The Greatest Signpost – Tyrannus Movement (Acts 19:8-10)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Greatest Signpost – Tyrannus Movement (Acts 19:8-10)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

The remnants say they don’t know what their future is, but this is their future.  Even though I’ve told them this before, they ask again because they don’t like this.  There is another movement they want, what is that?

Genesis 3, 6, 11

The remnants are not confident in themselves, so they don’t know their future. But I believe you will go in the greatest signpost to the Tyrannus Movement.

1. Minister Training

1) John the Baptist – Salvation

What is repentance? It is going back to the Lord, so it doesn’t matter how much you repent; unless you return back to the Lord, it’s useless.  Only when you return back to the Lord is it finished.

2) Baptism of the Holy Spirit

You must be trained in this, when the Holy Spirit is in you, the Kingdom of God is in you. The one seated at the Throne of Heaven is within me as the Holy Spirit.  When asked, “Where is God?” remnants will point at their heart, but what is He doing there? He is reigning within you. The One seated at the Throne of Heaven is within me, reigning over me. 

(Thoughts, Heart, Spirit)m – Healing, Power

Kingdom of the World – Me -> Money – Physical

If someone is physically good looking, they could make money as a model or actor, “They make so much money, so I want to be close to them,” or “that person doesn’t make any money, so I won’t marry them.” Everyone is centered on money and physical things,


Everyone reads books to get success for themselves, is that bad? The world is like that; because I exist, I have to live like this, that’s the process that moves the kingdom of the world.

Satan – Kingdom of the Air

It doesn’t matter how much you succeed in the kingdom of the world; you can’t escape from the Kingdom of Satan.  Confirm this in America. If not, you will be overtaken by the Kingdom of Satan.  Success is difficult; only the top 1% can do it, but you’ll still be overtaken by the Kingdom of Satan.  Why? The Kingdom of Satan is relentlessly holding onto America with evil spirits.  While you are studying, yes, you study the kingdom of the world but study while you know the Kingdom of Satan.  If you only know and study the things of the kingdom of the earth, you will suffer later on because of spiritual problems. 


Study with the answer, otherwise your life will be destroyed.  If you say you don’t know something, you then don’t have an answer. The youth might not get it, but if you keep saying “I don’t know,” as a college student or young adult, it means you don’t have the answer. 


What is the real problem? It’s an invisible problem.  All the visible things happen because of the invisible problem.  What is the invisible problem? 

Satan, Sin, Hell



Religion — Action

Ask church officers if they have the answer. They know Christ but they don’t have the answer and can’t figure out where the problem came from. That’s why they’re not able to give the answer to the problems in the field.  You must be able to tell this problem to your friends and give them the answer, but you’re not able to give them the problem or the answer.  So even though you go to church, you’re centered on actions or another standard. That’s why Satan just plays with you.

Do you guys have the answers to the problems at your school? The one who has the answer is called the Remnant. That was Joseph, only Joseph had the answer.  That’s why he was able to give the answer to Pharaoh, the Egyptians, and all the people. Do you have the answer? If you don’t have the answer, you cannot save yourself.  Do you think you can save anyone with the actions of going to church? You cannot save yourself.  You need to examine your own spiritual state and when Christ becomes the answer in your life, you will have the power of Christ.

That’s why you listen right now, but you must listen knowing this meaning; otherwise, as you live in America, you will not have the answer. If the professor doesn’t have an answer, they will say words without the answer.  If a doctor doesn’t know the answer, they will say words without an answer. They may be correct in a worldly way but they don’t have the answer. You must have the answer and do the studies that have the answer, too. Then you will never, ever fail, and without a doubt, you will save people. That’s what we call God’s Kingdom

God’s Kingdom

Only when the Kingdom of God becomes my spiritual state.  I hope you will pay attention now before I start asking you questions. If you guys aren’t really paying attention to this, your life will have no answer, and you’ll say later, “I went to church for a long time,” but it doesn’t matter.  “I’m a child of a pastor,” it doesn’t matter.  Why do you keep making excuses based on your actions and position?  By God’s grace, He is continually telling you what the spiritual problem is, and you’re not listening and you don’t have an answer, so you’re still centered on yourself, physical things, and success. 

