The Worker Who Saves the Church and the Field (Mt. 9:35-38)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Worker Who Saves the Church and the Field (Mt. 9:35-38)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May you and I discover the “Only” God has given to you and I, through today’s worship.  God desires for us to become the workers who save the church and the field through today’s Word.  I must belong to one of two sides, will I live for myself or will I live for the Lord?  And it’s not that we necessarily “belong” to one side, but that’s how we’re divided. 

The people of God are the workers called for the work of God’s Kingdom. The devil also has a work that he is doing.  1 John 3:8 says that those who sin are of the devil, and the work that he does is sinning, and what is sin? Sin is of the people who live for themselves.  The reason the son of God came to earth was to destroy the devil’s work.  May this be a worship where everybody without exception will stand as a worker for the Lord. 

The Bible passage we read today was the prayer topic the Lord gave to us with a heart of lamenting as He looked upon the field.  There are many people who do not receive any answers as they live their walk of faith.  There’s a lot of people who are under the misconception that the physical things they get are answers, but those things exist for other religions as well, and those are the words unbelievers say as well. They say, “Oh, I met a really great person, and these are the blessings I’ve received.” Religious people say, “I prayed like this and this is the person I met.”  These are things that happen in our lives even if we do not believe in Jesus.  However, this is most people who go to church, they are people like that. This means they are living their lives without knowing what the real answers are.  

Today, Jesus Christ is looking out to that field with such a heart of frustration and lamenting, and He asks to pray to send workers to the field.  Receiving answers is simple.  If you simply pray for the things God tells you to pray for, you’ll receive answers.  Then why is it that we pray for everything except what He told you to pray for?  We pray like that because we think that is correct.  That is what it means to be seized by the devil.  That is what we call, “sin.”

1. Israel

  1) Colonized

    (1) Colony of Rome

In this unfortunate field, what state were the Israelites in?  The Israelites were in a state of being physically colonized by Rome.  

    (2) Slave to Economy, Culture

If you’re a colony of another country, it means that in many aspects, including financial and cultural, you are a slave to another country, but the Israelites were thinking they liked that.

    (3) Influence of Roman idols 

They were in a state where they were receiving influence from the spiritual idols of Rome. They were in a very similar situation as the churchgoers of America today.  

  2) Jewish religion 

What was the state of the Jewish people in that time?  What was their spiritual state, that is? 

    (1) Loss of the Word (400 years) (Mal. 1:6-11)

There’s a 400-year difference between the book of Malachi and the year in which Jesus Christ was born, and after the book of Malachi, the Word of God was completely cut off from the people.  This means that the prophet, who was supposed to be delivering God’s Word, was completely corrupted.  It says in Mal. 1:6-11 that God would not receive the offering of the priest, meaning He would not receive their worship. It is not that they did not worship at all; they did give worship, but it was a worship that God refused to receive.  

We give our worship with the things God has promised.  We give our worship before the Lord, holding onto the covenant of Jesus Christ who shed His blood and finished all of our problems on the cross.  However, for 400 years, they did not have that state, and these are the words Jesus Christ said to them in that state. 

    (2) Legalistic

    (3) State where they lost hold of the covenant (Judges 21:25)

That kind of state did not come from out of nowhere, it says that even in the age of Judges, in Judges 21:25, in those days, Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit. 

In that state, the Israelites had completely lost hold of God’s covenant and changed the law to become so physical that they were legalistic. So, they were in a state where they just kept on going back and forth to church, even though they had lost hold of God’s covenant–His promise to send Jesus Christ, the offspring of the woman and the blood sacrifice. 

  3) Field 

    (1) Sheep without a shepherd (Mt. 9:36, Isaiah 53:6)

Jesus Christ saw this kind of field and said they were like sheep without a shepherd. The characteristic of sheep is that they cannot see in front of them as they cannot live on their own. Without a doubt, they must be able to hear the voice of their shepherd in order to find the grazing pastures as well as a place to rest and water.  Jesus expressed the Israelites as sheep.  They must listen to the voice of God, but they live according to what they think is right.  Isaiah 53:6 says that we are all like sheep, have gone astray.  Each one has turned to his own way.  Because they’re not able to hear the voice of God, they go whichever way they think is right. 

