at the Hollywood film school, when you hold onto the covenant and pray, you see the answers of 25, that’s when you challenge. This is the camp.  Don’t just try to run around, doing things with faith, then what would happen? You’ll do things irrelevant to the covenant, you’ll lose strength and crumble down.

This is the camp you must do, the camp in Acts 2 and 4 and the camp Paul did in Acts 14.  Then, when it appears, that’s when you challenge in order to increase and expand the movement. It’s the same with your business.  You hold onto your covenant, and as you do your work, you pray, and you receive the answers of 25. When you receive the answers, you challenge, but without these answers, you try to make things happen? That’s when Gen. 3 arises instead, so you think, “Evangelism is very hard,” but it’s actually the easiest thing.  If you hold onto the thing that will be fulfilled and wait for God’s time schedule, it will happen.

It’s the same for your work.  Without understanding, your walk of faith is difficult and your daughter will also have a hard time.  You can go to church and have nothing to do with God. In the workplace, in the hospital, hold onto the covenant and pray, and as you continue to pray, God will give you the answers.  Won’t there be people?

People, Work; Eternity

Without this, you’ll say, “Pastor, how do I evangelize?” The church tells you to evangelize but you can’t even share the gospel to patients or doctors or other nurses, so you conclude, it’s because you don’t have this covenant.  The golden fishing ground, the covenant God has prepared for you in that field, the answer is Christ.  I said earlier that the cause of all things is your spiritual state.  That’s why you must relay the answer of Christ.  Then, it becomes very easy.  You enjoy this as your work.  God will allow situations to arise and He will move.  If you don’t know this biblical evangelism, your future generations will have a hard time. Even though you’re Christian, you can’t tell others, you can’t even boast about Christ.   That’s the culture of the world, how can you say anything in front of them?  How can you evangelize to Muslims? Do it biblically through the people whom God has prepared.

You can’t just randomly tell people to do things, that will make you an outcast. Do this biblical evangelism for answers to arise.  The pastor and pastor’s wife in Sedona decided to move, then does that mean Sedona has nothing? There’s someone in jail, we have prayed and gone to Sedona continuously so even though they move to another state, does that mean there’s no one there?  There’s the Moses incident, but does that region have the answer to save him?  These people believe in Jesus but they don’t have the answer; they have to give the answer to him but they can’t. That’s what I’m trying to explain.  That’s when the incident arose as we pray about this.

When he comes out of jail, there’s no one to help him, so Laura said she would connect him to the LA church, but Moses has 8 siblings, This is an answer.  Even though there’s nothing, you try to go into that region no matter what? It’s a waste of time, money, and gas.  We have been praying for El Salvador for a long time, we met someone who came to America from El Salvador and through an incident, the doors to El Salvador opened.  If these doors didn’t open and we just went to El Salvador, it would be a waste of money.

It’s the same for Karen.  In Karen, there are prepared disciples, and we continuously prayed for it, not for the children, but young adults because for children, they still need to study, and so, we continue to do camp in that region, but that’s when God moved things.  Naysay appeared, and he was prepared.  We called him over. Camp.  Did we do anything about this?  If you lose hold of this in your workplace, your business, your studies, and your schools, it amounts to nothing. It’s the same in Navajo and Arizona.  We didn’t even have time to evangelize, but we told people to do this and that, and we told them, “There’s bound to be a disciple,” so I just prayed, there was no reason for me to go by myself thinking, “If it’s not me, it won’t take place.” You need to utilize the systems that are set up and that’s how they came.  We trained them here.  We trained them for three months, and it was just a taste of training, but it continued even now, and they’re sharing forum with the adults.

That’s why I told Tim to go to CSUN because Sharon is already there, and she’s moving, and it’s a sign. You need to go in and proclaim the answer of Jesus Christ, God’s Kingdom.  You’re not just going in without a plan.  One time, I was doing camp at Seoul National University, and Pastor Ryu said, “I will show you how to do camp.” I was thinking, “He’s not even coming to campus, how could he do camp?” I thought he was making an excuse to not come, but there was one professor and that’s when he said, “Go to the field.”  They raised up a system through that person and that’s when they made the system, then that person left and they entrusted the college ministry to them.  For us, we have this nature of hard work, we wonder, “How is that camp?” We don’t understand what camp is.  “Pastor, you keep telling us to go to the field to do camp; why are you lying?”  If you’re to do business in a similar way to evangelism of just going in, it would be a waste of time, money, and energy.

