The Song that Imprints God’s Word (Deut. 32:1-47)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Song that Imprints God’s Word (Deut. 32:1-47)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We will share the grace of God today with Deut. 32.  Moses gave his words to the Israelites in three parts, and this part is Deuteronomy. During the last of his mission, they turned all of his teachings into a song, and this is the content.  In the last words of the previous chapter, it says, Moses recited the lyrics of the song in the assembly of Israel.  Songs have lyrics; when we sing songs, the lyrics come into us, then what happens when the lyrics come into us? It is imprinted directly into our brain and our spirit. 

I had a close Christian friend in college, and he passed away after he left the military at 25 years old.  I didn’t know this very well back then, but he kept singing a song about a ship sailing away. Back then, I was a nonbeliever and he was a Christian, so I thought that he was different from me. Why did he only keep singing that song again and again? When we were leaving the army together, he caught a disease, and he passed away when he was 25. I didn’t know this back then. 

Only after I realized the gospel, the song he sang again and again, he meant it to symbolize life. Life was like a ship that had sailed away. He only sang that song, because it was imprinted deep into his brain and soul. I never confirmed this, but he did say he was a Christian.  That is a fact, but his spiritual state, his brain, his soul, his emotions, his mind was all constantly connected to the background of hell. We have been given the Christ that connects us with the background of heaven, but his mind, his thoughts, his spiritual state, and his soul was connected to the background of hell, and that’s how his life ended. 

What’s going to happen to your future? You may have all sorts of thoughts and emotions, and that’s scientific.  Even Christians commit suicide because their thoughts, heart, soul, and brain are always connected to another place.  Christians can also have mental illnesses, of course, because their thoughts, heart, and brain are always in that state.  

King Saul had a mental illness, he was demon-possessed and did crazy things, and all his heart and thoughts were always about himself.  That means his standard was always himself, and he had the heart to kill David.  That was imprinted into his brain and his spiritual state kept repeating in that direction. Ultimately he ended up killing himself.

Look at Cain, he killed his younger brother. He was giving worship but he failed in worship, so you shouldn’t live a religious life. It’s not enough just to be a Christian.  A Christian is always centered and focused on Christ, that is a true Christian, but so many people call themselves Christians but they are centered on themselves.  Such people are bound to get mental illnesses because their thoughts are not of God; it is of themselves.  That thought is connected to our heart, and that is connected to our brain, which we cannot change.  

You’ve studied biology. What does the brain do? The brain sends its commands through the nervous system.  All our consciousness is in the brain so it will change depending on what your brain is like. If you have an addiction, it’s in your brain.  It doesn’t matter how much you cut off your hands and feet; you will keep your addiction as long as it is in your brain. Our brain also determines our spiritual state, our eternal soul.  Our soul is then connected to the throne of heaven.  If your spiritual state is seized by Satan, your soul is connected to the background of hell.  It’s not enough just to go to church and call yourself a Christian, all your hearts and thoughts must be centered on Christ to be a true Christian.

In Deut. 32, God told Moses to take the words of God and turn it into a song so we can always have it on our lips. What is the content of that?  Deut. 32:1, “Listen, O heavens, and I will speak. Hear O earth, the words of my mouth.” He’s telling earth and heaven to listen to his words. These are the words God gave to the Israelites but He is telling the heavens and earth to listen as well.  These are the words of God Who created all of creation, so even the heavens and earth must listen. 

The heavens and earth are bound to move according to the principles of God’s Word.  So, because humans have gone outside of God’s Word in disobedience the heavens and the earth has also become corrupt. The reason why earth and all the things we do on earth are cursed is because humans have separated from God’s Word and we do whatever we want.

Deut. 32:2 says, “Let my teaching fall like rain,” we must receive God’s Word from the heavens, it is not what I hold onto, but God gives it to me.  Everywhere you look in the Bible, it says, “The Word of the Lord came to somebody.” The Bible never says, “This person held onto God’s Word,” but it says, “This Word came to so-and-so,” so what is the Word God is putting upon me? I’m not holding onto the Word I desire; what is the Word God desires to give to me? 

