Me and My Work That is Commissioned to the World (Mt. 10:1-15)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Me and My Work That is Commissioned to the World (Mt. 10:1-15)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May this be the worship that has the unprecedented answers. The title of today’s message is, “Me and My Work That is Commissioned to the World.”  The reason people fail in the world is because they do not know the world.  Even if we are going out into a competition, we need to know the enemy in order to prepare accordingly. You need to know what the land of America is like in order to have victory.  Just because you’ve lived in America for a long time, that does not necessarily mean you know America. You may know America to the extent where you know the language, the culture, and where certain landmarks are; however, all the people who had victory in the Bible knew what kind of age they were living in.

If you know what the world is like, you will know the reason why God gave you His Word.  We are in the superpower nation of America, and although physically it may be very good and comfortable, if you don’t know the world, you will face a big problem.  You must know the reason why those big problems come as well.  How can we know that? We can only know these things through God’s Word.  

Our future generations need to know the world spiritually even as they study. There is something even more important than that. What kind of land is America? What kind of land is this world?  If you know this well, then you can receive answers like Joseph, David, and Samuel.  It doesn’t matter how much he succeeded, King Saul could not overcome the problems of the world.  No matter how much he succeeded in the world, he did not know the problems of Philistia, so he could not block their attacks.  If you understand what kind of land America is, you will receive the same answers as David. That is why you need to study this ever since you’re young.  If you don’t know this, then you’ll prepare everything, but later on, you’ll be taken in.

The land of America is the land of this world. What do the people of this world live for?  They are living for themselves–what they eat and what they wear–and for self-actualization. That is the kingdom of this world, but that is not all that exists. There is also the Kingdom of God. You must know what the Kingdom of God is in order for you to understand the answers on the kingdom of this earth, and the kingdom of Satan also exists. You need to know this well in order for the Word of God to be aligned with you. From that point on, you will live a life of victory that continuously receives answers.

What is God doing even now?  There are many people who know God is alive, but there are many people who don’t know what God is doing right now.  Even right now, God is giving us His Word and He is fulfilling His Word; then I must be connected to that Word in order to be connected to God.  Even right now, God is answering our prayers with the power of the Holy Spirit. Without a doubt, whenever you pray in the name of Jesus Christ you receive answers.  But the issue is that our standard or the way we look at those answers is wrong.  The answers do not come according to what we desire, but according to what is best in God’s eyes.  

Even right now, Jesus is doing the work of salvation.  This is the Triune God Who is doing His work even right now, without resting.  Then, the way for me to have victory in this world is, as a child of God, to remain in the work of the Triune God.  The physical things you are doing on earth, like your studies and your work, is the work to fulfill God’s will.

1. Commissioned by Jesus Christ

  1) Called His 12 disciples

In today’s Bible verse, Jesus called His 12 disciples. Why did God call me? That is up to the Lord. There are those the Lord has called and those He has not. If the Lord has called you, then there is something you must do, and that must become your work, that is when you are aligned with God.  There are many people who go to church but are not aligned with God, but if you’re not aligned with God, you cannot receive His answers. The characteristic of those who receive answers is that they are aligned with God.

    (1) Gave authority (Mt. 10:1)

Jesus called the 12 disciples and gave them authority.  Authority, think about the President’s authority, he also has the power that follows.  The fact that I’ve been called as someone of the Kingdom of God means I have been given authority with which to save the world.

    (2) To drive out impure spirits (Mt. 10:1)

    (3) To heal every disease and sickness (Mt. 10:1)

He has given us the authority to drive out demons, and the authority to heal every disease and sickness.  He has given us this authority and sent us out into the world.  The Lord’s day is the day for us to receive spiritual strength from God, receive His mission through the Word, and go out into the world starting Monday. If we don’t know this, there’s no reason for us to give worship; then that person is not aligned with the Kingdom of God, but the person who knows this well will have victory over the world.  

Why do you think Jesus Christ said to cast out demons? Was that just nonsense?  You need to know the work the demons are doing right now to drive them out.  Demons are the evil spirits that Satan, the devil, is ordering around.  That Satan was originally an angel of praise who was praising God.  One day, that angel had the sin of wanting to be like God himself, and that was when he became corrupted and became the devil. At that time, all the angels on his side fell as well, and they became the demons, the evil spirits.  