For Senior Deaconess Jo, she’s a complete platform.  Those children are golden fishing grounds.  Holding onto the covenant, we pray for the daycare to open doors to the 237 nations.  Through the covenant, God answered, and that’s something you experience yourself.  God is the One who allowed this problem to arise to children, and he gave the answer at that time. But without knowing this, you run a daycare? Then you’re living diligently in the worldly kingdom.  Then you’ll never be able to save anyone, even those placed next to you.

Will you just share this with whomever you meet?  Senior Deaconess Jo knows everyone would fall away, then, because they shy away from religion.  “I don’t want to send my child to this daycare if you talk about religion,” then you’ll wonder, “How am I supposed to do this?” But if you have this mission that, through your daycare, the doors of evangelism to the 237 nations will open, then God will allow circumstances to arise to do this.  You must relay the answer. Through those people, other parts move.  You form a team so other teachers also know this.  You need to have one heart to do God’s work.

It’s the same for all schools and workplaces.  If you lived your college life without knowing this, you’ll have a very difficult time in your workplace, why? Your work will be a goal. There’s a camp God prepared, but you live without knowing this, and that’s what I’m trying to explain. This is what Paul did, and it’s the same even now.  What is this evangelism movement? It’s biblical and you must experience this.

We pray for USC that God will allow us to find the disciples.  Who will do it? We don’t know. I told someone to move there, and they said no, so we’re waiting.  Tiffany was promoted to a manager and she has to recruit USC students.  It’s an answer.  I was praying for this golden fishing ground. What does Honeywell have to do with USC? They have a relation, the church was praying for the USC Camp, so this was the answer.  If this church didn’t have this kind of mission regarding camp in this region, then even though the answer comes, we only realize it’s an answer for her, and you need to realize this is how God moves, centered around this.   

When you work, you work anticipating God’s work.  But if you work without that, you’ll just be diligently working, that’s the same with unbelievers and church officers must understand this. The future generations must do camp realizing this.  We prayed for this law school ever since we moved here, I thought maybe Esther would be the one to save this school, but she had lived far away. I tried to approach her about it, without really explaining the details, I told her, “You have to come to LA to save this region,” and her circumstances didn’t bring her to LA, but God made it so that she had no choice but to come to LA.  But she wasn’t connected to the law school.

Then David Abrams came and Ted Yoon came. Ted Yoon came back and forth, it didn’t seem like a mission for him, but David Abrams was afflicted and heard the message one Friday night, and said, “I will be in charge of the law school.”  God moved his heart and he’s doing it now, and now, he’s able to get a full-time job.  Why did it change?  It’s so that they can do this camp on Saturday. He works during the week and goes to camp on Saturday. Then money follows.  Because he works full time, God made it not so he could make more money but that he can focus on his job and then come on Saturday.  But if you continue to pray for a full time job, God wouldn’t have given it to him as he did not know the essence of the plan of God. 

Yesterday, he went out to camp even though it was raining, and Americans stop doing things when it’s raining, so I told him to continue to fight the spiritual battle even if it’s raining. He asked, “Am I a disciple?” I said, “Yes, but when you go into the evangelism flow, you will be healed.”  When you go within the flow of evangelism, God will allow things to happen.  We look at all people with this center of camp. 

For these Karen kids, they came through camp and now we must train them and raise them up. Why is Christ the answer, what is the Kingdom of God, and what is “only the Holy Spirit?” They must possess this to do the Karen camp.  If we do something irrelevant to this, their spirit cannot come to life and we cannot do the correct camp. In all things, see from the perspective of camp, so that wherever the future generations go, they are able to do this.

