Life of the Evangelist – Rightful, Necessary, Absolute

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – Rightful, Necessary, Absolute

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

If you have faith, you receive these answers.  Remain for a longer while to hear these words; if you leave early, you cannot listen.  We continue the life of the evangelist. I repeatedly talk about the introduction, the fundamental and absolute problem.

Angel – Sin – Satan

1 John 3:8 says the one who does what is sinful is of the devil. Why did Cain kill his brother? He was of the evil one.  But many people get offended when we talk about Satan, but when we talk about sin, we remain still. It’s because they still have a conscience of legalism. They know they lie and they cheat multiple times in school and lie to their neighbors. So they know about sin but get offended about Satan. They don’t understand sin.  The factory that makes sin is Satan.  Satan makes it so that all of mankind commits the sin of going against God. 

Satan gives you these thoughts but people struggle, “Why can’t I get rid of these thoughts?”


Only Christ

Only Christ can solve this. Know this deeply.

Problem, Fundamental, Rightful, Necessary

Anger – Wrath

Me – Correct – Sin


This person’s prayer topic was to join the KKK and eliminate an entire race.  He wasn’t able to overcome that race at all; instead, he was overcome, you cannot tell by looking at him, but when counseling from him, these things come out. Why did he have these thoughts? He was very angry.  Why did the incident at Virginia Tech happen? They knew he was a Christian, and before he died, he sent out a video message, his face was full of wrath. 

Is it enough to just give the gospel? What is the gospel? This person is full of wrath; is it enough to just accept Christ? He is full of wrath but we misunderstand so the other person cannot be healed.  The gospel becomes an answer when they’re ready to accept it, but will it work out by giving the answer to the problem without knowing the problem? You don’t even know why they are full of wrath, so there are many Christians who cause such incidents.  The pastor’s kid lived in Washington and his prayer topic was to wipe out an entire race.

Why would a pastor’s kid have such thoughts?  Delve deeply into this as you talk with them, because there’s surely a background for why they have these thoughts. Ultimately it is “me,” why do they not want to see anyone else? They think they are right.  Giving the gospel means you change this so that the gospel can be accepted. They need to realize they are in this state, then the gospel can change their state.  The gospel is a personal thing and Jesus Christ is a personal thing; if we cannot realize it, how can we accept it?  When we experience the daily problems in our lives, we need to think about the problem that precedes this.

God, Devil

Don’t fall into the problem and Satan’s deception. Discover what God’s plan, answers, and blessings are within that problem.  But we don’t have this kind of walk of faith, but we ask God to get rid of this problem. Nurturing and doing Darakbang is giving the answer to these people within these problems.  Can you just go with the gospel letter and explain?  All people are caught within physical problems or mental problems, then what must we do?  We need to address the fundamental things.

What is God’s plan within this?  But through this, the devil will try to make you fall into despair and unbelief.  You need to teach them this so they’re not afflicted by it.  So, even though they face a problem, they’re still bold and courageous as they look for God’s plan.  You need to make it so that they pray for this and receive that answer.  But if the person next to them says, “If you pray for it, then God will solve that problem,” are they God? That problem might be solved or it might not. Paul lived his entire life with an illness that wasn’t solved. But it was an answer because God said, “You need that illness, it is a benefit for you.” Paul said it wasn’t a problem but when we don’t receive these answers, we are confused, “Why did God allow this illness?”  You need to have this correct walk of faith to come out of this and help others come out of this, and that’s the proper Darakbang. 

You must understand what is being taught.  There are some people who have other ideas like Confucianism as they come to church.  What does that mean?  It is the same thing as saying, “I don’t need the amazing, tremendous, spiritual background.” They haven’t gone to the army, they don’t know how to live in a system or organization.  These are people who learned about societal structures incorrectly and don’t even know how the government works. Without the government, what will happen to the nation? It will be in a state of chaos. 

Try to live without the fundamental basics, you won’t survive for long, but that’s why God raised the church, Temple, and Tabernacle.  Without that, you lean on yourself instead.  The individuals receive the gospel and nothing else. If you see this, what do you think? It means the gospel hasn’t gone into this person; this person’s standard is themselves. They have the gospel but continue to live according to what they want. 

Even for people who go on missions, this is something deeply rooted in them.  They know how to evangelize and share the gospel without knowing the meaning of the church, so they are afflicted in the workplace as they do not know what the church is.  All of these things about the Word and worship come from the church. Even when you go out into war, we must establish the headquarters.  If you don’t have this and try to go out by yourself, you have no strength so you won’t survive for long. The devil constantly tries to block the church. He destroys the church by using correct words.  If the electricity pole is shut down, they will run out of electricity. 