The angel that was praising God, what do you think he has done now that he has fallen? Instead of praising God, he makes us sing. That’s why even right now, Satan works very first upon singers and people in the music industry.  With the mouth that was created to praise God, Satan makes us sing praises of people.  Mostly, the devil works strongly upon singers and songwriters, but not just because they are singing does Satan work upon them.  They have to sing and make a living off of that, and they also have to self-actualize to have success, so Satan is holding onto that.

Satan doesn’t just hold onto people who are staying still. Without a doubt, Satan works in conjunction with our greed.  So, when people face a limitation with their singing, they start taking drugs.  It’s not only for singers, but for people in the arts, they have to borrow power from somewhere else. So a lot of people may do drugs, but if you’re addicted to drugs, that’s something else.  Michael Jackson is someone who made hit records with songs, but he was also someone who was demon-possessed.  Every day, every week, he went to receive demon-possession in order to sing his songs. 

There are many people in Hollywood who are writing songs and movie scripts by borrowing this other spiritual power.  If you’re in California, receiving the influence of Hollywood, you need to know this.  There are singers who are singing on stage, but they are actually performing rituals for demons, just as there are shamans who perform these rituals in order to receive demon-possession.  Not every singer is like this, but the singers who receive a different spiritual power are on the stage, doing these dances as rituals for demons; that is when the demon comes upon them.  That’s because Satan was an angel of praise, and he knows the hearts of humans so well, so he uses music to move the hearts of individuals, and those songs are spread throughout the world, and they burrow deep into people’s hearts.

It’s the same thing for movies, what are the demons doing even now?  He is holding onto you and moving you through scars.  That is not something that can be healed in hospitals or through medication.  If you are addicted, it means you already have a mental illness.  Not everyone who does drugs falls into addiction.  Just because somebody goes to Las Vegas and gambles does not mean they will become addicted to gambling, but if a person is afflicted spiritually and mentally, and then they gamble, then they become addicted. Just because somebody drinks alcohol does not mean everyone will become addicted. Just because a kid plays video games does not mean all of them get addicted, but the kids who already have mental problems, when they start playing games, they get hooked into it.  So, unless you heal the mental illness, you cannot solve the problem of addiction.  That is the reason Jesus Christ gave us the authority to heal every disease and every sickness, all of these impurities.  

What happens if you work and study in the world without knowing this? Then you have to compete with nonbelievers.  God did not send us out into the world to compete with nonbelievers, but to save them.  So, when you’re studying, yes, you should keep the words of the teacher as reference, but if you take all of it in yourself, that will be a big problem.  You need to listen to the words of God as the people of God’s Kingdom.

  2) A person to meet

Jesus Christ gave this authority to His disciples but also prepared the people they must meet.

    (1) Among the Gentiles × (Mt. 10:5)

    (2) Any town of the Samaritans × (Mt. 10:5)

    (3) Go to the lost sheep of Israel (Mt. 10:6)

He said, “Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans, but instead, go to the lost sheep of Israel.” This does not mean that the Gentiles are unnecessary, but this is the time schedule to do this first.  People believe in the Christ, but you must first fix those who are wandering without knowing the Kingdom of God or Who the Christ is.  They are going to church but God is allowing their family problems to continue to persist. Go to these people and tell them the reason why. Then what are we supposed to tell them?  

  3) Message

    (1) The kingdom of heaven has come near (Mt. 10:7)

Jesus even gives us the message in Mt. 10:7, that the kingdom of heaven has come near.  The people in this world are only living for success, to make a living, and they are trapped in many problems. You must teach them what the kingdom of heaven is.  I said this earlier, but if there’s the kingdom of God, there is also the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of Satan, and in order for us to have a complete understanding of the world, we must know these three worlds.  There’s the land, and there must be the people and the sovereignty.  A nation that does not have sovereignty is not recognized as a nation.  When Korea was colonized by Japan, they had a land and a people, but they did not have sovereignty, so at the time, Korea was not the nation of Korea; it was Japanese land.

