The Word through Isaiah (Is. 6:13)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Word through Isaiah (Is. 6:13)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We will share the grace of God today with Isaiah.  Isaiah was a prophet of the Old Testament.  He was actually hiding in a hollow part of a tree trunk, and he died by being cut in half. Both in the New Testament or Old Testament, if you have faith, you will meet your demise.

Through Isaiah, a prophet, God told Isaiah what would happen in the future.  Isaiah 1 says Israel cursed God, they served other idols and other gods; they were separated from God.  There was a whole background of this as well. North Israel worked with Egypt and was taken over, and Isaiah said the Southern Kingdom would be taken over by Babylon, then they would return.

They had a temple and were giving worship, but they were just worshiping in form and behavior; in their hearts, they were worshiping idols, that’s not true worship. Worship means worshiping only God.  That’s why God’s Word says, “I desire obedience, not sacrifice,” because we can worship without being obedient to God’s Word. Even though they were giving worship, they weren’t following God’s Word. 

In Deut. God warns them, every time they do this, they will be scattered to other nations, and superpower nations overcame them and they were scattered through war.  It wasn’t that they didn’t worship or didn’t believe in God; they didn’t follow the Word. What did they follow instead? They gave worship as they followed the things of the world.  The result of that is they were dragged off as captives to Babylon, so their Temple was destroyed and they were scattered to many different areas. 

Then, He says in Isaiah 6 to tell them.  He says the fact they will be taken captives to Babylon is an undeniable fact, and because God doesn’t want them to halfheartedly repent and come back, God would block that.  God has to send them to this nation.  But God says He will do a new work.   He says, “And though a tenth remain in the land, it will again be laid waste,” and God gives us the Word, “As the terebinth and oak leave stumps when they’re cut down, so the Holy Seed will be the stump in the land.”  This is talking about Jesus Christ. It will be a long time before Jesus Christ comes to earth, however, God is going to do the work of bringing those who are rooted in the covenant and believe in the covenant back from Babylon.

In other words, God is telling us there’s no way for people who suffer from disasters, colonization, captivity to money, the environment, powerlessness, there’s no way for them to escape other than Jesus Christ. There are many things that take us captive: scars, problems, we cannot escape from them.  No matter what we try, we cannot escape.  No matter how much you succeed, you cannot escape.  Only the One Who is completely rooted in the Holy Seed, the covenant of the stump, will be able to rise again.

So, if our life is not completely rooted in and centered on Jesus Christ, then God has no choice but to leave us alone to be attacked and to fall into disaster.  However, for the people who have Jesus Christ as their firm center of their heart, God will begin a new work in them.  So, what does it mean to do the remnant movement in America? It means you’re doing the Christ movement.  God is honestly doing the Christ movement through the next generation.

God did His work through the remnants of all remnants, like Daniel, his three friends, and Esther.  There were not many people who returned from Babylon.  Even right now through the ones who are rooted in and believe in the value of the covenant of the stump, God will do the work of breaking down the curses and disasters of America through them. We study to restore that.  As kids study, we must prepare for this, that’s God’s plan.

There are hundreds of nationalities gathered in America. God wants us to take this gospel to heal them, save them, and raise them up as disciples. That’s what we study for.  If we don’t study for that, then rightfully, we are taken back into captivity.  It doesn’t matter how much you succeed without doing that; Satan is not afraid of success at all.  Disasters do not come because of your lack of earnestness.  Disasters come because Christ is not at the deep center of our lives.

We must have the covenant of Immanuel, the content of Isaiah 7:14, Christ with us.  For the people who just knew that with their brains, when they went into Babylon, they all failed.  But Daniel held onto the covenant and did not bow down to idols, he showed the evidence that God is with him.  So, what’s important right now is not whether you live a nice life or not. Is God with you? Do you believe that?  Through that person, God will change the field of America.

It doesn’t matter how much you know the word, “Immanuel.” If you just know it and not believe in it, you will shake and tremble in the field. God is with me and God is with us; He is with the church.  It doesn’t matter how many problems we have; as long as God is with us, those problems change into blessings and answers.  God gave the evidence He is with them to the people who truly believed in that covenant.  You have no idea what a tremendous blessing Immanuel is. No matter where you go, God is with you.  The people who held onto that covenant overcame the disaster of Babylon.

In Isaiah 40, it talks about the Word of the Lord.  Isaiah 40:3-6.  Your beauty withers like grass.  Isaiah 40:7.  Even if grass is vibrant one moment, it will wither up the next; do not rely on the physical, do not rely on people’s words.  Isaiah 40:8.  Even if you go to Babylon, hold onto God’s Word.  Throughout the entire week, hold onto the Word God gave you as the covenant.  You can just go according to God’s time schedule like this.