God’s Kingdom

You have to understand why the Bible records healings to live your walk of faith correctly.  Jesus Christ came as the King of the Kingdom of God, but if you don’t understand and you try to solve physical problems, you have understood incorrectly.  Try praying for a dead person to come to life; if it doesn’t happen, do you not have faith and is the Bible not real? That’s what will happen instead. It’s like the Red Sea being split in two by prayer, and then you go to the Pacific Ocean and pray to God.  Why is the cripple able to walk in the Bible but I can’t raise up a cripple? You don’t know the fundamentals. 


It is according to God’s absolute sovereignty and the Throne.   If you drive out demons, demons may flee, and the blind are able to see again, but if you still need to remain blind, God will work so that the other things that need to be changed will be changed. 


Holy Spirit (Prayer)

When the Kingdom of God is established, you receive the answer of 25 hours, so that is why we pray. Why can’t your walk of faith grow and you can’t evangelize? There’s a reason. Faith is knowing Christ.  The Bible says faith is knowing about Jesus Whom God has sent. Without knowing Him, you can’t see these things correctly.  Then, what is the training we do? These are useless trainings. Why doesn’t it take place even when you receive training for a long time? You’re rooted in something else.  You think that is the standard, but it isn’t so you fall away. 

Through understanding and faith in the Triune God, faith in understanding of evangelism will arise.

Heavenly mandate, calling, and mission

Rightful, necessary, and absolute

Through one person, why do people around them come to life?  It is because they have this rightful Christ.  They correctly believe in the Kingdom of God.  For that soul, they pray for the Holy Spirit to work upon them and other people come to life.  If you have the imprint of money, then you will constantly chase after money and have money problems and the people around you chase after money as well. This is something rightful. Because you’re rooted in money you face problems as the devil does not remain still.  Christ is supposed to rightfully be in you, but money is, so the devil will not remain still.

For me, when I used to be an unbeliever, I relied on many other things other than God. I relied on things and looked towards things and I developed that as an unbeliever. 

Money, Law – Justice

This is rooted so they have no choice but to follow. I didn’t really rely on money but you are trembling before these problems right now. When I came to church, I realized most believers focus on legalism so rightfully what follows is arguments.  They have this misconception, thinking they’re right and just and fight with others in anger.  Why? They have this legalism. We must change this. 

Why is my child this way? They are rightfully rooted within something.   From a young age, if you rightfully imprint the correct things within them, the necessary answers of the Kingdom of God will follow.  But because you have stuck other things into them, necessary things follow, then what is God’s plan?  Right now, it’s not too late so you just need to revert back to only the gospel.  I heard earlier that Tiffany’s mom had a splitting headache, and when I look at the background of her mother, they are all Buddhist.  If you know this Buddhist background, the demons continue to work and some people have splitting headaches, they have this kind of background. You cannot come out of this background.  That’s why they go to the doctors and hospitals with this migraine but the doctors can’t do anything about that, why? Because they have this background of Buddhism and demons.  She was able to meet Assistant Pastor Lim’s son who is a Christian, so her life changed, but it’s not a complete change, so she has these headaches.  Why do I speak of such things?  If you weren’t able to talk about this with them before, talk about this now. 

There’s the background of the region. A long time ago, across from Tiffany’s house, there was a Japanese temple and I went there to do some research. That Japanese temple was a heretical Buddhist temple.  In Japan, they had this war and regarded this Buddhist sect as heretical.  They have multiple temples in Japan that they built with their own money.  I went there and watched a video. I first asked, “How do you pray and what works arise?” Because when they pray, the demons work. 

Why do we move to these kinds of places?  We can move to any place but why do we move in front of temples and other religious buildings? There is a stream. Why am I talking about this in detail? It’s not something to be embarrassed of. Because we have the answer, it’s okay. All of us have problems, and if I don’t explain in detail, you won’t relay this and you can’t understand. I need to relay the correct answer, but the answer is not relayed.   As you do deep breathing, think of the spirit of Christ, not the Holy Spirit, because you may have some incorrect preconceived notions from other churches.  We can’t talk about just the Holy Spirit because people have misconceptions about it, so we talk about the Spirit of Christ. 

That’s why this background is very important.  It’s the same for Senior Deaconess Bae and Park and Kim.  The very first thing I tried to research about a person is their background.  You cannot ignore that background.  You can’t ignore that stream because you need to understand the spiritual background.  Both sides built temples, even now in Korea, they pray for her. Do you know what that means?  The demons work upon her and her household.  That’s why when she lived in LA, I told her to go to Early Morning prayer.  I told her that, if you don’t go to Early Morning Prayer and break down the demons with Christ, the children will suffer.