Joseph went to Egypt to do camp.  He held onto the covenant of gospelizing Egypt and raising disciples.  He held onto the covenant and that’s when these incidences arose. His brothers tried to kill him but that was an answer.  The covenant he held onto caused him to go to Egypt as a slave.  He never prayed to study finances in Egypt, but when he prayed for Egypt evangelism that is when God gave all the answers.  Joseph had never learned politics, but he learned while in prison.  He could never stand before the king on his own, but he moved according to his time schedule, then he stood before Pharaoh. He stood before Pharaoh to evangelize and the gospel movement arose in Egypt.  He didn’t mean to save his family but he saved his family in the end.

If he kept praying, “God, save my family and help me succeed,” he would have lived a hard life. If he prayed like that and his brothers tried to kill him, it would be a disaster for him.  God was working but he held onto the covenant and didn’t really realize at the time, so you must hold onto the covenant correctly. Why do we talk about Joseph? So you hold onto the covenant correctly, 24 hours.  Don’t hold onto worldly things like his brothers. 

David, did David try to become a king? Ever since he was young, he prayed while tending the sheep and one day, a message arose through the servant of the LORD that he would become a king and that’s the word he received through worship, that’s when he received the filling of the Holy Spirit. Because he had this strength, it didn’t matter if he went into battle or whatever, he had this. Later on, he became the king and central figure of this work.

You must do evangelism camp. If we just did it once, it would end, but for me, even as a pastor, I couldn’t understand. It’s not that I didn’t know the words, but it didn’t hit my heart, so I was just doing camp diligently as that’s all I had.  For us, we can’t remain still, that’s our spiritual problem.  We need to go out and do something to feel like we accomplished something.  But that’s actually struggling on your own.  With the law, we think we’re okay because we’d done something.  We can’t remain still and not do anything, It’s because you have not held onto the correct things. If you did, you can just wait. If I was like this, what about you?  As time goes on, this becomes your imprint and root and you’re able to believe, and I hope you’re able to do this as well.  If you don’t do this, it’s nothing.

Work, People

When God’s work comes upon a region or field, no one can block it, not even Satan.

1 Cor. 3:16

John 14:16-17

The advocate, the Holy Spirit within me, that’s the answer. 

Acts 1:8

This word is always new.  Before, God placed the spotlight on “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you,” and it was a time schedule to emphasize receiving God’s power. It’s the same verse but God worked differently according to the time schedule.

Region (Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Ends of the earth) Witness

Acts 2:1-4, 9-11

The Holy Spirit came upon them and works arose in Acts 2:9-11.  At this time, even though it’s the same Bible verse, according to God’s time schedule, I was able to look at this Bible verse differently. God began to reveal this, focusing on camp, and that was God’s time schedule.  You must determine your own golden fishing ground, designate your golden fishing ground, Judea, and designate the region of Samaria and the ends of the earth.  With the work you’re in, designate these regions.  When you pray for this, the Holy Spirit works and doors open. 

15 nations opened, different people from different nations. Why? It was promised in Acts 1:8.  According to this promise, the Holy Spirit worked and that’s how these doors opened.  That’s why this word of Acts 1:8 was different for me every time.  Even though God’s Word is eternal, according to God’s time schedule, and right now, God reveals the golden fishing grounds and camp.  When I relay this on the pulpit, it’s fulfilled to whomever receives it.  It’s not something you are able to understand through Bible study, but you’re able to edit the word.  Then you design and realistically apply this in your field.  When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you design and edit it into the field.  You have the word but it has nothing to do with your field, then you’re not aligned with God’s Word. 

This Word from the pulpit must be aligned with your field and you have to hold onto the Word and meditate on it.  You don’t just do meditation as a religious act, but you do it to close the gap between the Word and the field, and when you’re aligned, you’re receiving answers. It’s not your diligence, that’s why worship is so important.  

They raised people for world evangelization and opened doors in each region. That’s camp.  The time schedule of things continuing to arise kept happening to our church. You must be aligned with this. It’s okay if you’re not.  If you align with it right away, it means your life will be cut short.  You need to have a little more things to realize.  If you’ve already realized everything, you have to go.  According to God’s Word, God will reveal these things to you through the Holy Spirit, but you must be aligned and see it in the field. 

