Only the Triune God in Me (Mt. 9:14-17)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Only the Triune God in Me (Mt. 9:14-17)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May the greatest blessing be upon you today.  The title of today’s message is, “Only the Triune God In Me.”  Honestly, I was about to use the title, “Pouring New Wine into New Wineskins,” but that is the words of unbelievers as well, so if you truly understand today’s Word, you will be able to enjoy and taste the new wine that you have, otherwise, even if you have the wine, it will all be spilled and wasted.

During last week’s pulpit message, we read the Word about how Jesus Christ was eating with tax collectors and sinners, and the Pharisees saw this and asked His disciples, “Why does your Teacher eat with sinners?” The Pharisees who asked that question were sinners themselves, but were under the misconception that they were righteous. 

Every human being born after Gen. 3 is born with the Original Sin that separates them from God, and it doesn’t matter how perfectly they keep the laws that God has given them, they are still sinners. Even though they’re not able to keep the laws, even if they were able, they were born in a state that did not have God.  It’s God’s grace that we know we are sinners.  The Pharisees were under a misconception that they were righteous because they went to church for a long time, they knew all the laws, and they followed God’s Word.

 1. John’s disciples

  1) John the Baptist

    (1) Repent, Heaven (Mt. 3:2)

In this week’s Bible scripture, we see another crowd of people; these are John the Baptist’s disciples, and they see Jesus Christ eating and ask, “Why do You and Your disciples always eat and do not fast?” John the Baptist was someone who was born on this earth with the mission of alerting everyone else that Jesus is the Christ.  John himself was nothing; he was someone who simply told others that Jesus was the Christ, that is why in Matthew 3:2, John the Baptist says, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near,” and the Kingdom of God here is saying that the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven is here. 

    (2) Lamb of God – Jesus (Jn. 1:36)

In John 1:36, John the Baptist saw Jesus Christ and said, “Look, the Lamb of God!”  Because every human being is born with Original Sin, there is no way for us to be with God again except by the blood of the Lamb, and John the Baptist is saying Jesus Christ is the lamb of God–in other words, the Messiah–who will die for all of mankind’s sins.

    (3) Baptize with water – Baptize for repentance (Mt. 3:11)

In Matthew 3:11, John the Baptist did the work of the baptism by water, which is the repentance of sins. Repentance is so that people can turn around and then receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but John the Baptist could not do that.  Only Jesus Christ can baptize with the Holy Spirit. In other words, John the Baptist is only the introduction. He was the one who existed as the introduction to introduce the main point. 

  2) John’s disciples (Mt. 9:14)

    (1) We, the Pharisees – Fast (Mt. 9:14)

    (2) Jesus’s disciples – Do not fast (Mt. 9:14)

John the Baptist’s disciples are looking at Jesus Christ and His disciples and wondering why they were eating with sinners and tax collectors instead of fasting. Fasting is when you don’t eat food, and as you don’t eat food, you keep losing the thoughts of the physical world so you’re able to concentrate spiritually on God.  In the Old Testament, there was one day of the year for the great atonement of sins, where the High Priest would go into the Holy of Holies and all of the Israelite people would fast, and they would receive forgiveness of sins.  When all the Israelites had fallen corrupt, Samuel gathered all the people together to the city of Mizpah, threw away all their idols, and fasted.

    (3) Fasting – Freed from chains, cords, oppression (Is. 58:6)

In Isaiah 58:6, it says the fasting God desires is the one “to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke to set the oppressed free and break every yoke.” In other words, the purpose of fasting is to be freed from the binds that were chaining us down and spiritually being able to concentrate on God. Isaiah 58:3 says the people have fasted, but the LORD has not received it. “We have fasted and you have not seen it, we have humbled ourselves, and tortured ourselves, but the LORD has not seen it.” They say, “We have fasted so much, God, why are You standing still?”

God said, “You were fasting for yourselves, not for Me.”  In other words, you were only fasting and starving yourself as a protest to get what you want from God. That’s just like a young child who refuses to eat and throws a temper tantrum whenever they want something from their mom or dad, that’s what the Israelites were doing. The true reason God gave us fasting is to free us from the binds of our past and to concentrate on God, but they were using fasting for themselves.

