The Wisdom and the Power of the One Who Saves the World (Mt. 10:16-23)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Wisdom and the Power of the One Who Saves the World (Mt. 10:16-23)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May the unprecedented grace of God be upon all of you today. The title of today’s message is, “The Wisdom and Power of the One who Saves the World.”  In order for us to enjoy all the blessings God has planned for all of our lives, we must have wisdom and power.  This wisdom is not the wisdom that the world speaks about.  The wisdom that the world is speaking about is trapped within this world, but the wisdom we’re talking about today is the wisdom that saves this world, and that is from heaven.  That is the wisdom that does not come from our own brains, but it comes from God.  And we must have this power.  The power to save the world comes from the throne of heaven.  

Non-believers do not believe in God, so they have to live with their own wisdom and their own mental strength; that’s why they keep training themselves to have mental concentration.  Religious people will bow down and pray to a man made religion, in order to ask for wisdom from that religion. That is the world we are living in today, and even without talking about the world, that is the land of America we are living in. Then, you must first know what kind of state you are in.

Everything we’ve learned and been educated and trained in, since we are young, is ingrained within us.  Even though those things are necessary, they can also be an obstacle in our spiritual walk because we receive the education of being centered on humans, thinking humans are the best. When that does not take place, we think our lives are not taking place.  As we live in this world, we need to live knowing what this world is. 

1. The One sent to the world

  1) Jesus Christ

The Triune God, especially Jesus Christ, created all of creation. Why did He create it? He did not create it for me. The Bible tells us that all of creation was made for Christ. There are some people who are offended just by hearing that, but that is the nature of being seized by Satan. But for the people who say, “Oh, hallelujah, that gives me grace,” they can receive guidance as they go out into this world. Why do we have these different emotions?  We’re embedded with this idea that, “I am the center of the universe, so who can tell me what to do or what not to do?” That will drag a person into suffering.  

If we have that kind of thinking, it feels like we might have strength and we might be able to lead this world boldly, but it actually causes us suffering.  Even if I believe in Jesus Christ, if I go out into the world with that kind of thinking, the world will cause suffering for me. That is why 2 Cor. 10:4-5 says that our battle is not against the physical flesh and blood, but it is about the power of God that can overcome any kind of power; it means that people are trying to live with the power of the fortress or the walls that they build around themselves, and the power of Christ overcomes all of those walls. 

The things we’ve learned in this world are logic and rationality, in other words, science. We have been so used to the ways of logic and rationality, and though those things may be necessary, they are used as weapons against God.  If something doesn’t align with my logic, then I reject it.  “God created everything for Himself? That makes no sense with my logic, and I don’t need a god like that.” That kind of logic rejects and opposes God. 

I have studied science, but what was all of that created for? It doesn’t align with my logic.  Spiritual things and demons don’t align with my logic, so I reject them.  For people like that, they will have great suffering, and it will become even worse in the future. So, in 2 Cor. 10:5, it  says, “These become weapons to reject or oppose God.”  Why do we have these weapons where we fight against God?  The way we reject God is by saying, “Why is this problem here? How can I solve this problem with my logic and rationality?” That’s how we oppose God, and that’s what we’re used to doing.

Even though we live our lives in the world like this, we don’t know we’re opposing God. Then what are we supposed to do when we face a problem?  We need to set our focus into asking, “Why did God allow this problem,” and then look for His plan.  We need to ask God what His plan is. Because all of creation exists for God, we need to ask God why He has allowed this to happen.  However, when we face a problem or situation, when our hearts do not ask that question, it means we are going against God.  We have our nature of being our own god, and that’s why we have no choice but to fall into our problems and be so afraid of our problems. God will destroy all the knowledge and arguments that say they are greater than God.  We must break down all of that divine power and thoughts, and make every thought obedient to Christ.  This is our weapon to fight against the world.  So, yes, we think that, in order to survive in the world, we need to prepare for this and that, however, if we are not obedient to Christ in all things, then we will fail, 100%.  

God created us and we lived for God, and everything was good, but in Gen. 3:5, Satan came and told mankind, “You can be like God.” He says, “You can be in the seat of God, deciding what is good and what is evil.”  Even the way we live our lives right now is by making our own judgments about what is right or what is wrong, and the only result is fighting, conflicts, and division.  That is how we are going against God. We place ourselves in the seat of God and we make our own decision about what is right or what is wrong, and cut people off because of that.  However, allowing God to remain in the seat of God is our blessing, it is our joy and our peace.  

