Life of the Evangelist – One Heart, Whole Heart, Continuation

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – One Heart, Whole Heart, Continuation

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

Life of the Evangelist- 62

When we talk about spiritual things, don’t just listen. This must be confirmed as the Word in the field.  I was talking to the children awhile ago, but this girl is so possessed she can’t even study.  In other words, the devil is a fallen angel, and he makes us deceived and makes us confused.  If you know this, what must you relay?  If you don’t know this, you may relay a lot of things but it won’t be of help. 

They were born in a nation that worshiped idols and lived like this until now, so I tell you to look at their background, their today with their background in mind.  God has allowed this meeting.  What must you relay?  To this problem, you must relay this answer.

Satan, Sin, Hell

When you don’t have faith, you’re deceived.

Only Christ

When you continue to relay this, you must know this to relay it; Satan knows when you don’t.


If the family was Buddhist, they bowed before statues and prayed.  If they just have a statue at home, it may be an accessory or decoration, but maybe they ask it for something, and that’s when Satan begins to work. If they do this for a long time, if you don’t have “only Christ,” you will constantly be influenced by it.

Authority X

We tell you not to sin, but you have no choice but to live according to your self-centeredness.  You must be able to see this to understand why you must relay only Christ to the other person continuously.  That is what you must connect with.  What is the characteristic of a singer? You can’t just say they sing.  Satan uses and works through singers.  They’re not just singing. If you just sing, it would be a hobby, but for singers, it is their professional job. 


We follow the songs but they have to write hit songs that people want to sing and listen to.  There are some people who have never written hits, but some win many awards, because they have a different kind of strength, so they have no choice but to meddle with drugs.


In the Russian-Ukraine war, they send out prisoners injected with drugs to fight in wars in exchange for their freedom. Ukrainian soldiers say, “We shoot at them but they don’t die.” They’re injected with morphine, so they are hurt but feel no pain. 


Chinese synthetic morphine can be taken as candy or pills, but the effects are 200 times more.

America, Death

The higher-ups think they just have to be okay and don’t care about other people.  In other words, they say, “You just need good education, get some money, and live as slaves,” but like Korea, they would’ve done something about it. Korean officials say they will capture and kill the drug dealers.  But even then, they have a limitation. But America is such a large nation, they can’t do anything about it, and children are being exposed to this.

If you don’t have the gospel, will you be okay?  “My child is okay, they make some money.” If you have the heart, they can put morphine into food.  You can inject this into your coworker’s coffee. How can you block this? Without God’s help, how can you solve this? This is the age we live in, and in the future, it will be even worse. Will it be okay? 

If God doesn’t block it, what can you do about it? Let’s say your child is okay, but what happens to the future generation?  This year, there were 30 shootings that have already happened, but what will happen a year later, 10 years later? What will happen to the future generations? These gun shootings will not be blocked in America, it will affect the next generation, it will affect you, personally, and that’s the incident of being captive to Babylon.

You fall into the culture and it affects you. Why are we talking about this? This is the age we live in, but you try to eat and survive? You can’t see this.  Instead, you talk about whether you’re comfortable or not, or whether you make a lot of money or not; you’re basically enslaved, so that’s why it’s only Christ.  Save the remnants, but the remnants just try to eat and survive as slaves of Satan’s deception.

Your children may go to Ivy League schools but they will crumble down due to Satan.  Instead, you say, “My child is okay,” but you don’t know if someone will inject drugs into their coffee. If their roommate spikes their drink, you can’t do anything about it. When you listen to this, you have to realize this as your children’s problems.  That’s normal.  The things we talk about in the world are in relation with the remnants, so that’s when you’re aligned with God.  That is why the answer is to raise the remnants as workers to share this answer.

In my position as a pastor, I see something greater in terms of the church and remnants.  Do you know how subtle Satan is? He revives the church and makes people come, then makes the church crumble.  That’s why you need to put on the armor of God to stand firm; otherwise Satan makes things good at first but will make you crumble in the end.  Of course you can succeed but you will crumble later on. In the Bible, it says that’s the work of the devil.