In Luke 18, it says the Pharisees fasted twice a week, what does that mean?  It means, “I fast twice a week, how much do you fast? You have less faith than me. I’m this kind of person.” They were fasting to reveal themselves. It was ultimately for themselves.  Because they knew that if they fasted more, others would respect them as a person with a lot of faith, they started to use fasting. Yes, there is a fast that God gave us, but there are some pastors who ask, “Hey, how many times have you fasted for 40 days?” I fasted three days and it made my stomach hurt so much, but if you look at people who fast a lot, their gums are all receding, it’s all showing their bare teeth.  Because they are losing all their nutrition from not eating, their body is degrading. There are many people like that.  There are some people who fast just because they’re bored.  Fasting is something given to us by God, but instead of the fasting that God desires where you are truly freed from the bindings of your physical past and you are concentrating spiritually on God, people are only fasting for themselves.  

  3) Religious acts over the Gospel

    (1) Act of fasting more important than Jesus

Today, John’s disciples, even though Jesus Christ is right in front of them, they were not able to eat with Him and enjoy His presence.  In Psalm 23:5, David was being chased to death by King Saul and made the confession, “The LORD prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies, and my cup overfloweth,” meaning he was enjoying eating and drinking with the LORD.  In the past, even in the midst of war, the kings and nobility would still have very grand feasts, even during a war.  However, if you’re so terrified by the war, you wouldn’t be able to eat with such leisure, but this is what it means to believe in Jesus Christ.

But when we face a problem, we’re so terrified, and even before we face a problem, we’re terrified because of our imagination.  But David confessed, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, my LORD is with me and He prepares my table,” and, “My cup overflows.”  He enjoyed it. John the Baptist’s disciples were creating an unnecessary standard for themselves, and even though Jesus Christ was with them, they could not enjoy it. In Rev. 3:2, Jesus Christ says, “I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him,” so it’s all about eating. But this means we are united with the Lord and we are living with Him, and the ones who enjoyed this the most were the tax collectors and sinners.  

The Pharisees and the disciples of John the Baptist had their own set standards, so they did not enjoy the gospel. In reality, they had a stronger standard elsewhere, other than the gospel.  Jesus is the center of all standards, however, they created their own unnecessary traditions and rituals to prevent them from enjoying that. For example, anyone can come to church and worship, but if some people are standing at the door, analyzing the way people are dressed and looking at the proper shoes, then it blocks people from worshiping.  

Whenever we face a problem, we need to enjoy the fact that the Lord is with  me, and receive His guidance through that problem, but instead, we’re so worried about solving that problem with our own standard. We need to solve that problem based on the standards we’ve lived in our whole lives, and we think so deeply.  If you think so deeply, you’ll just get dandruff; we need to enjoy praying to the Lord. If you think so deeply, you’ll get a mental illness; for us, because we’re with the Lord, we must receive answers to our prayers. 

The gospel is with me through the Holy Spirit, but instead of enjoying that, we are always worried and concerned, why? It is because we have our own standards. When we face a crisis, we look at the experiences in our past and tremble in fear because we have our own standards.  Even if we’re facing a crisis, we need to enjoy the fact that the Lord is with me, because the Lord has come to me as the King of the Kingdom of God, and I have to entrust this to Him in order for Him to reign over and rule. The Holy Spirit is with you in order to do this, but you’re not able to enjoy it just like John the Baptist’s disciples. I hope you will enjoy this. This doesn’t mean you can live recklessly however you want, but I hope you will acknowledge God’s sovereignty.

Stop trembling in fear because of the pandemic, stop trembling in fear because of the economic recession. Why are you trembling? It is because you have your own standards. If you say, “The economy is in trouble because of the pandemic,” that is your own standard.  Enjoy the fact that the Lord is with you  in the midst of that, and He will guide your life forward well.  Why are you trembling in fear? Why do you tremble because of a lack of money? It’s because of your own standard. The Lord is with you in order to take responsibility for your life. He is the One Who creates something out of nothing, He is the One Who can create something out of nothing. 

