Life Healing (Matt. 12:25-45)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life Healing (Matt. 12:25-45)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

Life Healing (Matthew 12:25-45)


1. Limitations of Religion

1) Ideology of Church Authority

2) Legalism – Me

3) Positivity, Piety, Diligence

2. Limitations of Idol Worship

1) Worship Images (Exodus 20:4-5)

2) Ideology of Idolatry, Human Rights, Individualism

Students are educated with this and don’t know whether this is right or wrong.  Children who have been raised in a Communist society will not know if that is right or wrong; students who are educated in America will think that democracy as right, and without any suspicion, they hold onto that as truth.  It is completely irrelevant to God’s Word. What am I trying to say?  I’m speaking of idols that are pushed forward instead of the gospel. For example, individualism is prioritized, and this is in the children’s lives and has been deeply rooted.  Children’s actions all come from individualism, so the children do not know the church well.

How can they know the church if they’re full of individualism?  I have to sacrifice?  They only do things they like to do because that is how they’ve been educated.  They don’t even consider the partner because it’s all about themselves. Do you think it’s possible for the church to operate in such an age?  It has been imprinted in them as a young age so when they come to church, something doesn’t line up. 

Let’s say you want to do a Bible study during the holidays, but the students will say they don’t want to because they want alone time during the holidays.  So, even when it comes to worship, they consider themselves first and this comes out in their lives as well.  So, when God tries to guide them, they’re not able to receive God’s guidance. 

It’s good for human rights and individualism, but it must not be the center. You must know this.  Satan’s method to enter into the superpower nations is Genesis 3:5,

3) Religion

Religion is also idolatry.

3. Evil Spirits – Victory

1) Sacrifice  (1 Cor. 10:20)

2) Fortune-Telling, Mysticism

3) Talismans

Like wearing a cross as a necklace. You think using the Bible as a pillow will protect you? It will not. These are all idols but the Lord is with you. Using the Bible as a pillow is just an idol.  On Jan. 1, I was in downtown for a meeting; however, as I was passing Figueroa, I saw a Latino young adult kneeling before the church and praying.  On Wilshire, next to some Catholic churches, there are some images of the Apostles made of wood. 

We have a cross in our church but it doesn’t have much meaning.  The cross is just a symbol, representing one of the worst ways to be killed, the cross is a symbol of the death that comes from being nailed on the cross and having all the blood and water run out of your body, and just dying.  Jesus Christ died on the cross and the meaning of that death on the cross should come into me as the Word.  The cross on the back of the wall has no meaning. Any gestures you do have no meaning.  This is just a consolation. The fact Jesus Christ died on the cross resurrected and is with me, that is what must be in my heart.  That is why it is written that the Holy Spirit will come into your heart and guide you. 

The Catholic churches call the apostles as saints and designate them in their respective spaces.  Those people are unimportant.  There are those famous people along with the 12 Apostles and the Catholic churches made statues, but they have no meaning; they’re just idols.  They put up a picture of Jesus and people seem to be praying towards that, but that’s just a drawing.  They haven’t even seen Jesus but people still debate over whether He was black, Asian, white, but that has no importance. Jesus is at the Throne of Heaven and is with us in spirit.

When I went to seminary, I met a former nun who had received the gospel, and she was so smart and she was a young adult who became a nun right away, so the Catholic church kept educating her.  She told me how she believed in this image of Jesus in her dorm and always prayed to it.  The church keeps talking about forms and appearances so she believed in that image with faith.  In her room, she had the drawing of Jesus and said, “I love You, Jesus,” and bowed down at His feet.  In the morning, she would pray towards that drawing, and in the evening, she prayed towards that drawing, and she thought that was faith, but that’s evil spirits.  If it’s like that, evil spirits will work; that’s not the working of the Holy Spirit. 

Even in the Jewish community, they seem to have conversations with the dead.  Not only Judaism, but any other religion, it seemed they would talk to the person’s spirit on the anniversary of their death in ancestral worship.  When a person dies, the spirit goes to another realm and does not move; however, although the people think the spirits are moving, but they converse with the evil spirits.   I was able to see this through YouTube videos. 

There was an elementary school teacher.  That person had received a vision of speaking about some dead person.  Because that teacher told another person, that person was shocked, the teacher said he conversed with a spirit that had gone into another realm, and among that person’s family members, there was a person who had drowned. However, that person conversed with the drowned spirit, and the teacher found out how this spirit died.  As the teacher spoke about these things, they asked, “How is this possible, how do you know all these things?” But it’s not that the teacher is speaking with the spirits of the departed, but with the evil spirits.  Even though they had never met, if the teacher is able to speak with that person, the person is shocked. 

These incidences seem to exert a lot of influence in America.  Even though the sciences and engineering have advanced tremendously, the spiritual things as written in the Bible have not advanced at all.  If this was mentioned in the churches according to the Bible, people would point out this is wrong; however, it is not taught in the churches and America has no choice but to face these things.  In another case, a white woman picked up a stone and says, “This stone has energy, it gives me healing.” It’s the same for the East as well; whether it is America or the East, it is everywhere.