“Let my teaching fall like rain,” it means to fall from heaven, but what happens if it doesn’t rain? Everything dies if there’s no water.  So, the Word and the teaching of God is the Word every human needs.  “And my words descend like dew.” We must have dew.  What do we do in the season where there is no rain?  God brought the dew upon them every day so they would drink the dew and live.  “My words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants,” meaning we need this, and if we don’t have God’s Word, we die spiritually. 

If someone thinks, “I’m young and physically healthy, do I really need God’s Word?” Such a person is spiritually dead.  In a state of spiritual death, we reach a state of mental death, and that results in mental illness.  That’s connected to the problems of our life.  

Deut. 32:3, “I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God!” We will proclaim the name of God.  We will praise the greatness of our God.  Deut. 32:4, “He is the Rock,” Jesus Christ is the Rock, and from that Rock, water came out. That Rock is Jesus Christ, and for whoever confesses Jesus Christ, Jesus says, “I will build my church upon that Rock,” then who is the Rock? It is God.  Even in the wilderness, Jesus was with them. His works are perfect. We are not perfect but the work God does is perfect.  When God works with His Holy Spirit, He is perfect, but if we try to do whatever we want to do, it’s not going to work. Allow God to work. 

But there are situations where we keep blocking Him ourselves.  We keep blocking God’s work with the idea that, “It has to be me who does it,” then God just waits and the work cannot be complete or perfect.  We are the same way, God works upon us. When we begin to pray with God’s Word, then He works. If you live diligently without God’s Word, you live diligently on your own and it is irrelevant to God’s works.  All his ways are just. No humans are just, we ourselves cannot be just, however, all of God’s ways are just.  

He is faithful and He does no wrong.  It doesn’t matter how faithful someone tries to be because we have our spiritual background.  If we try to be honest, we are actually lying; however God is faithful; He does no wrong and is upright. What is uprightness?  What does it mean to “Do no wrong”? It means God gives judgment upon sin.  His love is that He has forgiven us through Jesus Christ.  Yes, God is a God of love and He doesn’t do wrong.  Without a doubt, He judges sin, and that is why, without Jesus Christ, we are in curses.  That Christ is love, that is how I have been set free from curses.  

However, some believers and kids cannot distinguish between the law and legalism.   There are some people who say, “We don’t need the law.”  The legalistic person is always thinking and speaking and making their judgments based on the law.  That person is the same as a Pharisee because they don’t know the reason why God gave us that Word; they only hold onto the word physically, in a legalistic way.  

Other people say they don’t need the Word at all, and if they say that, they say they don’t need God’s Word, then do we reveal sin?  Can we have sin?  If there’s no standard, then how do we know what’s wrong?  There are people who just look down on the standard altogether.  Because they hold onto the gospel in that way, there is no direction. What does that mean?  They just do whatever they want, they don’t have the standard of God’s Word so they do whatever they want; that is the work of Satan.  So, He is both a God of justice and of love; He has given us the law and the gospel to forgive us. You have to know both sides of Him well, why?  

Christ is inside of us and He fulfills the law. The law is God’s Word, and that is the direction and standard of our life.  But the people who look down on the law altogether have no direction or standard in life.  That is a state of chaos, it’s completely a state of confusion. That’s what it means to be seized by Satan.  

However, we cannot fulfill God’s law with our own strength, but that doesn’t mean we should look down on it.  But the people who live without a direction use it as an excuse, “I can’t fulfill it by my own strength anyways,” so they live however they want.  They use the word, “gospel,” to do whatever they want to do. You need to be careful of people like that and warn them.  Especially for our remnants and youth, they might be like that.  The kids will change depending on who tells them the gospel.  It’s not enough to say, “only gospel,” but He is just and He does no wrong, and He is upright. 