During yesterday’s business missions meeting, an elder said the Russians discovered gas and oil in Israel.  The way they discovered it is, in the Old Testament, there were the 12 tribes of Israel, and the Bible says one of these tribes will be up to their ankle in gas, so they researched the area where that tribe was and found oil there, so that became a gold mine for Israel. Overnight, they got this power.  That was always there, but God had covered their eyes to it.  God already has blessings prepared for us and He will reveal it in His time schedule. 

Every person has that.  Because God has come into me as the King with His sovereignty, the Lord will reveal it in His time schedule.  Right now, we’re discovering so many scientific discoveries such as Artificial Intelligence, but the Lord already knew that when He created the earth. God is simply allowing people to discover this with the wisdom He gives humans now that it is His time schedule.  So, whether you’re studying or if you’re working, if you don’t have the basic fundamentals of revering and respecting the Lord, then you will be incorrect throughout. You will be under the misconception that humans are discovering and researching these things by themselves.

When God created everything, He finished everything.  As they were researching Noah’s Ark in the Bible, that’s when they discovered asphalt.  All of this knowledge is already in the Bible; it’s simply that we cannot see it, but in God’s time schedule, He will reveal it.  God has prepared the economy of light for each and every one of you, but when you have the vessel and time schedule of God, He will reveal it. 

    (2) The god of this age – Blinded the minds, Cannot see the light of the Gospel (2 Cor. 4:4)

The fact that John the Baptist’s disciples had Jesus Christ right in front of them, they had the gospel, but they were not able to enjoy it. If you look at it spiritually, it’s written in 2 Cor. 4:4, “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so they cannot see the gospel of the glory of Christ.”  Because Satan blinds their hearts so darkly, even though they see Jesus Christ, they cannot believe Him because of the standards they have.  Some people say, “If you believe in Jesus Christ, you should be like this,” but that standard does not exist. Do you know what unbelievers think about Christian believers? My nonbeliever friends asked me, “Did you quit smoking, then?” Even right now, when I go back to Korea, my nonbeliever friends keep asking me, “Do you really not drink alcohol?” That’s the only standard they have. They don’t ask whether the pastor has money or not because they know I don’t. They don’t ask if the pastor has success or not because there’s nothing to succeed at for the pastor. They ask, “Do you really not drink alcohol?” They have their own standards.  If somebody breaks that standard, they will say, “You’re not even a real pastor,” they have their own standards. In that kind of way, everyone is their own god, so they’ve created their own standards and they measure other people with that. 

Even though we go to church and believe in Jesus Christ, we still have our own standards; for example, we come to church on Sunday, people have the standard of, “I only need to come once a week.” Who said that? You come whenever you have time, you go according to your faith.  But because of our standards and frames, we’re not able to enjoy the gospel. “If you believe in Jesus Christ, you need to be rich,” where does it say that in the Bible? “If I believe in Jesus Christ, my kids need to study well,” where does it say that?  Where does it say, “If you believe in Jesus Christ, you’ll be healthy”? People create their own standards and it blocks them from Jesus. They create their own standards and cause affliction upon themselves. For us, even though we are hard-pressed from all sides, we will not be crushed; that is when we enjoy the gospel.  Even if I am in the midst of poverty, it doesn’t matter because the Lord is with me, the Lord will supply all my needs. 

I hope you will enjoy the gospel, I hope you will let go of all of your unnecessary standards.  There was a churchgoer who asked me a few years ago, “Pastor, why aren’t you sitting at the front of the sanctuary 15 minutes before worship starts, that’s what my last pastor did,” and I said, “Okay, I’ll do that.” I only sit here because of that person, but inside my heart, I was thinking, “Your life must be a headache, what kind of standard is that?  Just because your last pastor did that, that’s your standard?” They said, “My last pastor would follow the choir around and eat with them, why don’t you do that?” Do I have to eat with them? So I had no choice, I ended up giving them $250 to eat by themselves. I didn’t go with them, but the longer we live our walk of faith, the more standards of our own that we have, just like the Pharisees, and in reality, they are collapsed because they’re not able to enjoy Jesus.