If you say, “But my child lives well and we’re eating fine,” those are the words of a nonbeliever.  Buddhists says to get rid of everything you have, but you say they’re okay with money.  Buddhists try to get rid of everything that is good, but instead, we try to eat whatever is best.  Why must it be only Christ?  As time goes on, it will get worse.  That’s why you really must understand this.  It’s not something you understand through songs. 

I continuously talk about myself so you can keep this in mind. Open your eyes to this. You’re from a Christian family? You’re a pastor’s kid? Don’t fall into a misconception; those are the people who fall.  The High Priest Eli fell. Cain, Adam’s first son, also was destroyed. What’s the standard? If you don’t relay “only Christ,” they will end up like that.  Why can’t you see this?  You can’t see what problems they have fallen into.  They come to receive counseling, “I have been scarred,” but you’re self-centered, so you have other scars.  They say they have been tested, but they set up an unmet expectation.  But if you counsel them, “You’re right,” both will die together.

That’s why you must understand and know this.  Once you know this, you see the answer in everything.  Then, you understand why God sent you into the field. That’s why it’s only Christ.  I’m not just saying, “Only,” but when it’s only Christ, what happens? God’s Kingdom.

God’s Kingdom ≠ Satan’s Kingdom

What does Satan do at this time? They can’t see this. They think America is evil now, but it was evil back then. Satan was still alive back then but Satan works even then. 

King, Angels, Heavenly Host

You say you want to believe in Jesus but you want to remain as your own master?  You think you’ll benefit by being your own master.  But saving the other person is actually a benefit to you.  When I tell other people to pray, some people never do intercessory prayer.  Praying for the other person is actually for yourself.  When I tell you to pray, these people don’t pray because they earnestly pray for whatever they’re going through, but they don’t pray for the other person’s problems, they are actually dying, killing themselves.

Praying for your workplace is for your benefit. Shall I talk about a personal story?  When you pray for your coworkers, those things will come to you. If you don’t pray for your superior, those things will affect you.  If you don’t pray for your subordinates, it will affect you.  You will suffer.  When Paul and Silas were in prison, they praised God and that is when God worked. It was the working of the Holy Spirit. 

Holy Spirit Power – Spirit of Christ, Spirit of the Father

Know why I talk about the spirit of Christ.  Some people focus on power, but they aren’t able to discern whether it’s evil spirits or the Holy Spirit.  I constantly emphasize and talk about the spirit of Christ, the spirit of God.  There are people like this in the field, so you must be able to discern the spirit of Christ, and that’s when the forces of darkness are broken and curses and disasters are broken down.  If you don’t understand this as the spirit of Christ, you’ll think of this as a gift. Think of it as the Holy Spirit. 

When the Kingdom of God is established, that is when God reigns and the Kingdom of Satan is broken down.  That is what you must enjoy.  You need to pray so the Holy Spirit works upon your field.  Then that is when God will send His heavenly angels.  When you do your business for God’s work, God will send His angels.  If you do your business for yourself instead of for God, there’s no reason to send His angels. If you say, “It is work for me,” there’s no reason for God to send that. 

The South Korean President sent the ambassador to New York, why? To do his work in his stead. During that time, the South Korean government supports him.  In the same way, the Holy Spirit works. You leave your business alone to relay the Word? That’s not it.  You have this amazing blessing but Satan makes you misunderstand, so you think it will be a loss to you.

Heavenly mandate, calling, and mission

You don’t know this so you think you don’t have to relay it, But it becomes your calling and mission of sharing the gospel. Come to this conclusion. God will constantly work upon your academics.  It’s not an answer that comes immediately, but it’s prepared for you.  David was still a shepherd but he knew he would become king. When you have covenantal faith, God answers according to the time schedule.