Otherwise, the relationship between God and people may be cut off.  There are people who go to the very end, thinking their thoughts are correct, then where is God?  What does God want? Instead of asking that about God, we make our own decisions and judgements about our own life.  Even though I believe in Jesus Christ, because I still have these thoughts, I’m always suffering.  So, the weapon to win against the world is to make all of our thoughts obedient to Christ, then all of our problems would not be a problem.  But the reason all problems are a problem to us is because we’ve placed ourselves in the seat of God.  Otherwise, the more problems you face, they can be a greater answer.  No matter how difficult the world may get, you see God’s answers, but the reason that is not taking place is because you have placed yourself too high, but your abilities are not able to overcome the world, then of course, it’s so hard.  

If Christians in today’s world do not know about this, then as they live their lives, they get a spiritual problem and it leads them to suicide.  This week, in El Salvador, there was a mission camp we went to this year, and there was a neighboring church.  The husband of the pastor of that neighboring church recently committed suicide on Thursday. His wife was the pastor, and I’m sure something was going on there, but when his wife left, he was drinking alcohol every single day, and he cut his wrists and his kids discovered him in a pool of blood.  Then, what’s going to happen to those kids? This gentleman led praise, led prayer, he did everything in the church, but it will be a shock to the children, then what do you think they will think about God?  Those kids will turn their backs against God. We gave this person the gospel, but the pastor rejected it.  The pastor had a hardened heart against us because she said, “You’re not the only pastor, I’m a pastor as well.”

Do you know why we need the Christ?  Because we cannot overcome the fundamental problem and the curses and disasters; they came from Original Sin, the works of Satan, and the suffering of hell. Even before we go to hell, we are suffering in a hellish life, and we cannot escape that just by going to church. You think that just because you accept Jesus Christ once, the problems go away? They are constantly there, and because Satan holds onto us, we have no choice but to commit suicide.

I received another contact last week from Sedona where a 16-year-old boy shot a man to death, and he was raised as a Christian.  He told this to his mother and now, he has been charged with first-degree murder.  We might understand this if that person didn’t go to church, but they all went to church.  This 16-year-old boy’s father was an evangelist who preached on the streets. Then, can you understand that with the logic you have? It may be hard to understand this, but I can. If you cannot understand this but I can, then that is the difference between you and me.  

What’s the difference?  It is the difference between knowing the reason and not knowing the reason of why it must be Christ.  Even right at this moment, if you are not obedient to Christ, and if Christ is not your Master, then you cannot overcome those three problems. You being in the seat of God is sin, and because of that sin, Satan takes over us. Why do you think that man committed suicide? He must have had a problem that was unspeakable, that’s when he has to give it all before God.  I know the situation in which he did that, honestly speaking, it wasn’t that big of a situation. 

At that time, he needed to kneel before God and receive God’s answers, but he wasn’t able to do that. Even though he went to church, he was so entrenched in himself, “The answers I want, God is going to guide me down a path that I desire,” that god was actually himself, so because things weren’t going the way he wanted, he drank alcohol every day and then slit his wrists. Even that 16-year old-boy who shot the older man had a way to solve his problem.  But he saw this older man who kept lusting after his younger sister, and he felt the need to protect his mother, so he shot the man.  These are things that happen to us.  You think these things won’t happen to you, but a spiritual problem means it will hold onto us even without us knowing.  

These people did not just barely go back and forth to church; they are firm, Christian believers, but this is why if it is not only Christ for us, no matter how much you go to church, you cannot overcome these spiritual problems.  That’s why I keep talking about the Christ, and that’s why we make everything obedient to Christ, then we can overcome our own limitations.  All wisdom comes from Christ, but that is not taking place.  We say we believe in God, but we only want whatever we want in our lives, and we just go to church haphazardly, but many people think that we’re good believers because we’ve gone to church for such a long time.