What is the Kingdom of God? It is the land where the absolute sovereignty of Jesus Christ is enforced. If you don’t acknowledge God’s absolute sovereignty, then the Kingdom of God is not upon you. Only when I acknowledge God’s absolute sovereignty is when God’s Kingdom is upon me.  People make their own kingdoms, there is already the kingdom of God but they create their own ideal kingdom instead.  That is the work that Satan does.  I create my own ideal kingdom or land, but all of that will be destroyed.  God fulfills God’s Kingdom through God’s people.

If you look at the families, there is always the strong one.  They always have their proverbs or beliefs, “Live an honest life,” but that’s not the answer. They say, “Live an earnest or diligent life,” and that is the proverb or ideal that reigns over the family.  They say, “Live without greed,” and that is their own way to rule their kingdom, but even if you live that way, you’re bound to be devoured by Satan.  The Kingdom of God, it is the land where the sovereignty of Jesus is upon them.  

    (2) Healing (Mt. 10:8)

The problems inside of you will only be healed when you acknowledge God’s absolute sovereignty. Why is God allowing this problem to remain in my family? The problem being solved is not important.  What’s important is finding God’s will. God is giving you this problem so that through this problem, you will save other families.  The prophet Hosea’s wife was a prostitute, that means the wife of the pastor was a prostitute.  She would always leave the family, live with another man, and come back with a baby, and even when the Prophet Hosea got married to her, it was a match made by God. And to us, it seems almost embarrassing, but the Prophet Hosea prayed to God, “God, Why did You give me a woman like this?” 

At that time, God answered with His Word, “Look at the Kingdom of Israel, they are all prostituting themselves. They are doing the work of spiritual lust and immorality. The people who are supposed to be serving God are serving idols instead.” God has allowed this problem in your family in order for you to know the problem of the land. Your problem in your family will never be solved.  But the reason why God has allowed this problem in your family is to see the problem of this world, and it doesn’t matter how much you pray, God will stay still. We keep on praying for God to take this problem away, but God has allowed this problem. We need to ask instead, why He allowed this problem.

Hannah got married and she couldn’t have children. There was a second wife who came in and had many children. The second wife would keep mocking Hannah to make her jealous, and she would say things like, “You can’t even have kids, your face is like that, and your body is like that.”  But already, because she couldn’t have kids, Hannah was so frustrated, and she was probably already praying to God, “Why is my life like this?” This kind of prayer is useless, but we keep praying like that, “Why is my life like this?”  The Bible says God purposely did not give Hannah a son.  We must change our prayers today.

What is it that God desires?  At that point, God prepared Samuel. We don’t need many boys, we need one person who will save Israel that is dying.  “God, I understand,” and from that point on, Hannah was filled with joy, and that is when God gave her a son. And while Samuel was alive, Philistia could never attack. The issue is not your family problem being solved. What is God’s plan or will because He allowed that problem? God gave you that problem to save other families, and until you understand that, you will not receive an answer. But we still have the residual nature of begging to Buddha to get what we want, but that’s not going to work. We think, “What if we just give all our efforts?” That’s not going to work. We need to pray to know what God’s will is.

Then He told the disciples to go and heal. Why? Because these people are diseased; they are diseased, mentally, physically, and spiritually.  People are just living their lives, but on the inside, they are all diseased. Even right now in LA, the suicide rate has increased 25%-30%, and these are all people who are in their 20s and 30s. This is something that happened after the pandemic. Is there a reason for them to commit suicide? There isn’t, but why do they? There is another problem.  

It’s not that they don’t have jobs; there are many jobs. The characteristic of a superpower nation is that there are many jobs.  That’s not the reason they committed suicide. As they were going through the pandemic for many years, they received a spiritual problem; they lost their hope of living.  In Korea and Japan, there are people who are in their 30s and 40s, but they don’t come out of their room for decades.  It’s not just a problem of personality where they don’t want to leave their room. 