What is Christ? What is Immanuel?  If you know this, then you will be able to hold onto the Word God gives you in the pulpit message every week as your covenant.  I went to visit Hei Chri and Naysay today.  I told them, “Take notes every time you worship.”  Yes, it’s important to just take notes on the lecture as if you’re in a class, but most importantly, write down the word God has given to you personally.  Take your prayer journal around and write the notes from the Sunday message.  You have other training messages as well.  Hold onto the Word and when you go home, before you go to sleep, read those notes again because that’s the covenant God has given to you. Hold onto that firmly.

We’re training these kids right now, how are we training them? So they hold onto the Word God gives them, so they can hold onto the Word even if we’re not here.  If they’re in Wednesday night worship, they should write down the Word God gives them during Wednesday night worship. Every day, there’s the prayer journal message, so write down that, because God’s word doesn’t change and the word God gives to me doesn’t shake.

I asked them, “What did you hold onto?” “Do not be afraid,” and the other one said something else about God’s Word.  “Why do you think God gave you this word?” I asked. “As you go into the field, there are things that make you afraid.”  We help them to have their imprint, root, and nature in God’s Word. I asked, “What happens if you lose hold of God’s Word?” As soon as Adam and Eve lost hold of the covenant God gave them in Gen. 2:17, Satan comes and twists God’s Word. 

I asked them to read Gen. 2:17 and to compare it in Gen. 3. Is it the same? They said it was not the same. In Gen. 2:17 God says, “Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” but in Gen. 3:3, Eve says, “Do not eat and do not touch it,” so Satan confuses us and changes it slightly, then it’s not the covenant and what happens? Look at the problems of our family line. Everybody has similar problems in the family line. Laziness, anger, money problems.  Both had the same problems because they’re from the same family line.  If you lose hold of this covenant, you will turn out like this as well.

When you go to work, you may not be able to take you prayer journal, so take a picture and look at it throughout the day.  Anger isn’t a problem, the real problem is that you don’t have the answer to your problem.  People have a lot of revealed problems, but what’s the real issue? Do you have the continuous answer for these problems?  We must be able to guide these kids on how to live their walk of faith in a detailed way.

If you are doing this yourself, it will naturally take place; but if you don’t do it, you can’t teach it to them. The Word of God will stand forever.  The covenant God told me will continue to be moved by God.  If you confirm those words of the covenant in the end of the day while you remember what happened that day, you’ll be able to see, “I lost hold of the covenant,” or, “I held to the covenant and this happened,” either way, write it down.  Before you go to sleep, there are many things that happened that day, many thoughts you have. Change your thoughts and spiritual state into God’s Word.

Isaiah 40:27-31. This is the power of prayer we must enjoy.  Of course we may get tired and fall; that’s why we must have the time of enjoying the Throne of Heaven by looking towards God.  Then you have to testify to other people with the words of the answer God has given to you. If you testify according to the theory you learned, it won’t be an answer to anyone.  It’s not just about the actual text you’ve read, but when this word becomes strength to you, you can stand as a witness to strengthen and save others.

Studying the Word of God is not about teaching them the word that you know.  It’s talking about the Word that has become yours, that you’ve experienced yourself; you relay that answer to them. The disasters and spiritual and mental problems continue not because we lack Bible studies and theologians.  It’s because there are no people who are witnesses of the Word of God coming into me and becoming my strength and my evidence.  

If you go to YouTube, there are many people who speak well; that’s not what we’re talking about.  That’s why if you don’t have a time to concentrate spiritually on God, with the Word God has given to you, you cannot have spiritual victory.  Especially remnants, you must have this strength.  Everybody thinks studying is hard, and all our work is also studies as well. When we do something difficult, it gets imprinted in our soul and mind. Hold onto the Word, concentrate in prayer, even if it’s five minutes or just listen to God’s Word and that becomes spiritual strength. Humans have no other choice; without God’s Word, we lose all our spiritual strength.  

Isaiah 43:19.  It means He will begin a new work through those who have this foundation.  Isaiah 43:18, it means, forget about the old ways of Gen. 3.  This stream is the process of healing because we are all seized by the things of our past.  We are all tormented by the things of our past; however, with the gospel, the strength and power of the gospel, God will begin His new work, He will work with the power of re-creation.

How does He open a way in the wilderness, and how does He make streams in the wasteland? God is promising to work with the power of re-creation.  God will give this power to the remnants and the path they will walk in the future. With your diligence otherwise, it’s not going to work.  It’s not enough to have a good and nice personality. Paul had a pretty bad personality.  God doesn’t save people based on their personality, but whether they go all into this gospel movement.

Isaiah 60:1.  Christ, Who is the Light, is already upon me, and the one who has the power of the Triune God is the one through whom God will work.  Simply put, now, have your mission. Why are you here in America? God restores His mission through processes like this.  We were stuck in suffering, captives to money, success, and our work, and God rescued us, and with His power, God gives us our mission and He will fulfill it. 