    (1) Me – Calling (Mt. 10:1)

Christ has called us to be like this, and then He sent us out somewhere. I did not call God, but the Lord called me.  I know this when I look at myself. I have nothing in me that would allow me to believe in Christ.  When I was a young adult, I was an unbeliever, and I drank alcohol every night and I would curse at the heavens, saying, “If you exist, come at me!”  Even though I was afraid that in case I might get struck by a meteor because of that, I still did that, cursing the heavens, when I was a young adult while I was drunk.  I wasn’t shouting good things at the heavens, I was shouting at God, “Hey, you! Come at me!” but I still had a heart of fear, just in case He did exist.

That’s not somebody who can believe, but if God calls us, we have no choice but to follow. We have no choice; we say this or that, but it’s not our choice. You think your heart is so hard? Then God will break it down.  I didn’t surrender myself, so God allowed me to see my friend committing suicide, so I surrendered and followed Christ.  He was saying, “Yeah, you want to live according to your own ego?” and I was trying to endure, endure, endure, and even though I couldn’t say this to anyone else, inside, I was suffering. Nobody else knew about this, but I knew about it personally. I was enduring and waiting, and then one day, the day the Lord called me, was the day I went.

For people who resist, I can understand them, but later on, they’re going to suffer a lot because the more you resist, the strength with which you resist will be broken down. It’s the same thing right now, the stronger you hold onto your thoughts, the more they will break down with force.  When I look at my daughter, I can tell she will suffer a lot in the future; it’s almost like she was stronger than I was when I was an unbeliever.  I know her life will be a headache.

Other people do not make our lives difficult; that thing inside of us makes our lives so hard. As we have our human relationships, if someone is so entrenched in themselves, they cannot think from the other person’s perspective; they can only see things from their own point of view. I told this to my daughter on the drive here to church today.  Even after I believed in Jesus Christ, I wasn’t aware of this for a long time, but one day, I realized, “I can think about it from the other person’s perspective.”

It’s easy to say, “I wonder what the other person’s perspective is,” then first of all, you can understand the other person. “Oh, from that point of view, I can understand why they did that,” and then we ask the question, “Why did God allow this?” Then there’s no reason for me to fight with them. But if you say, “This person is making my life hard,” it means you only know about yourself.  Why is your life so difficult even though you believe in God? It is because you are so firmly trapped in your own thoughts.  You’ve already decided your life; you say, “God, you know what I want, right?” You face a problem and you say, “God, why did You do this? If I had God, I thought this wouldn’t have happened in my life, then God, why did you let this happen?” That person’s thoughts will ultimately be broken down, and that process will be painful. I’m telling you my own testimony now and I pray so that none of you will be like me.  Constantly being broken down. As I was living my walk of faith, I was being broken like this and broken like that, but God gave me grace, so it wasn’t too painful, but I didn’t know, but I was being broken down.  

But the goal God wanted was for me to be able to, with a positive heart, to completely be obedient to the Triune God.  That’s when I realized Satan holds onto us with a thing called, “Me.”  Do you know why people commit suicide? It is because they are so trapped in their ego and have no hope, but even if they opened up their thoughts just a little bit, to think from the other person’s perspective or to think from God’s perspective, they wouldn’t go to that extent.  As we live our walk of faith and believe in Jesus Christ, if we are not able to be obedient to Christ, then when we face a problem, we start to worry.  

    (2) Gave authority (Mt 10:1, 28:18)

God has sent us out into the world. We may be living in the world in order to succeed or make money. However, God’s Word tells us He has sent us out into the world to heal people, to cast out demons, and to save people.  All your business, your academics, and everyone you meet is existing for the Christ, to fulfill God’s Word.  However, if I race out into the world holding onto only success, then of course, I will suffer.  Because even my success is not going to be used for Christ, it’s going to be used for myself.  God is moving all of creation for the Christ, but I try to move it for myself, and because we are at odds, of course I’m the one who will be broken down.  

    (3) Me (Sheep) – Sending out into the world (Mt. 10:16)

When God sends us out into the world, He already gives us the authority to heal and save people, but the Lord says that He is sending us out into the world like a sheep among wolves. Do you think that you are a wolf, or do you think you are a sheep? I don’t think of myself as a sheep very often, I used to think, “The Lord says that I am a sheep, but I think I’m a lion,” then I and the Word of God were not aligned, and, “the Bible says that I’m a sheep, but a sheep is so docile and that doesn’t fit with me,” so I was thinking thoughts that weren’t aligned with the Word. And I thought, “Even though I believe in Jesus Christ, I don’t want to live like a sheep,” because a sheep is so pitiful and weak, they can’t even see in front of them, and if a wolf attacks them, they just have to take it. 