    (2) Suffering – Harassed (Mt. 9:36)

    (3) Helpless – No place to rely on (Mt. 9:36) 

Jesus saw this state and saw they were harassed and helpless. They were living their lives so helplessly. The Israelites were spiritual beings, created to live by the spiritual power of God, lacked that physical power, and lived however they thought was right, only depending on their physical abilities.  They had nothing else to rely on, meaning they only relied on themselves.  The sheep must rely on their shepherd, but instead, they relied on their own background.  They relied on their own background.  For example, they would rely on the background of what school they graduated from or how many powerful people they knew, and in God’s eyes, they were so helpless.

Do you know how subtly and sneakily Satan tricks us?  Satan seizes us by making us think that living however we want to live will be for our benefit, and that is what blocks God’s Word from coming in, so Satan completely binds us like that.  The result of that is a constant rise in mental illness and the numbers of mental patients, and the over 30 shootings that have happened in January. Even the shootings that are not broadcast on the news are much more frequent than in the past. 

In the future, things like this will happen even more, why? Because we lack the answers.  Because people are suffering and they are full of so much anger and they happen to have a gun, these shootings take place.  However, people are in a state where they live so bound, thinking they are correct, that they think these things are irrelevant to them.  Those situations are not irrelevant to you.  One day, you will be dragged out to Babylon and Philistia as well, and one day, those circumstances will come into your family.  

If you think, “I’m okay,” that’s just based on your thoughts, but it actually has no basis.  If we have a shepherd, we’ll be okay, but if anyone does not have a shepherd, without exception, they will be taken in.  As evidence of that, the churches of America are continuously closing down. That means people say they can live their lives on their own without a shepherd.  Or, because they were never able to hear the accurate words of the covenant, they live however they want, and that’s why churches are bound to continuously disappear, because that’s the stream of the entire world.

It’s not that there’s a lack of seminaries, pastors, or churches, but why are churches continuously closing down?  It’s the same thing, why did the Israelites have their Temple destroyed as they were taken captive to Babylon? It’s not that they didn’t have the Temple; they had it, but why were they dragged into captivity, regardless of that? Was it because they didn’t give worship? They gave worship so thoroughly but it was not the worship God desired.  It was a worship the Israelites themselves desired.  It wasn’t about the Word God gave to them; there was another desire they had in their hearts.  That is the state of sin, where we are spiritually seized by Satan.  The result of that is mental illness, and there is no way we can block it.  If someone’s mental state is wavering back and forth, they cannot work.

2. Jesus’ ministry

  1) Teach (Mt. 9:35)

In this kind of field, the first ministry Jesus Christ did was to go to all the towns and villages, and what He was doing in those towns and villages was teaching in those synagogues the Word of God. The Jewish people knew the words of the scripture, the Old Testament, so Jesus was teaching them the correct meaning of the Old Testament. 

    (1) Law of Moses, Prophets, Psalms (Lk. 24:44)

Luke 24:44 says Jesus Christ was teaching the Israelites about the Laws of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms. That’s all of the Old Testament. The laws of Moses are the first five books, the Pentateuch, The Prophets: there were the major prophets and the minor prophets, and Psalms, there are the psalms written to praise God, it means the Lord was teaching them about the Old Testament, and what was the conclusion to which He was teaching them?  