Christ and the kingdom of Christ must be within me, He must rule over me.  You do not overcome with your own strength, but with the power of the Kingdom of God coming upon me, that’s how I overcome. Then, everything in the kingdom of the world will follow you, why? Because everything is within God’s control. From that point, your studies will be used correctly.  If you don’t understand these words, it’s not by your effort that you understand, but it’s the Holy Spirit, so you have to ask for God’s grace now.

When you ask for God’s grace, if you’re as apathetic as you are now, it’s not going to work.  You guys are like cancer patients who are about to undergo surgery where you don’t know if you’re going to live or die.  But your spiritual state is so urgent, you don’t know how important these three spiritual problems are, so you say, “If it happens, it happens; if it doesn’t, it doesn’t.”  That’s why today we’re talking about the baptism of the Holy Spirit where the Holy Spirit’s power completely fills me up.

Later on, you need to experience this. If you experience while you’re young, it is finished because God does this work through faith, so it’s possible even if you’re young.  When John the Baptist was in his mother’s womb, he was celebrating and bowing down to Jesus Christ in Mary’s womb.  They were both in their mother’s wombs.  John the Baptist was six months older than Jesus Christ, but even while in his mother’s womb, he was worshiping to Jesus in Mary’s womb.  Is it possible, medically? It’s not.  What do you call that?  It’s only possible by the working of the Holy Spirit. 

When the baptism of the Holy Spirit works upon you, you’ll start seeing things that were once invisible. That’s what we need to study. You will be able to see the things that successful people cannot see. That’s what Joseph studied.  No one else saw the 7 years of great harvest and the 7 years of famine, but when the Holy Spirit worked upon Joseph, he saw it.  It wasn’t his effort. He was able to see it because the throne of God’s heaven was upon him.  Then, isn’t that the greatest blessing?  But the devil will take this blessing away by making you not think about it at all.

But let’s say you didn’t.  David had the evidence of never losing a single sheep. Is it possible when lions and wolves come to take your sheep?  How could a young teenage boy block that? If you don’t know about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you’ll just say, “David was just always really talented and skilled, he was always really smart,” but that becomes a life that is completely irrelevant to God’s Word.  While he was a shepherd boy, he prayed to God and God’s power came upon him. God created the lions and wolves and God knows where to hit them to kill them all at once. You will know things that others don’t.  God created stones and energy and knows where to hit someone to make the greatest impact.  Studies are not what make you fail; you don’t have strength so you fail. If you’re going to study either way, study the studies with the answers and strength in God’s throne.  

2. Camp of Concentration

1) Synagogue

2) God’s Kingdom

You shouldn’t just study and listen to your parents.  If your parents enjoy the Kingdom of God, they’ll talk to you about this, but if not, they’ll talk about the kingdom of the world, “If you don’t succeed, you’ll be homeless,” and they get completely imprinted in the kingdom of the world.  That’s why spiritual problems go down the family line, from generation to generation.  What am I studying for? With what strength do I study? You must know that.  When you study, that’s your opportunity.

Is it hard to study? You need to go through that.  What are you going to do otherwise?  Are you just going to play at the beach? No, right? When you’re going to school, you have to study.  If you don’t study, then you don’t know the world, but you must know the world. It’s not enough to know the world, you must know spiritual things and the kingdom of the devil and the power and the kingdom of God.  Do the studies that know these things. Otherwise people succeed and will be destroyed. 

You haven’t gone in so you don’t know. If you’ve lived a successful person’s life, you would know, but you don’t because you look down on God’s Word.  Stop asking once you get to that position but in advance, live the life of true success.  The better you are at studying, the more successful you are, the better.  But you need to succeed with the strength of the answer, that’s how your success will save you and others.  Why would you succeed in a way that would torture yourself and others? You don’t have the spiritual answer so you’re going to torment others.  Because you get married before your spiritual problems are solved, you’ll torment your family. That’s what this means.  You need to understand the three kingdoms well.

3) 3 Months

He explained the kingdom of God for three months in an intensive way.  Do this in your schools, concentrate on this and do this for others as well.  Open an Upper Room meeting in your schools and do this.  If you guys need a minister, call a minister to give the message to your friends, and that’s how your friends will be blessed.

