Blocked Paths are Turning Points (Ac. 16:6-10)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Blocked Paths are Turning Points (Ac. 16:6-10)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh


Unbeliever – Gen. 3:5 God

You have to remember one thing, the action from where you are placed in the seat of God, you try to go through these things, but at this time, you have to enjoy the gospel. 

Jesus – Master

If God blocks a path, it means God has another path for you. 

Family – Stream, Physical

There’s a law student at UCLA whose mother committed suicide from drugs, and the younger sister also committed suicide due to the trauma of discovering her mother’s suicide.  No matter how good you are at studying, this cannot be blocked, then what do you think this student would have thought after seeing the family?  The student, unbeknownst to them, will try to change the stream or change something physically, so that is why they study the law.


Why did they come to think like this? Their family background is suicide, so they want to study the law and to make rules. After studying the law, let’s say the student becomes a judge, prosecutor, or lawyer, can they block this stream? They can’t.  You know well the stream of your parents.  If you continue to hide this stream, this will not be relayed properly to your children and you will unknowingly follow along that stream. 

How can we change the stream? As a result of you not being able to change it, you are within the stream.  That’s why Jesus came as the Christ, and He must be the Master for the stream to change.  The student studies law, but the student doesn’t study law to change the stream, but it ends up  in suffering.  That is why you must relay this Gen. 3 problem to the student with the background of the family’s suicide.  It is a family problem that arises from Gen. 3, Original Sin.  It is revealed to this family as suicide.

In other families it may be revealed as drugs. If the parent is addicted to drugs, the kids are bound to be addicted to drugs. It’s not that they want to do it or not; that’s just the stream.  This stream of Gen. 3 appears in the form of drugs to that family.  It can be another form of stealing.  They continue to carry out illegal acts because that’s the stream of the family background.  Some other families face poverty in powerlessness so it doesn’t matter how much money they may make. 

Stream.  The stream cannot be changed by your efforts.  The King of Kings, the Lord Jesus Christ, changes all things by His strength, so you cannot be the master. If you’re the master, you cannot change this stream.  You will not be able to change the stream of America.  There is a definite stream of the family background and a definite stream of the region. 

There’s an example of the Muslim mosque on 5th and Vermont.  On Friday after 12pm, a thousand people gather, stop doing their work, and gather at the mosque, and to give worship, I remember seeing on CNN, there was an incident between the Jews and Muslims, but what would happen if they continue to pray?  It’s the same thing happening to your own families.  There’s a region of sick people, because they’re bound to go there.  If you don’t know this, you’ll face this problem because we’re talking about the spiritual stream.  If it’s not so, they wouldn’t do it, but they continue to do it. There’s no method, it will continue to come to you, there’s no reason so you have to block it and change the stream.

“If we do regional church, we’ll be blessed,” but that’s not it. Change the stream of your family background, the region, and the culture.  It’s the same with your schools.  It doesn’t matter if you do regional church or not.  You have to first change the stream.  At your workplace, I don’t say anything. So many people gather, and there’s religious organizations in that region, and as a result of this stream, something is arising, then what must you do? Do you just have to work?  That’s why people are dying for lack of knowledge.

We’re ignorant, lacking knowledge, and we continue to face these problems until we know it. That’s what it means to be a slave. You’re a slave until you know it.  You continue to do it and one day it will be revealed. If you don’t know it, you’re bound to go into that stream.  Children are going towards drugs and have no choice but to do it, but we need people to know this. If they do drugs, they’ll get addicted, and that means they’ve already been seized by evil spirits.  Satan leads us towards destruction so our lives get destroyed.  It doesn’t matter even if you attend church. If you don’t know this but you know Christ, that’s not the answer. It happens like this.

If you know this, you’ll know why God has given you the gospel.  If you continue to reside in that space, then Satan and sin will arise.  There are so many illegal crimes happening in Koreatown, if you don’t know about it, it will continue to arise. It doesn’t just arise, but it arises because of spiritual things.  The church doesn’t know it.  If the church doesn’t know it, they only know about physical acts they can see.  But God doesn’t want you to just pray regarding this, but to change the stream of the region of the background.