I was under the misconception that, “Once I believe in Jesus Christ, I will become someone strong who can overcome wolves, lions, and eagles.” Is there anyone here who is like me? That was a foolish thought. Why must we be sheep?  Because sheep cannot even see very well, so they have to listen to the voice of their shepherd. That means that if we become children of God, through Jesus Christ, then we only follow and listen to the voice of Jesus, and that is power, that is the way to win over the world.  I kept believing in Jesus Christ while holding onto the strength and the power that I learned from the world and the military, and that’s the reason I was broken down. That was the education from the world.  The reason why people in the world meditate is to make their mental strength stronger, and the people who have mental strength are the ones who are needed for worldly work. However, believing in Jesus Christ is a different matter. That strength is unnecessary. The Lord is the wisdom, the power, and the Lord has overcome the world, so we just live, holding onto him.  That’s why I think now that I am a sheep, and that is actually strength.  Because I’m a sheep, I can just follow after my strong shepherd. It took a long time for those thoughts to change.  One day, I agreed and said, “The words of the Bible are correct.” How could a sheep overcome wolves? They cannot. 

  2) World

    (1) Among wolves (Mt. 10:16)

The characteristic of wolves is that they devour sheep, and the wolves roam around however they wish. That’s what the world is like, they pretend to be strong, and it is strong, and it’s lingering around looking for things to eat. And Jesus sent us out into the world like sheep among wolves, then what’s going to happen?  We have no choice but to be attacked. 

    (2) Under the control of the evil one – Devil (1 Jn. 5:19, Mt. 13:38-39)

That’s why the Lord says in 1 John 5:19 that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. Who is that evil one? It says later on that it is the devil, Satan. So, we are sheep going into that kind of world. If you go into the world with your idea of ethics or morals, you will be destroyed by the world. If you go out into the world with your own idea of justice, then you will be destroyed in the world. You’ll say, “Why aren’t you able to be just? As you are running your business, why can’t you be more ethical and moral?” So you judge yourself, and you stress yourself out.  The young adults are going into their jobs and they look at their managers and think, “These are such boomers, they’re not able to innovate,” but the older people aren’t boomers, they know all your thoughts and they’re laughing at you; if you hold onto your standards, you’ll be destroyed. If you go into the world with what you’ve learned from school, that is only the basics.  You need to go in with the wisdom and power God gives you in order for you to overcome and be saved. 

    (3) The Devil’s test – Physical, Honor, Success (Mt. 4:3-11)

Then, how is the devil working on this world? There are three methods with which Satan attacked Jesus Christ: what to eat, in other words, our physical needs–what we eat, wear, and sleep.  Satan is holding onto this world so people live just for those things. We think, “Of course we have to eat and live, we study to make a living,” but that is actually the strategy of Satan.  Once you have your physical needs met, the next way Satan attacks us is with our honor or pride. When you go out into the world, people will attack your honor, your pride, or your name, but that is the work the wolves do. Then, Satan said, “bow down and worship me and I will give you all the success in the world.  If Satan promises to give you success in the world, there’s nobody who wouldn’t get caught by that, but Satan takes away our worship to God.  

  3) Sheep – Shepherd

    (1) Know the good shepherd Jesus (Jn. 10:14)

    (2) Know: Jesus – True God, Eternal Life (1Jn. 5:20)

    (3) Knowing Jesus – Greatest knowledge (Phil. 3:8)

Why do we have to succeed? We succeed for God but the devil reverses that.  This is the way the evil one, Satan, is waiting in the field and the world like wolves, then how must we be in the world? We must be shrewd or wise like a snake, and innocent like a dove; that is the method. The way to overcome Satan, the wolves, or the world is this.  Your ethics and morals are not the truth.  It’s not bad either, but with that, you will be devoured by Satan.  Especially young adults, you must listen well. You think you just have to be right, but even your correctness is incorrect.  We need the wisdom of God and the innocence of a dove in order to overcome the wolves. 

