Mental Healing (Acts 16:16-18)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Mental Healing (Acts 16:16-18)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh


Satan, Sin, Separation

Christ, Answer

1. Pulpit – Word Healing

1) Heb. 4:12 Spirit, Soul, Body, Thoughts, Heart

2) Acts 2:42-47 Word, Church, Prayer

3) Acts 11:19-30 Word

2. Minister – Word Healing

1) Acts 13:1-12 Healing

2) Acts 16:16-18 Field

3) Acts 19:8-20

Although you give them the Word, the Word does not reach them.  They continue to live their lives in the past where they’re seized by these words, but they immaterially think it’s right for them.

Genesis 3 – Me, Benefit, Success

They are rooted and stuck in this.  Many believe in Jesus Christ while in this state; we have to heal them. There is no answer that comes to them in this state. 

3. Life Healing

1) Environment – Family

This person with mental illnesses are healed by their family

2) Rule of the Body

3) Prayer Life

During Saturday evangelism, I saw they were doing breathing techniques together and thought it was very good.  They make them write the scriptures down and breathe together.  They don’t know prayer so they write it down.  They do this breathing together.  Why is that?  Mental problems are linked with breathing.  It’s also linked with oxygen deprivation in the brain, so that’s why it’s good for you to do breathing and prayer with the Word together.  

I said this on Sunday but that’s what it means when people who have been raised in a religion for a long time may say their head hurts. It’s the same thing, the walk of faith doesn’t just work out.  You can probably just see that they’re not able to hold onto the Word properly; they hold onto bits and pieces, not holding to the Word fully.  Because they have that religious lifestyle, they work diligently because that is the standard.  You have to teach them to pray with the accurate and proper Word.

The Word doesn’t enter into people who are seized by demons.  Though they might receive the Word, they may know it superficially; it hasn’t reached them deeply.

4) Adaptive Healing

5) Family – Commissioned Worker

The family may be frustrated but it’s such a great responsibility so they try not to have it, but it doesn’t happen like that. The family has to be together. God’s plan is for the commissioned one to be raised up to save that family.  It’s not God’s plan for you to pass off this responsibility to someone else.  It is until there is someone in the family who is raised up, and that’s how you realistically save the person. You can’t just heal them just like that. It doesn’t say, “Visit them once a week” in the Bible.  Depending on the person’s condition and state, you may go to them daily, so if you want to continue this, a person like this must arise in their family.

It’s not like you’re going to hold onto a person and go with them for years on end. What about other people’s lives?  That is why you have to continue until a person from that person’s family.

6) Adaptive Family

Through one person, they heal the family.  I had a conversation with someone for an hour; what kind of state was that person in?  They were sent here because of their children, and the children were taking pity on their parents.  But they can’t meet with the parents, so the parent didn’t want to leave their children alone, so it was okay up to a certain point, but what state is this person in? They’ve gone to so many churches and they said there’s not one proper church. 

What would you think if you heard those words?  You would think this person is abnormal, there’s not even one proper church?  That means this person has not received God’s grace that comes from within the church.  That expression comes from a person who has not received God’s grace, so you may doubt whether that person has received salvation.  The person also expressed they liked church and went there for a year, but the elder was popular and well-regarded and criticized them, so they left the church. 

“A church I like,” this person has been going around LA looking around at churches for many years but they haven’t found one.  This person drives around, praying, and says, “Whenever I pray, God answers me.”  I asked this person, “Are you praying because you need God, or are you praying because God is your Master?” She said, “I pray because I need God.”  I said, “If you’ve received salvation, you shouldn’t be the master; God should be the Master. Isn’t this the spiritual state that has been relayed to your children?”

The person told me they are struggling to live. Though these words may be correct, they are wrong. It’s at the point where I could no longer converse with this person. “it’s because the pastor doesn’t know what I’m talking about.” I told them, “It’s not that I don’t understand, but I know very well.” “Pastor, it’s because you have faith.” “No, don’t be shaken. You’ve been seized and struggle to live, and this is relayed to your children.”

I also heard when they were in Korea, they would lock their five-year old child in the house to go work.  Even in America, there was not much they could do to feed their children, and they don’t really have much strength or power, so they do this or that, but they couldn’t make much money.  I told them, “You must change. If I were to meet this person, I would run to them and relay the gospel to them but you must first change yourself and your family. You should come to worship.”