Deut. 32:6, “Is He not your Father,” meaning the Father Who takes care of us, “Your Creator, Who made you and formed you”? He is my Creator, the one who made me and formed me is God. The One Who knows you the best is God. There is no reason for you to go to people.  He is the One Who made you, so if you’re broken, you go to Him. If your car is broken, you should go directly to the manufacturer; that is the fastest way because the one who made that car knows exactly where it would be broken, where it is the weakest.  That is why we go to the Triune God, because He knows everything about me, He diagnoses me and gives me His Word and heals me.

Deut. 32:7, “Remember the days of old; consider the generations long past. Ask your father and he will tell you, your elders, and they will explain to you,” meaning there are the works of God that happened even before you were born, so ask them and they will explain this to you. Deut. 32:8, “When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when he divided all mankind, he set up boundaries for the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel.” He set up their boundaries. 

Deut. 32:10, “In a desert land, he found him, in a barren and howling waste. He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye.  God guards us as the apple of His eye and watches over us. Making this into a song means to completely imprint, root, nature this into my thoughts, heart, emotions, spirit. Especially, your middle and high school years are your last opportunity.  If you go into college without having this imprinted, then something else will determine your spiritual state.  Then, you may know this because you’ve heard of it, but when you make a decision, you will go back to your original nature.  Imprint this into your children, even as they are in the womb, because when you’re in your mother’s womb, your entire life is determined.  The role of the mother is to listen to the message early in the morning and pray, then their spiritual state is relayed to the children. 

Deut. 32:11-12, “Like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them on pionions, the LORD alone led him; no foreign god was with him.”  God has done this, like an eagle that carries its young on its wings and protects them, God has done this for us.  Deut. 32:13, “He made him ride on the heights of the land and fed him with the fruit of the fields. He nourished him with honey from the rock, and with oil from the flinty crag,” meaning He has taken care of all of our physical needs and protected them.

Deut. 32:15, it talks about Jeshurun, which represents Israel wealthy, having their fill, and becoming very spoiled.  “Jeshurun grew fat and kicked; filled with food, he became heavy and sleek. He abandoned the God Who made him and rejected the Rock his Savior.”  So, when God guides us a little bit and humans get physically well off, they again lose hold of God’s Word. “Why do we need the gospel so much? Why do we need to relay God’s Word? I’m full and I’m living a good life, that’s all I need.”  Those are the Israelites who have not been rooted down.  

But Joseph, even after he became a governor and was full of success, he did not kick away the Word of God, but held onto God’s will of world and Egypt evangelization.  Because we are the children of God, even after we fall over, God will raise us up again, but our desire is not for world evangelization; it is for our success.  So, when our circumstances become better off and more comfortable, we have already accomplished our goals so we lose hold of God’s goal, then what happens is we go back into disasters.  

So in Isaiah 6 it says, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for me?” Isaiah says, “Here am I, send me!” But the LORD says, “Not you,” and later on in those verses, God says, “The terebinth and oak will be cut down, and the people will repent. But I will still not listen to them. Because when they’ve had their fill, they’ll turn their backs again. Even if they come back and repent, I will not listen to them.” Because their repentance is not the true repentance; they are just hungry and asking for their fill, so God will allow them to remain in failure and be destroyed.  

God promises to renew all things through the remaining holy seed in the land.  Christ is that Holy Seed. The person who is centered on that Jesus Christ, Who has Christ as their Rock, will never fail and God will make them into a new start, because if it is not Christ, it is bound to be cut down. That’s why God gave His covenant of the Holy Seed and the Remnant.  The Holy Seed, that Remnant, will have the power of the throne of heaven and will testify of God’s Word.  