2. In the world 

  1) What we must do 

    (1) Snakes – Shrewd – Word (Mt. 10:16)

“So be shrewd as snakes,” when Satan deceived mankind in Gen. 3, he was very wise with his words.  When male Casanovas lure women it is because they speak with such wisdom that the women fall for it. There’s a lot of you who say, “I was tricked by his words, so I fell into this trap,” so they use this wisdom that has no choice but to trick the other person. Why do we have to be shrewd like snakes?  The devil uses his wisdom to kill people, but we must use our wisdom to save people.  

    (2) Doves – Innocent: Holy Spirit (Mt. 10:16,3:16)

What does the Bible say is wisdom?  The Bible says Jesus Christ is wisdom.  When the Bible talks about wisdom, it is talking about our words, because the devil lured humankind with wise words.  When we go out into the world, in order to receive guidance and overcome the world, we need to speak words of wisdom.  We will be innocent like doves; in the Bible, the doves represent the Holy Spirit. Being innocent means, get rid of all of your ulterior motives and only be innocent to serve God.  

    (3) Stephen- Spoke with wisdom and spirit (Ac. 6:10)

In Acts 6:10, when Stephen was testifying, it says he spoke with wisdom and the Spirit. When we go out into the world, we must have wisdom and the Spirit. What is that wisdom?  Boldly and accurately speaking the Word God desires is wisdom.  The wisdom we think about is, calculating what this will do to the other person. That is a foolish wisdom. The wisdom Jesus Christ desires is to be able to relay the accurate words God desires to the other person. If Stephen had used his own wisdom, he may have survived, but the Bible tells us that he spoke with the wisdom and the Holy Spirit, then he was a martyr. Your own wisdom cannot bring this about. 

When you relay the gospel in the world, you’re afraid, aren’t you? You’re afraid because you’re trying to form your own wisdom. But when you relay the accurate gospel to save this other person, it is by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.  But for the people who are running businesses, listen carefully because you might think this is irrelevant to you.  Most of you might think, “That’s something a pastor should do; we just have to work hard.”  Listen carefully, when you go to your work or your business, you need to work like this, in order for God to work. Inside of God’s Word is contained all your physical things–like your studies, your meetings, your job–and when those two things are aligned, then God will begin to work upon your business. 

  2) Be on your guard 

    (1) People (Mt. 10:17)

But most people probably don’t think that way. They think, “Those are just the words of the Bible, the work in the world is hard, the competition is unfathomable.” So you’re running into the world without knowing the world; that’s why you need to do it according to God’s Word.  Your business is not moved according to your thoughts; it is being moved according to God’s Word, just like all of creation.  For students, all your studies are included in all creation, and it is moved according to God’s Word, then when I’m aligned with this Word, then God will begin to work. That is your biblical business and your biblical studies.  

But if you’re not able to hear this, you might still do well, but the Bible tells us, that’s not actually doing well, and one day it will be destroyed. The wolves will not leave you alone, so you must know the future as you receive the guidance of God’s Word. Even unbelievers are used by God.  That is something God needs to move the world. Just like Cyrus, the king of Babylon, was used by God. He was an unbeliever but God raised him up as the King of Babylon to send the Israelites back to Jerusalem to build a temple.  In order to maintain the superpower nation of Babylon, God has to intercede, but for those kinds of people, God uses them and discards them, but if you look at that and say, “Wow, they have such tremendous success,” God just uses them for a moment and them discards them, but for you, God works according to His ways.  

So, when your business, your studies, and your whole life is aligned as one with God’s Word, then you will let go of everything. That’s why this Word movement must take place at your job.  Yes, your mind needs to be doing your business; however, your heart needs to be centered on healing and saving people in order for you to be aligned with God, then God’s power and God’s wisdom is bound to be revealed. If you’re living your life for yourself, then why does God have to work upon that? God is moving all of creation for His Will, why should He support your will? He won’t, He will take it away. God’s Word does not change. If God’s Word changes, that is not God. We have to adjust ourselves to God, but the issue is, how quickly will we adjust ourselves to God’s Word? It will be hard and that’s why we struggled in the world. And the reason why everyone says life is hard is because they’re not centered on the Word of God, but on themselves. It’s very simple.  If you’re obedient to only being centered on Christ, then that is wisdom and that is power.  That is the wisdom and the power of your business as well; it is not yours, it is God’s. That’s why your business must be the business to save people.

