Evangelist’s Life – Heavenly Mandate, Calling, and Mission

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Evangelist’s Life – Heavenly Mandate, Calling, and Mission

Speaker ,Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

The life of the evangelist talks about the answers for our lives. If these answers are not apparent in our lives, we must know the invisible problems and how to solve them. Depending on our spiritual state, life’s answers follow.

Satan, Sin, Hell

If we are constantly in the state of sin, curses follow, and we have no choice but to live a hellish life.

Only Christ

If you don’t know this, you can’t change your family problems or change your spiritual state.  You will live in constant resentment, being dragged around by this.  There is a regional stream, but if you’re not able to see this answer, you cannot change it.  The church is the place where you’re able to change the stream of the field.  The regional church is where you change the spiritual region.

Evangelist’s Life

You only know about these words physically.  You understand the words physically like the Pharisees, so you say, “I can’t do these actions of evangelism,” so it doesn’t work out either way.  We’re not talking about the actions of evangelism, but we are to share the answer of the gospel to others, but you need to know the problem first.  Can you just know this as a theory?  You just say, “You have a problem, Satan, sin, and separation, you know this,” but you’re sick in one place, but you try to heal another part of your body. The family is seized by powerlessness, so diagnose it properly and give the correct answer, diagnose correctly.  Only Christ.

I’m sorry to say this but this hasn’t become your answer, it’s a great slogan, and Christians say nice words with the Bible, but just imitating the words won’t change the field.  Even if you don’t have eloquent words, if you can’t diagnose correctly, even though the words may sound rough, we give the answer.  One time, Tiffany want to USC to evangelize, and she was so shocked, “I can’t really do that,” and I still remember that to this day.  In other words, she’s saying, “My standard is that I cannot approach a random student and share about this.”

She may have changed now, but are you able to see this?  As you talk with them a few times, you can see this. Don’t talk about anything else.  There’s only Christ for this problem.  But you talk only about the outer shell, you don’t have assurance.  So you say, “I tried but it doesn’t work out.”  If you just talk about this outer shell, it doesn’t become the answer, so they leave.  So, even for your family, know the spiritual problem because we all fall into it.

Paul saw this as the greatest knowledge. The law is rubbish.  He felt that holding onto the law was faith, but he realized he didn’t know the spiritual problem.  Because his eyes were opened, he was able to tell anybody about the answer of only Christ.  Of course, there’s a time schedule to this. One day, you say, “My eyes have opened,” honestly for me, even though I was an unbeliever and I believed until recently, I couldn’t see my family problems because I’m part of that family problem. 

But as I saw this with the standard of the Word, I was able to see it.  The reason why I haven’t fallen into it is because I know the problem and answer. If I didn’t know either one of these, I would have just fallen into the problem.  Business people who know this will be used by God.  Joseph was able to say this wherever he went, he told them their problem and the solution.  In other words, he told them about their spiritual problem, and he succeeded with that.  Because of the gospel, God had no choice but to raise Joseph to the seat of success to save successful people. 

If you don’t know this, you’ll be a slave to everything, whether it’s money or success. In other words, have confidence in the world, “Even though I don’t do that, I’m okay.” Look at David, even though he walked through the valley of the shadow of death, he had a table before him in the presence of his enemies, and he would dwell in the house of the LORD forever, so he always has this. But we don’t have this so we shake and waver.  Of course, you can shake and waver, but our nature must quickly turn back to the Lord; instead, we remain in our shaking and wavering, so Satan doesn’t leave us be and deceives us with that.

Most people shake in front of cancer but what does Satan do? He works with that.  Even though they are diseased, the greater problem is that they’re seized by Satan. If you’re in failure, that might happen but through that failure, Satan seizes you and that’s the actual problem. Failure isn’t a problem, cancer isn’t a problem because ultimately we all go to heaven, but we shake and waver in front of it.  But David was able to confess it didn’t matter to him if he’s in the valley of the shadow of death.