I hope you will let go of everything you have. Only Jesus Christ who is the King of all Kings is the standard.  No matter what happens, the gospel inside of me is the standard, then all the incorrect things are bound to be corrected; you won’t need to try to correct them. 

    (3) Paul – The surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:7-8)

Paul confessed he used to live with the basic knowledge of the law, and now that he knew Jesus Christ, all of that he regarded as rubbish. He is saying, “Jesus Christ has come, why do we need all these other things? Because of these other things, they prevented me from holding onto Jesus, but now that I know Jesus, I realize this is the greatest value. All the other standards I used to hold onto, I throw away as rubbish.” If Christ becomes our Lord and Master, He will guide our life well. 

2. Jesus Christ 

  1) Reason not to fast 

    (1) Guests – Tax collector, sinners (Mt. 9:15)

    (2) Groom – Jesus Christ (Mt. 9:15)

    (3) With- No fast, enjoyed (Mt. 9:15)

When Jesus Christ hears John the Baptist’s disciples’ question, He responds like this, “How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them?” They should be eating and enjoying the wedding festival, they should be enjoying, not fasting. If anything, there will come a time when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they should be sad and fast.  Jesus Christ Who is the bridegroom, is with the children of God; then, this is the time to eat, enjoy, and be merry, isn’t that right?  The Lord is with us, then we should enjoy that.  Why are you forcing yourself to starve, making your face so dark, and not enjoying the gospel?  You struggle so hard to fast for a few days and you demand that God give you things, why do you do that?  Enjoy being with the Lord and ask for and seek His plan. Why are you struggling so hard to demand something?  

  2) Reason to fast 

    (1) Groom taken away (Mt. 9:15)

    (2) Cross – Death, day Christ is not with us 

    (3) Fast (Mt. 9:15)

When Jesus Christ dies on the cross, then they will no longer be with Jesus Christ; that is when they should fast and mourn. Even the standard for fasting is Jesus Christ. If I don’t believe in Jesus Christ or find Him unbelievable, that is when I should fast.  “I look at my walk of faith nowadays and I find it hard to believe,” that is when you should fast. But if you find Jesus believable, why should you fast? However, in Acts 14, there was an incident when they fasted. Before the Apostles went on a missions trip, they fasted in order to seek God’s plan. 

What is the standard for all of that?  You were not fasting so you can demand a request you want from God; it is to find God’s plan and to enjoy the gospel. That’s why we fast. There was someone who succeeded, and there are some people who fast during that success, because they said, “God, You have given me this success, what is Your plan, Lord?” Because it’s possible to get drunk on success and lose the plan of God, there are people who fast when they succeed. That’s when you should fast. When you succeed but you cannot see God? You fast to seek God. Let’s say, you failed, and you’re not able to see God there–you don’t see God’s will, that’s when you should fast.  If Christ is with me, why am I fasting? 

  3) Parable

    (1) Patch of unshrunk cloth – Gospel, Spirit (Mt. 9:16, 2 Cor. 3:6)

    (2) Old garment – Letter of law, my standard, experience, knowledge, scars (Mt 9:16, 2 Cor 3:6)

    (3) Clothes tears – Life (Mt. 9:16)

Jesus Christ gives a few parables regarding fasting, and the first one, He says, “If there’s an old garment that is torn, then you would not use a new, unshrunken cloth to patch it, because the new, unshrunken cloth will shrink, and it will tear the garment. If you have a new garment, you should use new cloth in order for that garment to go long.  Or if you have an old garment, you should use an old patch. The gospel is here, Jesus Christ is here, but if you’re holding onto the ways of the law of the past, “Why are you not fasting? Why are you not doing this?” then the old garment will tear. 

2 Cor. 3:6 says this gospel is of the Spirit.  We no longer live by the letter of the law which kills, but instead, by the Spirit that gives life, so why are you still holding onto the law and killing? The Law existed until Jesus Christ came. Jesus Christ has come, so why do you keep shoving your standards of whether you fast or not?  If the gospel is right before your eyes, you should eat, enjoy, and be with Him, but why do you emphasize unnecessary things?