If the person who goes to church doesn’t know this, there’s no answer.  They came to church but they still don’t know the answer? They will continue to be oppressed by the world. 

Satan (Next Generation, Culture, Economy)

If you pray for promotions and finances, you’re enslaved by physical things. God has given us the gospel so we can change the stream of the superpower nation, but we use the gospel for physical things. The parents think they’re doing okay, but they’re not.  Eventually the inner things will be revealed outwardly.  There is no answer, then, only the gospel, the Kingdom of God, and the covenant of world evangelization.  They’re in the stream where they have no choice but to do drugs.  The only people they meet are gangsters, but they can’t meet others; they only go out and meet those who do drugs.  They can only see the people who do drugs, even though there are so many who don’t do drugs. They don’t have normal thoughts about earning money and living, but they only think about swindling people. It means they’re captured by the forces of darkness, then what happens in the end? It just becomes worse and worse. But if the parents leave them alone, “You just have to make money,” they’re being captured and dragged along. That’s what it means to be captured by Satan.

If you don’t say anything, money can’t solve it, you have to know what problem this is.  But this is the forces of Satan, of darkness that have been capturing my family and me for ages.  

Jesus Christ

You have to acknowledge this.  Those who think believing in Jesus Christ will lead to money or success, they are far away from Jesus Christ because they don’t even know what the problem is.  People who say, “Jesus Christ is the answer,” and that’s correct, they know what the problem is, and that’s what you see in the field.  In the field, you just have to say, “Your problem is a spiritual problem.” “But I’m in a pastor’s household!” Does that mean you will be spared? “I’m Jewish, I’ve been in the faith for a long time,” but what is the use? Christ has to be your answer. Then, the power of the throne becomes my power.

Throne – Power

Not with your own strength, but the power of the Throne of Heaven and God’s Kingdom to be established in me.  To the end, you say, “I’m powerless, I’m weak, I can’t study well,” but you’re caught up in the lies of John 8:44.  That’s “me” in Gen. 3, captured by Satan, but that “me” has been captured and died on the cross. I may be weak but the power of the Throne of Heaven is my power. 

In New York, 800 refugees came from South America.  The refugees are coming to America because they know they will be provided for and cared for.  They are using every opportunity to come here because they know their education, meals, and homes will be provided.  The land of USA is the land like that.  They’re not worried that they’re lacking in power, but they come because they know this land has power.

God’s Kingdom

Being in a nation means you enjoy that nation’s security and blessings.  The power from the Throne of Heaven is my power, the blessings of the Throne of Heaven are my blessings. Then why do you talk about “me”?  I can’t study, I’m not smart, but what does that matter? Move to God’s Kingdom and enjoy that.

Me X -> Age

Even if you haven’t been receiving answers, the power of the throne is established in you. You have this blessing but you don’t want to change it, you hold onto yourself?  That’s not honest; that’s dishonest.  That’s unbelief.  You have to know that, you have to repent of unbelief, “I have this power but I didn’t enjoy it. You called me to save this age and the 237 nations but I’m not doing it,” and honestly you say, “I’m weak,” but where is God in that?  Even though I’m weak, where is the Lord in that?  The Almighty Lord God is with me, and so, I cannot see the future, but the One Who can see the future, the Lord, is with me, and then in Acts 2:16-17, I will be able to prophesy.

When the message goes into you, you will see.  Experience Gen. 3 and change it into the gospel.  You have to properly teach the children, “This is the family’s spiritual background,” and if you teach them legalistically, they will cover it or patch it. You’ll make a package out of legalism.  Our spiritual family background is like this, so you have to change it to the gospel, you have to change it to the power of the Throne of Heaven.  If you didn’t teach this but you taught everything else?  If you’re ashamed of something, it’s because it’s not the gospel. What do you have to be ashamed of? It’s the platform through which you experience the gospel. 