    (3) Freely give without price (Mt. 10:8)

Jesus Christ knew this 2000 years ago and He told us to go out and heal.  He says, “Do not expect anything in return, you have received freely; freely give.”  If there is somebody who is running a business, you should not expect anything in return. Yes, I’m running my business, but I’m doing it in order to save and heal people. If you’re expecting compensation, then you have to be worried about what other people think. Instead of worrying about what God thinks, you always have to worry about what people think. What happens when someone lives like that for 1 or 2 years? They become a slave.  Instead of worrying what God is thinking, you worry about what people think.  They’re always calculating in their brain, “Will this be a benefit to me?” But if it is a benefit, they will invest their energy. That is being a slave, you’re being a slave to the environment, to money, to people.  But our background is the Kingdom of God, and God has prepared everything for this, so you can give everything to them without being worried about anything else. This is the mentality of a businessperson, then the other person will recognize, the other person recognizes whether you’re truly doing this for them or not. 

We adopted a cat for $25 the other day, and the cats are very quick to pick up on things. Even the cats will pick up on things, that means everyone knows. The dog was a little bit smarter.  But people, they know everything; they may pretend not to know you, but they know.  When you meet them once or twice, there is a repetitive pattern, and it doesn’t matter how stupid they are; if even a cat recognizes it, then even the person will recognize that you are using them for something.  Then that person will also use you, and when you are no longer a benefit, they will leave. That even happens within marriages and families; even things like that happen between a parent and a child, why? Because they weren’t planted with this. We do not expect anything in return when we do something; we get that from God, and God gives to us unlimited, because the Kingdom of God is my support.  This is the correct thinking of a Christian and a businessperson.  

For everything else, you’re bound to suffer. You have to work, you have to study in order to work, and you invest so much of your energy, but if you don’t know the Kingdom of God, the mission of a child of God, you’ll always be attacked by that.  

2. Work of the commissioned person

  1) Worker

    (1) Don’t worry about money (Mt. 10:9-10)

    (2) Don’t worry about food, clothing, shelter (Mt. 10:10)

    (3) Worker is worth his keep (Mt. 10:10, 1 Cor. 9:7, 14)

For the workers of the Kingdom of God who have been commissioned out, Mt. 10:9-10 says, Do not rely on money and do not rely on the physical needs.  Because God says, “The Worker is worth his keep.”  If you’ve received a mission from God, then the One Who is moving that mission has a rightful responsibility for you.  1 Cor. 9:7 says, the soldier does not work at his own expense, the nation pays for everything he needs. The nation takes care of the soldier’s needs because the soldier is sacrificing himself for the needs of the nation.  

1 Cor. 9:14 says, “In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel who receive their living for the gospel, so the people who are proclaiming the gospel to save lives will receive their living from the gospel, so that means, all the things you need, all your physical needs, finish that off.  If you don’t finish that desire or need, as long as you are alive in the physical body, you will be a slave. Then, even if you listen to God’s Word, you will not receive it correctly. You will only hear the physical things.  Then the word God desires for you will not align, so I hope every person here, without exception, will be liberated from physical needs.

  2) Region

    (1) People: Find a worthy person (Mt. 10:11)

    (2) Location: Stay there (Mt. 10:11)

God even prepares the people and the location, Mt. 10:11 says, “Find the people who are worthy,” God has prepared a worthy person. Where? Whatever town, village, or region that you enter. In your business fields, God will send the worthy person.  Find those people.  But if we’re so busy eating and making a living, then even if that person is in front of us, we have no interest in that.  It’s like a soldier being attacked by the enemy, but their interest is elsewhere. That soldier has been giving all of the guns and the weapons to defend against the enemy, but they are interested in saving their own lives first, then you will not escape from your fear, your fear of the enemy. One day, you’ll be shot and killed. It’s the same thing spiritually.  If you’re only focused on making a living and eating and your physical benefit, then you’re going to worry about what this person thinks; then even though God has sent you a worthy person, you’ll lose hold of all those answers, but when you find a worthy person, stay there because it is not only that person but their family and their whole family line. Then what will you relay to them?

    (3) What to relay: Let my peace rest on it (Mt.10:13)

Give to them your peace.  Don’t give them some random Bible verse, but be a witness to them of the peace you have received. 