    (2) Jesus Christ’s teachings (Lk. 24:44)

He was saying all of these things were written about Him, about Jesus Christ.  Even right now, the Lord is teaching us so that, through studying the Bible, we come to the conclusion of only Jesus Christ.  All blessings are contained within and hidden within Christ.  Now, living for that Christ is the purpose of our lives and the content of the whole Bible.  People ask, “Why do you talk about Jesus and not God?” Jesus is God, and His Spirit is with us.  The Triune God works in oneness together, and the beginning of that is Jesus Christ.  The God the Mormons talk about is another god; the God the Muslims speak about is a different god.  The God that the Jewish people talk about is a different god.  When people say, “God bless you,” or, “Oh my God,” that is a different God.  When people say, “Jesus Christ!” as a curse word, that is a different Jesus Christ.  Knowing Jesus Christ well means knowing God well. 

    (3) Understand the Scriptures (Lk. 24:45)

The Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of Jesus Christ, allows us to understand His Word.  It says in Luke 24:45, when Jesus Christ was explaining this to them, He opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures.  The Holy Spirit is the One Who opens the heart of this person and allows them to understand. That’s the reason we pray for other people, so that the Holy Spirit will work to open their hearts.  If your heart is closed, you cannot receive anything.  Even the shamans and fortune tellers open their hearts for demon-possession. People who do transcendental meditation are opening their hearts to receive the energy of the universe into them. They say, “That is the way to discover your true self.” But actually, the Bible tells us that is the ruler of the kingdom of the air; it is Satan.  They are not actually receiving the good energy in the universe; they are actually receiving Satan into them. 

These are the ways Satan, who is the ruler of the kingdom of the air, is controlling people in their ignorance, so what is the church doing? It is the place that teaches the Word of God.  The core center of the Word of God is Jesus Christ.  The longer you live your walk of faith, it is normal for you to come to the conclusion more and more, the conclusion and the answer: that is all about Jesus Christ, and I want to live for Jesus Christ.  

When Apostle Paul was Saul, he knew all the laws of the Old Testament so well, but he knew them incorrectly. Even still, he believed in God and lived his walk of faith so diligently.  The moment he met Jesus Christ by God’s grace, all the knowledge that was blocked to him from the New Testament was revealed to him; that is the proper work of the Holy Spirit. If your heart keeps going in a direction that is not Jesus Christ, it means you incorrectly know the Bible. 

  2) Heaven – Proclaim the Gospel (Mt. 9:35)

    (1) God’s Kingdom

It also says Jesus Christ talked to them about the Kingdom of heaven. Why did He proclaim the good news of the gospel of the Kingdom of heaven? Why not just the gospel? There’s a lot of good news.  Having financial or economic benefit is good news, but it’s not that kind of good news, but the good news regarding the kingdom. Jewish people are not able to use the word, “God,” so they have to use the word, “Kingdom” to talk about heaven. It is talking about the gospel of God’s Kingdom.

    (2) Satan’s kingdom – Gen. 3 Me, Gen. 6 My things, Gen. 11 Success / Religion, idolatry, fortune-telling

If there’s God’s Kingdom, it means there’s also Satan’s kingdom. If your eyes are not opened to see God’s Kingdom and Satan’s kingdom, you cannot discern between the two. If you only have the gospel for yourselves, that is not the gospel of the Kingdom.  The gospel of God’s Kingdom is Jesus Christ being my Lord and my Master with all authority, but me being my own master, that is not the gospel of the Kingdom; that is not the gospel of all.  That is actually the message of Satan with which he moves the kingdom of Satan.

In Genesis 3:5, Satan deceived Adam and Eve, saying “when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil,” that is the message of Satan.  You have heard the gospel, but you are still your own master? Then you don’t have the gospel. That is someone who is seized by Satan, so it’s extremely astonishing how subtly Satan attacks and holds us.  Satan seizes us to the point where we think everything that we are doing is to our own benefit or advantage.  That is why the Bible says everyone was living according to how they saw fit, meaning they thought it was to their own benefit, and Satan drags us into thinking that is living for our own success.  Satan deceives us so blindly, thinking this is to my benefit, but that is the work of Satan in Satan’s kingdom.