The Lord was with him; otherwise Satan will work.  Will he remain still? No, he will destroy you, he’s looking for the channel to attack you. In despair and in the face of destruction, Satan uses that to destroy you. When you change that to the answer of the gospel, you have the chance just like David and Joseph.

Temple Construction is the chance for God to give you the economy of light but most people think, they become honest and say, “I don’t earn a lot of money,” but that’s just unbelief. They think they’re honest and nice, but God says, “Stop falling into your unbelief.” But because they think they’ve lived such an honest life until now, they can’t hear that. This is the time schedule for God to work and you pray in faith, so all people are able to receive answers. 

If that really is part of God’s plan, God gives you answers; if not, he won’t, and it’s like that for me.  I don’t know what kind of God He is like for you, but that’s the God I believe in. I had similar circumstances and did the same thing. I had nothing, but it didn’t mean I had nothing; God gave me the answers and worked. I didn’t look at the situation, but I challenged in faith because the Creator God Who moves all things will surely work.  In simple terms?

God’s Kingdom =/= Satan’s Kingdom, Worldly Kingdom

You work and study so you only see the worldly kingdom. As you eat and work and sleep, what does Satan do? Does Satan just play?  God has allowed Satan to work until Jesus’ second coming, which is part of God’s providence, what He allows.  Satan does evil things.  As you earn money, eat, and sleep for success, Satan works in the background. Even if we talk about the Kingdom of God, you don’t understand; instead, you say, “The church talks about the Kingdom of God. Those are just terms theologians use, and they have nothing to me so I’ll just listen,” so the people of God aren’t able to understand.

If you have an American citizenship, you can enjoy the benefits unless you do something else instead.  Because the nation is so powerful, you have so many benefits, and depending on where you live, the benefits also differ.  What kingdom do I reside in?  If you don’t know the Kingdom of God, you’re focused on the worldly kingdom but you’re seized by Satan.

Kingdom of God, first seek His Kingdom and His righteousness. Why does it say, “first”? You must first break down the Kingdom of Satan and then do whatever you have to do in the kingdom of the world, whether you study or work. What does it mean to seek God’s Kingdom first? Evangelism and missions.

Background, Promise

Only the Holy Spirit

Power – Witness

People who don’t understand may ask, “Wouldn’t God be tired of giving me answers all the time?”  It’s the same as living in America, you think war is not a normality because it’s such a powerful nation, but in other nations, they live in poverty and hunger, and others die in war.  There was a North Korean refugee who first lived in South Korea, but he went to Columbia University to study and asked the professor, “What remains after getting a great education at Columbia?” He replied, “Nothing.”  Columbia is great, an Ivy League, and during his age, he remembered learning great things, but when the professor said this, the student said, “I was so upset, but one subject was kind of helpful.”

From a young age, he received a communist education so he fled the nation and came to America. Ever since he was young, he was educated in a communist way where they imprinted ideals in the children, and he realized Columbia does the same thing.  Feminism was something that came up, but the student disagreed. The student communicated with other students and they thought eating was a human right.  All the American students think it is rightful to live in a peaceful country but this student did not come from such a situation.  This student lived a hellish life in North Korea, so when they came here, they thought peace was rightful and wouldn’t go away, he thought American students were brainwashed as he was.

The North Korean student learned communist ideas, and so they thought Americans were brainwashed.  South Koreans would think American ideology is great and would bring that over.  That’s because it’s a democratic nation.  This student said, “They talk about minority rights not being respected, but they never talk about the rights of North Koreans, is that right? Hitler killed millions and American education teaches about that, but they don’t talk about Stalin and Mao killing millions as well.”  That’s why American people know Hitler is bad, but they don’t think Stalin or Chinese dictators are bad. But he grew up in a communist society so he knew, so he concluded he learned nothing in Columbia.