  3) Peace 

    (1) Peace of Christ within me (Jn. 14:27)

The peace of Jesus Christ, John 14:27 says, Jesus Christ leaves His peace with you.  I was meeting some of my nonbeliever friends to evangelize to them, and one of my friends is a police officer who said, “I don’t have any problems,” and this person is thinking, just because he doesn’t have problems, he is peaceful and satisfied.  But the peace the Bible talks about is the peace that belongs to Jesus.  That peace only belongs to God.  As evidence of that peace coming upon you, you now give that peace to others.  For us, even though the Word of God has been given to us as this, we are always anxious and concerned. That’s normal because we are not God. 

    (2) All things – Prayer, seek, thanksgiving (Phil. 4:6)

That’s why Phil. 4:6 says, “In all things, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God,” so do not worry but pray to God about it. And not only pray, but pray in thanksgiving for He will answer.  

    (3) God’s peace – Protect heart, thoughts (Phil. 4:7)

Then, in Phil 4:7, it says the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. This is the peace you relay to others because that person is also worried, anxious, and concerned about that area of their life.  Do not tell them anything else, but just stand as a witness for the answers and peace that you have received yourself.  People say evangelism is hard, but is it really? It’s only hard because you’re trying to survive and make a living. There’s nothing easier than evangelism because you’ve been given the authority and the worthy people have already been prepared. All you have to do is tell them about the peace God has given to you. 

All the problems you have right now are opportunities to receive answers, and when you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the answers are bound to come.  The issue is your eyes to see the answers.  You only think it’s an answer if you get what you want, but God doesn’t give you what you think you need; He gives it according to His methods.  Your thinking could not even predict the pandemic when you prayed.  But God knew the pandemic was coming and gave the answers accordingly. 

We do not know the work that is going to happen in the future, so we shouldn’t receive answers according to our thoughts. God already knows the future and is giving us answers today, and as long as you pray, the answers are bound to come.  Even right now, if you’re listening to the Word while you pray, you will receive answers.   So in all things, through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

How will the answers come? It first comes as the peace in my thoughts and my heart. That is the answer already; there’s nothing else to see, that’s why worship is so important.  God promises to give you peace; you cannot make it yourself.  Then, evangelism is easy, isn’t it?  You take the answers God has given to you and take them to the other person; God gave them in your life because they are the same as you.

3. I am commissioned into the field of the world

  1) Field 

We have been commissioned out into the world by God, so what is the field like? A person who is good in battle will know the battlefield well. He already knows what the opponent has.  If you look at UFC fighters, as soon as they know who they’ll be fighting against, they research their opponent and prepare accordingly. You have to know the world in order to prepare for the world. But you’re only seeing what you eat and wear, so that’s what you’re preparing for; then you will be overtaken by the world.  

You must not look at the world with your experiences. Parents should not relay the world through their experiences to their children and have them see through those lenses.  We must be able to see the world with the same lens with which God sees.  That’s why we come to church and receive training.  The disciples received training about the field for 3 years.  

    (1) Me – God, my things, success for me (Gen. 3, 6, 11)

What is the world?  In Gen. 3:5, all humans think they are god, so they think they are the standard for everything. Then they hold onto what they want, what is to their benefit. They think, “All I need is my success.”  That is the way it is applied to you.  This is the reason why people promote you in your job as well, so you have to know this.  You shouldn’t talk about any other motive, the reason they hired you is so that you’ll benefit them.  

They might talk about these other characteristics they’re looking for, but really they’re just looking for someone who will benefit them. Even when people get married, they marry someone who will benefit them. Even among parents and children, if this child is not beneficial to me, they’ll throw them away. Later, they’ll say, “Oh, I didn’t raise my child like this,” but it’s not like that. You think you’ll never be like that? Don’t misunderstand, this is something every human being has. You must know this.  So, if you run into the world, trying to get your benefit, you will be taken over.  

    (2) Region – Religion, idolatry, meditation, fortune-telling (Ac. 13, 16, 19)

Then these people gather together and make a religion because they don’t have the strength to get what they want, and the Bible tells us that the sacrifices made by pagans are given to demons. Every region has a demon. What happens there?  What happens with the words of the religious leaders and their prayers? The demons are working, the evil spirits of darkness work.  If you want to run a business in this region, you have to at least know this much.  But if you work without knowing this, one day, you’ll be taken over and you won’t even know the reason why.