In Satan’s kingdom, he works by creating religions.  If anyone has been living their life serving some kind of religion that is not Jesus Christ for a long time, they are seized by some deep spirit because Satan creates religions in order to receive their worship.  If someone was a Buddhist for a long time and prayed as a Buddhist, then the demons are working in their whole family line.  Then, Satan comes upon them differently according to the person. And idols, people have an idol for themselves.  God created us for us, but Satan flips that into thinking we have to create an idol for ourselves.  There are idols that are visible, but idols that are invisible as well. That’s an ideological idol.  We live our lives seized by whatever we think will make us happy.

Transcendental meditation.  Transcendental meditation has plowed into the elites of America. Satan is controlling the American people using the words that they love the most, which is the ego and individualism.  Because people have so many problems inside and they don’t receive the answer in church, they go to places like that.  Because it’s about the one person’s individual efforts, it’s perfectly aligned with the individualistic culture of America.  These are the ways Satan has seized people in Satan’s kingdom.  Even right now, if the background of your family line is some kind of religion, then the demons are influencing you spiritually.  

    (3) King – Jesus Christ

There’s no way to overcome that without only Jesus Christ.  This is not something you can overcome by haphazardly listening to this word or that word.  That is why Jesus Christ proclaimed the good news of the Kingdom.  If you don’t know this, you cannot live your walk of faith.  If you don’t know this, you only live for the physical things you can only see with your eyes, and then you’re seized by that.  Jesus Christ Who is the King of the Kingdom of heaven.

In Heb. 1, it says He is controlling all creation with His Word.  That gospel of the Kingdom must be relayed to the people who do not know God’s Word first.  Once they come to church, you need to teach them with the Word of God from the Old Testament.  You need to teach them with the Bible so they are imprinted and rooted with only Jesus Christ. 

  3) Healing (Mt. 9:35

    (1) All disease (Mt. 9:35)

Then it says, Jesus Christ was healing every disease and sickness.

    (2) All sickness – Heart, thoughts (Mt. 9:35)

    (3) Faith – Jesus Christ

 When you come to church, you must receive healing for your diseased aspects, and when Jesus Christ did His works of healing, there was only one absolute condition: It was faith. Even if you go to the hospital, you cannot be cured, because the diseases of your heart cannot be healed by the doctor. It doesn’t matter what methods you try to use.  Only one day, when God’s grace is upon you and you find these words believable, then healing will take place. That’s what it means for you to have victory in worship.  

You can make money this way and that way by yourself, but you have no control over the diseases that are in your heart. It doesn’t matter how much therapy you get, when the correct Word of God is relayed and that goes into your heart by God’s grace in faith, then you will receive healing.  Do you know how foolish humans are?  If I have a relationship with someone, both individuals are trying to get their own advantage out of it, then do you think it will actually be to your benefit? That person does it, thinking it will be to their benefit, but God tells us, that is the way to destruction. Even if people go to church, they cannot realize that.  That was like the Israelite people, wandering around like sheep without a shepherd.  They were doing whatever they thought was right, but we need to think, “Is this beneficial to God’s Kingdom?” and then, next we think, “Is this a benefit to the other person?” But they don’t think that way, but that is how you should think in order to have the true benefit.  

But the way we were educated and trained by the kingdom of the world, which is Satan’s kingdom, you need to do whatever is to your benefit, whatever will make you happy, but there’s no happiness there.  People even teach this in their families to their kids.  If you teach that to your kids, they live according to what they want, according to what they think is right, not according to God’s Word.

Do you know what the result of that is?  They will say, “Why are my mom and dad like this?” They cannot understand their mom and dad because they’ve been continuously educated to be centered only on themselves; they cannot even understand their own parents.  They’ve never once thought from the perspective of their parents.  Even if that person is very smart, do you think they can be a good leader? They would become a leader who destroys other people.  You must be able to change their thoughts so they think, “If my mom and dad are doing this, they must have their reason why,” but instead of receiving it like that, they say, “Why are you doing this?” and they say, “I received a scar from that; I don’t need my parents.”