I bless you so that you will be able to discover the spiritual background of your family.  If you’re not able to know this, you’ll continue to face problems.  There’s a stream of the region, Gen. 3, 6, 11 happen all throughout the world, not just that, but shamanism and religions control the region. There’s a Buddhist temple, and they pray and that means evil spirits work in that region.  It’s only because it’s LA that there’s a Buddhist temple; there aren’t any in other regions.

There are Catholic churches and the 3 Organizations, the freemasons gather to pray, but they don’t pray in the name of Jesus Christ, then do you know what’s working? Evil spirits are working, transcending time and space.  Evil spirits seize the entire region.  The people who are unbelievers do this, but people who go to church don’t know this.  They know the answer is Jesus Christ but they only know the answer to test questions. 

Then, how can you solve the problem when you don’t know what it is? The problem continues to arise in the same region as the same problem. Joseph went in, holding onto this, and changed the stream wherever he went. If you don’t understand, you’ll continue to face problems, even though you think it’s enough to just live and eat.  Make money in an honest way. Making money illegally leads you to jail later on.

We had a remnant enter a mental institution and now they’re in jail, why is that?  I heard he was deceiving people with lies, the guy had spread rumors all around that this girl had gotten pregnant, so they’re a child and they’re obviously frustrated, someone should have helped them out, but why am I telling you to continue to do the Upper Room movement?  Shamans are always there, they can give the answer whenever a problem arises.  They come to church but they faced a problem and Satan seized them with anger, so the girl uploaded malicious comments online, so the cops caught her and asked, “Did you do this?” She could have lied but she said she did, and she ended up in jail.

Before the judge, she could have said, “I did it under anger,” but instead she said, “I did it.”  She had a history of mental illness, so if she said she did it under anger, then they could give her a lesser sentence, but she said, “I wanted to kill the guy,” so she had this mark of planning the murder around and it follows her around.  She rejected a guy who liked her so he spread rumors that she was pregnant. If she was stronger, she would be able to overcome, but she’s weak so she wasn’t able to endure it. If you read malicious comments about yourself, you can’t stand it.

At that time, if someone is next to her and gives the answer, she wouldn’t go to the mental institution.  But no one knows how Satan will use the future generations, so that’s why, every day, Upper Room movement. If you just give the answer, it will all be resolved. “God is alive, God is with you; those are lies and God will judge.” Just by these words, this child would not have been seized by anger and evil spirits.  These words are in the churches, but it’s not in the field so children do not know this.

If they come to church, they have the answer, but it happens in the field where evil spirits are running.  Obviously there is a spiritual background of the family, but regardless of that, if one person had the Upper Room meeting with her, or a regional church, they could have been the Ark for her.  Satan sends off the future generation to school and they’re seized by Satan; it doesn’t matter if they attend church, so the future generation suffers.  People look at this and think only about success, money, and they’re just Pharisees.  They say, “Live properly, why did you get pregnant?” It’s all about them. 

There are churchgoers spreading rumors of pastors impregnating women, and it’s completely destroyed. One person could have stood up against that, but instead, “I can see how that could happen,” so even if the children fall down, how many church members would protect the pastor?   Some people could have said, “My pastor is not like that, and even if he did, we just have to continue doing the evangelism movement.” Why do I say this? If the children face resentment in the field, how can they overcome? Celebrities commit suicide for this, because the malicious comments come and they hear it, but they don’t understand, “I’m a celebrity; why should I do that?” Everyone then dies off but those Christians fall in the end without the answer.

Do you think God will retain their popularity? No reason for them to be a celebrity.  No reason to be at the court. Why are you there?  Unbelievers can do better.  All these evildoers were at the court.  As I said before, they can’t seem to get their hands on it, and that’s how mental and spiritual confusion come up.  That’s why I need Jesus Christ, I need the gospel in my family background. 

1. Path X

1) Joseph – Prison

He discovered the reason he went to prison. “Potiphar’s wife lied about me and sent me to prison,” he would have been resentful and seized by evil spirits, like I said earlier. There are so many nations gathered, there would be so many different actions.