    (2) Hand over to the local councils – Legal action (Mt. 10:17)

Then, Jesus tells us to be on our guard against men because they may take us to the local councils. The local councils back then were for legal judgment. Because they made it a law not to believe in Jesus Christ, if you don’t operate with wisdom and power, you’ll be turned over to the local councils for judgment, and you’ll be flogged in the synagogues.  

    (3) Flogged in the synagogue – Legalistic person (Mt. 10:17)

The synagogue was the location where they worshiped with the words of the Old Testament. There will be a conflict between the people who have not been able to find the Christ in the Old Testament, so they only operate by the legalistic actions, and the people who say, “We received salvation through only the Christ,” that’s why the Christians will be flogged in the synagogues. 

When you have the gospel and testify of the gospel, the Christians who go to church will block you the most.  The Jewish people who had the scriptures were blocking the words of Christ, because in the words of the Bible, they don’t need only Christ. They say, “You have to live an honest life, you have to live a  good life,” and if you talk about only Christ, then these people will persecute you.  Even though disasters were in their families, they were unaware.  Christians are committing suicides and murders, and even though they’re raised in a Christian family, they don’t know this.  

  3) As a witness 

    (1) Stand as a witness before governors, kings (Mt. 10:18)

Then Jesus Christ says, “On my account you will be brought before governors and kings.” Being brought before them means I am not going on my own volition.  There, you will be Jesus’ witnesses, what does that mean?  The governors and the kings are the successful people in the world and you will be dragged before them, and you must testify so that the leaders and the Gentiles of the world will hear that Jesus is the Christ.  For us, we have no need to be dragged there; we can just go on our own. “God, I need to succeed in order to save those people,” so you can go there as a missionary of your own volition, because that is what God is doing anyway. 

    (2) Holy Spirit gives what to say (Mt. 10:20)

    (3) Joseph, Daniel and his three friends, Esther 

So there are two options, you can go, knowing, or you can be dragged there, unknowingly, and Joseph was dragged there unknowingly; he was brought before Pharaoh. And Daniel was before the king as well. He was dragged there by idol worship and because of the war, but God was doing that so he could testify the gospel there. If you realize what God is doing, you can know, “This is what God is doing,” but if you don’t know, you’ll be beaten up and then testify. So why must you succeed? Because you must stand as a witness before the successful people.  

That is when the Holy Spirit will give you what to say, so don’t worry about what to say, because the Holy Spirit within you will even tell you what to say. Will He tell us only that? Do you think God is going to lead you on a path to success by yourself? He’s saying, “You don’t even have to worry about that. If you just focus on the main thing, everything else will follow.” You don’t even have to study. Even success is success, you need to have true success that will have success after success. What’s the point of succeeding if you’re just going to be destroyed afterwards?  

Paul would have to stand before Caesar and he went there voluntarily, but if he didn’t know, he was bound to be dragged there anyways.  For our future generations, may you go there voluntarily. Why am I in America? To stand as a witness before the leaders of the superpower nation.  Then, when the leadership receives the gospel, they will spread the gospel with their influence.  That’s why you need to discover the biblical reason to succeed and then succeed. 

Matthew 10 was the time before Jesus Christ’s crucifixion, but the time we’re living in is after Christ’s cross, so the Holy Spirit is within us. Then what must we go into tomorrow, preparing?  The Triune God is with me.  Why do I not need my own things? Because God the Father is working even right now with His Word.  The fact that He is with me means that He is working right now. Jesus Christ is doing the ministry of salvation even right now. The Holy Spirit is working upon me with power even right now.  The fact that He is with me means my life is going into the work of that Triune God.  You need to go out with this. All our thoughts, emotions, spirit, and subconscious are from the world, so we need to pray for the power of the throne of heaven to actually fill me and control all of these parts.  That is how you overcome your desire for suicide.  That is how we overcome our own depression.  That is how we overcome these mental problems that are unspeakable.  