How do you think this person will grow up and get married? They’ll say, “Why is my spouse like this?” What’s constantly been planted into them?  Because they were so deeply planted, not with the Word of God, but with their own standards of “me-centeredness,” that’s how they grew up, regardless of how long they went to church. Those people say words that are very correct, they say, “How could you do something like this to me?”  But that’s the reason why this world is so difficult. That’s not the way the Lord teaches us.  

Is this beneficial to the kingdom of God and to the church? Secondly, is it a benefit to the other person? I am last, because I have to save those things and those people in order for me to be saved. However, if you’re trying to kill the other person to live for your own benefit, then both people will be destroyed. Then how could your business go well?  Even if you succeed, how can you lead your nation well? You would cause your nation to be destroyed. That must be healed.  Physical diseases are our last priority, because honestly speaking, there is something inside of us that has no choice but to result in the disease.  But the people, the children who grew up with this correct faith and gospel, the older they grow, the more they are needed by their nation.  

Think about it in a worldly way, if someone is very skilled, but there is nobody attached to them, and there was someone else, there was a politician like that, and people said, “That politician is so centered on himself, that people don’t attach themselves to him.” People in the world think like that. If you think you are correct and centered on yourself, then everyone will leave you. We do not live according to what we think is right; we need to ask, “Is this right in God’s eyes? Is the business that I’m running right in God’s eyes?” That is the way to have victory. That is the business that is for the entire world.  That is the healing we need. 

3. Workers who harvest

  1) Me – Workers (Church, field)

Our third point today is that Jesus Christ said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask, therefore, to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” There are two things in God’s eyes. There is only one of two options: Will you live in the world like a wandering and helpless sheep without a shepherd, or will you live as a worker of Christ? Only one of two options.  There’s only two options with the problems in your family line, your scars and your problems. Are you going to overcome them with faith and save people with them, or will you be enslaved by them? There’s only one of two options: will you live for yourself or will you live to save others?  Then, I must become the worker first.  That is how I save the church and save the field.  There are only two options: there is no middle ground, you are either a helpless sheep without a shepherd, or you’re the one to save them.  

    (1) Teach – With (Mt. 28:20) (2 Tim. 2:4-6, 4:1-2)

That’s the reason why when Jesus Christ resurrected, He gave His disciples the command, “To teach those people to obey everything I have commanded you,” and the one with all authority in heaven and on earth will be with you forever. The fact that He has all authority in heaven and on earth means His power will be revealed through me.  Why? Because you are standing on the side of harvesting the harvest, the Lord will do that work. 

2 Tim. 2:4 says the soldier does not get involved in civilian affairs.  A soldier serving a country does not have to worry about the food he eats or the clothes he wears because the nation provides all of that for him. In the same way, the workers of Christ, the spiritual soldiers who are doing the work of Christ, do not have to worry about what they eat or wear, it is taken care of for them by the Lord. But the people who are not His workers have to worry about what they eat or wear.  

If you’re just trying to make a living and get food, it means you are only maintaining your physical body; it means you are living a life that means nothing after you die.  You make money and use it to go play or have fun? What kind of life is that? Let’s say you make money and succeed, what kind of life is that?  It is simply a life that is for making a living, making a name for yourself. That is a futile or vain life.  The life of the Kingdom of God leaves behind your influence for all eternity.  You relay God’s Word to one person, and that person saves their entire family line for multiple generations.  

    (2) Gospel proclamation (Mk. 16:15)

Mark 16:15 says, Jesus Christ said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation,” we have been called as the workers or the soldiers to testify of this gospel. 

    (3) Heal disease and sickness (Mk. 16:17-18)

In Mark 16:17, it says, heal all of the people who are demon-possessed or diseased.  We are not the ones who fix those problems, but with the authority of the Lord Who is with us, we fix those problems. 