2) David – Death

King Saul tried to kill him, but though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me.  He enjoys the gospel.  “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, you anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows.” So he drinks leisurely and David, in the face of many wars and battles, has so much peace and leisure.  If his heart was not at peace, that person would not have been in front of many wars.

3) Elijah, Elisha, Obadiah – Crisis

4) Execution – Remnants

Whether by COVID or natural causes or other causes, it’s all in the hands of the Lord. You just go along with faith.  But if it’s not by that, fear will overtake you, then what can you do in front of fear? Satan knows this and uses that fear.  Then your body will be corrupted and become evil as Satan uses you with mental oppression.

5) Early Church – Heresy

They wouldn’t be able to own property or anything. But God used this to conquer Rome.  It seems like the path is blocked but it is the way God will use to make it into a turning point.  You fail the entrance exam? There’s nothing. 

She told me she’s going to Cal State LA to study psychology, and she has become a person.  The reason why she came up was to ask me to pray for her, and she has been in society so she knows about relationships. What does that mean? She knows the top and bottom.  She didn’t have to tell me, but why did she?  She is saying, “Pray for me,” and if it’s not at church, they wouldn’t say anything because they’re centered on the individual, then they’re just focused on themselves.

Do you know how North Korea is centered on themselves as well as Russia and Ukraine? They had this communication with America, so we helped them out.  This is an age of communication, the top and bottom, the side and width, and so, if she asks me to pray about it, I will pray about it. 

2. See – Evangelists

1) Asia

Paul had a vision of the man in Macedonia, and Paul had his evangelism team and they all saw that.  Paul had thought this path had been blocked but it wasn’t blocked; God opened and prepared a different door for them.  You have to see this.  It was God’s time schedule for them to gospelize Europe.  The Lord, the spirit of God, would not allow this. If you pray, you will be continually reminded; when he prayed regarding this region, it should have been made clear, but when he prayed for Macedonia, it should have been all clear, and when I explained it like this, how did the adults react? They completely became Pharisees.

I told them to go according to what makes their heart peaceful, and there was a person who entered into seminary, “There are so many things to study,” she replied.  But avoiding what makes you uncomfortable doesn’t make you go to a good school. Looking at these subjects, that’s how you enjoy God’s Word, but she was only at that level.  The guidance of the Holy Spirit doesn’t make you comfortable; that’s laziness.

3.  Remnant Path

1) Past Springboard

Hold onto your past as the reason you’re able to receive the gospel.  How would you otherwise hold onto the gospel? Ask the remnants, most of them skim over it saying, they don’t know.  That’s why you can’t just pass over it, but ask questions one by one to these students.  They understand that they have to hold onto it but they don’t know how. They understand the words, but they don’t know how, so explain one by one. 

Aren’t you constrained by the family stream of your background? Only Christ can liberate you, so hold onto only Christ by faith. Then the evil spirit comes out of you, but if you only know this in theory, that everything is finished, they just know the answer without knowing the problem.  You can write a beautiful poem but you’re not able to come out of this.  It’s not about writing a poem but come out of your problem.  Continuously show how to come out of problems. 

You say, “hold onto the covenant” but they don’t know what the covenant is or how to hold onto it. They say, “Make your past the springboard,” but they ask, “What does the past contain to help me make a springboard?” Why did we say the meditate on the Word? Then every Word becomes an answer. During each pulpit message or sermon, workers must meditate on the Word and relay the answer more clearly, or listen at home.   When you meditate on the Word, think about it with your spiritual strength and background to have this answer.  You must relay what you received as the answer. 

But instead, you don’t receive the answer but you relay what you heard? That’s not the way to do business.  You receive work and throughout the week you have to meditate on the sermon regarding your circumstances and environment.

2) Today – Turning Point

3) Future World Evangelization

There’s nothing else. “I’m going to become something!” throw that away.  World evangelization changes your family background, the region, and the culture.  Talent, specialization, go towards what God gives you, so the blocked paths are not blocked paths; God has prepared and guided you to use them as turning points.  Father God, thank You.  Bless the remnants.  Let them enjoy the turning points. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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