But people are hasty, “Give it to me now,” but what is it that you want? Is it your work or God’s work?  Because it is your work, you always make a fuss, saying that it’s not given to you right now.  God is working perfectly according to His plan, but why are you so hasty?  It’s because you’re trying to make your own world.  You want to fulfill your own plan. That is not the Kingdom of God.  That’s the Kingdom of Satan.  That’s something that must crumble down, isn’t that right?

When the storms and flood come, it is completely broken down.  We call that failure but it’s actually not, but it’s so the correct things can be built up.  The things that must fall must fall; the things that must be built up must be built up. You can deceive people but you cannot deceive God.  Our remnants must begin correctly.  God will fulfill it.  These kids have no choice but to be in despair, those are the words they want to hear from other people.

Rightful, necessary, and absolute

If you don’t know this, you’ll say incorrect things. Why did this problem come? You rightfully had no choice but to have this problem. It is within that individual.  If it is rightful for God’s Kingdom to be established and you receive the power of the Holy Spirit, that’s great, but you face a problem.  COVID isn’t a problem, it can be a blessing, but you’re imprinted with something else, so rightfully, COVID becomes a problem for you.  If you have Christ, this COVID is an answer to establish the Kingdom of God.  You can’t lie to yourself; you shouldn’t lie as you do your team ministry.

Many parents ask, “Why is my child like this? Why are they like that?” You have planted in them something that has no choice but to have that problem, but you lie, “My child isn’t like that, but they met the wrong friends.” Is that actually correct? They had something so they had no choice but to have incorrect meetings. Those things will necessarily appear, but what is God’s plan?

You need to be able to diagnose this correctly for other people and the Upper Room meeting to come to life.  Someone said they were swindled by $40,000. Is that not rightful? They had something so they had no choice but to be conned.  A Facebook scam invites you to something, and I thought it was God’s absolute plan, so I accepted this friend request, and this person started liking all my missions photos, and I thought he was really interested. He said, “My dad is Caucasian but my mom is Korean and I worked in the American military for 13 years.”

We even video-chatted each other, he said he couldn’t talk much because of the unit they were in, but he even showed himself and another American soldier.  I’m not sure if he altered his face but he seemed like a man. He said his parents died early on in an accident and he was trying to relay his emotion, and he said, “Yesterday, my friend died,” and he sent a photo, but the friend didn’t have any blood, so I thought it was suspicious.  This friend said, “I don’t want to just Facebook message you, but I want to send a Kakao message.  They said they were in great trouble and wanted to retire, so I said, “I’ll help you, what do you need help with?” He retracted a little.  He said, “I’m coming to America in February,” but whenever he said America, he said, “Americano,” so I thought it was very strange. Everything else was perfectly fine, but he said, “I’m coming to Americano.”

The person asked, “Where are you?” I said, “I’m at home,” and he revealed himself, “In this bag, I have $5 million dollars, give me your name, address, and I’ll give you 30% of this,” and that was his main point. “I looked at your profile picture and you seemed trustworthy.”  Because I looked trustworthy, he wanted to do this with me. I thought, “30% of $5 is $150,000 which can do Temple Construction.”  Any other church member would block that, but I told this guy, “My mission is not to receive money, but my mission is to save lives, that’s what God desires.  I can connect you with someone who knows about this very well.”

Pastor Dick Snyder went to West Point and his wife knows business.  While Laura spoke with him, she recorded it, and the person didn’t say anything. Laura says, “There is a legal way for you to come overseas, use that route.”  Laura said, “This person doesn’t seem like a mix between American and Korean,” so, they changed their profile to say they are Korean since December.  They wanted to connect, so these are new types of scams that happen online.

 No one knows what this person will bring in his carryon, there are drugs and such scams happen online. “I need your information quickly, send it to me now.” But I said, “I can no longer help you.”  I sent him the Sunday and Wednesday worship but he gave no indication that he listened.  What will you do? What will happen to those who want money so much? They need money, they think, “This is such good luck for me,” so this will happen according to your state.  These things will happen to you; you must have these things ever since you’re a remnant. 