For unbelievers who accepted Jesus Christ, they have their own standards from the past.  They believed in Jesus Christ, holding onto their own standards from when they were their own god, and it does not fit.  If Jesus Christ has come, then I must change to believe in that Jesus.  Because I am not the standard of anything, Jesus Christ is the standard for everything. The people tried to imagine or understand the gospel with their own experiences, and there are a lot of people who write their own fantasies like that.  There are actually people like that. They have a mental illness or disease, and they keep writing their own fantasies.

They say, “My husband next to me is a liar,” they just write their own fantasies exactly as the devil gives it to them, as if it were the truth.  There are many mental illnesses like that. The words of Christ are the standard; your experiences cannot be the standard. The knowledge you have cannot be the standard.  For some people, their scars become their standard, “Why are you doing this to me? Everywhere I go, do I have to live like this?” Did someone say something to you? It’s your own scar. Why did you get that scar? It’s because you were relentlessly centered on yourself, and look carefully, you only think about yourself, then you have no choice but to get scarred.  

What happens if a 3-year old child is always asking for candy, but even when they’re in their twenties, they’re still asking for candy? They get scarred because they only think about themselves, they have never once thought about the other person’s perspective, they only think about themselves. Even unbelievers who are a little bit more mature will be able to consider and think about other people’s perspectives, but we interpret everything based on our standards, centered on ourselves, “I bet that’s what they’re thinking.” Someone who is a little bit more open may say, “I’m sure that person has a reason for what they’re saying.” That’s an unbeliever who has a bit wider vessel, but a lot of leaders have a very narrow mind or vessel. They only know  about themselves, they say, “Why do you do that to me?” They only think of themselves. “Why would such a person think that?” They’re not able to think like that, and they live their whole lives like that, they are trapped within their own world.  

But for us, we understand why God allowed this person to say or do this to me, then you receive God’s answer. Why would you get scarred then? You were centered on yourselves and that leaves you no choice but to be scarred. It’s the same in the family. You only know about yourself. You say you are correct, it doesn’t matter what the other person says, but you’re the only one who is right, and the result is continuous fighting. You fight and fight, and if you don’t like it anymore, you separate and then both sides will say, “I was correct,” they’ve never once been able to think of the other person’s perspective.  They say, “Was this the reason I got married?” They married their wife to become comfortable so they have their own standard of marriage. But because they’re not meeting that standard, they get angry.  

It’s the same thing for the wife. “I married my husband to try to get some help from his power, but he’s powerless.” Is this a good reason to get married? “I wasn’t like this when I was alone,” but both people are in a state where they have no choice but to fight and get scarred.  Just think of the other person’s perspective; they have a reason why they are like this, and ask God, “Why did you allow this?” Then instead of a scar, you will receive answers.  I’m talking about the realistic, actual walk of faith.  If you only have a theoretical walk of faith, only your head gets big, but in reality, nothing works out.  That’s what it means to enjoy the gospel.

“Why did God allow this?” That’s when you enjoy the gospel, but if you don’t enjoy the gospel, you have your own standards. You have your own standard, “Why did God give us the pandemic to ruin my business and make me so angry?” You have your own standards. For people who live by their own standards, they get so angry when they see things like that. But ask God, “Why did God allow the pandemic?” that’s when you enjoy the gospel. You are exalting Christ as the Lord, then you will start to receive answers.  

John the Baptist’s disciples are in front of Jesus Christ, but they were not able to enjoy the faith, and there are many believers like that, so you need to quickly escape from your scars.  “I had no choice but to receive scars because I was so centered on myself.” You must quickly change your past. Otherwise, you will relay this in the same way to your children.  “What did my parents ever do for me?” What do you mean?  They gave birth to you, they fed you, that’s plenty, they bought you clothes, that’s enough, and now that you’re a little bit older, they get you expensive haircuts, but they don’t think about that at all. They think about it as rightful or obvious. Then decades later, when they get married and have their own children, they understand from the parent’s perspective much later. 