But it’s possible to go in front of God when the gospel is not everything to you, and you’re more focused on eating food, then it’s not going to work; those people will be dragged as captives to Babylon and will not return back. They want to return to Babylon because they made a good living there. And those are the people who will live completely assimilated into the idol culture of Babylon.  But Daniel had this covenant. Because he went into Babylon holding onto this covenant of the Remnant and of Jesus Christ, God had no choice but to work upon Daniel.  He had the content of Immanuel in Isaiah 7:14.  Daniel held onto the covenant, and in Isaiah 40, it says God’s Word is eternal.  The Word of God doesn’t change.  

John 1:1 says that God is His Word.  The Word of Christ, that is what we need to hold onto.  When you hold onto that Word, it says in Isaiah 43 that God will make the path in the wilderness and a way through the water.  The Word of God gives the power of re-creation.  The words of people and your own thoughts do not have the power of re-creation.  It is used a little bit in doing the physical work of people, but it doesn’t have the power of re-creation because it is not God’s Word.

Isaiah 60 says the light has come upon you, therefore, shine the light. Everyone who holds onto that covenant will all live.  Your sons and daughters will come from all different nations with all the treasure, and even the kings will gather.  Isaiah 62 says, give the LORD no rest day or night as the watchmen shine the light. The watchman is someone who has a mission.  God fulfilled His work through the people who held onto His covenant like Daniel and his three friends.  That is why God gave this psalm to Moses saying, “I already know what will happen to the Israelites, so turn my words into a song and completely imprint it into their thoughts, heart, spirit, and brain.”  

Deut. 32:16, “They made him jealous with their foreign gods and angered him with their detestable idols.” Your greed is your idol. You don’t hold onto God’s Word and you hold onto your own thoughts so you’re greedy. To the very end, we are trying to become God and raise our own Tower of Babel. We need to be satisfied with the words of Christ, and that’s how you receive healing of your thoughts, heart, and mind. If you’re not completely satisfied with the words of Christ, then Satan will continue attacking you with your greed. If you’re not satisfied, it means you don’t have thanksgiving. 

Are you thankful for your scars? You are not.  I heard news from Sedona about the 16 year old boy whose father is an evangelist with severe spiritual and mental problems.  Whenever that evangelist father would come and drink, he would go back to his house and say all sorts of things to his kids, using the name of God.  The family was going through such hardship that the fourth child was determined to commit suicide.  

After the father got a divorce and left, there was a 62 year old man living in the house, and he started listing after the 14 year old daughter in the house. So the 16 year old son went crazy and shot him with a gun.  It turned out that the spiritual problems of the father had come into the son in the form of scars and wrath and turned into a spiritual problem.  The 16 year old boy was smart and had wrath and the spiritual problem so he ended up shooting the man.  

His bail was set at $50,000 and we received a letter since we’re praying for that region. They asked us to pay $5,000 to help with the bail. If we pay bail, he can come out of prison for a year.  But if he goes back to his house, he will go back to the same spiritual background of his house, so instead, he’ll rotate around many elderly Christian homes, so that’s the plan.  What they’re hoping to happen in that year is, as he goes to these different spiritually Christian families, he’ll change within a year and the jury will have mercy on him.  He’s smart, this 16 year old boy has been in prison for 3 months, and he’s passed enough tests to now go to college.  

I told the pastor’s wife there that this child will never be able to forgive his father.  No matter what methods or tools you use, he will not be able to forgive his father.  No matter how many counselors he has next to him, he will never be able to forgive his father. He may have ethics and morals enough to know, “I shouldn’t think this way about my father,” but he will never be thankful to his father because of all the things his father did to his family.  Only when this 16 year old boy named Moses truly understands and realizes his father’s spiritual problems, will he realize his father himself was a victim. Until that point, it doesn’t matter how many Bible groups he goes into.  

He needs to be able to actually see, “It was not my father, but it was my father’s spiritual problem and Satan was using that to destroy my family.”  Then he needs to understand that that spiritual problem has come all the way down to him so he had no choice but to commit murder and for this situation to result. 