    (4) Preached the word – Lord worked with them (Mk. 16:20)

Mark 16:20 says that everywhere the disciples went out, the resurrected Lord will “confirm His Word by the signs that accompanied it.”  He was working with them, meaning the Lord was with them.  So every time you do your business or your work in the church, the Lord is with you with His strength.  That is the business and studies of the Kingdom of God. Before that point, you’ll have no answers. Whatever answers you do receive, they are answers that even unbelievers get, because the Lord is moving everything.  

If the moon and Sun do not exist, humans cannot live. We do not think about that, but God gave it all to us.  We got a lot of rain in California this year, but that is not controllable by mankind; that was given by God. For that, we are farming and living, and God is moving everything.  So, the true answers are the answers we get when we are following God’s Word according to God’s Word.

I used to be an unbeliever, I lived my life as a nonbeliever for a long time, and now that I look at the church, there are a lot of people who are similar to nonbelievers.  They say things like, “I prayed for this and got an answer.”  I listened to their answers and what they’re talking about: they were healed of this disease or they got a lot of money or material possessions, but I thought, “You can have those as a nonbeliever as well, though.”  If someone is a powerful nonbeliever, even if they never pray for it, they’ll do those things by their own strength.  

Oh, you just happened to fortunately meet a very good person? Don’t misunderstand that as an answer. Even unbelievers will say, “Oh I fortunately had good luck and met this person.” That’s not an answer. What do you call an answer?  God fulfills the Word that God has given us as His promise, and that is what we call an answer when we receive it. What is the answer you get in your business? Is doing well in your business an answer? Your business may do well, but that in itself is not the answer. That is something people can do even if they don’t believe in Jesus.  Even if someone doesn’t believe in Jesus, they can be the leader of a nation.  If you have that as the standard of answers in your faith, you cannot see the Bible. Whatever humans cannot do, that is the answer, because when you testify of the Word, the Lord will be with you, and He will confirm it by the works He is doing.

If you want to use your job to testify of God’s Word and do the work of healing and proclaim this gospel, then the Lord is with you. This means that God is with you and He will work to fulfill His Word, that is what we call the answers.  The material possessions and money naturally follow. That is not the standard, these are just things that follow according to the need and circumstance. If God is working, there is no such thing as a curse, it is all blessings. If God is working on your business, there is no such thing as a curse; it is all blessings.  

Joseph went into Potiphar’s household, and God blessed Potiphar’s entire household. The answers are not the blessings themselves.  Joseph was holding onto God’s Word, and the result of that was the physical things we see, and that’s what people call answers, but even before that, the Word that was with Joseph was the blessing and the answer.  It’s the same thing with diseases, if you don’t have a disease, does that mean you can’t get an answer? No, the answer is with you even before the disease.  It is being able to live, even though you have cancer, without it affecting you at all.  Or, saying, “I am poor,” but that has nothing to do with you and it does not affect you. It’s that kind of answer.  But a religion is asking to get rid of this, or make that better, but that’s up to God.  If you yourselves are holding onto the word of the covenant God has given to you, God will fulfill it on His own. 

  2) Workers who harvest

    (1) Ask the Lord of the harvest (Mt. 9:38)

    (2) 70 regions, nations, unreached tribes – Find workers

    (3) Through business, academics

That is why Jesus told us to pray to ask for the workers to be sent out into the field. What is the reason for your business and academics? Pray, “Lord, through my studies and through my business, find the workers to send out into the field,” because that is what the Lord told us to pray for, then you need to pray the prayer that receives answers.  There are so many people who pray, but they pray something that is not from God’s Word, but it’s just blubbering about what they want, they do not receive answers. Even right now, on 5th St and Vermont, there is a Muslim temple where they pray five times a day. Then, what happens in that region? You need to know what takes place when that happens in order to call yourself a Christian.  If your eyes are opened to see that through God’s Word, then you will be able to see what your business in that region must be for.  