It would have been great if they’d understood it sooner, but they don’t think about their parents then, so they live their whole life regretting. In the past, they held onto their incorrect things and get scarred, “What have you ever done for me?” People say, “I came to this church and my business isn’t taking off; what is the point of church? Is my pastor praying for me or not? What happened to my business?” I hope you will enjoy the gospel, instead of being bound by my useless standards.  Your master is not the pastor; it is the Lord, the One Who determines my life is the Lord, not the pastor. But there are a lot of people who still believe in a very religious way, thinking that if the head monk prays for the people in the temple a lot, then they will be blessed.  “We give our offering, and the pastor gives us blessings through prayer.” Are you running some sort of business here? Are you trying to earn money? Because you’re believing with the wrong standards, you’re not able to enjoy the gospel.  Whether I’m in poverty or abundance, I am content with the gospel in all circumstances.  

3. New wine in new wineskin

  1) New wine – Gospel 

The second parable that Jesus Christ gave is that if you put new wine into an old wineskin, that wineskin will break and you will waste all of that wine.  In the past, in Israel, the way they would make wine is to take grape juice and put it into an inside-out skin of a lamb, and as the grapes ferment in the sack, they would expand, but if you pour the new wine into the old wineskin, it’s already hardened and cannot expand, so it would explode, so Jesus Christ is telling John the Baptist’s disciples, “Change yourself into a new wineskin to receive the gospel.” If you receive this new gospel, you need to train yourself to be new.  

    (1) It is finished (Jn. 19:30)

The Lord has finished everything on the cross, now you must be someone for whom everything is finished.  But if you say, “I thought He said He finished everything, then why is my life still like this?” It means you have not really changed.  The fact that Jesus Christ finished everything on the cross means He has finished the curses and disasters of all of our sins: our Original Sin, our ancestor sins, and the consequential sins that we commit. And then, He saved us from our fate and destiny of being dragged around by Satan. He has liberated me from the background of hell where I have no choice but to go to an eternal hell and suffer a hellish life on earth, and that’s what it means He has finished everything.

But instead of understanding it like that, people think, “Well, if everything is finished, why do I have to study, why do I have to work?” It means they haven’t changed and it’s a headache.  Now, we are changed so the One Who has finished everything–the Triune God–is within me and is guiding me to a new life.  

    (2) Thoughts, heart – New covenant (Heb. 8:10, Gal. 2:20)

That is why in Heb. 8:10, God says, I will no longer have a covenant that is written on a stone, but instead I will put the law directly into their minds and write it onto their hearts through the Holy Spirit that is within us. Now I have been changed because I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives within me.  I am dead to the world and the world is dead to me; there is no need for us to be in relation anymore, that is the new “me” I have changed to.  I am a new “me,” so I should change, but because you’re relentlessly holding onto the standards of the past, of the world, you are not able to enjoy the gospel even though you have it.

    (3) Lord is Spirit, where the Spirit is – Freedom (2 Cor. 3:17)

2 Cor. 3:17 says, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”  All the scars of your past, the standards that were binding you before, now that you take it to the Lord, He is freeing you. Freedom from depression, freedom from panic attacks, freedom from poverty, even that doesn’t matter  Because the Spirit of God is within me, and because the Spirit of Jesus Christ is within me, He is the only standard and everything comes from Him. That kind of “me,” my background, where I belong has changed. In the past, I was my own god and I was only running the errands of Satan. But now, because of Jesus Christ, I was able to become a person of the kingdom of God, so the nation you belong to is different. 

In the past, everything had to come from you.  But now, everything is bound to come from the throne of the Kingdom of Heaven. I hope you will quickly change that.  We do not get everything from our brain, but we live our lives with the answers from God and the throne of heaven. If we have changed to become people of the Kingdom of God, we have to live with the answers from that. That’s why we’re enjoying his blessings.  But you’re still stuck in your past, thinking, “Everything has to come through me, and if I don’t have anything, I’m dead, and if I have everything, then everything is finished.” Instead, you have been changed into the Kingdom of God, and all your answers come from there.  