Transcendental meditation.  It is very quickly taking over the elites of America. Whenever you go into the transcendental meditation movement, there is a message.  Those people don’t go into religious organizations or churches, because if they go to churches, they’re told to give offering, they’re told to follow the Word and memorize the laws, so they don’t want to go to church. No matter how much they listen to the messages, their problems are not solved, but as soon as they start going to a transcendental meditation center, they start receiving healing.

I’ve gone to a transcendental meditation center.  There was a small group of Caucasian people who received the word and forumed about it afterwards, and they’d talk about the jealousy they felt at work or the scars they received. How do they teach that?  They say, “This is not you, but the real “you” is good, kind, and pure. You need to find that real you,” so that’s why they do that meditation.  There is another thing; they say the original “you” is connected as one with the universe. Whatever you’re concerned, anxious, or worried about, that is not the real ‘you.’” They say, “You’re originally one with this tremendous universe, and you need to receive the energy that allows you to become one with the universe,” then do you know what happens?  They change so that all the things you used to be worried about, the people they worked with, the things they eat, they’re not worried about it anymore, so it’s so great because no one’s telling them to give offering.  No one tells them to come every Sunday or when to go, they just go whenever they want, and they do this no matter where they are, they do it during their lunch break at work.  

As long as they turn on this message and the soft music, 4000 years ago, the Buddhists practiced this as a form of Enlightenment.  Little by little, they’re trying to find their “true self,” and that’s what the Buddhists call Nirvana, but that is the pivotal movement when the demons enter and possess you.  But the elites of America are doing that right now and everyone is attaching themselves to this because it is to their benefit.  Where do we have to talk about this? The churches need to tell people about this using the Word of God, but the churches themselves don’t know. They think that church is a place to solve my own problems and to just come to receive either own blessings. That is not the church.  That is just an organization for people who believe in the things of the world, that’s why the members of the church lose strength.  But we are the workers to whom God has given the authority and the power to save the world, and sent us out.

    (3) Caught in snare – Satan (Jn. 8:44)

From the very beginning, John 8:44, the devil was a liar and we follow his lies, but we’re so unaware of this, and Satan deceives us into thinking that doing this is to our benefit. When we get married, we think, “This person will be a benefit to me,” but that’s a misconception. You should only get married to someone if they’re aligned with God’s mission.  But people think, “Oh, if I get married, I only have to pay half of the house bills, and it’s going to help me out,” and that’s why, from the very beginning, families are being destroyed. 

  2) God who (will) sends me

    (1) Future generation: Talent, specialty, department 

    (2) Elder generation: Job

    (3) Meeting for those who were appointed for eternal life (Ac. 13:48)

Ever since they are young, these kids are studying to make a living and survive, so their suffering begins early. That’s why you must give them a mission.  Just like Joseph and David, they must receive either mission while they’re young. “You are not living here to make a living; you are a child of God; God is your background. God gives you your studies and your specialization so that you’re able to save those suffering in the world.”  If they do not hear this, they will not come out of this. At the very critical moment, the Word of God that they heard, the Holy Spirit will remind them of that. 

Why is it that children come to America to receive a great education, but they end up dying of drug addiction in the streets? This is not the reason we immigrated here, but the future generations are dying because they’re never taught this.  They have spiritual problems and their parents are not aware of this, and they meet friends and that’s what they do. This is their only method or their escape. No one teaches them, their parents don’t teach them, so the only thing they can do is drugs.  

Lately, there’s been a drug from China that is 200x times stronger than morphine, and if it’s put into beverages or candy, then your children are gone in one take. The characteristic of this drug is that, if you ingest a little bit of it, you become like a zombie.  Do you think your children are free of this?  What happens if they just go to a party with their friends, and someone puts this drug into their drink? Then they’re taken by it. You might think you’re okay but your children are not.  They just meet a strange person one day, and someone drugs their drink. There was even a police officer who just smelled this drug and then passed out. That’s how severe it is. When the police officer sprayed something in their face to get rid of the scent, only then did the officer come back to consciousness.  This is the age in which we live today; we shouldn’t talk about something else. 