Americans are just supposed to keep such things in mind but this student realized, from both perspectives, both sides brainwash each other and impress their ideas upon people. That’s why they said they didn’t learn anything.  South Koreans would be prideful as they go to Columbia, “I learned so much from this Ivy League,” but for me, I came to a realization, this is actually the kingdom of the world. If the majority likes a certain person, even though some may not, we live by this standard and live by it. 

Take this into consideration, the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Satan, if you know this, you will rightfully receive the answers and blessing of the throne of heaven so that this power comes upon me. I am constantly weak and need the power of the Throne. I don’t have the power to overcome depression so I need the power of the throne. You cannot change your field, but that is why you need to pray for the Kingdom of God to be established and the power of the throne comes upon your field.

Do this by yourself as you gather in regional churches, so you gather together, and when this comes upon me, my church and my field, answers come.  Save yourself, the church, and the posterity.  That’s why, only the Triune God, you don’t need anything else, it’s not that you don’t need it, but all this follows. It follows because you receive the power of 25 hours.  But because I’m an old wineskin, I’m not able to realize.  Even though you have this new wine constantly given to you, you can’t enjoy it as you’re within your old frame.

My daughter concentrates and takes notes well now during Wednesday and Friday worship.  Before, it would just be a few words, but I told her, “If you keep this up, I’ll let you go to the high school you want,” so she had hope and I said, “I’ll see how you do.” We forum about the Word, and I told her, “if you’re able to do this in the school you’re going to, you’ll be able to change it,” and I’m able to see this hope because she gives a heartfelt forum.

“You can’t do this on your own so that’s when you need the power of the throne to come upon yourself.  Now she gives more heartfelt forum and she’s leveled up.  My wife said, “But Rise Kohyang is a great high school,” no one says it’s bad but Fanny just wants to go to a different school.  For me, it’s most comfortable if she went to Robert F. Kennedy because she could walk by herself, but Deaconess Song’s daughter went for a year, and she ended up leaving because the kids weren’t great.

What am I saying? If this takes place, you can overcome your limitation.  You need to receive the power of the throne, it doesn’t come from yourself, but from God.  When the Kingdom of God and the power of the throne come upon you, your field will change.  If you continue to do this by yourself, in your family, or in your region as the regional church, the answers take place according to the time schedule.

If you know this, it doesn’t matter if you go to church or not; you can’t change your family, you’ll fall into your family. You won’t be able to change the stream of your field or workplace.  Then, the story of Joseph just becomes a Bible story instead of your words.  There is no 8th remnant, but you think those are words of the Bible that you cannot apply.

Heavenly Mandate

You must know the problem and answer correctly. You can’t say, “You need only Christ,” but you don’t know what the problem is. What is salvation? Salvation is coming out of these three problems, and it’s only through Christ.  Satan will continue to deceive you, but only Christ, only God’s Kingdom, witness.  It’s not about the pastor telling you to do something or not, it doesn’t matter if the pastor emphasizes it or not; it’s the heavenly mandate. Receive it as God’s voice.


God called me.  When Calvin came forth, he said, “Your job is God’s calling for you to use it for God’s glory,” before that, they didn’t think much of their workplace, but this changes into my lifelong mission.


You need this mission for your CVDIP. If you don’t know the mission God has called you for, you don’t have this goal in mind and you cannot pray.  Once you feel that, you think, “Maybe I’ll try it,” but it’s not that.  God gives you the answer that will be fulfilled. The calling may change depending on your age, you may be part of the choir, the finances, or a teacher, and this may change over time, but the mission doesn’t change. You don’t have this, so you get upset when you don’t get a particular role in the church. Some people say, “The church gave them this role but not me,” that means you don’t have the mission. If you have this mission, you won’t say those things.  God has a mission for why He has called you, so it doesn’t matter if someone gives you a role or not; continue doing the mission.

As I was going to seminary, I went to a big church as an Assistant Pastor, but they wouldn’t use me as an Assistant Pastor in the church, so what must I do? Should I say, “They didn’t use me as an Assistant Pastor, there’s nothing for me to do”? That means I don’t have a mission, but I requested, “Let me go into the college department and I will save the college students.”  Can only the pastor and Assistant Pastors save?  Then, they called me Assistant Pastor even though I was only a teacher, and the Assistant Pastor giving the Word was actually my junior. 