The working of the evil spirits is the same anywhere.  If you were to put faith in God’s creation instead of God Himself, Satan will use that.  It may just be a rock, and whether or not the rock gives you some healing, if you put your faith in the rock, evil spirits will work in you.  Or if you put faith in yourself, the evil spirits will also work.  That’s being centered on “me” because you put faith in yourself. That is how Satan grabs hold of you and drags you. 

This is not being spoken about in American churches, they have no choice but to face these things, so America church leaders are facing evil spirits.  There’s a saying that on Jan. 1, you can climb up to the Hollywood sign to receive energy, but there’s nothing like that.  So, Jan. 1, we hike up and seem to receive healing by the sun’s rays, but that’s the power of faith.  There are so many channels the evil spirits work through; if we do not receive life healing, we will continuously be attacked and deceived.

Things like pictures, you put it into your pocket and say it will protect you, but it won’t.  We don’t know how developed AI has become, I saw a video from South Korea about a person speaking with a dead person and the person was conversing with another person.  It was a person who had passed away, but this person came back to life with AI, so there’s this audience, and they would ask questions to the AI, and the AI would respond in the form and shape of the departed person.  It is to the point where the living person could say, “Remember this time we went to this place in the past?” The AI could respond with, “Yes,” and so it wasn’t just one-on-one, but a group with one AI, and this AI would hold conversations.  The daughter was speaking to the AI-powered deceased father.  AI has progressed to this point.

So how can you know?   Because it is AI, it is thinking and processing by itself, and even the voice is being relayed through old recordings, and they are able to have audible conversations.  So, even though the person had passed away, because they came in the form of AI, they were able to have conversations.  So I’m saying AI has developed to this point. They are conversing with dead people, and it’s up to this point.  It is through human guidance and knowledge that AI is created; Ai is just processing all things through itself.

4. Environmental Healing

Evil spirits are only about division. Evil spirits seem to do fortune-telling but that only leads to division and destruction.  However, if God’s kingdom is established, then evil spirits will flee.

1) Fighting – Me

I am angry because I’m right. But how am I right? God’s Word is the standard.  Me being right means I’m right in this circumstance and environment, but this is not right in God’s eyes.  Eph. 4 says to not let the sun set on your anger. We can get angry but God says, “Do not let this anger go for long.” It is so you do not sin, meaning, do not proclaim yourself as God in the seat of God. Be careful because Satan will use anger as a foothold.  Why is China and America fighting? They think themselves to be right. Likewise for Russia and Ukraine.  That is why there is no choice but to have wars and battles between people. Evil spirits take footholds and attack based on Eph. 4.  Even among couples, they fight because they are right in their own viewpoints; how about the opposing viewpoints? They only know themselves.

What of God?  That’s why if God’s Kingdom is established, you receive guidance of the Holy Spirit and evil spirits flee.

2) Dispute

There may be conflicts, but why? You must change this.  If there are conflicts, don’t wait for the other person to change; change yourself. If you change yourself, there’s no reason for conflicts.  Think carefully. The reason why there continues to be conflicts is because I cannot change myself.  When you keep listening to sermons, sometimes you may be annoyed, there are times when you think, “I already know these words, these words are repetitive,” but this is evidence of you being spiritually down. You are not listening spiritually but you are judging physically with the knowledge of your head, “I already know this,” or, you don’t, and that’s when you need to change.

What is God telling me through the pastor? You must focus on God, or else you will just keep being spiritually down, focusing on people.

3) Nothingness

People are afraid of nothingness.  Think about it carefully, where you were born, the place you are now, you can think of your life in stages, and it will pass by quickly.  However, when you face death, you will see that your life is just in a few stages from birth, coming to America, and so, the common thing people say is, “Did I live my life just for it to end like this?” It seems like you’re living now but you live to eat and sleep; the reason why you live is to maintain your physical state.  We think we live this grand life, working hard, being busy, but it’s just about constantly maintaining our state.

But what remains after your deathbed?  Nothing.  You think you work so hard and great for these things but nothing remains in the end.  As you work, towards the end of your life, you may think, “What did I live for? What am I doing? Do I just live to eat three meals a day?” Even animals eat; am I living just to do this?

Nothingness. If you’re comfortable just a little bit?  People are busy trying to eat three meals a day, but for people who are satisfied by that, nothingness comes to them and then depression hits.  When God created mankind, God created them with His plan in mind; however, we are not with God so nothingness has no choice but to hit them.

We talked about physical healing, mental healing, and now life healing. Keep this in mind, “This is a channel for me to be used by evil spirits when I don’t hold onto God’s Word.” Keep this in mind.  It has to come to the point where you’re healed spiritually in your mind and in your life. 

God, we thank You. Let life healing take place in my life, and use us as workers so we can save many people in the field. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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