When you hold onto and pray for the golden fishing grounds, you see the people whom God raises.  If you pray for this and try to approach someone with it, that person is not a person who will come within this region.  It means that’s not their time schedule yet, and that’s why you just need to meet the right person.  Before, when the pastor said there are designated people God prepared, I didn’t understand.  He prayed and received answers of camps, but I didn’t understand. But even if I don’t understand, it doesn’t mean these works don’t take place. According to God’s time schedule, through camps, pastor prayed and disciples arose. These camps are gatherings but people in the introductory phase risk their lives for this.  But in the midst of that, he was looking for disciples to do the evangelism movement. We do this camp but we look for these specific people.  It is God’s will to continue the evangelism movement through people. When you go there, answers are prepared. 

In the past, I didn’t know what I explained as answers, but as we are preparing for these, if a person arises, you ask them, “Are you the person to do this work of God?” If they’re a person who will do it but they deny it, there’s no reason for you to try to persuade them.  Either another person is prepared or God will make an incident arise so that that person will come. That’s the eyes to see the people.  You’re not a fortune-teller predicting the future but you analyze and see whether or not they lean towards the word of God or not.

God makes it so you’re able to discern all things for His work.  We are not fortune-tellers.  We’re not able to see things about the future just because we pray about it.  There was a fortune-teller who said, “You will go to prison if you go to Jerusalem,” and these prophetesses told Paul this, but he went to Jerusalem as he interpreted it with the eyes of evangelism. If you didn’t have the covenant, you wouldn’t go. If you’re self-centered, why would you go to Jerusalem? You’d end up in jail, but despite knowing all of this, he went to Jerusalem and then to prison. He needed to go to Rome as a prisoner, so he just willingly went to Jerusalem.  This is the different perspective we have, depending on whether you have the covenant or not.  That is why, in your work and school fields, you must have the same eyes.

Or else, do you know how hard you’ll have to work to recruit people? If you know God prepared people, you remain still and God attaches them to you. When you’re centered on evangelism.  If not, just wait, God moves all things centered on evangelism. If someone comes to you, that’s an answer, and you an evangelize or do business with that person. Or the person must accept the gospel. That’s how people change, and that’s the life of an evangelist. 

You must surely enjoy this to conquer your workplace like Joseph.  It’s okay if you go in as a lowly person.  A king is just as scared. Through Joseph, the king came to life. The business owners don’t know the work of God or the future; they’re just owners. But God moved all things for evangelism, and Joseph was the owner of all things. When that church officer and remnant are in different fields, that’s when this arises.  When Paul faces these people, they step out as these people do it on their own.  Continue camp with them until they understand.  But if you don’t understand, you’ll wonder, “Did you memorize these verses?” You give them the Bible with no direction. Give them the direction of camp for them to rise up as evangelists.  Then even though you have to step away, that person can continue that evangelism and camp.

That’s how you must do your business.  You did so much but in the end, that person isn’t able to do anything? Then it’s a waste of money and time. Don’t do your business like that.  You must meet the prepared person of God and entrust your business to them. That’s how you run your business. Without that covenant, God won’t attach people to you, and who am I? I’m a person with the covenant of 24, and the answer of 25 will come, and the work of re-creation and evangelism will arise.

For you, designate a place; otherwise, you’ll designate useless things, then you will be able to see how God works. God will reveal to you the incorrect things, and I’m continuously praying for the Children’s Hospital.  I realized Senior Deaconess Park has a social worker working there.  I continuously pray for her daughter, and Senior Deaconess Jung is working there.  We need her daughter as a teacher for our remnants.  She use to do this work with Deborah, but for ten years, she wasn’t able to receive the word so she’s down.

I told her, “Your mission is in your children.  Don’t boast about the taste of evangelism you had to other people, but pass it onto your future generation.  That’s the mission you must do before you go. When you give this mission to your daughter, God will move her heart, then we can go into the Children’s Hospital.” Why? That’s an answer to prayer. We do the camp centered around that.  This is what I have in mind.

You need to go in with the answer of 25, if it’s not time, then we wait, right? 


God, we thank You.  May the life of the evangelist become realistic in our lives.  Amen. 

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