The devil isn’t foolish, he is very subtle.  There are some guys who look fine, “I’ll take care of you well,” but you get married and you realize he has no job. Why? That person married so he wouldn’t have to work at all.  If you don’t work, how can you raise your child?  Have the mission of saving the children and world evangelization, otherwise you will rightfully and necessarily have problems.

You may think, “Why is my child like this?” But there’s something rightful. If you continuously do this with your standard, you won’t be able to communicate with them at all.  The background we lived in was the industrial revolution, we lived in a semi-third-world country, but the kids growing up now live in a developed nation.  Even though they are from the same nation, if you grow up in the state where they are developing, their thought process is different.  The children who are born and grow up in America, the superpower nation, their thoughts are different from yours.  You might emphasize your ideologies, but that’s actually different from what they’ve learned.  For them, their thought process is like the superpower nation.

Our Assistant Pastor lived during the Korean war so she has those ideologies, those are the times when you have to survive.  But for these children, they don’t have survivorship mentality; if they live, they just live. When they’re born, they remain still as everything is done for them.  But if the adults emphasize survivorship mentality, the kids think they’re crazy and they cannot communicate. “Why survive? You don’t need to do anything,” and even in the same family line, you have a disconnect and cannot communicate.

For these children, there’s something rightful within them.  Why am I their parent?  What’s God’s plan? Within this, you must find the answer.  But you have your own standards.  We have to save up and eat all the food we have, but the kids throw out all the food they don’t eat.  I don’t understand but these kids are given food at school and after school. In Korea, you pack your own lunch and buy it, but these kids never do that.  If we approach them with our standards, we cannot communicate with them at all.  For these kids, if they don’t want to study, they don’t have to go to college, but for our nation, we have to go to college, no matter what. If not, it’s the end of the world. That’s just how it happens in a developing nation.

In a developed nation, there are so many job opportunities. You can do something small and make a living, so for these children, they say, “I’m not going to college,” but within this ideology and background, you cannot communicate with them. That’s why you need to think, there’s a reason why they’re like that.  Why did God allow me to have that kind of child to meet with that person? Discover God’s plan and receive the answer.  That’s how you must meet and understand other people. 

One heart, whole heart, continuation

If it’s wrong, don’t stake your life on it, but you have one heart, whole heart, continuation on Christ, God’s Kingdom, and the Holy Spirit. When time passes on, something remains, and that’s your life.  I told you before, all the people study and get married and get a job for physical things, but nothing remains. But through my prayer, the future generation rises up? That’s what remains. For us, we have to live with money, so your money should be used in a good way for Temple Construction and offering.

Pastor Kim said, “There’s two reasons I can’t leave this church. I’m close to you, but also my elder and I did so many things to build up this church,” so they see their works in everything.  All the church officers devoted themselves and did everything.  They built up this church with the lights and everything, they didn’t pay anyone outside but all the workers devoted themselves.  Someone was used for the work of the Lord. He is praying so in the new church, we can continue this. 

If you’re a normal person of God, you want to leave behind God’s work, and that’s what we live for.  All other things are in vain. Before people die, they say, “All things are in vain, it’s empty as time flew by so quick,” but why do we live our lives in a fast-paced manner? As we live our lives, we need to live for the Lord, and such things last forever. That’s the life of an evangelist and those are the answers God prepared and leads us towards. All other things are nothing.  I asked our Senior Deaconess who lived here the longest. Everything we have is nothing.  You used to be young and super pretty but now you’re aged and it’s not the same anymore.  A long time ago, you used to walk streets in high heels but that’s all passed. Something must remain. You pray for your children, and she loves that she can see her granddaughters here, and that’s how you live the life of an evangelist. May you receive this answer and blessing.


May the life of the evangelist become our answer. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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