Do you think he’ll be able to be thankful for his father? You must be thankful.  Why did God allow me to be born into this kind of family with this kind of father, and why did God allow this situation to take place?  Through my father and through myself, I really need to be able to see the Word of God and why we need the gospel. Not only is this the problem in my family, but it’s a problem all over America.  Then this situation completely becomes a springboard to help people like that, so we have no choice but to be thankful. 

Until that happens, it doesn’t matter how many years we go to church. It doesn’t matter how much we try to endure or hold it in; when Satan works, we have no choice but to do it again; even when we’re released from prison, we do it again, but the churches don’t talk about these spiritual works.  They just talk about the law, “Live a good life, serve others, help other people,” they don’t even acknowledge Satan.  Satan is alive right now, he is doing these works,but nobody talks about that. In that family, the youngest child is even worse. He may not have done something outwardly, but he was determined to kill his father, and if he cannot kill his father, he would kill himself.  However, that family is Chriatian family and other people said they were good believers. That’s the background of the Christian families in America. 

Everyone thought this family was great because on the outside, they were doing these actions of a Christian but on the inside, they had this problem they could never tell anyone. Do you think they would be able to diagnose this correctly?  There are things white people are good at, and that’s helping other people, that’s good.  So, we promised to help them out online, and even the pastor’s wife thought, “I don’t think these grandmas and grandpas he’ll be living with can do the trick.” 

These things happen in the midst of our prayers of America evangelism. Because these things happen in the midst of prayers for Remnant evangelization, holding to the covenant, of course, we need to do the work of God here. Do you think someone without the answer abd help this person? They wouldn’t even be able to diagnose it. It’s not enough to just say it’s a spiritual problem.  The person who has the actual, specific answer, can save other people.  If you don’t have the answer yourself, it doesn’t matter how much you hit other people with the Word of God, it’s not going to go into them. If you’re not even able to diagnose the spiritual state of the father, do you think the child will understand?  

These are the words we speak about all the time, but only the people who understand can run a ministry.  Understanding it doesn’t mean you understand by what you hear, the Holy Spirit must reveal it inside of you.  What do you think would happen if he’s lucky and they let him out early? He’s still not healed, then what will he do in society? He will make more problems, so the problems of America cannot be solved by politicians.  The judges and district attorneys cannot solve this problem.  The only thing they can do is make a sentence longer or shorter; they don’t even know why this problem happened so that’s why America falls into disaster.  

I’m talking about something that actually happened, this is a disaster. This family has 8 children, and all the children have a state like this, and it would be understandable if they were unbelievers, but it’s a Christian family. This is how all the churches lose the gospel. They do so many other works but that’s not the issue; the rage inside of someone comes from their scars, and that comes from Satan. How will you heal that?  If he didn’t have that rage and that 62 year old man kept trying to get at the 14 year old daughter, he could have reported the man to the police or he could have gotten a restraining order on that man. He’s a smart boy, and if he was that smart, he would have been able to research other methodologies, but because he had that scar, he shot the man. 

Later on, when this boy is released from prison, who’s going to help him with his life? Satan’s going to keep working on him and he’ll have no choice but to fall into drug addiction, and he is going to meet a girl and make a family with her. And continuously, family problems will be like this.  In the midst of this, God has called us, but you’re not aware of that, but you’re just worried about what you’re going to eat. Don’t do that. God told us in this Bible scripture that He will take care of our physical needs. Even successful nonbelievers don’t worry about this; why would a Christian worry about this? We put the gospel at the rock bottom level. 

In Deut. 32:22, 24, “For a fire has been kindled by my wrath, one that burns to the realm of death below. It will devour the earth and its harvest and set afire the foundations of the mountains.” “I will send wasting famine against them, consuming pestilence and deadly plague; I will send against them the fangs of wild beasts, the venom of vipers that glide in the dust,” so God is going to send plagues and disasters like this. These things don’t happen for no reason. 