Isaiah 60:2.  The darkness is talking about a spiritual darkness that covers everyone.  God is saying He will save them all with the light of the Word of Christ.  The remnants must study, holding onto God’s covenant, that God has given me these studies to save America and the 237 nations.  Isaiah 60:3.  What happens is, the 237 nations will come to your light, and leaders will come to the light within you.

Isaiah 60:4, your sons and daughters will come back to you. Before you have this mission, even your children will be taken captive.  Isaiah 60:5, He will even give you material wealth and riches.  If you do God’s gospel and evangelism movement, He will restore everything you need.  Especially for older church officers, don’t argue whether you can be imprinted in the word or not.  Entrust that to God, but the work you must do is the gospel and Word movement.  Isaiah 60:6-7, all these things will be gathered back to you. That means God is going to restore even more than what you need in great abundance, spiritually and physically. 

Isaiah 62:6.  If you have the platform of this light, stand up as the watchman and pray day and night, giving the LORD no rest.  Give Him no rest.  Those who remember the LORD. “Do not rest” means, pray 24 hours.  24 hours means you have to enjoy this. If you enjoy drugs, you think about drugs 24.  If people like going on trips and vacations, they dream about that, all day, every day.  Those people will suffer, and God will not work through them. But it’s people who have the mission of God, 24 hours.

If someone is 24 eating and playing, God doesn’t work in those who have that 24.  We can only have the mission, 24 hours, if we enjoy it. You can only have drugs 24 if you like it. Alcohol is your 24 if you enjoy it.  You have to like eating and playing to do it 24 hours.  But you have to enjoy the mission God has given to you to do it 24 hours. 

Then what happens?  God has no choice but to work, that’s the answer of 25 hours.  That’s why, regardless of whether you’re a remnant or church officer, it’s the same in Isaiah. You need the gospel, the content of the gospel, then the Word, and then shine the light, and stand as a watchman. This is God’s Word that no one can ever change; the answer only appears to those who hold onto it as they go. The answers do not come to people who hold records. 

If you look at this Word, you may not be confident it will work for you? That’s okay.  If this goes into you properly, God will guide you forward in God’s time schedule. So right now, you’re just in the process of being imprinted.  If someone is imprinted with and enjoys playing, traveling, and having fun, then this talk of mission will be a burden, and they have something else they like, imprinted in them. However, as they do that, if they realize why they’re failing, they will know why they have to change.  That is your imprint, root, slowly changing. That’s why we continuously train, Fridays and Saturdays. Other than that, you will not change.  God is bound to give you grace.


May all of you have grace today and see the fulfillment of God’s Word. There will be a Word God has given to you. That Word is the covenant.  Let us hold onto that Word and pray together.

 Second prayer topic, you guys need to plant prayers for evangelism school.  The children’s, youth, and young adult evangelism schools.  They’re all important but especially the children and youth, that is when this must be properly planted into them, then it will keep growing.  Young adults need surgery to take all these other things out.  Their nature is Americanized, there are other things inside of them. I was the same, that’s how much more difficult it is, the older you get. Nothing is impossible for God, so we must go before God.  Knowing the meaning of that, I go into worship and training.

We also have our businessperson’s training and that’s even moreso.  But if we don’t at least do that, they’ll go in the complete opposite direction. They completely live in misconceptions, drawing images from their misconceptions, drawing their life plans from what they experienced in the world, so the church officers need training to stand as witnesses to the next generation that they’ve changed. There are four programs going on at church tomorrow, let us pray.

Let us pray for the Sunday message.  Allow God to give the Word He wants for the church, then what will happen to you? You have to pray for God to give you the Word He desires for you, then you have to pray for the servant of the Lord to deliver the Word God desires.  When the message outline comes out on Saturday, you have to at least read the scripture.  Then the way you receive God’s Word will be different, but we don’t do that very well; we barely wake up and make it on time.  But before we come, on Saturday, we have to read the Bible scripture. Go into prayer through the scripture, “God, what is the Word You desire to give me?” They will undoubtedly receive the Word.  But we don’t do that; we sit with a blank mind. “If my emotions are stirred, that’s great; if not, I’m disappointed.” That’s why your walk of faith isn’t working out.  May God give you the Word He desires.  

One more prayer topic, let us pray for this region and the region where you live.  Without a doubt, the ruler of the kingdom of the air, Satan, is setting up his territory.  He has his fortress and we must break down the Kingdom of Satan and establish the Kingdom of God first.  After that, we study and work in order to God to give you the physical things you need as well.  So, the ruler of the kingdom of the air holds onto the region fiercely with religions, idols, and the work of demons. Let us pray.

God, allow us to have the Temple Construction to do the 237, healing, and summit movement.  Let us pray for healing of all those holding to the covenant.

Finally let us pray for the missions fields.  I believe when you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God will transcend time and space to send angels to work upon those fields.  Let us pray together for 5 countries in Africa (South Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Burundi), Mongolia, Karen, Navajo, Utah, Latin America, especially El Salvador.

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