“I’m too busy to come to worship.” “It’s not about whether you come this week or not, but the Lord must become your Master.”  This person was not able to understand and kept telling me, “I can come to worship in three to six months.”  I told this person, “No, it’s not about coming to worship; it is about making God your Master.”  I ended the conversation there because it was dragging too long. 

It’s very doubtful if this person has received salvation. They attended church a long time but did they receive Jesus Christ as their Savior?  First, when you meet someone, confirm that.  Don’t just directly ask them but pray for them and relay the proper gospel the first time you see them.  The person said while they slept in the hair salon, a knife from the kitchen would stand upright, and the person would question, “Did God do this?” But God is not one who would raise a knife upright. He doesn’t have a lot of time to do that. That’s the work of evil spirits.

“Is that right?” Why would the working of evil spirits take place in your life? “I’m not really sure,” that’s why you have to confirm whether they’ve received salvation.  What I’m saying is, in this family and household, you must first know the state of your parent or yourself to know the state of your children. 

Every Monday, I’m sharing the Word with Deaconess Song to El Salvador.  There’s this person who came to church once, a Hispanic person, and I think their relative lives in El Salvador, and their relative looks gay so they were sexually assaulted in the workplace.  It had been three months since that incident, but the person was so traumatized, they could not speak, and the family was in a crisis.  I gave guidance towards that. 

There’s a reason why there’s trauma and shock.  That person looking gay means it is a face that would bother men.  They could have tried to make themselves more muscular and growing a beard, but they were assaulted in front of their boss by four people. Then they’re shocked and what kind of emotions will they be feeling? They would feel anger, and the evil spirit would hold onto that wrath.  That’s the content of Ephesians 4:26-27.  I told them, “Please connect me to that person through Zoom,” because this entire family was troubled because of this one child.  It is through this once incident, tell them how it is relayed to the whole family, and this incident doesn’t pertain only to them; it’s the same for all households. 

That’s why you have to continuously relay the Word. It’s through this incident that God is trying to show you the field of the world.  For instance, the prophet Hosea’s wife was a prostitute.  So Hosea prayed to God, it’s not that the wife started to do this after she got married, but she was a prostitute from the start.  Why did God allow that?  God had given the prophet this problem so he could see the field of Israel which was in spiritual adultery.  I told them, “This is not a problem that just lies in you, but it’s the same for all families.” 

I told them this situation, “With the gospel, holding onto the Word, that’s how it becomes a platform, and if it were not for this situation, you would continue to be seized by evil spirits, struggling to live.  It would have been good if this situation did not arise, but God allowed the situation to arise.  Eventually it is the situation and incident God allowed to arise so this situation could be used as a platform for this person to receive the gospel and relay the gospel to El Salvador.”

Why do I say this in detail? There are people like this among the people you meet.  If there are no problems in the church, these people never come to only Jesus Christ.  It’s the same for you, God will bother and poke out what you think is most valuable, and God made it so that it will never be solved.  God has allowed that, so it is through that that you will receive only Jesus Christ.  God has allowed that to happen so He can use that as your calling to save people like you. 

If you do idol worship, waiting for rain to fall, it’s your loss.  Think about it, all things are in Jesus Christ, but instead of holding onto Jesus Christ, you hold onto something else, thinking there’s something there, but God will change you. When that becomes your answer, then you realize your failure and destruction was the answer.  Having the problem is the blessing.  Even successful people like Paul, who had been a successful person, realized this. He thought it was everything but it wasn’t. That’s the theory of healing.

5. Only Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8) – Faith, Holy Spirit, Filling

The gospel of only Jesus Christ must enter into them.  The true, proper Word must enter.  Do not leave new believers alone but gather them together.  In the churches, there must be watchtowers that help and seek out new people so they can forum together.  Especially for remnants, after the Sunday pulpit messages, adults gather the remnants to do forum together.  That’s the way to raise up the remnants.  They’re being rooted down elsewhere so we must heal them with this.  Hold onto the word and pray together, and seek and heal the people in the field as well.  I hope you will receive this blessing.


Dear Father God, thank you.  Thank You for calling us as ones to do this mental healing to the ones diseased in the field.  Let mental healing take place in America through the words of the Bible. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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