For our future generations and remnants, you must have the dream of saving the 70 nations and 70 tribes, or at the minimum, one nation and one tribe in order for God to work upon your studies.  Stop praying such unnecessary prayers, like, “God, help me study well,” but instead, if you just hold onto His covenant, saying, “God, use my studies to save one nation and one tribe,” then God will automatically work upon your studies.  Stop praying for your business or your studies, but instead, hold onto God’s Word for God’s Word to be fulfilled. 

We need to pray the prayer that receives answers to get answers.  If there is a businessperson who prays, “Give me the business that will influence and save the 70 nations and 70 tribes,” they will receive an answer.  However, if you’re completely seized by the devil, then you’ll think, “All my hard work right now, all my efforts, will be for my benefit,” but they are under a misconception and they will be destroyed. It doesn’t matter how well you build up your business because your mental state is wandering back and forth.  You yourselves are in a state where you’re so filled with the fear of death and failure that you have no choice but to do drugs every day.  Do you think you can have true success then? Stop aiming for the fake success but have the true success.  

  3) Temple construction

    (1) Save 237 nations

    (2) Healing

My business and studies will be used for Temple Construction, and not just the building; there are a lot of buildings.  Even unbelievers work hard to build buildings, but that is not what the Lord desires. The building the Lord desires is, “May this be the Temple construction to save the 237 nations, may this be a Temple that can heal the people of these lands. May this be a temple construction where people can come and rise up as summit workers to go back into the field, May my business be used for that temple construction.” 

    (3) Future generation summit

For the future generations, I hope you will study, holding onto that covenant.  But if you’re able to hear everything except for this, and you still think that your thoughts are for your own benefit, you are just like the Israelites of whom God said, “These are the helpless, wandering sheep without a shepherd.”  If you say, “Lord, I want to live as the worker of the Lord, doing the work of the Lord in the field,” then He will work.  Then, all the things coming down your family line will one day be broken. Until that point, it will not be finished.  The scars and the failures of your family will remain exactly as they are as a fact; however, if you overcome that in faith and use that as a springboard to save other people, your past will be a blessing.  That’s what the Lord tells us.  If someone is so seized by their past and they’re still crying about it, they haven’t been healed yet.  If someone is still thinking about their success in the past, even though it wasn’t true success, they keep meditating on that instead of God’s Word? That is a failed life. They are seized by themselves, exactly like in the Bible, but it turns out, they’re actually seized by Satan like in Gen. 3:5.  I hope that we will be able to come out of that and stand as workers of the Lord Who will save those people.  


1. Spiritual strength

2. Worker who saves the church

3. Worker who saves the field

When you stand as a worker to save the church and save the field, then the Lord who has all authority in heaven and on earth will be with you, revealing His power through you.  May you become the worker who receives these answers. 

Message Prayer

Let us pray, holding onto the Word God has given us today.  Allow me to make the conclusion of whether I will be a worker who works for the Kingdom of the Lord, or if I will be a slave to Satan, living for myself. May my business and academics be used for the Lord’s work.  May my business and academics be used for the Temple Construction to do God’s work.  Let us pray.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You.  We thank You for, instead of living for ourselves in the world, You have called us to live as the workers for the Kingdom of the Lord.  We believe that the Lord with all authority in heaven and on earth will be with us forever in order to do the work of the Lord. 

We have given Your material blessings as offering for Your Kingdom.  We pray that everywhere this offering is used, You will work with the answers of 237 nations, Temple Construction, healing, and summit.  We pray the answer of word fulfillment will be upon all the people who have the covenant.  We pray that all the businesses of the covenant will be the business that saves the 237 nations. God, we pray that You will guide their business so that it will be the business that can do the Temple Construction.   In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

God, we thank You.  God, we pray You will bless Elder Bae’s family so they will stand as workers with the power of the throne of heaven and as the workers who will save the church and the field. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the unending love of our Father God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the future generations who desire to overcome themselves and stand as the workers of Christ who will save the church and the fields, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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