If you don’t have God’s Kingdom, you’re mixed in the kingdom of the world and Satan.  You think you’re okay and you think about other things. 

4) Disciples Who Understand

5) Two Years

If I were a president, you would believe me, but I’m not, so I’m going to call successful people.  I’ll tell you what they thought when they were your age and how they succeeded.  There are successful people all over, there are plenty of people who want to come, even nonbelievers.  Successful people think differently. “I’m a medical doctor, so I’ll go.”  Even here, there were two doctors. I asked David to call them, and they said, “Okay.” Are just doctors successful people? We’ll bring successful business people as well.

6) Healing

2. Sure Future

1) Acts 19:21 Rome

2) Acts 23:11

3) Acts 27:24

Right now, church officers ask about the kingdom of the world, they don’t have the answer to their physical problems.  You need to live your life receiving answers from the Kingdom of God, but you always have this question about me, physical things, and success.  Receive the true answer through the pulpit message.  Everyone looks for answers that are beneficial to themselves, but we don’t need that kind of ministry.  The true answer is God’s Kingdom actually being established within me, God’s Word and God’s power in me.

If the church officers know this, they’ll always be afflicted.  The remnants, while you guys are young, listen and that’s how you mature.  Later on, he gives you the answer. That’s the studies you do.  That’s what will happen in your future.  It doesn’t take place with your skills, but with God’s power and guidance.  The Greatest Signpost.  Most people think they don’t need God’s Word. “I don’t need to worship, I just need to try my best and succeed.”  Those people are bound to suffer, seized by the Kingdom of Satan.  Then the people who are in the world don’t care about the Kingdom of God no matter how much you talk.  They’re going to go in a direction of the ruler of the kingdom of the air that makes us, by nature, objects of wrath.  We need to follow the signpost of our life, following God’s Word. We need to follow, holding onto the Word God gives us. May those remnants slowly arise. 

On Saturday, what is the Word you received last Sunday? Lately, they’ve been barely answering, what that means is they’re just living diligently in the world, but what will happen to their spiritual state? It’s unexplainable.  That’s why they have no choice but to game.  They have no choice but to go into drugs with friends. Follow God’s Word.  Even if you hold onto the word a little bit and pray for the Holy Spirit to work upon you, with faith, just experience this once.  Just experience your spiritual state being changed once, then everything visible will take place, and your problems will not be problems.  But if your inside state isn’t changed, it doesn’t matter how much counseling you receive; it’s useless. 

Instead, you try using this method or that method, that’s legalism.  “Do this, do that, act like this, act like that,” the churches kill everybody. No reason to do that kind of team training.  We need to have a ministry that changes everybody’s spiritual state.  Don’t waste your effort but you need to have the correct answer and give them the answer.  It is possible for anybody to do as long as you have this answer. 

If you experience and enjoy the Kingdom of God just a little bit, if you experience this and go through it, your thoughts and experience will change. When you’ve tasted it once, it’s different, but if you never, you will fail. If you live your walk of faith centered on the law, you’ll fail. “I went to church, even on Saturdays, but your spiritual state was never changed; you keep making excuses based on your actions.

But outside in the world, most people say that.  They never experienced the gospel, then it’s finished; if you’re outside the truth, you’re done for. Satan completely swallows you up and drags you to hell, but Christ is already inside of you.  Just a little bit, hold onto God’s Word and pray for the Holy Spirit to seize your thoughts, spirit, and heart. Just have a little bit of time to concentrate. David did that, little by little, then his spiritual state changes and not only that, you receive power.  This is what you must raise up while you go to school and study.  Then when you get a job, you’ll be someone who does this, but if this isn’t taking place, you can’t save your field or evangelize.  God  wants you to get this answer and to spread this answer through you.  

The method is you concentrating on God’s Word.  Whether it’s through holy meditation time, reading the Bible, or meditating on the Bible verses, you pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit comes into you, and the prayer that establishes God’s Kingdom wherever you go.  You’re not praying for your kingdom to be established, but God’s Kingdom to be established, then you will receive answers.  Open this up in every region, but we don’t understand these words because we’re entrenched in this. 

If the church officers understand, you can do this movement in your own region, then what must happen?  Region by region, the curses are being broken.

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