In the face of that, should I say, “I can’t do this anymore because I can’t serve someone younger than me”? That means I don’t have a mission, but if I have this mission, it doesn’t matter if someone gives me a role or not; instead, make a role for yourself.  One year later, they gave me the position to prevent me from going to America.  I said, “I can’t go, God called me to America,” and they asked, “Do you have money?” I said, “God had money,” and I exchanged this information with Pastor Kim. I came out with faith so he said, “All right.” I had a mission. 

“Will the church acknowledge me?” The church didn’t even give me money because I wasn’t even an Assistant Pastor, but most people in that situation would leave the church because the church wouldn’t use them.  But for me, I don’t know if it’s because I lived as an unbeliever and didn’t go to church for a long time, but I thought, “It doesn’t matter if I get the position or not; is the God in the Bible real? Is God my God?”  It is finished.

I think the pastor felt bad because as I left for America, he asked, “Are you leaving because I treated you badly?” I said, “No, God called me to America,” so I came out in faith and he had nothing to say. If the police saw a bomb, they would run away. You must all have this mission. Otherwise you ask, “What do I do during holidays or during COVID?” In the kingdom of the world, they need to establish holidays for people to rest, but the Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Satan are constantly at work.

Mission.  If the company treats you well, will you leave if they don’t treat you well? No, it’s the mission. Be the one to save the workplace.  The remnants who aren’t able to do this will live as a slave to money to the workplace.  They work diligently to earn money, you’re being a slave because you have to do all things for money.  Through me, my workplace must be blessed to receive answers. That’s my mission.

You’re able to overcome all things because you have this mission to save.   You can experience this or that, but all those people are people who need to be saved. If you went in to earn money, you may say, “Did I come to this workplace to be a slave?” You’ll leave because you’re a slave to money and you’ll never be of any use to the company.  Your mission.  I’m not saying to not leave your company, I’m saying your thoughts must change, that you will save your workplace. 

Of course, if there’s a situation where you have to change workplaces, but I don’t know about American companies, but in Korea, we stay in one company until the end.  In America, if you work in California, you can go to New York; but in Korea, all the companies are in Seoul.  Even in China, there are different places you can go, but in Korea, all the companies are in Seoul.

Mission, live according to this.  “If I don’t have this, it will be okay, right?” There’s nothing like that.  If a soldier doesn’t have this mission, they will run away and the nation will be conquered.  If you didn’t have this mission, you’d rest if it was raining one day.  It means you don’t have this mission.  Whether it’s raining or snowing, you fight the war with this mission. You saw the video, where Ukrainian Christians gathered together and praised for worship even with the war raging. 

“Just because there’s a war, we should stop evangelizing”? No, we evangelize until Jesus’ second coming. Come to this answer, not forcing your thoughts. With these fundamental things, these things have no choice but to take place.  The COVID pandemic won’t stop the pastor from giving a sermon.  We have this mission. If the pastor doesn’t do it, who will? 

Because German pastors don’t have this, they post on their church, “We’ll be on vacation for a few weeks,” but they receive funding from the government.  They don’t have this kind of mission, so they’re considered religious government workers, they receive money whether they have services or not, so they take months off. 

If there is a war taking place, but you say, “Let me go home to take care of my dog,” does that make sense?  Does it make sense, “My wife said there’s a cockroach so I have to go home and kill it, then I’ll be back”?  You must have this mission, then the devil cannot do anything. God gives you the mission and fulfills it, so then that stance changes.  Spiritually it’s the same thing as, “Let me go to my house to take care of my dog real quick, then I’ll go out to war.”

Your mission in your workplace and region and field.  If not, if it wasn’t for Noah, all people would have been destroyed. 


Father God, thank you.  May the heavenly mandate, calling, and mission become our own. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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