Senior Deaconess Bae’s grandma used to take her to the temple even when she was young. Do you know what works arose?  Starting from a young age, she would go early in the morning to the temple, and they would pray, then the demons would work.  Senior Deaconess Park, she talked about her family the first time she met her.  They were running a temple and monks would visit their house.  It wasn’t an ordinary visit where they were greeted by monks but they were deeply in Buddhism. She had these experiences and then believed in Jesus and went to a regional church, and from there, she learned about mysticism.

That doesn’t mean you have completely changed. You may have received salvation but the spiritual stream hasn’t changed.  Within the big church, they emphasized mysticism and experiences, she thought that was faith but she enjoyed the gospel.  If you’re not upright within the gospel, you have no choice but to swept up by the background and stream. 

Why must you understand the background of another person? Then you can understand them spiritual.  That is what it means to interpret the camp.  You need to understand the background to interpret the people living in that region.  You need to interpret their financial situation to understand their thinking process. If they are powerless and weak, it means they are mentally low, but if they are well-off, it means they are mentally stronger so they group together all the more.  Then, you’re able to interpret how those people in that region live.  How do you interpret this?  Why do we interpret? To give them the correct gospel, not to judge them. 

I was a complete unbeliever, I was a complete slave to the devil. I would give ancestral worship, why do I talk about this?  It’s so that you can understand when you look at me.  Of course, I have a heart for evangelism, but I have a demonic character. I tell you this so you can understand.  If you go to fortune-tellers, they have demonic characteristics with this kind of background. You must know this to understand. 

“Pastor, what kind of demonic characteristics do you have?” I’m not sure but I think I do.  When I speak harshly and strictly to my daughter, it’s extreme. That’s my characteristic.  I give her a look and she gets caught up in fear and shrivels up. That’s my background.  One time, we sat across from each other, showing angry faces, but I showed my angry face and she looked away.  This is the problem I have, I kill people from my Genesis 3. Why do I talk about the other person’s background and stream? If you can’t understand this, you can’t understand it at all. 

Senior Deaconess Park got married into a complete Christian household. Religion.  You cannot fall into that or else you will constantly be in conflict.  It doesn’t matter, you just have this misconception.  This grandparent and cousin are pastors, but understand the background and content in which they do their pastoral ministry, and how they believe their faith.  It’s religion.  Religion cannot block the works of demons.  That’s imprinted in her sister-in-law and brother-in-law, and you need to be aware of this.  That is how you can fight against her for family gospelization. 

If you don’t understand this, “They’re still the pastor’s family,” but it doesn’t matter.  In the Old Testament, the High Priest Eli’s sons were wicked. If you’re weak in the covenant, it doesn’t matter.  I’m saying this generally with no exception to Christians.  You must understand this correctly to understand what God desires.  I have a lot to talk about, but I can’t do that because we’re broadcasting on YouTube. I hope you won’t be offended; be thankful as you received the gospel.

I’m talking about myself, too. If I were to hide my story and talk about others, that would be a problem.    You don’t need to be embarrassed; give the answer to your family background. I tell you this specifically. It’s that kind of time schedule.  If you know this, you’ll understand why the person is the way they are.  Because you know their problem, you’re able to relay the answer in multiple ways. Even as they haven’t really received the answer, one day it will come when they receive it.

I started off talking about Tiffany’s mom, but I felt bad so I talked about other people too.  I told her to hurry up and tell this to her parents because they’re going to Palm Springs tomorrow. The children can listen to this and relay it.  If you don’t understand this, you won’t know why the person goes through what they go through. Many believers have such migraines.  In Koreatown, there’s a factory that spews out all sorts of evil as they pray five times a day. If you go on Friday, there’s over 1000 people gathered, praying.  What kinds of works arise, then? You need to investigate that. If you live within that region, you need to know spiritual things to discover God’s plan. 

I already investigated that entire region, up until Western and 3rd Street.  There’s that park with a Buddhist temple.  Across the street, there’s a bar with drunkards. Why gather there? There’s so many apartments.  When there’s a fortune-teller, why are there so many bars? The spirit connects, they have this spirit of lust and connect to that.  That’s why wherever you live, you must investigate the region or else you won’t know what God’s plan is.  The people of Hinduism gather together at that park to give worship two times a year.  On Third and Western, they have another place where they give worship together.  When I investigated that street, there are Indian and Pakistani foods, and on Western, there’s a Korean Buddhist temple. Past Western, there’s a Russian palm-reader.  If you go down the street, after midnight, prostitutes wander the street.  If you go up that street, across from the church, there is a huge temple. I’ve met all these monks and talked with them.

Why have I done this? If I am to do gospelization in this region, I need to at least understand and interpret the spiritual things of the region.  The reason I tell you this is to keep this in mind as you research your region. Why does the evangelist talk about the 3 Organizations in America? You must understand this to understand America. If the Three Organizations have nothing to do with you, if you cannot see this, you cannot discover God’s plan. We need the Temple and Temple Construction to block this. If you don’t understand this, you don’t understand anything. If you just try to listen to the message without this, it won’t hit you very hard. You’ll listen in a shallow manner and you won’t know what to do in the field. 