  2) Kingdom of God (Ac. 1:3)

    (1) Background of the throne (Ps. 103:19, Phil. 3:20)

    (2) Kingdom – Establish throne in my life (Mt. 6:10, Ps. 103:20-22)

    (3) Me, church, field – Unprecedented, never repeated answer 

Matthew 6:10 says, “Pray for God’s Kingdom to come on earth, pray so that the One Who is seated at the throne of heaven to work upon you,” now you are no longer living like you did in your past, as the center of your life, but you are praying for the blessings and the power of the One seated at the throne of heaven to be upon you. At that time, the kingdom of Satan, which made me centered on myself as my own god and standard, will be broken down. There are two kingdoms. For us, because of Jesus Christ, we are children of the Kingdom of God. 

The One Who is my King will guide me and provide me with everything and is reigning over everything. In New York, there are 800 people entering New York as refugees every day.  Why do they come?  They come to America because if they come here, all their food and survival is guaranteed.  They come to America because if they come here, America will take care of their children’s education.  If we become children of the Kingdom of God, God’s Kingdom guarantees everything for us, that is the blessing I must enjoy. 

  3) Only Holy Spirit 

    (1) Within me, field – Power of the throne (Ac. 1:8)

In this background of the Kingdom of God, God sends His angels to us when we pray to fulfill God’s Word.  That is why, whenever the Kingdom of God is established upon me, the church I attend and in the field I am working, the answers of God have no choice but to come. If you’re always worried, I hope you will quickly change that. The more you worry, the more you spoil your own brain. Quickly change your vessel from being centered on you to the Kingdom of God. Then, as evidence that God is reigning, you will receive His answers. You must enjoy through prayer the blessings of the Triune God being upon you, upon your field, studies and business, and upon your church, that is how we can save people.  

    (2) Church, field, future generation – Save (Ac. 1:8)

Your business cannot save, your business must be the business that saves people, but you cannot do that. Yes, you might be able to donate to society, but you cannot save people yourself. But when God works, your business will be used to save people.  That is why the future generations and the field will come to life.  

    (3) Past, present, future – Save (Ac. 1:8)

All of your life, your past, present, and future, will come to life.  If you want to forget about your past, that actually becomes a springboard for blessings.  All of the hardships and suffering you’ve endured in your past, your failures, become a springboard for blessings. Now, your business is used to save all 237 nations of the world and to raise up the remnants to save them. Simply put, I have now changed into a “me” for world evangelization.  Now the business I run is to heal those people and to raise them up.  

    (4) 237 nations, healing, summit – Temple construction 

That’s the reason we do Temple Construction. There are a lot of buildings in the world, it doesn’t matter what the building is like, what are they doing inside? Is this the building God desires? That is the blessing God has already prepared. If you are trying to save money, that’s not going to work, you’re barely going to be able to make a living.  Even for the people here who have money, you’re barely going to eat three meals a day that are slightly better, but then your life will end.  You will give your house to your children but they won’t be able to maintain it and then they will lose it as well.  99% of people who win big in the lotto end up losing it and their life gets destroyed because they weren’t able to maintain it. Use everything for the Kingdom of God, it will be used to save.


1. Complete Gospel (Gal. 2:20)

I hope you will enjoy the gospel as the complete gospel.

2. God’s kingdom – Background of the throne

It is no longer me, but the background of the throne is my power.

3. Power of the Holy Spirit – 237 witness, temple construction

I hope you will pray in faith for that power to actually be upon you in your business so that this gospel that praises and glorifies God may be spread throughout the whole world. That kind of temple construction. May you enjoy these answers.  

Message Prayer

Let us pray together, holding onto the Word we have received.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You.  We return Your material blessings as offering.  We pray that You will bless the hands that have given this offering with the economy of light for the Temple Construction, missions and evangelism, and world evangelization.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

God, we thank You.  God, we pray You will bless these two individuals just according to the Word You have given them so they may enjoy being witnesses to enjoy and testify of this gospel the most, and through them, may the gospelization of the Latino people arise.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the unending love of our Father God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to enjoy only the Triune God and testify of only Him be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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