Deut. 32:25, “The sword will make them childless in the street,” so outside your home, there will be swords. Nowadays, we have shootings, when we leave our house, we are in danger of being shot. God is doing this, and what about inside of the homes? “In their homes terror will reign,” there will be terror inside the families in the homes. God will allow this to take place.  But we keep thinking, “Why do these things happen?” These are the results that happen when we are outside of God’s Word, and that is why the disasters will only end inside of our families when we are filled with the gospel of the words of Christ. 

Deut. 32:26, “I said I would scatter them and blot out their memory from mankind,” they will all be scattered to different nations.  They will have no memory of their family or growing up, because they’re struggling so much to just eat and make a living.  In Deut. 32:43, “Rejoice, O nations, with his people, for he will avenge the blood of his servants; he will take vengeance on his enemies and make atonement for his land and people.”  This is the incident of Jesus Christ’s cross. Hold onto that covenant.  Then, you will be set free from all sin.  God will take vengeance on your enemies.  Hold onto this covenant.

Finally let us look at Deut. 32:46. “He said to them, ‘Take to heart all the words I have solemnly declared to you this day, so that you may command your children to obey carefully all the words of this law.”  Do not just leave this as notes on this Word, but leave them on your heart.  Take notes on the words you’ve received, then take them home and meditate on that, and ask God, “What is the reason You gave me this Word?” You need to have this time. That is how God will allow this Word to go deeper into our hearts.  Yes, it may not be a bad thing to just listen to the Word and return home; however, if someone takes this Word, meditates on it, and have a deep communication with God about it, that summit time, God will do the work of the summit through them. For those people, even if they’re just staying still, they will receive all the answers God is giving them through today’s verses.

So, in your job and in your homes, if you take the word you received from the message and meditate on it deeply, it doesn’t have to be a lot of words, but the words you’ve received, your imprints will be changed, your thoughts will change, and you’ll be connected to the throne of heaven that way. Then even if you don’t ask God to take away your weaknesses, they’ll go away naturally.  All the problems you have, you cannot get rid of them yourself, but when the power of God and the Word of God come upon you, one day, they will automatically be changed. That is how you will be able to save yourself, the church, and the future generations.  Your field. So ultimately when this word of God comes into you and your spiritual state is changed, then you will save yourself and others.  

I hope you will go back and right before you go to sleep, because the sleep will determine your state for the next day, Before you go to sleep, if you’re just ruminating on the stressful thing sand the problems you had that day, your brain will get stuck in that state, processing that, and you’ll be full of wrath. Before you go to sleep, it’s very important.  May you have victory.


Let us pray, remembering the Word God has given us today. 

Our second prayer topic, let us pray for this region.  The culture of darkness in this region must be changed, and in order to change this region, we must have the Temple. What do we do in that Temple? We save the 237 nations, healing, and summit movements so that the culture of darkness may be broken down in this region. If the forces of darkness are not broken down, all the works will take place. All your success will be changed into disasters. Like Gen. 6, even if you do everything you want, it changes into the disaster of the flood.  The forces of the Nephilim and darkness must be broken down in the region first. Let us pray for the region. 

Third prayer topic, let us pray for the remnants. They’re imprinted with other things at a young age.  It seems very good but that is actually what destroys them.  But if the gospel goes into them, then those great things will be used, like egoism, individualism, only knowing and thinking of themselves, that is how Satan spiritually works.  May only the Triune God, only Jesus Christ, only the Kingdom of God, and only the Holy Spirit work upon these remnants, because then, not only will it work, but only it will work. 

Finally let us pray for our missions fields.  There are places we must go, but they are also already gathered here in America, and we have been called as missionaries. There are also missionaries out in places we cannot go.  Let us pray for the missionaries who are working with us.  Let us pray for El Salvador, Navajo, Mongolia, Africa, Sedona. 

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to have the imprint, root, and nature of the Word of God into their thoughts, heart, soul, and spirit, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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