When you meet anyone to do any kind of ministry, know their background to relay the gospel God desires. We have this Spanish regional church we do every day, but you need to know the background of El Salvador, even Mongolia, you need to know the spiritual background. Assistant Pastor Lim did the Way of Salvation with Nomin every day for a year.  I don’t know if she did it just because, but after a year, Nomin said, “Now I’m able to understand.”  You must not misunderstand.  “Let’s do this Way of Salvation once, and go on,” but that means you haven’t understood the background.

Mongolia has the background of shamanism and demon-possession. Just because they look Korean and you approach them in a Korean manner, you see them incorrectly. You understand their background, then you know what you must do. They don’t hear it because of their spiritual background. We know it but it comes in as legalism. Our spiritual background is Confucianism. Many people flock together to this with a shamanistic ideology, but why do I talk about such things? The doctor must diagnose the person correctly to give the correct medication.  Even business people must research the region and the target age and the kind of product that is needed.

Anna is doing music, but if she understands what kind of music is popular and the stream of that, with God’s wisdom, she can do the same. It’s the same in the hospital. Why are there so many cancer patients among children? It’s not something you just cry and fret about.  You need to investigate why there are so many cancer patients in this region. There’s surely a reason. When you discover that, you have the answer and stand as a witness. Don’t do this just because you’re a nurse.  Even if you’re the greatest nurse, if you don’t know this, you don’t know the absolute problem.  You need to investigate, why are there so many people like this in the region? Why are there such patients in the hospital?  That’s why, for these nurses, you must investigate the background and family for these patients. 

The doctors don’t know this and just assess the physical body but the nurses and doctors who have the gospel must investigate the background of the individual and family to understand why it’s taking place> do you understand?  That’s when you will be the absolute summit who has no competitors.  That was possible only for Joseph.  That’s possible for the only remnant in the hospital.  If you say, “I’m a remnant,” and you hold up a flag, what is a remnant, then? You’re able to see the things America is not able to see. 

But why are there a lot of Mongolians and Indians in our church? It’s very simple, because we have the spiritual message, they listen. It’s very simple.  If you don’t have the spiritual message, such people will not follow or listen.  For 10+ years, God made it so that I would experience and investigate different regions. I don’t know if you listen to other messages, but this is my uniqueness. It’s something you can’t imitate. If you don’t have assurance, how can you imitate? If you listen without assurance, it won’t be relayed.  That’s what has happened up until now.  That is why from headquarters, they have explosive messages starting in Panama. In Panama, they have mysticism where spiritual works take place all over the world.  But if you just come here to listen, you won’t be able to understand as you think, “Why is this so hard?”  

An elderly couple are Elders, part of Pastor Kim’s old church, and they decided to attend church, and the elder said, “Actually I thought about Pastor Kim all the time but I have now come to church,” and they live on 42nd street.  I don’t know if they will attend next week but we will see.  The pastor must receive grace first.  If that pastor is able to receive grace, then that’s it for them.  Both the pastor and the pastor’s wife grew up in a household that received direct training from westerners who shared the gospel for the first time in Korea. There’s a big age difference between Pastor Kim and me. Do you know how they listen to the message?   Before the message, they look at the scripture and read it in advance as they have the theological background, and you can even tell through their gestures when they receive the Word.   But the Pastor’s Wife doesn’t gesture so I thought she isn’t receiving grace, but we continue to eat together during lunch and she continues to tell me she receives grace, why? They lacked the gospel and the spiritual message, so it’s the greatest thing for them. They’ve done evangelism and missions diligently; and this wasn’t lacking. 

When they talk about the Three Organizations, you must be able to hear the spiritual message, the organization that moves and controls the entire world. If that doesn’t hit you, you’ll think, “That’s just the 3 Organizations,” then you’ll know the works transcending time and space but it has nothing to do with you. You won’t understand why we need the background of the throne, you don’t understand what the 3 Organizations are.  It’s not just the Jews, Freemasons, and New Age.  We talk about the spiritual things behind it, and what they do. But you say you know it, “Jews, Freemasons, and New Age,” but what’s the point of what the evangelist is saying?  The successful people gather together, influencing the entire world spiritually. What must the remnants gather together and do?  How must the church officers raise the future remnants?  Know this to do it.

That’s when the correct message will be relayed through you.  That’s why we constantly talk about the superpower nation.  Is America the same as some island? No, the devil works differently.  If you don’t understand this, even as you live in America, you should just leave somewhere else. Time has passed, we will end the message.  

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