3. God

  1) Triune God – With (3)

    (1) Work through the word

    (2) Work through the power of the Holy Spirit

    (3) Work through the salvation of Christ

The kingdom of the Triune God must actually be upon me to have victory. Even right at this moment, enjoy this in prayer. You keep holding onto yourself so the Holy Spirit is not working. This time is a time for you to let go of everything.  Your thoughts, your spirit, that is your software that operates what you do, and may the Triune God completely fill and control that. It’s invisible; that’s why you pray for this with faith, then it will be revealed. Pray for God to work upon your business, your studies, and everyone you meet.  You do this through prayer, and then after that, you go into your field to just see God’s works, but if you lose all of this, you can’t overcome the problem you’re suffering from right now, without being able to tell anyone.  Only with the power of God can you overcome, and because God is with me, that will be revealed as answers.  

  2) Throne of God’s kingdom (9)

    (1) Establish upon me – Within me, field (Mt. 6:10, 33)

    (2) Authority of the air – Satan driven out (Mt. 12:28-29)

    (3) Me, field – Unprecedented, never repeated answersEverybody says, “This is a problem, that church is a problem,” but when you receive the answer, you will save everyone. That answer will be revealed in every aspect of your life because God is with you. It’s so simple.  The Lord did not give us something difficult. Even right now, it doesn’t matter whether you’re good or bad at studying; it’s possible for anybody.  But the problem is because you want to live your life the way you want to live it, so it’s irrelevant to God’s ways, and the result of that is the present reality where you are being attacked by the world.  If you receive the answer of Temple Construction, that person will save. You don’t have to say two words about it. If you receive the answer for your business, then anyone else’s words are irrelevant, that is the blessing you must receive.

  3) One who saves (3)

    (1) Save my past, present, future

    (2) Save the church, field, future generation

    (3) Talent, specialty, future field – Future generation 

Especially when I want to give a message to the future generations, you have to live in the age of the 4th industrial revolution, and now, even Google is being pushed aside. There was a software developed recently, and we tried it.  The AI software is able to write essays better than the average human. That’s the beginning. If the future generations are not able to understand what this means, they will struggle.  Now, there’s no need to use people who graduated from MIT or Harvard, because the AI technology is able to solve those problems.  In the past, we had to use people who had the brains, but now, it’s unnecessary because the AI is better.  

You can see people who use iPhones, they say, “Siri, call this person,” and the phone calls that person, and you look up translations for words and Siri does it and finds it all by itself. If even the phones are like that, then the future will be worse.  People have to write love letters to their girlfriends, but you can give the project to an AI technology, and it can write love letters better than you.  I’m meeting with a business client today? Then the AI will give me the perfect script to say.  Then, what does this mean? In the future, it doesn’t matter what college you graduated from; that’s just basic, but from now on, humans will be unnecessary, especially laborers. The robots don’t protest, ask for higher wages, and they don’t resent or complain, so if you buy one, you can use it for its whole lifespan.  Then, you guys need to prepare, looking at that age. 

When did the age of the Japanese samurai collapse?  They spend their entire lives, sharpening the skills of their sword, and that’s how they succeeded. However, when guns from Europe and America came in, it didn’t matter how good they were with a sword against a gun.  There was a battle between swords and guns, the Samurai were broken down and the kings were raised up, and democracy went into Japan.  What am I talking about right now?  The age is changing but if you’re not able to see the age changing, then it doesn’t matter how great you are right now, you will not be able to survive.  During the age of the sword, the person who is best with the sword will have success and money, but in the age of the gun, you need to quickly change.  

We’re going into the age of AI and we’re losing all these jobs. You need to quickly prepare within God’s Word now.  That is the person who will be needed.   If you’re necessary, you will stay until the end, that is within God’s Word.  God’s Word does not change.  God says He will give you the talent and the specialization to send you into the field He has prepared, and those people will never be fired. God’s mission to save those people in that field with wisdom and power will never change.  This word will never change in the 5th, 6th Industrial Revolutions, until Jesus’ 2nd coming, but if you don’t prepare this, and you study all you want, you’re going to be useless in the world.


1. 3,9,3 prayer

2. Save me

3. Save church, field, future…

Message Prayer

Throughout the week, may you be the ones who save other people with the wisdom and the power of the Triune God. 

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You.  May the work You have given us be the wisdom and the power of the Triune God, and the evidence to save lives.  We believe You will work with the answers and the economy of light upon the materials we have given for offering for the 237 nations, in order to heal them and save them. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the unending love of our Father God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the future generations who desire to save the world with the wisdom and the power of the filling of Christ, with their business and studies, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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