That’s what Jesus Christ means when He says, “I am sending you out like sheep in a den of wolves.” If you don’t teach the kids this, they’ll be taken up by it. The devil does not attack you; he attacks the future generation and uses them at a young age.  The parents who know this correctly can guide their children correctly.  

Because this is a drug that is made in China, it is extremely strong.  Because this is not a drug from natural sources, it is a synthetic drug made by man, it is extremely intense. If right now, the drugs are 200x the level of morphine, in the future it will get worse.  Satan is completely seizing and controlling people using drugs. Think about this, you’re in chronic pain and you just try the drug once, and you’re fine? When you get surgery, the morphine you get is a drug, you’re in a tremendous amount of pain, but you get the morphine once, and you’re no longer in pain? That’s how effective the drug is, and now, these drugs are put into candy and given to kids. If we don’t teach our kids about this, we don’t know when they’ll be taken in by it. God must protect them.  These children must have God’s mission and receive God’s protection.  

  3) Time period of the meeting

When you meet this worthy person, how long must you meet with them for? You have to meet with them until they’re certain that Jesus Christ is the solution to all of their life and the answer. 

    (1) Jesus Christ – Solution to all problems (Jn. 19:30)

There are so many people who know Jesus Christ died on the cross for them, but they don’t know for sure that Jesus Christ is the solution and answer to all of their problems. You have to help them know that.  Then, no problem they face will be a problem to that person because the answer is with Christ.  This is what we must teach to the kids.  But if you don’t teach this to the kids, they have no other place to go than drugs.  

    (2) Kingdom of God – Background of the throne (Ac. 1:3)

    (3) Holy Spirit – Authority, region, witness of kingdom (Ac. 1:8)

The Kingdom of God is our background. Our background is not people; the Kingdom of God is our background, God is our background. You don’t need to have anything because God is your background.  If you don’t teach them this and you teach them that their background is America, then they’ll be taken in by America. Just as the Roman Empire was so strong, but one day, it was destroyed. That’s what the kingdom of the world is like. It may seem as if their parents have so much money and strength, but one day, when the light goes off, there is nothing they can do about it, they need to believe that the Kingdom of God is their background, and whenever you pray, God’s power works.  You meet with them until they know this, and if you’re not able to do this, you bring them into the church to receive training.  

    (4) 24 hour prayer (Ac. 1:14)

Either way, you must do this before you send them out. If you don’t give them the answer that the Triune God is the solution to all their problems, they have no choice but to be colonized by the world. allow them to have this 24 hours as they go out. Then everywhere they go, the works will take place. This has been given to us and we are sent out into the world. 

This is who you are.  You do not need power yourself, but through Jesus Christ, the power goes out through you. The reason we work and study is to save that person, it is not to make your own power. God’s power must be revealed as my power.  It doesn’t matter if anybody here is weak.  If you try to solve your family problems, you are incorrectly identifying your problem. However, if you seek God’s will, who has allowed this problem, you are bound to receive answers, “This is actually a springboard for blessings and God has given me this problem as a direction of my life to save other people.” May you and I have victory throughout the week.


1. One who has all authority in heaven and on earth – With (Mt. 28:20)

2. Prayer, word for the recipient who needs to be saved (Mt. 6:33)

3. God prepared all things (Mt. 6:33)

Message Prayer

Let us pray together, holding onto the Word God we have received.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You.  We thank You for calling us as Your committed workers whom You have commissioned out into the world to shine the light, and we believe You are able to guide us so we will be able to save this world with the power and authority You have given to us. 

We have returned Your material blessings as offering.  We pray it will be used to save the 237 nations, the Temple Construction,to raise the future generations, and missions.  We believe You will bless the hands that have given the offering with the answer of the economy of light according to Your covenant. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

God, we thank You.  We believe You will be with these two individuals and their families with the power and authority in order to fulfill the mission You have given them.  We pray that You will bless their businesses so they will be used as an instrument to do Your work. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the unending love of our Father God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the future generations who desire to take hold of the work that You have sent them out into the world to do, with their business and studies, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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